Let’s eat! 23 restaurants for everyone’s tastes

It’s good and it’s local! The best of the ... on your plate!

Little treats

INDULGE are good for

YOURSELVES! the health. Don’t be too Fancy a snack? careful! Easy recipes Cognac Pairing

L’appli qui invite les cognacs à table

Les cognacs se conjuguent avec bonheur avec certains plats, entrées ou desserts. Trouvez le bon accord par saveur ou par type de cognacs, et des recettes pour une mise en pratique. Prêts pour l’initiation ?

Une application proposée par l’interprofession du Cognac (BNIC)

@cognac_official Cognac.Official

190x270mm_bnic_charentes-tourime_2018.indd 1 25/05/2018 17:03:36 Cognac Pairing 04 Fancy eating... CONT on the banks of the Charente L’appli qui invite les cognacs à table ENTS 05 06 Fancy eating... Fancy eating... at the "château" in the heart of the vineyards

Les cognacs se conjuguent avec bonheur avec 07 11 certains plats, entrées ou desserts. Fancy eating... Fancy... Trouvez le bon accord par saveur ou par type in the heart of Cognac going out de cognacs, et des recettes pour une mise en pratique. Prêts pour l’initiation ? 12 Fancy... a local breakfast

14 16 17 Fancy doing... Fancy... Fancy doing... some local tasting a self-indulgent nothing very much workshop Une application proposée par l’interprofession du Cognac (BNIC) 18 Fancy... @cognac_official Cognac.Official treating yourself THE FOOD-LOVER’S GUIDE 03

190x270mm_bnic_charentes-tourime_2018.indd 1 25/05/2018 17:03:36 Fancy eating... ON THE BANKS OF THE CHARENTE

Le Mas Charentais BAR Our restaurant has a panoramic view of the LONGE Charente and a large terrace. Traditional PARK market-based cuisine using local produce.

1 16 120 Saint Simeux +33 (0)5 45 64 08 48

LA SCALA Set at the foot of the château, La Scala’s cuisine is generous, just as it is in Italy. We import wonderful Italian products that put the sun in our lives: charcuterie, cheeses, first cold-pressed olive oil...

2 7, Rampe du Château - 16 100 Cognac +33 (0)5 45 36 59 11

L’Atelier des QUAIS

A gourmet’s bistro offering a cuisine based on fresh, quality produce in a remarkable setting. Ideal for an aperitif, a whole range of cocktails or a meal with your friends, family or as a couple.

4 2, Quai Saint-Jacques 16 100 Cognac LA COURTINE +33 (0)5 45 36 31 03

La Courtine is a welcoming, elegant, verdant setting beside the Charente and the François I park, the emblem of Cognac. Enjoy a traditional cuisine and a wide range of grilled dishes based on local produce… 3 Allée Fichon - 16 100 Cognac • +33 (0)5 45 82 34 78 THE FOOD-LOVER’S GUIDE 04 Fancy eating... AT THE “CHÂTEAU”

BAR La Table de l’Yeuse LONGE Our chef is inspired not only by the setting of our PARK hotel-restaurant close to the Charente but also by his “Jardin Respectueux” - a garden respectful of biodiversity. Our menus offer a truly remarkable range of tastes that will awaken all your senses!

5 65, Rue de Bellevue - 16 100 Châteaubernard +33 (0)5 45 36 82 60

CHÂTEAU DE MIRAMBEAU Faithful to the best French Restaurant du traditions, the Restaurant du Château offers a refined, creative, château regional gastronomy inspired by the richness of local markets with The Restaurant du Château a specific attention being paid to stands on the main square of seafood. Meals are served in one of . our gorgeous dining rooms, in the veranda or on the covered terrace. The chef Ludovic Merle has worked for many prestigious establishments. His menus 6 1, Avenue des Comtes Duchatel 17 150 Mirambeau • +33 (0)5 46 04 91 20 highlight local produce: chicken from Barbezieux, Poitou lamb, Marennes oysters together with an interesting list of wines and Les Foudres cognacs to accompany them. Here in this historic building, amongst these ancient barrels, we would like to 8 15, Place du Château invite you not just to enjoy your meal, 16 200 Jarnac but to meet the region’s producers, the +33 (0)5 45 81 07 17 men and women who have made our terroir what it is today. My aim is to bring to your table the memory of their traditions and craftsmanship handed down through the ages, to form a bond between past and present. However, just as the course of the Charente river is shaped by the terrain it traverses, my culinary lexicon has been influenced by my life experiences, so as you travel through our terroir, don’t be surprised if you encounter flavours from elsewhere, the sharp tang of citrus fruit or the nutty sweetness of olive oil, for example. I hope you enjoy your culinary voyage of discovery! Marc-Antoine Lepage 7 50, Avenue Paul Firino Martell - 16100 Cognac • +33 (0)5 17 22 32 23 THE FOOD-LOVER’S GUIDE 05 Fancy eating... Château de IN THE HEART OF The Château de MESNAC THE VINEYARDS hostel welcomes you by reservation from March 1st to September 30th, in the rooms of a solid and cosy house from the 18th century. Instinct and instant cooking with farm products.

