ACADEMIC ADDRESS: Department of History, DM 395B Florida International University Miami, FL 33199 tel. 305 348-3966 fax. 305 348-3561 e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

EDUCATION: University of Texas, Ph.D. 1973 University of Florida, M.A. 1964; University of Florida, B.A. 1962

ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS: Florida International University, Professor 1992--- present, Chair 1995-98, 2006-07 Profesor Honorario of the Departamento Académico de Humanidades of the Pontifícia Universidad Católica of Peru. 2008-- University of Bridgeport, Instructor-Professor, 1969-92 Yale University, Visiting Professor, 1989-90 Universidad Católica del Perú, Fulbright Professor, 1974, 1984 University of Texas, Teaching Assistant, 1964-65 University of Florida, Teaching Assistant, 1963-64

FOUNDATION GRANTS: American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship, 1998-99 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship, 1991-92 Comité Conjunto Hispano-norteamericano para la Cooperación Cultural y Educativa, Spain, 1990-91 [Fulbright Fellowship] NEH, Cornell University, Summer Seminar Andean America, 1990 (declined) University of Florida, Center for Latin American Studies, Library Research Grant, Summer 1989 Mellon Foundation Fellowship, University of Bridgeport Summer Research Grants, Spain, 1986 and 1987 Comité Conjunto Hispano-norteamericano para la Cooperación Cultural y Educativa, Spain, 1985 [Fulbright Fellowship] Fulbright Commission Fellowship, Peru, 1984 Mellon Foundation, University of Bridgeport Summer Research Grant, Spain, 1982 Wenner-Gren Foundation Fellowship for Anthropological Research, Peru, 1977 NEH, Summer Seminar in Anthropological Theory, University of Illinois, 1976 Ford Foundation, Peru Office, Local Research, 1974 Fulbright Commission Fellowship, Peru, 1974 Doherty Foundation Fellowship, Research in Peru, 1968 Fulbright-Hays Fellowship, Research in Spain, 1967 NDEA, Title VI, University of Texas, Portuguese Language, 1965-66, 1966-67


2012 The Plague Files: Crisis Management in Sixteenth-Century Seville. 1st aperback ed.

2011 Hijos del Volcán. Dualidad andina en el valle del Colca. Arequipa: Ediciones El Lector. Spanish translation, rev. ed. of People of the Volcano.

2010 La catástrofe demográfica andina. Perú 1520-1620. Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Spanish revised and expanded 2nd ed. of Demographic Collapse.

2009 The Plague Files: Crisis Management in Sixteenth-Century Seville. with Alexandra Parma Cook, Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press.

2007 People of the Volcano: Andean Counterpoint in the Colca Valley, Peru. Durham: Duke University Press.

2005 La conquista biológica: las enfermedades en el Nuevo Mundo. Madrid: Siglo XXI Editores, 2005. María Asunción Gómez, trans,.2nd ed., .rev. and expanded from Born to Die, English edition.

2004 Demographic Collapse: Indian Peru, 1520-1620. New York: Cambridge University Press, first paperback edition of 1981 original.

2000 "Juicios Secretos de Dios" Epidemias y despoblación indígena en Hispanoamérica colonial, with W. George Lovell, revised edition, with new chapter by N.D. Cook, Quito: Editorial Abya-Yala.

1998 Born to Die: Disease and New World Conquest, 1492-1650. New York: Cambridge University Press. [simultaneous paperback edition]

1998 The Discovery and Conquest of Peru by Pedro de Cieza de León, translated and edited with Alexandra Parma Cook. Durham: Duke University Press.

1998 Relación de la vida y milagros de Francisco Solano [1618], by Luis Jerónimo de Oré, edited by N.D. Cook. Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.

1992 "Secret Judgments of God" Old World Disease in Colonial Spanish America, edited with W. George Lovell. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. [1st paperback edition 2001]

1992 Un caso de bigamia transatlántica, with Alexandra Parma Cook. Madrid: ANAYA & Mario Muchnik.

1991 "Good Faith and Truthful Ignorance:" A Case of Transatlantic Bigamy, with Alexandra Parma Cook. Durham: Duke University Press. [paperback edition 1992]

