ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT AND EXCEPTION NOTIFICATION Bathers Way Dixon Park to Bar Beach Merewether Kelly Strickland Martin Carney AMAC Archaeological Management & Consulting Group Archaeological for The City of Newcastle January 2014 Disclaimer The veracity of this report is not guaranteed unless it is a complete and original copy. This report may be inaccurate, incomplete, not original, or modified, if it appears in monochrome form and the signature below is a copy. Martin Carney Director (mobile 0411 727 395) Archaeological Management & Consulting Group AMAC AEGIS HERITAGE Pty Ltd ACN 121 655 020 Ph (02) 9568 6093 Archaeological Fax (02) 9568 6093 Mob 0411 727 395 E-mail
[email protected] Cover Image An 1850 plan showing part of Newcastle, and the extensive railway lines for coal mining south of the main town settlement. Newcastle Regional Library (Reference map AM A1/2-3) Baseline Archaeological Assessment – Dixon Park, Merewether 1 CONTENTS PAGE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 TABLE OF FIGURES 4 1.0 INTRODUCTION 8 1.1 BACKGROUND 8 1.2 STUDY AREA 8 1.3 SCOPE 8 1.4 AUTHOR IDENTIFICATION 8 1.5 STATUTORY CONTROLS AND HERITAGE STUDIES 9 1.5.1 NSW Heritage Act 1977 (as amended) 9 1.5.2 National Parks and Wildlife Act (1974) 9 1.5.3 State Heritage Register and Inventory 10 1.5.4 The National Heritage List 11 1.5.5 The Commonwealth Heritage List 11 1.5.4 Newcastle Local Environment Plan and Development Control Plan 2012 11 1.6 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 12 2.0 SITE HISTORY 13 2.1 HISTORY 13 2.2 ORIGINAL GRANT 15 2.3 SUBSEQUENT OWNERS AND OCCUPANTS 21