Arima Borough Corporation Annual Report 2018 – 2019

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

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Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019







5.0 PUBLIC HEALTH ______35



8.0 HEALTH AND SAFETY ______66



11.0 ASSESSMENT ______77

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

MAYOR’S SPEECH Ladies and Gentlemen, It is indeed a great pleasure to stand before you as your newly re-inaugurated Mayor. One hundred and thirty-one years ago, Queen Victoria declared Arima a Royal Chartered Borough, which positioned Arima as the first and only Royal Chartered Borough in the Western Hemisphere. Today, witnessed the tradition of the passing of the chain, we also experienced the symbolic passing Page | 3 of the fundamental rights of democracy. It is because of our freedom of rights, we have an opportunity to serve you, the people of Arima. The photos on the walls of this Town Hall are former Mayors who have once served this great Borough, but despite our differences we all have one thing in common, Our Love for Arima!

This Borough is the one of the smallest in , however at just four (4) square miles, we have one of the largest impacts on this nation. Over the years, our Arimians have significantly contributed to this great country. We are proud to be the home of the Santa Rosa First Peoples’ Community and the birth place of cultural icons such as Ian Alverez also known as Bunji Garlin, the late Alwyn Roberts, also known as the Lord Kitchener and Mr. Holly Betaudier, known as the Arima Kid. We can also boast of great sport persons such as the first female Olympian Laura Pierre, track and field athletes: George Lewis, Cliff Bertrand and Lennox Yearwood. Cricketers: Prince Bartholomew, Larry Gomes, Phil Simmons and Sunil Narine. Footballers: Robert Bruce, Keith Look Loy, Derek King and Robert "Keithos" Joseph. Arima, indeed has a lot of talent in which we must harvest and cultivate.

We must continue to be trailblazers and set the bar high for the rest of the country to follow. Arima is a unique and wonderful town full of rich history and culture. It is my hope to ensure that Arima moves from Borough status to city status in the next few years. In my last tenure as Mayor, the Council strategically pursued projects that guaranteed our steps to city status. We are totally grateful for the construction of a hospital in Arima and the initiatives for the market, however we are still in need of other amenities. We would like to have the Immigration Division set up a Passport Office here in Arima, so that our burgesses do not have the hassle of traversing to another area. A magistrate court and the solely needed Administration complex. Arima is one of the largest transit hubs in the country and as such persons visiting our Borough may need to sojourn. However, we need more guesthouses, bed and breakfast and hotels. Additionally, with the construction of the Toco port more businesses will flock to the east and we will welcome being the first stop. Today, I declare that Arima is once more open for business.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we must protect our Borough from any creeping delinquency and corruption. We must reject the negative undercurrents set by these criminals who pose as charitable characters. Beware of the wolves dressed in sheep clothing. We will not tolerate indecency and lewdness in Arima, it will be stamped out!

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

To my Council members, I urge you to be very accessible to your burgesses and remember that your role is to be of service to the people of Arima. They will keep you in line. Also, for this Borough to continue to thrive as it has, we must work in unison. According to Mattie Stepanek, “Unity is strength when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved." Let us be our brothers and sisters’ keepers and get the job done. Page | 4

To my past Council members, I thank you for your years of service to our great Borough. We have had our challenges, but we made it through. I wish you great success in your future endeavors. To the Ministers and Members of Parliament present, I sincerely thank you for all your support throughout my last tenure. To the CEO and the Heads of Departments of the Arima Borough Corporation, thank you for your support and I look forward to a stronger relationship. Thank you to the Municipal Police for your continued protection. To my staff at the Town Hall, thank you for your diligence and support.

I am truly appreciative of each and every one. I ask that as I serve, you support me and the Council. I pray for the continued growth of this great Borough and May God bless us all!

Her Worship the Mayor Councillor Lisa Morris-Julian

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This document is in response to a request made by the Parliament of the Republic of for an annual report on the exercise of the functions and powers of the Arima Municipal Corporation in accordance with Section 66D of the Constitution.

Page | 5 The Document is divided into twelve sections. The First section describes the general functions of the Arima Corporation (also referred to as the Arima Municipal Corporation (AMC) and the Arima Borough Corporation (ABC) giving its background, mission, vision and overall structure.

The Second section outlines the performance of the Accounting Unit.

Section Three contains the report of the Works/Engineering Department. It provides information on construction projects.

Section Four deals with works carried out/executed under the Development Programme.

Section Five deals with Contracts awarded for the procurement of Goods and Services.

Section Six deals with the performance of the Public Health Department. Reports on the activities of the Sanitation Foremen, Public Health Nurse of the Corporation are contained in this section.

The Seventh section refers to the Arima Municipal Police Service and the Litter Prevention Wardens.

Section Eight summarizes the report of the Disaster Management Unit.

The ninth section contains the report of the operations of the Internal Audit Department.

The tenth section contains the report of the Personnel Department and deals with human resource management issues.

The Eleventh section summarizes the report of the Assessment Department.

The final section – section Twelve – highlights recommendations for the future with respect to the administration and development of this Royal Chartered Borough.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

1.0 KEY ELEMENTS OF THE ARIMA BOROUGH CORPORATION (ABC) 1.1 Corporate History The Arima Borough Corporation is a corporate body, comprised of the Mayor, Aldermen, Councillors and Burgesses of the Borough. It was originally established under the Arima Corporation Ordinance Chap. 39 No. 11 (1950 ed.) In 1990, greater political decentralization was Page | 6 effected with the promulgation of the Municipal Corporation’s Act – Act No. 21 of 1990.

1.2 Core Business As outlined in the Strategic Planning Framework of the Arima Borough Corporation for 2014 – 2018, the core business of the Corporation is to ensure the planning, development and maintenance of a safe, modern and sustainable Borough. In order to achieve these strategic priorities the Corporation pursued the following core business goals, amongst others: - 1. The planning, implementation and maintenance of major infrastructural works in Arima with significant emphasis on: The construction and commissioning of the Arima administration building; Arima market; the upgrade of police accommodation; the refurbishment of the Velodrome; and the development of the Princess Royal Park among others; 2. Development of programmes which will involve burgesses in healthy, productive lifestyles and activities; and 3. A holistic strengthening and development of the municipal police service to allow for improved all round personal and infrastructural security in the Borough.

1.3 Vision Statement: “To be a historically preserved, green, efficient, developed and effective Royal Chartered Borough serving a dynamic society”.

1.4 Mission Statement: “The Arima Borough Corporation is committed to forging partnerships with all stakeholders in creating a unique Royal Chartered Borough that delivers quality services, while preserving our distinct history, heritage and culture”.

1.5 Competitive Advantage: “Arima is blessed with royal chartered status for over 100 years. Our rich cultural heritage, strong communal roots, sporting icons and ambassadors, coupled with our commitment to being the premier provider of goods and services to our burgesses and other stakeholders, make us a model for Trinidad and Tobago and the wider Caribbean”.

1.6 Corporate Values: The Corporate Values of the Arima Borough Corporation are as follows:  Recognition and appreciation that the Corporation's most important asset is its human resource;  Operating with the spirit of loyalty, trust and respect for each other in the provision of goods and services to burgesses and others;

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

 Fostering stronger relationships between the administrative and political arm in order to enhance team work for more effective and excellent delivery;

Guided by the following Core Values:  Integrity Page | 7  Accountability  Transparency  Efficiency and effectiveness  Environmental consciousness  Inclusivity (internally and externally)

1.7 Location of Operational Centres The Corporation’s Staff operates from various locations:  The Chief Executive Officer’s Office – Xtra Food Plaza, O’Meara Road, O’Conner Drive, Arima  The Stores Department – Stock Pile, O’Meara Road, Arima  The Town Hall – Sorzano Street, Arima.  The Municipal Police Station – Sanchez Street, Arima  The Arima Market – Hollis Avenue, Arima  The Municipal Stadium – Hollis Avenue, Arima  The Garage Workshop - O’Meara Road, Arima  The Abattoir – Gordon Street, Arima

1.8 The Borough of Arima The Borough of Arima was created by Royal Charter granted by Queen Victoria in the year 1888. This Royal Chartered Borough extends over approximately four (4) square miles and is comprised of an area which is bounded as follows: -  On the North by the Arima Bye Pass Road and the Blanchisseuse Road.

 On the East by the Arima River, Maturita Trace, Arima Bye Pass Road and .

 On the South by the southern side of the Churchill Roosevelt Highway.

 On the West by the Mausica River, Part of Victory Gardens and Calvary Branch Trace.

The population of Arima is approximately thirty-three thousand, eight hundred and seven (33,807) persons (Source: 2011 Population and Housing Census).

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

1.9 Corporate Structure 1.9.1 The Political Arm The Political Arm: Council is comprised of seven (7) Councillors and four (4) Aldermen. The composition of the Council increased by two (2) Aldermen with effect from November 2016; and is led by Her Worship the Mayor Councillor Lisa Roxanne Morris-Julian. Listed hereunder are the members of Council, the electoral districts represented by each Councillor Page | 8 and the committees chaired by each member during fiscal 2018/19:-

1. Her Worship the Mayor, Councillor Lisa Roxanne Morris-Julian Mayor of the Borough of Arima; and Councillor for Arima Central. Chairman of the Finance, Planning and Allocation of Resources; Statutory; Urban, Local Health Authority; and Art, Culture and Public Ceremonies Committees.

2. Deputy Mayor Alderman Cagney R. Casimire; Chairman of the Security Committee.

3. Alderman John Austin Joseph; Chairman of the Disaster Preparedness and Management Committee.

4. Alderman St. Servius Clint Pamphille; Chairman of the Physical Infrastructure Committee.

5. Alderman Annette Mungal-Gopaul;

6. Councillor Bertiney Pollidore; Councillor for Malabar South and Chairman of the Environment, Beautification and Recycling Committee

7. Councillor Brennon Patterson; Councillor for Tumpuna and Chairman of the Welfare and Youth Affairs Committee.

8. Councillor Anthony Davis; Councillor for Arima West/O'Meara and Chairman of the Public Health Committee.

9. Councillor Michael Castellano; Councillor for Calvary and Chairman of the Sports and Recreation Committee.

10. Councillor Linette Shaffie-Ramcharan; Councillor for Malabar North and Chairman of the Education Committee.

11. Councillor Kendal Charles; Councillor for Arima Northeast and Chairman of the Personnel and Human Resources Development and Small Business Development and Registration Committees.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

1.9.2 The Administrative Arm Arima Municipal Corporation employs approximately six hundred (600) persons: One hundred and fifty (150) monthly-paid employees and over Four hundred (400) daily-rated workers. The staff is also supplemented with contract officers, short-term employees and casual labour on a needs basis. Page | 9 1.9.3 Office of the Chief Executive Officer Strategic leadership and direction of the Corporation is provided by the Chief Executive Officer. There are nine departments within the organization: . Engineering/Works . Personnel . Security . Finance and Accounts . Public Health . Disaster Management . Assessment . General Administration . Internal Audit

The responsibilities of the office of Chief Executive Officer are wide; and include the following duties:  General responsibility for the daily operations of the Corporation with reliance on delegation to the Chief Officers and Heads of Departments.

 Leading the strategic management process to ensure implementation of strategies.

 Executing Council’s decisions.

 Facilitating harmonious working relationships between Administration and the Political directorate.

 Providing a system of linkages with the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Rural Development and Local Government and other Ministries; and

 General administration of the responsibilities for the Corporation which includes:  Corporate Services  Freedom of Information requests  Facilitating Insurance Services  Security Services  Licensing  Records Management  Local Health Authority  Office Management  Advertising Control  Tenders  Protocol Duties

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

 Legal Services  Promotion of civic and citizen participation in Local Governance  Public Relations

The primary purpose of the staff is to assist the political arm in policy development and execution within the Borough of Arima. Policy direction is given to the officers of the Arima Municipal Page | 10 Corporation through the various committees. The current committees of the Arima Corporation are: a. Statutory b. Finance, Planning and Allocation of Resources c. Urban, Local Health Authority d. Art, Culture and Public Ceremonies e. Security f. Disaster Preparedness and Management g. Physical Infrastructure h. Environment, Beautification and Recycling i. Welfare and Youth Affairs j. Public Health k. Sports and Recreation l. Education m. Personnel and Human Resources Development n. Small Business Development and Registration o. The Regional Coordinating Committee.

As stated before, these committees were chaired by individual Councillors and Aldermen, who are responsible for the management of appropriate aspects of the Corporation’s affairs as indicated by the various Committee titles. There are four (4) Standing Committees, which are:  Finance, Planning and Allocation of Resources Committee  Personnel Committee  Public Health Committee and  Physical Infrastructure Committee Titles and responsibilities of the other committees are subject to change and can therefore be adjusted in accordance with the Corporation’s needs.