1985 Numeración general de todas las personas...de Lima, año de 1700. Edited by N.D. Cook. Lima: COFIDE.

1982 The People of the Colca Valley: A Population Study. Boulder, Col.: Westview Press.

1981 Demographic Collapse: Indian Peru, 1520-1620. New York: Cambridge University Press.

1975 Tasa de la visita general de Francisco de Toledo. Edited by N.D. Cook. Lima: Universidad Mayor de San Marcos.

1968 Padrón de los indios de Lima en 1613. Edited by N.D. Cook. Lima: Universidad Mayor de San Marcos.

BOOK CHAPTERS: 2015 “The Columbian Exchange,” in Jerry H. Bentley, Sanjay Subrahmanyam, and Merry E. Weisner-Hanks, eds., The Cambridge World History, Volume VI, The Construction of a Global World, 1400-1800 CE, Part 2: Patterns of Change, 103- 134. 2015 Diseases, Foreign,” in Gary Urton and Adriana Von Hagen, eds., Encyclopedia of the Incas, London: Roman & Littlefield, 116-19. 2013 “Una primera epidemia americana de viruelas en 1493?,” in Frank Moya Pons and Rosario Flores Paz, eds., Los Taínos en 1492: el debate demográfico, Santo Domingo: Academia Dominicana de la Historia, 313-333. 2013 “Las enfermedades y la despoblación de la Española, 1492-1518,” in Frank Moya Pons and Rosario Flores Paz, eds., Los Taínos en 1492: el debate demográfico, Santo Domingo: Academia Dominicana de la Historia, 273-311. 2012 “Women in the Port Cities of the Early Modern Atlantic World: Retrospect and Prospect,” in Douglas Catterall and Jodi Campbell, eds., Women in Port: Gendering Communities, Economics, and Social Networks in Atlantic Port Cities, 1500-1800, Leiden: Brill, 399-408. 2011 “Demography” and “Exploration,” in Karen Kupperman, ed., American Centuries: the Ideas, Issues and Values That Shaped U.S. History, MTM Publishing, “Demography”, 55-62; and “Exploation of the Southwest and Florida, European”, 87-94. 2009 “Afterword,” with Alexandra Parma Cook, in Daniela Bleichmar, Paula De Vos, Kristin Huffine, and Kevin Sheehan, eds., Science in the Spanish and Portuguese Empires, 1500-1800, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 311-21. 2008 "Visitas, Censuses and Other Sources of Population Information,” in Joanne Pillsbury, ed., Historiographic Guide to Andean Sources, 3 vols., Norman: University of Oklahoma Press and The National Gallery of Art, 1: 129-43. 2008 “Toledan Documents: The Informaciones (1570-1572),” in Joanne Pillsbury, ed., Historiographic Guide to Andean Sources, 3 vols., Norman: University of Oklahoma Press and The National Gallery of Art, 3:665-66. 2008 “Toledan Documents: The Ordenanzas (1569-1581),” in Joanne Pillsbury, ed., Historiographic Guide to Andean Sources, 3 vols., Norman: University of Oklahoma Press and The National Gallery of Art, 3: 667. 2006 “Compound Epidemics, 1576-1591,” in Roger Maaka and Chris Anderson , eds., The Indigenous Experience. Toronto: Canadian Scholar’s Press, 2006. 2006 “El valle del Colca en la investigación científica: los últimos treinta años,” in David J. Robinson, ed., Collaguas III. Yanque Collaguas, sociedad, economía y población, 1604-1617. Lima: Universidad Católica, cix-cxxiii. 2005 “The Taino,” in Dinah L Shelton, ed., Encyclopedia of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity. 3 vols., Detroit: Macmillan Reference, 2005, 1017-19. 2004 “Peru,” in Europe, 1450 to 1789: An Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World Charles Scribner's Sons, 2004, article is 5108 words, 12 pages. 2004 “Epidemias en el mundo andino durante el siglo XVI,” in José Hernández Palomo, ed., Enfermedad y muerte en América y Andalucía (Siglos XVI-XX). Seville: Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos, 35-53. 2003 "Introducción: visitas en el mundo andino," in David J. Robinson, ed., Collaguas II: Lari Collaguas, economía, sociedad y población, 1604-1605. Lima: Universidad Católica, xv-xxxv. 2002 "'Tomando posesión,' Luis Gerónimo de Oré y el retorno de los franciscanos a las doctrinas del valle del Colca," in Rafael Varón Gabai and Javier Flores Espinosa, eds., El hombre y los Andes. Homenaje a Franklin Pease, Lima: Universidad Católica, 2:889-903. 2001 "La población del mundo andino (1520-1700)," in Manuel Burga, ed., Historia de América Andina, Quito: Universidad Andina Simón Bolivar, 2:259-88. 2000 "Epidemias y dinámica demográfica," in Frank Moya Pons and Franklin Pease, eds., Historia General de America Latina , Paris: UNESCO, 2:301-18. 2000 "Enfermedad y despoblación en el Caribe, 1492-1518," in W. George Lovell and Noble David Cook, eds., "Juicios Secretos de Dios" Epidemias y despoblación indígena en Hispanoamérica colonial, rev. ed., Quito: Editorial Abya-Yala, 31-61. 2000 "Desenredando la madeja de la enfermedad," in W. George Lovell and Noble David Cook, eds., "Juicios Secretos de Dios" Epidemias y Despoblación en Hispanoamérica Colonial, rev. ed., Quito: Editorial Abya-Yala, 227-50. 1998 “Introducción,” Relación de la vida y milagros de Francisco Solano [1618], by Luis Jerónimo de Oré, pp. ix-xxix. Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. 1997 "Disease and the Depopulation of Hispaniola, 1492-1518," in Kenneth F. Kiple and Stephen V. Beck, eds., Biological Consequences of the European Expansion, 1450-1800. Brookfiled, VT: Ashgate/Valorium. 1997 “Cabanas y Collaguas en la era prehispánica,” in Rafael Varón Gabai and Javier Flores Espinosa, eds., Arqueología, antropología e historia en los Andes. Homenaje a Maria Rostworowski. Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 379-98. 1996 Contributor for the multi-volume Charles Scribner's Encyclopedia of Latin American History, edited by Barbara A. Tenenbaum, 35 items. 1995 Contributor for the third edition of the American Historical Association’s Guide to Historical Literature, Section 35: "Native Peoples of the Americas," section editor: Frederick E. Hoxie, 75 items for subsection: "Highland South America." 1995 "South America: Ethnohistory," Handbook of Latin American Studies 54:100-25. 1993 "South America: Ethnohistory," Handbook of Latin American Studies 52: 87-104. 1992 "Luis Jerónimo de Oré: una aproximación," in Symbolo Catholico Indiano, ed. facsimilar dirigida por Antonine Tibesar, Lima: Australis, pp. 35-62. 1992 “Unraveling the Web of Disease,” with W. George Lovell, in "Secret Judgments of God" Old World Disease in Colonial Spanish America.. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, pp. 213-42. 1992 "The Impact of Disease in the Sixteenth-century Andean World," in John W. Verano and Douglas H. Ubelaker, eds., Disease and Demography in the Americas. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 207-14. 1990 "Migration in Colonial Peru: an Overview," in David J. Robinson, ed., Migration in Colonial Latin America. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 41-61. 1981 "Eighteenth-Century Population Change in Andean Peru: The Parish of Yanque," in David J. Robinson, ed., Studies in Spanish American Population History. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, pp. 243-70. 1978 "Education and the Leaders of Peruvian Independence," in Historia, problema y promesa. Homenaje a Jorge Basadre. Lima: PUCP: 1: 63-88. 1977 "La población de la parroquia de Yanahuara, 1738-1747," in pp. 13-34. 1975 "The Indian Population of Veguetá, 1623-1683," Atti del XL Congresso Internazionale degli Americanisti. Genoa. 4: 309-16


2009 “Recuerdos de una amistad,” El Dominical, El Comercio (Lima, 15 November 2009), 12. 2008 “Viviendo en las márgenes del imperio: Luis Jerónimo de Oré y la exploración del Otro, Histórica (Lima) XXXII.1: 11-38. (Appeared in 2009, vol. date 2008) 2005 “Avances en el estudio de la población andina colonial,” Histórica (Lima) XXVI.1-2: 15-84. (Appeared in 2005, vol. date 2002) 2004 “Franklin Pease y el valle del Colca: el desarrollo de la investigación histórica,” Cuadernos del Archivo de la Universidad 38(Lima):18-28. 2003 “The Corregidores of the Colca Valley, Peru: Imperial Administration in an Andean Region,” Anuario de Estudios Americanos (Seville) 60:2: 413-39. 2003 “Una primera epidemia de viruela en 1493?,” Revista de Indias 63:227: 49-64. 2002 "Sickness, Starvation, and Death in Early Hispaniola," Journal of Interdisciplinary History 32:3: 349-86. 2001 "Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca: A Major New Edition," Colonial Latin American Review 10:1(June): 129-32. 2000 "Franklin Pease Garcia-Yrigoyan (1939-1999)," Hispanic American Historical Review 70(May). 1999 "El impacto de las enfermedades en el mundo andino del siglo XVI," Histórica 23:2: 341-65. 1993 "Disease and the Depopulation of Hispaniola, 1492-1518," Colonial Latin American Review. 2: 213-46. 1992 "Epidemias en Triana (Sevilla, 1660-1865)," with José Hernández Palomo, Annali della Facoltà di Economia e Commercio della Università di Bari. 31: 53-81. 1992 "Beyond the Martyrs of Florida: The Versatile Career of Luis Gerónimo de Oré," The Florida Historical Quarterly. 71: 169-87. 1990 "Varieties of Andean Reality: Recent Perspectives," Latin American Research Review. 25: 206-16. 1989 "Patrones de migración indígena en el virreinato del Perú: mitayos, mingas y forasteros," Histórica. 13: 125-52. 1982 "Population Data for Indian Peru: Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries," Hispanic American Historical Review. 62: 73-120. 1978 "Recent Research Trends in Peruvian Historical Demography," Latin American Population History Newsletter. 1: 3-9. 1978 "La visita de los Conchucos por Cristóval Ponce de León, 1543," Historia y Cultura 9/10: 23-46. 1977 "Estimaciones sobre la población del Perú en el momento de la conquista," Histórica. 1: 37-60. 1976 "Les Indiens immigres a Lima au debut de XVIIe siecle," Cahiers des Ameriques Latines. 13/14: 33-50. 1974 "La población indígena de Veguetá, 1623-1683," Historia y Cultura. 8: 81-90. 1969 "Libro de cargos del tesorero Alonso Riquelme con el rescate de Atahualpa," Humanidades. 2: 41-88. 1965 "La población indígena en el Perú colonial," Anuario del Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas (Rosario, Argentina). 8: 73-110.

