(12) United States Design Patent (10) Patent No.: US D693,787 S Reivo Et Al
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USOOD693787S (12) United States Design Patent (10) Patent No.: US D693,787 S Reivo et al. (45) Date of Patent: . Nov. 19, 2013 (54) HANDSET D658,620 S 5/2012 Lylyk D658,621 S 5/2012 Lylyk (75) Inventors: Tuomas Reivo, Helsinki (FI); Terence E% s $383 |align et al. Tan Han Yang, Helsinki (FI) D673,131 S * 12/2012 Sugiyama ................ D14f138 G D677,233 S * 3/2013 Mauritzson ... D14f138 G (73) Assignee: Nokia Corporation (FI) D677,660 S * 3/2013 Groene et al. ..... ... D14/341 8.405,571 B2 * 3/2013 Chung ........................... 345/1.1 D681,591 S * 5/2013 Sung ....... D14f138 G (**) Term: 14 Years D683.325 S * 5/2013 Sugiyama ... D14f138 G D684.968 S * 6/2013 Smith et al. .................. D14/341 (21) Appl. No. 29/431,084 D687,406 S * 8/2013 Xia et al. ... D14f138 G 2007/0287512 A1* 12/2007 Kilpi et al. 455,575..1 (22) Filed: Sep. 4, 2012 2011/O143769 A1* 6, 2011 Jones et al. ................ 455,456.1 (51) LOC (9) Cl. .................................................. 14-03 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (52) U.S. Cl. USPC ..................................................... D14/138 G Alcatel One Touch Evo 7 HD, announced Jan. 2013, onlinel, (58) Field of Classification Search listicNoi.2013). Retrieved from Internet.<URL: http:// USPC ............ D14/138 R., 138 AD, 138 AC, 138 C, 9. D14/138 G, 137, 147, 218, 341-347, (Continued) D14/247–248; 455/566,575.1, 575.3, 575.4 See application file for complete search history. Primary Examiner — Bridget L. Eland (56) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Banner & Witcoff, Ltd. 56 References Cited (57) CLAM U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS The ornamental design for a handset, as shown and described. D508,029 S * 8/2005 Lee ........................ D14f138 AB DESCRIPTION D557,239 S * 12/2007 Lee ...... ... D14f138 R. D583,342 S * 12/2008 Kim et al. ... D14f138 G D589,021 S * 3/2009 Millora ... D14f138 AD FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a handset showing our new D594,840 S * 6/2009 Kim et al. ... D14f138 G design; D603,822 S * 1 1/2009 Ho et al. .. D14f138 AD FIG. 2 is a front view thereof; D607,858 S * 1/2010 Millora ................. D14f138 AD D623,624 S * 9/2010 Joung et al. ... D14f138 AD FIG. 3 is a rear view thereof; D631,031 S * 1/2011 Chen et al. ... ... D14f138 G FIG. 4 is a left side view thereof; D633,459 S * 3/2011 Suzuki ... ... D14f138 G FIG. 5 is a right side view thereof; D633,463 S * 3/2011 Lim et al. ... D14f138 G FIG. 6 is a top view thereof; and, D636,769 S * 4/2011 Wood et al. .................. D14/341 FIG. 7 is a bottom view thereof. D640.220 S * 6/2011 Shyu et al. ... ... D14f138 G D647,501 S * 10/2011 Kim ......................... D14f138 G The broken lines immediately adjacent the shaded areas rep D652.403 S 1/2012 Fahlgren et al. resent the bounds of the claimed design; the broken lines form D652,815 S 1/2012 Wong no part of the claimed design. D654,074 S * 2/2012 Wood et al. .................. D14/341 D656,918 S * 4/2012 Kim et al. ................ D14f138 G 1 Claim, 5 Drawing Sheets US D693,787 S Page 2 (56) References Cited Sony Xperia GX, announced May 2012, online), retrieved on Dec. 14, 2012. Retrieved from Internet, <URL: http://www.gsmarena. OTHER PUBLICATIONS com/Sony Xperia gX so 04d-pictures-4774.php, 1 page. Sony Xperia Acro S. announced May 2012, online), retrieved on Dec. 14, 2012). Retrieved from Internet, <URL: http://www. HTC Windows Phone 8X, announced Sep. 2012, online), retrieved gsmarena.com/Sony Xperia acro S-4781.php) 2 pages. on Sep. 24, 2012). Retrieved from Internet .<URL: http://www. Sony Xperia Acro S. announced May 2012, online), retrieved on gsmarena.com.>. Dec. 14, 2012). 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Retrieved from Internet, <URL: http://www.gsmarena.com/ Sony Xperia GX, announced May 2012, online), retrieved on Dec. Sony Xperia V-pictures-4958.php, 1 page. 14, 2012. Retrieved from Internet, <URL: http://www.gsmarena. com/Sony Xperia gx so 04d-4774.php) 2 pages. * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Nov. 19, 2013 Sheet 1 of 5 US D693,787 S FIG. 1 U.S. Patent Nov. 19, 2013 Sheet 2 of 5 US D693,787 S FIG. 2 U.S. Patent Nov. 19, 2013 Sheet 3 of 5 US D693,787 S U.S. Patent Nov. 19, 2013 Sheet 4 of 5 US D693,787 S U.S. Patent Nov. 19, 2013 Sheet 5 of 5 US D693,787 S FIG. 6 FIG. 7 .