The Organizational Chart of the Corporation, attached as Figure 1.1, outlines the various departments and chief officers of the administrative. The Organizational Structure is a bureaucratic one which operates along functional lines. Departmental Heads, report to the Chief Executive officer, and are at the helm of each functional area. The Arima Borough Corporation executes its functions through the various departmental units in compliance with the legislative framework within which it operates.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

Figure 1.1: Organizational chart of the Arima Borough Corporation

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Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

In accordance with the Municipal Corporation’s Act No. 21 of 1990 the General Functions of the Corporation are as follows: . The construction and maintenance of all drains and water-courses except main water-courses and highway water-courses. Page | 12 . The provision, maintenance and control of all Corporation buildings.

. The provision, maintenance and control of such parks, recreation grounds and other public places as the President may from time to time by Order prescribe.

. The promotion of development within the in accordance with plans prepared by the Minister with responsibility for physical planning.

. The disposal of garbage from public and private property, abatement of public nuisances and dissemination of information for primary health care.

. The co-ordination of local and regional trade fairs, athletic events and cultural displays and entertainment.

. The provision, maintenance and management of the Market and Abattoir.

. The collection and distribution of forms issued by Departments of Government.

. Such other functions as the President may from time to time by Order prescribe.

Other Services provided by the Corporation include: 1. Issuance of Construction Permits 2. Issuance of Removal of House/Building Certificates 3. Issuance of Food Badges 4. Inspection, Registration and Issuance of Certificates for Cinemas. 5. Inspection, Registration and Issuance of Certificates for Food Premises 6. Processing of Water Applications. 7. Assessment of Properties for payment of Rates and Taxes. 8. Issuance of Certificates of Assessment 9. Transfer of Properties 10. Rental of the Corporation’s Facilities and Advertising Space.

1.10 CORPORATE OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGIES In the fiscal year 2018/2019 the Arima Borough Corporation structured its strategic goals within a balanced scorecard framework into a concrete set of objectives based upon three mandatory goals established by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago: - Goal 1: Effective and Efficient Institutions Goal 2: Service Delivery Excellence Goal 3: Management Performance

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

Using the balanced scorecard framework the Corporation’s Mission and Strategies were organized into five (5) different perspectives incorporating the three mandatory Goals stated above: 1) Core business 2) Service delivery excellence. 3) Resource mobilization and utilization Page | 13 4) Effective and efficient institutions or Internal Business Processes; and 5) Management performance/learning and growth.

These five (5) perspectives permit a balance between short and long term objectives, desired outcomes and performance drivers. In addition, they can be adjusted and developed as necessary. 1. A core function perspective This perspective clarifies why the organization exists and allows the Corporation to ensure the planning, development and maintenance of a safe, modern and sustainable Borough.

2. A customer perspective (Service delivery excellence) Customer service outcome measures include partner and public satisfaction; meeting the articulated needs of the public; providing clear, relevant and timely responses to major problems facing Burgesses and ensuring fair value for allocated resources.

3. Resource Mobilization and evaluation perspective Utilizing effective performance measures to indicate whether the organization's strategy, implementation, and execution are contributing value for money in its major projects.

4. An internal business process perspective (Efficient and Efficient organization) This perspective identifies the critical internal systems and processes in which the organization must excel. It therefore focuses on the internal process improvements that will significantly impact upon customer/client delivery. Key focus areas include: the ICT platform, and business continuity systems.

5. Learning and growth perspective (Management Performance) Investments in the re-skilling of employees, changing the organizational structure and systems and transforming the organizational culture, procedures and routines in order to better achieve the Corporation's Vision, Mission, Values and Strategic Goals. Changes within the legislative framework within which the Corporation operates will also be required.

The following sections – namely Sections 2.0 to 11.0 – of this document summarize the reports of the major departments within the Arima Borough Corporation.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

2.0 ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT The Accounts Department is structured as follows: -  One (1) Financial Officer (on contract)  One (1) Accountant II Page | 14  One (1) Accountant I  One (1) Accounting Assistant  Five (5) Clerk II’s  Nine (9) Clerk I’s  One (1) Clerk / Typist I








CLERK I CLERK I CLERK I CLERK I 2.1 GOVERNMENT SUBVENTIONS The Allocation was detailed as follows: -  Government Subvention – $82,111,800.00  Other Income – $ 2,260,900.00 TOTAL ALLOCATION - $84,372,700.00 The Arima Borough Corporation’s original Recurrent allocation was Eighty Million, Five Hundred and Twenty-Three Thousand, Seven Hundred ($80,523,700.00), However, due to the increase in the work force (new police officers), the figure was increased.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

The Actual Government Subvention received was Seventy-Nine Million, Two Hundred and Sixty- Eight Thousand, Two Hundred and Sixty-One Dollars ($79,268,261.00) and was released accordingly. Page | 15  Personnel Expenditure – $57,826,621.00  Goods and Services – $14,087,010.00  Minor Equipment Purchases – $ Nil  Current Transfers and Subsidies – $ 7,354,630.00 Chart A Government Subventions

9% 0%

18% Personnel Expenditure Goods and Services Minor Equipment Purchases Current Transfers and Subsidies 73%

Chart A shows the percentage of Government Subventions released under the respective Heads.  Personnel Expenditure – 73%  Goods and Services – 18%  Minor Equipment Purchases – 0%  Current Transfers and Subsidies – 9%

2.2 OTHER INCOME The Projected Revenue expected under Other Income was Two Million, Two Hundred and Sixty Thousand, Nine Hundred Dollars ($2,260,900.00). However, the actual sum received was Two Million, Two Hundred and Four Thousand, Four Hundred and Forty-Two Dollars ($2,204,442.00).

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

Chart B

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Adjusted Actual Original Variance Page | 16 Revenue Revenue Allocation 2 – 3 Estimate $ $ $ $

Government 78,262,800 (a) 82,111,800 79,268,261 2,843,539 Subvention

Other Income (b) 2,260,900 2,260,900 2,204,442 56,458

Rent b (1) 270,000 270,000 152,441 117,559

b (2) Fees 800,000 800,000 681,734 118,267

Service Charge b (3) 710,000 710,000 727,219 (17,219)

b (4) Rates/Taxes 60,000 60,000 149,152 (89,153)

Licences b (5) - - - -

Interest b (6) - - - -

Miscellaneous b (8) 420,900 420,900 493,896 (72,996)

TOTAL a+b 80,523,700 84,372,700 81,472,703 2,899,997

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

Chart B shows the Revised Estimate and Actual Revenue Received

Actual Revenue received for the financial year 2018/2019 was Eighty-One Million, Four Hundred Page | 17 and Seventy-Two Thousand, Seven Hundred and Three Dollars ($81,472,703.00).

Government Subvention – $79,268,261.00 Other Income – $ 2,204,442.00 TOTAL REVENUE RECEIVED - $81,472,703.00

EXPENDITURE The actual expenditure was detailed as follows:

2.3 PERSONNEL EXPENDITURE Actual Expenditure under Personnel Expenditure was in the sum of Fifty-Six Million, Six Hundred and Seventy-Two Thousand, Nine Hundred and Sixteen Dollars ($56,672,916.00).

2.4 GOODS AND SERVICES Actual Expenditure under Goods & Services totaled Seventeen Million, Two Hundred and Forty- Four Thousand, Seven Hundred and Nine Dollars ($17,244,709.00).

2.5 MINOR EQUIPMENT PURCHASES Actual Expenditure under Minor Equipment Purchases totaled Twelve Thousand, Three Hundred and Seventy-Five Dollars ($12,375.00). 2.6 CURRENT TRANSFERS AND SUBSIDIES Actual Expenditure under Current Transfers and Subsides totaled Seven Million, Five Hundred and Thirty-One Thousand, Five Hundred and Eighty Dollars ($7,531,580.00).

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

Chart C

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Revised Page | 18 Original Actual Variance Estimate Expenditure Expenditure 2 – 3

$ $ $ $

01) PERSONNEL 54,562,000 58,429,121 1,756,205 56,672,916 EXPENDITURE

Salaries and Cola 11,958,000 15,265,871 15,542,319 (276,448)

Wages and Cola 33,900,000 33,900,000 32,091,293 1,808,707

Overtime – Monthly- 40,000 40,000 31,157 8,843 Paid Officers

1,562,367 Allowances – Monthly- 1,398,200 857,000 (164,167) Paid Officers

Government 4,300,000 4,300,000 4,360,494 (60,494) Contribution to NIS

Salaries and Cola 200,000 200,000.00 - 200,000 without Bodies

Remuneration to 1,280,000 1,280,000 1,296,836 (16,836) Council Members

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019


Contribution to Group 207,000 207,000 213,156 (6,156) Health Plan- Monthly

Paid Officers Page | 19 Government Contribution to Group 380,000 380,000 360,325 19,675 Health Plan-Daily Rated Workers

751,153 308,847 Overtime – Daily Rated 1,060,000 1,060,000


463,816 Allowances – Daily 380,000 398,050 (65,766) Rated Workers

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Original Revised Estimate Actual Variance

Expenditure Expenditure 2 – 3

$ $ $ $

02) GOODS AND 460,476 17,544,900 17,705,185 17,244,709 SERVICES

General (819,498) 6,835,900 6,936,785 7,756,283 Administration

Public Health 6,122,000 6,181,400 661,520 5,519,880

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

Market and Abattoir 498,150 1,045,000 1,045,000 546,850 Page | 20

Parks and Recreation 192,582 1,025,000 1,025,000 832,418 Grounds

Works (72,278) 2,517,000 2,517,000 2,589,278

03) MINOR 299,625 EQUIPMENT 312,000 312,000 12,375 PURCHASES

General 89,000 12,375 76,625 89,000 Administration

Public Health 31,000 31,000 31,000 -

Parks and Recreation 120,000 120,000 - 120,000 Grounds

Works 72,000 72,000 - 72,000

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

04) CURRENT 573,220 TRANSFERS & 8,104,800 8,104,800 7,531,580

SUBSIDIES Page | 21 Households 8,095,800 8,095,800 7,210,671 885,129

Other Transfers 320,909 (311,909) 9,000 9,000

TOTAL 80,523,700 84,551,106 81,461,580 3,089,526

2.7 ACTUAL EXPENDITURE: - $81,461,580.00  Personnel Expenditure – $56,672,916.00  Goods and Services – $17,244,709.00  Minor Equipment Purchases – $ 12,375.00  Current Transfers and Subsidies – $ 7,531,580.00

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

Chart D

Actual Expenditure Page | 22

9% 0% Personnel Expenditure 21% Goods and Services Minor Equipment Purchases Current Transfers and Subsidies 70%

Chart D shows the percentage of Expenditure under the respective Heads.

 Personnel Expenditure – 70%  Goods and Services – 21%  Minor Equipment Purchases – 0%  Current Transfers and Subsidies – 9%

2.8 COMPARISON OF INCOME TO EXPENDITURE A total of Eighty-One Million, Four Hundred ad Seventy-Two Thousand, Seven Hundred and Three Dollars ($81,472,703.00) was received as income while Actual Expenditure totaled Eighty-One Million, Four Hundred and Sixty-One Thousand, Five Hundred and Eighty Dollars ($81,461,580.00) which resulted in a surplus of Eleven Thousand, One Hundred and Twenty-Three Dollars (11,123.00).