BOOK REVIEWS: Renaissance Quarterly 68:4(2015), 1430-32; review of Harold E. Braun and Jesús Pérez- Magallón, eds., The Transatlantic Hispanic Baroque: Complex Identities in the Atlantic World, 2014.

Journal of Interdisciplinary History 45:1(2014): 78-79; review of Kristy Wilson Bowers, Plague and Public Health in Early Modern Seville. Rochester: University of Rochester Press, 2013.

Anuario de Estudios Americanos (Seville) 70:2(2013): 750-53; review of Gonzalo Lamana Ferrario, ed., Pensamiento colonial crítico. Textos y actos de Polo Ondegardo, Lima (Peru), Centro de Estudios Regionales Andinos Bartolomé de las Casas y Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos, 2012.

Ethnohistory, 60:3(2013):; review of Mark Carey, In the Shadow of Melting Glaciers: Climate Change and Andean Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.

Ethnohistory, 60:2(2013): 344-45; review of Joanne Rappaport and Tom Cummins, Beyond the Lettered City: Indigenous Literacies in the Andes. Durham: Duke University Press, 2012.

Journal of Historical Geography, 38:4(2012): 481-482, review accepted, Charels C. Mann, 1493. Uncovering the New World Columbus Created. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 2011.

Catholic Historical Reviw, 98:2(2012): 404-406; review of John Charles, Allies at Odds: the Andean Church and Its Indigenous Agents, 1583-1671. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2010.

Renaissance Quarterly, 63:4(2010): 1296-98; review of Gabriela Ramos, Death and Conversion in the Andes: Lima and Cuzco, 1532-1670. Notre Dame: University of Norte Dame Press, 2010.

Hispanic American Historical Review, 90:3(2010):546-47; review of Sherry Fields, Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico. New York: Columbia University Press, 2008.

Ethnohistory, 57:3(2010):520-21; review of Charles Walker, Shaky Colonialism: The 1746 Earthquake – Tsunami in Lima, Peru, and its Long Aftermath. Durham: Duke University Press, 2008.

Renaissance Quarterly, 62:4(2009):174-75; review of Alejandra B. Osorio, Inventing Lima: Baroque Modernity in Peru’s South Sea Metropolis. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Americas, 65:4(2009):619-20; review of Nicolás Wey Gómez, The Tropics of Empire: Why Columbus Sailed South to the Indies. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2008.

American Historical Review, 113:5(2008):1588-89; review of Alan Durston, Pastoral Quechua. The History of Christian Translation in Colonial Peru, 1550-1650. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2007.

American Historical Review, 113:5(2008):1521-22; review of Paul Kelton, Epidemics & Enslavement. Biological Catastrophe in the Native Southeast, 1492-1715. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2007.

Histórica (2008); review of Marco Curatola Petrocchi and Mariusz S. Ziólkowski (eds), Adivinación y oráculos en el mundo andino antiguo. Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú y Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos, 2008.

American Historical Review, 111:2(2006):469-70; review of Daniel S. Jones, Rationalizing Epidemics. Meanings and Uses of American Indian Mortality since 1600, Press, 2004.

Journal of Latin American Geography 5:1(2006):130-31; review of Charles C. Mann, 1491: New Revelations of the Americas before Columbus. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2005.

American Anthropologist 107:3(2005):522-23; review of Robert William Fogel, The Escape from Hunger and Premature Death, 1700–2100: Europe, America, and the Third World. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002.

Bulletin of the History of Medicine 78:2(2004):472-74; review of Suzanne Alchon Austin, A Pest in the Land: New World Epidemics in a Global Perspective, Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2003.

Journal of Interdisciplinary History 34:3(2003):308-11; review of Richard H. Steckel and Jerome C. Rose, eds., The Backbone of History: Health and Nutrition in the Western Hemisphere, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002.

Hispanic American Historical Review 82:2(2002):344-46: review of Juan José R. Villarías Robles, El sistema económica del imperio Inca: Historia crítica de una controversia, Mesoamérica (2001); review of María del Carmen Mena García, Sevilla y las flotas de Indias. La gran armada de Castilla del Oro (1513-1514), Seville: Universidad de Sevilla, 1998.

Journal of Southern History 68:2(2001):431-32; review of John T. McGrath, The French in Early Florida: In the Eye of the Hurricane, Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2000.

The Americas 56(2000):115-16; review of Alan J. Kuethe and Enriqueta Vila Vilar, eds., Relaciones de poder y comercio colonial: nuevas perspectivas, Seville: Escuela de Estudios Hispano-americanos, 1999.

Mississippi Historical Quarterly 53:1(2000):165-67; review of Jerald T. Milanich, Florida's Indians from Ancient Times to the Present, Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1998.

Journal of Interdisciplinary History 31:2(2000):308-11; review of Ann Twinam, Public Lives, Private Secrets. Gender, Honor, Sexuality, and Illegitimacy in Colonial Latin America, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999.

Journal of Interdisciplinary History 30:3(1999):516-20; review of David Henige, Numbers from Nowhere: the American Indian Contact Population Debate, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1998.

The Historian 61:4(1999):951-52; review of Miles H. Davidson, Columbus Then and Now: A Life Reexamined, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1997.

Journal of World History 10:2(1999); review of Sheldon Watts, Epidemics and History: Disease, Power and Imperialism, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997.

Hispanic American Historical Review 79(1999):135; review of Luis F. Calero, Chiefdoms under Siege: Spain's Rule and Native Adaptation in the Southern Colombian Andes, 1535-1700. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1997.

Hispanic American Historical Review 79(1999):139-40; rev. of Relaciones y visitas de los Andes, 4 vols., ed. Hermes Tovar Pinzón. Bogotá: Instituto Colombiano de Cultura Hispánica, 1995.

The Americas 54:3(1998):452-53; review of Susan Elizabeth Ramirez, The World Upside Down: Cross-Cultural Contact and Conflict in Sixteenth-Century Peru, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996.

The North Carolina Historical Review 75:2 (1998):219-20; review of Charles Hudson, Knights of Spain: Hernando de Soto and the South's Ancient Chiefdoms, Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1997.

Hispanic American Historical Review 77(1997):120-21; review of Wendy Kramer, Encomienda Politics in Early Colonial Guatemala, 1524-1544. Dividing the Spoils, Boulder: Westview Press, 1994.

Hispanic American Historical Review 77(1997):303-304; review of Establishing Exceptionalism: Historiography and the Colonial Americas, edited by Amy Turner Bushnell. Brookfield, Vt.: Variorum, 1995.

Hispanic American Historical Review 77(1997):716; review of Franklin Pease, G.Y., Las Crónicas y los Andes, Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1995.

