Teens stand against racial injustice >> 12 NEWS FOR EVERYONE, DELIVERED TO EVERYONE May 2021 Vol. 39 No. 3 www.LongfellowNokomisMessenger.com 21,000 Circulation • Liquor store RACIAL RECKONING to rebuild at Minnehaha and Lake By TESHA M. CHRISTENSEN Although they considered moving, Minnehaha Lake Wine & Spirits (2613 E. Lake St.) owners Steve and Jason Krause plan to rebuild the store that was burnt down in last summer’s civil un- rest. The liquor store is located across the street from the Third Precinct building, and is among several businesses in the area that were burned down, looted and vandalized. Others include Gand- hi Mahal, the Minnehaha Post Brandyn Tulloch delivers spoken word at the Black & Yellow Asian Solidarity event at George Floyd Square on April 18, 2021. A "Rise & Remember" Office, Auto Zone, the Nuevo Lar- event is planned at the Square on May 25 to commemorate George Floyd's death. >> Details on page 12. (Photo by Jill Boogren) edo building, maX It Pawn shop, Domino’s and a multi-story hous- ing complex under construction. The housing complex and Crowd at George Floyd Asian Minnesotan leaders the auto parts building are being rebuilt, and Minnehaha Lake Wine & Spirits will join them. Owners are hoping to be re- Square jubilant, resolute NAME THE RACISM opened by spring 2022. “From Day 1 when we were By MARGIE O’LOUGHLIN American Leaders in St. Paul’s digging up the rubble, we knew In the wake of a shoot- Frogtown neighborhood issued we were coming back,” said Steve as Chauvin found guilty ing spree in Georgia that left the following statement: Krause, who runs the store with six Asian Americans dead this ”We are horrified by the By JILL BOOGREN they matter here,” “Black lives his son Jason. “It would be easier spring, the Asian Minnesotan acts of violence against mem- Hundreds of people poured they matter now,” and “No jus- and less costly to build a larger Alliance for Justice is encourag- bers of our Asian American into 38th St. and Chicago Ave. tice, no peace!” store in the suburbs. But my life ing the community to name the communities across the coun- anxiously awaiting the verdict in “And we gonna prosecute is on that corner.” the Derek Chauvin trial with the the police,” Smith added, to ap- racism. try. We stand in solidarity with Nick Kor is a senior man- the survivors, victims, and their whole world watching. As Milee- plause. LIQUOR STORE >> 6 sha Smith, standing in front of Moments later, cheers and ager with Coalition of Asian families during this challeng- Peyton Scott Russell’s large por- shouts of joy erupted in waves American Leaders. He is one ing time. We all deserve to live trait of George Floyd, spoke to as three guilty verdicts were read of the forces behind the Asian without threat of violence, and What's next for the growing crowd, Eliza Wesley, and heard in intervals on mobile Minnesotan Alliance for Justice to feel safe in our neighbor- aka the Gatekeeper, called out devices throughout the crowd. (AMAJ), which formed in re- hoods.” “Mileesha” from across the street “We changed the world on sponse to the murder of George golf course? Floyd. The movement is made Racial inequities worsen and started a chant that carried 4/20,” shouted Leon Lyons. What's next for Hiawatha across the Square: “Black lives up of leaders and representa- in pandemic CROWD >> 14 tives from different Asian Min- Golf Course? The Minneapo- nesotan organizations who According to Kor, the re- lis Parks and Recreation Board share a common purpose: end- cent assaults come on the heels of Commissioners voted against ing racism and xenophobia of nearly 3,800 acts of docu- approving the master plan creat- rooted in White supremacy. mented Asian-American hate ed by community members that On the night of March 16, incidents nationwide since the would have removed the 18-hole a 21-year-old Georgia man went pandemic began. As he points golf course and replaced it with on a shooting spree at three At- out, there many additional a 9-hole course and other com- lanta-area spas that left eight cases that were misclassified, ig- munity amenities. The plan will people dead. Among the vic- nored, or unreported. be brought back to the planning tims were four women born in Kor, who grew up in Eagan committee. Due to an amend- Korea and two women born in and attended the University of ment, the plan required a 6 vote The crowd at George Floyd Square erupts as the guilty verdict is announced China. St. Thomas, said, “I was called minimum and received 4 ayes on Tuesday, April 20, 2021. (Photo by Tesha M. Christensen) and 2 nays with 2 abstentions. The Coalition of Asian NAME THE RACISM >> 2 Forging community HOME & GARDEN 40 years for International at George Floyd Fresh food at Minnehaha Film Festival - kickoff film Square and