+ THIS WEEK @ A GLANCE  Count down to Kisumu lorem Africities Summit 2021 officially launched  County scaling up the ECDE feeding programme ipsum  I am Kisumu Talent search finalists set for Maasai Mara  Counties Labs get ISO Certification Government, UCLGA and National Government signs MOU on hosting rights of Africities Summit 2021 COUNTDOWN TO KISUMU AFRICITIES SUMMIT 2021 OFFICIALLY LAUNCHED It is now official that Kisumu City will go down in history as the first intermediary city in

Africa and the World to host the United Cities and Local Governments of Africa Africities lorem Summit come November 2021. This comes after the National Government, the County Government of Kisumu and the United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLGA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding giving Kisumu official hosting rights as well as allowing the County to begin preparation towards the countdown. dolor Kisumu is set for many firsts as this will also mark the first time the summit will be held County Minister for Education, Dr. John Obiero Ogone in the company of outside a capital city. This therefore presents a great milestone in the growth and County director education, Mrs. Margret Apondi distributing bags of rice to maturity of Kisumu as a County and as a City. ECDE schools in Muhoroni Sub County Speaking at the official launch ceremony, the Cabinet Secretary for Devolution and ASALs, Eugene Wamalwa said that with the signing of the MOU a lot is expected from Kisumu for COUNTY SCALING UP THE ECDE FEEDING PROGRAMME the summit to succeed. He assured the UCLGA Secretary General Jean Pierre Mbassi of the National Government's total support saying that they will immediately convene the The County directorate of education, distributed rice to ECDE schools in national steering committee to allow each related ministries take different roles towards Muhoroni Sub County, in a bid to finish its 14 Million Shillings to serve 660 public the preparation. preschools in the 7 sub Counties in Kisumu. So far, the Ministry of Tourism has committed Kshs 300 million to put a Convention Centre Speaking During the event, the County Minister for education, Dr. Obiero Ogone at the Sun set grounds. More facilities are expected to cater for the over 8000 delegates who was overseeing the distribution, emphasized on the County government’s expected at the conference. commitment in providing free and quality education to the children. He The Secretary General Jean Pierre was impressed by the enthusiasm displayed by Kisumu promised the teachers of improved terms of service that will be regularized to permanent. said Kisumu should do its best to convince the team in selecting it as the host city. The County director for education, Madam Margaret Apondi who accompanied "Kisumu should show we were not wrong to have chosen it. Do what it takes to become the Minister, assured the teachers of the department's commitment on the role model". improving the welfare of both the learners and teachers. He further stressed that they want Kisumu branded far more than as it will bring the lessons to the world on how to elevate the intermediary cities adding that the Sub- She added that the rice being distributed has nutritional value which helps in nationals have been neglected by most national policies. brain development to the children and urged teachers to be efficient. Mr. Mbassi also appealed to CS Wamalwa to ask President Kenyatta to convince his The ECD teachers through their representative, Madam Alice Atieno, thanked colleagues in the African Union to support the UCLGA agenda in their forums. the County government for the efforts towards improving the sector and asked the department to organize forums where teachers can discuss their The County Government presented the Secretary General of UCLGA with a cheque of challenges. She also put request to the department to sponsor more teachers Kshs. 50,000,000 Million as a show of commitment in hosting the event. The National for training. Government will also be putting in a more financial commitment towards the summit. A total of 54000 pupils are expected to benefit from the program which aims to increase enrolment and improving performance.


I am Kisumu Talent Search finalist have travelled to Maasai Mara National Reserve where they will be spending three days’ courtesy of Zaira Tours and Travel. The team was flagged off by the County Minister of Tourism, Achie Ojany - Alai who stated that the initiative aims at giving the young boys and girl’s exposure and it is also an appreciation to them for exhibiting such outstanding performances. County Minister for Tourism, Culture and Sports, Achie Ojany – Alai flagging off talent search finalists as they set off for Maasai Mara.


Counties in the western region this week celebrated laboratory services having demonstrated quality and competence in service delivery in a ceremony that was held at Acacia Premier Hotel in Kisumu. The joint celebration of Medical Laboratory Accreditation was spearheaded by the. Global Implementation Solutions (GIS) which identified laboratories in the Western Kenya for assessment and accreditation by the Kenya Accreditation Service (KENAS). The ceremony which was presided over by the Ag. County Minister for Health and Sanitation, Nerry Achar brought together County representatives from Kisumu, , , , and In his speech, the Minister congratulated the various stakeholders for making a major improvement in the provision of quality healthcare terming the accreditation process as a great milestone in the health system. Ag. County Minister for Health, Nerry Achar join the The Minister also acknowledged GIS for positively impacting healthcare systems in the community Counties in marking ISO certification on quality and competence in service delivery of laboratories within the and for putting up various technical teams to strengthen laboratory services in Western Kenya. western region at Acacia Hotel, Kisumu According to the Homabay County Minister for health Prof. Richard Muga, there is need to stock up laboratories at the health centers, stating that it was important to get a quality test done as The laboratories were accredited after a comprehensive three- one of the pillars of the health systems development. year exercise conducted by GIS to assess and recognize the The accredited laboratories were recognized as Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral quality of their service delivery Hospital (JOOTRH), Sub County Hospital, Government Teaching and Referral Hospital, Butere Sub County Hospital, Referral Hospital, Bondo County GIS ‘primary programs focuses on laboratory capacity

Hospital, Referral Hospital, Kisumu County Hospital and Referral strengthening throughout nine counties in Western Kenya Hospital.

A Publication of Communication Department of County Government of Kisumu Contributors: Emily Mikwa (Writer/ Editor), Matilda Atieno (Writer/Editor), Jacob Owiti, (Photojournalist) David Wadulo (Photojournalist)