A Theological Reflection on Ministerial Formation Of

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A Theological Reflection on Ministerial Formation Of A THEOLOGICAL REFLECTION ON MINISTERIAL FORMATION OF CLERGY MEMBERS OF THE METHODIST CHURCH IN ZIMBABWE IN RESPONSE TO TRADITIONAL WESLEYAN TEACHINGS ON THE ORDER OF SALVATION [ORDO SALUTIS] WITHIN A RELIGIOUS ENVIRONMENT INFLUENCED BY PROSPERITY GOSPEL SINCE 2000 By PETER MASVOTORE (MA, BA Hons) STUDENT NUMBER: 215082050 SCHOOL OF RELIGION, PHILOSOPHY AND CLASSICS IN THE COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES Pietermaritzburg Campus 2018 DECLARATION This thesis is submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY, in the Graduate Programme in SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY, University of KwaZulu-Natal in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. I, Peter Masvotore, declare that the research reported in this thesis, except where otherwise indicated, is my original research. I also declare that this thesis has not been submitted for any degree or examination at any other university. In addition, I declare that this thesis does not contain other persons‘ data, pictures, graphs or other information, unless specifically acknowledged as being sourced from other persons. I further declare that this thesis does not contain other persons‘ writing, unless specifically acknowledged as being sourced from other researchers. Where other written sources have been quoted, then, their words have been re- written but the general information attributed to them has been referenced and where their exact words have been used, then their writing has been placed in italics and inside quotation marks, and referenced. Peter Masvotore Signature 15/06/2018 As Candidate Supervisor I hereby approve this Thesis for Submission Dr Xolani Sakuba Staff Number 641936 Signature 15/06/2018 As Candidate Co-supervisor I hereby approve this Thesis for Submission Professor Roderick Hewitt Signature 15/06/2018 i EDITING CERTIFICATION ii DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to my late father, Lazarus Mudzvova Mudekunye Masvotore, who succumbed to cancer and did not live to see me acquire a doctorate, my mother Nyengeterai and to my wife Juliet and son Tatenda Nyasha who are my pillars of strength for this great achievement in my life. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis could not have been what it is without the support of my mentors and Supervisors; Dr Xolani Sakuba as main Supervisor and Professor Roderick Hewitt as my Co-Supervisor. I want to thank them for their guidance, encouragement, words of wisdom and motivation throughout the project. I also want to thank the Methodist Church in Zimbabwe (MCZ) for granting me permission to take study leave and being there for me since I started my studies. The MCZ sought scholarship for my studies through the Methodist Church in Britain. I am humbly indebted to the leadership. I also want to convey my profound gratitude to the Methodist Church in Britain for granting me the SALT scholarship for three years that enabled me to pay for my fees and all required resources for my studies. May I also extend my deepest appreciation for the support rendered by colleagues, MCZ clergy and laity for affording me time to interview them? This thesis could not have been what it is had it not been for the tireless work of the editors (Karen Buckenham and Rose Unwin) who proofread the document to perfection. Last but not least, I feel so much indebted to my mother, my dear wife Juliet and my son Tatenda Nyasha for their time, patience, understanding and shouldering some responsibilities in my absence during the writing of this thesis. iv ABSTRACT This study explores and investigates how MCZ clergy experience ministerial formation related to Wesleyan teachings on health and wealth themes, interacting with the order of salvation (Ordo Salutis), in the context of prosperity gospel. The study is inspired by an academic, contextual and pastoral concern with ministerial formation of MCZ. Review of scholarly work confirms that attention has not previously been given to the ecclesial context of the MCZ in relation to the topic of this study. The attitude towards religio-cultural practices that are different from those bequeathed to the church by its Euro-centric missionary heritage constitute part of the motivation that triggered this study, as the researcher sought to discover the root cause of resolutions made by the MCZ at Conferences. It is to these research gaps that this study gives its attention. The research problem of this study emerges out of theological reflections that seem to call into question the religio-cultural ways in which the MCZ clergy are formed. Specifically, how do they appropriate