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019


Page | 23

Project Activities Completed Reconstruction of footpath 0.2m x 0.2m x 1.15mm; La Chance Trace #3 Repairs to invert drain 7.62m x .3m Egbert Alleyne Lane Repairs to slipper drain and kerb 1.2m x .6m x .2m Repairs to slipper drain 17m x .3m; Repairs to Carracciolo Avenue footpath and curb 1.2m x .6m x .2m Construction of R.C. slab over box drain 1.5m x .6m Carib Circular (Calvary Hill) x .1m Maurice Avenue Repairs to Footpath 1.2m x 1.8m x .2m Larry Gomes Front Entrance Construction of R.C slab over box drain .7m x .7m Construction of 2 nos R.C slab over box drain 1.2m Industry Street x .6m x .1m Cor. Sorzano & King Streets Construction of R.C slab over box drain .7m x .7m Construction of 17 nos slabs over box drain average Torrecilla 2nd Avenue size .7m x .7m Palm Drive Reconstruction of 20m kerb wall, 1 nos driveway Poui Avenue Repairs to Footpath 1.5m x .6m x .2m Planting of Lighting Pole; Repairs to Footpath 2m Hollis Avenue x .6m x .2m Demolition and reconstruction of 4m damaged Pro Queen Street footpath Malabar Extension Construction of 4 slabs over box drain .7m x .7m Pro Queen Street Construction of slab over box drain .8m x .8m Vendor Booths (Bus Layby) Sealing base of booths Demolition and reconstruction of damaged footpath Pro Queen Street (Infront Market) 3m x 0.9m

2nd Koon Koon Repairs to kerb 4m x 3m

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

Project Activities Completed Repair to kerb 2.1m x .1m x .5m; manhole 1.2m x .9m Walnut Drive x .2m; box drain .9m x .9m Mausica Road Repairs to manhole cover .9m x .7m x .1m Page | 24 Repairs to slipper drain .6m x .9m; footpath 3m x .5m Farfan Street x .2m Cocorite Road Repairs to slipper drain .3m x .6m; footpath .3m x .3m Repairs to footpath .9m x 1.2m; slipper drain .6m x Green Street 1.2m Carib Circular Repairs to slipper drain .6m x .9m Reconstruction of kerb and slipper drain 2.5 m x .5m Carib Circular x .15 m Clovis Street Installation of 5 nos steel barriers Arima Netball court Repairs to bleachers at the Netball Court Percy Cezair Street Repairs to footpath 3.5 m x 2 m Secure fallen School Gate on Simone Avenue, Arima Secondary School removal and replacement of broken tiles Arima Market Demolition and reconstruction of fish stalls Replacing guttering and brackets, Fixing of roof leak Arima Market over the office area. Cleaning of roof and guttering Arima Netball Court Repairs to broken fence cor Koon Koon & Chadee Streets Reconstruction of 4m footpath Concorde Gardens Park Demolition and removal of shed roof Santa Rosa Government Primary Assisting in casting of posts and floor slab to School walkway; cast railing for gate O'Meara Road Stockpile Replacement of guard booth windows Providence Circular Repairs to sidewall of bridge Arima Velodrome Casting of manhole covers 1.37m x 0.91m x 0.05m

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

3.2 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE REPAIR WORKS COMPLETED FISCAL 2018 – 2019 Maturita Trace Carib Circular La Croix Avenue Lopez Street Page | 25 Trainline Road Thanno Lane Railway Road Ackbarali East George Lewis Street Buller Gill Street Mt. Pleasant Road Elliot Street Cocorite Road Salvia Drive Subero Street Arima Open Market Bethel Avenue Immortelle Street Portugal Avenue La Croix Trace Koon Koon Trace Church Street Mahabirville Carib Circular Woodford Street Sorzano Street Sorzano Street El Carmen Street Arima Bypass Road Corner Quesnel & Pro Queen Street Columbus Street Robinson Circular Malabar Road Hollis Ave Maurice Avenue Industry Street Guanapo Road Pro Queen Street Quesnel Street Noreiga Trace Robinson Circular Upper Daniel Trace Portugal Avenue Dindial Street Lennox Yearwood Expressway King Street Allamanda Road Tokyo Avenue Concorde Gardens Ackbarali Trace

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

3.3 WORKS COMPLETED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION TEAMS Works completed by the Parks and Recreation Teams involved Cutting, Cleaning and General Maintenance of the following Parks, Courts and Grounds FISCAL 2018 – 2019 Page | 26 Alfred Thompson Park Norman Kistow Park Arima Amphitheatre Princess Royal Open Savannah Arima Velodrome Football Ground Richard Trace Park Arima Velodrome (Grounds) Rose Park Ashton Ford Park Semp Avenue I Park (Front) Banyan & Flamboyant Avenue Semp Avenue II Park Slopes (Between Lawn Tennis & Netball Bellamy Street Park Court) Calvary Basketball Court Tumpuna Court Park Calvary View Park Tumpuna Gardens Park Carib Homes Play Park Victory Street Basketball Court Concorde Gardens Park Tumpuna Rehabilitation Grounds Croton & Gardenia Avenue In front of Stockpile Eden Rahim Park Malabar R.C. Egbert Alleyne Park Leotaud Lands El Rancho Tropical Grounds Lutchmansingh Avenue (empty lot) Emerald Gardens Park Malabar Basketball Court Georgiana Beckles Day Care Centre Davis Court

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

WORKS COMPLETED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION TEAMS FISCAL 2018 – 2019 cont’d Herde Park ABC Car Park Heroes Park Arima Basketball Court Page | 27 Honey Bee Park Arima Lawn Tennis Court Hugh Hacket Park Arima Netball Court Hyarima Park Arima Promenade India Grounds Arima Velodrome (Building) Kitchener Park PTSC Compound Larry Gomes Enclosure Town Hall Grounds Malabar Gardens Thanno Lane Basketball Court Mc Neil Park

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

3.4 VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT MAINTAINED BY THE GARAGE/WORKSHOP TEAM FISCAL 2018 – 2019 Registration Year of Type of Vehicle / Equipment Page | 28 Number Purchase TCW 618 Nissan Bus 2012 PDD 7664 Hyundai Tuscon 2014 PDD 7159 Toyota Prado 2015 PDG 2307 Hyundai Santa Fe 2015 PDN 1998 Toyota Fortuner 2016 PCK 5728 Tuscon Hyundai 2008 TCH 8129 Trailer Low Boy 2008 TCS 1159 Isuzu Pick Up 2010 TCS 8845 Mobile Trailer Office 2010 TCU 5864 Skid Steer Loader 2012 TCY 1766 Mini Backhoe 2013 TCY 4683 Fork Lift 2013 TBB 1406 Mitsubishi Pick-Up 1997 TBP 9151 Toyota Hilux Pick Up 2003 PCK 7757 Pajero SUV 2008 PCU 254 Suzuki Motor Cycle 2012 PCY 6504 Toyota Fortuner SUV 2013 TDG 7726 Hyundai H100 Pickup 2015 TBB 1613 Mitsubishi L200 Pick Up 1996 PBJ 3695 Pajero SUV 2000 PCF 4166 Santa Fe Hyundai SUV 2007 TAE 4332 Brush Cutter End 2010 TAE 4332 Kobuta Wheel Tractor 1980 TAX 4762 M.F. Brushcutter 1991 TCE 9844 TB90 W/Tractor 2007 TDE 1091 Isuzu Crew Cab 3 ton 1/2 Canopy 2014 TDH 233 Mitsubishi Canter 1/2 Canopy with Hydraulic Lift 2016

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

Registration Year of Type of Vehicle / Equipment Number Purchase TBB 4529 Mitsubishi Compactor TBO 4201 Nissan Compactor 2003 Page | 29 TCB 2808 Mitsubishi Compactor 2006 TCL 5082 BMC Garbage Compactor 2009 TCL 5083 BMC Garbage Compactor 2009 TDJ 7251 Nissan Compactor 2015 TDJ 7252 Nissan Compactor 2015 TBX 4417 Mitsubishi Dumper 8 Ton 2005 TBY 2889 Mitsubishi Dumper 8 Ton 2005 TBY 2890 Mitsubishi Dumper 8 Ton 2005 TCH 2318 Nissan Dumper 8 Ton 2007 TCJ 6736 Nissan Dumper 8 Ton 2008 TBB 1407 Mitsubishi Pick-Up 1997 PBW 6991 Kia Pregio (Bus) 2005 TCK 8167 Mitsubishi Canter 1/2 Canopy 2009 TCL 5910 New Holland Backhoe 2009 TCR 1925 Nissan MK210 Fitted with Water Tank 2010 TDG 7727 Nissan E26 Minibus 2015 TDJ 9873 Isuzu 4 x 4 D-Max Pickup 2015 TDH 808 Mitsubishi Canter 1/2 Canopy 2016 TBP 8209 Nissan Frontier Pick Up 2003 TCX 9503 Nissan Navarra 2013 TCZ 6113 Nissan Navarra 2013 TCZ 6172 Nissan Navarra 2013 TDD 4933 Nissan Navarra Pick-Up 2014 TDD 6233 Nissan Navarra Pick-Up 2014 TDH 786 Mitsubishi 4 door Pickup 2016 TBG 2574 Mitsubishi Canter ½ Canopy 1999

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

Registration Year of Type of Vehicle / Equipment Number Purchase TDP 5559 Liuctonct Backhoe Loader 2017 TCH 7153 Hyundai 1/2 Canopy HD 65 2008 Page | 30 TDG 8976 Hyundai HD 72 1.5 ton dump truck 2015 TBG 2573 Mitsubishi Canter Flatbed (3 Ton) 1999 TDE 1099 Isuzu Flat Bed 3 ton 2014 TDE 1826 Isuzu Truck - 3 Ton 2015 TAE 6712 Nissan Dumper (10 Ton) 1981 TCB 8060 Nissan Dump 2006 TCN 2777 Mitsubishi Fuso Flatbed 2009 TCN 7594 Mitsubishi Dump Truck 2009 TDJ 7832 Nissan Hiab 2015 XBY 6102 Terex Motor Roller 2006 PRIMIER XT Concrete Mixer 2005 TDK 3704 Air Compressor (Jackhammer) 2016

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019


In fiscal year 2018/2019, the Arima Borough Corporation continued its programme to develop its physical infrastructure. A summary of the Development Programme is stated hereunder: Page | 31 Budgetary Allocation The Corporation was allocated the sum of Sixteen Million and Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($16,300,000)

Project Project Head Number Allocation

044 Drainage and Irrigation $5,180,000 047 Development of Recreational Facilities $1,100,000 056 Improvement to Market and Abattoir $1,700,000 059 Local Roads and Bridges Programme $4,370,000 062 Local Government Building Programme $1,950,000 065 Procurement of Major Vehicles and Equip’t $800,000

072 Computerization Programme $700,000 074 Laying of Water Mains $0 076 Disaster Preparedness $500,000 Total $ 16,300,000


Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

4.1 EXPENDITURE: In seeking to achieve the objectives outlined in the Development Programme, the Arima Borough Corporation expended the following amounts: Page | 32

Project Project Head Number Actual Expenditure

044 Drainage and Irrigation Programme $2,320,412 0 047 Development of Recreational Facilities $386,681 056 Improvement to Market and Abattoir $1,392,768 059 Local Roads and Bridges Programme $0 062 Local Government Building Programme $580,475 065 Procurement of Major Vehicles and Equip't $170,521.88 072 Computerization Programme $0 074 Laying of Water Mains $ 076 Disaster Preparedness

Total $ 4,850,857

NB: Under the tendering process, the Award of Contract approval levels are as follows:

a) $1 $300,000 - Chief Executive Officer b) $300,001 $500,000 - Special Ministerial Tenders Committee c) $500,001 $1,000,000 - ABC Tenders Committee d) Over $1,000,000 - Central Tenders Board

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

4.2 Details of the projects undertaken for Fiscal Year 2018/2019 are listed in the table below:

Project Name and Allocation Detailed Project Activities in 2018 /2019 Actual Funding Number including Expenditure Received Virements Page | 33

044 - Drainage & Irrigation Programme 5,180,000

Upper Calvary Road Culvert 491,918 491,918 Crossing/Interlot Open Box 4th Street/Tumpuna Road Open Box 251,466 251,466 Drainage Works Flamboyant Crescent Drainage and 151,431 170,011 Footpath Works Cacique Avenue Drainage and Footpath 228,818 243,038 La Chance Trace Ext. Drainage & Footpath 182,053 213,220 Maturita Trace Drainage Works 164,845 187,314 Ackbarali East Extension I Drainage Works 117,242 115,515 Richard Trace Extension Drainage Works 74,318 91,280 Tumpuna Road/Tumpuna Square Drainage 186,370 179,244 & Interlot Boodoo Avenue/Maturita Drainage Works 222,117 273,110 Torecilla Avenue Phase 2 Drainage Works 249,834 249,332

Total 5,180,000 2,320,412 2,465,448 047 - Development of Recreational Facilities 1,100,000 Mayor's Facilities Enclosure Arima - Total 1,100,000 Velodrome 238,000 054 - Improvements to Arima Fish Market Upgrade 386,681 386,681 Market and Abattoirs 1,700,000

Total 1,700,000 386,681 386,681 059 -Local Roads and Bridges 4,370,000 Koon Koon Street Paving Works 202,039 202,039 Tumpuna Courts Road Works 172,253 172,253 La Chance Trace 3 Paving Works 111,714 111,714 Marie Street Paving Works 128,024 128,024 Laura Pierre Place Paving Works 51,811 56,237 Ackbarali Street West Paving Works 229,646 234,315 Chalie Auguste Place Paving Works 132,836 137,316 De Nobriga Avenue Paving Works 134,555 138,984 Melodians Crescent Paving Works 229,892 234,646

Total 4,370,000 1,392,768 1,415,527

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

Project Name and Allocation Detailed Project Activities in 2018 /2019 Actual Funding Number including Expenditure Received Virements 065 - Procurement of Procurement of Water Truck 580,475 580,475 Major Vehicles and 800,000 Equipment Page | 34 580,475 580,475 Total 800,000 072 Computerisation Programme 700,000 Procurement of Workstations, Laptops and 170,521.88 170,522.00 Desktops Upgrade to CCTV Cameras - Stockpile, 0 Market and Velodrome 146,631.38

Total 700,000 170,521.88 317,153.38 076 - Disaster

Preparedness 500,000

Total 500,000 062 - Local Government Building 1,950,000

Total 1,950,000 - -

GRAND TOTAL 16,300,000 4,850,857 5,403,284

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

5.0 PUBLIC HEALTH The work completed by the Public Health Inspectorate for the period October 1st 2018 to September 30th 2019 were as follows:

Page | 35 5.1 ABATTOIR The total number of animals slaughtered: TOTAL TYPE OF ANIMAL TOTAL INCOME SLAUGHTERED BULLS 90 $360.00 HORSES 16 $320.00 COWS 15 $600.00 PIGS 209 $3,125.00 SHEEP 8 $120.00 GOAT 4 $60.00 BUFFALYPSO 2 $80.00



Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019


Page | 36 5.5 COMPLAINTS Total number of complaints received = 520 Total number of complaints investigated = 515

5.6 BUILDING PLANS Total number of plans received = 100 Total number of plans processed = 100

5.7 SCHOOL Total number of schools in district = 13 Total number of visits to schools = 39

5.8 VACANT LOTS Total number of vacant lots = 175

5.9 GENERAL The Public Health Inspectorate consists of five Public Health Inspectors. There is one (1) Public Health Inspector III, one (1) Public Health Inspector II, and three (3) Public Health Inspector I’s. This complement of Public Health Inspectors is insufficient to adequately monitor public health standards in the Borough of Arima. Over the years the population of Arima has been expanding with new housing developments, increase in food establishments, businesses and residential housing units. This means that the potential for the risk of rat borne disease, mosquito borne diseases, food borne illnesses and other health related problems due to increase in insanitary conditions, illegal dumping of garbage and other waste has increased.

