2/7/2017 091416 Pathways Newsletter - HTML Content

Dear {{FirstName,DefaultTo=Supporter}},

Here are some of the recent pathways related stories from around the state that we thought you might find interesting:

You Can Still Donate to Wyoming Pathways Through Old Bill’s Fun Run

Once again in 2016, Wyoming Pathways is participating as a beneficiary in the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole’s Old Bill’s Support Fun Run for Charity. The 20th annual Wyoming event was held in Jackson, Wyoming Pathways! on a beautiful Saturday, September 10, 2016. You can still donate through Become a 5:00pm Friday, September 16th. Member or Partner Now! Please click here to make a donation.

Donations made to Wyoming Pathways are matched up to $30,000 and go to support our activities in the Teton County region, including advocacy supporting the Teton County and Grand Teton National Park pathways, improving bike safety in Yellowstone, encouraging complete streets plans, and supporting Forest Service trails in the Jackson Hole area. We encourage our supporters to make a donation to Wyoming Pathways as part of this event, to take advantage of the gift matching.

Read the full story on the Wyoming Pathways website: http://www.wyopath.org/wyoming- pathways-included-old-bills-fun-run-charities-fundraiser/

Pole Mountain Trail Charrette Follow-up

The Pole Mountain Trail Charrette was held in Laramie on August 12th. Over 70 people attended during the day long planning session and evening open house. The event was hosted by Wyoming Pathways and the UW Ruckelshaus Institute, and co-sponsored by Laramie BikeNet, and the Medicine Bow Nordic Association.

"Pole Mountain is an amazing place, and the Laramie and Cheyenne communities came together and helped envision a much improved trail system," said Tim Young with Wyoming Pathways. "The next step is to finish a Summary Report of the Trail https://www2.myngp.com/EmailMessage/EmailContent?emailMessageContentId=38556&externalSourceId=-1 1/7 2/7/2017 091416 Wyoming Pathways Newsletter - HTML Content Charrette, which will capture the discussions that took place on trail system goals, trail needs assessment, recommended trail priorities, and on improving partnerships with the Forest Service," he said. The Report is being prepared by the Ruckelshaus Institute and should be available later this month. The Report and trail system recommendations will then be presented to the Medicine Bow Laramie Ranger District.

The Trail Charrette was a terrific step forward, but now persistence will be needed to follow up and see that the vision created of a sustainable trail system providing a range of high quality recreation experiences is realized.


The event was covered by the Laramie Boomerang:

Trail Users Collaborate to Improve Pole Mountain Trail System


[email protected]

A day-long meeting to discuss trails at Pole Mountain last week could lead to new partnerships between the U.S. Forest Service and the public.

The Pole Mountain Trail Charrette took place Aug. 12 at the Laramie Plains Civic Center and was organized by Wyoming Pathways and the Ruckelshaus Institute.

The goal of the meeting was to bring together people who use the non-motorized trails on the Pole Mountain Unit of the Medicine Bow National Forest, which sits a few miles east of Laramie just off Interstate 80. Representatives from the U.S. Forest Service, including District Ranger Frank Romero, also attended the meeting.

Read the full article on the Laramie Boomerang website: http://www.laramieboomerang.com/news/outdoors/trail-users-hope-to-improve-pole- mountain/article_4ded08b0-6663-11e6-9477-df44ed1d276a.htmlView Photos from the event:

You can also view Photos from the event on the Wyoming Pathways website:


Positive Decision on Johnny Behind the Rocks BLM Mineral Withdrawl

We saw an important decision recently from the Fremont County Commission regarding the proposed mineral withdrawal at Lander’s Johnny Behind the Rocks mountain biking area. The Fremont County Commission originally announced plans to protest the BLM’s planned mineral withdrawal at Lander’s Johnny Behind the Rocks mountain biking area a few weeks ago. However, the Commission reversed course and voted not to protest the withdrawal.

https://www2.myngp.com/EmailMessage/EmailContent?emailMessageContentId=38556&externalSourceId=-1 2/7 2/7/2017 091416 Wyoming Pathways Newsletter - HTML Content Many local mountain bikers and trail users contacted the Commission to express their support to protect the JBTR trails. While the Commissioners made it clear they were not changing their general policy about mineral withdrawals, they agreed that this was a unique place that did merit the action. The decision was affected by effective organizing by many people and groups, including letters from Wyoming Pathways, Wyoming Outdoor Council, and the Lander Cycling Club.

