Civil War Is Raging in Spain; 17 Killed, Hundreds Injured

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Civil War Is Raging in Spain; 17 Killed, Hundreds Injured AVBHAOBB O A lL g C O H H lLA nO M far tha awatk ef gipteMber, 1884 Ferseoat af V. 8. Weathar ; Hartfeid 5,436 aoody.'fellew ed by riUa begtanlag Isle toolgbt or Satnrday, shri^ rla- uig tempeiatufab AOvortMog mm Faga lt,| VOL.Lin.,NO.S12. BIANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5,1934. (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE TH REE CENTS Fast Action At First In Second Game ] CARDINALS LEADING CIVIL WAR IS RAGING 2-0 IN THE SECOND IN SPAIN; 17 KILLED, Bridfcs, BengaTs Hvrier, Hit PRICE CONTROL Freely from die Very RULES OF NRA HUNDREDS INJURED Start-^ Martin Makes a Triple. TO BEOUSTED Bank Robbery Blamed coTenmem ^ ^ ® Many Bportaman’a Park, St. Louia, Oct. New Policj to Be Headed 8—Battering tha offerings of Tom- my Bridges, Tlgsr curve ball acs, Toward Competition and Un Lonnecticut Gang Villages and Cities from the start e f tha first inning, tb* flying St. Louis Cardlnala at tbs Airplanes Bomb Strong- a Free Market, Rickberg Wallingford, Oct. B— (AP) —^The# But the photographs of finger-1 end o f the aecbnd Inning had pound- trail of the five bandits who looted 1 prints taken tn the bank may mean ed in two runs while Mickey Coch- the Wallingford Bank and Trust holds of RebelsLines rane’s charges seemed unable to do Declares. (Company o f $24,313 had doubled something else again, when this ‘ anything with Paul Dean’s . de- back into Connecticut today. With ^base of the investigation is com- Uvertss. abandonment by the police of their plete, New Haven police said. Ber- of Commmucation Cot. The first was featured by a triple Washington, Oct. B.— (A P I— N R A theories concerning the Bentz gang tllllon Sergeant Ow-en Daley of the into the upper boxes off third base of Vermont. New Haven department la handling by Pepper Martin after the third policy swung sharply away from It waa a CVinnectIcut gang the thla. Madrid, Oct. 8.— A t l e a s t 17 p e r - pitched boll. Martin scored on a price fixing today and headed to- police were seeking today and they The burning of an automobile near long fly by Rothrock but the in- sons wer# killed and more than 100 ward competition in a “free mar- based their assumptions largely on New Haven sent state police on a ning ended when Medwlck fanned ket." the thorough manner in which the hurried trip there yesterday and wounded aa 'virtual clxil war between A Texas leaguer by Oehrtnger was As the revamped Blue E ^le imit holdup waa staged and the apparent additional evidence waa expected on ESxtremiata and government forcta the only hit the Tigers could get In gets under way it Is expected to fam iliarity of the gunmen with this possibility later today. threw Spain into bloody turmoil to- the Initial stanza. Wallingford and the bank premises. Detective Sergeant James P. (fur- day. In the second the Bengali had open major movements - to delete ::>ome of the price and production Photographs of the Bentz gsmg- rier, in charge of tbe New Haven Six villages and cities Including two men on bases when "Goose’’ control devices they contain. sters shown to employes of the police bureau’s automobile cOses was the important firearms manufactur- Goslin slashed out a slhgle and raided bank meant nothing to those This atep forcsiindowed In Presi- expected to furnish state police to- ing town of Eibar were captured by Oweiu took Drat base after being hit attaches, police said, except a few dent Rooseyelt’a's^ ch last Sunday day ^ t h the engine number of the the Extremists, who included ia by a pitched boll. This advantage A scorching grounder from the bat of Jack Rothrock. Cardinals’ outfielder, found Its way Into more pictures of crooks. burned car and other data. night, waa hinted yesterday In a talk the their forces Anarcbiata, Ck>mmun- come to nothing when Bridges fan- capacious mitt of Tiger Second Baseman Cniarlcy Gehringer In the Cards' half of the first liming of the ists and SoctaUsta. A ll six of tha ned, retiring the aide. by Donald RlChbMg, now king pin second world series game at Detroit. Gehrlnger to G reenberg—and. Master Rothrock waa an easy out. localities were recaptured tn gui^ The Cardinals In their half of the in the recovery drive. Here’s the action at first base. Reason Behind Move battles by soldlera, police, and second loaded the bases right at the Spain’s famous Civil Guard—the The intention apparently is to re- start with a single by Collins, a Texas Rangers o f this Republlc.| double by DeLancey and Orsatti be- ly. more jn other provir.tons o f the ARBITRATE DISPUTES Airplanes roared into the fray, ing bit by a pitched ban. A long Recovery A ct such as minimum dispatched from government flying fly by Dean scored Collins. Martin wages and minimum hours to pre- STOLEN EXPLOSIVE fields at Madrid to bomb the rebels lined out to White. vent the rule of tooth and fang, WILCOX ASKS GOVERNOR Into aubmlssion. Flay by Flay which has been demanded for sweat IS SEC. PERKINS’ PLEA No one knows how many wer* Following is the play by play at ohops and cut throat competition. killed by the airplanes they flew the time of going to press: FOUND BY POLICE Rlchberg in' bla talk at a N o- over the Pyrenees, across the land FIRST INNING tional Preos Club gathering, gave TO ANSWER QUESTIONS o f the Basques, with orders to di- Tigers White up. White lifted a Cabinet Member Tells Labor this interpretation of the National SAW GIRL SLAIN, rect both bombs