Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, April 8, 2010 OUR 120th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 14-2010 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SIXTY CENTS Westfield to Ax Crossing Guards, DPW Overtime; Tax Appeals Double By MICHAEL J. POLLACK currently. The Policemen’s Benevolent parking,” according to the finance chair- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Association and Teamsters contracts man, “but we believe there are opportu- WESTFIELD – After an announced expired at the end of 2009. The Com- nities for revenue with premium on- cut of $941,000 in state aid last month, munications Workers of America union street meters.” The Public Safety Com- the Town of Westfield continues to look is in the third year of a four-year con- mittee will consider, this month, any for ways to recoup that shortfall. Vow- tract. measure to increase parking fees. ing to look at “all appropriations,” Fi- In the meantime, the Finance Policy Also later this month, the town will nance Policy Committee Chairman Committee is crunching numbers and unveil plans to raise building depart- Mark Ciarrocca, Tuesday, announced considering a myriad of cost-cutting ment and zoning fees, as well as hiking Labor Attorney Rick Danser’s inten- measures. Mr. Ciarrocca mentioned that road-opening costs. tions to meet with members of local the town will likely decrease overtime “Mark gave a very non-exhaustive unions on Wednesday. for Department of Public Works em- list. We’ve discussed a lot of things. We “In order to get where we need to, we ployees, which will result in personnel don’t want to necessarily scare people,” are going to have to partner the best we reduction, eliminate crossing-guard Committee Vice-Chairman David Haas can with our bargaining units,” Mr. posts, of which there are 57 in town, and said. He encouraged all council mem- Ciarrocca said. “Rick will meet with consider increasing various parking bers and employees to make sugges- the union folks and go over the num- revenues by raising commuter-parking tions on how to shrink costs. “Every- bers, so we’re on the same page.” and on-street parking fees. thing is on the table,” he said. The town’s Firemen’s Mutual Be- “At this point, I don’t think we want The chairman agreed, saying, “You nevolent Association is in arbitration to do anything with paystation and free name the option, you name the service, and we’ve taken a look at it. We are asking ourselves, ‘Is the service we Horace Corbin for The Westfield Leader provide worth what it’s going to cost?’” STILL A JERSEY GUY...Westfield Mayor Andrew Skibitsky presents Michael Chertoff, former Secretary of Homeland Mr. Ciarrocca said the committee is Security, with town policemen and firemen momentos during a dinner last Wednesday at Echo Lake Country Club. The taking a measured approach with the event, arranged by Assemblyman Jon Bramnick, featured a wide range of discussions on security. See story on page 2. budget; it does not know yet all the Pictured, left to right, are: Police Chief John Parizeau, Mayor Skibitsky, Mr. Chertoff, Fire Chief Dan Kelly and Asm. ramifications of legislative measures Bramnick. passed in Trenton recently, and mem- bers of the committee are unaware if some aid can be salvaged. The town All Properties To Be Charged For remains in contact with State Senator Tom Kean, Jr., along with and Governor Chris Christie’s chief of staff, Richard Bagger, both of whom live in Westfield. SP Sewer Use By Same Formula For example, last month, a bill passed By FRED T. ROSSI will pay about $254 this year versus If the property owner was victorious in with bipartisan support in the New Jer- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader last year’s flat fee of $250. Bills will be an appeal, then the relevant portion of sey Legislature calling for comprehen- SCOTCH PLAINS — The township sent out after the council formally sets his payment would be refunded. sive public-worker pension reform. council later this month is expected to the rate at its Tuesday, April 20 meet- Chief Financial Officer Lori Majeski New requirements mandate that all approve a sewer fee rate for 2010 that ing, during which it will also consider said this year’s total sewer bill is about Greg Ryan for The Westfield Leader public workers pay 1.5 percent of their will charge all township, commercial some revisions to last year’s ordinance $2.5 million, nearly equal to last year’s THE HUNT…On April 3, the Westfield Lions held its 75th annual Easter Egg salary toward their healthcare. The pack- and residential properties, in the same creating the sewer utility. Payments levy, and added that the billings this Hunt. Approximately 600 children hunted for 