Teens stand against racial injustice

>> 12


May 2021 Vol. 39 No. 3 www.LongfellowNokomisMessenger.com 21,000 Circulation • Liquor store RACIAL RECKONING to rebuild at Minnehaha and Lake

By TESHA M. CHRISTENSEN Although they considered moving, Minnehaha Lake Wine & Spirits (2613 E. Lake St.) owners Steve and Jason Krause plan to rebuild the store that was burnt down in last summer’s civil un- rest. The liquor store is located across the street from the Third Precinct building, and is among several businesses in the area that were burned down, looted and vandalized. Others include Gand- hi Mahal, the Minnehaha Post Brandyn Tulloch delivers spoken word at the Black & Yellow Asian Solidarity event at Square on April 18, 2021. A "Rise & Remember" Office, Auto Zone, the Nuevo Lar- event is planned at the Square on May 25 to commemorate George Floyd's death. >> Details on page 12. (Photo by Jill Boogren) edo building, maX It Pawn shop, Domino’s and a multi-story hous- ing complex under construction. The housing complex and Crowd at George Floyd Asian Minnesotan leaders the auto parts building are being rebuilt, and Minnehaha Lake Wine & Spirits will join them. Owners are hoping to be re- Square jubilant, resolute NAME THE RACISM opened by spring 2022. “From Day 1 when we were By MARGIE O’LOUGHLIN American Leaders in St. Paul’s digging up the rubble, we knew In the wake of a shoot- Frogtown neighborhood issued we were coming back,” said Steve as Chauvin found guilty ing spree in Georgia that left the following statement: Krause, who runs the store with six dead this ”We are horrified by the By JILL BOOGREN they matter here,” “Black lives his son Jason. “It would be easier spring, the Asian Minnesotan acts of violence against mem- Hundreds of people poured they matter now,” and “No jus- and less costly to build a larger Alliance for Justice is encourag- bers of our Asian American into 38th St. and Ave. tice, no peace!” store in the suburbs. But my life ing the community to name the communities across the coun- anxiously awaiting the verdict in “And we gonna prosecute is on that corner.” the trial with the the police,” Smith added, to ap- racism. try. We stand in solidarity with Nick Kor is a senior man- the survivors, victims, and their whole world watching. As Milee- plause. LIQUOR STORE >> 6 sha Smith, standing in front of Moments later, cheers and ager with Coalition of Asian families during this challeng- Peyton Scott Russell’s large por- shouts of joy erupted in waves American Leaders. He is one ing time. We all deserve to live trait of George Floyd, spoke to as three guilty verdicts were read of the forces behind the Asian without threat of violence, and What's next for the growing crowd, Eliza Wesley, and heard in intervals on mobile Minnesotan Alliance for Justice to feel safe in our neighbor- aka the Gatekeeper, called out devices throughout the crowd. (AMAJ), which formed in re- hoods.” “Mileesha” from across the street “We changed the world on sponse to the murder of George golf course? Floyd. The movement is made Racial inequities worsen and started a chant that carried 4/20,” shouted Leon Lyons. What's next for Hiawatha across the Square: “Black lives up of leaders and representa- in pandemic CROWD >> 14 tives from different Asian Min- Golf Course? The Minneapo- nesotan organizations who According to Kor, the re- lis Parks and Recreation Board share a common purpose: end- cent assaults come on the heels of Commissioners voted against ing racism and xenophobia of nearly 3,800 acts of docu- approving the master plan creat- rooted in White supremacy. mented Asian-American hate ed by community members that On the night of March 16, incidents nationwide since the would have removed the 18-hole a 21-year-old Georgia man went pandemic began. As he points golf course and replaced it with on a shooting spree at three At- out, there many additional a 9-hole course and other com- lanta-area spas that left eight cases that were misclassified, ig- munity amenities. The plan will people dead. Among the vic- nored, or unreported. be brought back to the planning tims were four women born in Kor, who grew up in Eagan committee. Due to an amend- Korea and two women born in and attended the University of ment, the plan required a 6 vote The crowd at George Floyd Square erupts as the guilty verdict is announced China. St. Thomas, said, “I was called minimum and received 4 ayes on Tuesday, April 20, 2021. (Photo by Tesha M. Christensen) and 2 nays with 2 abstentions. The Coalition of Asian NAME THE RACISM >> 2 Forging community HOME & GARDEN 40 years for International at George Floyd Fresh food at Minnehaha Film Festival - kickoff film Square and E. Lake St. outdoors this year PAGE 3 PAGE 8 PAGE 13 2 • May 2021 www.LongfellowNokomisMessenger.com Bystander intervention class offered on strategies: distract, delegate, document, delay, and direct NAME THE RACISM Name the racism >> from 1 “We need cross-racial Kor continued, “A funda- a ‘gook’ in elementary school mental belief of AMAJ is that solidarity, knowing that the before I knew what it meant, by we have to name the racism. We fate of all our communities kids I thought were my friends. must be clear and we must speak is tied together.” Asian American children are gen- up. The Atlanta attacker specif- erally taught to keep our heads ically targeted Asian businesses ~ Asian Minnesotan Alliance for Justice down and not cause trouble. and killed Asian women. The This attitude may be part of the attacks were deeply connected tendency not to report hate in- to how Asian American women members. The Five Strategies for cidents; there also is a low level are sexualized in American soci- Intervention will be covered: dis- of trust in law enforcement and ety. They are portrayed as weak tract, delegate, document, delay, government agencies in Asian and submissive, as easy targets. and direct. American communities. We are There’s a negative, harmful narra- Preregistration is required. not immune to police violence.” tive there that will never go away Visit www. caalmn.org for more “At AMAJ, we are asking if we don’t call it out.” information. After registering, that victims or observers report In response to the rise in you will receive a confirmation all incidents of hate to the Min- Asian American violence and ha- email with information about nesota Department of Human rassment, AMAJ and its partners how to join the Zoom meeting. Rights Discrimination Hotline at are offering free, one hour, in- Nick Kor, of the Asian Minnesotan Alliance for Justice, said, “A fundamental 1.833.454.0148.” teractive Bystander Intervention President Biden speaks out belief of our alliance is that we have to name the racism against Asian Ameri- Training sessions for community In his first week in office, cans. We must be clear and we must speak up.” (Photo by Margie O’Loughlin) President Biden issued a mem- orandum condemning racism again Asian Americans and Pa- trol or to request an escort. Hate bill (House File 1691) will cific Islanders. In part, he said, Kor does not feel unsafe be heard. Kor said, “It’s import- Greater Longfellow’s Annual “The federal government must himself, but said, “I understand ant that we urge our legislators to recognize that it has played a role why Asian Americans are more support making safe Neighborhood Garage Sale in furthering xenophobic senti- comfortable going out in groups for all.” The comment period will ments through the actions of po- right now. Women, children, and be open for several more weeks. The bill has the support of litical leaders, including referring the elderly have been dispropor- several community organizations to COVID-19 by the geographic tionately targeted for violence, Sat. June 5th, 2021 verbal harassment, bullying in including the Coalition of Asian location of its origin.” American Leaders, Jewish Com- “Such statements have school, and discriminatory ser- We’re joining six other neighborhoods vice in public places.” munity Action, Council on Amer- stoked fears and perpetuated According to the AMAJ web- ican-Islamic Relations, OutFront for one day of amazing deals! stigmas against Asian Americans site, “Violence against Asians Minnesota and more. and Pacific Islanders; they have and Asian Americans is not If the bill passes, community contributed to increasing rates of new. Anti-Asian racism has oc- organizations would be given the To participate, bullying, harassment, and hate curred since Asians first came to authority to report hate crimes to crimes against AAPI persons.” the U.S. It started with the Page the state. Hate crime victims may Sign-up is open May 1st-26th Act of 1875; the Chinese Exclu- be more comfortable reporting to Fee is $10 for your sale to be included Volunteer opportunities sion Act of 1882; incarceration them than to the police. Support- As part of AMAJ outreach of Japanese Americans during ers of the bill believe it would re- on the Sales Map. Register at: efforts, community patrols have World War II; surveillance of sult in more accurate hate crime www.longfellow.org/2021/03/17/longfellow- been organized in parts of St. South Asians and Muslims fol- reporting data. Opponents take Paul and where lowing 9/11; and the continuing issue with the bill’s added police garage-sale-2021/ there has been violence against deportation of Southeast Asians training requirements and in- AAPI persons. These patrols go happening to this day. The scape- cluding gender non-binary peo- Funds raised support LCC’s neighborhood work. Additional details are ple as a protected class. available on our Faceebook, Weekly Roundup newsletter, & website. out in groups, and are meant to goating of Asian Americans be a peaceful presence on the during the COVID-19 pandemic For more information about streets. is a continuation of systemic rac- the Coalition of Asian American AAPI individuals who con- ism.” Leaders and the Asian Minne- sider themselves vulnerable may sotan Alliance for Justice, email also request an escort. Email Policy action Nick Kor at [email protected]. [email protected] This session, the Combating to volunteer for a community pa- STILLWATER Unique Vintique Voyage MINGLE BROWSE SHOP Thursday & Friday, April 29 & 30 12-5pm Saturday, May 1 10am-4pm Sunday, May 2 9am-4pm

