No. 5,238-FRIDAY, AUGUST. 18, 1893. ;

CONTENTS. PAGE PAGE Minutes by the Lieut.-Governor... — Land Sales—eontd. Land Resumption Notices , ..,1705 Proclamations by Lieut.-Governor 1765 Northern Province ^777 Miscellaneous Notices ... "...179fi Appointments by Eieut.-Governor 1766 Southern Province — Notices calling-for Tender s '...1800 Government Notification* ...1767 & 1812 Eastern Province — Sales of Unserviceable Artwues 7— Draft Ordinances 1769 North-WeBtern Province ... 1785 RoadCommittee'Notices Jf.. 1802 Passed Ordinances... — North-Central Province ... 1786 Municipal Council Notices ,.. — Notices to Mariners 1772 Province of TJva — Local Board Notices ... — Revenue Notices 1774 Province of Sabaragamuwa ... 1793 Testamentary Actioas ... >"...1808 fcand Sales :— Notices under the Forest Ordi­ Notices of Insolvency ... ".'..J18101 Western Province — nance — Notices ot Fiscals' Sales %...1811 Central Province 1776 Land Acquisition Notices — Unofficial Announcements . ...1812 -

S UPPL EMENTS. Police Weekly Circular No. 1,043.


IN the Name of Her Majesty VICTORIA, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen, Defender of the Faith. PROCLAMATION.

By His Excellency Sir EDWARD NOEL WALKER, Knight Commander of the Most * Distinguished g'A Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Lieutenant-Governor in and over the Island of Ceylon, with the Dependencies thereof. E. NOEL WALKER. . HEREA8 by section 6 of " The Masters Attendant's Ordinance, 1865," it is enacted thai the Governor may from time to time, with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, frame - and establish" port rules, not inconsistent with the said Ordinance, for any of the purpose's in the several subjections to section & aforesaid of the said Ordinance specified, provided that such povt rules shall be promulgated in manner in the said section of the said Ordinance provided : ..; •{

Now therefore know Ye that We, the said Lieutenant-Governor, with the advice and coj$entof,% the Executive Council, have framed and established the port rules in the schedule hereto for regulatings 1766 CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, [No. 5,238

the manner in -which, vessels shall enter the port of Trincomalee, and also for regulating boats plying in such harbour, and the said port rules are hereby proclaimed and published for general information. Given at Colombo, in the said Island of Ceylon, this Seventeenth day of August, in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and Ninety-three. By His Excellency's command, J A SWETTENHAM GOD SAVE THE QUEEN ! Acting Colonial Secretary.

SCHEDULE. 1. The master of every vessel entering the limits of the harbour of Trincomalee during the day time shall fly the B flag of the Commercial Code, and at night shall carry a red light in place of the masthead light, until the vessel has been boarded and passed by the Health Officer ; and no persons except the Health Officer shall bring any boat alongside any vessel entering the harbour until the said flag or light shall have been lowered as a signal that the Health Officer has granted pratique. 2. Every tindal or boatman of any boat plying to and from vessels in the harbour of Trincomalee after dark shall carry a lantern light placed conspicuously in view at the bow.


IS EXCELLENCY THE LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR 2. Meera Lebbe Mohiedeen Abdulla, of Vannar­ H has been pleased to appoint Mr. Wattege ponnai West. MARTINO FERNANDO GUNAWARDANA, of Kudahaka- 3. Kathirithampi Chellappah, of Vannarponnai pola, in the District of Negombo, to be a Notary East. Public at Balangoda and throughout Meda korale, 4. Velayutar Tilliyampalam, of Nallur. in the District of Ratnapura, Province of Sabara- 5. Chomachekarampillai Chellappah, of Vannar­ gamuwa. ponnai East. By His Excellency's command, 6. Chusaippillai Deoguppillai, of Karjur. ; J. A. SWETTENHAM, 7. Puvimannasinha Mudaliyar Joseph, of Acting Colonial Secretary. Karaiur. Colonial Secretary's Office, By His Excellency's command, Colombo, August 14,1893. J. A. SWETTENHAM, Acting Colonial Secretary. I§ EXCELLENCY THE LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR Colonial Secretary's Office, H has been pleased to appoint Mr. DON Colombo, August 17, 1893. HENDRJCK. PERERA ABAYAWARDANA WIKRAMASINHA, of Neftndeniya, Kegalla District, to be a Notary IS EXCELLENCY THE LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR Public-Sit Pita Kotte and throughout the Kotte divi­ H has been pleased to make the following sion of* the Colombo District, Western Province, appointments :— comprising tbe following villages, viz., WeJlkada, Etui Ko*tte, Nawala, Nugegoda, Pagoda, Pita Kotte, KAITAMPILLAI MAEIAMPILLAI to act as Registrar Miribana, Madiwala, Udahamulla, Talapatpitiya, of Marriages, Births, and Deaths of Vadamoracbchi, /Maharajgama, Gangodawila, Pannipitiya, Polwatta, in the District of Jaffna, from the 21st August to 30th 1/ Depanaaia, and Pamunuwa. September, 1893, during the absence of the Registrar, PHILIPPU KAITAMPILLAI, on leave. His office will * By His Excellency's command, be at Tumpalai in Vadamorachchi. J. A. SWETTENHAM, JOSEPH RODRIGO GUNAWARDANA to act as Regis­ Acting Colonial Secretary. trar of Marriages (Kandyan and General), Births, Colonial Secretary's Office, and Deaths of the District of Kandy, from the 14th Colombo, August 14, 1893. instant until further orders. His office will be at the Kandy Kachcheri. IS EXCELLENCY THE LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR By His Excellency's command, H has been pleased to appoint DON PETER J. A. SWETTRNHAM, ALBERT WEERASEKARA, Mudaliyar of Hinidum Acting Colonial Secretary. pattuwa_to be an Inquirer into Deaths for the Judicial Colonial Secretary's Office, „ Districftf Galle. Colombo, August 18, 1893. By His'Excellency's command, J. A. SWETTENHAM, ITH reference to the Gazette notice dated the Acting Colonial Secretary. 28th April last, it is hereby notified that Colonial Secretary's Office, His EXCELLENCY THE LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR has %'oiombo, August 16, 1893. been pleased to confirm DON DAVID GUNAWARDANA, Vidane-arachchi, in the appointment of Registrar of IS EXCELLENCY THE LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR Marriages, Births, and Deaths of Ambane division H has been pleased to appoint the under-jmen- of WeHaboda pattu, in the District of Galle. , tioned persons to be Assessors for the town of Jaffua By His Excellency's command, for the year 1894, under the Police Ordinance No. 7 J. A. SWETTENHAM, ' of 1866^