and machine gun- high foul fly that Medwlck speared Labor Relationa Board’a ruling on fire at strongholds o f Extiremlata. with hlB gloved bond, making a sen- the poUectlve bargaining rlgbta of Recovered in Swamp Near satloiutl catch just In front of the That Is the Only Way to Village Reoaptnred. iabor. Asb Cross If He Did Not EFFECT OF STRIKE By 6 p. m. the vUlage o f Medina boxes off left field. Cochrane up. “They, the board, laid down the SHE TELLS POUCE had been taken by Extremists and Cochrane fanned sw' iglng at a fast theory that when on election by any Remington Plant; Could curve. Gkbrlnger up. (Jehtinger Keep Peace in Industry recaptured with death to two. group no matter what ito-size, was Approve of the CaHhM!! ( ) ) ( JJXTILE TRADE dropped a Texas league single in Three Extremiata and a Civil held for the purpose of selecting Have Wrecked the City. Guard were killed and a number of ' left center. Greenberg up. Green- Out of National Guard ___ in This Country. Woman Reports She Was berg fouled to De Loncey midway their representatives and when they men wounded in battles at the city hall of Fronton. down the first base line. bad chosen by a m ajority their l epresentatives, those were the men The National Deputy, Marcellno N o runs, one hit, no errors, one During Strike. Bridgeport, Oct. 8—(AP) — This Kept Prisoner Two Days who bad been chosen to repreaent- I Expected Pickup Did Not Ban Francisco, Oct 5.—(A P )—A Oreja, was killed aa was another toCte city and surrounding Connecticut Cardinals— Martin up. MorUn hit the votera. But the board carefully plea for Industrial peace through Nationalist leader, as yet tmidentl- against the screen In right field for pointed out that they were not lay- cblmmiMitles breathed A b le r today by Nesro Gan^. fled. at Mondragon. By ASSOCIATED PRESS I Materialize Except in Few aibltratlon was voiced at tb* Ameri- a triple. Pepper slid bead first into ing down the theory that a majority because 20 pounds of polnol, an ex- A ll comrounlcationa between Ma- Sharp oratorical exchanges In- can Federation of Labor convention drid and Santander were cut, but third. Rothrock up. Rothrock o f all the employes df the plant must plosive capable of leveling half a smashed a long fly to White and be decisive. creased the tension on all political Special Lines. today by Miss France* Perkins, before the wires went out the city city, bad been recovered from a Los Angeles, Oct. B.— (AP )—K Martin scored standing up. There M ajority’s Rights secretary of labor. reported it waa paralyzed by a gen- fronts, in Connecticut today aa the swamp where thieves evidently atory of having wltoeased the slay- was not even an attempt for a play "If you are going to have a de- Making plain that the govern- eral strike and that an unknown campaign swung * Into its final ing of her girl friend and having at the plate. Frisch up. Frlach. sin- cision made, you have to arrive at cached It, after taking it from the ment would not coerce either side in number o f casualties had been suf- New York, Oct. 8.— ( A P ) — T h e been beaten, slashed and attacked gled sharply to right. The, Tigers a place where the majority will vote inonth with Indications that the Remington park. a capital-labor dispute, she asked fered In the street battles. textile • Industry has emerged from herself In a Central avenue den went Into a conference with Bridges and have.their decisions accepted. fight will be won or lost on such Stratford police under the direc- foi voluntary use ot the mediation Airplanes rained a heavy 'bom- in the box but Cochrane decided to Its three weeks’ strike period with tion of cnilef William B.
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    1 Takouba Tuareg (Saharan Africa), late 32 Jambiya Persian (Iran), 18th century. 20th century. 33 Talwar Moghul (India), 18th century. 2 Allarh Tuareg (Saharan Africa), mid- Ethnographic Edged Weapons Resource Site 34 Jambiya Arabian, early 20th century. 20th century. 35 Talibon (Philippines), 20th century. 3 Halberd Swiss or German, early 16th 36 Wakizashi Japanese, 17th century. century. 37 Koummya Moroccan, 20th century. 4 Axe American (United States), late 20th century. 38 Yataghan Ottoman (Turkey), 18th century. 5 Mambeli Azande (central Africa), late 19th to early 20th century. 39 Nimcha Moroccan, 19th century. 6 Flissa Berber (north Africa), early 20th 40 Khukuri Nepalese, 20th century. century. 41 Talwar Moghul (India), 19th century. 7 Phirangi (Firangi) Hindu (southern 42 Talwar Moghul (India), 19th century. India), 17th century. 43 Khukuri Nepal, 19th century. 8 Bronze Sword (central Europe), 9th to 44 Shotel Abyssinian (Ethiopia), 19th 11th century B.C. century. 9 Claymore (Basket Hilted Broadsword) 45 Keris (Kris) Javanese, 20th century. Scottish, 18th century. 46 Pinahig Ifugao, Igorot (northern Luzon, 10 Pata Mahratta (southern India), 18th Philippines), 20th century. century. 47 Keris (Kris) Moro (Philippines), 20th 11 Bronze Sword (central Europe), 11th to century. 15th century B.C. 48 Piha-Khetta Sinhalese (Sri Lanka), late 12 Mandau (Parang Ihlang) Dyak 19th century. (Kalimantan (Borneo)), 19th century. 49 Noklang Khasi (Assam, India), 19th 13 Telek (Arm Dagger) Tuareg (Saharan century. Africa), late 20th century. 50 Zweihander (Two handed sword) 14 Head Axe Igorot (northern Luzon, German, late 16th century. Philippines), 19th - 20th century. 51 Bastard Sword (Hand and a half 15 Telek (Arm Dagger) Tuareg (Saharan sword) German, late 14th century.
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