Sacred Heart Of Mary

6739 South Boulder Road, Boulder, CO 80303 303-494-7572

October 4th, 2020 - 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Pastor - Fr. Jonathan Dellinger and Parochial Vicar - Fr. Emmanuel Osigwe

For those not able to attend Sunday Mass, the 9:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M. Masses are live-streamed and recordings of the Masses are available afterwards:

9:00 A.M. Mass – locate the Youtube channel “SacredHeartofMaryBoulder”

2:00 P.M. Mass – locate the Youtube channel “BoulderLatinMass” or find the links on the parish website.

Holy Communion is distributed at the Masses and after the 9:00 A.M. Sunday Mass.

To receive after Mass: Once those attending Mass have exited the church, notify the priest or deacon that you would like to receive then

proceed to the front pew. Mass times Please wear a mask and keep the Monday - Friday 7:30 A.M., recommended distance from others. Saturday (, Ordinary Form) 8:00 A.M. Thank you! Saturday (Vigil of Sunday) 5:00 P.M. Sunday: 9:00 A.M. and 11:00 A.M.; and 2:00 P.M. (Latin, Extraordinary Form) Adoration Fridays Sign– up required for Saturday Vigil Mass, and following the 7:30 A.M. Mass until Sunday Masses at 9:00 A.M. and 11 A.M. noon.

 Burrito Breakfast for the month of October will

Next Sunday, October 11th, 2020

We will be handing out burritos and pork chili in paper bags following the 9:00 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. Mass. Proceeds will benefit Harvest Of Hope! Help extend the mercy and Monetary or food donation will be accepted. Harvest of Hope compassion of Christ to those in Pantry relieves the stress of food insecurity for individuals and need by making an online gift to the families in our community. They provide nutritious, supplemental Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal today. To food to anyone in need. make an immediate impact visit or call 303.867.0614. Mass Intentions Readings for the week of October 4th, 2020 October 5th - October 11th Sunday: Is 5:1-7/Ps 80:9, 12, 13-14, 15-16, 19-20 [Is

5:7a]/Phil 4:6-9/Mt 21:33-43 OCT 5 7:30 A.M. - † Rossorelli Monday: Gal 1:6-12/Ps 111:1b-2, 7-8, 9 and 10c [5]/Lk (Anniversary of Death) 10:25-37 OCT 6 7:30 A.M. - †Bob Deters OCT 7 7:30 A.M. - †Janet Sorensen Tuesday: Gal 1:13-24/Ps 139:1b-3, 13-14ab, 14c-15 [24b]/Lk 10:38-42 OCT 8 7:30 A.M. - OCT 9 7:30 A.M. - Fr. Emmanuel Osigwe Wednesday: Gal 2:1-2, 7-14/Ps 117:1bc, 2/Lk 11:1-4 (Anniversary of Ordination) Thursday: Gal 3:1-5/Lk 1:69-70, 71-72, 73-75 [68]/Lk OCT 10 8:00 A.M. - 11:5-13 5:00 P.M. - † G. Hunter OCT 11 9:00 A.M. - †Eddie Cohrs Friday: Gal 3:7-14/Ps 111:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6 [5]/Lk 11:15- 11:00 A.M. - All Parishioners 26 Saturday: Gal 3:22-29/Ps 105:2-3, 4-5, 6-7 [8a]/Lk %G1CVV:`RVJ]R: V* 11:27-28  !.V9%G1CVV::`RVJ1CQH: VRQJ]:`1.]`Q]V` 75QJ .V Next Sunday: Is 25:6-10a/Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 [6cd]/ Q .V`1RVQ` .VHVIV V`7``QI .VH.%`H.8QC%J VV` Phil 4:12-14, 19-20/Mt 22:1-14 or 22:1-10 1Q`@1J$ .V`VHQJ 1J%V Q.:`0V 0V$V :GCV:JR :@V .VI Q`QQRG:J@1.V`V .V7:`VR1 `1G% VR Q .QV JVVR1J$`QQR:1 :JHV8 :``1:$V +:`C71JV] VIGV`51.VJ``VV<1J$1V: .V`1:]`VR1H VR5 JHQ%J V` I:J70V$V :GCV1V`V]1H@VRQ .V71Q%CRJQ GVCQ 8% 1  %`JVRQ% 5IQ Q` .V]C:J %`010VR:JR1`R:7 :7 1:`I:JR1: V`@VV]`CQ11J$1J .VR1 H.5IQ`V11CCGV “The stone that the builders rejected has become :RRVR QQ%` :CC7Q` ]Q%JR RQJ: VRQ`:` .1 the cornerstone.” Accept God’s ways for your V:QJ8 marriage. Strengthen, renew, and rekindle your marriage sacrament by attending a Worldwide $`7Q%:`V:0:1C:GCV Q.VC]QJ*QJR:75!%VR:75 Marriage Encounter Weekend on: !.%`R:7Q`: %`R:7IQ`J1J$5Q`1:J  Q$:`RVJ: 