It is therefore recommended that the Public Health Inspectorate be increased by the following officers: one (1) Public Health Inspector II responsible for Insect/Vector and Rodent Control and on Public Health Inspector II for O’Meara Industrial Estate.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

5.10 LITTER PREVENTION WARDEN There have been no Litter Wardens for the period October 2018 to September 2019.

Page | 37 5.11 The Sanitation Section

The Sanitation Section of the Public Health Department comprises of the following:

 Sanitation Foreman III 1  Sanitation Foreman II 5  Sanitation Workers 200  Sweepers 36  Charge Hands 11

Approximately fifty (50) additional casual workers are used to meet the demand of the Sanitation Section. The Borough of Arima is divided into two (2) areas – North and South with a Sanitation Foreman II attached to each area. The North section is maintained by three (3) Sanitation Teams while the South section is maintained by four (4) Sanitation Teams. There are two (2) sweeping teams attached to the North Section.

The Activities of the Sanitation Section for the period under review are as follows:

5.11.1 DRAINS A programme of works was carried out for each area, whereby all drains and streets were cleaned and cleared on a regular basis. As a result of effective planning and co-ordination, the prevalence of clogged drains were reduced to a minimum. Underground drains were desilted and flushed by a team dedicated to this.

5.11.2 SWEEPING The sweeping of the streets has been satisfactory within the business area of the Borough. Sweeping and bagging of this area is done twice per day, seven days a week.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

5.11.3 SCAVENGING AND BULKWASTE REMOVAL Scavenging is done by three (3) sections and their performance are rated. (i) In house -South Western, South Arima -Excellent (ii) Contractor 1 -South Eastern Arima -Poor Page | 38 (iii) Contractor 2 -North Arima -Poor

5.11.4 OPEN MARKET One (1) twenty cubic meter (20 m3) bin was placed to service the area. The bin is serviced daily. This bin serviced daily by BK Holdings Limited and is satisfactory.

5.11.5 ARIMA MUNICIPAL STADIUM One (1) twenty cubic meter (20 m3) bin was placed to service the area. This bin is serviced three (3) days per week by Waste Disposal 2003 Limited and is satisfactory.

5.11.6 CARNIVAL AND BOROUGH FEST CLEAN UP The clean-up activities during and after the Carnival and Borough Fest were carried out and supervised by In House supervisors, in which, they returned the Borough to its well-kept condition in a short time.


(a) CHRISTMAS CLEAN UP CAMPAIGN This was done by both In House and contracted services. This was quite effective and successful. The bulk waste in the contracted areas was well managed.

(b)TOWN CENTRE Waste Disposal (2003) Limited serviced the Town Centre every morning from Monday to Sunday, but there were some challenges with the service they provided. The scavenging was done by Gopaul & Company Limited and their service was excellent.

(c)ARIMA NORTH This service is provided by Waste Disposals (2003) Ltd. and their performance was poor.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

(d)TUMPUNA/MALABAR This service was provided by M&N Enterprises Limited and their performance was poor.

Page | 39 (e)EVENING SUPERVISION Two (2) Sanitation Foremen are assigned on alternate days to supervise evening pushcart and night scavenging. These supervisors ensure there are no lapses in scavenging. They supervise the In House scavenging of Institutions and schools within the Borough. Also, the recycling pickup and cleaning of the Arima market.

(f)VACANT LOTS During the year Two Thousand Two hundred and Nineteen (2019) several vacant lots were cut.


Bulk Waste - 9540 M3 Domestic Waste - 9360 m3

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019


The Arima Municipal Police Service structure is as follows: Page | 40

Sanctioned strength: One hundred (100) officers

Present strength: Eighty -One (81)

Of the 81 officers, seven (7) officers are on various leave, three (3) officers are on suspension, twenty-five (25) officers at Marabella Training College and one (1) officer on leave with the knowledge of statutory authority service commission (SASC).

Active duty Fifty-Six (55)

 One (1) Superintendent of Police  One (1) Assistant Superintendent of Police (Ag)  Three (3) Police Inspectors (Ag)  Six (6) Sergeants ( Two (2)confirm four (4) acting in the post )  Ten (10) Police Corporals (Six (6)confirm four (4) acting in the post  Thirty –four (34) Police Constables

The Arima Municipal Police Service executed the duties outlined below during the period October 1 2018 to September 30 2019, in the face of depleting human resource, increase demands and challenging working conditions.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019


The Arima Municipal Police Service performed daily sentry and station duties at the Municipal Police Headquarters on a 24-hour basis. Page | 41 The Arima Town Hall compound was patrolled daily, especially during the evening and night shifts, to ensure the general security of the building and the corporation’s assets lodged on the compound and detract any would-be offenders.

An armed officer was posted daily at the Town Hall during the opening hours and as needed by Her Worship the Mayor Mrs. Lisa Morris- Julien.

Daily patrols were made during the week and on weekends at the Arima Public Market and the Open Market to ensure that vendors carried out their trade in compliance with the Arima Market Bye-Laws, also the general safety of the burgesses, workers and visitors to the Market was observed.

Mobile patrols and general law enforcement continued throughout the Borough of Arima for example Fiddlers Dreams, Herded Park which is located on the Bye Pass Road Arima, Lawrence Park by her worship the mayor constituent office and on O’Meara Road Arima to prevent illegal vending.

A concentration in Street patrols made a significant impact and effectively curbed Illegal Street vending, foot patrols was made on a daily basis, in and around the Town Center, with special attention being paid to the obstructions of footpaths, traffic violations, and generally maintaining law and preserving order especially on Hollis Avenue Arima

Special visits made and attention paid to the Arima Corporation facilities, e.g. the Stockpile, Abattoir, Velodrome and the Amphitheatre areas that were secured by Maintenance Training and Security (MTS) officers and Advance Security Canine Officers, respectively.

Officers made round-the-clock mobile patrols to ensure that the business of the Arima Corporation were not disrupted and by extension, the safety and security of the burgesses and stakeholders of the Borough.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019


Police officers made night-safe bank deposits of revenue collected by the Arima Corporation. Page | 42 One (1) armed plain clothes Police Officer was stationed at the Market Clerk’s office on daily basis from 7am to 3pm in order to facilitate the collection and transportation of market dues to the cashier at the Administrative Office and also safety and security of said clerk and property.

Her Worship the Mayor had armed police escorts (Orderly and Driver) on her official and public engagements or as required on every occasion.

The Deputy Mayor Alderman Mr. Cagney Casimire in the absence of the mayor also had police escort (orderly and driver) on his official engagement or as required as well.

Officers assisted the Organization of Disaster Preparedness Management (ODPM) Department in a demolition exercise.

During the Carnival and Borough Day, celebrations Police Officers were detailed for duty at strategic points within the Borough to ensure the planned activities for those days proceeded as planned without any interruption by breaches of the law.

Officers accompanied the previous Ag. Deputy Chief Executive Officer Mr. Bevil Philanders, during walk about of the Arima Market during the period under review.

Officers did numerous exercises with officers of the Northern Division during the course of this period resulting in both traffic and serious crime matters. . An Armed officer was detailed on Orderly duty at all Statutory Meeting of Council dressed in full ceremonial uniform and observing all protocols.

Officers provided security for the clean- up exercises in the Arima Market and other exercises throughout the Borough of Arima.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

Officers provided security for the annual Cannon Blast for the Santa Rosa Festival held at Calvary View Park, Calvary Hill, Arima during the period at caption.

During the course of the year Superintendent of Police, Mrs. Erica Prieto, attended meetings with the Police Heads of the Northern Division, Arima Borough Council, Arima Page | 43 Business Association Representatives and other stakeholders to discuss Crime Plans for Christmas, Carnival and Borough Day activities in the Borough of Arima.

Superintendent Prieto attended a Wrecking Symposium at the Arima Town Hall. Present at the Symposium were Inspector Norbutt of the Arima Police Station and Inspector Lewis of the Borough Police Station. Discussions were held outlining the procedures by which the Arima Corporation will be dealing with wrecking in Arima.

Officers accompanied representatives of the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services during Ministry’s Plan for the Annual Street Count, taking into consideration the purpose and methodology for their obtaining the information in each of the various Corporations, and the way forward in dealing with the Street Dwellers.

6.3 The following is a breakdown of the movements and activities of the Arima Municipal Police officers during the period under review

On Monday 08th to Friday 12th October 2018: No. 10032 Ag. Corporal Lorne Green, No. 10039 Police Constable Strugeon Greene and No. 10046 Police Constable Keith Alexander attended a Field Training Officer course held at the Piarco Police Station.

On Friday 12th October 2018: Superintendent of Police, Ms. Erica Prieto and No. 10057 Police Constable Joel Holder assisted members of the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau Standard (TTBS) in the verification of Market Scales.

On Wednesday 17th – 19th October 2018: No.10032 Ag. Corporal Lorne Green, No.10039 Police Constable Strugeon Greene and No. 10045 Police Constable Keith Alexander attended the Field Training Officer course, which was held at the Piarco Police Station.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

On Friday 19th – 20thOctober 2018: Officers escorted Her Worship the Mayor, Councillor Lisa Morris Julian during her visit of areas affected by the flooding such as Greenvale, La Horquetta, Las Lomas and environs.

Page | 44 On Sunday 21st – 25th October 2018: Officers accompanied Her Worship the Mayor, Councillor Lisa Morris Julian in her Flood Relief distribution drive to the residents affected by flooding.

On Friday 26th October 2018: Officers provided security detail for Her Worship the Mayor, Councillor Lisa Morris Julian re: distribution of cheques to the residents affected by the flooding at the Arima Velodrome

On Saturday 10th November 2018: Superintendent of Police, Ms. Erica Prieto, Assistant Superintendent of Police, Ms. Heather Braithwaite-Remy, Inspector of Police, Mr. Ramanan Beharry, Ag. W/Cpl. Julien, P.C. Sankar, P.C. Lopez, P.C. Danpat, P.C. Wilson and P.C. Sandy attended the Trinidad and Tobago Municipal police annual Interfaith Service held at the Marabella South Secondary School, Tagore Street, Gopaul Lands Marabella.

On Wednesday 14th November 2018: Superintendent of Police, Ms. Erica Prieto attended a meeting at West Indies Tobacco Company (WITCO) Mt D’or, Champs Fleur with the Commissioner of Police, Mr. Gary Griffith, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Mr. Deodat Dulalchan and members of the business community.

On Tuesday 11th December 2018: The following Officers were promoted to rank of Corporal at a function held at the Office of Law Enforcement Policy (OLEP):

No. 10039 Strugeon Greene No. 10030 Cheryl-Ann Coa No. 10046 Keith Alexander No. 10052 Kevin Roberts No. 10056 Shane Wilson () No. 10032 Lorne Green

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

On Wednesday 12th December 2018: W/Corporal Lewis-Allen and W/Corporal Perez assumed duty at the Arima Municipal Police Station from city police.

On Wednesday 19th December 2018: Superintendent of Police, Ms. Erica Prieto, Assistant Page | 45 Superintendent of Police, Ms. Heather Brathwaite-Remy, W/Corporal Coa, W.P.C. Julien, P.C. Regalado and P.C. Danpat attended the graduation ceremony of Batch 1/2018 Municipal Police Constable Induction Training Programme held at the National Academy for the Performing Arts NAPA.

On Thursday 20th December 2018: Superintendent of Police, Ms. Erica Prieto, Assistant Superintendent of Police, Ms. Heather Brathwaite-Remy, Inspector of Police, Ms. Patricia Flatts, Inspector of Police, Mr. Ramanan Beharry and other Officers held a briefing session at the Arima Town Hall with twenty-five (25) newly appointed Municipal Police Constables who assumed duties at the Arima Municipal Police Station.

