Transcript of Rachel Anne Ketton’s Diary

MS/109 1863

January – June 1865 January 1st January Sacrament, no music, supposed to [be] something the matter with the Harmonium. Gaxley, the housemaid in a state of coma all day, in the evening she was carried upstairs and Mr Fluder was sent for who pronounced it hysteria.

2nd January Very cold indeed walked to met Louis Buxton who said he was coming to call, Fluder came and charged 10/- (ten shillings) and said Gaxley would always be subject to those attacks and her legs were always to be covered up as they were full of varicose veins.

3rd January Went to dine with Mrs Feilden, the Andersons and Mr Upcher there, not so slow as sometimes a very sharp frost and snow so slippery the horses had to be roughed?.

4th January Had to see Gaxley the housemaid; I could not keep her as she was not strong enough. It rained all night and the wind was south west. After lunch to call on Mrs Beauchamp who was out.

5th January Georgiana the kitchen maid had a letter to say her little brother 5 years old was dead of diphtheria. She very much wanted to go and see him, but was persuaded not. It poured with rain but we went to with Minnie. Lord Leicester gave a ball to the county to meet the Prince and Princess of Wales who were spending the week there.

6th January Spent the day in shopping and paying bills. Went with Minnie to Boulgers and in the evening went to Mamma’s where the flyman forgot to come for us till after ten.

7th January Running about to Register offices the whole day without success, wages required by good housemaid being £18 and all found. Met Mrs Caudler and Helen and also the Douglas’s.

8th January Sermon from Mr Betts, upon the text ‘Consider your ways’ and the expediency of beautifying the Church. Why does he not set the example? I bet he cannot see himself.

9th January The first thing Norris told me he had sent for coals on the Saturday I said I hoped he had not exceeded the allowance 1 ton per week, he said that ‘Mr Ketton might cook his own dinner and wash his own shirt’ as he was told if he tried to control the kitchen and laundry who were the principal consumers. Told him ‘people did not keep servants to insult them so’ and told John who gave him warning in the evening. The woodman not able to come as he and Sam went down to Lower Sherringham to see a wreck and went into a public house and there had a desperate fight and were separated by the police.

Both were dreadfully disfigured and it was much disgraceful work for a Sunday. John went to consult Mr Upcher who was out, but he met Mr Mott and put the case to him, he said discharging Sam would be a ‘hard measure’ while we were at lunch the pantry chimney was on fire owing to Norris keeping such a large fire. The hall stove chimney had to be taken down and there was a dreadful muddle.

10th January Sent a note to the Buxtons asking them to have a day’s fishing; which they refused, on the grounds of their numerous shooting engagements.

11th January Mr Upcher called to enquire about Sam as he was asked to sign the summons, but would not till he came to see us. In the evening John, Priscilla, Anna and Margaret went to to hear a lecture given by H Upcher on the Holy Lands. The Motts, Andersons, Feildens and R Upcher were there. Send Lady Buxton some grapes.

12th January Norris made a humble apology which I accepted. Russell Upcher called to take leave as he returned to his regiment the next day. He played a game of billiards and brought his cousin Arthur with him. Sam and Smith were served with summonses to go before the magistrates next Monday.

13th January Miss Watson called book hawking, but I would not see her. Lord Hastings brought his hounds and asked my leave to draw the covers which I gave and they proceeded to Meerings but soon returned and went across a wood where some traps were set and before Meering could overtake them one of the dogs was caught but not hurt and they were immediately drawn off. When John came from he was much annoyed about the traps. In the evening John, Priscilla, Anna and Ellen went to Cromer to a lecture given by C Buxton upon ‘1864’ it was a very wild snowy night.

14th January A very snowy day, no one able to go out.

15th January Service at Felbrigge in the morning, only two women there besides our own party.

16th January Smith and Rudd went before the Magistrates and were fined 16/- (sixteen shillings) each and a few words said to them by Mr Mott.

17th January Went to call on Miss Custance, saw a piece of the Bishop of Columbia’s wedding cake. On our return found a note from Miss Johnstone putting off the dinner party there tomorrow as Lady Buxton is ill and ordered to keep her room.