Sixteenth Century Journal 27:1(1996):263-64; review of James C. Murray, Spanish Chroniclers of the Indies: Sixteenth Century, New York: Twayne Publishers, 1994.

Sixteenth Century Journal 27:1(1996):274-75; review of Castaways, the Narrative of Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, edited by Enrique Pupo-Walker; translated by Frances M. López-Morillas. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993.

Sixteenth Century Journal 27:1(1996):276-77; review of Karen Ordahl Kupperman, ed., America in the European Consciousness: 1493-1750, Chapel Hill: University North Carolina Press, 1994.

The Americas 51:4(1995):594-95; review of Robert H. Jackson, Indian Population Decline: The Missions of Northwestern New Spain, 1687-1840, Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1994.

Hispanic American Historical Review 75(1995):91-93; joint review of Peter Gerhard's, A Guide to the Historical Geography of New Spain, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1993; The North Frontier of New Spain, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1993; The Southeast Frontier of New Spain, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1993; Javier Ortiz de la Tabla Ducasse, Los encomenderos de Quito, 1534-1660, Seville: Escuela de Estudios Hispanoamericanos, 1993; and José de la Puente Brunke, Encomienda y encomenderos en el Perú, Seville: Diputación Provincial de Sevilla, 1992.

Hispanic American Historical Review 75(1995):225-26; review of Kenneth F. Kiple, ed., The Cambridge World History of Human Disease, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993.

MAN 29:4(1994):989-90; review of Suzanne Austin Alchon, Native Society and Disease in Colonial Ecuador, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991.

Mesoamérica 28(1994):413; review of Bernard R. Ortiz de Montellano, Aztec Medicine, Health and Nutrition, Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1990.

Hispanic American Historical Review 73(1993):313-14; review of María Rostworowsi and Pilar Remy, eds., Las visitas a Cajamarca 1571-72/1578, 2 v, Lima: Instituto Estudios Peruanos, 1992.

Colonial Latin American Review (1992):274-75; review of Ida Altman, Emigrants and Society: Extremadura and Spanish America in the Sixteenth Century, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989.

Technology and Culture (1991):438-40; review of Peter Bakewell, Silver and Entrepreneurship in Seventeenth-Century Potosí: The Life and Times of Antonio López de Quiroga, Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1988.

American Historical Review 93:2(1988):535; review of Frank Salomon, Native Lords of Quito in the Age of the Incas: The Political Economy of North Andean Chiefdoms, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986.

Hispanic American Historical Review 67(1987):339-40; review of Silvio Zavala, El servicio personal de los indios en la Nueva España, 1521-1575, 2 vols., Mexico City: El Colegio de México, 1984-85.

Hispanic American Historical Review 67(1987):159-60; review of Raúl Porras Barrenechea, Los cronistas del Perú (1528-1650) y otros ensayos, Lima: Banco de Crédito del Perú, 1986.

History. Reviews of Books 15(1987):77; review of Frederick B. Pike, The Politics of the Miraculous in Peru, Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1986.

The Journal of Southern History (1984):630-32; review of Henry F. Dobyns, Their Number Become Thinned: Native American Population Dynamics in Eastern North America, Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1983.

Hispanic American Historical Review 63(1983):389-91; review of Steve J. Stern, Peru's Indian Peoples and the Challenge of Spanish Conquest: Huamanga to 1640, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1982.

American Historical Review (1981):678-79; review of Nicholas P. Cushner, Lords of the Land: Sugar, Wine, and Jesuit Estates of Coastal Peru, 1600-1767, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1980.

Hispanic American Historical Review 60(1980):486-88; review of David J. Robinson, ed., Social Fabric and Spatial Structure in Colonial Latin America, Ann Arbor: University Microfilms, 1979.

Hispanic American Historical Review 59(1979):574-75; review of Angel Rosenblat, Los conquistadores y su lengua, Caracas: Universidad Central de Venezuela, 1977.

Hispanic American Historical Review 59(1979):725-28; review of Nicolás Sánchez-Albornoz, Indios y tributos en el Alto Perú, Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 1978. Inter-American Review of Bibliography 28:2(1978):198-99; review of Nicolás Sánchez-Albornoz, The Population of Latin America, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974.

Hispanic American Historical Review, 57(1977):723-25; review of William M. Denevan, The Native Population of the Americas in 1492, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1976.

Journal of Inter-American Studies and World Affairs (1971):535-37; review of Woodrow Borah, The Population of the Mixteca Alta, 1520-1960, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1968.

ACADEMIC HONORS: 2013 Research & Creative Activites Award, Florida International University 2008 Murdo J. MacLeod Book Prize Honorable Mention, Latin American and Caribbean Section of the Southern Historical Association for People of the Volcano: Andean Counterpoint in the Colca Valley 2007 William R. Jones Outstanding Mentor Award for the McKnight Fellows, Florida Education Fund. 2000 Research Excellence, President's Award, Florida International University 1997 -- Miembro Correspondiente de la Academia Nacional de la Historia del Perú 1997 Teaching Excellence Award, Florida International University 1992 Nominated for Cline Prize Conference of Latin American History, best book on ethnohistory 1988-92 William Bentson Senior Endowed Professorship, University of Bridgeport 1979-82 Henry Littlefield Junior Endowed Chair, University of Bridgeport Visiting Fellow, Yale University; Latin American Studies, 1979-80, 1981; History Department, 1985-87; History Division, Yale Medical School, 1991-92 Phi Kappa Phi Honorary Society; Phi Alpha Theta Honorary Society

ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE (brief sample): Florida International University: History Department Chair, 1995-98, May 2006 – December 2007 Graduate Program Director 1993-95 University of Bridgeport: History Department Chair, 1986-87, Chair Elect, 1989-91 Summer Chairman, 1978, 1979, 1981, 1982 Chairman of the Senior Capstone Program, 1986-87 Chairman of the Esterline Corporation Scholarship Committee, 1982-87 Coordinator of the Bachelor of Elective Studies Program, 1978-79

UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS (brief sample): Florida International University, 1992-2008: A&S Budget Committee University Research Council Africa New World Studies Search Committee Cuban Studies Search Committee Graduate Advisory Committee, Latin American History College CLAST Evaluation Committee Davidson Endowed Visiting Professorship Committee, Chair A&S Teaching Incentive Program Committee, Division Chair Head, Committee for History Doctoral Program in Atlantic Civilization


