God, Family & Country Spring 2008

SAFE TV® Safe TV® Now on IPTV and Glorystar Satellite P.O. Box 6968 Springdale, AR Safe TV® joins Sky Angel® in watch what you want, when Glorystar Satellite System on 72766 (479) 361-2900 their newest endeavor of pro- you want with Video On De- Galaxy 25 where viewers can 1-888-777-9392 FAX viding family programming mand, and be able to retrieve get over 40 Christian channels (479) 361-2323 using current technology. Sky programs that have already and radios stations including ® EMAIL Angel converted their signal aired up to 48 hours prior. the , 3ABN, [email protected] from satellite to the new tech- IPTV offers three program- Loma Linda Broadcasting, WEB ADDRESS nology of IPTV (Internet Proto- ming packages available for a Cornerstone, TBN and Life

Carlos Pardeiro col Television). monthly fee: the Faith package Talk Radio. The great thing is Pres./CEO Utilizing a set-top box on for $14.99 which includes Safe there are no monthly fees and Harold Harris your TV and an Internet con- TV®; the Family package for new channels may be added at CFO nection (1.5 Mbps bandwidth $19.99; and the Family Values no cost to you. Board Members required), IPTV will give you Pak for $24.99 which includes For more information about Carl Sadau Dina Espinosa more channels, more choices both the Faith and Family the Glorystar Satellite System, Joseph Espinosa and more control of your TV packages. call toll free 866-419-1403 or Nancy Pardeiro Harold Harris viewing. You will be able to To find out how you can get go to Carlos Pardeiro ® Safe TV through Sky Angel’s Through Sky Angel IPTV ® EDITOR IPTV service, contact and Glorystar, Safe TV can be ® Darlene Doublehead Sky Angel toll free at 1-866- seen in the US, Canada, Mex- 759-9572 or o n l i n e at ico, the Caribbean Islands, ASSISTANT EDITOR Central America and part of Carlos Pardeiro Safe TV® has also joined the South America.

Safe Television News is published by Safe TV® of Springdale, AR. Safe TV® is owned and o p e r a t e d by the Total Life Second Emmy Nomination For Native New Day Community Educational ® Foundation, a Carlos Pardeiro, Producer/ supporters of Safe TV , Len deeply grateful to Monte ® non-profit Director of Safe TV , has once and Jeannie Schmidt, and Church, Storyteller of corporation. your contributions are again been honored with a Dan and Joyce Hunnicut, ac- Native New Day; Ryan tax deductible. prestigious Emmy Nomination companied Carlos and his Pardeiro, Cameraman and from The National Academy of wife Nancy to the awards Editor of the show; and Please send change of address to Safe TV®. Television Arts and Sciences ceremony held at the Amer- everyone else who con- We cannot be for Native New Day: Called to ica’s Center in St. Louis, Mis- tributed to its success. responsible for the return of Serve in the specialty program souri on October unsolicited material. category. Special friends and 20th. The ceremony was hosted by Patrick Clark of HGTV’s