18th January Gaxley went away. Priscilla and 3 of the girls went to see Gresham Church, while they were gone Mr Anderson and his 3 boys came to fish but found the lake covered with ice so they stayed to lunch and played billiards and Mr A went to see the house and said Mr Bett’s part was much the worst.

19th January Note from H Upcher asking us to see the hounds draw the covers at Sherringham tomorrow. Obliged to refuse. John, Priscilla, Margaret and Bobbie went to Norwich this evening. The Harmonium came today.

20th January Gertrude’s bullfinch dropped down dead as she was looking at it this morning. Constant snow storms all day. Read aloud most of the time.

21st January Very dull day

22nd January Fine day. Church in the afternoon, went down to the water after, it was freezing sharp.

23rd January H Upcher sent a note asking if he might come and skate. In answering it asked him to bring his cousins and he came afterwards and brought Mr Coldham with him but Mrs Pigott not being at home, the Pigotts dare not come; Miss Johnstone came with two carriages full and Lady Buxton’s children from Colne house, she took part of them back to lunch and then returned we were 20 to lunch. The Spurgins came to lunch.

24th January The Buxton’s as before also the Johnstons of who seem to live at , The Pigotts and Miss Hamond, H Upcher, Mr Coldham and Mr Shepherd, 19 to lunch. In the evening went with Anna and Margaret to a dance at the Andersons, did not leave till a quarter before 2 nor get into bed till three. B Upcher there looking very delicate.

25th January Miss Johnstone brought the usual party from Northrepps, Lady Buxton and 8 of her children, 4 Pigotts, who stayed to lunch, Lady Buxton asked me to allow her three sons to stay to lunch while they did, 16 today. Blanch Pigott fell upon her nose which swelled dreadfully. Mrs Pigott came after lunch and took Blanch home, she was going to on Monday for a quarters lesson – with Miss Hamond. Redmond and Louis Buxton going to College tomorrow.

26th January Dreadfully tired, fortunately snowing heavily. Note from Mr Hutton asking if he might bring his friend Sir Patrick Murray on to the ice this afternoon. John very unwillingly allowed it to be answered in the affirmative, it was such a bad day that no one came, but Francis Buxton who brought young Fitch with him and stayed all the afternoon on the ice.

27th January Continual snow storm all day, no one able to go out, very dull.

28th January Rather clearer, but not able to go out.

29th January Felbrigge Church in the morning. Note from Lady Buxton thanking me for her grandchildren.

30th January Deep snow. Miss Johnston with her particular party Beloes, Johnsons and Anna Buxton, on the ice all the morning, they left before lunch and just as we had finished H and B Upcher drove up and had to take cold beef and cheese. It snowed so heavily we had to spend the afternoon in the billiard room. At about ½ past 5 they left. Mr Mott sent his poems this afternoon and a horse came upon liking for Anna.

31st January Marian’s 14th Birthday. Thick fog all day, not able to get out.

February 1st February Rain had dissolved all the snow, went into the village, several people ill, after we came back H Upcher called to tell us the hounds would be through Sherringham on Friday.

2nd February Went to Norwich with Ellen and Gertrude

3rd February Spent the day as usual shopping and the evening at Bracondale. The children went to the circus with their brother. Priscilla and Anna went to see the hounds draw the covers at Sherringham and lunched with Mrs Pigott who told them Randolph was engaged to an heiress without a relation in the world, who had been much sought after but would not marry, but as soon as Randolph stepped upon the scene, accepted him in a few days – she did not mention her name.

4th February Most bitterly cold, saw Captain Douglas who said his wife was ill in bed with bronchitis and Mrs Heaviside who said G had not written for three mails. The coldest drive home this winter.

5th February Bitterly cold, North East wind. John Betts at home who read the lessons.

6th February Bobbie’s birthday. Very thick fog all day. No one able to go out. John very cross. The boundary a great deal of trouble to him and he did not sleep all night.

7th February Bunnett, the first lesson, paid his bill and for the Harmonium; John very angry because he found the flyman in the hall. Upon enquiry he heard that he had fed two horses and himself at our expense for the last 9 months, which was contrary to Bunnett’s agreement. John very cross all day in consequence Caro came today.

8th February John wrote an account of the flyman’s offence to Mr Bunnett. Went to Cromer after lunch. Very cold.

9th February Very cold. John, Priscilla and Anna went to Norwich today.