Evaluator, National Panel for the National Science Foundation: Ford Foundation Minority Fellowship Program, 1997 Ford Foundation Minority Fellowship Program, 2001 Ford Foundation Minority Fellowship Program, 2005 Chair, Conference of Latin American History Program Committee for the 2004 American Historical Association Convention, Washington, DC Associate Editor, Hispanic American Historical Review, 1993-97 Book Review Editor, Hispanic American Historical Review, 1992-93 Contributing editor for the Handbook of Latin American Studies, Library of Congress, South American Ethnohistory section, 1990-95 Member of editorial board: Nueva Coronica. Universidad Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru, Board of Editorial Consultants 2013---- Latin American Originals. Penn State University Press, Member of the Advisory Board 2013--- Ethnohistory, 2009-11 Histórica, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, 1977---- Anuario de Estudios Hispano-Americanos, CSIC, Seville, Spain, 2005-2009, 2010-14 Ibero-Americana Pragensia, Anuario del Centro de Estudios Ibero-americanos de la Universidad Carolina de Praga, Czech Republic, 2000--- The Americas, Area Editor, 1997-98 Occasional manuscript evaluator for: Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Ethnohistory, Hispanic American Historical Review, Latin American Research Review, Journal of Historical Geography, Bulletin de l'Institut Francais d'Etudes Andines, Mesoamerica, Anuario de Estudios Hispanoamericanos, Population and Development Review, The Americas. Occasional manuscript evaluator for: Stanford University Press, University of New Mexico Press, Duke University Press, University of California Press, Cambridge University Press, Penn State University Press, University of Pennsylvnaia Press, Wiley-Blackwell Publishers, McGraw-Hill Companies. Occasional evaluator for: National Endowment for the Humanities, National Geographic Society, Guggenheim Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, National Science Foundation, Woodrow Wilson Center Conference on Latin American History (CLAH): Committee on Demography, 1977- Committee on Historical Statistics, 1982- Chair of the Cline Prize Committee for Ethnohistory, 1982 Chair, Historical Demography Committee, 1987-88 Committee on Andean Studies Committee on Colonial Latin American History Chair, Scobie Prize Committee for Pre-dissertation Research, 2000 Chair, CLAH Program Committee for 2004 AHA Convention, Washington, DC Consultant for: Pontifícia Universidad Católica of Peru, Evaluator for faculty research projects, 2012-- Kislak Foundation Student Prize Committee Evaluator, 1997-2002, 2005 Library of Congress, Kislak Foundation, Junior and Senior Fellowship Proposal Evaluator, 2006. Faculty Advisor for Phi Alpha Theta, University of Bridgeport Centro de Estudios Latinomericanos de Demografía, Santiago de Chile, August 1973


"Luis Gerónimo de Oré: the Franciscans and the New World" [book, research began in 1974, currently mss of 445 pp.].

Co-edit volume of papers, "Crisis at the End of Empire. Disease and Public Health in the Americas, 1750-1821" presented at the July 2006 Meeting of the International Congress of Americanists.

"The barrio of Triana and America: a socio-economic study." [Book, with Alexandra Parma Cook, based on research in Seville 1990-91, 1998-99, and various summers].


Cambridge Encyclopedia of World History, vol.4, 12,000 word chapter on The Columbian Exchange. 2014

Gary Urton and Adriana von Hagen, Encyclopedia of the Incas, Altamira Press, 1,500 word entry on “Foreign Diseases” 2014


2011 “San Francisco Solano: Franciscan Friar Luis Gerónimo de Oré and the ‘Making’ of a Saint,” Annual Meeting of Ethnohistory Society, Santa Fe, NM, April 2011. 2010 “Migration in the Americas: the last thousand years,” University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine, 4 January. 2009 “Counting the Uncountable: Successes and Failures of the Past Half Century,” Plenary address for the Annual Convention of the Renaissance Society of America, Los Angeles, March 21.

2007 “The Conde del Villar and the Response to Epidemic Disaster, Seville and Lima in the 1580s,” Annual Convention of the Renaissance Society of America, Miami, March 2007. 2006 “Counting the Uncountable: Andean Native Population Counts to 1620,” paper for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Yale University, February 2006. 2006 “Evaluation of Spanish Census Taking in the Central Andes from Pizarro to 1600,” for panel organized by N.D. Cook and M. Francis on “Re-evaluating the Verisimilitude of Early Amerindian Population Counts” for the American Historical Association and the Conference of Latin American History, Philadelphia, 8 January. 2005 “Living on the Borders of Empire: Luis Gerónmo de Oré and the Exploration of the ‘Other’”. Annual Conference of the American Society for Ethnohistory, Santa Fe, NM, 17 November. 2003 “Franklin Pease y el Proyecto Collaguas,” Instituto Riva-Aguero, Lima, Peru, 13 November. 2003 “Fuentes para la Historia Demográfica Peruana,” Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú,@ Lima, Peru, 12 November. 2003 “Epidemics in Early Colonial Latin America,” University of Miami, Department of History, 24 September. 2002 “El Libro de Homenaje de Franklin Pease,” Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú,@ Lima, Peru, 6 December 2002. 2001 "La catastrofe demográfica en los Andes, a veinte años vista," VI Congreso de la Asociación de Demografia Histórica, Castelo Branco, Portugal, 18 April 2001. 2000 "Pedro del Barco, Conquistador of Peru," with Alexandra Parma Cook. Kislak Foundation Board Meeting, 8 November 2000. Pontificía Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, 15 November 2000. 2000 "Una primera epidemia americana (del viejo mundo) de viruelas en 1493?" VI Congreso Internacional Salud-Enfermedad de la prehistoria al siglo XX, Dirección de Estudios Históricos del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico, DF, 4-9 September 2000. 1999 "Deconstructing Identity: the case of Catalina India," Guest lecture, History and Latin American Studies, Tulane University, New Orleans, March. 1998 "Fuentes para la historia de hispanoamerica en los archivos de España," Guest Lecture, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, October. 1998 "Epidemias y conquista," Guest Lecture, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, October. 1998 "Luis Gerónimo de Oré y la vida de Francisco Solano," Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, March. 1997 "Epidemias europeas en América antes de 1518," Escuela de Estudios Hispano- americanos, Seville, Spain, 4 April. 1997 Discussant, "Identity and the Historical Imagination," Critical History Workshop in Andean Studies, University of Florida, Gainesville, 14 April. 1992 "Demographic Collapse Revisited," Historical Demography Committee of the Conference of Latin American History, American Historical Association Convention, Washington, DC, 27 December. 1992 "Document to Narrative: from the Crude to the Cooked," Guest Lecture, Florida International University, 7 December. 1992 "Research Strategies, Colonial Latin America," University of Miami, History Seminar, 2 November. 1992 "Disease and Depopulation of Hispaniola, 1492-1518," Bowling Green State University, Ohio, 15 October. 1992 "Writing History Together "In Good Faith," with Alexandra Parma Cook, Conrad Wingate Lecture, Washington College, Chestertown, MD, 16 April. 1992 "Bigamia Transatlántica: un ejemplo del siglo XVI," with Alexandra Parma Cook, Romance Languages and Anthropology, University of Delaware, 17 April. 1992 "Epidemics and the Conquest of the Americas," with discussion of film "The Sword and the Cross," Yale University Series on "Beyond 500 Years in the Americas: Mulitcultural Perceptions and Perspectives on the Quincentennial of Christopher Columbus' Arrival," 14 April. 1992 "Epidemics and New World Conquest," History Department, Georgetown University, Washington, 6 February. 1992 "The Epidemic Factor and New World Conquest," Latin American Studies, University of Connecticut, Storrs, January. 1991 "What Killed Huayna Capac and Why Does it Matter?" History Department, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 13 February. 1991 "Luis Gerónimo de Oré: Un Franciscano Peruano," Escuela de Estudios Hispano-americanos, Seville, 6 March. 1990 "Duality in the Colca Valley," Latin American Studies Center, University of Connecticut, 17 March.

