Storm Rips Manchester, Kills Power
to - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. Sept, 6, 1985 MANCHESTER FOCUS SPORTS WEATHER TOWN OF MANCHUT1R CAR8/TRUCK8 LIOAL NOTICI TAG SALES |F0R8ALE Tht Planning ond Zoning Commlulon will hold o public Meanest cut of all Manchester soccer Gloudy, hot today; htorlnd on WtdnMdov, Stpttmbgr II, 1015 at 7:00 P.M. In th t BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY Town history museum Htorlng Room, Lincoln Ctntar, 494 Main Strott, Manchn- Multi Family — This wee 1980 Ford Fiesta — Hatch ttr, Oonnoctlcut to hear and conildgr the following peti kend beginning Friday. back, standard, radial, has new personality little change Sunday tion*: won’t open this fall can happen to you R ER V il^ FAHITIN6/ I BUIL0IN8/ Too many Items to list, good condtion, A M /F M T H l IiaH TH U T ILITIH DISTRICT ■ ZONING RIGULA- SERVICES Radio, 4 speed. $2,195. l o i j j PAFERHiO CONTRACTINQ 133-140 Strawberry Lane, ... p a g e 2 TION AMENDMENT (E-m - To amend Article II. Section OFFERS! QFEREO Best offer. 646-6876. ... p a g e 3 ... page 111 ... page 15 10.01 to allow municipal office*, police itaflon* and fire Manchester.____________ hou*e> a* permitted uie* provided the (Ite abut* a molor or minor orterlol o* defined by fhe Town'* Plan of Develop Odd lobs. Trucking. Office Machine Repairs Falntmg^ — ComoWe Garage Sale — Friday & ment. and Cleaning-Free pick log - Extertor and lnt» “ nd^emcJ Home reoairs. You name bp Years rior, ceilings rw irrt. ^ e rw m ^ rem^ Saturday, 10am-2pm. ALBERT LINDSAY - SPECIAL EXCEPTION • TAYLOR It, wo do It, Pree esti w .
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