November 6-8 :JQ .V` 1IV5CV <1<=C:H@@JQ18 #V:H..V`: R R  Q`GC:H@HQCQ`:RQ8VR% For questions, or to find out more about a Virtual .11:`VC: 10VC7CQ1`1@Q]]Q` %J1 75: .V1Q`@1 Encounter Weekend, feel free to contact: Q% RQQ`11 .QH1:CR1 :JH1J$:JRV0V`7QJV1:@VR Q Brenda & Gary Granger: 303.604.6202 1V:`I:@8 ]:HV1C1I1 VR5Q`VV`0V7Q%`1VV@VJRV:`C78 Q$:`RVJ1J$V6]V`1VJHV`V_%1`VR8 For more information about World Wide Marriage QQC:JRR1`VH 1QJ]`Q01RVR8 Encounter, please visit

Follow us on Instagram! @wwmeColorado *

“Thirsting for God?” !.V:H`VR7V:` Q`*:`7VIV V`71:H`VR$`Q%JR5 GCVVRG7 .V.%`H.:JRRVR1H: VR::]C:HVQ`]`:7V` 



!.V7I:7GV .1` 1J$ QQ* !.V#1 VQ`.`1 1:J$J1 1: 1QJQ`%R%C ^#$%_1:]C:HV Q CV:VVCHQIV QQ%`:`1.:I1C7

:@_%V 1QJ:JRVV@%JRV` :JR1J$8 )CV:VHQJ :H *:`@+0V0:`R^_ R 5V6 8 Q` V$7J .1::CVJH1::I1C7 :J:CRVH@^_ R `Q`IQ`V1J`Q`I: 1QJ8 EVERYDAY STEWARDSHIP - RECOGNIZE GOD IN YOUR ORDINARY MOMENTS Gifts Given to Share My oldest two children took piano lessons when then were younger. In fact, it was because my oldest wanted to learn to play so badly that we purchased a piano. He would use it for practice during his few years of lessons, and then my daughter took up the instrument. After a few years of lessons for each, restlessness set in and a type of indifference took over. The lessons and the practicing came to an end. My youngest had not expressed much interest in piano when he was younger. Then when he was a teenager, he asked for lessons. He began to play and now he plays even for fun and to relax. When his siblings try to play, they are stuck with the truth that those days are gone and since they gave it up years ago, they can no longer really play. In many ways, they were given a gift, but since they did not use and cultivate it, they lost it. God gives us gifts every day and we too often act like those gifts will simply always be there. The truth is, unlike God Himself, many of those gifts are not eternal. If we fail to acknowledge them and put them to use, we risk losing them in the end. What a shame. What gifts might be slowly slipping away from each of us due to our lack of interest and indifference? They might not be there if and when we change our minds. — Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS

Tithing During this time, we especially encourage you to participate in online giving. Recurring or one-time donations can be made at  Donations can also be mailed directly to the parish.