Other recent professional activities:

2009. Commentator on six papers at annual meeting of the American Ethnohistory Association, New Orleans, “Medical Ethnohistories in the Spanish Americas,” chair, Martha Few, October. 2008. Chair of panel, “Fishwives, Heretics, Tavernkeepers, and Traders: Women’s Agency in Early Modern Port Cities,” for the Annual Convention of the American Historical Association, Washington, DC, 4 January. 2006. Organized with José Hernández Palomo, panel "Crisis at the End of Empire. Disease and Public Health in the Americas, 1750-1821" for the Meeting of the International Congress of Americanists, Seville, Spain, July 16-21. 2006. Organized panel “Re-evaluating the verisimilitude of early Amerindian population counts” for the Annual Convnetion of the American Historical Association and the Conference of Latin American History, Philadelphia, 8 January. 2000. Coordinator of session "Historia de la salud pública. La ilustración y las medidas preventivas, siglos XVIII y XIX." VI Congreso Internacional Salud-Enfermedad de la prehistoria al siglo XX, Dirección de Estudios Históricos del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico, 4-9 September. 2001. Commentator on three papers at annual meeting of the American Historical Association, Boston, Conference of Latin American History – “Colonial Studies” chair, S. Alchon, January.


American Historical Association Conference on Latin American History Latin American Studies Association NECLAS New England Conference on Latin American Studies International Congress of Americanists American Society for Ethnohistory Fulbright Alumni Association Society for the History of Medicine Asociación de Demografía Histórica Sixteenth Century Studies AHILA Association of European Latin American Historians Renaissance Society of America Rocky Mountain Conference of Latin American Studies Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies Southern Historical Association


Surveys Latin American History I and II Latin America from Columbus to Castro United States History I and II World Civilization I and II Western Civilization I and II Roots of Modern Culture (America and Europe 1850-1930) The World since 1945 Modern Spain Introduction to the Third World Major Figures in History: Columbus, Castro, Evita Peron, Benito Juarez

Advanced Undergraduate and Graduate Colonial Latin America Modern Latin America Early Modern Spain Junior Seminar: Your Family through History Senior Seminar: The European Encounter with the “Other” in the Reconnaissance Senior Seminar: The Columbian Exchanges and the Black Legend Introduction to Historical Research and Writing Research Methods: Quantification Latin American Politics History of Peru Guerrilla Warfare in Latin America Human Rights in Latin America Puerto Rico and the Caribbean Urban History I and II

Graduate Historical Methods Readings in Atlantic History Readings on the Chuch in Colonial Latin American History Research in Atlantic History Colonial Latin American History Modern Latin American History Andean Ethnohistory Imperial Spain, 1469-1713 Population History of Latin America Death in the Port Cities of the Atlantic World: Research Seminar Migration and the Port Cities of the Atlantic World: Research Seminar

DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, primary supervisor:

Renzo Honores, “Lawyers and the Legal Profession in Colonial Peru, 1540-1640,” 2007. Currently Assistant Professor of History, High Point University, Office: David Hayworth Hall 119, High Point, NC 27252, Telephone: 336-841-9078 Email: [email protected]

Miguel Costa Vigo, “Patronage and Bribery in Sixteenth-Century Peru: the Government of Viceroy Conde del Villar and the Visita of Licenciado Alonso Fernández de Bonilla,” 2005. Currently teaching at the Catholic University of Peru, Lima. Email: [email protected]

Francis Xavier Luca, “Re-‘interpreting’ the Conquest: European and Amerindians Translators and Go-betweens in the Colonization of the Americas, 1492-1675,” 2004. Curently Head Librarian of the Wolfsonian Museum and teaching adjunct in History at Florida International University. Email: [email protected]

Mauricio Damian Rivero, “The Words of God: Religious Texts and the Counter-Reformation in the Spanish World,” 2000. Currently an associate in Holland & Knight's International and Cross- Border Transactional Practice Group, Miami, FL 305 789-7655. [email protected]

In Progress:

Jessica Allison, “Developing Medicine: The University of Havana Medical School, the , and the Professionalization of Medicine in Atlantic History in Cuba, 1919-1946,” currently conducting research, completion expected in 2016.

Secondary member of dissertation committee, Dissertation completed and PhD granted:

Melissa A. Malone, “Constructing Childhood: Place, Space and Nation in Argentina, 1880-1955,” FIU, June 2015.

Roberto Pacheco, “”Pobres Negros!”: The Social Representations and Commemorations of Blacks in the River Plate from the Mid-nineteenth Century to the First Half of the Twentieth (and Beyond) ,” FIU June, 2015.

Joseph Holbrook, “Catholic Student Movements in Latin America: Cuba and Brazil, 1920s to 1960s,” FIU December, 2013.

Miguel Ramos, “Lucum ̕(Yoruba) Culture in Cuba: A Reevaluation (1830S -1940s),” FIU December, 2013.

Silvia Mitchell, “Mariana of Austria and Imperial Spain: Court, Dynastic and International Politics in Seventeenth-century Europe,” University of Miami, dissertation defense in May 2013.

Quinn Dauer, “Natural Disasters and Comparative State Formation and Nation-Building: Earthquakes in Argentinca and Chile (1822-1939),” May FIU, 2013.

Amanda Snyder, “Pirates, Exiles, and Empire: English Seamen, Atlantic Expansion, and Jamaican Settlement, 1558-1658,” May FIU, 2013.

Kindon Thomas Meik, “Disease and Hygene in the Construction of a Nation: The Pubic Sphere, Public Space, and the Private Domain in Buenos Aires, 1871-1910,” FIU, 2011.

Magda Gomez, “Smallpox Vaccination, the Establishment of Vaccination Boards, and State Formation in Venezuela and Cuba in the Nineteenth Century,” FIU, 2008.

Astrid Whidden, “Colonial Architecture in Key West and the Bahamas,” FIU, 2007.

Germán A. Palacio Castañeda, “Civilizing the Tropics: the Highlanders’ Failed Attempt to Transform the Colombian Amazon, 1850-1930,” FIU, 2003.

Ema Sordo, “Civilizational Designs: the Architecture of Colonialism in the Native Parishes of Potosí,” University of Miami, 2000.

Secondary member of dissertation committee, in progress:

Judith Mansilla

Jason Daniel

Robert Rodriguez

Federico Padrone

Joshua Souliere

Susan Schwartz

MASTERS THESES, primary supervisor:

Monica Potts Crowe, “The Issue of Potable Water for San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1765-1846: Obstacles and Responses,” FIU, graduation in May 2012.

Silvia Z. Mitchell, “A Favorite of a Favorite in the Court of Philip III of Spain (1598-1621): the Textual Representation of Rodrigo Calderón’s Privanza and Death,” FIU, 2006, received a McKnight Fellowship for doctoral studies, U of Miami. Email: [email protected]

Harry S. Goldszmidt, “Bringing Forth a Peruvian Oligarchy: Race, Class, and National Identity in Callao, 1794-1848,” FIU, 2005. Currently Senior Financial Analyst, University of Miami HC/Sylvester. Telephone 305 243-1986

Frances Lourdes Ramos, “Mendicant Responses to Tridentine Reform in New Spain, 1524-1622,” FIU, 1996. Received PhD, University of Texas at Austin, presently Assistant Professor of History, University of South Florida. Email: [email protected]

Ileana Carmen Ramirez, “Golden Age Masters: a Prosopography of the Spanish Baroque,” FIU, 1995.