11 115/122, Rue de l'Eglise 16370 Mesnac +33 (0)5 45 80 55 67

L’Epinière Chez d’ Logis Courcelles Merlageot Torxé La CagouillardeSt-Pierre- La ferme du Père Chives du Père Les Hérards Le Pinier Le Port Laroche Ternant Fontbrossard Cheniers Frâgne de-Juillers Le Breuil Loiré- La Font Moussac Cresson A timeless restaurant hidden Le Chail sur-Nie Seigné Perin Baunac Le Breuil Alfred Fontaine- Saint-Fraigne Charmé Salles- Beaufief St-Julin- St-Martin-de-Juillers Le Vivier St-Jean- Malmaud Chalendray de- Les Ouillères behind a wooden,de -l’Escap warm-coloured Sècheboue d’Angely Courpéteau Ebréon Le Chaumier GibourneFerme-auberge Le Bouchet Bouteau Le Grand Village Le Gua Véronfacade. The atmosphere we’ve Les Inchauds Candé Breuillaud Bignay LaTouzetterie We offer a traditional cuisine in our Le Breuil L’Aubrée created and the objects on showLes Grandes Le Roty Ligné Juillé Tout Vent Métairies Lucheville Villesoubis La Vallée Le Pontreau ferme-aubergeLes-Touches- (farm restaurant) enable the visitor to return to Le Grand Esset Créssé Les Bertons La Richardière de-Périgny Ranville- Barbezières Oradour Fenioux Breuillaud La Roche L’Houmée Agonnay the past. A rustic dining room, with locally sourced vegetables, L’Hôpiteau La Cour Châteaurenaud La Giraud LeTreuil Germeville Villejésus Le Chauroy Asnières- L’Essert St-Savinien classical musicSte-Même andChagnon a flaming wines, fruits and, of course,Beauvais- Bourcelaine Geay Grandjean la-Giraud Blanzac- sur-Matha Guignefolle Luxé Aigre LaTerne Chez fireplace provide a relaxing les-Matha our own produce. Home-made St-Groux Frichebois La Frédière Le Petit Marestay La Grue Aizet La Liéterie Coulonge- Ferret Laleu Nantillé Bordeaux Villorioux Ste-Radegonde sur-Charente Chez Millonambiance. Terrace overlooking the pastries. Le Breuil La Foye St-Hilaire-de Ebéon Matha St-Ouen Chez Mannot Les Loges L’Ardoise Ste-Radegonde Massac Mons Echoisy Les Garreaux garden. Local cuisine and grills La Renaudière Villefranche Chez Audebert Jeune 10 Les Rivières Les Marais Champagne Taillebourg La Férouze Briou Bégout Crotet Puyréaux prepared on vine Aujacstocks. La Gataudière Auge Lanville La Loubartière Le Breuil Marcillac- Cellettes Boudérat St-Caprais 16 130 Lignières-Sonneville Port- Bâtard Auge- Lanville Pont-l’Abbé- St-Michel Sonnac La Pinelle Montaigon Ambérac Maine-de-Boixe St-Porchaire d’Envaux Le Brandet 9 18, Rue Gaston Briand Thors +33 (0)5 45 80 55 67 St-Médard L‘Age d’Arnoult Ecoyeux Authon-Ebéon La Revetizon St-James Anville Les Guillons 16 130 Segonzac +33 (0)6 61 33 14 61 Bonneville Coulonges Bargagne Mons Brie- (La Cabane) La Chapelle Le Courreau A10 St-Vaize Les Boursiquots +33 (0)5 45 83 40 51 sous-Matha Gourville Vervant Aussac St-Sulpice- Le Chaillot La Roulerie Villars- Montigné d’Arnoult Les Chails La Foucherie La Vrignolle Le Pontour L’Isleau Les Essards La Verdrie les-Bois Les Ecures Les Vignes - La Bernarde -Vadalle Les Jamets Coutier Vénérand Le Breuil le-Château Vouarthe Prouafaire Rullon Chez Lanté Chez Petit Migron Sonneville Puybossard Saint-Amant Ecurat Bussac Bois Cerceville Baronneau Bréville Moulins de-Boixe -sur-Charente Pouvet La Fournerie Grosville Le Mur La Vallée Chez Merlet La Selle Genac Beaulieu Gros Chez Corsin Puygard-Haut Le Temple Narcejac Fontcouverte Bonnet La Guimbaudière Le Breuil La fichère Le Puydorin Mongré Mesnac Fougeard Les Bouchauds Herpes Nieul- Préan Le Marais Marmounier Les Geais les-Saintes Coulonges Rouillac Nitrat La Moulinette Mareuil Chebrac Montignac- St-Bris- St-Sulpice-11 Bignac Corme Where is it ? LaTonnelle Les Chambres Les Villairs Charente Anais des-Bois Dorgeville -Royal Les Bertins La-Chapelle- de-Cognac Beaumont Basse des-Pots St-Césaire Cherves- Ste-Sévère Le Portal Saintes Les Béguillères St-Cybardeaux Bellevue St-Sauvant Richemont Rulle Plaizac Grosbot LesTards LaTaillée Le Cluzeau Vars Le Vanneau Le