20112011 YearbookYearbook CarolinasCarolinas GolfGolf AssociationAssociation FoundedFounded inin 19091909 atat Charleston,Charleston, SCSC toto promotepromote andand toto protectprotect thethe gamegame ofof1 golfgolf inin thethe CarolinasCarolinas The Carolinas Golf Association 2011 Yearbook Results 1 CGA Offi ce Carolinas Golf Association P.O. Box 319 West End, North Carolina 27376 Location CGA Building, 135 North Trade Street West End, North Carolina 27376 Telephone: 910-673-1000 Fax: 910-673-1001 Web Site: www.carolinasgolf.org E-mail:
[email protected] CGA Blog: http://carolinasgolf.wordpress.com Facebook: Carolinas Golf Association CGA Twitter: @CGAgolf1909 TYGA Twitter: @TYGAgolf Carolinas Junior Golf Twitter: @CarolinasJunior Visit the CGA website and fi nd all tournament results, including those not listed in this book. Agronomy Service Dr. Leon Lucas 3804 Victorian Grace Lane Apex, North Carolina 27502 919-779-3241 E-mail:
[email protected] The Staff of the CGA breaking ground at the site of the Carolinas Golf House, the future home of the Carolinas Golf Association. From left to right: Michael Dann, Derek Miller, Tiffany Priest, Andy Priest, Rita Longest, Ray Novicki, Jason Cox, Chris Nielsen, Johnnie Gebhardt, Judy 3 Wimmer, Doug Hardisty , Jack Nance and Leon Lucas. Carolinas Golf Association 2011 Offi cers President ............................................................................... Walter Todd, Musgrove Mill Golf Club Vice President ....................................................................J.