Sunday, October 4th, 2020 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Do you ever wonder why things never seem to come together? We see glimpses of consistency, equity, justice, peace, harmony, and wellbeing, but it always falls short. Human life is still expendable and manipulated, people are used for personal advancement, countries are at war, the economy continues to face turbulence, anger and frustration are widespread, and happiness is the possession of just a few and not the many. Could it be that we are serving the wrong kingdom? We keep trying to make our kingdom work and find ourselves still scratching our heads after repeatedly failed attempts to do so. It is almost as if people are saying, “we’ll get it right this time if we do … ,” as if some new and secret innovation has yet to be tried. We serve God’s kingdom. We may not like hearing that, but it is true. God did not make only a few of us. God made all of humanity and all of humanity is called into service. How often do we defer any of our decision making to God? Secular leaders enjoy winking at the Sacred Scriptures and using them when they advance a cause, but are they really listened to? Even those who consider themselves believers tend to sift through God’s Word, taking what seems to fit and apply and discarding the rest. After all, if we were really serving God’s kingdom, we would see an abundance of fruit testifying to this fact. But what’s growing on the vine is anything other than good Gospel-centered fruit. Nothing in this world or the next belongs to us. We have such a hard time believing this and live our lives as if everything belongs to us. And, the fruit does not lie. Trees that are neglected and not properly fertilized reveal that fact. They cannot keep these deep secrets from being discovered. If God’s kingdom was really being served, then life would have looked much differently after the crucifixion. By now, there would be plenty of fantastic fruit to harvest in abundance: faith, hope, love, prudence, temperance, justice, and fortitude. Do we see these in abundance around us? Why not? Still we grapple with ownership, privilege, status, and the protection of our rights. It’s all about us and what we want, think we need, and expect to acquire. When did this change of focus occur? We may be struggling with this since humanity’s day in the garden and have never understood that the focus cannot be on us and the apple but on God and God’s justice. Maybe the only answer is that the Kingdom be taken from us and given to someone who is willing to do a better . Is that the fate we really want?  8:` 1J;  VQ``V RH QGV` .5 QC7:I1C71$.H.QQC11CCGV QIVR`10V .`Q%$. .V]:`@1J$CQ :JR]1H@%]7Q%` 8:` 1J;   Q``V`1J$$JR)V`QJ@]VJ7Q%V!Q%`QJ %``1J^V$$5.:I5H.VVV_:JRGV0V`:$V1.1CV.VC]1J$I:$1JVQ` QCQ`:RQ5 @H QGV` R 55``QI7]IT ^1I:$1JVHQCQ`:RQ8Q`$_:H.:`1 :GCVQ`$:J1<: 1QJ .: .:.VC]VRQ0V` 7]I5`Q` %RVJ 1J$`:RV :JR `:I1C1V11 .R1:G1C1 1V$V G:H@QJ .V1``VV * 8!Q%`11CCGV :@V:GQ% :J.Q%`:JR11CC %I:CC$ 8RQJ: 1QJ1Q%CRHQ0V`HQ :JR%]]Q`  .V1`1Q` .7V``Q` 8  :` 11 .:J1J `QR%H 1QJ``QI .VH.QQC )CV:V1V:`:]`Q VH 10VI:@`Q`7Q%`]1H@%]8]QJQ`VRG77Q%`CQH:CHJ1$.  ]`1JH1]:C8 Q`QC%IG%Q%JH1C L 8*:`@ .VR: V7 7T7%*5@H 85 C:I1C1VI% `V$1 V`1J:R0:JHV8!Q%`:`V 8]QJQ`VR G7 7Q%` CQH:C J1$.  Q` QC%IG% Q%JH1C  L 8 :`@ .V R: V7 C1I1 VR Q`:I1C7IVIGV`1JHC%R1J$ .V  7 T 7 #5 %H 8 5 8  %RVJ 8 %V QQH1:CR1 :JH1J$$%1RVC1JV7Q%J$V` 1GC1J$I:7JQ : VJR: Q%`8 Library Notes VV1J$ .: .V `V: R:7 Q` #CC :1J  11CC GV .V`V GV`Q`V 1V @JQ1 1 8 ( CQQ@VR Q VV #V$1 V`: 1118.QC7`:I1C7.8HQI:JRHC1H@ 1.: GQQ@ I1$. GV : $QQR I: H.8 %` QJ>$J_%1`VEQ18?:CCRR`Q` HQ%`V5 1V .:0V : J%IGV` Q` G1Q$`:].1V QJ :1J  ``QI  8 #J .QJ7 Q  8 _%V 1QJ8QIVVV1.: I:@V7QC7 :CG%`$:8 #JR5 .V`V 1 :CQ : VH 1QJ Q` C:I1C771$.H.QQC7Q%`: .QC1H.1$.H.QQC .V C1G`:`7 .: RV:C 11 . RV: .  H.Q1HV`Q`QCCV$V)`V]:`: Q`78V.Q]V $`1V01J$8 (J .: VH 1QJ .V`V :`V I:J7 GQQ@ Q .VC] 11 . .V $`1V01J$ ]`QHV :JR : HQ%]CV Q V0VJ .VC] % GV ]`V]:`VR `Q` 1.VJ .: 1IV HQIV8 ,Q]V`%CC75 Q The Sacrament of Reconciliation is one of the most .VC] I:@V % :CC :1J * unique and beautiful aspects of Catholicism. Jesus Christ, in His abundant love and mercy, established the Sacrament of Confession, so that we  as sinners can obtain forgiveness for our sins and reconcile with God and the Church. The sacrament Please keep the following “washes us clean,” and renews us in Christ. people in your prayers “Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace be with you. As the Brian McNellis, Christine & Wade Father has sent me, even so I send you.’ And when he had Hamilton, Wolfgang Griebl, Amanda Eastman, said this, he breathed on them, and said to them, ‘Receive Livio Parolin, Bud Clifford, Dee Ann Raso, Sofia the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are McFadden, Kristine Adair, Mary Kaupas, forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are Samantha Velarde, Sue Dunn, Darrell retained’” (John 20:21-23). Fanning, Anders Mundhenke, Diane Sabo, Nicole Werschky, Julie Hirman (Mother of Joey Reconciliation Times & Cito Balsells), Heather, George Smith, Nicki Confession is available at Sacred Heart of Mary Carney, Anthony J. McHugh, Michelle after every Mass (see Mass times on cover) until McDonell, Mary Lou Beckord, Dorthy Gorman, no one is waiting and the Carl Schneider, Sandy Gorman, Sandy Scull, following times. Dan Vujcich, Doreen DeSalvo, Jim Spiess, Kathleen Soliday, Deb Hazard, Fr. Saturday Constantine, Diane Huss, Jaemi Huss, Vera 3:30 – 4:30 P.M.