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Phi Khalar, a helper One of these helpers is Phi Khalar. They started coming to Left to right: Simya Edwards, Milaen the Square in August, ready to lis- Mullins, Schiantae Mullins, Malachi ten and amplify, in time recog- Mullins, Levi W., NaJee W., from the nizing where things needed to be Metro area of Detroit, , visit done and stepping up. George Floyd Square. “It gives me “Whether it’s little menial goose bumps bein’ here,” said Mullins. tasks of sweeping up stuff, pick- (Photo by Jill Boogren) ing up garbage, shoveling, I like doing that grunt work,” they By JILL BOOGREN said. But Khalar also helps facili- At the start of the Derek tate ideas that they or others can Chauvin trial, visitors from the follow through on, depending on Metro area of Detroit, Mich., their skill set. Asked what being approached the south gate of part of this community means George Floyd Square at 39th and to them, Khalar took a long mo- Chicago. They had just one day ment to find the words. left in Minneapolis and wanted Eliza Wesley, aka Gatekeeper, said, "This community is so great and so a part of me." (Photos by Jill Boogren) “It kinda means everything,” to stop there before they went Khaler said, explaining that home. Both Black women rais- they’ve been part of and calling to change the city charter ing Black children, these mothers As with many others, these nity of people. They are chefs, campaigns and supported differ- (and therefore public safety) in spoke to the significance of being visitors were welcomed by com- cooks, carpenters, welders, elec- ent organizations their entire life. Minneapolis. there with their sons and daugh- munity member John M. Huerth, tricians, nurses, medics, teachers, “The work that residents and just ters. who greeted them with a smile, artists, photographers, musicians. regular people are doing out of NaJee W. said she became as he has done countless times Place of They are the deeply faithful and their own volition, out of their active in Michigan after her son since coming to hold space at GFS is a place of protest. the secular, the mothers and fa- own drive, to connect with each asked her, “Would that happen the Square last fall. A Vietnam On June 2, 2020, after neigh- thers, sons and daughters, cous- other and know community, it’s to me? Like, will I go out into the Veteran and former teacher who bors placed makeshift barricades ins and uncles and aunties. They the most real thing I’ve ever felt streets and get killed like that?” once wanted to be a missionary, across each roadway leading into are caretakers, collaborators and in my life. And yeah, it means ev- “My son is going to grow Huerst said his mission now is the Square to keep harm from change makers who have made erything.” up to be a Black man one day. two words: peace and justice. coming to those entering the me- the choice to come together Ever since then, it really touched He uses a holiday lights morial, the city of Minneapolis during a pandemic at the epicen- Eliza Wesley, the Gatekeeper analogy to describe his reasons ter of a global racial reckoning my heart. You know, that coul- placed cement barricades – one This sense of community da been my son,” said NaJee. for plugging in to this move- block north and south on Chi- and do something extraordinary ment. “All these little twinkle – forge community. runs deep for Eliza Wesley, aka She was moved to get active in cago Ave. and one block east and the Gatekeeper, who came to her community, to be part of the lights, there’s one that’s not in west on 38th St. (with another It is what compels people to there. Once I plugged in I felt the show up every day, twice a day, the Square the day after George positive change. “I wanna do this at Park Ave. that has open ac- Floyd’s life was taken from him for everyone that don’t have a energy of the whole group.” cess) – where they’ve remained under the awning of the Peoples’ Being at south gate, which Way (the former Speedway) to and has been there “6 and 12, 3 voice right now.” since. Eager to reopen the streets and 9,” walking the same four For Schiantae Mullins, it was is where most people go in and to through traffic last August, city share updates, ask for help, offer out, Huerth senses the solidarity support, check in with each other blocks, ever since. The Gatekeep- important to bring her children leaders asked what justice looked er’s role is to make sure people there to show them firsthand of the neighbors. He said usually like; the community’s response and talk. Mutual aid, in the form it’s a wave or a fist being pumped of free food, free clothing in the are welcome when they enter what was happening. was Justice Resolution 001. into the “free state of George “I am a Black woman, I have into the air, but one woman put Beginning with “WHERE- bus shelter-turned People’s Clos- the peace symbol up. “It’s the et, free books in the People’s Floyd.” a Black son and a Black daugh- AS, the city killed a man in the “The reason why I say 'You ter, I have uncles, I have a mom, battle of hearts and minds. We street…” the resolution lists Library, and in countless other used to use that in Vietnam, bat- ways, is practiced here every day. are now entering the free state I have a sister. We’re all experi- 24 demands for justice (bit. of George Floyd. Respect One encing this together. Whether it tle of hearts and minds.” ly/georgefloydsquare-a), which Grievances are aired, solutions sought, problems resolved – Another. Peaceful Memorial' is happens to us or it happens to range from removing specific to let you know everyone’s wel- someone else, it’s trauma from A Global Memorial authorities from prosecutori- much of it through conversation that for many months has taken come in the Square. And that over the years, and it’s just very GFS is many things at the al and investigative bodies (i.e. you remember that you got free- important that they get to see same time. Shown in portraits, Hennepin County Attorney Mike place around a crackling fire. As resident Marcia Howard dom and peace when you walk and they get to know what’s prayer flags and placards, it is a Freeman and those who head up in this Square. And so those are goin’ on... and that they know memorial, where people come to the Bureau of Criminal Appre- says: “We go next door, we don’t go ON Nextdoor.” my words that I put on the north they have a voice and their voice pay their respects, to mourn, and hension), to holding officers ac- [gate], to let everybody know should be heard,” she said. to offer tributes and prayers. Vol- countable for police violence, to If the buzz of activity at the Square is what folks see and hear, that this is a peaceful memori- “Hearing George Floyd call for unteer caretakers with the George investing in local businesses, jobs al and that we want peoples to his mother? That did not reso- Floyd Global Memorial, with and training for area youth. there’s an entire hive of activity that is hidden from view. These come here and be safe,” said the nate with me well. That coulda support from the Midwest Arts City leaders have been in Gatekeeper, who keeps constant been my son. It was hurtful to Conservation Center and in tem- ongoing talks with community are the workers, who instead of waiting for springtime to melt watch, guided by God. hear. It’s just a lot. Just bein’ here. porary space provided by Pills- members but took a hard left “This community is so great It gives me goose bumps bein’ bury House & Theater (plus a turn on Feb. 12, 2021 when they winter away, shovel grit-encrust- ed snowbanks into wheelbar- and so a part of me. It mean ev- here.” greenhouse built by community), announced their plan to reopen erything to me. As a Black com- Young Levi W. added, “The have preserved more than 2,500 the intersection at 38h and Chi- rows and haul it away. These are the workers, who lift, tenderly, munity, our thing here is, ‘To- only reason we’re protesting be- offerings left by visitors (a small cago to through traffic after the gether we stand, divided we fall.’ cause how George Floyd died like portion of those are on display conclusion of the Derek Chau- a flower, votive or tiny stuffed animal in order to clear a sin- That mean we all stand here to- Martin Luther King, ‘cause we now through in the vin trial. On April 1, Mayor Jacob gether… and we all comin’ to- need to protest to all the Black Nokomis Gallery of the Chica- Frey and Interim Public Works gle piece of debris blown by the wind into the offerings laid at the gether makin’ things right and presidents in the world.” go Avenue Fire Arts Center (3749 Director Brette Hjelle announced correctin’ things that’s not right. Chicago Ave.). the results of a survey they felt memorial. These are the workers, who, when that wind turns side- We all bein’ on the same page. John M. Huerth, welcoming GFS is also a gathering place showed support for reopening This is a village and this is a com- for rallies and events, like the the streets. The survey offered ways, blowing rain, hail, sleet or snow, race to lower a tarp to shel- munity, at all times.” Black & Yellow Asian Solidarity just two choices, though – each a On Tuesday, May 25, the one event on April 18 that brought means of reopening the streets to ter the large portrait of George Floyd. These are the workers, year anniversary of the death of hundreds of people into the two-way traffic. Of 4,000 surveys George "Perry" Floyd, the George Square to hear music and spo- mailed, 685 were returned (a who chop firewood, build green- houses, tend to gardens, light Floyd Global Memorial and the ken word and to rise up in unity response rate of just 17%). Un- GFS community will present Rise against the killing of Daunte moved, those holding space in- candles and bring coffee at the start of each new day – for 330 & Remember, a day of events, in- Wright and other stolen lives. A side the barricades remain stead- cluding community art and heal- “Love Fest,” held earlier in April, fast: “Injustice closed the streets. days, from the moment George Floyd took his last breath until ing, a children's area, open mic, had people literally dancing in Only justice should open them.” a concert and candlelight vigil. 1 the street. There are often calls to the guilty verdicts were read, and counting. pm. Check Facebook and other action and petitions circulated, People first social media @gfgmemorial for John M. Huerth this time by Yes 4 Minneapolis Above all, GFS is a commu- info. 4 • May 2021 THE MOTLEY CONVERSATION www.LongfellowNokomisMessenger.com Join the conversation, and let us know your diverse thoughts on the issues that affect your neighborhood. Send letters and guest commentaries to [email protected]. Canada. It cites new data from Totum Research - which also Haven’t you heard? Newspapers are thriving shows that ads in printed news- papers continue to be trusted Newspapers are dying. Times-Herald in eastern Wiscon- 24 newspapers, in a recent op-ed. more than any other traditional Thousands of newspapers have sin is also still publishing after a Too “The basic value proposition or digital format. closed. merger. still holds: people need to know Google ads may be easy to No one reads the newspapers During a seminar at the Tri- much what’s going on in their commu- set up and seem cheap, but only anymore. State Newspaper Convention on nities. They require credible, ac- 26% of users trust them com- Only old people read newspa- Feb. 5, Matt McMillan pointed coffee curate and objective information pared to 39% at news media pers. out that in evaluating the health that can inform their daily lives,” web sites. The number drops to Newspaper ad effectiveness is of newspapers, we also need to By TESHA M. continued the duo. a trust rate of only 21% for social uncertain. consider the health of the other CHRISTENSEN, “So when you hear from media networks like Facebook. businesses within these commu- Compare that to 52% for printed Newspaper ads underperform Owner & Editor people that the newspaper busi- digital campaigns. They aren’t mea- nities. In areas where newspapers ness is dead, ask them where newspapers. surable. have been shuttered, it is proba- [email protected] they got their information. The There’s also a ‘news trust There’s a lot of negative per- bly not just the newspapers that answer might be online, or on halo’ – additional benefits from ceptions out there about news- have left town. It’s also the Sub- 291 newspapers in Minnesota Facebook, or on their phone – advertising in newspapers. An IAB papers. The thing is, they aren’t way sandwich shops and hard- that are members of the Minne- but, chances are, that news was study found that 84% of consum- true. ware stores. How many still have sota Newspaper Association, in- likely still produced by a news- ers feel advertising within news Let’s start with the idea that a school district or independent cluding the Longfellow Nokomis paper.” increases or maintains brand newspapers are dying. police department? Messenger and the Midway Como Local news really mat- trust. Put simply, consumers like Poynter recently reported “There’s something happen- Frogtown Monitor. Nationally, ters to people. As shown by the brands and businesses more that that a quarter of all newspapers ing here that is a bigger thing,” 2,941 of 3,141 counties are cov- 2020 COVID-19 Societal Impact advertise in newspapers. in the United States have died observed McMillan. He has had ered by a local newspaper - that’s study by Whitman Insight Strat- Classifieds have been hit in the last 15 years, leaving vast the opportunity to see the busi- a whopping 93.7%. What indus- egies Initiative and Creative Cir- hard since digital mediums like areas as news deserts, and the ness community firsthand after try can say that? cle Media Solutions people are Craigslist and Facebook Market- Times picked up on working in newspapers for 25 More college papers are re- seeking authentic news sources. place have sprang up. But a re- the research by the University of years. He currently serves on the turning to print publications as They trust local news media, in- cently conducted Pulse of Amer- North Carolina for its own article state newspaper boards for Min- Gen Z experiences screen fatigue cluding newspapers, much more ica survey of almost 7,000 news- and interactive map. nesota and North Dakota and and yearns for a product they than broadcast or television news paper readers proves that news- That list includes The Hen- the national America’s News- can hold onto. So, no, newspa- sources and certainly more than paper classifieds get results. They ning Advocate in northern Min- papers Board of Directors, and pers aren’t only being read by the social media or talk radio. In an report that 75% of classified ads nesota. works for a newspaper group older generation. environment where our former got results. But look up the Advocate that includes Press Publications, “If you hear hedge funds are president tweeted 7% of the time Now, you can say (accurate- and you can see it is definitely Northstar Media (my former em- strangling the news industry and about “fake news,” people trust ly) that I’m pretty biased when it still open and operating on Hen- ployer), Kanabec Publications, papers are dying every day, re- their local news sources over na- comes to newspapers. But surveys ning’s Main Street. What hap- Sentinel Publications and Print- member there is a third group of tional sources. from quite a few sources back me pened is that the Henning Advo- ers & Publishers, Inc. us who clearly see a bright future In fact, 82% of those sur- up. cate and Citizen Advocate merged. The closing of a few Twin for newspapers. We are investing veyed said they trust local news. I love what local business It’s the same thing with the Cities newspapers garnered at- in the future, learning and grow- When it comes to digital owner Kendall Crosby of Kend- Fayette Leader in Iowa’s Fayette tention this year, including City ing, and we continue to produce marketing, users trust the ads all’s Ace Hardware has to say: “I County. It merged into a coun- Pages (whose main revenue was news for people who depend on they see on reputable newspaper believe in community newspa- ty-wide publication, and the in entertainment affected by it.” So wrote Ryan Brinkley, the sites more than ads found else- pers and advertising locally. And areas that have always been cov- COVID-19) and the Southwest owner of four weeklies including where. They are 4x more likely to advertising where I get results.” ered are still being covered. Journal (whose long-time own- the Anchorage Daily News, and click through links on newspaper Yep, I see a bright future The Oconto County ers retired). But there are still Francis Wick, whose family owns sites, according to News Media ahead. We're demanding accountability and common sense laws On April 20, 2021, CAIR- working through coalitions as we since 2000. • Strengthen Civilian Over- MN was at the Justice for George fight to hold police accountable The torture and killing of sight (HF 640) Floyd Coalition headquarters in for their brutality. George Floyd in nine minutes • End Police-Only Responses downtown Minneapolis, watch- Last year, last month, today, CAIR- and 29 seconds is perhaps one to Mental Health Crisis Calls (HF ing with our coalition members tomorrow: CAIR-MN will be of the worst cases 1686, SF 1924) as Judge Cahill read the verdict in there for our communities. Minnesota in our nation's history. This hap- • End the case against former Minneap- This conviction was a step pened here, in our state, in our (HF 1104, SF 580) olis police officer Derek Chauvin. toward and community. In this moment • Independent Investigatory We celebrated with our commu- for that we are grateful. But there By JAYLANI as the entire nation and world and Prosecutory Body for Police nity after a jury found Chauvin is still a great deal of work to do. HUSSEIN watches Minnesota, we have an Critical Incidents guilty on the count of 2nd degree We must continue to fight for Executive Director opportunity to lead the nation • End Prosecution for Re- murder, guilty on the count of those whose lives have been sto- by passing pragmatic laws to pro- porting (HF 3rd degree murder, and guilty on len by police officers. mote safety, justice, transparency, 2201) the count of 2nd degree man- Daunte Wright. sota demands police accountabil- and accountability. • End No Knock Warrants slaughter. Justin Teigen. ity and an end to police violence. Courageous Minnesotans are (HF 1762, SF 2139) Guilty. Jamar Clark. The time is now for our leg- currently standing up for justice • Require Police to Carry Guilty. Countless others throughout islature to pass meaningful, com- for all and peaceful protestors are Professional Liability Insurance Guilty. the United States. mon sense laws that will hold demanding accountability and (HF 440, SF 815) For the past five weeks, A growing coalition of com- police accountable and make our common-sense laws. Today, we • Require Access to Body CAIR-MN has been on the munity groups including Com- families safer. are asking Minnesotans to de- Worn Camera Footage in Po- ground, working toward for munities United Against Police The killing of George Floyd mand Justice for George Floyd lice Critical Incidents within 48 justice for George Floyd. For Brutality, Minnesota Disability was not an anomaly. Police bru- and all Stolen Lives by passing Hours (HF 1103, SF 807) the past year, we've been work- Justice Network, Minnesota Jus- tality is a real issue that dispro- the following bills during this We ask you to join us in this ing with our community as we tice Coalition, Racial Justice Net- portionately impacts Black, In- year's state legislative session. continued fight with us. We must mourned together, were outraged work, Twin Cities Coalition for digenous, People of Color and The bills would: stand together with our commu- together, and rebuilt together. Justice 4 Jamar, Families Support- low-income people in Minnesota • End the Statute of Limita- nity. Let's keep the momentum From the very beginning, CAIR- ing Families Against Police Vio- and across our nation. In Minne- tions for Lawsuits for Wrongful going. We still have so much to MN has had their boots on the lence, and Council on American sota alone, there have been over Deaths Caused by Police (HF do. ground mobilizing activists and Islamic Relations (CAIR) Minne- 400 deaths from police brutality 717, SF 2021)

