CLOUDBURST On the Trail of the Mundays Roofed Accommodation in BC Parks Centennial Celebrations GLORIA Mountain Caribou THE NEWSLETTER OF THE FEDERATION OF MOUNTAIN CLUBS OF B.C. Fall/Winter 2006 CLOUDBURST Cloudburst is published semi-annually by the Federation Club Membership of Mountain Clubs of BC. Publication/Mail sales Please contact the FMC office to receive a list Agreement # 41309018. Printed by Hemlock Printers. of clubs that belong to the FMC (See inside back cover). Circulation 3,500. Membership is $15 per annum per membership when a member of a FMC Club and $25 per annum for individual members. Board of Directors President: Pat Harrison (VOA) Vice President: Peter Rothermel (IMR, ACC-VI) Articles: We welcome articles which inform our readers Secretary: vacant about mountain access, recreation, and conservation Treasurer: Don Morton (ACC-VI) issues or activities in B.C. Don’t limit yourself to prose: Directors: Paul Chatterton(Ind), Dave King (CR, ACC- photographs and poems also accepted. Pieces should not PG), Bill Perry (IMR), Ken Rodonets (CDMC), Manrico exceed 1,000 words. Scremin (ACC-Van), Eleanor Acker (NVOC) Committee Co-Chairs Submission Deadlines: Recreation and Conservation: vacant Fall/Winter - Oct 15 Trails: Pat Harrison, Alex Wallace Spring/Summer - April 15 Staff Executive Director: Evan Loveless Advertising: The FMC invites advertising or classified Bookkeeper: Kathy Flood advertising that would be useful to our members. For More Information Rates: $400 back page $300 full page PO Box 19673, Vancouver British Columbia $160 ½ page $80 ¼ page V5T 4E7 $40 business card Tel: 604-873-6096 Fax: 604-873-6086 Email:
[email protected] Editor/Production: Meg Stanley (margaretmary@telus.