The Hilltop 3-4-1977

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The Hilltop 3-4-1977 Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1970-80 The iH lltop Digital Archive 3-4-1977 The iH lltop 3-4-1977 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 3-4-1977" (1977). The Hilltop: 1970-80. 180. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1970-80 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ' Hilltop Highlights •' Bar Preparatory COurse ..... p3 fl(J f/1111 ,e. ' Editorial .On FEST AC .. ..... p4 11 i1hr111/ , 1 clr'lll.J/lCI" Mak e Someone Happy .. .... p7 .. Minnie's Stay In Love ....... p8 Bison And Morgan State .. plO • "THE VOICE OF THE HOWARD COMMUNITY" CIAA Tournament ............ pl l Vol. 59, No. 20 Howard University, Washington, D.C. 20059 4 March 1977 • Universi Ho' war Jordan Emphasizes Importance of Young Talks About Uniqueness of Howard I Alumni Support For HU In Future and Interdependence · Between Na,!j.Qns J ' By Venola Rolle 11la c ed t1rne sp ent w i th a IC'ading role in world affairs' ' By Katherine Barrett 111e r1t 1n U n 1Vl' rs1t y ari d co rn ­ f ralerr1 it1 es 1n tfiat catego ry, d would be a9versely. affected, I· Hilltop Slaffwrill'r Hilltop Staffwriler mun1ty 0 ervl CC' lie rt'cc1veLl J)art uf the audien ce c heered Young also stressed the in­ b tJ!h his B.S. arid M .D. de­ its dpprovat: Duri ng fi ts tcrdependen that exists grees iror11 H ow a rel U 111\•er­ United Nation ~ Am - \ l'rnon !. J Ol' (J,irl l'XL'( u- speech ~ e dlso sp oke of between nati0J1S of the bassador Andrew Young ap­ \1 \·f' cl1rect o r <lt tl1e Nat1or1al ~1t}' 111 19 20 <111d 19 2 4, Ho\vard U n1ver S 1 1 y · ~ \V Orld t o day This 1n- pealed to a capacity crowd U rba i1 leagL1e i olLl !ho-,c respec t1\'ei}'.. or1d >er \'l'd at ur1 1queness a rid rt' 111 - tcrdcpe11dc r1 ct• he said, )-\atl1t.•r ed 1vr fi o\-..-ird'5 110th .rreedm er1'~ lio sp 1tal ior 14 at Cram ton auditorium Wed­ st rurnental role. 1n the fo r­ mu st be adhered. to, because C har ter Da} 0 1nr1t'r ful•..,da} , \ear ~ nesday to seek '' freed om mat ion ot h is life. the U n ited States cannot and i u slic e'' for Black '-"\Jr c h I th.i t, ! h1• ve r ~ D r Greerie es tal1l15f1ed t he Yo ung, \Vh u re ce ntly tu r n its ba ck on the world' s Amer ican s and southern t·~s. C' r 1{.e 01 B lack f'o\ver 1~ "- el l1 e Weaver Greene returned irom Africa, h is r1r st p rob!ern s without suffering !he t ran.,rorrn ,1t1ri r1 or Black ~c holar > hrp Fu ri d; 1h1..• Gl.icl ys, Africans b y m o re ac t ively official v1s1 1 abro ad s1r1ce he 1tsel( Young aga i n turned to G<1rr e 1t G re e ne Studen t participating in J) Ol1t1 cs. \lO\ \ t·r 111to gr t'eri JJO\Vfr tQr was na med to th'e U n1 ted Africa by u sing the relation- tilt-' <.. L1pp o rl or th1.., (llo\vard) Kevolv1ng l oan f"und J t the Young' s 30 minu!e address Nat1o r1 s post by P1es1 d en t sh11) ex is t i ng between' o f Edu cation, and the highlighted the Charter Day l n1Vl'f'> 11 y ~c t 1ool C arte r, st ressed the im­ N1 ger 1a and the United ceremony whic h marked the r he $100 ,l 11lale cl1r1r1er E: arter l M arsh<1 ll 1\.1 ernor1al portan ce of B la c k St ates to explain the mutual 10th year sin ce H oward ht•ld a1 tl1 t· ~ ht •r ol on f>ar k Scl1ola rs fi 1p Fur1d a! th e I Americdns'""'su p1>ort for the clcPc r1 dc 1i cc N1ger1a, Young University his alma mat er tl titel, \Va'> a tund ra1<, er an <l 11ied1 cal ~c )-;ool H e 1> also a • liberation struggles c u rrer1tly said needed U .S. technology d!l il\V Jtd'> d1rlll('r 1l)r 1ormer H o v.:arcl tru stee ~ was creat ed ' by an ac t oi t<1king JJlace 1rl Z irn b ab \vt> to survive economically, and :.:;> Congress t o • e clu c at(• liciwarcl gradl1<1te ~ \\•110 v.