The Longfellow Nokomis Messenger is a monthly Advertising & Marketing: Delivery provided by: Fresh Heir ers to create a more just and responsible soci- community publication in the Longfellow and ety that hears, helps and heals the customers Denis Woulfe, 651-917-4183 If you have a problem with delivery, Nokomis areas of Minneapolis, owned and [email protected] call 612-345-9998 or email the editor. and communities we serve. Messenger operated by TMC Publications, CO. Visit our Mail subscriptions are available at $40 a year. website for our calendar and publication dates. Design & Layout: All rights reserved. The contents of the Contributing Writers & Photographers: Messenger cannot be reproduced without Tesha M. Christensen express written permission of the publisher. 5139 34th Ave. S. #17097 Story ideas always welcome. Jan Willms, Jill Boogren, Margie O’Loughlin, Copyright © 2021. Minneapolis, MN 55417 Keep in touch with the Messenger. Letters to the Printing by: ECM/Adams Publishing Group Abha Karnick, Matthew Davis, Stephanie Fox, editor under 200 words and news releases for Terry Faust, Iric Nathanson, Amy Pass This issue of the Messenger is printed on Member of Minnesota Newspaper Association, publication can be sent via e-mail to news@ 612-345-9998 recycled paper using soy-based ink. America’s Newspapers, Longfellow Business longfellownokomismessenger.com. Unsigned The Messenger is for profit and for a purpose Approximately 95-97% of material that enters Association and Nokomis East Business longfellownokomismessenger.com letters will not run. the print facility is recycled. – and we don’t sacrifice one for the other. We Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ consider ourselves a zebra company, one that is Association. LongfellowNokomisMessenger/ Owner & Editor: both black and white. As a media company, we Instagram: LongfellowNokomisMessenger work to highlight issues, solve real, meaningful Tesha M. Christensen, 612-345-9998 READ [email protected] then problems, and repair existing social systems. News for you! RECYCLE We are working with our readers and advertis- www.LongfellowNokomisMessenger.com THE MOTLEY CONVERSATION May 2021 • 5