T is hereby notified for general information that His EXCELLENCY THE LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR has I received a despatch from the Secretary of State for the Colonies informing His Excellency that His Royal Highness^the President of the Imperial Instituteyhas approved of the appointment of the Hon. Sir ARTHUR HAMILTON GORDON, G.C.M.G., to represent Ceylon upon the Governing Body of the Institute in succession to the late Sir W. H. GREGORY. By His Excellency's command, Colonial Secretary's Office, J. A. SWETTENHAM, Colombo, AugustJ.7, 1893. Acting Colonial Secretary.

"VTOTICE is hereby given that an application from Mr. S. Mappana Pillai and ten others, for the purchase _1-N of 200 acres of Crown land under the Maha Irampaikulam tank, has been teceived, and is under the consideration of Government. It is proposed to grant the said land on the following terAs :— (1) On payment of survey fees. (2) The purchase amount to be at Rs. 10 per acre. (3) A water-rate, not, exceeding Re. 1 per acre, to be paid from January 1, 1895, provided the tank fills during the rainy season of 1894, otherwise from January 1, 1896. By H. E. the Lieut.-Governor's command,. Colonial Secretary's Office, J. A. SWETTENHAM, Colombo, August 15, 1893. Acting Colonial Secretary.

IS EXCELLENCY THE LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR has been pleased to direct that the subjoined copy of the H Order of Her Majesty in Council dated 17th July, 1893, amending the Coinage (Ceylon) Order, 1892, by demonetising the rupee of Portuguese India in Ceylon, be published for general information. By His Excellency's command, Colonial Secretary's Office, J. A. SWETTENHAM, Colombo, August 17, 1893. Acting Colonial Secretary.

At the Court at Windsor, the 17th day of July, 1893. Present : THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. LORD PRESIDENT [ MARQUESS OF RIPON LORD STETVAED J SIR EDMUND MONSON WHERE is by the Coinage (Ceylon) Order, 1892, Her Majesty was pleased, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to make a law respecting the coin constituting legal tender in Her Majesty's Colony of Ceylon: And whereas by such Order it was, inter alia, declared that a tender of payment of money in the said Colony if made in the rupee of Portuguese India, being the coin specified in the second schedule to such Order, should be a legal tender in the said Colony : And whereas it is deemed expedient that the last-mentioned provision of such Order should be repealed : Now therefore Her Majesty, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, and by virtue of all powers vested in Her Majesty in that behalf, doth hereby ordain and declare as follows :— (1) A tender of payment of money in the Colony of Ceylon, if made in the rupee of Portuguese India, shall, from and after the 19th day of July, 1893, cease to be a legal tender, and so much of the Coinage (Ceylon) Order, 1892, as makes tender of payment in.such coin a legal tender shall, as from the said 19th day of July, 1893, be, and is hereby repealed. (2) At any time within such period after the 19th day of July, 1893, as the Governor of the Colony shall by Proclamation appoint, rupees of Portuguese India will be received at any Govern­ ment Treasury in the Colony, and will be exchanged for rupees of British India. The Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury and the Marquess of Ripon, one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, are to give the requisite directions for causing this Order to be proclaimed in the Colony. C. L. PEEL. ( 1* ) 1768 CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. [No. 5,238

N compliance with the provisions of" The Trade Marks Ordinances, 1888 and 1890," and the regulations I made on March 28, 1889, notice is hereby given that Mr. T. B. Brown has applied for the registration of the following Trade Mark in -the name of Messrs. Newton, Chambers & Co., Limited, of Thorncliffe Iron­ works and Collieries, near , England, for Chemical Substances used for Agricultural, Horticultural, Veterinary, and Sanitary purposes, in Class 2 in the Classification of Goods in the above-mentioned regula­ tions :—

IZAL Colonial Secretary's Office, J, A. SWETTENHAM, . Colombo, August 10, 1893. Acting Colonial Secretary.

N compliance with the provisions of "The Trade Marks Ordinances, 1888 and 1890," and the regulations made on March 2H, 1889, notice is hereby given that Mr. T. B. Browne has applied for the registration Iof the following Trade Mark in the name of Messrs. Newton, Chambers & Co., Limited, of Thorncliffe Iron­ works and Collieries, near Sheffield, England, for Chemical Substances used for Agricultural, Horticultural, Veterinary, and Sanitary purposes, in Class 2 in the Classification of Goods in the above-mentioned regula­ tions :—

NOXONA Colonial Secretary's Office, J. A SWETTENHAM, Colombo, August 10, 1893. Acting Colonial Secretary.

N compliance with the provisions of "The Trade Marks Ordinances, 1888 and 1890," and the regulations made on March 28, 1889, notice is hereby given that Messrs. Blondean et Cie., of Ryland road, / IEngland, Manufacturing Chemists and Soapmakers, have applied for the registration of the following Trade < Mark for Perfumery, including toilet articles, preparations for the teeth and hair, and perfumed soap, in Class 48 in the Classification of Goods in the above-mentioned regulations :—


The essential particular of the Trade Mark is the word " Vinolia." Colonial Secretary's Office, J. A, SWETTENHAM, Colombo, August 3, 1893. Acting Colonial Secretary.