No. 12135 Pc Campbell No. 12249 Wpc Belcon No. 12138 Pc Persad No. 12253 Pc Serapio No. 12147 Wpc Phillip No. 12257 Pc Baptiste No. 12185 Wpc Edwards No. 12267 Wpc O’connell No. 12189 Wpc Britto No. 12270 Pc Cumberbatch No. 12195 Wpc Williams No. 12282 Pc Francois No. 12198 Pc Meade No. 12283 Wpc andrews No. 12209 Wpc Gopee No. 12287 Wpc Roach Samuel No. 12223 Pc Pierre No. 12289 Wpc Perez No. 12234 Wpc Nelson No. 12302 Wpc Murray No. 12235 Wpc Boswell No. 12320 Wpc Chadband No. 12236 Pc Fabres No. 12324 Pc London No. 12240 Pc Robin

On Tuesday 08th and Wednesday 09th January 2018: Corporal Roberts and Corporal Green attended a course entitled “Conducting effective background Investigations” at the Office of Law Enforcement Policy (O.L.E.P.).

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

On Thursday 10th January 2019: The following Municipal Police Officers attended a course held at the Office of Law Enforcement Policy (O.L.E.P.):

No. 10039 Corporal Strugeon Greene Page | 46 No. 3265 W/Corporal Varlene Lewis No. 10030 W/Corporal Cheryl-Ann Coa No. 10046 Corporal Keith Alexander No. 10052 Corporal Kevin Roberts No. 3284 W/Corporal Petronella Perez No. 10032 Corporal Lorne Green

On: Monday 14th – Friday 18th January 2019: W/Corporal Lewis and W/Corporal Perez attended a Field Training Officer Course at the Trinidad and Tobago Municipal Police Training Academy. However due to the passing of a relative W/Corporal Lewis was unable to complete the Field Training Officer Course.

On Friday 25th January 2019: Her Worship the Mayor, Councillor Lisa Morris-Julian and Member of Council, Superintendent of Police, Ms. Erica Prieto, Members of Trinidad and Tobago Police Service and Arima Business Association hosted the Commissioner of Police, Mr. Gary Griffith at the Arima Town Hall.

On Wednesday 30th January 2019: Corporal Perez attended a course entitled “People centered Policing” held at the Maloney Police Station.

On Tuesday 05th February 2019: A naked man was transported to the Arima Municipal Police Station from the Dial Centre. He gave his name as Anthony Johnson. Mental Health Officer, Mr. Maxwell Murphy was contacted and Emergency Health Services transported the patient in company with Officers of the Arima Municipal Police to St. Anns Hospital.

On Wednesday 06th February 2019: No. 10051 P.C. Danpat and No. 10058 P.C. Sandy attended a seminar entitled “First Responders” held at the Maloney Police Station.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

On Monday 11th February 2019: P.C. Sandy and W.P.C. Belcon attended a one day seminar entitled “First Responders” held at the Maloney Police Station.

On Tuesday 12th February 2019: No. 12209 W.P.C. Gopee attended a Recyclable Solid Page | 47 Waste Collection one (1) day seminar held by Solid Waste Management Company Limited (SWMCOL) in partnership with Environment Management Authority (EMA) at the Maloney Police Station.

On Wednesday 13th, Thursday 14th and Friday 15th February 2019: No. 10050 P.C. Lopez and No. 12253 P.C. Serapio attended a course entitled “Tourism Oriented Policing” held at the Maloney Police Station.

On Friday 15th February 2019: No. 12138 P.C. Persad, No. 12185 W.P.C. Edwards, No. 12195 W.P.C. Williams and No. 12289 W.P.C. Perez attended a workshop entitled “Stop, Search and R Forms,” held at the Sangre Grande Regional Corporation.

On Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th February 2019: No. 10058 P.C. Sandy attended a seminar entitled Human Trafficking held at the Trinidad and Tobago Police Training Academy, St James Barracks, St James.

On Thursday 28th February 2019: Four (4) Officers of the Arima Municipal Police Station attended sessions at the Office of Mr. Dupigny.

On Wednesday 13th March 2019: Inspector Flatts, W.P.C. Julien and P.C. Baptiste attended a one (1) day training session entitled Buccal Swab Sample Collection held at Kent House, Long Circular Road, Maraval.

On Monday 18th March 2019: Sergeant Singh, P.C. Brown and P.C. Caby attended a five (5) day training session in Crime Scene Management held at the Police Training Academy, Samaan Drive, St James.

On Monday 18th March 2019 to Friday 29th March 2019: P.C. Lopez attended a V.I.P. course held at Special Branch Unit of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

On Sunday 24th March 2019: Officers of the Arima Municipal Police Station participated in Trinidad and Tobago Cadet Force Parade 2019. This event was held in commemoration of the Cadet’s Force 109th Anniversary and took place throughout the streets of the borough Page | 48 of Arima.

On Monday 25th March 2019: Superintendent of Police, Ms. Erica Prieto proceeded on sixty (60) days leave effective 25th March, 2019.

On Monday 25th March 2019: Superintendent of Police (Ag.), Mr. Dustan Renn assumed duties at Arima Municipal Police Station in lieu of Superintendent Prieto who proceeded on leave.

On Monday 25th March 2019: Arima Municipal Police has begun wrecking within the borough of Arima.

On Tuesday 26th March 2019: /Piarco Regional Corporation in conjunction with Arima Borough Corporation conducted a tree cutting exercise in the vicinity of Arima Boys’ R.C. School and Arima Girls’ Government School. Officers of the Arima Municipal Police Station were present to facilitate this exercise with the necessary traffic control.

On Thursday 28th March 2019: W.P.C. Edwards, W.P.C. Williams and W.P.C. Andrews of the Arima Municipal Police Service were commended during the Statutory Council Meeting for their sterling performance and dedication to the Arima Municipal Police Welfare Department.

From Monday 01st April 2019 – Thursday 18th April 2019: P.C. Lopez attended a V.I.P. course held at Special Branch Unit of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service.

On Tuesday 02nd April 2019: Trinidad and Tobago Municipal Police Service has initiated the process of training Municipal Police Constables (Recruits) at Municipal Police Training Academy located at Marabella Secondary School, Tagore Road, Marabella.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

On Tuesday 09th April 2019: Inspector Flatts and Inspector Beharry along with Cpl. Alexander, Cpl. Roberts, W.P.C. Nelson and P.C. Serapio of the Arima Municipal Police Station conducted an exercise in the removal of socially displaced person of Arima.

Page | 49 Mental Health Officers Mr. Maxwell Murphy, Mr. Anthony Ragoo, and Defence Force Officers No. 11180 Private Keizer and No. 12171 Private Henry were also on hand to render aid during this exercise. A total of eleven (11) persons were removed of the streets of Arima, and referred to the following institutions:

 St Ann’s Mental Health Hospital – Two (02) persons.  Arima Health Facility – One (01) person.  Socially Displaced Unit, Riverside Plaza, Port of Spain – Eight (08) persons.

From Thursday 11th April 2019 to Friday 26th April 2019: P.C. Meade, W.P.C. Boswell and P.C. London attended a Drill and Firearms Instructor course held at the Trinidad and Tobago Municipal Police Training Academy, Togore Street, Gopaul Lands, Marabella.

On Monday 15th April 2019: P.C. Chadband attended a seminar entitled Basic Crime Scene Sketching held at Maloney Police Station.

On Tuesday 23rd April 2019: No. 3157 Sergeant of Police, Everest Joseph assumed duty at the Arima Municipal Police Station upon promotion from Port of Spain City Police Station.

On Tuesday 23rd April 2019 & Wednesday 24th April 2019: W.P.C. Perez attended a course in DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) collection and storage held at the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service Training Academy, St James Barracks, St James.

On Wednesday 24th April 2019: Ms. Heather Brathwaite-Remy who served in the capacity of Assistant Superintendent of Police at the Arima Municipal Police Department has proceed on pre-retirement leave.

On Wednesday 24th April 2019: Inspector Flatts and Officers of the Arima Municipal Police Department accompanied Her Worship the Mayor, Councillor Lisa Morris-Julian,

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

Members of council, Chief Executive Officer, Mrs. Cheryl Sirju-Chong, Carib Chief, Mr. Ricardo Bharath and members of the United States of America Embassy in Trinidad and Tobago during their second (02nd) day tour of the Borough of Arima which included a visit to: Page | 50  The Santa Rosa First Peoples Headquarters, Paul Mitchell Street, Arima.  The allocated (twenty-five) 25 acres of land located at Blanchisseuse Road for the proposed establishment of the First Peoples Heritage Village and Living Museum where a symbolic tree planting ceremony was performed.  Arima Town Hall for a luncheon with Her Worship the Mayor, members of Council and specially invited guests.

On Tuesday 30th April 2019: Superintendent of Police (Ag.), Mr. Dustan Renn, attended the Induction Training Ceremony held for the 02nd batch of Municipal Police Officers (Recruits) at the Trinidad and Tobago Municipal Police Training Academy, Togore Street, Gopaul Lands, Marabella.

During the month of May 2019: Officers made visits to Arima Hindu Primary School on a request from the Worship the Mayor after shooting incident took place close to the School compound.

On Wednesday 01st May 2019: W.P.C. Britto formed part of a contingent of Officers attached to the Trinidad and Tobago Municipal Police Service who engaged in a one (1) day practical shooting session held at A & E Tactical Company Limited. Mrs. Clandell Maxwell assumed duties from Point Fortin Municipal Police Station and Mr. David Singh assumed duties at Point Fortin Municipal Police Station

On Friday 03rd May 2019: The following under mentioned Officers of the Arima Municipal Police Department are currently acting in the following rank:-

 Ms. Patricia Flatts – Assistant Superintendent of Police (Ag.) effective 24th April, 2019.  Mr. Balram Beharrysingh – Inspector of Police (Ag.) effective 24th April, 2019.  Mrs. Clandell Maxwell – Inspector of Police (Ag.) effective 03rd May. 2019.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

On Friday 03rd May 2019: W.P.C. Britto formed part of a contingent of Officers attached to the Trinidad and Tobago Municipal Police Service who engaged in the Shooters finals competition held with other members of the protective services at Tucker Valley and placed Page | 51 3rd.

On Friday 10th& Saturday 11thMay 2019: Officers of the Arima Municipal Police Department accompanied members of the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (T&TBS) Legal Metrology Inspectorate (LMI) whilst they conducted a verification (“stamping”) of scales for the accurate measurement of weight at the market.

On Monday 13thMay 2019: The following transfers/assumption of duties was effective via Statutory Authorities Service Commission (SASC) at the Arima Municipal Police Department:-

 Corporal Greene transferred to Point Fortin Municipal Police Department in the rank of Police Sergeant (Ag.).

 Corporal Louis and Corporal Henderson have assume duties in the rank of Police Sergeant (Ag.) in lieu of Inspector (Ag.) Beharrysingh and Inspector (Ag.) Maxwell.

On Monday 20th May 2019: Cpl. Greene has been re-assigned to Port of Spain City Police in the capacity of Sergeant (Ag.).

On Wednesday 22nd May 2019: Cpl. Lewis-Allen and P.C. Brown attended a stakeholders meeting presided by Director Ministry of Community and Social Development, Ms. Susan Corbett where matters were discussed as it pertains to Carifest Celebrations 2019.

Officers Assisted the Safety Officer from Arima Centenary School with students left back after school in finding their parents.

Officers participated in TTPS Sports day placing 5th out if 24 teams in March past. WPC Boswell placed 1st in aerobics and several officers participated in football.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

On a daily basis Officers of the Arima Municipal Police Department continue to serve and excel above and beyond their call of duty. It is noteworthy that in an effort to foster excellence, the Department did commends the following Officers in the sphere of Sports after the concluded Trinidad and Tobago Police Service 96th Annual Sports Day: Page | 52

. No. 10058 P.C. Sandy . No. 12189 W.P.C. Britto . No. 12198 P.C. Meade . No. 12235 P.C. Boswell . No. 12320 P.C. Chadband . No. 12324 P.C. London

On 02th June 2019: PC Lopez performed V.I.P. escort duty at Hyatt Regency Hotel in collaboration with Special Branch Department of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service. (note* 02nd- 08th meeting continues)

On Tuesday 06th June 2019: W.P.C. Belcon attended a Buccal Swab Course at Maloney Police Station. This course was geared towards sensitizing officers in the protective services of Trinidad and Tobago of the appropriate way to collect non-intimate DNA samples from persons detained for offences, victims and volunteers; to populate the National Forensic DNA database of Trinidad and Tobago for unique identification of persons.

On Sunday 09th June 2019: Officers assisted the Organization of Disaster Preparedness Management (ODPM) Department in a demolition exercise.

On Monday 10th June 2019: W.P.C. Nelson attended a Confronting Suicide Course at Maloney Police Station with other officers from both Trinidad and Tobago Police Service and Trinidad and Tobago Municipal Police Service.

Officers attended a meeting at the Siparia Municipal Police Station with regards to the formation of a Trinidad and Tobago Municipal Police Association (TTMPA).