ing out for support after recog- www.hennepin.us/residents/pub- nizing the ways their policies and lic-safety/youth-justice-council WHAT DOES JUSTICE LOOK LIKE? “codes of conduct” are perpetu- How can we each contrib- ating a harmful system of pun- ute to a community that creates As I write this, the trial of end of the journey for justice. ishment. Policies that give esca- true justice for all? How might Derek Chauvin is underway and Fortunately, Kaba also gives Guest lating consequences for a range we create a community where demands for “Justice for George us a framework for what true jus- of behaviors, ending in removal we respond to harm through a Floyd” are everywhere. But what tice might looks like: acknowl- commentary from the organization, actually process of repair, restoration, does justice entail? Does it mean edgement, repair, restoration, resemble our current policing acknowledgement, cessation something different for different cessation, and non-repetition. A and legal system. We have en- and non-repetition? A good be- people? Perhaps most impor- process very similar to restorative gaged organizations in exploring ginning might be: Consider al- tantly, what does justice mean to justice. By MICHELE ways to become more restorative, ternatives to police and courts George Floyd’s family? Regardless of the trial’s out- BRALEY such as involving participants in and suggest restorative justice to By the time you read this come, the legal system is not cre- the creation of policies, going be- others. Think about how harm the trial might be over but as I sit ated to provide the justice that Seward Longfellow Restorative Justice [email protected] yond the dichotomy of “victim and conflict is resolved in your here in the midst of it; I am filled Kaba envisions and that I believe and offender” to understand an own life. Advocate with elected with doubt whether the commu- is also the desire of the commu- incident, and creating a pathway officials for restorative justice and nity will experience any verdict nity that created Seward Longfel- back to the organization if some- legal system reform. as true “justice." As the educa- low Restorative Justice. At Seward Longfellow Re- storative Justice we are witness- one does need to be temporarily You can also reach out to tor and organizer Justice must start with ac- separated for the safety of others. SLRJ for support and informa- wrote in response to the killing knowledgement – including of ing our community’s desire for change, including an increase in Fortunately, recognition tion. SLRJ is eager to shift from of Breonna Taylor by police of- the pain caused by hundreds of of the need for change is com- virtual programming to in-per- ficers, “We want far more than years of policing that has target- inquiries from people who have been harmed by crime but who ing from within the legal system, son services this fall. Because the what the system that killed Bre- ed Black and Brown people and too. Hennepin County recently Coliseum on Lake Street where onna Taylor can offer - because led to the killing of 27 BIPOC do not want to involve the legal system. While each person who created an advisory committee SLRJ had its offices was damaged the system that killed her is not people by police officers in Min- to “focus on developing and im- in the unrest, SLRJ is in search of set up to provide justice for her neapolis alone since 2000. For calls is unique, their reasons for pursuing restorative justice are plementing policies, programs a new location. With so many family and loved ones.” ("We Do there to be justice for George and practices that aim to elim- buildings being revitalized we This 'Til We Free Us" by Mariame Floyd we need to be assured of strikingly similar - they don’t be- lieve that involving the police or inate disparities in the juvenile hope to find a space with oppor- Kaba) “non-repetition” - that this will justice system and increase re- tunities for more collaboration This reality has me both never happen again. In the legal legal system will bring them the outcome they need. There are sources for youth and their fam- and collective action. Together worried and determined. I am system only Derek Chauvin, and ilies that positively impact the we can create the community we worried because I don’t think we his three fellow officers, are on also common threads in what they need – to tell the person community and enhance public want to live in. can expect the system that killed trial for George Floyd’s death and safety.” Subcommittees include Michele Braley is the Executive George Floyd to bring justice – there is no attempt to address who harmed them how they were impacted, to ask the other Eliminating Racial Disparities Director of Seward Longfellow Re- to his family or to all the people policing in Minneapolis to en- and the Youth Advisory Board storative Justice. Find out more at impacted by Derek Chauvin’s ac- sure that no officer will kill again. person to make things right, and to receive assurance that it will with participation from youth SLRJ.org and by contacting Michele tions. I am determined because Justice will require deeper work who have been impacted by the at 612-202-0027 or Michele@ I know that regardless of its out- from the police department and not happen again. Organizations are also reach- justice system. To learn more SLRJ.org. come, the trial will not be the from all of us. and to get involved visit, https:// A YEAR DRAGS BY The fight for Black Rights: covers it thoroughly, half the channels on Stop tv are covering it, the community leadership challenge of 21st century is buzzing loudly. Funny how 365 Think days can change the world so sur- Children are the hope for the tinue to protect Black lives from prisingly, so drastically. Feel future. History has shown us that Guest vigilante violence. One piece at a time, the puz- youth have been at the forefront I explain in “Black Lives Mat- zle of the Derek Chauvin case of social change movements. ter: From Hashtag to the Streets” By ABHA Whether it be the Freedom Riders columnist what the continues to come together, for KARNICK better or worse. So many un- of the past (who fought against movement is. More than a slo- known outcomes at our fingertips racial segregation) or the Dream gan, it’s a worldwide movement Defenders of our present (who and children will learn about po- and yet we all feel a sense of help- By DR. ARTIKA We cry when laws are passed fought against stand your ground lice brutality, why people are pro- lessness, a sense of grief. A type of TYNER, to exclude community members. laws). As parents, educators, and testing, and the ongoing struggle PTSD washes over Minneapolis as [email protected] That’s a step backward. community members, we must for equality and racial justice. footage and details and words are So where has this last year stand ready to equip young peo- “Black Voter Suppression: released again of the murder of taken us? Up and down, it seems. ple for this important leadership about what children are seeing The Fight for the Right to Vote” George Floyd. Watching testimo- We continue to weather the role. They will define the moral now in the news, on YouTube discusses the Voting Rights Act of nies and rewatching them bring storms of racism, homophobia, conscience of our nation. They videos, and on social media. The 1965 to end discriminatory prac- tears to peoples’ eyes, pain to their sideways politics, and more. Not have the power to move us closer focus of the books I have contrib- tices that denied African-Ameri- hearts. to mention a world full of a sick- to the essence of unity beyond uted to the series is on the histo- cans the right to vote. I also talk Have we gone anywhere in ness that has taken far too many the restraints of Black or White or ry of racial injustice and how to about ongoing efforts to suppress the last year, taken any steps for- lives. rich or poor to the higher moral build a more just and equitable and silence Black voices at the ward in the last 12 months? George Floyd was a person ground of justice and freedom society. ballot box. What do you want? Justice. with a story and a life, just like for all. The books all feature a Pioneering civil rights attor- When do we want it? Now. you and me. Let’s see if the next One of the first steps in pre- wealth of knowledge and imag- ney Charles Hamilton We watch our community 365 days can better serve as a re- paring our youth for this vital es from real-life events through- wisely stated, “The race problem continue the conversation. That’s minder of this to a broken world. leadership role is educating out history. For example, did you in the United States is the type a step forward. Abha Karnick is a south Min- them about history, laws, and know: during the Reconstruction, of unpleasant problem which We mourn another Black neapolis resident with East Indian policies. By gaining a deeper un- more than half a million Black we would rather do without but man being shot. That’s a step roots who graduated from Hamline derstanding of history, they will men became voters in the South. which refuses to be buried.” This backward. University in 2019. Her passion lies disrupt the cycle of racial injus- They elected officials whose pol- is the leadership challenge of the We celebrate Black artists and in storytelling and finding moments tice by not repeating the mistakes icies helped improve their lives. 21st Century. The Fight for Black speakers as they rise to the top. to capture. of our past. Now is the time to Around two thousand Black men Series can provide key learning That’s a step forward. make equal justice under the law were elected during Reconstruc- tools for embarking on this jour- come alive. We can move clos- tion. In 1870, Hiram Rhodes ney in pursuit of racial justice. er to this goal by sharing books Revels was the first Black person Books are available at our and images that explain what Af- to become a U.S. Senator. Planting People Growing Justice™ rican-Americans have endured, “Vigilante Danger: A Threat Leadership Institute: bit.ly/PPG- while providing a historical con- to Black Lives” is an exploration JBOOKS text to current events. of the history of racially-mo- Through her organization, I have written three books tivated vigilantism that began Planting People Growing Justice in the multi-book (The Fight for long before the nation’s official Leadership Institute, Dr. Artika Black Rights) Alternator Books® founding. Children learn about Tyner seeks to plant seeds of social series published by Lerner Books. murders from Emmett Till to change through education, training, They are particularly relevant and Ahmaud Arbery at the hands of and community outreach. timely, especially when you think vigilantes and how we must con- Got an opinion? We want your letters to the editor and guest columns. [email protected] | 5139 34th Ave. S. #17097, Mpls MN 55417 6 • May 2021 www.LongfellowNokomisMessenger.com In Brief Liquor store to rebuild at Minnehaha and Lake Grants for businesses Insurance doesn’t cover all the costs of The Lake Street Council an- nounces that it has awarded grants conforming to city’s 2040 plan, but the to 10 businesses through the new Healthy Lake Street Fund, made Krause family committed to staying possible through a financial gift from 1 are substantially higher to come from UnitedHealth Group. These >> into compliance with the 2040 grants will support reopenings, re- plan.” locations, improvements and ex- Three generations of his family have operated the liquor The new building will sit in pansions for small businesses on the same footprint as the old and Lake Street that support community store at Lake and Minnehaha, known for its large iconic sign on on the site of the former tobac- health. Totaled, $750,000 will be co shop that was next door. The distributed to the following grant the roof and red overhang. Krause family owns both sites recipients: Apex Dental Systems, Due to Chicago Lake Dental, Comuni- current zon- through the company M & E Inc. dades Latinas Unidas En Servicio ing laws and The parking lot will remain the (CLUES), Diamonds Home Health the high costs same size as it was. Care, Midtown Eye Care, Healing of neon signs, The main door will move Path Wellness Services PA, Neigh- neither the and be located off the parking borhood Development Center, recognizable lot instead of at the corner of Nicholas Zimet, L.Ac. Acupuncture, sign nor the Minnehaha and E. Lake St. Premier Health of South Minneapo- overhang will The building will have an lis and Seward Pharmacy. be part of the open floor plan and allow good In addition to this new fund, new build- Keon Blasingame visibility through the store and the Lake Street Council also created ing, accord- of LSE Architects onto the street. However, the the We Love Lake Street Fund to as- ing to Keon plan needs a conditional user sist small businesses on Lake Street permit as the window require- in rebuilding and reopening after Blasingame of Minneap- ment won’t match the city’s zon- the civil uprising last year. The fund ing code. This will allow room has provided more than $5.6 mil- olis-based LSE Architects, who presented plans during a com- for shelving on the sides of the lion in grants to over 350 different walls under the windows. small businesses to date. munity meeting organized by the Longfellow Community Council They haven’t decided yet if The top image shows what Minnehaha Wine & Spirits looked like prior to the on March 23, 2021. they will use rolling shutters or May 2020 fire. The bottom image shows what the proposed building will look Fashion show May 1 But they have incorporat- shatter-proof glass. “We’ll have like from the same intersection of E. Lake St. and Minnehaha Ave. benefits Simpson House ed things into the new design substantially more glass in this to mimic the old. Bands of LED building than the last one,” ob- Experience couture designs lighting will ring the outside served Krause. from Dr. Zwack’s Gold Line Col- we hope that the city of Minne- murals, and the intent is to use and be lit red like the old cano- “Although the planned lection in a unique show that apolis will facilitate our commu- local artists. py. Metal signs and lights will be building largely takes the form combines fashion, a live model nity’s recovery by granting the A builder hasn’t been select- reminiscent of the Art Deco fa- of the building that burned, the art sketch, photoshoot, and open CUP and variances.” ed yet. The Krause family antici- cade. “We wanted to do a design owners have applied for varianc- house on May 1 from noon to 3 pates shortages in materials that that would be respectful of the es and a conditional use permit p.m. Minneapolis designer Megan to address the city’s decision to No housing above liquor store may delay the project. Zwack has showcased her collec- history of the site,” said Blasin- require variances from current tions at Fashion Weeks in New York, game. Several people at the March London and Milan. Join her as she The one and a half-story, codes, including the Minneapolis meeting pushed the Krauses to ‘Look forward to rebuilding’ brings her passion home for Fash- 7,000-square-foot-building needs 2040 plan. For this reason, the build a multi-story facility and “We look forward to rebuild- ion Week Minneapolis. a conditional use permit as the owners have applied for a condi- include housing on the upper ing, rejoining the community The cost is pay what you can. zoning there now requires two or tional use permit to have a liquor levels. and serving the community,” All proceeds will benefit Simpson more stories. store, even though these same Blasingame explained that said Krause. Housing Services. Elisabeth Loef- owners have owned a liquor they had initially come to him “Thank you for deciding to fler, director of Advancement and store at this location for approx- for the design as affordable hous- rebuild,” said one communi- City didn’t just allow them to imately four decade,” wrote Kim Communications from Simpson rebuild ing is his specialty, but it didn’t ty member who didn’t identi- will share information about their Jakus of the Longfellow Business work at this site for numerous fy themselves during the Zoom efforts and what community mem- Delaying the process of re- Association in a letter of support reasons. “With the numbers, it is meeting. “It really means a lot to bers can do to make a difference. building has been the need to for the project. “The owners have very difficult to do housing,” he of those who live around here. The fashion show is virtual, but design something according to also applied for variances to the said. “Because of the tight con- Your building has been the cen- attend the after event at The Lyn- the city’s new zoning codes. The current building height, floor straints of the site, it wasn’t fea- terpiece to the community. It will hall, 2640 Lyndale Ave. S. in Min- store was not grandfathered in area ratio, and window standards sible.” really help to make the intersec- neapolis for a beverage and con- and could not just rebuild as it requirements set forth in current versation. Meet Megan, and see the The new store will look like tion look whole again.” was previously. code. a two-story structure, said Krause. “Thank you for being resil- collection. Register online at https:// Additionally, insurance does “We look forward to regain- www.eventbrite.com/e/dr-zwack- “I think it will be much more of ient and rebuilding,” said Jason not cover the cost of a new build- ing a valued part of our business a presence.” Groschopf. “I really appreciate gold-lion-preview-at-the-lynhall- ing. “There is a substantial short- community when Minnehaha tickets-148871549813. There will be spaces along you being here and doing this.” fall,” said Krause. “Building costs Lake Wine & Spirits reopens, and the outside of the building for