10th February Very cold, not able to go out. John and the rest came home at night.

11th February Snowed up. No one went out all day.

12th February Church in the morning, so cold dare not go out. Chilblains very bad; the whole of us suffering.

13th February Note from Bunnett to John apologising for the liberty the man had taken. John still very cross. Most bitter frost tonight and very trying day from John’s temper. Frances Howard came home tonight.

14th February Bunnett and Blackett. A box of sweets for Bobbie from Mrs Heaviside. John went to call on Mr Griffiths.

15th February Cold as severe as ever, John, Priscilla, Anna and Margaret went to a lecture at Baconsthorpe, given by Mr Mott on ‘Home Scenes’ in the course of which he quoted 12 different poets.

16th February Old Scott’s housekeeper came to ask John to compel the former, who had given her warning, to keep her, which of course he told her was out of his power. Shepherd went into the library and gave John warning and wanted to go out the same night after a place somewhere at a distance which he was allowed to do. The girls were skating all the morning and just as we were going to lunch the Pigotts 9 and H Upcher came and spent the afternoon on the ice. They were going to Cambridge tomorrow.

17th February Very heavy snow storm all night. Shepherd being out, Norris had to exert himself did not come home all night. More snow at night. 2 more wrecks on the coast.

18th February Very busy with the sheets all day. Water running all through the grey room, gutters all had to be cleared but it went on running. H Upcher came in a sledge with M Pigott and Miss Cross, the young lady Randolph is engaged to marry. At a little after 11 as we were going to bed found the pipe had burst in the lumber room and the bed laundry was being flooded. Tied it up with tallow and rags without calling Norris up, who has had something to do today Shepherd not coming home till night.

19th February Sunday, a violent snow storm while they were at Church, which continued almost without intermission all night, accompanied by an awful gale and storms of hail. The water continued running to such an extent that both the housemaids had to sit up all night to prevent the dining room ceiling from being spoiled.

20th February Catton came and discovered that a pipe had burst in the false ceiling. It was soon tied up and the water stopped. It continued snowing heavily all day, no one able to go out.

21st February No Bunnett. Several tons of snow taken off the roof. The dullest most intense, what a trying winter this has been. I have not been outside the door for nearly three weeks and we have had snow about for ten weeks.

22nd February Went to Norwich tonight with Anna and Gertrude. Very bad journey on account of the deep snow.

23rd February Shopping all the morning. Took some grapes to Mrs Heaviside who said she had a dinner party next week and should hide them from her husband. Anna went to the circus and G and I to spend the evening at Bracondale.

24th February It poured with rain to such a degree that all the snow was melted, came home tonight.

25th February A most lovely day, quite warm, walked in the woods all the afternoon. Mr and Mrs J Harbord called.

26th February Very cold, raining hard all day, could not go to Church.

27th February Went with John and Priscilla to look at Church, while out Mr and Mrs Mott called in a dog cart. Anna rode the brown pony.

28th February Shrove Tuesday. Bunnett. Went about the village in the afternoon.

March 1st March Went to call on the Spurgins and Huttons. The former at home.

2nd March Pouring rain all day, no one able to go out.

3rd March Very fine day. Went to Sherringham and met Mr Upcher who had just returned from Torquay. Called on Mrs Pigott who was out.

4th March John and Minnie and Bobbie went to meet the hounds at Aylmerton. Lord Suffield introduced John to Lord Hastings, the ponies were so spirited that Minnie and Bobbie had to come home.

5th March Priscilla and 5 others went to Aylmerton Church. Had the lumbago and could not go at all.

6th March Pouring rain all day.

7th March Rheumatism very bad today. Bunnett and co. Mr Upcher and his son called and told us Mr Lindsey was dead of Diphtheria.

8th March Lumbago no better. Constant snow storms, no one able to go out. 9th March John, Priscilla, Ellen and Minnie went to Norwich. Mrs Harte wrote for Shepherds character.

10th March Very rainy day, no one able to go out.

11th March Letter from Priscilla saying Mamma was very ill with one of her old attacks. What a constant state of anxiety her health keeps us in. A heavy snow storm.

12th March Sacrament could not go on account of lumbago. John and the girls went to Aylmerton. Priscilla called to enquire for old Royal who is dying. He was incurable.