Bois Raymond Lagroux Churet Portublé St-André Ste-Catherine Couziers Fribaud Pidou Le Bois Vaux Pétouret La Vinaigrière Les Essards de Vaux St-Genis- Marsac Le Pontreau La Brande Rouillac St-Amant- Chez Les Grands Les Varennes d’ Villeneuve Maussé Les Monroux Réparsac Villeneuve de-Nouère Rouhénac Vouillac-le-Haut Fontenelle Argence Richemont Roissac Guissalle Boutiers- St-Romain- La Charente Les Poitevins Dompierre- St-Trojan Luchac Fleurac Echallat de-Benet Les Guillots sur-Charente Chérac Louzac- Asnières- N10 Balzac La Métairie St-André sur-Nouère LesTreuillons Courcion Les Métairies Vouillac Villeneuve St-Trojan (Les Genins) LesArènes St-Laurent-de-Cognac 2 3 Chez Cantin Julienne (Coursac) Mérignac Les Grandes Maisons St-Sever- Puyrenaud Les Chabots Champniers de-Saintonge Cognac St-Brice LaTouche Bois Renard L’Hôpiteaux Fontenille Les Rétaud La Rouffiac LeTreuil Chauvauds Le Vivier Brénat Thézac Les Breuils Averton Jarnac Villars St-Yrieix- Jarlac 4 Triac-LautraitBourras Marange sur-Charente Chez Préguillac Brives- 7 N141 Tarsac Roudier Les Mauds Thénac Salignac- Triac La Cabourne sur-Charente 8 Cheville Le Pontouvre LesTouches La Laurencière sur-charente Le Prunelas Châteaubernard Bassac Malvieille Moulède Bellevue Les Planes Soubirat Les Michauds Bourg-Charente Gondeville Les Sauzeaux La Pallue Hiersac Les Epeaux La Frénade St-Saturnin Gond-Pontouvre La Chagnaud 5 Graves-St-Amant Chez Bardines Corme-Ecluse Colombiers Virlet Goux Tilloux Chez Boutin Fléac La Sauveté Berneuil Ste-Foy Ars Touchard Auvignac Mainxe Montpellier- St-Seurin- Gensac-la-Pallue Villars La Nérolle St-Simon Angoulême de-Médillan St-Simon- Vaumondois de-Palenne St-Michel Les Courtets St-Léger Marville St-Même Vibrac Trois-Palis Jorigrac de-Péllouaille Les Egaux Biard Grézac les-Carrières Angeac-Charente La Barrière La Lijardière Pérignac Genté Roissac Garancille Les Brandes Le Pied Les Brunets Le Chaillaud Coulonges Salles-d’Angles Douvesse du Chêne St-André-de-Lidon Deuville St-Simeux La Méchinière Montignac Les Corbinaux Le Mas La Roche Breuty Villars- Angeac- Segonzac Ségéville Châteauneuf- 1 Chez Mothay Le Maine Mosnac Pombreton La Salle en-Pons Celles Neuf -Champagne Le Pible sur-Charente Les Pâtureaux La Couronne Le Vieux Meussac Rouchave St-Preuil Peuchaud Lidon St-Martial Angles 9 Les Valades Logis La Vallade Juillac-le-Coq Conteneuil -sur-le-Né Giget Theuillac La Merletterie Langlade Figers Les Barbots Mougnac La Rivière St-Fort-sur-le-Né Chez Durand Chez Javrezac Grenon La Brande Le Petit Voeuil-et Giget Machennes Echebrune La Ronce Lignières- Merlet St-Estèphe Chadeniers Pons Sonneville Bourgloux Roullet- Soulignac Chez Pinaud Gémozac Biron Sonneville Bonneuil des Bois St-Estèphe Le Rosier Maine Eraville Réjolles La Pouyade Jarnac- Vérrières Maine Chemin Pondeville La Pétillerie Andole-la-Petite Epargnes Bouquet Maine Mazerolles Chadon Augémon Avy Champagne Le Château 10 Malaville Madion L Birac Seugnac e Les Naulets La Grande Vache Le Fy Né Plassac St-Quantin- St-Richer Touzac Chez de-Rançanne Font Robin Chotard Le Pinier Bois Blanc Les Elies Minaufond Ambleville Chez Taupier Mouthiers- Rançanne Gersac Barzan La Vie sur-Boëme Chenac- Salanzac Fléac-sur-Seugne St-Palais- Chadeuil St-Seurin-d’Uzet Ste-Lheurine -du-Né Nonaville Claix La Pouyade Rosier Chez Piget Les Coffres Chez les Rois Les Monards Oume Chez Nolin Marignac Criteuil- Jurignac St Denis St-Germain-du-Seudre St-Palais- la-Magdeleine Pont-à-Brac THE FOOD-LOVER’S GUIDE St-Grégoire- Boutenac-Touvent de Phiolin Roinsac Viville Nanteuillet d’Ardennes Neuillac Lachaise La Magdeleine Etriac Plassac-Rouffiac St-Seurin Brie-sous- Mosnac d’Uzet Mortagne Baracot Bribaudon Usseau Minot 6 Chez Soulice St-Médard Mainfonds Les Balatries Denat Antignac Rouffiac Féole Lagarde- Champagne- Boutenac La Croix Picou St-Eugène sur-le-Né Font Gareau Le Né Vigny La Grimaudière Le