Artin glueings of frames and toposes as semidirect products Peter Faul
[email protected] University of Cambridge CT 2019, Edinburgh 1 Artin glueings of topological spaces Let N = ( N , (N)) and H = ( H , (H)) be topological spaces. | | O | | O What topological spaces G = ( G , (G)) satisfy that H is an open | | O subspace and N its closed complement? Such a space G we call an Artin glueing of H by N. It must be that G = N H . | | | | ⊔ | | Each open U (G) then corresponds to a pair (U , U ) where ∈ O N H U = U N and U = U H. N ∩ H ∩ Thus (G) is isomorphic to the frame L of certain pairs (U , U ) O G N H with componentwise union and intersection. 2 The associated meet-preserving map For each U (H) there is a largest open V (N) such that ∈ O ∈ O (V, U) occurs in LG. Let f : (H) (N) be a function which assigns to each G O → O U (H) the largest V . ∈ O This function preserves finite meets. We have that (V, U) L if and only if V f(U). ∈ G ⊆ Given any finite-meet preserving map f : (H) (N) we can O → O construct a frame Gl(f) as above. This frame Gl(f) will satisfy the required properties and we call it the Artin glueing of f. 3 Semidirect products of groups are analogous Let N and H be groups. A semidirect product of H by N is a group G satisfying the following conditions. 1. H is a subgroup and N a normal subgroup.