N compliance with the provisions of "The Trade Marks Ordinances, 1888 and 1890," and the regulations I made on March 28, 1889, notice is hereby given that Messrs. Blondean et Cie., of Ryland road, London, England, Manufacturing Chemists and Soapmakers, have applied for the registration of the following Trade Mark for Chemical Substances prepared for use in medicine and pharmacy, in Class 3 in the Classification of Goods in the above-mentioned regulations :—


The essential particular of the Trade Mark is the word " Vinolia." Colonial Secretary's Office, J. A. SWETTENHAM, Colombo, Augnst. 3, 1893. Acting Colonial Secretary.

Return of Cooly Immigrants at the Ports of Colombo and Mannar during the under-mentioned Periods. Colombo. [Week ended August 16] Arrivals. Departures. Men 333 532 Women 97 83 Children 51 36 Infants 26 34 Manndr. [Week ended August 17] 479 457 Total 986 1,142

J. A. SWETTENHAM, Acting Colonial Secretary. AUGUST 18,1893] CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 1769


MINUTE. The following Draft of a proposed Ordinance is published for general information:— An Ordinance relating to Rabies. Preamble. HEREAS it is expedient to provide for the suppression W of Hydrophobia in this Island : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of Ceylon, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :— Short title. 1 This Ordinance may for all purposes be cited as " The Date of operation. Rabies Ordinance, 189 "; and it shall come into operation on such date as the Governor shall, by Proclamation to be published in the Government Gazette, appoint. Repealing • clause. 2 There shall be repealed as from and after the date of this Ordinance coming into operation the Ordinance No. 9 of 1842, intituled " An Ordinance for the prevention of mischief by Dogs," and all regulations heretofore made thereunder. Provided that such repeal shall not affect any liability, penalty, forfeiture, or punishment incurred under the last- mentioned Ordinance or any regulations made thereunder, or any investigation, legal proceeding, or remedy in respect of any such liability, penalty, forfeiture, or punishment; and any such investigation, legal proceeding, or remedy may be carried on as if this Ordinance had not passed. Definitions. 3 In this Ordinance, unless the subject or context other­ wise requires— " Disease " means rabies, and " diseased " means affected with rabies. " Suspected " means suspected of rabies, and " suspected animal" includes any animal which has been bitten by any diseased or suspected dog, or which has been in contact with any diseased or suspected dog, or which has been otherwise exposed to the infection of rabies. The words " local authority " denote a person falling under any of the descriptions hereafter following, viz. :— (a) The chairman of a municipal council within the limits of a municipality. (b) The chairman of a local board within the limits of a local board. (c) The government agent or assistant government agent outside the limits of a municipality or local board and within the limits of his province or district respectively. (d) Every person duly authorised in writing by the chairman of a municipal council or the local board or the government agent or assistant government agent to act in his behalf for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Ordinance. " Police officer " includes inspectors, sergeants, and con­ stables of police, and all village headmen and peace officers. All stray dogs to 4 Every local authority shall cause all stray dogs found be seized. within the district to be seized, and such dogs shall be dealt with as follows :— How to be dealt (1) If the dog is not diseased or suspected, it shall be with. detained in some proper place and be there kept for such period as the local authority may think expedient, provided that where the owner or other person who had charge of the dog is known, the local authority shall cause notice to be ( 2 ) 1770 CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. [No. 5,238

forthwith given to either of them of the seizure and detention of the dog, and upon receiving payment of the reasonable expenses incurred in respect of such seizure and detention, shall deliver the dog to the person noticed or his agent, without prejudice however to the recovery of any penalty for the infringement of any of the provisions of this Ordinance. Unclaimed dogs. (2) If the dog so seized and detained be not claimed within two days after the notice aforesaid has been served, or, in case no owner or other person is known to be in charge of the dog, within three days of such seizure, it shall be competent to the local authority to cause the dog to be destroyed or otherwise disposed of in such manner as the local authority shall deem expedient. Owner, who? 5 Every person who shall knowingly suffer a dog to make such person's house or premises its ordinary place of resort shall be deemed and held to be the owner of such dog for the purposes of this Ordinance, and shall be liable civilly and criminally for all mischief done and all acts of nuisance committed by such dog. Ferocious dogs 6 It shall be lawful for any person to kill upon the spot may be killed. any dog which shall ferociously fly at or attack him, and to pursue and kill any dog not being securely tied up or other­ wise confined ^which he shall have reasonable ground to believe to be diseased. Notice by owner 7 (1) Every owner or other person having under his or possessor of charge a dog or other animal which is diseased or suspected, diseased dog or or has been bitten by a dog or Qther animal reasonably other animal to suspected, shall cause such dog or animal to be securely tied police officer. or otherwise confined, and shall forthwith give notice of the fact of such dog or animal being so'diseased, suspected, or bitten, to a police officer of the district wherein the dog or animal so diseased, suspected, or bitten, is or was. Police officer to (2) The police officer receiving such notice shall forthwith inform local transmit the information to the local authority, who shall authority. likewise inform the principal civil medical officer and the Local authority to inform government veterinary surgeon. principal civil medical officer and government veterinary surgeon. Police officer to 8 A police officer receiving credible information of the proceed to place existence of rabies, or having reasonable ground to suspect where rabies the existence of rabies, shall forthwith proceed to the place exist. where such rabies is reported to exist, and put in force the powers conferred on him by this Ordinance or by the regu­ lations* made thereunder. Regulations. 9 It shall be lawful for the local authority specified in (a), (b), and (c) of section 3 of this Ordinance to give public warning by notification in the Government Gazette and by beat of tom-tom, and by such other means as he may deem expedient, of the existence of rabies within his district, and it shall be lawful for any such local authority to make such regulations (subject to the approval of His Excellency the • Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council) from time to time as he may think fit for the following purposes, or any of them :— (a) For providing for the muzzling of dogs while in or on any public road or place, with such exemptions (if any) as the local authority may think fit. (b) For providing ior the keeping of dogs under control by the owner or person in charge thereof in such mannerasmay be prescribed by such regulations. (c) For providing for the seizure, detention, and disposal, including destruction, of dogs not being kept under control in the manner prescribed by such regulations. (d) For providing for the recovery by the local authority of the expenses incurred in respect of the detention of any dog seized and detained and disposed of under any such regulations from the owners thereof. AUGUST 18, 1893] CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 1771