Read the full article on the Wyoming Pathways website: http://www.wyopath.org/positive- decision-jbr-blm-mineral-withdrawl/

View a related article by High County News posted on the Teton Valley News website: BLM partners with mountain bikers to combat illegal trails: http://www.tetonvalleynews.net/news/blm-partners- with-mountain-bikers-to-combat-illegal- trails/article_34ce80fc-6587-11e6-9d6e- ff9a850b9c86.html

BLM Red Grade Trails Comment Follow-Up:

The public comment period for the Red Grade Trail Project Environmental Impact Study (EIS) ended on August 19th. We hope that the BLM received many comments supportive of the project and thank those of you who added your voice to the process.

The Red Grade Trail project will provide much needed improved access to public land for the Big Horn and Sheridan area. This is a responsible proposal that will manage growth in close-to-home use while enhancing the trail system, promoting public land stewardship and providing better options for different user groups.

There is strong public demand for close-to-home, easily accessible opportunities for recreation and observing nature in the public lands adjacent to the Big Horn and Sheridan communities. The projects strike the right balance with addressing growing recreation use, meeting agency goals to connect people with public lands, and the need to protect natural resources and minimize project impacts.

Wyoming Pathways will continue to monitor the project with our friends at the Sheridan Community Land Trust and will keep you advised of any significant developments. https://www2.myngp.com/EmailMessage/EmailContent?emailMessageContentId=38556&externalSourceId=-1 3/7 2/7/2017 091416 Wyoming Pathways Newsletter - HTML Content Read the full article on the Wyoming Pathways website: http://www.wyopath.org/red-grade-trail-project-public-comment-follow-up/

Read a related article: Trained volunteers to continue work on Red Grade Trails: http://thesheridanpress.com/?p=58561

Stone Temple 8 Fundraiser Race is Saturday, September 17th

The Stone Temple 8 endurance MTB race, the end-of- season MTB race that is a fundraiser for the Stone Temple Kids' MTB Camps and the Cheyenne and Laramie high school MTB racing teams, will take place this Saturday, September 17th.

This year, the race will be organized by Wyoming State Parks, the Laramie Enduro and Overland Mountain Bike Club, with support from Wyoming Pathways and race co-founders, Todd Thibodeau and Rich Vincent. Thibodeau, Wyoming Pathways Board member and past Chairman and Vincent, Wyoming Pathways Educational Programs Director, are also Directors of the aforementioned Stone Temple Kids' camps and are also the Cheyenne and Laramie high school team coaches, respectively.

This is always a highly anticipated event, with a fun format and a laid-back atmosphere. Wyoming Pathways supports this event as part of its educational and health initiatives. The camps and high school teams supported by the event proceeds teach the kids responsible riding, trail stewardship and good health practices.

Over the years, the race has become more and more focused on the kids on the high school teams and camp attendees, with a large number of them from all over the state participating.

Read more and register to race or volunteer on the Overland Mountain Bike Club website: http://overlandmtb.org/stone-temple-8-endurance-mtb-race-curt-gowdy-state-park/

Mountain Biking on - Groups to meet with Shoshone National Forest Supervisor, Joe Alexander

When the Shoshone National Forest Plan was approved, the decision included closing the Dunoir Special Management Area to mountain biking, which ended a special adventure ride many have enjoyed. However, the Forest Plan Decision also made promises to work with mountain bikers.

Forest Supervisor Joe Alexander promised a process for mountain bike trails near the main forest communities of Lander, Cody, Dubois, and Jackson.

Mountain Bike Enthusiasts plan to meet with Shoshone National Forest Supervisor, Joe Alexander and a couple of district rangers this September 22nd in Thermopolis, Wyoming. The purpose of this meeting is informational, with Supervisor Alexander discussing his thoughts about mountain biking in the Shoshone National Forest. https://www2.myngp.com/EmailMessage/EmailContent?emailMessageContentId=38556&externalSourceId=-1 4/7 2/7/2017 091416 Wyoming Pathways Newsletter - HTML Content Wyoming Pathways will pass along any developments that arise from the meeting.

Wyoming Pathways Chairman Bruce Burrows Helps Save Life of Heart Attack Victim - Demonstrates the Value of First Aid Training Out On the Trail

Being prepared for emergency situations while out on the trail is an essential part of safely recreating in the out of doors, because more advanced help can be a long way off, both in time and distance. Proper preparation can take the form of training to handle emergency situations, as well as having the appropriate supplies and equipment to deal with them. The best preparation is a combination of both.