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

On Wednesday 12th June 2019: W.P.C. Britto attended a Tourism Orientation Policing Course at Maloney Police Station with officers from both Trinidad and Tobago Police Service and Trinidad and Tobago Municipal Police Service

Page | 53 On Thursday 13th June 2019: PC London attended a national consultation on Father Hood hosted by the Children Authority and Social Welfare and the Office of the Deputy Commissioner of Prison Service.

On Thursday 13th June 2019:No.3234 W/Cpl. Wiltshire assumed duties at the Arima Municipal Police Station in the capacity of Sergeant (Ag.) and was assigned to the Marabella Municipal Police Training Academy for the training of Municipal Police Recruits.

On Thursday 13th and 14th June 2019: Inspector Beharry attended an Identifying Trouble Employee course at St Joseph Police Station.

On Friday 21st June 2019: Officers of the Arima Municipal Police Department along with colleagues of other Municipal Police Departments partake in the Port of Spain City Day Parade.

On Tuesday 25th June 2019: Superintendent Prieto resume duties at the Arima Municipal Police Station and Assistant Superintendent Dustan Renn resume duties at Point Fortin Municipal Police Station.

On Friday 28 June 2019: Officers of the Arima Municipal Police Department vacated the Station due to unsafe and uncomfortable working conditions and occupied a vacant spot on the station compound under a white tent. Some of the station’s furniture was removed and placed under the said tent.

On 01st July 2019: ASP Flatts attended a Symposium for Accreditation at Camp Cumuto. (note* 1st - 05th Course continues)

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

On Tuesday 02th July 2019: No.10032 Cpl. Green, Mr.Touissant and Shadia Griffith health and Safety Officers from the Arima Borough Corporation accompanied Nicole Carr from Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHA) on a walk about of Arima Municipal Police Station both Male and Female Dormitories, Store Room and Office Area. Page | 54

On Wednesday 03rd July 2019: Mr. Sahai – Works Supervisor, Mr. Boodram- Work Supervisor I, Mr. Touissaint – Health and Safety, Mr. McKnight- Staff Sergeant and Ms. Lystra Parks – Ag. CEO of the Arima Borough Corporation did a walk about at the Arima Municipal Police Station both Male and Female Dormitories, Store Room and Office Area.

On Monday 08th July 2019: No. 10051 PC Danpat and No. 12302 W.P.C. Murray attended an Anti-terrorism Course at the Maloney Police Station.

On 15th and 16th July 2019: No. 12267 WPC. O’ Connell attended a Human Trafficking course at St Joseph Police Station.

On Monday 15th July 2019: No. 10045 PC. Kwesi Caby was assigned to the Office of Law Enforcement Policy (OLEP) to perform IT duties and assist in the recruitment of potential candidates of the Trinidad and Tobago Municipal Police Service.

On 24th and 25th July 2019: WPC. Phillip attended a DNA Buccal Swab course at the St Joseph Police Station. This course was geared towards sensitizing officers in the protective services of Trinidad and Tobago of the appropriate way to collect non-intimate DNA samples from persons detained for offences, victims and volunteers; to populate the National Forensic DNA database of Trinidad and Tobago for unique identification of persons.

On Friday 26th July 2019: Officers were on their way to attend parade rehearsal for Arima Borough Day Parade at the Police Training Academy in the Arima Borough Corporation twenty-four (24) seater bus TCW 618. Whilst in transit at the vicinity of the Hilton hotel, the bus collided with another vehicle PBP 1313 causing injuries to some. The contingents had to miss the parade rehearsal at the Police Training Academy St. James due to damages to the bus.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

On Friday 02nd August 2019: Superintendent Erica Prieto, Officers and Representatives of the various Military and Para-Military organizations attended the dress rehearsal for the 131st annual Arima Borough Day - Military Parade held at the Arima Velodrome. Page | 55

On Sunday 04th August 2019: Officers from Port of Spain, San Fernando, Point Fortin, Arima and the various Military and Para-Military participated in the Arima Borough Day Parade 2019 inclusive of Assistant Commissioner of Municipal Police, Mr. Brian Headley who was also present for this event.

On Wednesday 07th August 2019: Superintendent Erica Prieto, A.S.P. (Ag.) Flatts and Inspector Beharry with other officers attended the annual Civic Reception held at the Arima New Government Primary School, Cocorite Road, and Arima. At this, function A.S.P. (Ag.) Flatts received an award from Her Worship the Mayor, Councillor Lisa Morris Julien for her exemplary leadership, years of dedication and commitment to the Arima Municipal Police Department.

On Saturday 10th August 2019: Officers were detailed for the J’ouvert and Evening Parade of Bands, re: 131st Arima Borough Day Celebrations 2019, augmented by Officers of Trinidad and Tobago Police Service.

On Wednesday 14th August 2019: Inspector Maxwell attended a meeting held to discuss safety measures to be implemented for Arima - Carifesta 2019 celebrations.

On Saturday 17th August 2019: Officers of the Arima Municipal Police Station, Tunapuna/Piarco Municipal and Sangre Grande Regional Police Station respectively was heavily present throughout the streets of Arima providing the necessary support and ensuring the burgesses and visitors experienced an enjoyable and safe Carifesta 2019.

On Sunday 18th August 2019: Officers performed rostered duties at the Bird Fest held at the Arima Velodrome in commemoration of the Arima Borough celebrations.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

On Sunday 18th August 2019: Officers of the Arima Municipal Police Department took part in the Seven (07) a side football competition held by the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service - Northern Division. Arima Municipal Police won the match against Central Division Task Force 1-0. Page | 56

On Monday 19th August 2019: Corporal Wilson attended a training course entitled “Response to an active shooting incident” held by the Guard and Emergency Branch at I.A.T.F. Conference Room, Aranguez.

On Tuesday 20th August 2019: P.C. Fabres and P.C. Pierre attended a one (01) day course entitled Terrorist within the Community.

On Saturday 24th August 2019: Officers were detailed at the cycling event held by Arima Borough Corporation in conjunction with PSL Cycling Club. In addition, the Arima Municipal Police department took part in a seven (07) a side football competition against St. Joseph Police Station and won the match by default.

On Monday 26th August 2019: Officers participated in the dress rehearsal for the Trinidad and Tobago 57th Independence Parade held at the Queens Park Savannah.

On Monday 26th – Wednesday 28thAugust 2019: Cpl. Perez attended a three (03) day course entitled “How to complete an appraisal effectively.” This course will enhance this officer ability to efficiently and effectively fill complete appraisal forms.

On Tuesday 27th August: Superintendent Prieto attended a meeting at Kent House, Maraval those in attendance included Minister of Local Government Kazim Hosein, the Permanent Secretary and Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Local Government, A.C.P. Brian Headley and The C.E.O Cheryl Ann Sirju-Chong, Mayor Lisa Morris-Julien and Deputy Mayor Mr. Casimire of the Arima Borough Corporation.

On Wednesday 28th August 2019: Superintendent of Police, Ms. Erica Prieto and Mr, Ricardo Charles, Senior Engineer viewed the floor plan for the proposed reconstruction of the Arima Municipal Police Station that is currently under repairs.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

On Saturday 31st August 2019: Officers participated in the 57th Independence Day Parade held at the Queens Park Savannah. Officers also performed duties at the Fire One Fireworks Display held at the Arima Velodrome courtesy her Worship Mrs. Lisa Morris Julien in Page | 57 collaboration with the Arima Borough Corporation.

On Tuesday 03rd September 2019: Superintendent Prieto attended Joint Select Committee (JSC) Meeting.

On Friday 13th September 2019: The Arima Municipal Police Department now has within its ambits a Task Force Division comprising of ten (10) officers: No 10052 Cpl Roberts, No. 10056 Cpl Wilson, No. 10058 Cpl (Ag) Sandy, No. 12138 Pc Persad, No. 12223 Pc Pierre, No. 12249 Wpc Belcon, No. 12253 Pc Serapio, No 12267 Wpc O’Connell, No.12270 Pc Cumberbatch and No.12320 Pc Chadband.

On Friday 13th September 2019: Assistant Superintendent of Police, Ms. Heather Brathwaite-Remy who was previously on pre-retirement is officially retired.

On Friday 13th September 2019: Inspector (Ag.) Maxwell attended a meeting held by Mr. Brandon John, Superintendent of Police at the Arima Police Station to discuss joint exercises with members of the protective services.

On Tuesday 17th September 2019: A tour of the market was conducted for the proposed site of the Arima Municipal Police Post by Inspector Beharrysingh, members of the engineering department, Mr. Toussaint, Health and Safety Officer and Staff Sergeant - Mr. Mc Knight.

On Wednesday 18th September 2019: Superintendent of Police, Ms. Erica Prieto, Inspector Brijmohan and members of the Trinidad and Tobago Municipal Police Association attended a talk show hosted by I95.1 FM.

On Thursday 19th September 2019: Ms. Patricia Flatts who served in the capacity of Assistant Superintendent of Police (Ag.) at the Arima Municipal Police Department has proceed on pre-retirement leave.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

On Friday 20th September 2019: Inspector Ramanan Beharry will now hold the position of Assistant Superintendent of Police (Ag.) in lieu of Ms. Patricia Flatts who has proceeded on pre-retirement leave. Page | 58

On Monday 23rd September 2019: Superintendent Erica Prieto and Assistant Superintendent (Ag.) Ramanan Beharry held a meeting with representatives from Copyright Organization of Trinidad and Tobago (COTT) where arrangements were made to render assistance in liaising with other organizations.

On Thursday 26th September 2019: Cpl. Perez attended a two (02) day course entitled “How to complete an appraisal effectively.” This course will enhance this officer ability to efficiently and effectively complete appraisal forms.

On Monday 30th September 2019: No 10045 Ag. Cpl Caby returned and assumed duties at the station after having spent two (2) months in the IT department at the Office of Law Enforcement Policy (O.L.E.P.).


Enquiries were conducted into reports made at the Municipal Police Headquarters during this period such as road traffic accidents involving Corporation vehicles, whackers incidents resulting in injuries to persons as well as damage to property etc.

Completed reports were submitted to the Superintendent in charge and where necessary, action was taken by the police or referred to the relevant department for further action.

Police Officers continue to investigate report of liability claims made against the Arima Corporation.


Police Officers attended the Arima Magistrate Court as complainants in various matters during the year.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

Summons and notices were served on Defendants and Witnesses for their appearance at the Arima Magistrate Court.


Page | 59 There were five hundred and twenty-eight (528) Fixed Penalty Notice issued during the period under review for various offences in the borough of Arima.



NOVEMBER 2018 11 8 8 20 DECEMBER 2018 10 15 20 16

JANUARY 2019 24 18 41 10

FEBRUARY 2019 08 21 34 28 MARCH 2019 14 17 29 16

APRIL 2019 13 14 18 13 MAY 2019 36 17 38 38

JUNE 2019 34 21 43 42

JULY 2019 43 31 57 39 AUGUST 2019 16 24 22 30 SEPTEMBER 2019 34 42 42 38 TOTAL 256 250 354 312

6.8 COURT MATTERS There were one hundred and ninety-seven (197) cases brought before the Arima Magistrate Court during the period under review.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019


7.1 Executive Summary The Disaster Management Unit, which was established from a Cabinet Note in 2008, is founded on the strategic objectives of the Ministry of Rural Development and Local Government. Some of the Page | 60 main objectives were to build community resilience, capacity and a disaster risk reduction culture. While there is a focus on risk management from a ministerial and borough corporation level there is need for more emphasis on personal responsibility in response to emergency preparedness. In this vein the Disaster Management Unit continues to conduct numerous community sensitization programs to build awareness on personal responsibility. Family emergency response planning was the foundation of our lectures which included the items required for a ready-to-go kit, emergency supplies, the importance of monitoring weather updates and ensuring and securing the safety of family members through communication and consultation. To manage emergencies the Disaster Management Unit acknowledges the importance of information and analysing trends. Whilst the unit is faced with some challenges in this area, efforts continue as we gather pertinent information through vulnerability assessments, which then aides in the logistics for emergency relief items.