Pin St-Genis-06 Les Ecures Mortagne-sur-Gironde St-Georges- Clam Le Clos La Marguerie Voulgézac Bois de-Saintonge Antignac La Pouyade Chez Denis St-Paul Clion Chez Baron Floirac Chez Poupot Garreau Brie- La Broue Aubeville Bécheresse La Bourrelière St-Maurice- sous-Archiac Barret La Caillère Mageloup Lussac Charmant de-Tavernole Réaux Les Grands Landry St-Bonnet Péreuil St-Fort-sur-Gironde Le Chassac Moings Plassac Les Simons St-Paul St-Martial La Meulière Le Né La Verrerie St-Germain- -de-Vitaterne Allas-Champagne Barbezieux-St-Hilaire Juillaguet LeTirac St-Sigismond- Le Né Blanzac-Porcheresse St-Romain-sur-Gironde de-Lusignan St-Hilaire (La Treille) Chez Guilbeau de-Clermont Chez Benais Charde Les Lamberts Chez Bouffard St-Léger Pérignac Quéssant Port Maubert Guitinières Chez Meux Montchaude Chavenat St-Dizant- Bastard Conzac du-Gua St-Ciers- Salles-de-Barbezieux Porcheresse du-Taillon La Bergerie Picoulade Les Baratelles St-Ciers- La Vergne Aignes- Apremont Ste-Ramée Chez Cardot St-Aulais- Cressac- Cormont Champagne Lamerac Chez et-Puypéroux St-Hilaire-du-Bois Grassin la-Chapelle St-Genis Le Rivalard Les Champagnac St-Germain-de-Vibrac Fessolles St-Nicolas Arnaudeaux LesTortues St-Dizant Le Bourget Reignac Les Morlières Chez Vieuille Le Sablon La Rounière -du-Bois Chez Gentet St-Maigrin Conac - Les Oliviers Brie-sous-Barbezieux le -Virouil Les Hilairets St-Médard Mortiers Givrezac Condéon Le Pain Passignac St-Martial- Le Couret St-Thomas-de-Conac de-Mirambeau La Servante St-Simon- Chez Bouet Guitres Le Tâtre de-Bordes Allas- Fontaines-d’Ozillac La Lande La Comté Ste-Radegonde Monceraud Peuchaud St-Sorlin de-Conac St-Georges Bocage Léoville Touvérac Berneuil -des-Agoûts Mirambeau Les Chapelles Tugéras- Barbegillet Baignes-Ste-Radegonde Chez Moreau Ste-Souline Petit Niort Chez Nicoleau St-Félix St-Bonnet-sur-Gironde St-Maurice Le Portail Bois-Vert Salignac- Les Granges Vibrac Chamballon Brochon de-Mirambeau Neuves St-Laurent La Basquette Port de Cônac La Grolle -des-Combes La Geaitrie St-Maurice Touron de-Laurençanne Chardes La Gâtine Messac Bran Châtignac Rouffignac Chazeau Vitrezay La Guillonnerie Les Poteries Les Boucs Bors Pleine-Selve Troquereau La Sablière La Croix Moulons Mérignac St-Palais de Jean Verat La Font de Cosson Le Pas Air Blanc Pommiers -d’Ozelle Chez Le Pinier Brie- Néron Coux -Moulons Le Pin Chez Boisson Souméras La Brune La Vallade La Croix sous-Chalais Les Martinauds Les Barbiers Blanche Maine Le Pas de Gourbeuil Robine La Bruyère Vallet St-Ciers- St-Caprais- Le Glorit La Porte Port -sur-Gironde Chandas La Verrerie des Callonges de-Blaye Les Charbonnières Les Férrés Ste-Colombe LaTannerie St-Vallier Gablezac Les Rodiers Polignac St-Aubin Le Petit Chez Chotard Ste-Marie Moulin Chez Prias La Prime Les Gorces LesAlains de-Blaye Les Drouillards La Roche Marcillac des-Bois Chez Perrier St-Christophe Le Pas des Fenêtres St-Palais-de-Négrignac Boresse-et-Martron Chalais Les Loges Les Cassotiers Braud LaTouille Maine Azac Le Colombier Jary ChezTureau et-St-Louis Donnezac Sérignac Le Fief Montlieu Neuvicq Le Moulin de de Bouinot La Cabane La Croix Chez Pichet Martron Mélac la Motte Fortuneau de Rapion la-Garde Rioux- Les Portes Reignac Le Défens Barbotin Martin Romaines Le Passage Etauliers Fraineau La Ferrière St-Avit Grand La Cabane Anglade La Martinettes Brignac La Cabane Médillac au Mazerat Couprie Réaud Verdot St-Martin-d’Ary Le Haut Pont de Corps Berdot L’Hôpital Le Pas de Bret La Merlette Le Cap -Mont d’Avias Bussac-Fôrêt Les Barres Le Gât Vrillant Lampiat Magrignac La Genétouze Guillonnet Gouas Collardeau Le Pont St-Androny Le Pontet Mouret Chierzac Genet Le Pavillon La Belle Le Jard de Bourdillas NE Etoile Bernet ON Eyrans Cartelègue DR Parcoul LA La Riade Générac Le Jarculet Fradon Robinson Grignon Champagne Campugnan Saugon Pacraud Clérac Fancy eating... IN THE HEART OF COGNAC