13th March Note from Ellen saying Mamma was worse. Royal died this morning. Chapman the returning officer who has been ill so long died last Friday. Mr Upcher, his son and Mr Anderson came fishing and lunched with us. They caught three pike, about an hour after they were gone a telegram was sent, ‘Mrs Blake worse pray come’. We started immediately and arrived at ½ past 10, but found she had been dead two hours, no danger had been apprehended by her doctor until six when he directed us to be sent for, she died easily and looked very calm and beautiful. Priscilla frantic to think she was not in time for the last moments, but I could not help thinking all things are ordered for the best and as she did not ask for us, it was a great relief she did not linger in any pain. Left Bracondale soon after 12 am.

14th March Spent the morning in selecting mourning and the evening at Bracondale.

15th March The whole day at Bracondale helping I Steward.

16th March Half the day sewing as before.

17th March Sent John Junior over to Felbrigge to take care of his sisters while we were out.

18th March The funeral of my dear mother at the Rosary. She was followed by all her children, sons in law and Uncle George, Mr Crompton read the service. Went home with John to The Close. Priscilla spent the rest of the day at Bracondale. The Douglas’s called he just recovered from dangerous illness and ordered to live on vegetables and lime water.

19th March Sunday spent in Norwich could hardly stand for rheumatism. Robert and Priscilla went to hear Mr Crompton preach Mamma’s funeral sermon. We went up to Bracondale in the evening.

20th March A frightful March gale. Spent the morning in paying bills etc and returned home to Felbrigge in the evening. Mr and Mrs Beauchamp called before we came home.

21st March A very dismal cold day. H Upcher left his card.

22nd March Very cold but walked in the woods after lunch. F Clarke wrote to ask if I would give her another character; she had left more than a year and had 4 places since.

23rd March Ground covered with snow. The 15th week we have had snow. Walked out in the afternoon.

24th March Fresh fall of snow. Constant hail storms all day.

25th March Hail and snow storms all day, no one able to go out.

26th March Snowing so hard no one could go to Church except John and the 3 little ones, who were nearly blown away.

27th March Wodehouse the carter came to ask the expenses of advertising his wife who has got into debt.

28th March Snow storms all day. John consulted Mr Johnson about Wodehouse’s wife. Bunnett not able to come on account of being on a jury.

29th March Snow as before.

30th March Went to Norwich with Anna to Mrs Brown’s. Spent the afternoon with Ellen who was very ill. Shepherd left today after two years.

31st March Wind changed and it was warm. Shopping with Ellen all the morning; Anna went for another lesson. J Heaviside came and told us his eldest nephew was ordered off to where they were fighting and the other was going to have a commission bought in the 2nd Dragoon Guards which was coming home in two years. Came home at night and found that H Upcher had been there fishing but had only seen Bobbie.

April 1st April John 21 today. Wind west but cold. We all went to the water after lunch.

2nd April Went to Aylmerton Church in the morning with 4 of the girls and to Felbrigge in the afternoon.

3rd April Had a clear understanding with Norris the first thing after breakfast. Impossible to get rid of him without actually turning him away. James Gibbs a new footman came on trial. The red cow calved today. John Smith came to look at a farm and brought a man with him. They came in to lunch.

4th April Robins and 9 men at last to carry out some of Mr Thomas’ schemes. Mr and Mrs Gay called but I was not at home.

5th April Rain from the south all day. Letter from Ellen complaining of a bad foot.

6th April Did not go off the premises all day.

7th April Letter from Mrs Anderson apologising for not calling. A very fine warm day. Went to the water.

8th April All the men at work in the garden. John in a very bad temper because Robins had cut a new path as he thought unnecessarily. Went out with him in the pony carriage. Just as we got through the gate by the water we saw Mr Upcher, Gerald and Miss Pigott ride up. 4 of the girls were in the boat. We went back and learned that the warm weather had brought them all home again and they were on their way to Cromer to learn the result of the Oxford and Cambridge boat race. Mr Upcher asked if H and B might come to fish.

9th April Service at Felbrigge. John and the 4 children went to Aylmerton in the afternoon. In the evening P. A. M and I went to Aylmerton to hear Mr Govett preach a sermon for the Jews. Oxford won Again.

10th April Drove in the Phaeton round through Gunton Park to see the improvements making for the Prince of Wales visit.