(e) For prohibiting or regulating the holding of shows or exhibitions of dogs, and the exposing of dogs for exhibition or sale thereat. Publication of regulations. 10 All regulations made by the local authority and approved of by the Governor, with the advice of the Execu­ tive Council, under this Ordinance, shall be published in the Government Gazette,a,nd shall thereupon have the force of law. Destruction of 11 Every local authority shall cause to be" destroyed diseased dogs. Destruction of every diseased dog within his district, and if he thinks fit suspected dogs any suspected dog or any diseased animal other than a dog and diseased within his district, provided that if the owner of such dog animals other or animal gives notice in writing to the local authority that than dogs. Notice by owner he objects to such dog or animal being destroyed, the to local local authority shall cause it to be examined by a medical authority and officer of the civil medical department, and if such officer is reference to of opinion that such dog or animal ought to be destroyed, the Governor. local authority "shall cause the same to be destroyed. Penalties for 12 The following penalties are imposed for the following offences. acts and omissions which are hereby declared to be offences under this Ordinance :— Contravention (1) If anything is done*or omitted to be done in contra­ of regulations. vention of this Ordinance or of any regulations made by a local authority under section 9 of this Ordinance, the owner of the dog and the person for the time being in charge thereof shall each, according to and in respect of his own acts and defaults, be liable on conviction to a fine of rupees, or to simple or rigorous imprison­ ment for a period not exceeding months, or both. Failure to give (2) Any owner or person having in his possession a notice of disease diseased or suspected dog or other animal, or a to police officer. dog or other animal which has been bitten by a dog or other animal reasonably suspected to be diseased, shall, if he fail to give notice of the same to a police officer as required by section 7 of this Ordinance, be liable on conviction to a fine of rupees, or to simple or rigorous imprison­ ment for a period not exceeding months, or both. Failure of police (3) Every police officer receiving notice as regards a officer to give notice to local diseased dog shall, if he fail to transmit the authority. information to the local authority as required by section 7 of this Ordinance, be liable on con­ viction to a fine of rupees, or to simple or rigorous imprisonment for a period not exceeding months, or both. Allowing (4) Every owner of a dog or other animal which is- diseased dogs to diseased or suspected, or has been bitten by a dog go at large. or other animal reasonably suspected to be diseased, who shall permit the same to go at large after being informed or knowiug it to be diseased, suspected, or to have been bitten by any dog or animal suspected to be diseased, shall be liable on conviction to a fine of rupees, or to simple or rigorous imprisonment for a period not exceeding months, or both. Police court to 13 Every prosecution under this Ordinance may be have jurisdiction. instituted in the police court of the division in which the offence was committed or where the offender is found, any­ thing in the Criminal Procedure Code or in any other Ordinance to the contrary notwithstanding. Informer's share. 14 - It shall be lawful for the court imposing a fine under this Ordinance to award to the informer any share not exceeding a moiety of so much of the fine, as is actually recovered and realised. By H. E, the Lieut.-Governor's command, J. A. SWETTENHAM Colonial Secretary's Office, Acting Colonial Secretary. Colombo, August 14,1893. (2*) 1772 CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. [No. 5,238

MINUTE. The following Draft of a proposed Ordinance is published for general information :— An Ordinance to amend " The Petroleum Ordinance, 1887." Preamble. TTTHEREAS it is expedient to amend the Ordinance VV No. 6 of 1887, intituled " The Petroleum Ordinance, 1887 " : Be it therefore enacted by the Governor of Ceylon, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :— Short title. 1 This Ordinance may be cited for all purposes as " The Petroleum Amendment Ordinance, 189 ," and shall come Date of into force on the day of 189 . operation. Ordinance to be 2 "The Petroleum Ordinance, 1887," is hereinafter construed as one referred to as the principal Ordinance, and the principal with Ordinance No. 6 of 1887. • Ordinance and this Ordinance may be cited for all purposes as " The Petroleum Ordinances, 1887 and 189 ," and this Ordinance shall be construed as one with the principal Ordinance; and the expression "this Ordinance" in the principal Ordinance, and any expression referring to the principal Ordinance which occurs in any Ordinance or other document, shall be construed to mean the principal Ordinance as amended by this Ordinance. Amendment of 3 (1) To sub-section (a) of section 19 of the principal section 19 of Ordinance the following words shall be added, namely, Ordinance No. 6 of 1887 as to the " except when conveyed in a cart specially constructed for be the purpose, which has been licensed by writing under the conveyed. hand of the local authority for the conveyance of petroleum." As to the (2) In sub-section (6) of the same section after the word conveyance in a "vessel" and before the words "so constructed" the words closed vessel or cart. " or cart" shall be inserted. By H. E. the Lieut.-Governor's command, J. A. SWBTTENHAM, Colonial Secretary's Office, Acting Colonial Secretary. Colombo, August 17, 1893.