Le Chai

Le Coq d’Or

A traditional brasserie founded in 1908, open 7 days Upscale bistro cuisine using fresh local produce. Our a week. Our dishes are prepared with fresh local and wine bar has more than 200 references. regional specialities. 1 42, Allée de la Corderie - 16 100 Cognac I 2 33, Place François Premier +33 (0)5 45 35 42 77 I I 16 100 Cognac • +33 (0)5 45 36 10 29


La Belle Epoque The restaurant La Belle Epoque invites you to taste specialities prepared with local products close to the historic quarter. The property enjoys a central location in the heart of Cognac. The patio allows to have your meal outside in the summertime.

3 25, Rue d'Angoulême - 16 100 Cognac

+33 (0)5 45 83 75 62 THE FOOD-LOVER’S GUIDE 07 L’Arty Show > C'est...

1 young ladY, 2 times more local products 3 billion ideas to create a veritable explosion of flavours!

4 23, Rue Pont Faumet - 16 100 Cognac • +33 (0)9 87 04 81 77

Le Duguesclin

Specialities: Breton savoury pancakes and pizzas. A la carte and grills. 5 9, Rue du XIV Juillet - 16 100 Cognac +33 (0)5 45 82 46 22

Brasserie La Distillerie

Le Globe When our chef Sébastien Broda imagined La Distillerie, his intention was to create a Le Globe is a historic Cognac modern brasserie with a menu based brasserie with a bistro on fresh, locally sourced produce and atmosphere. Our cuisine is seasonal eating. Open 7 am to 10 pm based on fresh, tasty produce daily, La Distillerie serves traditional and specialities such as duck cuisine with a modern twist in a eggs with home-made foie relaxed and cosy atmosphere. gras... Our menus are varied and seasonal enabling you And weekends are even more special: to discover our range of why not join us on Saturday night for a specialities. “table d’hôte”, with a set menu devised by our chef, or make our Sunday brunch your 6 15, Place François Ier 16 100 Cognac meal of the day? +33 (0)5 45 82 00 56 7 50, Avenue Paul Firino Martell - 16 100 Cognac • +33 (0)5 17 22 32 23 THE FOOD-LOVER’S GUIDE 08 Garden Ice Café Le Passiflore

Welcome to your Garden Ice Café! At one and the same time we offer the warmth of a coffee-shop, the intimacy of a tearoom and an ice-cream parlour, the menus of a brasserie, the à la carte of a large restaurant and the atmosphere of a lounge! A comfortable and cosy brasserie, a smart and welcoming restaurant and a bar that is ideal for your evenings out. A unique A traditional, welcoming, family- setting that keeps up to date. run restaurant. 8 7, Place François Ier - 16 100 Our chef, born and bred locally, Cognac • +33 (0)5 45 36 91 91 prepares tasty dishes based on French and Charentais traditions. Try our daily menu and our specials! We are just 20 minutes from the town centre.. 11 2, Avenue d'Angoulême LA MAISON 16 100 Châteaubernard La Maison is a gastronomic +33 (0)5 45 32 16 15 restaurant offering both traditional and innovative cuisine based on fresh produce. Our chef Pierre Dumas is an expert at preparing pleasurable meals. L’Oliveraie 9 1, Rue du XIV Juillet - 16 100 Tasty cuisine based on local Cognac • +33 (0)5 45 35 21 77 produce. Restaurant 20 minutes from the town centre on foot.

12 6, Place de la Gare - 16 100 Les Pigeons Blancs Cognac • +33 (0)5 45 82 04 15 Set in a verdant park on the high ground of the St Jacques neighbourhood, Les Pigeons Blancs is in the country yet in the heart of the famous town of Cognac. Menu, local dishes, fish and seafood; vegetarians catered for on request.