11th April Drove with Priscilla in the pony carriage round the outside of Gunton Park.

12th April John Pris. And Anna went to Norwich. I spent the afternoon in the woods. Mrs Hutton and Miss Cremer called.

13th April Tombland Fair. Mrs Nickels went to Norwich for the day with Shepherd the blacksmith and returned at night.

14th April Felbrigge Church in the morning with the children. John and Priscilla returned to dinner at two having brought young John with them. After dinner we all went to to see Mrs Minns who came into Chapman’s house yesterday. Found her in very bad spirits at the out of the way place she was put in. Very cold north east wind and John in very bad spirits, when at Norwich had an offer made him for Felbrigge. 15th April Last night Norris accidentally looked up Margaret in the water closet where she passed the whole night, suffering very much from cold, at six o’clock one of the housemaids let her out. John and Bobbie went out fishing in the morning and caught 3 small pike. While we were at lunch B Upcher came with Hammy. They were scarcely seated before the former asked if we had heard of Redman Buxton’s engagement to Rosalind Upcher and added it was ‘all settled last Saturday’. After lunch they went with John and Bobbie to fish and caught 4 pike which John gave him. Priscilla and I and the girls went to Sustead and while we were there H Upcher and Emma and Edith Pigott rode down to the water.

16th April Easter Sunday, Junior went with his sisters to Aylmerton Church in the morning, in the afternoon we all went to Felbrigge.

17th April Showers all day, spent the afternoon in the kitchen garden. The Spurgins called.

18th April Mr Bunnett came with his little boy to give a lesson he missed. In the afternoon drove through Gunton with young John and Priscilla.

19th April John went home a dreadful; sea fog all day.

20th April John went to lunch with Mr Mott, drove down with Margaret and Bobbie to see their lake dragged and to call on Mrs Mott; 3 pike were the result of two draggings. Came home with John to dinner who sent for his pony, while we were Mr and Mrs Upcher called. Oliver came today.

21st April Mason the photographer came to take a film of the hall. John very cross all day. Rode in the afternoon with Priscilla. John had a bad attack of spasms in the evening.

22nd April Priscilla and I sorted all the Dresden china this morning. In the afternoon called on the Beauchamps who were out and the Gays, Mrs G at home, left a card with Miss Custance.

23rd April Service at Felbrigge in the morning. Word sent at dinner that Mr Hutton was ill and in great danger so there would be no services in Aylmerton.

24th April Began painting. Went in the pony carriage to Sustead to see Mrs Minns. Thick sea fog all the afternoon. New ‘odd man’ put in popeysrun?. Grand stir amongst the servants in consequence. Mr Hutton no better.

25th April Bunnett and Caro. Mrs Nash not beginning till the 1st of May. Minnie and Bobbie went for a ride and met the Pigotts and G Upcher who asked them to join their party and they went to enquire for Larry who has had a stroke of paralysis, they then went to Cromer and just before they entered the town Lion kicked Mr Upcher’s dog near its eye and they could not stop the bleeding and were taking it to Mr Cooper, when Minnie left. She came home crying and said it seemed as if something always happened when they rode towards Sherringham. Mr and Mrs Upcher at Lord Leicester’s.

26th April Drove round by Sherringham in hope of seeing some of the Upchers to enquire for the dog, but did not see any one. Margaret was running a hoop race with Ellen and fell down and cut her forehead. The Gays eldest son died yesterday.

27th April Sam had a letter saying that his father was knocked down by a horse and killed on the spot. The Times give the news that President Lincoln was assassinated. Sent to know how the dog was and heard it was quite well.

28th April Went to Norwich with Anna left Bracondale having been there a fortnight and met me and we went out shopping. Anna went to lunch at Mrs Heavisides and met some Miss Hamiltons. I went to Boulgers and after tea we went up to Bracondale with Anna, saw Mr Hutton in Norwich on Thursday driving a pair of horses.

29th April Went out shopping with Ellen, met the Douglas’s and The Canon who asked Anna to go on the water with the Misses Hamilton which she did. The Douglas’s and Mr Bulmer made up the party. The Misses Firth called upon Anna yesterday. Iain went to his father’s funeral yesterday but did not get there in time.