Wesleyan teachings on health and wealth motifs in the doctrine of salvation and does it adequately equip them to address the challenges and opportunities posed by prosperity gospel that has taken root and spread within the Zimbabwean society since 2000. This call for an investigation into the question: how has the ministerial formation strategy within MCZ been able to equip the clergy for effective engagement with the challenges posed by the prosperity phenomenon within Zimbabwe? The data for the study was collected using empirical and non-empirical research methods. In addition to written sources, individual interviews with selected MCZ clergy and lay leaders were conducted and observations made. In examining the responses to the research question, the study concludes that teaching on health and wealth as reflected in Wesley‘s Ordo Salutis, at the theological colleges, is inadequate to prepare MCZ clergy to respond to influences of the prosperity gospel. The study also concludes that the health and wealth responses initiated by John Wesley, one of the founders of Methodism were neglected in ministerial formation, as a resource that could empower its clergy to respond to challenges and opportunities posed by the prosperity gospel. The following are key terms related to this study: ministerial formation, Methodist Church in Zimbabwe, order of salvation (Ordo Salutis) and the prosperity gospel. v LIST OF TABLES, FIGURES AND ATTACHED APPENDICES Map of Zimbabwe xiii Figure 1 Illustration/ Demonstration of theoretical framework 23 Table 1 Extract of themes and sub themes for elected lay leaders 154 Table 2 Extract of themes and sub themes for ministers 166 Table 3 Samples of lay leaders interview responses 168 Table 4 Sample of minister‘s interview responses 171 Appendix 1 Ethical Clearance 245 Appendix 2 Letter to MCZ 246 Appendix 3 Gatekeeper‘s Letter from MCZ 247 Appendix 4 Letter to UTC 248 Appendix 5 UTC Gatekeeper‘s Letter 249 Appendix 6 Interview Questions Samples 250 Appendix 7 Informed Consent Letter 254 Appendix 8 Polity Course Outline for 1st Years 256 Appendix 9 Polity Course Outline for 2nd Years 257 Appendix 10 Polity Course Outline for 3rd Years 259 Appendix 11 TEE Letter 261 Appendix 12 Advertising Banner 262 Appendix 13 TEE Complaint Letter 263 Appendix 14 List of Participants 267 Appendix 15 Turnitin Report 269 vi GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AFM Apostolic Faith Mission AMEC African Methodist Church ATR African Traditional Religion(s) AU Africa University BSAC British South African Company DRS Diploma in Religious Studies ELCZ Evangelical Lutheran Church of Zimbabwe ETC Epworth Theological College IMC International Missionary Council IOU I Owe You IRTG International Research Training Group LMS London Missionary Society MCZ Methodist Church in Zimbabwe MCSA Methodist Church of Southern Africa MDC Movement for Democratic Change PHD Prophetic Healing and Deliverance Ministries UCCSA United Congregational Church of Southern Africa UFI United Family International UMC United Methodist Church UNISA University of South Africa USA United States of America UTC United Theological College UZ University of Zimbabwe WMMS Wesleyan Methodist Mission Society ZANU PF Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front ZAOGA Zimbabwe Assemblies of God ZEGU Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University ZCC Zimbabwe Council of Churches ZIMCHE Zimbabwe Council of Higher Education ZIMTEE Zimbabwe Theological Education by Extension ZINTEC Zimbabwe Integrated Teacher Education Course ZOU Zimbabwe Open University vii TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ..................................................................................................................................... i EDITING CERTIFICATION ................................................................................................................. ii DEDICATION ....................................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................................... iv ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................................ v LIST OF TABLES, FIGURES AND ATTACHED APPENDICES ..................................................... vi GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................... viii The Map of Zimbabwe Showing MCZ District Boundaries and Study Sites ...................................... xiii CHAPTER ONE ..................................................................................................................................... 1 1.0 INTRODUCING THE STUDY: ORIENTATION AND BACKGROUND .............................. 1 1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................
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