10 110, Rue Jules Brisson - 16 100 Cognac • +33 (0)5 45 82 16 36

BAR LONGE GARDEN THE FOOD-LOVER’S GUIDE 09 A venue d d’Ange ly e e St. Je an Sai Avenue d nte s

e lbenèz Gou Plan Cognac Rue

Les Maisons de Négoce 10

A. de Fussigny 11 rue des Gabariers - 16100 Cognac Tél : 05 45 36 61 36 www.adefussigny.com P Bache-Gabrielsen 14 32 rue de Boston - 16100 Cognac Tél : 05 45 32 07 45 www.bache-gabrielsen.com 4 3 Baron Otard – Château de Cognac 127 boulevard Denfert-Rochereau - 16100 Cognac Tél : 05 45 36 88 86 www.baronotard.com ESPACE 3000 Camus PATINOIRE 21 rue de Cagouillet - 16100 Cognac Tél : 05 45 32 72 96 2 www.camus.fr LES ABATTOIRS SALLE DE Hennessy CONCERTS rriers Quai Hennessy - 16100 Cognac s Gaba Rue de Tél : 05 45 35 72 68 www.hennessy.com Martell CAMPING Place Edouard Martell - 16100 Cognac Tél : 05 45 36 33 33 www.martell.com Meukow 26 rue Pascal Combeau - 16100 Cognac Tél : 05 45 82 32 10 http://visitemeukow.com 4 Rémy Martin 1 LA MAISON 7 7

20, Rue de la Société Vinicole - 16100 Cognac Allées B. Guionnet LE DOMAINE 3 Avenue de Gimeux - 16100 Merpins Rue




Tél : 05 45 35 76 66 S

o DOMAINE cié www.visitesremymartin.com té CENTRE DE REMY V 6 i n CONGRÈS

i MARTIN co 13 l e 2

5 9

e 8 s

Musées et Espace Découverte s








Musée d’art et d’histoire e


e u

48 bd Denfert Rochereau - 16100 Cognac R Tél : 05 45 32 07 25 www.musees-cognac.fr Musée des Arts du Cognac 20 Place de la Salle Verte - 16100 Cognac CINEMA Tél : 05 45 36 21 10 www.musees-cognac.fr 12 Espace découverte en pays du cognac Les Remparts - Place de la Salle Verte 16100 Cognac Tél : 05 45 36 03 65 www.espace-decouverte.fr

Office de Tourisme Parking payant (jusqu’à 17h00) P P Parking gratuit THE FOOD-LOVER’S GUIDE Toilettes publiques 11 5 Chemin de halage


PLAN COGNAC.indd 1 25/02/2015 13:58 Fancy... GOING OUT

le crunch The Bar Louise is both chic and relaxed, welcoming you with its contemporary urban décor. Their policy is simple: local spirits, home-made produce and all of it set up in a refined way by a team of young, tattooed and especially creative barmen! Whether you choose to relax on a banquette or stand at the bar, follow our experts’ advice to try the cocktail that suits you best. The team creates original preparations and of course revisits the classics but above all, they enjoy presenting an impressive display of cognacs and local spirits – try them by the centilitre. 13 1, Place François 1er - 16100 Cognac • +33 (0)5 17 22 31 67 Cocktail LUCIOLE In the heart of the cognac appellation, Luciole is a perfect spot to relax, taste and discover the flavours Lady Bee of cognac. At Luciole, all the great houses stand side by side and showcase the richness of the appellation. Ingredients : An entire wall of the bar is given over to a remarkable • 6 cl of Pineau des blanc library where all the vintages find their place. A tasting • 3 cl of dry white wine menu enables visitors, whether neophytes or amateurs • The juice of ¼ of a lemon (1 soupspoon or to explore the different eaux-de-vie by age, quality, 1.5 cl) vintage, terroirs, crus and brands. • 1 coffee spoon of runny honey In the summer season, Luciole provides a superb view • Option: 2 cl of sparkling water of the Château de Cognac from its own amazing terrace • Glass : tall tumbler beside the Charente. • Decoration : one slice of lemon and a 14 14, Place du Solençon - 16 100 COGNAC sprig of thyme +33 (0)5 45 81 70 11 PREPARATION : Pour the honey in the glass. Add the lemon juice Mix so as to dissolve the honey Fill the glass with ice cubes Add the white wine and Pineau des Charentes and mix. If desired, add the sparkling water Decorate with lemon and thyme. THE FOOD-LOVER’S GUIDE


AU CŒUR CHARENTAIS Bakery. Come and indulge yourselves at the Cœur Charentais. 16 200 Veillard • +33 (0)6 42 80 15 33

Just for you! You can find all these brands in the Cognacboutique. Tourist Office Brûlerie Marignan Come and discover our teas and coffees. We have a large range from the coffee merchant’s personal choice to gourmet coffees from all over the world. We also stock a large range of Dammann teas, the most renowned French tea merchant. Ask us for advice; our team will guide you towards teas and coffees that suit your palate.. THE FOOD-LOVER’S GUIDE 16, Rue d'Angoulême 16 100 Cognac • +33 (0)5 45 82 12 92 12 MIEL PAUBLANC Beekeeper for more than 20 years that respects nature and offers 100% natural quality honey and unique sweets in the sector. - 16 720 Saint-Même-Les-Carrières A LOCAL +33 (0)6 64 93 94 85 BREAKFAST

Beurlay Our pretty golden shortbread biscuits with a slight flavour of angelica are impossible to avoid munching on! Available for every taste with different fillings or in mixed batches..