Support the Support the businesses Tell them you saw it newspaper. who advertise. in the Messenger. www.LongfellowNokomisMessenger.com REBUILD REPAIR RECYCLE MayMay 2021 2021 • • 7 UNDERSTANDING THE LIFE CYCLE OF RECYCLED CARDBOARD By MARGIE O’LOUGHLIN had to invest in improved sorting For people who care about technology, as the quality of re- conserving resources, recycling is cyclables has gone down – but a given. But what really happens there is less volume going to the to all the cardboard and paper landfill.” dumped in curbside recycling Eureka Recycling Director of bins? Community Engagement Katrina Mike Gunderson is gen- Lund underscored that. She said, eral manager of WestRock, the “Even with the higher contam- 100-year-old paper mill that re- ination rate, recycling has real cycles cardboard picked up across benefits. In the case of cardboard, the Twin Cities by Eureka Recy- we are conserving trees by recy- cling. The mill yard at University cling. It takes about 25% less en- and Vandalia in St. Paul receives ergy to recycle paper than it does mountains of used cardboard to make virgin paper. Recycling and paper daily, while inside the produces jobs, and supports the mill operates 24 hours a day. local economy.” Gunderson said, “Our vol- To see how Eureka and West ume of incoming fiber goes up Rock work in partnership, go to every year, but there has been Cardboard placed in recycling bins is picked up by Eureka Recycling and sorted at their NE Minneapolis facility. It ends up https://eurekarecycling.org. Scroll a larger than usual uptick in here at WestRock in St. Paul's Midway neighborhood, where it is remade into one of two types of recycled paper. (Photo by down to the bottom of the page 2020-21. Curbside recycling vol- Margie O’Loughlin) to view “The Story of a Cereal ume has gone up a lot. People Box.” The video shows how a are shopping more online, and cereal box is made new again in they’re ordering more take-out cardboard that will be made into iday lights and batteries cause itator at the bottom that breaks about one month’s time. food, too. cereal, pasta, and pharmaceutical major problems. everything down into small piec- Lund said, “As a mis- “On the other hand, we boxes, and corrugated medium Gunderson’s #1 nemesis is es. The pulp mass looks like oat- sion-based, zero-waste recycler, have gotten substantially less (the fluted layer that goes be- plastic bags. He said, “Plastic meal. we believe that waste is prevent- paper from schools and brick- tween paper sheets to make card- bags, cereal wrappers, and plastic “This is the first stage of able. Our goal is ultimately to and-mortar retail since the pan- board). films have to be taken to a sep- ‘de-trashing,’ where anything prevent waste.” demic started. Overall there has Gunderson explained, “The arate big-box store like Target or that doesn’t turn into pulp gets been a shift in the streams of fibers in cardboard can be re- CUB where they have drop-off pulled out: shredded metal, Best-practice recycling where cardboard and paper come cycled many times, but they bins. Plastic bags are not recycla- broken glass, tape, staples, and The following items are not from.” get shorter every time they go ble as part of the single stream other non-fiber materials. Mul- recyclable: plastic bags, plas- WestRock receives cardboard through the process. We get mil- system. Do not put them in your tiple stages of screening remove tic containers #3, #4, #6, or #7, and paper from more than 600 lions of boxes entering our sys- curbside recycling bin.” remaining contaminants down plastic containers larger than 3 sources. The largest quantity tem every day. The cereal-type to an 8,000 of an inch. In the last gallons, black plastic, plastic stor- comes from Eureka Recycling, boxes (the ones that get printed stage, the slurry is sent through From solid to liquid to age bins, laundry basket or toys, which contributes about 25% of on) are made up of half long and an industrial magnet. shredded paper, food, liquid or the total incoming fiber. Gunder- half short fibers. The corrugated solid again “At the end of the day, when other compostable material, Sty- son estimates that approximate- medium is made up of all long Surprisingly, the pack- the slurry has been washed, rofoam, batteries, electronics, ly 400,000 tons of material are fibers.” ing tape and staples embedded pressed, and dried, we have pro- light bulbs, scrap metal, hazard- brought to WestRock and recy- in most cardboard boxes don’t duced about 1,100 tons of re- ous waste, sharps, or needles. cled every year. He said, “About Recycling 101 cause a problem in the recycling cycled paper. We divert a lot of 65% of all recycled fiber in the process. As the saying goes, they And last but not least, egg With curbside pick-up con- waste from the landfill.” state of Minnesota ends up here.” come out in the wash. Styro- cartons (Styrofoam or paper) tributing so much cardboard foam packing material must be Recycling has changed are not recyclable. Why not the The long and the short of it these days, waste haulers are removed, however, and all card- paper ones? They are a product finding all kinds of things in re- board boxes should be flattened. over time that has reached the end of its re- Next time you fill your cereal cycling bins that can cause prob- Gunderson explained, “We In 2014, the city of St. Paul cycling life; the fibers have gotten bowl, take a look inside the box. lems. Legitimate recyclables are move about 1,200 tons of waste did away with having residents too short to be used again. Every box is made from a mix of often mixed up with items from material from the yard every day. sort their recyclables. The goal More at https://eurekarecy- fiber lengths. At WestRock, two peoples’ homes and kitchens. Bales and loose waste are load- was to get more people to recy- cling.org/recycling-services/recy- types of finished recycled paper Dirty diapers and kitchen scraps ed into a circular tank contain- cle, and it worked. Gunderson cling-guidelines/ leave the mill on rolls as large can contaminate cardboard, ing water. Called a hydrapulper, said, “On a net basis, more prod- as 11 feet wide: coated recycled making it unfit for recycling. Hol- this machine has a powerful ag- uct is being recycled now. We’ve Minneapolis Home Energy Disclosure program wins Innovation Award The city of Minneapolis homeowners to make energy im- LOOK AT A SUNNY DAY Home Energy Disclosure program provements. was honored with a competitive In its first year, more than Innovation Award from the Mid- 6,000 homes received their en- IN A WHOLE NEW WAY west Energy Efficiency Alliance ergy disclosure report and score, (MEEA) on March 23, 2021. Start- compared to 1,000 previously. ing with the program’s kick-off The policy provides an energy in January 2020, all Minneapolis report that shows Minneapolis homes listed for sale are now re- home sellers and buyers how quired to have an energy disclo- they can make their home more WHEN YOU MENTION THIS AD sure report and score. The energy energy efficient and resilient. Rec- $500 disclosure effort was recognized ommended improvements make DURING YOUR FREE VIRTUAL for several original elements that homes less drafty, lower energy SOLAR EVALUATION drove its successful first year, in- costs, and enhance resilience for OFF cluding its unique and replicable climate-induced temperature ex- course of adoption. tremes. To further support the AllEnergySolar.com/MESSENGER “Despite huge challenges, policy, the City partnered with 651-374-8671 2020 proved to be a pivotal year CenterPoint Energy and CEE to for advancing energy efficiency in provide follow-up communica- PROMO CODE: MESSENGER the Midwest,” said MEEA Execu- tions and an energy advisor ser- tive Directory Stacey Paradis. vice for new homeowners. 1264 Energy Lane, Saint Paul MN 55108 EXPIRES 05/31/2021 The program got its start in In Minneapolis, data col- 2019 when Minneapolis part- lection to generate the energy nered with the nonprofit Center disclosure report was added to for Energy Environment (CEE) an existing pre-sale inspection. to pass a time-of-listing energy “This creative approach reduced disclosure policy for single-fami- opposition because it controlled Living longer, living better ly homes. City Council members costs for home sellers while sim- AGING Reach your customers in this quarterly Cam Gordon and Jeremy Schro- plifying the overall process,” ex- feature coming next June 2021. eder co-authored the ordinance plained local real estate agent that won full council approval, Todd Shipman. Denis@ LongfellowNokomisMessenger.com 651-917-4183 making Minneapolis the fourth More online at online at [email protected] 612-345-9998 U.S. city with such a policy de- https://www.mncee.org/ener- WELL signed to inform and motivate gy-disclosure/. 8 • May 2021 HOME & GARDEN www.LongfellowNokomisMessenger.com Fresh food at Minnehaha and E. Lake St. NEW GARDEN REPRESENTS CHANGE IN LONGFELLOW By TESHA M. CHRISTENSEN Once operating, the 28 foot In a place where many build- by 96 foot structure will provide 4 GARDENING TIPS ings were destroyed by fire, some- food items for Gandhi Mahal thing new is growing. and Curry in a Hurry, which From David Gray of Bullthistle A high-tunnel greenhouse opened at 3025 E Franklin Ave. Gardens: south of Moon Palace Books after a fire destroyed the restau- 1) Grow something you like to eat! (3032 Minnehaha Ave.) and Ar- rant at 3009 27th Ave S. Bullthis- 2) Don’t quit if it doesn’t work the beiter Brewing will provide fresh, tle Gardens will also have a walk- first time. local food. up market a couple days a week 3) If only we had YouTube videos It’s part of the Bullthistle once they get going in mid-May. Gardens operations. “There’s no The grand opening is set for Sun- and social media to the extent denying the symbolism when day, June 1 from 3-5 p.m. we do now, back when we start- you’re pounding steel posts into Bullthistle Gardens grows ed. However, the first and best gar- the ground for a new greenhouse baby leaf greens, microgreens, dening book I ever bought is called while facing the other side of lettuce, herbs, heirloom toma- “The Vegetable Gardener’s Bible.” the street where everything was toes, cucumbers, peppers and lost,” observed urban grower and melons. The Moon Palace loca- Hiawatha resident David Gray. tion will be home to all of the to- own use in the basement of his “Now with our attention on the matoes, hot peppers and cucum- house – minus the fish. [Derek Chauvin] trial – it’s an bers. Plus this location will serve The high-tunnel greenhouse opportunity for change, and this as the pick-up spot for online at Minnehaha Ave./Lake St./27th garden represents a new begin- orders. Ave. joins several other sites. The ning in many ways. Bullthistle market garden opera- “We tell our kids that we’re Partnership with Gandhi Mahal tion includes a 30 foot by 70 foot Gardening is a family passion for Longfellow residents David, Beth, Elsie (age 12) and Jack (age 9) Gray. Their latest project is a high-tunnel greenhouse and in the midst of something so This isn’t the first time that high-tunnel in Northeast Minne- roadside stand south of Moon Palace Books. (Photo submitted) big that one day they’re going to Gray has collaborated with Ruhel apolis, and gardens inside and look back and be proud to say Islam of Gandhi Mahal. He was outside at their home. Plus, they they were a part of it.” David have a 3,200 square foot city lot also involved in the innovative and sold at farmer’s markets such and wife, Beth, have lived in the in Standish-Ericsson through the Extending the growing season aquaponics growing system that as Midtown and Northeast. Longfellow neighborhood for Homegrown Minneapolis Gar- Gray believes in his work was operating in the basement at While at the Northeast 15 years, and have two children, den Lease Program. and points out that it is import- the restaurant. Farmers Market, Gray met Heidi Elsie (age 12) and Jack (age 9). ant to the health of the commu- Gray was first introduced Andermack of Chowgirls. They Bullthistle had been eyeing to aquaponics in 1995 while Pivoting with Chowgirls nity. the location prior to the pan- teamed up last year during the working on a greenhouse at For 15 years prior to becom- “There’s such a big gap be- demic. “However, it was the pandemic and were part of their Penn State University. “I remem- ing self-employed, Gray co-di- tween full swing market seasons unrest that solidified it for us,” shift from high-end catering to ber not being able to wrap my rected a non-profit that assists in Minnesota, typically mid-Oc- remarked Gray. “Not only was preparing high-end meals for head around what the grower adults with intellectual disabili- tober to May. That’s a long time there the immediate need for those who need them. “It was was showing us,” he admitted. ties in finding and maintaining to go without fresh produce,” he healthy food, but it was pret- an opportunity to put our model The first time he worked with a employment. In 2009, they creat- observed. “I believe there’s a lot ty quiet down there for a few in action, and to give something grow system that used fish was at ed an entrepreneurial project that of stopgap measures that can be months. We want to give our back to a community leader in Gandhi Mahal. Then Gray essen- ultimately turned into a 12-acre met by using season extension community another reason to get Heidi, who’s always supported tially emulated the same system certified organic vegetable farm practices outdoors in the win- outdoors.” me,” stated Gray. that he put together there for his that he directed. They ran a CSA FRESH FOOD >> 10 www.LongfellowNokomisMessenger.com HOME & GARDEN MayMay 2021 2021 • • 9 GET NOTICED NEXT MONTH. Roadside Stand Denis@ LongfellowNokomisMessenger.com Grand O pening

Sunday, Fresh June 1, City 3-5 pm Grown Produce for sale!

