MARBLE COLLEGIATE CHURCH Dr. Michael B. Brown, Senior Minister

Sunday, September 14, 2014 at West 29th Street, City Order of Service

Sunday September 14, 2014


PRELUDE Please listen quietly in preparation for Worship, and refrain from applause. “Albumblad”...... Edvard Grieg



INTROIT “Tell Out, My Soul” ...... Leo Sowerby, arr. Dake Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord: unnumbered blessings give my spirit voice. Tender to me the promise of God’s Word; in God my Savior shall my heart rejoice. Tell out, my soul, the greatness of God’s name: make known God’s might, proclaim the deeds that God has done; God’s mercy sure, from age to age the same; God’s holy name, the Lord, the mighty one. Tell out, my soul, the glories of God’s word: firm is God’s promise, and God’s mercy sure. Tell out my soul, the greatness of the Lord to children’s children and forevermore.

HYMN 596 “Rejoice, the Lord Is King”...... Darwall


A LITANY FOR CHRISTIAN EDUCATION...... Please refer to insert.

SOLO “Go Down in the Lonesome Valley” �������������������������������������������� arr. H.T. Burleigh Jason McKinney, bass-baritone My brother, wanna get religion? Go down in the Lonesome Valley, my Lord, and meet my Savior there. My sister, wanna get religion? Go down in the Lonesome Valley, my Lord, and meet my Savior there.


HYMN 434 “Take Thou Our Minds, Dear Lord” ������������������������������������������� Sursum Corda

READING OF THE SCRIPTURE �����������������������������������������������Luke 2:39-52 (Pew Bible, page 833) Following the reading, Leader: The Word of God for the people of God. All: Thanks be to God.

SERMON “INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM”...... Dr. Michael B. Brown Today’s sermon is available on CD; visit MarbleVision Table at Coffee Hour.

HYMN “The Spirit Sends Us Forth to Serve” �����������������������������Please refer to insert.


ANTHEM “Alleluia”...... Randall Thompson

DOXOLOGY ...... Lasst uns erfreuen (The tune is that of Hymn 4.) Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God with saints in heav’n above, praise Jesus Christ who shows God’s love, Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!


POSTLUDE “Marche Triomphale”...... Alexandre Guilmant

PARTICIPATING IN THE SERVICE Dr. R. Mark King, Rev. Shari K. Brink The Marble Choir, Colin Fowler, interim organist Live stream Sunday and Wednesday Worship at Use of photographic and tape recording equipment is not permitted during the service. Assistive Listening System (infrared) available for use off center aisle—ask an usher.

Next Sunday September 21 11:00am Worship, “Everyday Blessings” — Dr. Michael B. Brown

– 2 – Today

CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES MINISTRY Nursery, 2nd flr of 1 W 29th St, 9:30am-1:00pm; Toddlers - 3rd Grade, 276 5th Ave, Room 303, 10:00am-12:00pm; 4th - 12th Grade, 276 5th Ave, Room 300, 10:00am-12:00pm. All children/students must be registered, forms available in each classroom.

BEFORE WORSHIP Prayer Circle — 10:00am, New Chapel. A time of prayer, Scripture reading and hymn singing. This year’s focus: From the Beatitudes to the Be-Attitudes, the Prayer Circle in Action. Led by Rev. Gregory Johnson. Meets every Sunday. Bible Study with Sr Carol Perry: How Did it Begin? — 10:00am, Labyrinth Room. The first books of the Bible hold some of our most familiar but often least understood stories of faith. Are Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah, in any way still pertinent? Through September 28.

AFTER WORSHIP No Talk Back with Dr. Brown — Join us next Sunday after Worship for a conversation about the day’s sermon. Coffee Hour — 12:15pm, next door in the Marble Loft (274 5th Ave). Women’s and GIFTS Brunches — Please see Spotlight on page 5. Ecclesia Ministry — Help host and transport lunches and altar for the open-air worship for the homeless in Madison Square Park starting at 2:00pm. Meet in front of 276 5th Ave at 1:30pm. Paul Robeson — 2:00pm, Sanctuary. Please see Spotlight on page 5.


TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 6:30pm | Sr. Carol Perry’s Weekday Bible Study — A Bible Tool Bag. In the Labyrinth Room. Meets most Tuesdays.

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 12:00pm | 60+ Fellowship — Pasta lunch, $8, followed by program at 1:00pm: Singer Gary Thompson, Songs for September. Marble Loft.

WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 17 WeWo: Wednesday Worship — 6:15pm, in the Marble Loft (274 5th Ave). Rev. Kirsty DePree, preaching. Music by praise ensemble. Childcare available, 276 5th Ave, Room 303.

Walk the Labyrinth — 5:00-6:00pm, most Wednesdays. (Call to confirm).

Marble Connection (20s & 30s) — 7:30-8:30pm, 276 5th Ave, Room 300. We kick off our season tonight! Join us for Bible study, conversations about life and faith, or special activities. (Full schedule available on Welcome Table in the Marble Loft.)

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1:15pm | Spiritual Growth Hour — We launch this year’s theme: Hope, Faith, and Love That Is Lived, Learned and Liberates. Led by Rev. Travis Winckler. Labyrinth Room.

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 6:00-8:00pm | Adult Ministry Dinner — The Spirit of Inaction: Learn- ing from the Fallow Times with Sr. Carol Perry. $20 dinner, $10, discussion only. Reserve online.

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 12:15pm | Monthly Brunch — All are invited for this time of fellowship and good food! $12. In the Marble Loft (274 5th Ave). Coffee Hour is in the Labyrinth Room.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 6:00-8:00pm | Men’s Ministry Discussion — Defining Hope with Dr. Bill Lutz. $5. Open to all men. Invite a friend! Refreshments provided or bring own meal.

FIRST AND THIRD FRIDAYS, SEPTEMBER 19, OCTOBER 3 6:15pm, in the Marble Loft (274 5th Ave) Please join us for our Jazz inspired Worship — September 19 is a special Rhythm & Blues night with our own Djoré Nance! Connect with a community of people in a cozy setting of bistro tables and refreshments, enjoy a time of worship led by Dr. Mark King, and music led by pianist Chris Whittaker with talented guest artists.

For more details, to register, or for a full listing of all our programming, please visit or stop by the Welcome Center after Worship in the Marble Loft.

– 3 – Information

NEW SMALL GROUPS — SIGN UP NOW! Small Groups at Marble are designed to be missional, transformational, and relational. They change us, help us grow, and get us to go out and do good in the world. We en- courage you to consider participating in one of the many new offerings that begin this fall! For more information, visit or contact Rev. Kirsty DePree or Anna Nugent. Small Group Leader Training — If you are interested in leading a Small Group, join us Monday, September 15, 6:00-8:00pm, in the Labyrinth Room.

HONORING SOMEONE SPECIAL — Marble is grateful for gifts received recently in honor of Scott Helms and Dr. Michael Brown given by Victoria and Robert Helms; in memory of Richard Nygaard given by James A. Kruzik; Mariana Resto and Nereida Cruz given by Una Cruz; and Cynthia Speare-Antonio given by Seith Mann. To give a gift to Marble Honoring Someone Special, please use the form for Tribute Giving in the pews or visit

MEMORIAL SERVICE — Ms. Gail Kitselman, Saturday, September 20, 11:00am.

SEEKING PEACE — With all the current turmoil in the world, including Ferguson, Gaza, Iraq, Ukraine, what are ways each one of us can create positive shifts and seek God’s intervention for greater love, justice, and peace? We encourage you to read messages from Tom De Vries, General Secretary of the Reformed Church in America, and Rev. Doug Leonard, a former Marble staff member who currently works in Oman, at peace.