1, Route de Saintes FOUNDED

17 250 Beurlay IN 1848 +33 (0)5 46 95 62 15

Letuffe Handcrafted factory of charentaises specialities, Chocolaterie Letuffe proposes visits to his workshop (about 1h) and discovery courses for all ages where gourmets will be able to leave with their own creations. THE FOOD-LOVER’S GUIDE 22, Rue du Bourg - 16730 Trois-Palis • +33 (0)5 45 91 05 21 13

Fancy doing... La Noyeraie Our family produces nuts, renowned for SOME LOCAL TASTING their exceptional taste and we are proud to supply the best French restaurants, starred or not. Walnut oil: essential in a gourmet vinaigrette, sumptuous on a chicken supreme, on scallops... A delight on a simple mashed potato or fresh green beans,... Incomparable for marinating goat cheese, in a walnut cake or simply with yogurt and honey... and much more!

And nuts... a recognized health asset!

For a visit or just a few purchases, we welcome all nut lovers to the farm!

La Cagouille Chez Devaud - 16 100 Louzac-St-André +33 (0)9 83 06 38 76 Charentaise "La Cagouille" from A to Z: cow-calf, farmer, caterer and to all sauces: cooked with charentaise Bordeaux, in the Burgundy, sausages, crepinettes, terrines and preserves. But also white boudins, Escargotine, snail sausage, homemade butter snails (Burgundy) Logis de Rancogne - 16140 Mons +33 (0)6 68 00 86 81

L’alambiquée de Roumillac We produce “vins de pays” Charentais, aperitifs, pineau and saffron - “MADE IN JAVREZAC” and for your greater pleasure, we also make jellies and jams for spreading or cooking... Meet us in Javrezac where you’ll also find a small selection of Poitou-Charentes producers.

Tasty tip! ! To accompany a foie gras, try one of these By appointment only. wonderful jams from Clos des Cerises: 2, Chemin de Roumillac - 16 100 Javrezac Péchet mignon, +33 (0)6 81 51 66 40 Caprice d'Eden, Figue or Hé Chalote. THE FOOD-LOVER’S GUIDE 14 The Royal Château of Cognac A 10th century “The independent winemakers of Cognac: authentic personalitiesfortress – and their wines - happy to greet you at their estates year-round!” Overlooking the Charente river, Le Château was initially a 10th-century fortress designed to stop Norman invasions, and then in the 15th century Menbecame and womena stately engaged home whichin a process was the of biodiversity,birthplace of create one theof ’s vineyard-dominated most countryside,illustrious kings, cultivate Francis their Ist. vines, distill and sell their production, whether wine, Pineau des Charentes or cognac. Baron Otard, who had founded its Cognac House in 1795, quickly Ourunderstands slogan – environmental that the thick engagementwalls provide – is exceptional how we are agingpreparing conditions our future; for hisby protecting nature, we respect your values. eaux-de-vie. He purchases Le Château, saving it from total destruction. Do come and meet the independent winemakers. Le Château is still the perfect setting for the most prestigious receptions, cocktail parties, gala dinners, dance evenings, concerts and more. Le Château Royal de Cognac, which became a historic monument, is now a witness to French history and a Cognac House. We are offering a variety of tours combining two aspects of history: the history of France and the history of BARON OTARD Cognac up to the present day. Welcome to the Royal Château of Cognac!

The story of cognac - alternatively

CONTACT : Château Royal de Cognac 127, Boulevard Denfert Rochereau – 16 100 Cognac +33 (0)5 45 36 88 86 www.chateauroyaldecognac.com THE FOOD-LOVER’S GUIDE 15 Fancy... A SELF-INDULGENT WORKSHOP

Cognac Tasting Tour COGNAC TASTING TOUR – MASTERCLASS VSOP COGNAC Experts at your service... Just for you, we invite celebrated specialists who are happy to share their knowledge and experience with you. CUISINE WORKSHOP NEAR COGNAC: enjoy a workshop hosted by a chef who is both pedagogical and passionate about his subject! MASTERCLASS VSOP COGNAC: cognac is the liqueur of the gods - discover its history and learn how and when to taste it... Chez Rivière - 16 130 Saint-Preuil • +33 (0)5 45 80 80 38


A chef and a sommelier at home: a gastronomic restaurant in your own house! Whether you’re individuals or professionals, beginners, amateurs, experienced or simply very interested, we can help you improve your cuisine and oenology skills. Tasting initiation: lessons on Food Pairing tasting, perfecting your knowledge and tasting techniques... Cookery classes: step by step creation of a themed dish or menu; work on the techniques you wish to tackle; taste your creation with people of your choice. 16 100 Cognac • +33 (0)7 68 12 06 90 THE FOOD-LOVER’S GUIDE