7.2 Introduction

At the Arima Borough Corporation Disaster Management Unit the staffing includes one (1) Disaster Management Coordinator; two (2) Field Officers and 1 (1) Communication Technician. With reference to Cabinet note of 2008, the Disaster Management Unit is charged with the responsibility of disaster management through all the phases such as preparedness, mitigation, response, recovery and business continuity. The roles and responsibilities over the years have evolved but there are specific, critical elements which is consistent. They include:

a. Provide expert Disaster Risk Reduction advice to the Administration of the Municipal Corporations. b. Collaborate with other first responders in providing local-level assistance to citizens impacted by hazards. c. Manage the operations of the Municipal Emergency Operations Centre (MEOC) when activated. d. Educate communities on all phases of the disaster management cycle. e. Carry out activities in accordance with the disaster management policy of the Ministry of Local Government

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

7.3 Achievements of 2019 1. Coordinator attended a four (4) day training session by the World Food Programme on “End to End Supply Chain Management” at ODPM Operations Centre, Mausica 2. Stakeholder meetings were held to maintain cooperation and collaboration with all response Page | 61 agencies. 3. Coordinator attended a three (3) day training session by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNECLAC) on “Damage and Loss Assessment” Methodology. 4. Shelter inspection done at the seven (7) listed shelters of the Borough in conjunction with Works Department, Engineering Department and Municipal Police. 5. Outreach Activities at the following Primary Schools:  Malabar Government Primary School (post SEA students) on the 8th May 2019  Malabar Presbyterian Primary School (Std 4 and Std 5 students) on the 17th May 2019  Malabar R.C. Primary School (Std. 3 and 4) on the 6th June 2019 6. The Unit also assisted the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services on the 13th and 14th May at the Sangre Grande Regional Corporation and at the Tunapuna / Piarco Regional Corporation respectively for verification exercises. 7. The DMU had the CERT training done with 22 members of staff of the Arima Borough Corporation; who covered topics such as CERT Organization, Psychological First Aid, etc. 8. A weather station was procured for the Unit, this allowed us to measure atmospheric conditions to provide information for weather forecasts and to study the weather and climate. As climate change continues to affect us, it is imperative that the unit is able to monitor the situation. 9. The Coordinator and the Field Officers attended a sensitization session with the Diagnostic Research Education Therapeutic Centre (Dretchi) and the Blind Association on the 29th May at the Chaguanas Borough Corporation with the objective being how to treat with the special population in times of severe hazard impact. 10. The Unit acquired a water filtration system, thereby eliminating the need for purchasing of bottled water. 11. Coordinator of the Unit participated in a three (3) day UN Humanitarian Programme Cycle from the 11th -13th June 2019, where participants were engaged in various exercises to better

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

understand the role of the various UN agencies that operate within T&T, as well as to understand the role many key industries play when an incident occurs. 12. The Unit obtained an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to help with the mapping of our region. 13. The Unit provided Preparedness Kits to the members of Council on the 18th June 2019, Page | 62 which included rubber boots, hard hats, raincoats, and flashlights. 14. The Unit provided awareness banners to the Councillors for the electoral districts of: Arima Central, Arima West / O’Meara, Tumpuna, Calvary, Arima North East, Malabar North, Malabar South on the different hazards that may affect Trinidad such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and flooding on the 18th June 2019. 15. The Disaster Management Unit participated in the Disaster Committee‘s Community Outreach themed “Building Disaster Resilient Communities” which was held at the Arima Car Park on 6th July 2019 from 9am-12pm. 16. Coordinator of the Unit participated in a Three (3) day Incident Command System Training (ICS), held at the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, Kent House, Maraval. 17. August 2019 saw the Unit participating in the Arima Borough Day Military Parade held on 4th August 2019; the unit provided axillary support, Mobile Radio Communication and the use of our Medical Emergency Shelter and Military Cots. 18. The Unit conducted Community Outreach Activities at the CARIFESTA XIV Arima Borough celebrations held at the Arima Velodrome on 17th August 2019 from 12-4pm. 19. The Unit continues to update many of the special population listing for the Borough such as: day cares, pre-schools, primary schools, secondary schools, and critical facilities. 20. On the 21st September 2019, the Unit was activated to distribute sandbags to the burgesses and environs for the upcoming weather system that was expected to pass; five hundred sandbags were distributed. 21. The Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) of the ABC DMU was activated on the 22nd September 2019 at 9am, to monitor the weather conditions of the region and to respond to reports as needed as Tropical Storm Karen passed. The Unit also continued to give out sandbags in the morning period; over 350 sandbags were distributed. 22. The ABC DMU assisted San Juan / Laventille Regional Corporation in doing assessments at the Beetham Estate on the 23rd September and at Champ Fleurs and Mt. Lambert on the 24th September.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

23. The ABC DMU assisted Tunapuna / Piarco Regional Corporation in doing assessments on the 25th and 26th September at Bamboo #3. 24. The installation of solar panels at the ABC DMU EOC began on the 29th September; this would allow for the EOC to be functional should electricity go during any incident; Page | 63 completion was on the 14th October 2019. The ABC DMU is the first DMU to have such equipment installed. 25. The Disaster Management Unit welcomed a Communication Technician in October 2019 to the staff. He will assist the Unit with the monitoring of Internet based systems such as satellite imagery systems, earthquakes, tropical storm development and advisories 26. The DMU assisted the Arima Girls’ RC Primary School on the 16th October in conducting an evacuation drill with the assistance of Municipal Police and the Arima Fire Station 27. In recognition of World Food Day 2019, the DMU distributed seeds to the workers of the ABC on the 16th October 28. The DMU conducted an outreach with the Neighbourhood watch group at Lawrence Park, Arima on the 21st October 29. Staff of the DMU were interviewed by the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) on the 22nd October in relation to the flooding from October 2018 30. Staff of the DMU participated in an Evacuation Drill at the Arima Borough Corporation Main Administrative Building on the 12th November where all members of staff were engaged.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

7.4 Table 1. Incidents of 2019 – Arima Borough Corporation

Land Roof No. of Fire Flood Earthquake Other Page | 64 Erosion Damage Reports January 0 February 1 1 March 0 April 0 May 1 2 3 June 1 1 2 July 3 1 4 August 1 1 September 1 1 2 1 5 October 0 November N/A December N/A

Total No. of 16 Reports 2019

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

7.5 Projections for 2020 The Disaster Management Unit continues to serve the burgesses of the Arima Borough Corporation as well as those of our neighbouring Corporations. In this vein, the Unit seeks to obtain a Mobile Emergency Operations Centre (EOC). This vehicle will serve as the EOC of the Unit when on the Page | 65 field. This EOC will be equipped with solar panels and a generator which will in turn power the laptops, printer, a/c unit, lights and other equipment as need be. The vehicle will also have desks and chairs to accommodate the relevant staff. The Unit will also seeks to obtain GIS System which will allow us to better map our region. This would permit us to better see and understand patterns and relationships between streets, buildings and vegetation. This capability will assist the Unit in developing our emergency plans and response actions accordingly. The Disaster Management Unit recognizes the need for training at all levels, for staff of the Corporation as well as the burgesses. In light of this the Unit will continue to offer Shelter Management Training, Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Training, and Incident Command System (ICS) Training as well as any other training that may be deemed relevant to the staff and burgesses. The intention of this training would be to equip individuals to take care of themselves and their families during emergency situations.

The Unit continues to push the agenda geared towards being able to sustain one’s family for a 72 hour period post emergency as this is part of the National Disaster Relief Policy. Within this timeframe essential utilities may malfunction. The authorities, such as the Water And Sewerage Authority (WASA), Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission (T&TEC), Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS), Trinidad and Tobago Fire Service (TTFS) and Health Services may not be able to get to citizens immediately during or after a disaster. This allows the relevant authorities' sufficient time to recover and respond. The protocol seeks to instil a culture of self-dependency within citizens of Trinidad and Tobago.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019


8.1 INTRODUCTION In an effort to comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Act Chapter 88:08, The Arima Page | 66 Borough Corporation through its Management has continually struggled to do much with very little by way of available funding as it pertains to achieving the objective of a safe and productive working environment.

8.2 Challenges 1. There was no significant improvement in the fiscal challenges of FY 2018/2019 as compared to the previous year and as a result workers were at a disadvantage of not being properly outfitted with the necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and by extension, the Corporation was somewhat exposed as far as the management of risk was concerned.

2. A point worthy of note is that nowhere in the Estimates of any Corporation is there any Vote / Allocation for Health & Safety. There is a general feeling that Health & Safety is only concerned with safety boots and uniform but unfortunately, that view is misguided. A crucial objective is a general change in Organisational Culture and the implementation of Safe Systems of Work where Standard Operation Procedures are strictly observed.

3. Continuous training is requisite for Supervisors so that they may fully understand the Hierarchy of Controls which would enable them to assess varying situations in the workplace and thereby apply the necessary measures.

4. Improvement Notices have been issued by the OSH Agency for improvement works to be done at the Municipal Police Station and the Garage / Stockpile Compound, but these works are yet to be completed due to funding and approval issues.

5. Some minor configuration adjustments to the Administration Office remain outstanding.

8.3 Achievements 1. As a joint initiative of the Disaster Management Unit and the Health & Safety Unit a batch of employees were trained as CERT personnel. It should be noted that persons from within this group will also function as Emergency Wardens at their various workplaces.

2. Immediately following the CERT Training, an Evacuation Drill in conjunction with the Trinidad & Tobago Fire Service (TTFS). There were a few hiccups but generally,

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

everything went well with the evacuation taking under three (3) minutes (actual time two minutes fifteen seconds (2:15). A post-mortem of the exercise was carried out and the short comings are being ironed out.

3. An Evacuation Action Plan for the Administration Office has been completed. Page | 67

4. The Evacuation Maps depicting evacuation routes should be completed by November 30, 2019 and would be placed at conspicuous locations through-out the Administration Office.

8.4 Recommendations I crave your indulgence to reiterate the following recommendations: 1. There is need for the creation of an outfall for the perimeter drain on the compound of the Garage/Stockpile. There is the potential for the creation of a health hazard. 2. Recommendations continue to be made for appropriate accommodation for the Municipal Police. 3. There is a need for the implementation of a robust maintenance programme within the various workplaces of the Corporation. This will save from embarrassing situations and aid in the provision of safe and healthy workplaces. 4. Critical recommendations made by the Trinidad & Tobago Fire Service (TTFS) as regards the Arima Market, are outstanding and therefore present a challenge for the safe operation and administration of the Market. 5. Some facilities at the Garage/Stockpile Compound need to be upgraded such as the storage of chemicals and protocols in the use of those chemicals by the Vector Control Teams.

8.5 Conclusion Part II section 6 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act Chapter 88: 08, places a duty of care upon all employers so far as is reasonably practicable, to ensure the safety, health and welfare of employees while at work.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

9.0 INTERNAL AUDIT DEPARTMENT The Internal Audit Section at the Arima Borough Corporation was established in accordance with the Financial Regulations, 1965 Section 13(4), which stipulates that “each Accounting Unit shall have a check staff and an independent Internal Audit Section”. Page | 68 The scope of work of The Internal Audit Section entails the examination and evaluation of the systems of internal controls to ensure compliance with the following:  The Financial Regulations 1965  The Financial Instructions 1965  The Statutory Authorities Service Commission Act  The Statutory Authorities Service Commission Regulations  The Municipal Corporations Act 21 of 1990 and subsequent amendments  The Municipal Corporations Pensions Act, Chapter 25:05  The Bye Laws of the Arima Corporation  The Terms and Conditions of Employees as set by the Chief Personnel Officer.  Circulars and directives issued by the Chief Personnel Officer, The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry responsible for Local Government.  Other relevant laws and guidelines.

The Section is comprised of an Auditor I and an Auditing Assistant and reports directly to the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation.

For the fiscal year 2018/2019 the Section performed investigations as instructed by the Chief Executive Officer, routine audits on revenue collection and petty cash disbursements etc. In addition, monthly and daily rated payroll computations and records submitted by various departments within the organization were checked and certified as required.

It must be noted that the Arima Corporation is responsible for the payment of retirement benefits to both its daily-rated and monthly paid employees. Emphasis is placed on the accuracy and completeness of information documented for all employees.

The Internal Audit Section, therefore, plays a key role in the organization by assisting the Officers of various departments to effectively discharge their duties by providing objective analysis and interpretations of regulations and guidelines, making recommendations for greater efficiency and compliance, and, providing information on established practices and procedures.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

9.1 AUDIT ACTIVITIES FOR 2018/2019 Stated below are the activities for the period 1st October 2018 to 30 September 2019

9.2 ROUTINE AUDITS Audit for compliance with regulations and procedures were conducted in following areas: Page | 69  Cash surveys on cashier.  Disposal of used tyres and batteries.  Cheque book in stock for Recurrent Account, Central Bank Account and Mayoral Fund.  Petty Cash Disbursement Records.

9.3 INVESTIGATIVE AUDITS The following audit exercises as directed by the Chief Executive Officer were conducted:  Requisition for overtime at Corporation’s garage on 16th and 17th February 2019.

 Verification exercise Re: Location and use of twenty-five 20’x20’ tents purchased by the Corporation.

 Use of the Corporation’s vehicles after working hours without permission.

 Request for the payment of Administrative Fees by the Public Health Department.

 Audit verification of dues collected from Vendors at the Arima Market for August 2019.

