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© Kelvin L Lynn, Adrian L Buttimore, Peter J Hatfield, Martin R Wallace Published 2018 by Kelvin L Lynn, Adrian L Buttimore, Peter J Hatfield, Martin R Wallace National Library of New Zealand Cataloguing-Publication Data Title: The Treatment of Kidney Failure in New Zealand Authors: Kelvin L Lynn, Adrian L Buttimore, Peter J Hatfield, Martin R Wallace Publisher: Kelvin L Lynn, Adrian L Buttimore, Peter J Hatfield, Martin R Wallace Address: 1 Weston Road, Christchurch 8052, New Zealand ISBN PDF - 978-0-473-45293-3 A catalogue record for this book is available from the National Library of New Zealand Front cover design by Simon Van der Sluijs The Tom Scott cartoon on page 90 is reproduced with the kind permission of the artist and Stuff. The New Zealand Women's Weekly are thanked for permission to use the photo on page 26. All rights reserved 2 Acknowledgements The editors would like to thank Kidney Health New Zealand for hosting this publication on their website and providing support for design and editing. In the Beginning, the history of the Medical Unit at Auckland Hospital, provided valuable information about the early days of nephrology at Auckland Hospital. Ian Dittmer, Laurie Williams and Prue Fieldes provided access to archival material from the Department of Renal Medicine at Auckland Hospital. The Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry provided invaluable statistics regarding patients treated for kidney failure in New Zealand. Marg Walker of Canterbury Medical Library, University of Otago, Christchurch and Alister Argyle provided advice on online publishing. We are indebted to the following for writing chapters: Max Morris, William Wong and John Collins.
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