Table of Contents “Offbeat America”. Although the Emmy Safe TV® on IPTV and Glorystar 1 didn’t come home Emmy Award Nomination 1 with Carlos, the Shopping Supports Safe TV® 2 Emmy Coordinator praised him for the Stockings for Soldiers 2 rare honor of being nominated two years Stop That Addiction! 3 The Hunnicuts, Pardeiros and Schmidts attended in a row. Carlos is Viewers Comments 4 the 2007 Emmys in St. Louis, MO. SAFE TELEVISION NEWS Internet Shopping Helps Safe TV® Operation Stockings For Soldiers Have you ever wished you could financially help support Safe TV® joined the local community in supporting Safe TV® but just don’t have the means to do it? Well, now our troops in Iraq by participating in the Operation you can—just by doing your daily Internet shopping and Stockings For Soldiers project. Organized by some of research through Safe TV’s web page. ® the spouses of the 101st Airborne Division, the project Utilizing the GiveStream services, Safe TV can receive was to send Christmas stockings filled with goodies to donations each time you do a search through the Google the soldiers. The goal was to send 800 stockings— search engine provided on our web site or when you make a purchase with any of the 200 merchants participating in this enough for each soldier in the 101st division. endeavor. There are no fees or additional costs to you. All Some suggested items to send included hand sanitizer, you need to do is go to, click on the snacks, batteries, eye drops, chapstick, stationery and “Support” button and download the toolbar to your com- pens and anything non-perishable that may not be easy ® puter. Then start surfing and shopping the Internet. Each to obtain in Iraq. Safe TV also included Carlos time you do, a donation will be sent to Safe TV®. Thank you Pardeiro’s Expressions, Purely Music and Native New so much for your support and HAPPY SHOPPING! Day DVDs. In a combined effort, members of the Lin- coln Seventh-day Adventist Church also filled stockings Help Us Help You for a total of fifteen stockings sent to the soldiers. We need your help! In order to save you from receiving unwanted mail, and to save postage costs, we are updating our mailing list to ensure we only send correspondence to people who want to receive it. If you wish to continue re- ceiving program schedules, newsletters and other pertinent information about Safe TV®, call (toll free 1-888-777-9392 or 479-361-2900) or email us ([email protected]). Featured Artists on Purely Music Purely Music has become a favorite program of Safe TV® Born in Cuba, Ysis Espana immigrated to the viewers. We like to offer a variety of music and styles and shares her bilingual musical talents throughout North, which comes from our diverse selection of artists. Please Central and South America, Mexico, the Philippines and the “meet” some of the artists featured on Purely Music. Caribbean singing at churches, camp meetings, youth rallies, Emily Felts Jones has shared evangelistic meetings, and prisons. Ysis works for the Texas her musical talents several times Conference of Seventh-day on Purely Music. Singing with Adventists and was instrumen- her siblings as a child, Emily’s tal in organizing the Alvarado musical interests developed into Children’s Choir. She loves song writing as well. Twice, she spending time with her husband has won the Gospel Music Asso- and children, and spoiling her ciations’s Song of the Year com- grandchildren . petition. Her beautiful music and lyrics are shared at evan- gelistic meetings and concerts. Emily also writes stories and articles for Christian magazines and devotional books, and has been the featured speaker/singer at women’s retreats. Address Change Mark Trethewey shares his To accommodate the 911 emergency services in our area, love of God with his musical our physical address has been changed. We have not moved gift through story songs. His or changed location, just the address has changed. If you “Tell Me the Story” CD takes send us donations or payments for products ordered, con- you through the life of Christ tinue to use our Post Office box number. However, if you starting with the visit of the need to send us something by mail, such as CDs or program- Wise Men in Bethlehem to His ming tapes, you will need to use our new address which is: glorious second coming. Mark Safe TV® writes the words, composes the music, plays some of the 3732 West Liberty Avenue instruments and sings the songs. His music brings you to a Springdale, AR 72762 closer relationship with Christ. Our phone number is still 479-361-2900 (1-888-777-9392). SAFE TELEVISION NEWS Native New Day Touches Lives Safe TV® loves to hear how the Native New Day series war hero of the Vietnam war. When the Native Peoples Ad- touches people’s lives and sometimes brings about dramatic ventist All Nations Center was being constructed, they asked changes. One inspiring story about the impact the Native New Coyote Man for gravel for the foundation of the building. Day series has made is shared by Eugene Taylor. “Florian and He made arrangements for the his wife, Rose, who were members of the Seventh-day Ad- tribe to give it to The Center and ventist Maricopa Village Indian Church had not been attend- deliver it. In doing so, he became ing for some time. He had attended Maricopa Village Indian impressed with what the All Na- Church School and later Holbrook Indian School as a youth. I tions Center was doing for Native first met Florian at his father’s funeral. I started visiting him People. After attending two series on a regular basis at his home, leaving the Native American of meetings (one conducted by videos by Monte Church. He seemed to look forward to them Monte), viewing the Native New each time. It wasn’t long before he started coming back to Day videos and taking the Bible church with his wife and grandchildren. We arranged for his lessons, he decided to give his grandchildren to go to our Adventist summer camp, and they heart to God. He struggled over Coyote Man visits with were thrilled with their camping experience. One Sabbath at the idea of how God could accept Monte Church church, I asked him if he would be willing to pray in church, him after killing so many lives and he said, ‘How could I do less for Jesus who has done so during the war, but seeing how David in the Bible was ac- much for me.’ Soon Florian was leading out in Prayer Meet- cepted, he realized God would love him and accept him too. ing. A few months later he was elected Head Elder. In 2006, Coyote Man has a special burden for teens and lectures at Florian was invited to go to India with a group from Arizona schools all over country. to hold evangelistic meetings. God used this dear Native The Native New Day DVDs and Bible Lessons may be the American in India to win over 70 souls for Christ! What a key to sharing God’s love and message with people of all blessing the Native American videos proved to be for the nations, tribes and tongues. The newest episode of Native Lord’s work!” New Day entitled “God’s Scouts” shares how Jesus came to Monte Church, Storyteller of Native New Day, shares the earth as God’s Scout to offer us a treaty of peace through the story of Coyote Man. Coyote man is one of the five main symbolic “blanket” of righteousness. Contact us to find out chiefs of the Wapapo Yakima Nation and a highly decorated how to obtain your DVD copy of this new program.