 Reconciliation of Unspent Balances as at 30th September 2018

9.4 VERIFICATION OF COMPUTATIONS AND RECORDS The understated is a list of the computations and records examined and verified by the Audit Section for authorization accuracy, compliance and completeness. No. PARTICULARS FREQUENCY AMOUNT 01. Pay sheets for monthly paid employees Monthly 02. Pay sheets for contract employees Monthly 03. Pay sheets for pensions Monthly 04. Pay sheets for daily rated employees Fortnightly 05. Overtime work sheets for monthly-paid employees As Presented 32 Work sheets for Acting Allowances- monthly paid 06. As Presented 392 employees

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

Work sheets for Arrears of Increments – monthly paid 07. As Presented 33 employees 08. Increment Certificates – monthly paid employees As Presented 67 Vacation Leave Eligibility –monthly paid and daily rated 09. As Presented 36 employees Page | 70 10. Work sheets for Workmen’s Compensation As Presented 9 Work sheets for overpayment of salaries, COLA and 11. As Presented 8 Acting Allowances 12. Work sheets for overpayment of wages and COLA As Presented 7 13. Work sheets for arrears of salary and COLA As Presented 12 14. Work sheets for Arrears of Pensions As Presented 4 15. Pensions and Leave Records for past employees As Presented 10 Pensions and leave records and computations of Pensions 16. As Presented 3 and Gratuity - monthly paid Pension and Leave Records and computation of 17. As Presented 19 Severance Benefit - daily rated As presented for the 18. Central Bank Account statements and Cheque period August 2017 to July 20, 2019 19. Arrears of Commissions to Chairmen of Committees. 5 20. Verification of Sick Leave Bonus Certificates 6

9.5 OTHER RELATED ACTIVITIES The Auditor I attended monthly, The Finance and Allocation of Resources Committee Meetings and Statutory Meetings of the Council and other meetings attended were special sittings of the Finance and Allocation of Committee, Heads of Department Meetings and other meetings as directed by the Chief Executive Officer.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019


The Personnel Department is mainly responsible for the fulfillment of the Human Resource Management needs and services of all the Corporation’s employees. In order to discharge its Page | 71 responsibilities, the department is staffed by the following officers:  One (1) Personnel & Industrial Relations Officer II  One (1) Clerk IV  One (1) Clerk III  Two (2) Clerk II  Four (4) Clerks I  One (1) Clerk/Typist I The structure of the department is as follows:

Personnel & Industrial Relations Officer


Clerk IV

Clerk III

Clerk Typist I Clerk II Clerk II

Clerk I Clerk I Clerk I Clerk I

The department continued to recognize that the human resource is most important and valuable. The Department provided services to a total of seven hundred and thirty-seven (737) employees which comprised approximately one hundred and forty (140) monthly paid officers, five hundred and twenty-three (523) daily rated employees and twenty-six (26) auxiliary workers. In addition, it treated with burgesses and the general public with respect to issues related to the functions of the Department.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

10.2 OPERATIONS The operations of the Personnel Department involved several functions as listed hereunder.  General Administration  Recruitment Selection and other related services Page | 72  Benefits Administration  Employee Relations  Industrial Relations  Training and Development


10.3 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 1. Attended monthly council meetings.

2. Prepared and submitted monthly reports to the Personnel Committee of Council on the activities relating to employees of the Corporation.

3. Prepared quarterly reports on the execution of functions devolved for submission to the Chief Personnel Officer.

4. Prepared periodic reports requested by external agencies such as the Ministry of Local Government, Statutory Authorities Service Commission and Personnel Department (Chief Personnel Officer) on matters relating to the monthly-rated and daily-rated workforce.

5. Received and dispatched correspondence as required to and from internal departments.

6. Responded to correspondence from external agencies requesting information on monthly- paid and daily-rated matters.

7. Maintained a record of attendance and punctuality and notified employees on a monthly basis of same.

8. Prepared job letters and other correspondence for all employees.

9. Attended meetings of Heads of Departments.

10. Monitored and maintained updated performance reports for employees.

11. Monitored, maintained and updated personal files, confidential personal files, and other files as were deemed necessary.

12. Arranged staff meetings of the Department.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

13. Attended to the public, (internal and external) with respect to claims, queries, and general information.

14. Prepared recommendations for the approval of the Statutory Authorities Service Commission. Page | 73 15. Managed the assignment of staff and daily rated employees to various Departments.

16. Assignment and recommendations for leave replacement as necessary for both daily rated and monthly paid employees.

17. Communicated with internal Heads of Department with regard to their human resource needs, promotion etc.

18. The Daily Paid Establishment for the years 2015 and 2016 was updated agreed to and signed by the relevant representatives of the National Union of Government and Federated Workers (NUGFW) and the Management of the Arima Borough Corporation.

10.4 TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS One (1) Deputy Chief Executive Officer Seven (7) Clerk 1 One (1) Works Foreman 1 One (1) Engineer One (1) Building Inspector 1 One (1) Draughtsman

10.5 APPOINTMENT One (1) Town Superintendent One (1) Sanitation Foreman III One (1) Clerk I One (1) Clerk III Two (2) Clerk IV One (1) Auditor I One (1) Storekeeper II One (1) Administrative Assistant One (1) Accountant I One (1) Public Health Inspector II One (1) Valuation Assistant Seven (7) Police Corporal Twenty-five (25) Police Constables One (1) Auditing Assistant

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

10.6 CONTRACT EMPLOYMENT – SHORT TERM One (1) Corporate Secretary One (1) I.T. Specialist One (1) Health & Safety Officer One (1) Financial Officer Page | 74 One (1) Engineer One (1) Engineering Aide One (1) Caretaker One (1) Communication Attendant Two (2) Civil Engineer Supervisor One (1) Corporate Communication Assistant

10.7 CONTRACT EMPLOYMENT One (1) Personal Assistant to Mayor One (1) Secretary to Mayor Seven (7) Secretary to Councillors

10.8 RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION AND OTHER RELATED SERVICES Maintained the Permanent and Regular Establishment of Daily-Rated Employees.

10.9 ON THE JOB TRAINEES (OJT) Nine (9) On-The-Job Trainees were assigned to the Corporation.

10.10 BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION 1. Prepared Pension and Leave Records for eight (8) former employees. 2. Processed all types of leave e.g. sick (normal and extended), casual, vacation, maternity, paternity, injury, compensatory, bereavement, study, leave of absences without pay etc. 3. Prepared Incremental Certificates for all eligible workers. 4. Prepared sick leave bonuses for daily rated workers. 5. Prepared retirement benefits for two (2) monthly-paid employees and twenty-five (25) daily rated workers who retired compulsorily. 6. Prepared twelve (12) application for Senior Citizen Pension for former employees. 7. Prepared three (3) application for Public Assistance. 8. Prepared Death Benefit due for one (1) former employee. 9. Ensured the payments of allowances and premiums to monthly and daily rated employees.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

10.11 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 1. As the need became necessary, Counselling Sessions were arranged for members of staff as was necessary.

2. Eligible employees continued to be registered with the Health Plan. Page | 75 3. Two (2) employees were referred to the Medical Board.

4. Workmen’s Compensation was administered to employees injured on the job.

10.12 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS 1. Represented the Corporation at the negotiations of the Daily-Rated Collective Agreement. 2. Engaged in conflict resolution within the organization. 3. Attended Step 4 Meetings and other related meetings pertaining to Terms and Conditions of Service and Industrial Relations at the Chief Personnel Office. 4. Engaged meetings with the Public Services Association (PSA) and National Union General Federated Workers (NUGFW) the recognized majority unions representing monthly and daily-rated employees respectively. 5. Conducted Step 3 meetings with respect to daily-rated matters, as well as other grievance meetings involving monthly-rated and daily rated issues.

10.13 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT The Personnel Department recognizes the critical role that it must play in ensuring that its Human Resource capabilities are at a level to achieve the organizational goals and objectives.

Training to enhance job performance, was limited due to constraints in funding. The Department was however able to offer the following to employees.

 Technical Diploma in Operational Management – one (1) staff member  Customer Service Training for Staff  CERT Training for Staff


1. The demands for Human Resource Services have increased considerably, this must somehow be complemented with adequate staffing. To this end there is need for the establishment of a Human Resource Management Unit.

2. It is to be noted that since the boundaries of the Borough extended in the 1980s there has been no notable increase in the daily rated workforce.

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

3. The development of several new housing areas within the Borough has put an additional strain on the human resource that is currently available to meet the demands for services.

4. It is important that the workforce be increased in order to adequately service the increasing needs of the burgesses. Page | 76

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019


11.1 STRUCTURE The General Structure of the Assessment Department

Is illustrated as follows: Page | 77


Clerk II Valuation Clerk I Assistant I

11.1 LIST OF FUNCTIONS AND RELATED TASKS 1. Maintenance of the House Rate Books (HRB):  Returns of new owners processed  New properties entered  Removal of House Notices  Property transfers

2. Levying of Property Rates  New assessments made  Notices of Assessment prepared and dispatched for all properties assessed

3. Presentation of House Rate Book (HRB)  Recapitulation of House Rates  Presentation of Rolls to Council

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

4. Public viewing of Rolls  Advertising the opening of the Rolls to the Public for viewing  Making extracts available

Page | 78 5. Objections  Hearings with the Commissioner of Valuations and objectors  Field Surveys  Communication of findings to objectors  Updating of Rolls

6. Other Services  Preparation of Certificates of Assessment  Estate Management (Brooklyn Estate Properties)  Preparation of Water Application forms for connection


Hereditaments 2017/2018 - 11,429 New Units Registered 2018/2019 - 15 Total Hereditaments 2018/2019 - 11,444 Percentage Increase - .01%

11.3 REVENUE COLLECTION Total Revenues Collected 2017 - 2018: Rates - $ 59,267.00 Rents - 239,983.00 *Other Services - 58,603.00 Total - $357,853.00

Total Revenues Collected 2018 – 2019: Rates - $ 195,344.00 Rents - 121,257.00 *Other Services - 40,800.00

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

Total - $357,401.00

Difference in Revenues Collected: 2018-2019 - $357,401.00 Page | 79 2017-2018 - 357,853.00 Difference - < $452.00>

Percentage Decrease - .01%


Number of Returns processed - 33 Number of New Properties assessed - 13 Number of Removal of House processed - 03 Changes are reflected in the House Rate Ledgers and Rolls as they apply.


The Department usually presents the House Rate Book to Council by statutory deadline on or before March 31 of each year. However, with the proposed restructuring of the Property Taxes, this function has been suspended indefinitely with effect from 31st December 2009.


A total of six hundred and twenty (620) Assessment Certificates were prepared for this period.  Leases processed - nil  Consents processed - 02

Arima Borough Corporation Administrative Report 2018 – 2019

*Other services include: certified copies, certificates of assessment, extracts, consents, processing of leases, etc.

11.6 REMARKS Page | 80

The Assessment Department is currently operating with a Town Assessor, one (1) Valuation Assistant, one (1) Ag. Clerk II and one (1) Temporary Clerk I. With effect from December 31st 2018, all transfers and registration of properties were ceased and are now being referred to the Valuation Division to be processed as instructed by the Ministry of Finance’s Memorandum dated December 5th 2018.The department, however, continues to collect arrears of House Rates and Taxes prior to 2010 as well as Land Rents for Brooklyn Estate Properties in this financial period.

Currently the House Rates Rolls and Ledgers as well as all data entry are up to date and are maintained on a daily basis.



1 Clerk Stenographer III AUDITOR’S 1 Clerk Typist I DEPARTMENT 1 Auditor I 1 Auditing Assistant DEPUTY CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 1 Clerk Stenographer II

ADMINISTRATION 1 Corporate Secretary (Contract) 1 Clerk IV 1 Administrative Assistant 1 Clerk I 2 Messengers I 1 Vault Attendant I Health & Safety Officer (Contract) 1 Duplicating Machine Operator MARKET 4 Cleaners I 1 Clerk III 1 Clerk Typist I 1 Clerk II 1 Maid I 2 Market Attendants

ACCOUNTS PERSONNEL ASSESSMENT DISASTER POLICE PUBLIC HEALTH WORKS 1 Financial Officer 1 P&IRO II 1 Town Assessor II MANAGEMENT 1 Inspector Medical Officer of 1 Engineer (Contract) (Contract) 1 Valuation Assistant I 1 Co-ordinator 3 Sergeants Health 1 Accountant II 1 Clerk II 1 Technician 6 Corporals 1 Accountant I 1 Clerk I 2 Field Officers 33 Constables 1 Town Superintendent 1 Accounting Assistant 1 Clerk Typist I 7 Clerks II 1 Engineering Assistant 1 Cashier I II 9 Clerks I 1 Clerk IV 1 Clerk Stenographer II 1 Engineering Aide 1 Clerk Typist I 1 Clerk III (Contract) 2 Clerks II 1 Public Health Nurse 2 Engineering 5 Clerks I Assistants (Contract) 1 Clerk Stenographer II

1 Building Inspector II 1 Building Inspector I 1 Works Supervisor II 1 Clerk II 4 Works Supervisor I 1 Clerk I 1 Workshop Foreman 1 Works Foreman I STORES DEPARTMENT 1 Public Health Inspector III 1 Storekeeper II 1 Abattoir Keeper 1 Public Health Inspector II 1 Sanitation Foreman III 1 Stores Attendant 3 Public Health Inspectors I 5 Sanitation Foremen II 1 Clerk Stenographer II 1 Clerk II 1 Clerk I