Come visit us at our greenhouse next to Moon Palace Books/ Arbeiter Brewery More information and purchase options Bu llthistleGardens.org


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Apply Now: castlebri.com/workcastle/   10 • May 2021 HOME & GARDEN www.LongfellowNokomisMessenger.com Home-based professionals find a second home within NEBA

Since the COVID-19 pan- demic set in among us, many Nokomis have discovered themselves un- East expectedly working from home. And, for a large number of peo- Business ple, working from home has not Association seemed a good fit. It’s definitely not for everyone. It can come By BOB with unique frustrations – like the lack of dedicated workspace, ALBRECHT, inadequate technology, distrac- www.nokomiseastba.com tions by family members, inabil- ity to focus on work in surround- ings designed for personal activi- ties, or missing the sociability of an office/work environment. Yet for others, working from home is the perfect fit. “Working from home” is a concept that certainly predates COVID-19. Many people who find themselves working from home are entrepreneurs who’ve gone into business with the in- tention of being home-based. As such, they’ve created workspaces and systems that lend well to the DID YOU KNOW? 70% who get a Messenger at their front requirements of the individual door read it. And they pass it along to others. business owners. They appreci- ate the flexibility one can enjoy when working at home and some feel more productive without TOP: Linda Simon has run Fit to Live co-workers circling around them Today since 1999. MIDDLE: Kyle and continuously. Leah Heino have been running #No- Nokomis East Business As- komisLife since 2014. BOTTOM: Heidi sociation (NEBA) exists to serve Van Heel has been running hvh En- not only the needs of traditional “brick-and-mortar” business en- gage! since 2014. (Photos submitted) vironments, but also its growing number of members who are about establishing and main- home-based – whether self-em- taining businesses at home, and ployed or working for others. how to flourish while operating Among our ranks, we have a a home-based business. Three significant number of members in-person presentations geared headquartered in spaces tucked especially for home-based entre- away in their homes – often with- preneurs were conducted in the of NEBA, contact Bob Albrecht, out a shingle with office hours areas of financial planning, legal Bob@BobAlbrechtRealEstate. hung over their front door. They considerations for small business com. include graphic designers, web owners, and about placement in Monthly NEBA board meet- designers, health/fitness and well- Google searches. Those who at- ings are held the second Tuesday ness consultants, financial service tended these gatherings would of each month between 9 and providers, accountants and book- attest that the energy and cama- 10:30 a.m., and will occur online a refreshingly simple keepers, personal trainers, writers, raderie was enjoyable and inspir- until further notice. NOTE: this community and engagement spe- ing and that the expert presenters is a new standing time. All mem- cialists, radon services providers, were truly on top of their respec- bers of the Nokomis East busi- approach to the music instructors, real estate pro- tive games. Though the group has ness community are invited to fessionals, and more. paused from meeting during the attend and to consider officially Prior to COVID-19, the pandemic, its needs and unique becoming members of NEBA. For real estate experience home-based professionals of concerns are foremost as the more information contact the NEBA came together as a group NEBA board looks toward future organization, nokomiseastba@ a number of times to discuss the events. gmail.com. unique perspectives surrounding If you work from home and NEBA board member Bob Al- conducting business from home. would like to know more about brecht owns Bob Albrecht Real Es- They shared thoughts and ideas the home-based professionals tate, LLC in Keewaydin. Fresh food at Minnehaha and E. Lake St.

>> From 8 ter, growing indoors year-round, using high-tunnels/greenhouses without supplemented heat, etc. “From start to nish his “While using relatively min- imal space, there are cost effec- sincere and authentic tive ways for people to grow their approach is extraordinary.” own food in the city.” For the past three winters, Gray and his family have had Alan B. lettuce, microgreens and herbs growing in their basement at home. “That’s a lot of nutrition- al value over a six-month period of time when there are not many fresh options out there, let alone local. “We believe everyone de- serves good, healthy food. The pandemic has magnified that need more so now than ever.”        Learn more about Bullthis- tle Gardens at https://bullthistle. Bullthistle Gardens plants a 3,200-square-foot lot in Standish-Ericsson through org/.   the Homegrown Minneapolis Garden lease program. (Photo submitted) www.LongfellowNokomisMessenger.com HOME & GARDEN MayMay 2021 2021 • • 11

By the numbers Do-It-Yourselfers love ReStore • Since opening in 2015, the New Brighton store has had Two ReStore Outlets help keep 3 million pounds out of landfills nearly 54,000 drop-off dona- tions; the Minneapolis store has had 19,500 since opening in September 2016. • The two Twin Cities stores are on track to receive 21,000 donations this fiscal year (July Shoppers check out tools and building 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021), a materials at the Minneapolis ReStore location. (Photo submitted) 35 percent increase over last year. • ReStore trucks have picked By TESHA M. CHRISTENSEN Bruce Bebo of Lake Country Builders up 15,700 donations since Local Do-It-Yourselfers head says they feel good knowing that many 2015; they are on track to set a to the Habitat for Humanity Re- of the items they tear out of homes are record this year. Store at 2700 Minnehaha Ave. to going to be reused. This fits with their get inspired. company goals of recycling as much • 50,000 customers shopped The outlet sells new and like- as possible and working with disposal at the two stores this fiscal new furniture, appliances and Volunteers assist staff at the ReStore locations. (Photo submitted) companies that recycle. year. building materials at discounted prices. The inventory comes from donations from individuals (free Benefits businesses, too Donating items to the ReStore ing used goods to the store; to TIP: Reuse hub Outlets fit with their goals. recycle by buying used goods and truck pick-up) and companies. The ReStore Outlets expect They have donated many keeping tons of building mate- This block along Minnehaha “Our customers and donors to keep three million pounds of cabinets, interior doors, millwork rials and home furnishings out Ave. is also home to Better tend to have a social purpose be- used items out of landfills this and more over the years totalling of landfills; and to repurpose yond donating or buying goods,” year; and more than 10 million Futures Minnesota ReUse thousands of dollars. through Do-It-Yourself projects. said Pete O’Keefe, ReStore Direc- pounds over the past five years. Warehouse (2620 Minnehaha “The reason LCB does it is to tor. “They want items with value This includes leftover building Ave.) and Wood From The Hood not have things go into the land to go to someone who can use it materials from construction and Donations help local families fills plus others can make use lumber store (2616 Minnehaha and ReStore can make that hap- demolition, some of the biggest buy their first homes of these items,” said Bebo. This Ave.). pen. The best part is that pro- contributors to landfill waste. Every dollar raised from means the company pays less in ceeds from ReStore helped build Lake County Builders, a sales goes into building homes dumpster fees too. “Plus we feel five affordable homes within the Twin Cities construction firm and supporting local families good knowing that many of these Twin Cities. It’s environmentally based in Excelsior, heard about to buy their first home. ReStore President and CEO of Twin Cities items are going to be reused,” friendly and a lot of good comes ReStore from architects and cli- staff members are normally as- Habitat for Humanity. “They pro- said Bebo. out of the process.” ents. sisted by hundreds of volunteers vide a great community service, “The ReStore is a very good The Minnehaha location “LCB tries to recycle as much each year; however, most volun- help protect the environment, resource for our company and we opened in 2016, and most of its as possible and also always work teer opportunities have been sus- and make a significant contribu- plan on always using this compa- staff live in the neighborhood. with only disposal companies pended due to the pandemic. tion to our mission of creating, ny in the future.” There is a second ReStore at 510 that recycle,” remarked produc- “We’re proud of the work of preserving, and promoting home- County Road D in New Brighton. ReStore Outlets encourages ownership in the Twin Cities.” tion manager Bruce Bebo who our ReStore staff during this dif- 2021 Online Advertising people to reduce waste by donat- (www.MonitorSaintPaul.com & LongfellowNokomisMessenger.com) has worked there for 30 years. ficult year,” said Chris Coleman, More at restore.tchabitat.org.

Leaderboard 728x90, four columns wide Reach our online readers with new ad options.These ads are often sold at a premium and placed at the top of the page. Half pageThey make up 25% of all ad volume.

300x600, twoThey columns can flow wide into the middle of the page, too, and can be used for sponsorships.

HalfThey only page makeThey up require 5% of a replacementall ad volume. size for mobile display. www.LongfellowNokomisMessenger.comBut we stronglyThere recommend are a lot of leaderboard these for yourvariants best appearing. advertisers. 300x600, twoMost columns variations wide are wider or deeper. PRICES AND DIMENSIONS

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TheseThey ads can are run the on current all sizes, standard but we recommend of web advertising, makinga replacement up 40% of size all adfor volume.mobile. • You can pack quite a few of them on a page. Creative Circle TheyM•E DworkIA SOLUTIO NwellS on all formats and sizes: desktop, tablet and phone.

Creative Circle • MEDIA SOLUTIONS

Creative Circle MEDIA SOLUTIONS 12 • May 2021 www.LongfellowNokomisMessenger.com TEEN ACTIVISTS

Roosevelt High School students joined a statewide walkout to stand against racial injustice on April 19, the day closing arguments were given in the Derek Chauvin trial. Participants took the light rail train to the U.S. Bank stadium, where they joined with other students downtown. The walkout was organized by Minnesota Teen Activists @mnteenactivists. (Photo by Jill Boogren) "I’m glad the verdict is here, ‘cause Holding up an East 38th and Chicago lawn sign, Jay T. said the verdict on now we can really talk about what April 20 meant a “future for my kids, change, hopefully my life can start needs to be talked about," said Milee- Boost your curb appeal with grant being positive and not bein’ so negative all the time.” (Photo by Jill Boogren) sha Smith. (Photo by Jill Boogren) Planning an exterior project visible from the sidewalk? Grants Nokomis are available for homeowners, East renters, and residential property Rise & Remember on May 25 owners in the four Nokomis East Neighborhood neighborhoods of Keewaydin, Association Minnehaha, Morris Park, and George Floyd Global Memorial to commemorate Wenonah. Examples of eligible exterior By BECKY TIMM, one-year anniversary of his death with free event improvements may include but Executive Director The George Floyd Global free food, and a children’s area. and supplies, COVID-19 testing, are not limited to painting and [email protected] Memorial and the community at An open-mic and arts trim work, exterior lighting, ma- elevate the community through George Floyd Square will present demonstrations will fill out the sonry work, and tuck-pointing, youth programming and events, a day of events for the commu- afternoon. At 6 p.m., a concert restoration of historically appro- Nokomis for another pollina- and begin to heal from the trau- nity on May 25, 2021, the one- featuring 3x Grammy Award-Win- priate exterior finishes, and hard- tor plant sale. Due to the popu- ma of global racial injustice for year anniversary of the death of ning Sounds of Blackness with scaping. larity of this sale, we can accept the past 12 months. Their ded- George “Perry” Floyd. Special Guests will honor George Eligible participants can pre-orders only – no plants sold ication has been an inspiration Rise & Remember George Floyd’s family, Minnesota fami- apply for up to $500 in matching at event. and a source of encouragement Floyd Global Memorial Celebra- lies impacted by injustice, and the grant funds. This is a one-to-one • Neighborhood Ga- for those who knew and loved tion is a free event that centers 38th and Chicago neighborhood. matching grant and a reimburse- rage Sale Day - NENA, the George “Perry” Floyd. Rise & Re- the family and friends of George The evening will culminate with ment project. This is a first-come, Standish-Ericsson Neighborhood member George Floyd Global "Perry" Floyd, Minnesota fami- a candlelight vigil in honor of first-served program. Visit NENA’s Association, Corcoran Neighbor- lies impacted by injustice, and the George Floyd. Memorial Celebration will be a website at nokomiseast.org/curb- hood Organization, and Long- people who’ve preserved the Me- Now through Juneteenth, day of reflection and commemo- appeal-matching-grants/ fellow Community Council will morial for 12 months. visitors to George Floyd Square, ration of the community’s resil- host our Garage Sale Day on Sat- The host of the event, the will also have a sacred opportu- ience and the continued work of urday, June 5, 2021. Register your NENA offers many ways to get George Floyd Global Memorial, nity to engage in the Rememory racial justice in Minnesota and sale today for $10. Proceeds sup- involved in your community a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in Minne- Experience of the offerings laid at around the world. port the Nokomis East Free Food sota, was established by George the intersection of E 38th Street The George Floyd Global • Thank you! Community Distributions. members and local business do- Floyd's aunt Angela Harrelson, and Chicago Avenue. The exhibit Memorial is established to bring nated $6,000 at NENA’s Food his cousin Paris Stevens, and entitled, "Still Here... Unstolen. together members of George Truck Rally & Fundraiser in April. Upcoming meetings and events Lead Caretaker Jeanelle Austin, Unbroken." is located at the Na- Floyd's family and the local com- NENA will use these funds to 5/4/21: NENA Diversity, Eq- to bring together members of komis Gallery inside Chicago munity to preserve these creative continue our Nokomis East Free uity, & Inclusion Committee at George Floyd's family and the Avenue Fire Arts Center, 3749 expressions of pain and hope of Food Distributions on the second 6:30 p.m., Via Zoom local community to preserve over Chicago Ave. S. Hours are Tues- the people for the people. The- and fourth Wednesday of each 5/20/21: NENA Green Initia- 2,500 creative expressions of pain day-Thursday 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. work is to ensure that the stories month from 2-4 p.m. All are wel- tives Committee at 6:30 p.m., Via and hope left as offerings at the and Friday-Saturday 10 a.m. to 3 of the community are told and come and volunteers are needed. Zoom place where George Floyd took p.m. used as educational resources for • NENA Spring Pollina- 5/27/2021: NENA Board of his last breaths. From teddy bears, hand-writ- generations to come. The George tor Plant Sale - NENA will host Directors at 6:30 p.m., Via Zoom The family affectionate- ten notes, drawings by children, Floyd Global Memorial is and Minnesota Native Landscapes on 5/29/2021: NENA Spring ly calls him Perry, but the world candles, flowers, cardboard signs, will continue to be a living me- Pollinator Plant Sale was introduced to George Floyd, Saturday, May 29, 2021, at Lake to public art, the preservation morial that inspires all people a man who suffered an unjust of the physical site has allowed to pursue justice. George Floyd death at the hands of police on those from around the world to May 25, 2020. One year later, a Global Memorial is an approved continue to visit the Memorial, 501(c)(3). heartfelt community commem- present offerings of support or Food for oration will begin at 1 p.m. with expressions of grief, share food community art, healing space, Older Adults Longfellow/Seward Healthy Seniors offers a number of services to help older adults live healthy, independent and socially connected lives. • Healthy Seniors currently has grant funds available to purchase food for local seniors. If you’re age 60+ and live in the Longfellow, Seward, Cooper, Howe or Hiawatha neighborhoods, contact us to apply. Lower income applicants may be given priority.