Serves 4 people : 1 - Wash and tail the strawberries and • 500g of strawberries cut into quarters. • 1 Granny Smith apple diced 2 - Make a caramel with the sugar in small cubes and add half the diced apple. • 40g of caster sugar Deglaze with the pineau; add the butter, strawberries and remaining • 20g of butter diced apple; leave to simmer for 2 • 10cl of red Pineau des minutes. Charentes 3 - Whip the cream and fromage • 250g of fromage frais frais. • 10cl of liquid cream 4 - Serve the warmed strawberries in a shallow bowl with a quenelle of fromage frais.

Charentes réception We are specialists in the organisation of Histoire de recevoir receptions, the preparation of cooked Catering for businesses, individuals, food to take away and the provision of weddings etc. Private room. Cookery cold snacks and appetizers. Our team classes. Tray meals. Ask us for an of professionals will put all their savoir- estimate! faire into creating hot or cold buffets 114, Rue de Marignan - 16 100 Cognac and appetizers. +33 (0)6 06 46 39 19 We will be pleased to hear from you for your cocktail events or receptions, provide advice and of course prepare a personalised proposal for your project. 49, Rue des Quillettes - 16 100 Châteaubernard +33 (0)5 45 36 08 33

An outstanding site for taste

In 2013, the 1st growth cognac of Grande Champagne, known for the subtlety of its eaux-de-vie, obtained the national mark supported by the Ministries of Culture, Tourism, Environment and Agriculture and is now one of 71 noteworthy taste sites in France.. Don’t miss the Salon of Taste, held in the first weekend of February in Segonzac where producers from all over France are present. THE FOOD-LOVER’S GUIDE

ALCOHOL ABUSE IS DANGEROUS FOR YOUR HEALTH - DRINK RESPONSIBLY. 17 Fancy... TREATING La Cognathèque With more than 550 cognacs and YOURSELF 50 pineaux available, Stéphane Denis will guide and advise you on the riches of the area. 8, Place Jean Monnet - 16 100 Cognac +33 (0)5 45 82 43 31


In the Tourist Information Offices of Chateauneuf-sur-Charente, Cognac, Jarnac and Segonzac you will find shops selling local products. Happiness for the senses and the taste buds: the products and articles are the result of local know-how. Compose your own basket filled among a choice of regional products recognized for their qualities : ostrich terrines, goose rillettes, snails, mustards, fleur de sel, honeys, chocolates, Charentais butter palets, grape juice, Bouteville balm...

Consume without moderation!


Located on the Place of Canton, it’s a shop with a raw, cosy and airy decoration where you can buy good artisanal French and local products such as pineau vinegars from the Fleuriet house, Baume de Bouteville, grillon charentais and snails, paste of ragondin with cognac, cognac and pineau chocolates, charentaise cake and a wide choice of regional spirits like cognac and pineau from small producers. Taste craftsmen, here, each product has its history and has been selected for its quality. 22, Rue du Canton - 16 100 Cognac • +33 (0)9 81 81 69 74 THE FOOD-LOVER’S GUIDE


Cognac Tourisme 16, Rue du XIV Juillet – 16 100 Cognac

Bureau d’information de Châteauneuf sur Charente 2, Rue du Général Leclerc - 16 120 Châteauneuf sur Charente

Bureau d’information de Jarnac 1, Avenue Carnot - 16 200 Mainxe-Gondeville

Bureau d’information de Segonzac 1, Rue Pierre Viala - 16 130 Segonzac

+33(0)5 45 82 10 71 destination-cognac.com [email protected]

© Conception : Maïa www.maia-creation.com • Mise à jour : Destination Cognac • © Photographies : BNIC/ Martron Gérard - BNIC/ Studio Prigent - Mariot Christophe/ Charente Tourisme - CNPC/Stéphane Charbeau - Comité national du Pineau des Charentes - Destination Cognac - Expérience sur mesure - Château Royal de Cognac - iStock - Freepik - Pixabay - Chais Monnet/ Albane Photographe - Chais Monnet/ Guillaume de Laubier Destination Cognac. AVRIL 2020

COGNAC TOURISME Want to get away? “Cognac Tourisme”, the incoming tour operator of the Tourist Office, offers a year-round range of tailor-made breaks and theme days in the Cognac area for all budgets: cognac house visits, heritage, river trips, gastronomy, workshops...

For us, nothing is impossible! For you, we promise an exceptional experience!

16, Rue du XIV Juillet - 16 100 COGNAC • +33 (0)5 45 82 10 71 - [email protected] THE FOOD-LOVER’S GUIDE 19 HENNESSY_CAMPAGNE_V2_JEFF_BURTON_190X270_18_03_05.indd 1 06/03/2018 11:46