Happy Halloween Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, October 26, 2006 OUR 116th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 43-2006 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. www.goleader.com
[email protected] SIXTY CENTS WPD Concludes Kasko Hearing; Ruling Not Expected Until Dec. By NORDETTE N. ADAMS representation and did not notify him He said retaliation fueled accusa- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader that he was under formal investiga- tions against his client stemming from WESTFIELD – The town’s police tion during a February 6 meeting be- charges Officer Kasko made against department concluded a disciplinary tween the two men. former Police Chief Bernard Tracy hearing Friday against a Westfield In his opening statement, Arthur and a lawsuit Officer Kasko filed on police officer charged with lying un- Thibault, counsel for the WPD, said November 14 in U.S. District Court der oath and in departmental reports. police officers are called to testify Newark, against the former chief, A ruling is not expected from hearing about crimes in many cases in which Town Administrator Jim Gildea and officer Robert Lucid, the Summit it’s the officer’s word against the ac- the Town of Westfield. He said that police chief, until December. cused perpetrator’s. “Credibility and prior to Officer Kasko’s problems Defended by his attor- with former Chief Tracy ney Anthony Pope, Of- and filing of the law- ficer Greg Kasko, a 16- suit, he had been the year veteran of the de- “blue-eyed, blond- partment, faces termina- haired child” of the de- tion if found guilty on partment.