IS EXCELLENCY THE LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR has GOVERNMENT or JAPAN. H been pleased to direct that the following Notices Soya-saki Lighthouse—Alteration in the Period of Exhibi­ to Mariners be published for general information. tion of Light and Sounding of Fog Bell. By His Excellency's command, Notice is hereby given that the period of exhibition of the light and sounding of the fo» bell of Soya-saki light­ J. A. SWETTENHAM, Acting Colonial Secretary. house, northernmost point of the Province of Kitami, Colonial Secretary's Office, Hokkaido, which has hitherto been from April 1 to Colombo, August 18, 1893. November 30, will be altered, and that the light will herea'ter be exhibited and the fog bell sounded irom March 1 to December 31. No light will be exhibited nor fog bell sounded during BATAVIA.—No. 20. the months of January and February. E. I. Archipelago—Soemhawa Island, North Coast— COUNT KUHODA KITOTAKA, Bima Bay. Minister of State for Communications. The Commander of tbe Dutch steamer Zwaan reports Tokio, June 21, 1893. that the reef lining the eastern shore of the entrance to Bima bay, north-eastward of Lampasapee point, extends GOVERNMENT OF CHINA. 2^ cables from the shore. Canton District—New Buoy off the Birds' Nest Rocks. The outer end of the reef lies on the following Notice is hereby given thai a wooden conical buoy, 7 ft. bearings :— 6 in. in diameter and painted red, has been moored in 13 Mount Vader Smit ... W. N. W. f W. ft. low water spring tides off the south-western end of the Batoe Poetih point ... N. N. E. J E. Birds' Nest rocks in the Macao Fort reach, southern Lampasapee point ... S. S. W. f VV., distant entrance to Canton. 6-6 cables. A red light will be exhibited on this buoy from sunset Bearings true. to sunrise. BOELL, Vice-Admiral, J. H. MAT, Commanding the Naval Forces in Neth.-India. Harbour Master. Batavia, July 11, 1893. Custom House, Canton, June 29, 1893. AUGUST 18,1893] CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 1773

SINGAPORE.—No. 338. No. 16, dated Batavia, June 8 last, is republished for Time Balls. general information :— The Commander ofH.B.M. Rattler reports the existence Time balls on Fort Canning and Pulau Brani are dropped of a narrow coral shoal, with a least depth of 2 fathoms, dnily (Sundays excepted) at 1 P.M. observatory mean lying in Malacca strait, with Tanjong-Kling flagstaflf time. Ihey are hoisted five minutes before 1 o'clock. bearing N. 20° E., distant 0-5 mile. Tbe Observatory at Fort Fullerton, from which the balls Approximate position, lat. 2° 12' 25" N., long. 102° are dropped by electricity, is in— 10' B. Lat. 1° 17' 13-7" N. As it is evident that a dangerous shoal • spot may exist Long. 103° 51' 15-7" U. north-westward of this reef, ships should avoid to pass Ditto in time 6h. 55m. 25-05s. Tanjong-Kling at a distance less than 1 mile. When the ball drops at 1 P.M., local mean time, the B. P. CREAGH, Comdr., R.I,M., corresponding mean time is 6h. 4m. 34-95s. A.M. Port Officer ot Calcutta. Should the electricity fail, through lightning or other Calcutta, July 17, 1893. causes, to drop either or both of the balls, the ball tha(jg does not act will be kept up for about 5 minutes after 1 o'clock; it will then be dropped by hand and the time must BENGAL.—No. 171. not be depended on. Bay of Bengal—Chiltagong Coast—Depths of Water C Q. C URAOTURD, found in the River Channels. Master Attendant. The Port Officer, Chittagong, has given notice that the July 8, .1893. following depths of water have been found in the river channels by soundings taken on July 13 and reduced to zero :— BENGAL.—No. 169. ft. in. Eastern Archipelago — Natoena Islands—Sunken Rock of Track No. 1 ...... 11. 0 South-east Coast of North Natoena Island. Do. 2 ...... 8 6 The following Notice to Mariners, issued by the Vice- Do. 3 ...... 23 0 Admiral Commanding the Naval Forces in Neth.-India, Do. 4 ...... 24 0 No. 15, dated Batavia, June 8, 1893, is republished for Do. 5 ...... 17 6 general information :— N.B.—As the sands on the upper bar (Track II) appear The Commander of the U.S.S. Marion reports that the to be changing position, and further alteration may be American ship Robert L. Belknap was wrecked on an expected during the rains and freshets, great care should uncharged rock to the southward and eastward of North be taken. Natoena island, China Sea. The rock is a pinnacle rock, with 17 ft. of water on it. B. P. CREAGH, Comdr., R.I.M., The ship was aground forward, and had 6 fathoms of Port Officer of Calcutta. water amidships and under her stern. Calcutta, July 24, 1893. The rock lies on the following approximate bearings :— Setokong island (summit ?) ... N. 9° W. BENGAL.—No. 172. Semione island (summit ?) ... S. 70° 30' W. Eastern Archipelago—Malacca Strait—Bengkalis Island— Also that breakers extend about 3 miles seaward from Temporary Beacon North-voestward of Djati Point. the south-east shore of North Natoena island. The following Notice to Maiiners, issued by the Vice- Bearings true. Admiral Commanding the Naval Forces in Neth.-India, NOTE.—It seems possible that this is the reef named No. 17, dated Bitavia, June 19, 1893, is republished for Batoe Penoeh. general information :— B. P. CREAGH, Comdr., R.I.M., The Commander of H.N.M. surveying vessel Melvill Port Officer of Calcutta. van Carnbee reports to have erected, for the use of the Calcutta, July 17, 1893. survey, a temporary beacon in a position with Djati point, N.-W. extreme of Bengkalis island, S. 45° 5 E., distant 9,611 yards. The beacon, placed in 3 fathoms at low water, is BENGAL.—No. 170. surmounted by a black truncated cone and a flig, being Eastern Archipelago—Malacca Strait—Existence of a red and white horizontal stripes (36 ft. above the sea). Sunken Reef. - B. P. CREASH, Comdr., R.I.M., The following Notice to Mariners, issued by the Vice- Port Officer of Calcutta. Admiral Commanding the Naval Forces in Nelh.-India, Calcutta, July 24, 1893. 1774 CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. [No. 5,238