1,048 coupon-filled eggs, clearing age also calls for limiting pension-sys- manner. will be due on June 1 and October 1. year aim to raise about $2.8 million, the field of eggs in less than one minute. Westfield Councilwoman JoAnn Neylan tem enrollment to new full-time em- Township Engineer Joseph Timko Among the ordinance changes that with the added funds being set aside in was on hand to give the countdown, and the Easter Bunny posed for pictures with ployees who work at least 35 hours per explained the rate at Tuesday’s confer- the council will consider, as Mr. Timko reserve. all the children. week for the state or 32 hours for local ence meeting, saying that properties called, a “simplified process” of ap- Later, during the council’s regular government and schools. The bill also will be charged $175 for the first 27,499 pealing assessments that is similar to meeting, Mayor Nancy Malool called will base pensions for police and gallons of water used. Anything be- property-tax appeals. Appealing prop- the sewer fee “the most equitable way” Cranford Cell Tower Decision firefighters on the three highest salary yond that level will result in a $250 erty owners will be asked to send their to pay for water usage since fees are years, rather than the highest single charge plus one cent for every gallon disputed bills to the township engineer- based on actual usage. the mayor she Is Upheld by Superior Court year. used beyond 27,500 gallons. He said ing department for examination to verify disagreed with a comment by Demo- CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 the average residential property owner that the water usage calculations were cratic Party Chairman Louis Beckerman By CHRISTINA M. HINKE restrict telecommunication to non- accurate. that the utility’s creation last year had Specially Written for The Westfield Leader residential zones, may negatively Township Attorney Jeffrey Lehrer been a “trick to balance an out-of- CRANFORD – The township impact nearby property values and GW BOE Looks to Increase said that, like property-tax appeals, any- balance budget,” saying the utility was board of adjustment’s (BOA) deci- will have a negative visual impact of one disputing a sewer levy would need the only viable option to massive lay- sion to ban erecting a 120-foot cell the surrounding area, which includes to pay their bill first prior to appealing. offs of township employees. phone tower on the property of the a recreational park.” Taxes $251,187 to $6.5 Mil. Cranford Swimming Club was up- “We’re really happy with the deci- By LAUREN S. BARR tee to explore the possibility of turn- held last month by the state Superior sion. I think it’s the right decision for Specially Written for The Westfield Leader ing it into an early childhood educa- SP-F BOE Adopts Budget Court. our community,” BOA Chairman GARWOOD — Last Thursday, the tion and care center. The budget also State Superior Court Judge Dou- Robert Hellenbrecht told The board of education voted, 6-2, to ap- includes reductions in technology glas Fasciale, of Westfield, on March Westfield Leader last week. prove an $8,293,812 budget, which costs, three teaching positions, sup- With $3.8-Mil. Tax Increase 19 wrote that the decision of the The proposed site for the tower includes temporarily closing Wash- plies, one office staff and two custo- By JESSICA E. JASKULA well as reductions in the areas of con- BOA is affirmed. The judge heard borders both Westfield and Cranford, ington School, to be voted on by the dians. The proposed budget will raise Specially Written for The Westfield Leader tracted services, summer work, con- arguments from Omnipoint in court and from October 2007 through De- public on Tuesday, April 20. taxes by $125 per average assessed SCOTCH PLAINS — The Scotch struction projects, equipment, mainte- on January 15. In his letter, Judge cember 2008, residents of both mu- Voters will decide the fate of a home. Plains-Fanwood Board of Education nance repairs and supplies. An addi- Fasciale wrote, “Omnipoint failed nicipalities, as well as the county, $6,530,855 tax levy, representing a “Never did I believe that the gover- (SP-F BOE) voted Wednesday to adopt tional $1,253,713 will be realized to prove the particular suitability of fought Verizon Wireless, Omnipoint $251,187 hike over last year, at the nor would take $410,000,” Superin- an $80,958,048 proposed school bud- through salary and benefit adjustments the site by demonstrating the need Communications, New Cingular PCS, April 20 school election. Taxes would tendent of Schools Teresa Quigley get for 2010-2011. Business Adminis- or staff reductions pending negotiation for a facility on the property.
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