Recently, Wyoming Pathways Chairman, Bruce Burrows, a 20 year ski- patroller and mountain bike patroller, had an opportunity to test his preparedness to deal with an extreme emergency situation on the trails at State Park. As detailed in the story below, Bruce’s training, the fact that his riding partner was an ER Nurse, and a large dose of luck, allowed him to help save a man’s life.


From the "Noteworthy" Section of the July 2016 edition of Interchange, the WYDOT monthly magazine

Burrows Helps Save Life of Heart Attack Victim

Bruce Burrows' retirement has been anything but boring so far. Since he ended his 36-year WYDOT career on Jan. 29, Bur-rows has been traveling the country to various skiing, mountain biking and blues festival destinations, and now has added helping save a life to his experiences.

He was volunteering as an adult ride leader at the Stone Temple Mountain Bike Camp in Curt Gowdy State Park west of Cheyenne on Wednesday, June 15, when a call came in for a nurse to come to Hynds Lodge to treat a knee injury to one of the cyclists.

Amy Dickerson, a registered nurse from Arvada, Cola, who also was helping out with the camp, needed someone to show her the trail to the lodge and Burrows volunteered. What started out as a routine call for first aid turned into an emergency about a mile from the lodge.

"We just came around a corner and here's a guy laying on the ground, obviously having a heart attack, writhing in pain and clutching his chest: Burrows recalled. "He'd been riding and had felt ill, got off his bike, vomited and felt better briefly, and then all of the sudden he started having terrible, terrible pain. His wife realized what was happening and called 911."

Read the full story on the Wyoming Pathways Website: http://www.wyopath.org/wyoming- pathways-chairman-bruce-burrows-helps-save-life-heart-attack-victim-demonstrates-value- first-aid-training-trail/

Get to Know Wyoming Pathways Executive Director, Tim Young - The Walk Bike Forward Profile https://www2.myngp.com/EmailMessage/EmailContent?emailMessageContentId=38556&externalSourceId=-1 5/7 2/7/2017 091416 Wyoming Pathways Newsletter - HTML Content Alta Planning+Design is a well-respected planning firm specializing in bicycle and pedestrian transportation and recreation. They are celebrating 20 years of creating active, healthy communities, and produced this Blog with highlights of the years:


Scroll down to see the post on Tim Young, Wyoming Pathways ED - or

Read the full profile on the Alta Planning website: http://blog.altaplanning.com/walkbikeforward- tim-young/

"Tim Young is Executive Director of Wyoming Pathways, a statewide advocacy organization for people who bike and walk. From 1992- 2002, he led the planning, fundraising, and construction of pathways in Jackson Hole. He served two terms on the board of the League of American Bicyclists and is one of the founders of the Alliance for Biking and Walking. In the 1980s, he made an around-the-world bike tour covering 45,000 miles over seven years.

One breakthrough over the past 20 years is our success around the country in bringing the topic of walkable and bikeable communities into the mainstream of government planning. Now we have local government staff working on planning, grants, funding, permits, building pathways and complete streets. And we have independent nonprofit advocacy organizations speaking up, bird-dogging, helping, pushing for projects to be completed and the new ones started...."

What's Happening with our Partners - Some of our partner organizations have recently released newsletters/articles that may be of interest to you as well:

Alliance for Biking and Walking - Blog Friends of Pathways - Blog IMBA - Blog NCBW - Newsletter People For Bikes - Blog Platte River Trails - Website Mountain Bike the Tetons - Website, Facebook and Newsletter Archive Rails to Trails Conservancy - Blog Sheridan Community Land Trust - Website and Newsletter Safe Routes to School - Newsletter and Blog

We hope that you find this information useful and will take action to make Wyoming a better and safer place to bike and walk. If you have any suggestions for improvement, please be sure to contact us and please also consider becoming a Wyoming Pathways member or partner.

Sincerely, https://www2.myngp.com/EmailMessage/EmailContent?emailMessageContentId=38556&externalSourceId=-1 6/7 2/7/2017 091416 Wyoming Pathways Newsletter - HTML Content Tim Young Executive Director Wyoming Pathways

Connect with Us Wyoming Pathways PO Box 153 Wilson, WY 83014 www.wyopath.org

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