Secondary member of Masters thesis committee:

Cristina Rodriguez, “The Evangelization of the Philippines: the Catechetical Method Employed by the Spanish for the Christianization of the Philippines from 1580-1680,” FIU, 2006.

Gema A. Junco, “Violence and the New Spanish Woman,” FIU, 2004.

Roberto Pacheco, “Invisible but not forgotten: the Afro-Argentine and Afro-Uruguayan Experience from the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Centuries,” FIU, 2001.

Andres Garcia, “State Building and Regionalism in Latin America: Central America and the Rio de la Plata, 1810-1850,” FIU, 2000.

Alma Cirugeda Suarez, “Arte Negro in Late Twentieth Century Peru: A Black Representation in Peru’s Racial Puzzle,” FIU, Comparative Sociology,1998.

Mauricio Damian Rivero, “Changing the Face of God: Religious Uniformity and Control in the Spanish World,” FIU, 1996.

Eleonor Eggleston Phillips, “From Hoosier Schoolboy to Johnny Red: Utilizing the Autobiography of Joseph William Eggleston,” FIU, 1996.

Pablo Gómez, “The JONS: National Syndicalist Ideology in Spanish History and Politics,” 1995.


The Plague Files: Crisis Management in Sixteenth-Century Seville, with Alexandra Parma Cook, Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2009. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Ann G. Carmichael, Renaissance Quarterly 66:2(2013):645-46.

A. Katie Harris, Journal of Social History 45:1(2011):297-98.

Carla Rahn Phillips, The Journal of Modern History 82:4(2010):976-77.

Rebecca Totaro, Kritikon Litterarum, “Recent Plague Studies,” 37(Dec 2010):254-60.

Michele L. Clouse, Bulletin of the History of Medicine 84:3(2010):519-20.

Ruth MacKay, Journal of Urban History 36:6 (2010):917-21.

Kristy Wilson Bowers, Journal of Interdisciplinary History 41:2(2010):291-92.

TS Miller, Choice 47:7(2010).

J.B Owens, American Historical Review 115:1(2010):296-97.

L.R.N. Ashley, Bibliotheque d’Humanisme et Renaissance (Geneva) 72(2010):706.

Kristy Wilson Bowers, H-Net Reviews, published on H-Urban (November, 2009), www.h- net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=24997

People of the Volcano: Andean Counterpoint in the Colca Valley of Peru. Durham: Duke University Press, 2007. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Paulo Drinot, Estudios Interdisciplinarios de Amé rica Latina y el Caribe 21:1 (2010): 122-24.

David Tavárez, Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History 11:2(2010):

R. Douglas Cope, Latin American Research Review 45:1(2010): 203-14.

Mark Meuwese, Itinerario, 34(Special issue 1, March 2010): 153-54.

John Monaghan, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 16:1(2010): 184-85.

Kenneth Mills, American Historical Review (2009):

Erick J. Langer, Ethnohistory 56:2(2009): 353-54.

Bernard Lavallé, Iberoamericana 9:33(2009): 288-90.

Robert Barker, Bulletin of Latin American Research 28:2(2009):312-13.

Miguel Leon, Journal of Interdisciplinary History 39:3(2009): 463-64.

Cristina Moya, The Historian 71:1(2009):102-103.

Josep Opatrny, Ibero-Americana Pragensia 42(2008):211.

Javier Flores Espinosa, Histórica (Lima) 32:1(2008): 173-76.

Karen Spalding, Hispanic American Historical Review 68:4(2008):696-97.

Daniel W. Gade, Journal of Historical Geography 34:2(2008): 390-92.

Maria N. Marsilli, Social History 33:4(2008):507-508.

A Ouweneel, Tijdschrift Voor Geschiedenis 121:2(2008): 211.

B Lavalle, Caravelle-Cahiers du Monde Hispanique et Luso-Bresilien 20(2008): 272-73.

Karsten Paerregaard, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 85:3(2008): 439-41.

Luis Miguel Glave, Anuario de Estudios Americanos 65:1(2008): 323-25.

Bernard Lavallé, Histoire(s) de l’Amerique latine 2:4(2007).

La conquista biológica: las enfermedades en el Nuevo mundo. Madrid: Siglo XXI Editores, 2005. …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Juan Gil, Anuario de Estudios Americanos 63:2(2006): 319-24. Josef Opatrny, Ibero-Americana Pragensia 40(2006): 269-70.

Born to Die: Disease and New World Conquest, 1492-1650, [New Approaches to the Americas] New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998...... Sarah Cline, Early Science and Medicine 9:1(2004): 52-53.

Paolo Mazzarello, Rivista Storica Italiana 114:1(2002):

Massimo Livi Bacci, Journal of Latin American Studies 34:1(2002):166-68.

Mondo e Missione 2:130(Feb 2001).

Simon Barton, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 77:3(2000):260-61.

Francisco Silva Noelli, Revista de História da Arte e Arqueologia (Unicamp, Sao Paulo) 3(2000):

R. A. Herrera, Ethnohistory 47:2(2000):506-508.

J. H. Galloway, International History Review 22:1(2000):139-41.

G.B. Risse, Medical History 44:1(2000):118-20.

Horst Pietschmann, Historische Zeitschrift 269:3(2000):753-55.

William H. McNeill, Bulletin of the History of Medicine 73:2(1999):311-13.

P.A.J.N. Reitbergen, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 112:2(1999):224-+.

Michael T. Campbell, Revista/Review Interamericana (Puerto Rico) 29:1-4(1999):

Suzanne Austin Alchon, Hispanic American Historical Review 79:4(1999):741-42.

J.R. McNeill, American Historical Review 104:2(1999):559-60.

Kenneth Maxwell, Foreign Affairs 78:3(1999):143-44.

Linda A. Newson, The Annals of the Association of American Geographers 89:2(1999):355-58.

William T. Walker, Sixteenth Century Journal 30:2(1999):522-23.

Sheldon Watts, Journal of World History 10:2(1999):459-61.

Josef Opatrny, Historia Latinoamericana en Europa AHILA 24(1999):62-63.

David Henige, Journal of Interdisciplinary History 30:1(1999):109-11.

Alfred W. Crosby, Population and Development Review 24:3(1998):634-35.

Robert C. Kimbrough, Journal of the American Medical Association 280:21(1998):1873-74.

J.A. Lewis, Choice 36:2(1998):

W. George Lovell, Canadian Geographer 42:4(1998):397-406.

José Ragas, Contracorriente Lima, Peru 2(1998): 110-11.

SANINET: Red de Información Sanitaria Agropecuaria. Dec 1-15, 1998. Quito, Ecuador.


The Discovery and Conquest of Peru, by Pedro de Cieza de León. Trans, and ed. with Alexandra Parma Cook. Durham: Duke University Press, 1998......

Kris Lane, Sixteenth Century Journal 33:2(2002):515-17.

Karen B. Graubart, Hispanic American Historical Review 82:2(2002):367-68.

Christine Hunefeldt, Latin American Research Review 37:2(2002):263-72.