PRAYERS FOR PEACE RIBBONS — Yellow ribbons on our fence represent US military casu- alties in Afghanistan. Ribbons honoring US casualties in Iraq are being prepped for an indoor installation. We have not forgotten those men and women and the sacrifices they have made.

THE MARBLE PIPE ORGAN PROJECT — Our choir and current organ are relocated to the South Balcony for the duration of the new organ’s construction. For the next several months the balconies are closed for seating. Please visit our website for more information and to see plans for the new organ.

FESTIVAL OF VOICES — Singers who read music and may be interested in volunteering their talents, contact Korland Simmons, [email protected]. Wednesday rehearsals.

ALTAR FLOWERS A gift to the Altar Flowers fund is a beautiful way to recognize a loved one, including special occasions like the birth of a child or wedding anniversary. Altar flowers are a three-fold gift: a tribute to loved ones, a Sanctuary adornment—a symbol of what we offer to God in our worship, and a source of enjoyment to our congregation. A gift of $50 or more allows us to create a beautiful floral tribute. To contribute, please contact Shana Wolfe or visit (insert “Altar Flowers” and the person/reason for giving in the Notes section). At least two weeks’ notice needed to be included in the Sunday Bulletin.

OPPORTUNITIES FOR HELPING OTHERS — Please visit Action Volunteer Table after Worship during Coffee Hour, check, or contact Tom Schneider. Ecclesia Ministry | Today — Please see After Worship on page 3. Marble Fights Hunger — Please support our on-going food drive by leaving non-perishibles in the baskets in the 29th St Reception area, the 5th Ave Narthex, or the Marble Loft. We collect for various food banks which serve at-risk families.

WHEN YOU NEED HELP To ask for prayer, or share feedback, use Prayer Request card in pews. Members of the Marble Prayer Ministry Team spend at least two weeks in prayer over each request. Marble’s Stephen Ministers may be able to help you with spiritual/emotional support in difficult times. Email: [email protected]. Blanton-Peale Counseling Ctr — Individual, group, family. 212-725-7850,

MARBLE’S MEDIA MINISTRY — Visit the website or MarbleVision Table during Coffee Hour. CDs, DVDs, books, featuring Dr. Brown, Dr. Caliandro, Dr. Peale, and others. Sr. Carol’s book Waiting for Our Souls to Catch Up is available, as well as CDs ($8) of her Sunday Bible Studies. Watch episodes of Simple Faith with Dr. Michael Brown Fridays at 4:30pm on MNN (), Time Warner Ch. 1997. You may also subscribe to our sermon Podcasts.

CENTRAL PARKING DISCOUNT — 29 W. 28 St or 7–11 W. 28 St. Marble Receptionist validates.

By entering the Sanctuary, you grant to Marble Collegiate Church unrestricted right to use and publish, transmit or telecast photographs or likenesses that might be taken of you this day for use in communications related to the church. If you are uncomfortable in the Sanctuary you are welcome to worship downstairs in the New Chapel. – 4 – Welcome!

THANK YOU FOR WORSHIPING WITH US TODAY! Please stop by the Welcome Center in the Marble Loft (274 5th Ave) during Coffee Hour to learn more about our faith community. New to Marble? Pick up a welcome bag before Worship at the Newcomers Table in the Fifth Ave Narthex, or after Worship at the Welcome Center. Children’s activity bags available in Fifth Ave Narthex or from an usher.

BECOME A MEMBER. Faith is a journey and we warmly invite you to join with us as you travel along. For more information about our upcoming New Member Orientations come to Deacons’ Pew (right of the Chancel) after Worship and talk with one of our Membership team. We’ll be wearing red carnations. Or call Kim Sebastian-Ryan, ext 221. We’d love to have you join us!


TODAY IS EDUCATION SUNDAY! The Marble community honors all members and friends who teach and touch lives.