30th April No service in the morning, Mr Hutton trying out a strange clergyman did duty at Aylmerton in the evening who preached upon Balaam and cruelty to animals.

May 1st May Grand argument with Nickels on the subject of broken crockery and extravagances in dwiles? and brushes. Mr Mott wrote to say he could not come to lunch as they were going out for some time. Went to call on Mrs Upcher, who was out and Miss Cremer who was at Mrs Huttons, she having been taken ill last night after playing at Church. The Feildens called while I was out and left a note about the Horticultural Society. John out all day about the ‘Boundaries’ and in a bad temper and did not sleep all night.

2nd May Bunnett. John still very much troubled and did not come down to dinner or sleep well. After lunch we went to the back of the house and sat looking at the bark peelers and Mr Upcher coming post to Martins, saw us and came round to where we were and amongst other things told us of Redmond Buxton’s engagement and that S Hoare was just engaged to a Miss ?? Davis. I shut poor ‘Moe’ in a door accidentally and quite thought it was dying but it recovered after causing great anxiety, its bill and foot were slightly injured.

3rd May Very warm wind. Went on the water after lunch while there Mrs Beauchamp, G Upcher, a gentleman and Miss Pigott called, Bobbie caught unassisted his first pike weighing 3 lbs.

4th May It rained heavily all day, no one able to go out. Oliver finished the dressing room. Mrs Hutton much better.

5th May Nothing occurred today except having to complain to Oliver of throwing the basin of paste about the floor.

6th May Went for a drive with John in the pony carriage, saw Mr Hutton returning from London where he has been for ‘change’ he was driving his dray and pair from Norwich.

7th May Sacrament. Asked the servants why they did not stay and could only persuade one. John and five more went to Aylmerton Church in the afternoon.

8th May Went with John to Kelling and called on Mr Girdlestone who was at home and then at Holt Hall where we found Mrs Rogers. Priscilla, Anna and Margaret went to call on Miss Custance who told them Mrs Cornwallis had another son and also that Mrs Hutton was ill, they called to enquire for her and heard ‘she was as well as could be expected’.

9th May Bunnett. Oliver very troublesome, long? two hours shaking carpets and then not doing them at all and pretending I sent him word to that effect, obliged to bear it, as appealing to John would only have the effect of his being sent off altogether.

10th May Fog and rain in the morning, grand row in the afternoon. Mrs Nickels accusing Norris of swearing at all the servants and the family generally, agreed to settle it tomorrow.

11th May Gave Norris notice to quit today, very unwilling to go as he said he had refused two places lately and had made himself very comfortable here, he also much wished to stay the month, but we preferred giving him a month’s wages – looked over the plate with him and found it badly kept and the pantry in a shocking state. Mrs Upcher sent an invitation to dinner which I declined as I think it too soon to visit after my mother’s death. Mr and Mrs Beauchamp came today and brought Colonel and Mrs Bulwer with them.

12th May John, Priscilla, Margaret and Ellen went to Norwich. Found that Norris had been in and out the house before breakfast, had his easy chair etc removed into Oliver’s house, he came again in the afternoon and carried the dove’s cages and different things away.

13th May Norris before breakfast removed some of the plants out of his greenhouse plants. Spent the afternoon on the water.

14th May Went to Aylmerton Church in the morning. Mr Hutton scolded the parish very much and especially the choir which he said he had dismissed because their conduct was ‘simply atrocious’. In the afternoon all went to Felbrigge Church except me. Miss Custance was there.

15th May Before breakfast the children saw Norris stealing over the rails into his greenhouse. John went down and told Sam not to allow him on the premises again. Went down the beer cellar which was in a shocking state. In the brewhouse was found a cask of beer hidden safe about 18 gallons.

16th May After turning out the drawers in the pantry and looking into the shameful state everything was in I went into the schoolroom and had hardly sat down when Mrs Anderson called in Mr Mott’s carriage and left Mrs Blowers and the baby while she went with five of her children to spend the day at Cromer. After lunch went to call on Mrs Feilden who was out. When I returned saw G Upcher driving past with his two cousins and then Mrs Anderson came for her baby and nurse.

17th May Bunnett and Caro. Went round by Overstrand for a drive.