• We also deliver food from food shelves to area se- niors. Please call 612-729-5799 or email juliaockuly@ LShealthyseniors.org to receive more information.

LONGFELLOW/SEWARD HEALTHY SENIORS 3131 Minnehaha Ave., Suite A Web: LShealthyseniors.org Email: [email protected] "We shook up the world. We changed the world. Right here, this little corner," shouted Leon Lyons. "We changed the world on 4/20. We made history." (Photo by Jill Boogren) www.LongfellowNokomisMessenger.com May 2021 • 13

Features; Asian Frontiers; Cine Latino films; and films represent- 40 YEARS FOR INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL ing Images of Africa and World Cinema. Because of COVID-19, event kicks off and ends with outdoor showings “We are trying to be as repre- sentative of the world as we can By JAN WILLMS sonal favorite of Milgrom’s. She be,” Smoluchowski explained. In a year that has seen its will accept the honor and hold a She said the year has been share of trauma with the ongo- Zoom dialogue Sunday, May 15. challenging for the MSP Film So- ing pandemic and the tragedies MSPIFF40 will also present her ciety. Films have been shown vir- of George Floyd and Daunte newest film, the award-winning tually since the beginning of the Wright, the Minneapolis St. “Charlatan.” pandemic. Paul International Film Festival Milgrom and what Smo- “Thirty percent of our oper- (MSPIFF) has reached an historic luchowski describes as “his tire- ating funds come from our ticket point. less advocacy and passion for sales, and those were down by 85 MSPIFF40, as it is being cinema as art,” will be further percent. But our members and called, is marking its 40th anni- honored by a short film tribute donors and constituents stayed versary. “I think it’s a milestone and a memorial page at MSPfilm. with us, and that really helped,” that we have been able to make org. MSPIFF40 will host a panel Smoluchowski said. it and actually host the 40th discussion of Milgrom’s friends “It’s an indication people festival in the climate that we and former colleagues discussing continue to want to invest in are now in,” said Susan Smo- his influence in the world cinema See "Summer of Soul" at an outside event taking place at Como Pavilion on the Film Society so that it sticks luchowski, executive director of community. Thursday, May 13. (Photo by submitted) around for the future. Our insti- MSP Film Society, the parent or- MSPIFF40 will present tutional funders have been ex- ganization of MSPIFF. over 150 films from more than tremely flexible, and as a result As part of the festival, which 70 countries. The films will all couple years ago and turned into Another film Smoluchowski we can keep our heads above will run from May 13-May 23, be shown virtually, with a few a documentary. The concert fea- highlighted is “Riders of the Pur- water.” there will also be a celebration shown at outside venues. tured the biggest Black musicians ple Sage: the Making of a West- She said they have been able of Al Milgrom, who founded the “We sent out a survey to of the time like Stevie Wonder ern Opera.” She said an opera to plan the festival, and she has U Film Society, later renamed 25,000 households,” Smo- and Sly and the Family Stone and was made about a Mormon not had to let one person go, the MSP Film Society, in 1962. luchowski said, “and asked people the Staples family. And the audi- woman who refuses to become which she called quite remark- Milgrom died in December if they would be ready in May to ence was all Black. the third wife of a man selected able. Since the pandemic was 2020 at the age of 98 after de- get back in a theater, and would “The film has such rever- for her. The story is based on a in progress during last year’s cades of running MSPIFF and they be ready to go to an in-per- ence,” she continued. “It’s very novel written by Zane Grey in MSPIFF, the festival was also vir- more recently, completing his son event outdoors. The response historic, yet no one knew any- 1912, and over the years has been tual then. first feature documentary when to the first question was an over- thing about this. It’s amazing.” turned into several films. How- “I think because we did this he was 92. (See article at www. whelming no, and to the second a The closing film of the festi- ever, it recently was developed last year, we know we can do it longfellownokomismessenger.com by resounding yes. We had wanted to val will be “After Antarctica” and as an opera. “A unique number again,” Smoluchowski noted. “At doing a search on Al Milgrom.) take the temperature of the peo- will be shown as a drive-in movie of artists made the opera,” Smo- least we know what we’re doing. Milgrom will be honored by ple most likely to be attending.” at Bohemian Flats Park, 2150 luchowski said, “and this film Last year we were operating in the MSP Film Society, with the West River Pkwy, Minneapolis. documents that. It’s a fabulous the dark.” support of the Milgrom fami- ‘Summer of Soul’ “This is a documentary about the film with a feeling of 3-dimen- She said MSPIFF40 is operat- ly and estate, by renaming its As a result of the survey, the explorer, Will Steger, and his trip sionality.” ing with a very small staff, since MSPIFF International Auteur opening film “Summer of Soul,” to Antarctica, which will never nobody is being added as is the Tribute after him. According to will be shown on Thursday, May happen again because of climate Representing the world in film usual case. She said the fully Smoluchowski, “The Milgrom vaccinated staff members are all 13 at the Como Lake Pavilion, change,” Smoluchowski said. She The virtual films shown Tribute” recognizes a filmmaker 1360 Lexington Parkway N., St. said the Minnesota-made film wearing many hats, but they are who has made a significant con- will include those from the New ready. Paul. “There was a series of con- is produced by Susan Pillsbury, American Vision, celebrating the tribution to the medium of fea- certs in Central Park in 1969 among others. Festival attendees will be ture filmmaking. independent visions of American given directions on how to get that were recorded and shot As well as being shown out- auteurs; features and shorts from The inaugural honoree of on video,” Smoluchowski said. doors, following COVID proto- the films onto their TV screens, the “Milgrom Tribute” will be Minnesota filmmakers; Scandi- and special household passes are “They ended up in a basement in col, both films will be available navian films from the Midnight Polish writer and director Ang- New York and were discovered a virtually for a limited time. available. For more information ieszka Holland, who was a per- Sun category; Nextwave Global on MSPIFF40, go to mspfilm.org.

in Media Arts, administered by Cy Dodson was there with a camera FilmNorth, and the 2021 Jerome Resulting film is ‘Say His Name: Five Days for George Floyd’ Hill Artist Fel- lowship in Film/ By JAN WILLMS record button.” He said this proj- emotions of fear, anger and sad- Video & New Cy Dodson was just there ect was also different from pre- ness that embraced this tragedy. Media. He was with his camera. vious films because he looked at He also captures the dark cloud one of four Min- The Emmy-nominated Long- it as what could he do to help, that hung over Minneapolis as a nesota-based filmmakers select- fellow area filmmaker has recent- rather than earning accolades or life was lost and buildings erupt- ed by PBS to produce work as ly completed a short film cap- awards. “That was not a part of ed in flames. part of “The 2020 Project.” That turing the days surrounding the it,” he said. He filmed everything that initiative aims to support inde- death of George Floyd. What Dodd ended up with was going on for those five days pendent filmmakers in the cre- “A day after the death of was a short film, “Say His Name: following Floyd’s death. “It was ation of nonfiction films that George Floyd was when I start- Five Days for George Floyd,” that pretty hard, and it was difficult Cy Dodson's film includes footage of push Minnesotans to question, ed filming,” Dodson said in a focuses on the week between his at first in many ways,” Dodson the mural being painted on the side understand and be inspired by recent interview. “I heard pro- killing and the arrest of Derek recalled. “The world watched of Cup Foods – the mural that is now the events of 2020. A 26-minute testers going up Hiawatha, and Chauvin, the police officer who George Floyd die. That’s one recognizable across the globe. (Photo version of “Say His Name” will that’s when I got my camera and put his knee on Floyd’s neck for thing to take in. What happened submitted) air on PBS at 9 p.m. on Memorial walked over there. nine minutes and 29 seconds. after that is seeing the commu- Day. “I ended up walking with Dodson said he called on nity flattened and torched. It was Dodson said it has been a them up to the Third Precinct, Lindsey Seavert to be a co-pro- hard to go at it as non-biased. I Dodson said he is trying to strange year for everybody. As and that’s when everyone started ducer. She had written and pro- go to those businesses; it was my determine what stories have been owner of Triumph Productions, gathering for the first time,” Dod- duced “Love Them First,” a film restaurant, my post office. told and what stories need to be a film company that specializes son continued. “I didn’t know about a North Minneapolis “But at the same time, a told. in creative storytelling for docu- what to expect, and obviously school district. Black man was murdered by the “Watching the trial is heavy, mentaries and branding content things didn’t calm down.” “We put our heads togeth- police. I get the anger and the ha- like living it all over again,” he for corporations and nonprofits, Dodson said each day just er and got the film down to that tred that comes from that. “ said. “It’s the first time you get to he had a full slate planned. built on each other. “It just went week between George Floyd’s Dodson said he does not see some of the people involved, “At the beginning of the year, from day to day to day. I didn’t murder and Chauvin being think justice is served, however, and their reactions and the reac- I was starting to work with a non- have a clear picture of what I charged,” Dodson said. “That when businesses are burned just tions of bystanders. It’s a sad deal profit in that sends wanted to do with the footage I helped us to focus, and just have by their sheer proximity to the all around.” nurses, volunteers and supplies was gathering. I didn’t know if I that day by day scenario.” police station. The film premiered at the Big all over the world to developing was going to make a short film or “I was just filming the com- As far as any filming he Sky Documentary Film Festival in countries. I was part of filming a feature. I was seeing what was munity, how the communi- might do after the Chauvin trial Montana, will play at the Cleve- all this, and I was headed to the there, if there were something ty comes together and what it is over, Dodson said he is still at land International Film Festival Marshall Islands. That was going worth putting out there.” stands for,” Dodson explained. “I an exploratory stage. “It’s a dif- and show at the Minneapolis to be my year’s work. And then For his previous films, Dod- did not go at it in a biased direc- ficult situation, and I am trying Saint Paul International Film Fes- the pandemic hit.” son traveled outside the state. tion either way. I just let people to figure out what my place is tival in mid-May. And then the George Floyd They had no connection to Min- talk, and they were willing to talk there, or if I have a place there. The festival version of the tragedy happened. “I felt like it neapolis. “This was definitely and to share their thoughts.” I have been talking to people in film runs just under 20 min- was my obligation to capture this different,” he said, “walking out His efforts resulted in a film the community, but they’re in the utes. Dodson was a recipient of and share what we’re all feeling,” your front door and hitting the that seems to encapsulate the spotlight, too.” the 2020 McKnight Fellowship Dodson said. 14 • May 2021 www.LongfellowNokomisMessenger.com Crowd at George Floyd Square jubilant, resolute as Chauvin found guilty