Elvira Vilches, Hispanic Review 70:2(2002):277-78.

JohnE. Kicza, Renaissance Quarterly 53:2(2000):542-55.

Matthew Restall, Ethnohistory 47:3-4(2000):838-40.

Fritze, R.H., Sixteenth Century Journal 31:2(2000):521-23.

John Lynch, TLS Times Literary Supplement 5055(3 December 1999):26.

Colonial Latin American Historical Review 8(3) (1999):388-89.

Relación de la vida y milagros de San Francisco Solano [1618], by Luis Jerónimo de Oré. Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 1998...... Jeffrey Klaiber, S.J., The Americas 58:2(2001):318-19.

Kenneth Mills, Colonial Latin American Review 9:1(2000):117-21.

Josef Opatrny, Ibero-americana Pragensia 33(1999): 248-49.

“Luis Gerónimo de Oré, y la vida de San Francisco Solano,” La República (Lima, April 1998), Cultural Supplement. ______

Good Faith and Truthful Ignorance: A Case of Transatlantic Bigamy, with Alexandra Parma Cook. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1991, 1992; Spanish edition Un caso de bigamía transatlántica, translated by Carmen Aguilar, Madrid: ANAYA & Mario Muchnik, 1992......

José de la Puente Brunke, Revista Apuntes 37(July-December 1995): 171-72.

Susan Deans-Smith, Bulletin of Latin American Research 13:1(1994): 115-16.

Suzanne Burkholder, Sixteenth Century Journal 24:1(1993): 207-208.

Mariana Mould de Pease, El Comercio (Lima), 30 May 1993: 15

Ricardo García Cárcel, El País (Madrid), 27 March 1993, 16.

Kenneth J. Andrien, Colonial Latin American Review 1993: 275-77.

Susan E. Ramirez, American Historical Review 97:2(1992): 520.

Patricia Seed, Americas 48:4(1992): 550-51.

Ida Altman, Journal of Interdisciplinary History 22:3(1992): 511-13.

Asunción Lavrin, Hispanic American Historical Review 72:1(1992): 122-23.

Meredith Dodge, Colonial Latin American Historical Review 1992: 124-25.

Muriel Nazzari, Journal of Women's History 1992: 142-47.

Constance J. Mathers, Bulletin of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies 17:3(1992):

Josef Opatrny, Historia Latinoamericana en Europa AHILA 12(1992): 49-50.

Joseph W. McKnight, The American Journal of Legal History 36:3(1992): 385-86.

Paul Rizo-Patrón, Revista Andina 10:1(1992): 250-51.

Teodoro Hampe Martínez, Revista de Indias 51:193(1991): 648-50.

David Shribman, The Wall Street Journal 14 March 1991.

Mary Talbot, Newsweek 5 August 1991: 55.

John H. Elliott, Claves de Razón Práctica May 1991: 46-49.

Helle Bering-Jensen, Washington Times, 15 April 1991.

J.H. Elliott, The New York Review, 11 April 1991, 21-22.

S.H. Burkholder, Choice Jul/Aug 1991: 521.

Times of the Americas, Washington D.C., 20 February 1991.

"Secret Judgments of God": Old World Disease in Colonial Spanish America, edited with W. George Lovell. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1992. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Francisco Silva Noelli, Revista de Antropologia, Sao Paulo 43:1(2000): 301-307.

Donald B. Cooper, Mesoamérica, 18:3(1997): 268-70.

Robert C. Dunnell, "Understanding the Demographic Disaster," review essay in Reviews in Anthropology 24(1995): 169-76.

Michel Graulich, Revue Belge de Philologia et d'Histoire 73(1995): 1095-98.

Ann F. Ramenofsky, American Antiquity 59:2(1994): 395-96.

John Cashman, Journal of the History of Medicine 49(1994):

Guenter B. Risse, Bulletin of the History of Medicine 67(1993): 335-37.

Thomas M. Whitmore, Journal of Interdisciplinary History 24:3(1993): 570-72.

Donald B. Cooper, American Historical Review 98:5(1993): 1711-12.

David Arnold, Medical History 37(1993):

Cynthia Radding, Hispanic American Historical Review 73:2(1993): 309-11.

Ronn F. Pineo, The Americas 50:1(1993): 126-27.

Reff, Daniel, Ethnohistory 40:3(1993): 484-86.

Mathewson, K., Journal of Historical Geography 19:3(1993): 359-60.

Josef Opatrny, AHILA 15(1993): 77-79.

Simona Binková, Ibero-americana Pragensia 27(1993): 214-15.

The Christian Century, 1 July 1992: 660.

ICASALS Newsletter, Fall 1992.

The People of the Colca Valley: A Population Study. Boulder: Westview Press, 1982......

Michael J. Gonzales, Latin American Research Review 23:3(1988): 199-211.

Nicholas P. Cushner, American Historical Review 88:3(1983): 783-84.

Antonine Tibesar, The Americas 39:4(1983): 584-85.

Keith A. Davies, Hispanic American Historical Review 63(1983): 800. I. Schwidetzky, Bevolkerungsgeschichte 35(198-)

Demographic Collapse: Indian Peru, 1520-1620. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981......

Michael J. Gonzales, Latin American Research Review 23:3(1988): 199-211.

Robert V. Morey, American Ethnologist 11:1(1984): 205-06.

Rudolph Zambardino, Journal of Interdisciplinary History 14:3(1984): 719-22.

Claude Morin, Canadian Journal of History 1984: 332-34.

John Lynch, Journal of Latin American Studies 16:1(1984): 234-35.

Brian M. Fagan, South African Archaeology Bulletin 38:137(1983): 43-44.

Peter Bakewell, American Historical Review 88:2(1983): 509-10.

Robert G. Keith, Hispanic American Historical Review 63:4(1983): 772-73.

David Browning, Journal of Historical Geography 9(1983): 412-13.

William M. Denevan, The Americas 40:2(1983): 281-84.

Henry F. Dobyns, Ethnohistory 30:2(1983): 121.

Latin America in Books (January 1983): 7.

Henry Kamen, Economic History Review 35:4(1982): 651.

The Times of the Americas (22 December 1982): 9.

Carmelo Sáenz de Santamaría, Revista de Indias 42:169-70(1982): 703.


Tasa de la visita general de Francisco de Toledo. Lima: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 1975......

Fred Bronner, The Americas 33:3(1977): 562-63.

Padrón de los indios de Lima en 1613. Lima: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 1968......

Karen Spalding, Hispanic American Historical Review 51:3(1971): 515-16.

J.H. Elliott, Journal of Latin American Studies 3:2(1971): 224-25. ______

Three articles in Guide to Documentary Sources for Andean Studies, 1530-1900. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2008. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Charles F. Walker, Eighteenth-Century Studies 43:2(2009): 275-76.

Katharina Schreiber, Journal of Anthropological Research 65(2009): 503-504.

"La población indígena en el Perú colonial," in Anuario del Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, América colonial. Población y economía. Rosario: Universidad Nacional del Litoral, 8(1965): 73-110......

C.J. Bishko, Hispanic American Historical Review 48(1968): 495-97.

Charles C. Griffin, American Historical Review 74(1968): 339.