E. Lake St. outdoors this year PAGE 3 PAGE 8 PAGE 13 2 • May 2021 www.LongfellowNokomisMessenger.com Bystander intervention class offered on strategies: distract, delegate, document, delay, and direct NAME THE RACISM Name the racism >> from 1 “We need cross-racial Kor continued, “A funda- a ‘gook’ in elementary school mental belief of AMAJ is that solidarity, knowing that the before I knew what it meant, by we have to name the racism. We fate of all our communities kids I thought were my friends. must be clear and we must speak is tied together.” Asian American children are gen- up. The Atlanta attacker specif- erally taught to keep our heads ically targeted Asian businesses ~ Asian Minnesotan Alliance for Justice down and not cause trouble. and killed Asian women. The This attitude may be part of the attacks were deeply connected tendency not to report hate in- to how Asian American women members. The Five Strategies for cidents; there also is a low level are sexualized in American soci- Intervention will be covered: dis- of trust in law enforcement and ety. They are portrayed as weak tract, delegate, document, delay, government agencies in Asian and submissive, as easy targets. and direct. American communities. We are There’s a negative, harmful narra- Preregistration is required. not immune to police violence.” tive there that will never go away Visit www. caalmn.org for more “At AMAJ, we are asking if we don’t call it out.” information. After registering, that victims or observers report In response to the rise in you will receive a confirmation all incidents of hate to the Min- Asian American violence and ha- email with information about nesota Department of Human rassment, AMAJ and its partners how to join the Zoom meeting. Rights Discrimination Hotline at are offering free, one hour, in- Nick Kor, of the Asian Minnesotan Alliance for Justice, said, “A fundamental 1.833.454.0148.” teractive Bystander Intervention President Biden speaks out belief of our alliance is that we have to name the racism against Asian Ameri- Training sessions for community In his first week in office, cans. We must be clear and we must speak up.” (Photo by Margie O’Loughlin) President Biden issued a mem- orandum condemning racism again Asian Americans and Pa- trol or to request an escort. Hate bill (House File 1691) will cific Islanders. In part, he said, Kor does not feel unsafe be heard. Kor said, “It’s import- Greater Longfellow’s Annual “The federal government must himself, but said, “I understand ant that we urge our legislators to recognize that it has played a role why Asian Americans are more support making Minnesota safe Neighborhood Garage Sale in furthering xenophobic senti- comfortable going out in groups for all.” The comment period will ments through the actions of po- right now. Women, children, and be open for several more weeks. The bill has the support of litical leaders, including referring the elderly have been dispropor- several community organizations to COVID-19 by the geographic tionately targeted for violence, Sat. June 5th, 2021 verbal harassment, bullying in including the Coalition of Asian location of its origin.” American Leaders, Jewish Com- “Such statements have school, and discriminatory ser- We’re joining six other neighborhoods vice in public places.” munity Action, Council on Amer- stoked fears and perpetuated According to the AMAJ web- ican-Islamic Relations, OutFront for one day of amazing deals! stigmas against Asian Americans site, “Violence against Asians Minnesota and more. and Pacific Islanders; they have and Asian Americans is not If the bill passes, community contributed to increasing rates of new. Anti-Asian racism has oc- organizations would be given the To participate, bullying, harassment, and hate curred since Asians first came to authority to report hate crimes to crimes against AAPI persons.” the U.S. It started with the Page the state. Hate crime victims may Sign-up is open May 1st-26th Act of 1875; the Chinese Exclu- be more comfortable reporting to Fee is $10 for your sale to be included Volunteer opportunities sion Act of 1882; incarceration them than to the police. Support- As part of AMAJ outreach of Japanese Americans during ers of the bill believe it would re- on the Sales Map. Register at: efforts, community patrols have World War II; surveillance of sult in more accurate hate crime www.longfellow.org/2021/03/17/longfellow- been organized in parts of St. South Asians and Muslims fol- reporting data. Opponents take Paul and Minneapolis where lowing 9/11; and the continuing issue with the bill’s added police garage-sale-2021/ there has been violence against deportation of Southeast Asians training requirements and in- AAPI persons.
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