WHEREAS a Petition of John Mountford, at Present and for Two
1611 HEREAS a Petition of John Mountford, at present first examination touching his debts, estate, and effects, W and for two years one month and nineteen days last and to be further dealt with according to the provisions of past residing at Brierly-hill, in the county of Stafford, the said Statutes; and the choice of the creditors' assignees Licensed Retailer of Ale, Beer, and Tobacco, previously of is to take place at the time so appointed. All persons the same place, Licensfid Retailer of Ale, Beer, and Tobacco, indebted to the said John Morrall, or that have any of his and Butty Miner on his own account, and formerly of the effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to Mr. same place, Licensed Retailer of Ale, Beer, and Tobacco, Charles Gallimore Brown, Clerk of the said Court, at his at the same time being a Butty Miner, but carrying on that office, in Queen-street, Wolverhampton, the Official Assig- business in partnership with Job Cartwright, under the nee of the estate and effects of the said insolvent. style or firm of Mountford and Cartwright, an insolvent debtor, having been filed in the County Court of Wor- TT J HERE AS a Petition of Thomas Poole, at present cestershire, at Stourbridge, and an interim order for protec- v \ and since the month of October last residing in tion from process having been given to the said John lodgings in the Dudley-road, in the parish of Wolver- Mountford, under the provisions of the Statutes in that hampton, in the county of Stafford, and being a Collier, and case made and provided, the
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