Maximize Your Charitable Gifts Stop That Addiction! Through the prayers, encouragement and support of peo- People are becoming more health conscious and are ple like you, God has blessed the Safe TV® ministry with fighting to improve health conditions in public places. an ever increasing of influence. We have endeavored This has become evident as most states are passing laws to be singular and true to our mission: creating a safe tele- prohibiting smoking in public areas such as restaurants, vision viewing environment for your family as we share sports complexes and businesses. God’s love in a clear, convicting and appealing manner. Safe TV® offers a Stop Smoking DVD seminar hosted Your gifts have allowed us to reach untold numbers of by Dr. Art Weaver who has helped tens of thousands of homes world wide and utilize the best evangelistic teams to people break the health-destroying addiction of smok- minister and share the gospel with millions. Your sacrifice ing. This five-disc series offers insights into addictions, has made this possible. Because your commitment means why people smoke, why they become addicted and ways so much to us, we want to be faithful in our mission to oth- to overcome the addiction. Dr. Weaver explains what ers and give something back to you. A SAFE TV® GIFT smoking does to the body and how it affects others ANNUITY allows us to do just that, offering donors an through second-hand smoke. The information provided assured fixed rate of income for life, an excellent rate of can also be used to help overcome other addictions as return and large tax benefits in exchange for a gift of cash, you learn how to make lifestyle changes necessary for stocks or bonds. overcoming any kind of addiction as well as many Each gift annuity established with Safe TV® helps ensure health problems. your financial security and our ability to continue sharing If you, or someone you know, needs help to overcome God’s love through our programming. If you would like to a smoking habit or addiction, call 1-888-777-9392, know more about Safe TV® Gift Annuities and Estate Plan- 479-361-2900 or email [email protected] to receive ning, please call toll free 1-888-777-9392 or 479-361-2900 information about this Stop Smoking program as well as during office hours of 8:30-4:30 Central Time. additional materials. PRSRT STANDARD Safe Television for All Ages® U.S. POSTAGE PAID FAYETTEVILLE, AR PERMIT NO.1 SafeTV® P.O. Box 6968 Springdale, AR 72766

(479) 361-2900 888-777-9392 FAX (479) 361-2323


What Viewers Are Saying About Safe TV® We love to share stories and comments from our viewers gramming schedule, I see quite a few shows of interest. I will about the impact Safe TV® programming makes. be watching for sure.” Lynette called to tell us how much she and her parents A Canadian expressed, “First of all, congratulations about love watching Safe TV® and especially Native New Day. being now on Glorystar satellite service!!! Now, Christian “My mother happens to be an alcoholic and my dad has Alz- satellite for free each month! No more bills each month. Peo- heimer's, but I can see how that show has really been chang- ple are going to be able to support directly their favorite TV ing their lives because they watch it. And they love some of stations. More money in the pockets of the people of God.” the other programs that are on Safe TV®. But, I just want to As always, we want to hear your comments or suggestions say , continue with Safe TV®, and God bless all of you for about Safe TV® and what programs you especially enjoy. We what you do out there because you are impacting so many look forward to hearing from you. people’s lives and a lot of our teens today.” Joyce from Michigan shares with us how residents of a foster home stay up late on Friday night to watch Purely A Word From Our President Music. They especially like the compilation shows. Life is constantly changing, and perhaps nothing is more A family in Oklahoma expressed their appreciation for our prevalent, and even unsettling, than the new technological new program “Sermon on the Mount”. “We’d like to thank changes we are experiencing today. We must embrace these you for carrying “Sermon on the Mount”...We really enjoy changes at Safe TV® or be left behind. As we implement the great character teaching and the tips for us to use in new ways to share the Gospel with the training our horses. We watch this as part of our home world, we face new opportunities, but schooling. Thank you for your commitment to providing also, additional expenses to upgrade our safe television programming for our family!” equipment. So, today I invite you to A new viewer in Washington writes, “I support your deci- continue to pray for us and to help us sion to come to the Galaxy 25 satellite on FTA. To be hon- bless others with our mission of reach- est, I have never watched your channel and learned about it ing the secular world for Jesus Christ. Safe TV® President on the forum. After reviewing your pro- Always forward! Carlos Pardeiro