12:15pm | Coffee Hour in the Marble Loft (274 5th Ave) — Welcome bags for all friends, guests and visitors. Visit Welcome and Action Volunteer Tables, learn about ministries and outreach.

12:30pm | Women’s Welcome Back Brunch — All women invited for this time of fellowship and food at Pergola (36 W. 28th St). $25.

GIFTS: LGBTQ Fellowship Brunch — All welcome to kick-off the church year and reconnect for food, fellowship and fun in the Labyrinth Room. $15; $20 with donation to Scholarship Fund.

2:00pm | Paul Robeson — Join us for this very special production, starring Jason McKinney as Paul Robeson and Christopher A. Bagley as Lawrence Brown. This is the first event in our year-long diversity series — Remembering, Reflecting, Reconciling: Journeys of Hope, Faith and Love.

First performed on Broadway in 1978 with James Earl Jones in the lead role, Paul Robeson tells the story of the great African American athlete, singer, actor, and advocate for civil rights around the world in the 1920s-60s. Admission: $20, at door; $15, seniors/students. Purchase tickets in the Marble Loft (next door at 274 5th Ave) after Worship until 1:30pm. Beginning at 1:30pm you may purchase at the Fifth Ave doors. Will-call tickets may be picked up in the Marble Loft after Worship until 1:30pm, or at the Fifth Ave doors after 1:30pm.

WE ARE GRATEFUL TO JASON MCKINNEY for his participation in Worship today!

Be part of the Marble tradition as we collect school supplies for children living in NYC’s shelter system! The drive runs through September 21. Please bring your donation to the Action Volunteer Table during Coffee Hour in the Marble Loft. During the week you may drop off your donation at the church switchboard at 1 W. 29th St. Please mark your package “Attn: Action Committee”. If you are unable to purchase supplies, a donation of $25 will fill three backpacks. Make checks payable to Marble Collegiate Church and write “Back to School Drive” in memo section. Mail to the attention of Tom Schneider or place in the offering plate during Worship. For more information visit the Action Table.

– 5 – Litany

Leader: Dear Lord, as we enter into worship may we all be students of Your Word.

People: In this sacred hour, open our hearts to receive Your Truth.

Leader: You’ve taught us that we should love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind, and with all our strength.

People: And that we should love our neighbor as our self.

Leader: Let us teach this to our children when we are at church, when we are at home, and when we are away,

People: through the words of our lips and by the example of our lives.

Leader: Our teachers have been called to share the stories of faith with our children and youth. They are charged to do this with gentleness and insight as the Holy Spirit guides them in their words and witness. Through their teaching and example, the faith of our children and youth will be nurtured and deepened.

Congregation, will you promise to encourage and support these chosen leaders through your presence and your prayers?

People: We will, by the grace of God.

Leader: Thank you, God, for these women and men of faith whom You have called to teach us Your ways and words.

All: Fill us with strength and peace as we follow Jesus, the Christ, our Teacher and our Friend, who taught us how to pray, saying,

All: The Lord’s Prayer. (use “debts”)

Hymn Thanks to the generosity of the Marble congregation and its friends who contributed $203,609.36 to April’s Easter Offering, grants have now been made to 48 non-profits that work every day to feed the hungry, house the homeless, clothe the naked and visit those who are sick or imprisoned. A very special thank you to each of you for expressing God’s love: “Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

