A Concise History of Fort Monmouth, New Jersey and the U.S
A CONCISE HISTORY OF FORT MONMOUTH, NEW JERSEY AND THE U.S. ARMY CECOM LIFE CYCLE MANAGEMENT COMMAND Prepared by the Staff of the CECOM LCMC Historical Office U.S. Army CECOM Life Cycle Management Command Fort Monmouth, New Jersey Fall 2009 Design and Layout by CTSC Visual Information Services, Myer Center Fort Monmouth, New Jersey Visit our Website: www.monmouth.army.mil/historian/ When asked to explain a loyalty that time had not been able to dim, one of the Camp Vail veterans said shyly, "The place sort of gets into your blood, especially when you have seen it grow from nothing into all this. It keeps growing and growing, and you want to be part of its growing pains." Many of the local communities have become very attached to Fort Monmouth because of the friendship instilled...not for just a war period but for as long as...Fort Monmouth...will inhabit Monmouth County. - From “A Brief History of the Beginnings of the Fort Monmouth Radio Laboratories,” Rebecca Klang, 1942 FOREWORD The name “Monmouth” has been synonymous with the defense of freedom since our country’s inception. Scientists, engineers, program managers, and logisticians here have delivered technological breakthroughs and advancements to our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen for almost a century. These innovations have included the development of FM radio and radar, bouncing signals off the moon to prove the feasibility of extraterrestrial radio communication, the use of homing pigeons through the late-1950s, frequency hopping tactical radios, and today’s networking capabilities supporting our troops in Overseas Contingency Operations.
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