From Christina Gates <
[email protected]> Sent Thursday, Aligust 31, 2026 12:53 pm To
[email protected]& Subject Re: out of print book Dear Scott: This book is now in the publ~cdomain as copyright for it was not renewed. Unfortunately, we do not have any additional copies available for order; but you are welcome to photocopy the rnater~alfor distribution. ;\ I; "$ '.j I?-=- / ,, \, .. Best wishes, Christina - Christina Gates, Advancement Coordinator & Assistant to the Director phone: 919-966-3561 ext. 223 / fax: 919-966-3829 The Ur~iversityof North Carolina Press 116 S. Boundary St. / Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2288
[email protected] wrote: > The Center for the Study of Correctional Education at California State University, San Bernardino is looking to obtain multiple copies (30 or so) of the following (long) out of print book: > > Tannenbaum, F. (1933). Osborne of Sing Sing. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. (could not find an ISBN) > > We understand the book is out of print. Do you currently hold the copyright? We would like to supply prison libraries with a copy of this text. Any help you can glve is appreciated. > > Best, > > Scott Rennie COPYRIGH* 1933, BY THE'UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA PRESS &HO HAS DEVOTEDA LONG AND FAITHFUL LIFE TO THE SERVICE OF HIS FELLOWS PRINTED IN THE'UNITED STATES OP AMERICA BY THE SEEMAN PRESS, .DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA ACKNOWLEDGMENTS THISBOOK grew out of a conversation I had with Thomas Mott Osborne two years before his death. I recall sitting in front of the fireplace of his large library in the city of Auburn, New York, discussing the advisability of using the many thousands of letters in his files for the purpose of describing the history of the great experiment he had initiated.