RECIPIENTS OF 2014 EASTER OFFERING GRANTS Local and National Organizations New Brunswick Seminary Auburn Seminary Operation Exodus Inner City Battered Women’s Resource Center Osborne Association Blanton Peale Project Reach Cambria Heights Community Church Quality Services for the Autism Comm. CASA NYC Reaching Out Community Service Catholic Charities-International Center READ Alliance Center for Hearing & Communications Search & Care Centurion Ministries Trail Blazer Camps Change for Kids Trinity Place Church of St Lukes in the Fields Urban Dove College and Community Fellowship Visions Council of Senior Citizens International Organizations Daniel’s Music Foundation Engage Burkina Episcopal Actors’ Guild FAWE (African women educationalists) Federation/Protestant Welfare Agencies Madre Fresh Youth Initiatives Marjorie’s Fund Getting Out & Staying Out MES Greenpoint Reformed Church NOMI Network Habitat for Humanity RCA Saulspoort Noord Congregation Health Advocates for Older People SAACID Health Care Chaplaincy SEAM Christian Learning Center Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen Search for Common Ground Housing+Solutions Women’s International League for Indykids Peace & Freedom Momentum Project

Dr. Michael B. Brown, Senior Minister 1 West 29th Street, New York, NY 10001 | Marble Collegiate Church is a diverse, inclusive community of God’s people whose faith is led by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. We welcome, love, and empower all persons to become positive thinkers, filled with hope, making a difference in the world. 1 West 29th Street, at Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10001-4596 212.686.2770 |

MARBLE STAFF To email staff directly, use First initialLast [email protected].

Ministerial Staff Lead Program Directors Dr. Michael B. Brown, Senior Minister Kenneth V. Dake, Director of Music Dr. R. Mark King, Executive Minister Bob Marty, Director of MarbleVision Rev. Shari K. Brink, Minister for Strategic Advancement Catherine Ortiz, Director of Marketing & Communications Rev. Kirsty DePree, Associate Minister Gayle F. Robinson, Chief Operating Officer Rev. Travis B. Winckler, Associate Minister Kim Sebastian-Ryan, Director of Church Growth & Connecting Ministries Carol Perry, S.U., Bible Scholar Susanah Wade, Director of Missions & Outreach

Elders: Stephanie M. Bailey, Dorothy Booker, Marcelle E. Doll, Wingate Jackson, Jr. Sheila B. Moses, Eileen A. O’Connell, John E. Rorer, II, Gregory W. Walker Clair J. Zak, Elder Emerita Deacons: Peter Barnett, Trenesa Danuser, T. Hunter Dare, Sandra Diaz Ted Gregory, Richard Harper, G. Gregory Lozier, Robert L. Williams Serving as Deacons to Intersections International: Barbara Costigan and Marcia Fingal

DIRECTORY Address Changes/Membership Records...... Shana Wolfe All Church Events/Concert Tickets/CDs ...... Siobhan Tull Archives/Sanctuary Tours...... Kim Sebastian-Ryan Baptism...... Kate Troy, Kirsty DePree Children, Youth & Families Ministry (CYF)...... Brian Hampton, Jessica Scovel Contributions (Offerings and Pledges) ...... Shana Wolfe Facilities/Events...... Stuart Cole Funerals/Memorial Services/Columbarium...... Any Minister, Judy Tulin New Members...... Kim Sebastian-Ryan Outreach...... Susanah Wade Pastoral Care...... All Ministers; Kirsty DePree, liaison; Judy Tulin Prayer Circle...... Rev. Gregory Johnson Prayer Requests...... Judy Tulin Small Groups ...... Kirsty DePree, Anna Nugent Stephen Ministry...... Kirsty DePree, Judy Tulin Stewardship and Planned Giving ...... Shari Brink, T.J. Houlihan Volunteering...... Tom Schneider Weddings...... Gary Thompson Welcome and Hospitality...... Colleen Cosgrove, Siobhan Tull Fellowship Groups Adult Ministry (All Ages) ...... Colleen Cosgrove Entrepreneurs...... Gayle Robinson Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender (GIFTS)...... Shari Brink, T.J. Houlihan Men’s Ministry...... Travis Winckler, Anna Nugent 60+ Fellowship...... Colleen Cosgrove 20s&30s (Marble Connection)...... Brian Hampton Women’s Ministry (MWM)...... Kirsty DePree, Anna Nugent

For a full staff listing, please visit