·ere loSefili \"I 1-l <it c het t. a \Rh o d esi a) arid 1\z.iri1a ttit~ U r11t ed States need.ed l1o r1 c>rt·d lh 1-, year for '0L1t ­ flor1 cl a Su 1Jrern e Cou 1t lu ~ ­ ~ children of freed slaves . {South Afri ca) N1ger1a's r1atural resou,rces ~ Rernini sc ing ab o ut h is , 1.1ncl1 111'( 1>0-, 1gra d L1al l:' l 1c1•, ar1"cl 1!i e f 1r >l Blac k 1nar1 . " If yoL1 d o n cJ th 1n g e l ~e . v1> 1t ( {l furic t1 o n econorn ically. ~ college days at Howard, d<. ti 1eve 111 er1 L ·' to \v1 r1 a sta tl'· W1cte elt:.•l. 110 11 yoLJr Cor1gre,srnar1 a11cl ask Referririg to the situ at ion 1r1 the Sou th, \VJ., li onore cl ;! Young said th e re ~ are rnany j o rcla1 i. w li<l '" .i grdduate him about the rL'j)eal o! t he 1n Azaiiia, Young aga in ,J l t!ll' ['160 11 . l l. La\\ 'ic hcJcil 1u r p(l:,tgradlJ a1 t> ac h1eve­ _g benefit s th at c ould b e B y rd arne ncl rn eri t, " sa id . alluded to King' s philosphy a. derived both in and out o f t. l a ~.., , -. aid tll dt Il la< k c.o l r11erit 1r1 IJ\V <1 r1(l 1)ubl1( \(' r · Yo ung. (T h is arne11clrner1\, o f rnutual dcpe11dcncc \ ll.e the c las sroo n1 here. I-le ad­ ass erting that '' Black men \pge" ,i nd ur1i\t•r .,111 1•<, art· th£' f>residen1 Cheek (left), giving U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young ar1 Honorary Oe)i!rce r1a1nPd for 1 t ~ sµbnsor - 11ur11 tJt·r <lni • niu .. t 1111 f> (11tar11 IL1St1 ce Hatcl1ett ~raduatC'cl n11tted. however, that time Senat o r Har1y F. ·Byrd ( 1- V-\ ) q_nd w o n1en 1n America w1I\ was wasted. a-rid \vhen he tdct or 1n !ht· \ ll< l~ r t' ~' ')I trom H(J\V ard, La\V ~ c t1 o ol - V.'as pa ss ed b y Corigre ~-. ri ever be free unfess Black B\,ick 4.r11~·r1<..1r1-. :n 1959 Befqrt• bt:'<<>rn1 r115 a in 1971, au t hor1L1r1g U .) 1nen and women 1n Wt• h,1\ t' Jr1lll>l1g.1 t1on1c1 ~1o r 1da 'iuµ rt' fTit· C ou r1 ILJS­ During Visit To Howard p u rchases 0 1 Khodes1an Africa are free." ' H o\,d rtj, l11rcl ,1r1 .11d. <'rn l1< t ' ht' \\a> a U .S 'A <J g 1<.. trdlt;> c h r<lm~, d e> 1J1t e eco r1om1<. Young ma1nta1ned that the ·1 hd'> llL:)g lht• llf'll ''II\ :J1 d!ld I tr'>! 1\ s.-.1~ t a r 1 1 Un1 !(' d ~ a nct1on ~ agd 1r1s t the problems i n southern Africa alurn n1 ~l l\lJ J1>r t lc)r H,1\.., J. rd ~ tate ~ ~\11 o rne) 1(1r tht• f\11 (!­ Gregory Gives Different View of ldi Amin m inori t y reg1rne ui \VII I be re f lec ted in the We 1 Jr1 t1L)t Jtt(1rt.l tt1e dle D 1st r1c 1 o f Flor1d,1, \\ t11(l1 Rh od esian ll r1me f\•l 1n1 ~ tc r M iddle Ea st, \vhlch will a1- luxur\ ti1 .l l•t\1r1v t~E' 11·1lt·rol WVl'f<, J) (llU ll tll' '- audience ·• you cari tell wheri Ian Smith.) tec t the price of 01 1, ~ l)\ t 'lf\!lll'!1t (j(1 It all f l 1La be t h latlt•1t \ \ t.Jf,l By Nesha Jenkins lhe government k i lls you .. • YoL1ng po1 r1 1ed OlJt that \v 1ll ultimately influence the 1111<1 ,111 \\,1 ~ 111 1' ( t1a1r111 drl 1t•rf' 1\ 1..•d lht• jlll'1~ ra c l uatt · Hilltop St •ffwrill'f they blarne it oii you.'" tllf' Bvrcl J111er1dnient w as a ' nurnber o f avail~ble iobs 1n 11 tlli Jll '.'' ( h,1 1\1'1 [)J) [)11\ d\Vdrd IOI ach11> \ t'm t•11t Ill A~ prooi of this ass er ti on, ''rcfcrcnd un1 '' {Jfl A rner1cafl ghettos. 1 • ri 1•1 (111 n1 11 1ttt't' '>CUI JJ !Ufl' ,J11\l th1 l l l'd11V t' 1\L1thur- 11h1losopt1er Dick he went o n to d iscu ss 111- Ar11erican, :.
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