18th May Gave the children a holiday and spent the morning sorting the best plate and the afternoon called on Mrs Spurgin who was at home and drove through Barningham Park. Heard that Mrs Betts had bought Norris’s plants and he was still staying at Smiths.

19th May Drove round Gunton Park but were not allowed to go through. In the evening looked over the new lodge and coming home met Norris in the Park.

20th May Went directly after breakfast to see Crow’s house, while there saw the postman drive Norris past. Mrs Carver came tonight.

21st May Felbrigge Church in the morning. Priscilla went with five to Aylmerton. Mr Hutton told them his physicians had told him he must not continue his arduous labours in the parish and should have to leave them for a time and if so he might probably live for 60 years to be a blessing to them.

22nd May Intensely hot. Miss Custance called before she left Mr and Mrs Feilden and family and Mr and Mrs Spurgin and while they were there Lady Buxton, Louisa Buxton and Captain and Mrs Chapman called. Lady B has been absent 15 weeks, the longest time she ever was away from home. Generally reported in Aylmerton that we had sent for Norris again, of course he set it about, he still remains at Smith’s.

23rd May Mrs Minns went with us to look at Crow’s house, she was very much disgusted with the place and did not scruple to show it. Had Norris’s garden filled with bedding plants today.

24th May The Queen’s birthday. Note from Caley’s work people asking leave to come through the park, 17 of them went through with five donkey carriages. Looked over the knives and found 17 of them had disappeared including 1 with silver gilt handle.

25th May While we were at our lunch dinner Mrs Upcher and Henry came and said it was the only way to find us at home and the latter was going to Norway and the former to Scotland and Gerald and Berners to Switzerland. The Rogers of Holt Hall came while I was on the water. Mr U regretted Anna’s absence from his dinner party as they had a dance in the evening and R Pigott made his last appearance there as a single man. Sparks came over tonight – Norris was at Roughton New Inn where he has hired a room.

26th May Priscilla, Anna and Margaret went to Sherringham to see the rhododendrons. Mr Upcher took their photographs. While they were there Mrs and Miss Hamond called at Felbrigge, they saw Rhoda and stayed ¾ of an hour. After tea John and Bobbie went to Norwich.

27th May Sam went to Norwich to bring a new horse home for Anna, the third she has had, which it is to be hoped will turn out better than the others. Rhoda fell down and broke two dishes and cut her hand very badly.

28th May Sent Rhoda to have her hand dressed . A violent gale all day which blew part of the Orange House on to one of the plants and broke it; very much everything dying for want of water. The children went to Aylmerton Church in the morning and Mr Hutton said that God had told him through his physician that he aught not to visit in his parish.

29th May A very windy day. Mrs Ward was here washing and Rhoda having only one hand to use collected some deal apples which the gale had blown off and Mrs Ward threw them all on the fire at once and set the copper hole chimney on fire and they had to get on the roof and pour water down the chimney and afterwards send for the sweep. John of course in a dreadful fright and did not sleep all night.

30th May Bunnett. Gibbs broke two things off the Venetian blinds outside the dining room window. Began to clean breakfast room. Howard broke two spring blinds.

31st May Elliott gave warning. The ‘Derby’ day. Anna rode her new horse and was much pleased with it. We had a shower which lasted about ½ an hour. The first we have had for nearly a month.

June 1st June A bitter cold day with north east wind. Anna, Margaret and Ellen went to a croquet party at the Anderson’s. The Feildens, Spurgins and Spilling were there.

2nd June A note from Mrs Napier of Holkham offering to take Bobbie at Midsummer. It rained all night and again this evening. 3rd June The Princess of Wales had another son. Three of the children rode by and saw the Pigotts who told them Randolph was to be married in a fortnight and that they were going into Buckinghamshire for a month. John and Priscilla went to Wolterton.

4th June Gerty’s birthday. Service at Felbrigge in the morning.

5th June Grand stir in the house because Mrs Ward had burnt her hand and could not wash. Went to call on Lady Buxton, saw Mrs Philip Hamond and Sir F Buxton’s baby ‘Thomas Fowell Buxton’, 8 weeks old – Anna, Margaret and Gerty rode out. Mr Hart called while we were out.

6th June Drawing room carpet shaken. Large Billiard room do (ditto) put down today having been shut in a box a year and quarter.

7th June All hands busy cleaning.