"ATOTICE is hereby given that on Tuesday, August 11. ss§eod®a»3 sac®. JuN 22, 1893, at 2 P.M., will be put up for resale at the 12. •e&taooSfflteaJ ©mogoc. Kandy KachcMri, at the risk of the original purchasers, the under-mentioned Toll Rents of tbe Central Province 13. ©(^©lefs'C? ©stogcr*. from September 1 to iDecember 31, 1893, the original . 8. £F. Qi@d(3*, purchasers of which may have failed on or before that dote to pay the instalments for the month of July, 1893. 1893 srfg taqsi&SSzS) ©ate® ^eso©>© @a8D§)a^, Galle Kachcheri, B. HoESBtTRGH, August 11, 1893. £33(3© &StsiqQGe, BB1893 ssfg ggs)j®e$e for Government Agent. &od3®&ni5$ &Q ©ateae* gd® S SS«sS ®©,p\ § 1893 ®fit fflj.dao,©©* ©es 1 ©Ss3 §a> &>i£>ss 3&i3®®£i ®S£iQ ®a®qiSies^o^ a® cf(+jes>ca ®qesl®§)8 ©S3 31 ®Q& Sa?Qdt ®®eS saQ ®g«s» So29©S caSatod, S§ 1893 £3l§ esidaai® easao $3aJ ®.£>S3 ®<5zs$ oc§ ts>i-§^®iS)odBssis ©qesiDS* ®ea 31 ®SsS ^an #So®d §roaj 23 ^©eBodq) ©ea 22 [email protected] ®& 26 ®e3«?gd)(^ csS<2>«f 88&i 3 j 2. ©oar^SafsvaJ' ci®8 esas aoQ® ®8ts$®$q, 6©d !g>^C3 oo6J«s>ac^ eogg)®a3-2rf ^as'casf fisass? ®03f^sa^«sS epic ®8&i®4q. ©qiaag qS®d^ §q®cey St^aoSl-sJS »Ua">ic3. 3. S©md QQJ®© ao©(S ®8i5S®4 es® ffisisfSea £3dsa £3o®<5' *»isaa3g@><3' ®8ts3®£q. S2Si9®a a3©S)33 ®8s5$qts®. 1. d@®Sb5) £3o®# ®#e}qca. 5. ®>^gs*e;d £3o®<5 ©(5aJ®4d £31(3®. 6. @®3d©as ®8isi®4ic as:i ®®&>a>. 3. ©©03(55© O0<3®. 1

4. ®a>c!f®«;33®d£3j(3© eaao ® raster® fj s»®8 ®^®€33a> eot^Ssf ®(5cJ®f^a £ft£3 S«S^«a qp2Sf83 ®&&$q3 ©CTIOS. 5. @QS(3 S3o®^ ®&£iqa$. ©^Saj S^-gSaJO ®c«®(5S3 23od-®Sc8 CT©1893»a J 6. as&qqpte?®^ e33@# ®#«s}<$a>. gig ®o®d© ©oSsslQ ©ant §e3D(3—ragrasteaa®® &o®8 ®8ts!qa. 10. @dd>©<5*9©d ooc® ss© &8acss® &t®8 Si 1893 ssJg ^®ro3d«g ©e3 11 ®Ss3 ®£«jqa. ooc^@c^ ffl)©©©S'©d§co.

H R Government Agent of the Southern Province will, on the usual conditions, put up for sale at the Kottawa T Resthouse on October 8,1893, at noon, tbe lease of the following blocks of land in Talpe pattu, which are supposed to contain plumbago : Probable Extent. No. Name of Land. Situation. A. a. P. 1. Kirimetidolekande Kottawa 2 II. Illnkketia Tellembura 5 III. Galagangodewatteaddara do. 3 IV.' Kekuneudumullegodakanda do. 4 V. Okanduhena Udumalneala 1 Galle Kachcheri, B. HORSBURGH, August 12, 1893. for Government Agent. AUGUST 18,1893] CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 1775

w &d&$m c^^3^®^ 1893 23lg ©a>:f©§) ©ca 3 @>©2S ^ss ©odSdi OICD© ©saaSSS 2o3«»c3®©§ Saefgaaad ©aw^s^S 80 ©s$«3S5©j q^ao. §5©ffl)d®.

<§£)©© S3®. cp. dt. o. I 2 0 0 II 5 0 0 III C83(3CD«SJ®'CD)© ©Sftaq^d a© 3 0 0 IV 6© 4 0 0 V 10 0 m 1893 Jjsf g ^eoJefeg @s3 12 @®£> @. ©s>3#dS)#arf, @©.g©C>.

HE Government Agent of the Southern Province will, on the usual conditions, put up for sale at the. Udugama T Resthouse on October 5, 1893, at noon, the lease of the following blocks of land in Hinifium pattu, which are supposed to contain plumbago :— Probale Extent. "No. Name of Land. Situation. A. B. P. I. Pailakanda Hiniduma 15 0 0 II. Aremegedara alias Danwattewalagoda Koralegama 20 0 0 III. Kamhena Panangala 10 0 0 IV. Tanahenagoda do. 50 0 0 V. Katuwangalagoda or Elabaddegedarlanga do. 15 0 0 Galle Kachcheri, B. HOBSBUKGH, August 15, 1893, for Governmenr Agent.

t£2£>c,®azs$2%®& J8@033 ©@ES canai an© essjeotfj ©©aa ®&dtsi iS&QznQoa aftos 8S(^aa)3®©a"> <§>©© ©S 1893 *sJg ©^©aoJScfy ©ca 5 ®tD& . ©asao. @>S33. §£)©© -2D®. ' 8^03 ^S©S)S3 efijaacs. . dt. e. I. ®o8(3SS*£><; e&Sg© 15 0 0 II. ^d®@>co3GJ qisi£)!2$®&$z)Q®isn6) ©safdoif^co® 20 0 0 III. ss©.£Saan ea3©CD(3 10 0 0 IV. s3ta®G3®zsS®cadG) .a® 50 0 0 V. «a)@S-aT(a(3®®3© ©a5a®aDj2S> ^if3S©@>ao<;dc3«9 a® 15 0 0 ©§ 1893 ssfg qs@d§c3. i«5 ©©.QS©.