Patrick, Zack Boroviak, Owen Clyncke, Marilyn Sunday Salerno, Paladino, Shirly Lindow, Alaina 1:30 – 3:30 P.M. Griffth, Tracy, Margie Morris, Joyce

Rudolph, Dale Gurney, Nin DeSalvo,Anna Confessions are heard during the Latin Mass and Marie Burtness, Jordan Boroviak, Bonnie continue until no one is waiting. Bloemker, Stephanie Archinal, Bob & Maggie

McClelland, Donna Sullivan, Nan Phiffer, Mary If one of these times does not fit your schedule please Saranek contact the parish office to schedule a time. All Sacred Heart of Mary Parishioners Please wear a mask, follow social distancing and COVID-19 occupancy guidelines while waiting your turn. Join us in a week of prayer and reflection as we honor Mary Fortnight of Mary at Sacred Heart of Mary

Sept. 30 - Oct . 14 ***UPDATED INFORMATION*** The statue of Our Lady of Fatima will be in the sanctuary from Sept. 30 – Oct. 14. Weekday Schedule

Daily at 7:05 A.M. before weekday Mass starting October 1 Thurs., October 8 at 6 P.M. Rosary followed by Adoration and Benediction. Weekend Schedule

Sat., October 3 at 4 P.M. Presentation in the church Essential : , Perpetual Virginity, and Mother of God - by Fr. Emmanuel Osigwe followed by Rosary and the Litany of Fatima. Please note confessions are 3:30 – 4:30 P.M. and may be paused around 4 for the presentation.

Sun., October 4 at Rosary at 10:30 A.M.

Sat., October 10 at 4 P.M. Presentation in the church Blessed Mary and Christian Hope in the Time of Pandemic by Fr. Emmanuel Osigwe

Sun., October 11 at Rosary at 10:30 A.M. Mary Zoglo, Ph.D. Licensed Clinical Psychologist Office in Louisville COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL BROKER

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