>> From 1 Billy Briggs, who had been tracking the number of days until and through the trial on the former Speedway sign, re- placed those letters with: JUS- TICE SERVED? Marcia Howard led the crowd in a chant “One Down, Three to Go” – referring to Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane and Tou Thao, the former officers who were charged with aiding and abetting Chauvin in the . Peo- ple shared tears and long hugs, restrained over the past year due to COVID-19, as chants of “Say His Name: George Floyd!” echoed across the intersection. The crowd grew larger and after a sound truck pulled up, it became Jenna Porrazzo (at left) and Kia Bible In the anxious moments before the verdict was announced, one woman prayed a dance party. celebrate the guilty verdict in George at George Floyd Square. (Photo by Tesha M. Christensen) Here’s what these commu- Floyd Square with hundreds of others. nity members at George Floyd (Photo by Jill Boogren) Square had to say about the ver- tually got justice for a man that dict and this moment: we watched being lynched, mod- munity, have been holding space ern-day lynched, in front of our Mileesha Smith in the Square in an active protest, youth, in front of our communi- “Y’all keep on yellin’ out jus- calling on city and state leaders ty, in front of our world. tice. But everybody’s yellin’ out to meet 24 demands for justice, “And because we took the somethin’ they don’t even know as cited in Resolution 001 (bit.ly/ initiative, to stand out here what they yellin’ about. How are georgefloydsquare-a). and pull out garbage bins and we asking for something we ain’t “We thought numerous set up medical equipment and never experienced? We ain’t never times that we crazy, and I’m glad make sure that we got people saw, we ain’t never tasted, we that we did this as a collective who know what we’re doing, don’t know what it is. So that’s so that we could check one an- like Square baby here,” she said, why justice is in the eye of the other… we have one another to pointing to a young toddler, also beholder, because everybody’s lean on. That’s why we call it a Billy Briggs replaces letters on the for- Kimberly Wooster (at right) hugs nicknamed “Block baby,” who answer will always change. collective PTSD. It’s not just in- mer Speedway sign to read: Justice Sara Greenhalgh.(Photo by Jill learned to walk and talk in this “You have to ask the collec- dividuals, something I’m just Served? (Photo by Jill Boogren) Boogren) movement and who now raises tive people. You have to ask the going through… Everybody else a fist in the air and says ‘Justice!' people. What is the change? Then around the neighborhood hol- “Real talk, it’s important! bring that all to one pot. It’s like din’ down the space, it’s a collec- opened. Demand #24: Continue start. That’s a start.” We actually made it somewhere makin’ stew. We need this, we tive thing. We’re not even stand- the closure of the intersection of today. It’s far from over. We still need a little bit of this, we need ing just for us out here. We’re 38th Street East and Chicago Av- Jenna Porrazzo have a long marathon ahead of this seasonings, this meat, we standing for everybody else, too. enue South until after trial of the “Emotional, I guess. Re- us. But we laid that first stone need this vegetable. We need a That’s why I’m glad the verdict four officers charged for the mur- lieved a little bit. Frustrated, cuz down now. We did. And I’m whole group of different things is here, ‘cause now we can really der of George Floyd. it took so long, you know? I feel gonna take that grand step and smile with my fist held high. to determine on what justice talk about what needs to be talk- like they tried the other police “And say ‘thank you’ to those looks like. It’s not just stoppin’ ed about.” Marcia Howard [Mohammed Noor] so quick. who have been out here with us. the police. “I really would like to be But then it took a year for us to “The verdict today - now we Jay T. Thank you to those of you who stoic because we’re holding the get here. And then we still have are continuing to take the time can start holding people account- Holding up an East 38th and line for justice. And that means to wait. You know? Just a lot of able. We can start holding the po- to learn and educate yourself on Chicago lawn sign, Jay T. said the all four officers convicted for emotions, lot of emotions.” why we’re out here. But don’t stop lice accountable to what it is that verdict meant a “future for my the murder of George Floyd. But they doin’. Like surgeons. If a sur- today. There’s so many other voic- kids, change, hopefully my life right now in this moment, I have Kia Bible es that need to be heard. There’s geon does wrong, they’re held ac- can start being positive and not to be honest, I am gratified that “It’s the people. It’s not so many other people that have countable. So why is it any differ- bein’ so negative all the time.” at least Derek Chauvin is feeling where we from, it’s the people. lost their life in an unjust way. ent when it comes to the police? The signs reads, “No Justice, the brunt of our justice system that put their time and effort. And they deserve justice, and we “Everything that we been No Streets,” the revised chant of in a way that we all see is fit. He The individuals that are part of gonna keep talkin’ for ‘em.” doin’ holdin’ down this street. the Square that calls for demands murdered that man. And he will All this stuff. It was worth it.” [the community.] And because PHOTO GALLERY ONLINE to be met before streets are re- be held accountable. And that’s a >> Smith, with others in the com- we took time to do that we ac- LongfellowNokomisMessenger.com MAY 13-23 2021


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Want ads must be received by the Messenger by May 17 for the May 27 issue.Faith Call Matters 651-917-4183 classified ads for must more be receivedinformation. by the Messenger by May Your classified ad will also be automatically placed on the Messenger’s website17 forat www.LongfellowNokomisMessenger.comthe May 27 issue. Call 651-917-4183 for more information and >> pricing. Your classified ad will also be automatically placed on the Messenger’s website at www.LongfellowNokomisMessenger.com What categories should the newspaper add? Let us know. 16 • May 2021 www.LongfellowNokomisMessenger.com Suggs, Holmgren set Minnehaha Academy basketball ‘off the charts’ By MATTHEW DAVIS Baylor spoiled the Zags’ shot at a The spotlight on Minnehaha perfect season, but Johnson liked Academy boys basketball won’t what he saw from Suggs. dim anytime soon with former “Jalen still competed, and star Jalen Suggs' NCAA tour- he had a great game in the final nament run and senior Chet game,” Johnson said. “He looked Holmgren bound for college star- like he belonged against Baylor, dom. and Baylor has dudes that are “The publicity is off the NBA bodies and NBA quickness charts,” Redhawks coach Lance and speed, and Jalen, he did Johnson said. “We’ve been bless- great.” ed. Suggs is anticipated to be Minnehaha Academy be- a high lottery pick in the NBA came the second Minnesota Draft this summer. high school boys basketball pro- Holmgren, the nation’s top gram to have back-to-back Mr. recruit this year, had an impres- Basketball winners on April 14. Minnehaha Academy graduate Jalen sive list of suitors with offers Holmgren won it after leading Suggs played in the NCAA tourna- from North Carolina, Gonzaga, the Redhawks to the Class 2A ment this year and is anticipated to be Memphis, State, George- state title on April 10. Suggs won a high lottery pick in the NBA Draft town, and Minnesota according it in 2020 amid a season halted this summer. (Photos submitted) to ESPN. In late April, Holmgren by COVID-19. announced he was heading to Hopkins, a household name Gonzaga. in Minnesota prep hoops, did it Redhawks varsity basketball Holmgren focused on the in 2011 with Joe Coleman and scene as a seventh-grader. He Redhawks’ latest run to a state 2012 with Siyani Chambers. Like became the go-to player for the title, and he dominated along the Coleman and Chambers, both team as his career progressed, way, leading the team to a 20-1 Redhawks stars earned McDon- which included leading the record. The 7-1 center averaged ald’s All-American honors. Redhawks to three-consecutive 21 points, 12.3 rebounds, 4.7 as- “And we’ve done it at Class 2A state titles. sists, two blocks, and 1.3 steals Minnehaha Academy, which al- His athletic prowess spilled per game. ways has had a decent reputation over to the football field as a Johnson acknowledged that for basketball, but not the rep- quarterback where he led the St. having Suggs and Holmgren in utation like Hopkins has had,” Paul Academy-Minnehaha Acad- the Redhawks program is a once- Johnson said. “It’s just awesome.” emy-Blake football team to the in-a-lifetime kind of thing, but Suggs and Holmgren came Minnehaha Academy boosted both Chet Holmgren (number 34) and Jalen Class 4A state title in 2018. SMB he anticipates good things for the to Minnehaha Academy as sixth Suggs (number 1) on last year's award-winning team. Holmgren was named took runner-up the following Redhawks in seasons to come. graders in the early 2010s. John- Mr. Basketball after leading the Redhawks to the Class 2A state title on April year as Suggs won Mr. Football, “We do get back to some son said he believes both fami- 10, 2021. He is heading to Gonzaga next year.(Photos submitted) becoming the first Minnesota normalcy, but we should be lies had more than basketball in athlete to win Mr. Football and competitive because we do have mind when choosing the school Basketball in the same school plenty of good players coming the scene in high school, but a school that would challenge for their sons. Redhawks sports year. through Minnehaha,” Johnson they’ve been part of Minnehaha them academically, and was a were competitive, too, at the Suggs kept the success going said. “If you’re maximizing your for years,” Johnson said. “I know great social environment for time, Johnson noted. as a freshman at Gonzaga, help- potential and still not winning a that both parents, Jalen’s and them.” “They’ve been kids who have ing the Zags reach the national state tournament, it’s still a great Chet’s, were very interested in Suggs emerged on the not all of sudden showed up on title game with a 31-0 record. year.”