Lease of Plumbago Lauds. ""^yOTICE is hereby given that the Government Agent, North-Western Province, will put up for sale on Monday _LN noon, August 28, 1893, the lease, free of payment of tithe to Government, of the following land for two years from October 1 next. The lessee will be required to enter into an agreement with the Government Agent and to obtain a license on a stamp of Ks. 10. Preliminary plan 970. Ihalawisideke korale—Weudawilli batpattu. Extant. Lot. Village. Name of Claimant. Description. A. B. r. 5166 Mipittiya The Crown Jungle 10 3 24 Plumbago of excellent quality has been obtained from the land.

By H. E. the Lieut.-Governor's command, J. A. SWETTENHAM, Colonial Secretary's Office, Acting Colonial Secretary Colombo, August 11, 1893. 177ti CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. [No. 5,238

®&de$ «J <§Q®ssi Qg§®.

g^cs® {?»:>§>© •d'dste»c;33a33«J®d SSsi s»© ®e3 28 @>©«9 eog^za ®>®?S oaoeo ea«jaDS$@SaB §Q®.©

®4eDS®£5? «ot^© ©ss^sa Q© ©•©3Sj <^^©g«St«333 t$its.

^©»d ©dg©^ (jQaeoaJeaO ©ssxco. ©i<3® ©(^(gaostaateg®.© igasc SSs*?®^ <3>sD;fds'<2? **o»®®d 970 0. CD®. qj&Sffii© 2Sc3^Sfa3D. ^•ffifq®. <£. Oi. O. 5166 @8Sca dbe&aafcoca «si.®.f5 10 3 24 @© §&)®© igaso qe«a<§ ®^3daJ GI§5 ^S®@.

©S 1893 esfg q&aaid^ ®» 16 *©*S ®6SD©® ©i©©e-*° ®«3®i»©e>38'ei ©©;». ©aocMafijawSteJ Qisimx5}®e$®ffiid'di@>S§c5.


No. 1,363, c. p. Colonial Secretary's Office, Colombo, August 8, 1893. N Wednesday, September 27, 1893, at 12 o'clock noon, tbe Hon. tbe Government Agent for the Central Province O will put up to auction, at his Office in Kandy, the under-mentioned portion of Crown Land, on the termi authorisd by Government. An allotment of land situated in the Gangaihala korale division of the Udapalata District of the Central Province, about f mile west of the road from Ampitiya to Polmalagama, and adjoining Bossward estate to the north-west and Ruwankuru-oya to the east. Preliminary plan 4,436. Extent. Lot. Village. Name of Land. Name of Applicant. Description. A. B. P. 11828 Yatapana Ketaliyawehena Suduhakurugedara Rankira Jungle 1 0 32 Upset price,—Rs. 10 per acre. Further information respecting this land may be obtained from the Hon. Surveyor-General, and respecting the conditions of sale from the Hon. the Government Agent, Kandy. By H. B. the Lieut.-Governor's command, J. A. SWETTENHAM, Acting Colonial Secretary.

No. 1,363, 0. P. SI 1893 ssfg S*9 ©aajg® ©aosxKiffljawSd <3*zte»)«xJd®>B? ,[email protected]>:fdi®>©§ca.

^ cp«S@caJo©c3 9«awdeoQ Si 1893 csfg S3zda>i®§) ®ej 27 ®S«S §<; ^sa q£><3 123 ®ao^Sd «a©@>©6®d§ <§>S&te<^Ssad ©^-©oeJQ ^cas^snSj 31a. ®E)B® §eS3@>© CQOQJCD oa®§aopjs-aBfdS'c^' qp®83@>d e§Q @>ODf2f®c SdaosigiS^ saao ®@i£Sd£t)&E> ©ateo© csaS 3s© Sca®i?ao di©3fegdia)cs© s>i®eD33§Sgs* 8$©»«8@£)«> g@asi®>9(g ©aassf. S«Sca® 4,436. §GJ&©05<3 q2co@S33. a®. (§>&)©•© «s®. ^«st<;®. cp. d*. o. 11828 oaejaa sSS®d §®® §£)© eoz-gg ©jSgd sajd-gsni SoesoSoiS ea#®©co# e5OTcb(^(5«s}«OjesJ®cJ®eae^, SJSJS®.© ®-«SDOJ ®^8ca c»i-@g raid^So ©ateS^ssj®.© ®ao^g©d qp^§@.© Sfe5ac}aBC*sfao3ai®d®eafiq ^«noaSQ gdSao.