8th June Went to Norwich with Anna and Gerty. Took Mrs Carver with me to go on errands. Shopping all day, spent the evening with Ellen and left Gerty to stay with her. Mr Fisher married not to a creditable person. Mr Read’s similar marriage much talked about.

9th June Mrs Blogg the first thing. Anna went alone to Mrs Brown’s. Went after dinner with Anna to have her photograph taken by Herr Riesling. Saw Mrs Heaviside who asked me to go and see some little tiger skins and when there the Canon asked her to show me a letter from Georgie’s in which he said ‘he intended to write to Mrs Ketton some day’. Mrs H asked us to lunch the next day but could not stay.

10th June A very busy day, about ½ past 6 Mr and Mrs Bolingbroke came with Maud and stayed to tea and looked over the house and garden.

11th June Went to Aylmerton Church in the morning. Mr Hutton said he never saw a face in which you could not read. ‘Pride, vain glory and hypocrisy. Wind very cold – full north.

12th June Breakfast room carpet down at last. Went with John to see Wolterton Hall as we were starting, Mrs P Hamond, Miss Buxton and Charles Hamond called and asked Bobbie to come to dinner the next day.

13th June Bunnett’s last lesson. Bobbie went to Northrepps and spent the afternoon bird nesting with C Hamond and came home at ½ past six.

14th June Rent Audit and no Norris to help, but did not miss him at all. A very fine day for R Pigott’s wedding. Mr Cox called and asked to see John but he was so busy with the Audit he could not go and speak to him. 15th June Charles Hamond was to have dined with Robert today, but Lady Buxton sent a note of excuse instead as he was not well. In the afternoon went with Margaret and Priscilla to see Mrs Fuller’s?? roses and then to call on Mrs Hutton who was out, but Mr H was talking to Mrs and Miss Anderson. He said it would not be proper to ask us in as his wife was out.

16th June Mrs Hutton sent Rupert with two servants to see us. It was the Beeston School treat and Mr Hutton was staying out. Three of the children rode in the afternoon.

17th June Bitterly cold and sea fogs. John came in the evening to stay a week.

18th June Weather as yesterday. Felbrigge Church in the morning. The six juniors went to Aylmerton in the afternoon where the Rev. A B Crop preached a sermon for seamen.

19th June John unwilling to go to Holkham as agreed so we put it off till next day.

20th June Went after breakfast to Holkham, dined at the Napiers. Went into Holkham Park but could not get into the Hall, had a cup of tea in the garden and went on to Hunstanton where we spent the night, having arranged with Mrs Napier to take Bobbie.

21st June Set off to Hunstanton Hall directly after breakfast, saw over it, came home to the inn and set off to Houghton, looked over it and saw a croquet party going on in the park. Went on to where we spent a very bad night at the ‘Crown’; fleas abounding.

22nd June Set off home at 10 o’clock. Went round by and through Lord Hastings Park. Reached home at 2 and found all hands unpacking furniture which had come from Norwich.

I had scarcely dressed when Mr Upcher came and brought his cousin, Mr Chester, who asked to see the library. The carpet was up as it had been cleaned this week but in other aspects it looked very well. Sam found a letter waiting to tell him his sister was dead and the funeral was arranged for Saturday, so he asked leave to go on Friday afternoon.

23rd June John went back to Norwich having been kept moving by his sisters all the week. Robins here in the afternoon planting flowers in the vases. Weather intensely hot – every hope of rain in the evening but none came.

24th June Paid wages and carpeted Rhoda and Georgiana for keeping bad company.

25th June The Clerk sent to say there could be no service at Aylmerton till the evening as Mr Hutton was not well.

26th June John very low spirited and talking much of the plague of living in the country – he went to Norwich for the rest of the week in the pony carriage.

27th June Dreadfully ill all day with acute nettle rash, obliged to go to bed as I could not bear any clothes on.

28th June No better, sent for some medicines. About 10 Robert came unexpectedly, having come over with Peter Hansell, who was going over to Cromer for Windham’s rent audit. He spent the day with us and we sent him down to Cromer in the evening.

29th June Letter from John to say the Douglas’s were coming on Saturday.

30th June It rained hard all night. Priscilla and Bobbie ready to go to Norwich. Letter from John to say the Captain had another attack. It continued raining all day till bed time.