S1QSC365 ®aB®e3^a>38'^ ©®ao. AUGUST 18, 1893] CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 1777


No. 255, N. p. Colonial Secretary's Office, Colombo, August 5, 1893. N Monday, September 18, 1893,, at 12 o'clock noon, the Assistant Government Agent for the Mullaittivu District O will put up to auction, at his Office in Mullaittivu, the under-mentioned portions of Crown Land, on the terms authorised by Government. Fifty-eight allotments of land situated in the Karikkaddumulai North, &c, divisions of the Mullaittivu District of the Northern Province. Preliminary Extent. Plan. Lot. Village. Name of Applicant. Description. A. R. P. 718 2310 Mullaittivu Mr. Vaitilingam Low jungle 1 0 39 731 2347 Kumarapuram Velar Kanapati and Velar Naka- many do. 11 0 34 2348 Do. Paddy land 0 1 32 802 2487 Mullaittivu Cha' les Nasson, E. Bultjens and others, and V. Vaity Pdlmyrah garden 1 3 4 2488 Do. do. do. 1 2 39 2489 Do. Jungle and scattered pal­ my rah 0 3 23-25 2490 Do. Jungle and 1 cocoanut tree 0 2 11-25 2491 Do. Jungle and scattered pal- myrah 2 3 8-25 1170 3859 Kanukkeni Casinather Velupillai Jungle suitable for paddy cultivation 3 1 35 1209 .3953 Valaiyanmadam Vairavan Alvan Paddy field 2 1 17 1210 3954 Kumarapuram Supper Vallipuram Jungle suitable for paddy cultivation 10 0 29 3955 Do. do. Paddy field 0 1 14 1213 3969 Tannyuttu Meyatheonkandu Pakkirnmeya- theen Scrnb 0 2 39 1353 4700 Vellamullivaikal Kanter Kasinather Abandoned paddy field 1 3 33 4701 Do. do. Scrub said to be suitable JJ for paddy cultivation 1 0 24 4702 Do. do. Jungle do. 0 0 38 1466 5200 Tannyuttu Native garden 0 0 18 >J 5201 Do. do. 0 1 5 5205 Do. Katiran Kaddaiyan Clearing 0 3 30 ' JJ 5206 Do. Vairavanater Vallipuram and 1467 another Wasteland 1 0 35 5622 Kannukkeni Tbamu Patamu Paddy field and scrub jungle 1 3 35 1484 5623 Do. Katiravelu Sinnapodian Paddy field 3 ]1 36 5644 Mullivaikal Vyramuttu Annamalai 1 0 » 5648 Kanukkeni do. 6 11 25 1491 5649 Do. do. 0 11 17 1493 5679 Silavattni do. 1 1 6 JJ 5802 Alultaittivu do. 2 1 do. 0 1 18 1501 5632 Tannyuttu Katiramer Velu 20 1547 5776 Mullaittivu Clearing 1 2 1487 5778 Do. Sandy waste 0 3 27 1541 5780 Do. do. . 0 3 33 5781 Do. do. 0 3 31 1583 5938 Do. do. 0 3 21 5980 Cicoanut plantation 0 3 24 1606 Kanukkeni Sinnaven Kakkeyan Scrub jungle suitable for garden 0 3 30 1206 3949 Kodalikallu Vallipuram Velu and Sithemperi Karuttan Jungle 4 30 1504 5691 T .nnyuttu Velanther Kantavanam Waste land 1 39 1687 6299 Kuuiulamunai Varitampi Chankaran and another Jungle fit for garden 2 0 JJ 6->99J Do. — do, 2 15 1703 6336 Kanchuramoddai Vairavan Murukan Jungle fit for paddy 1 12 1709 6351 Tannyuttu Utunankandu Sinnatampi Jungle 1 3 6353 Kanukkeni Supper Valipuram and another Jungle and hut 4 28 6365 Do. K anther Veerakatti Jungle 2 28 6357 Do. do. Open land 0 7 1710 6358 Kachchilamadu Alvan Velan Jungle fit for paddy 5 0 1718 6*79 Vattnp.ilai Velanther Menasitampi Jungle 1 8 JJ 6380 Do. Ponner Katiramu do. 1 0 26 1719 6381 Alampil Antoni Pavilu Jungle and hut 0 2 38 1720 6382 Mullaittivu Anto Marian Open land 0 2 26 1511 5702 Othiamalai Velar Arumukam Scrub jungle 2 1 16 593 2046 Kachchilamadu Marimuttu Vissuver Paddy 8 t 29 1572 5872 Mallavy Purany, widow of Sanmukara Scrub jungle suitable for paddy cultivation 1 17 [ 3 ) 1778 CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, [No. 5,238

Preliminary Extent. Plan. Lot. Village. Name of Applicant. Description. A. a. p. 857 2616 Pnthukadu Nakan ICatiramer Abandoned paddy 3 2 3 .» 2617 Do. do. do. 5 2 36 1678 6281 Kumarapuram Muttaiyer Chinnaiyer Open land fit for paddy 5 2 15 Name of Claimant.—Sinnatampiar Manikkam. n 6281J Do. Sinnatampiar Manikkam Paddy field with paddy four months old 0 3 34 n 6282 Do. V. Venasitampi, Mudaliyar Open land fit for paddy 2 2 31 ii 6284 Do. V. A. Muhammadu Ibrahim Jungle fit for cocoanut plan­ tation 48 0 0 ii 6284J Do. do. do. 40 0 0 Upset price,—Rs. 10 per acre. Further information respecting these lands may be obtained from the Hon. the Surveyor-General, and respecting the conditions of sale from the Assistant Government Agent, Mullaittivu. By H. E. the Lieut.-Governor's command, J. A. SWETTENHAM, Acting Colonial Secretary.

No. 255, N. P. Q&rrGeutreisfliuev &aBpfifiirrr ^ulUdeo, QsrrrtpLou, 1893 LD @D ^weasfliJi* 5 0 a-. 1893 Co ^,eacr® uirCL-irfiLbtifia 25 Q&fd jBiB&L-&ip<5®Lb u«6u 12 Lo«sBfl«@^ pesr ^LSSBU qpto teogffieq st,#e£ meupssnQuip 0, ej&esrjpijipswjr ^euir&etrn eo ^jSesii^uSp 9* irebeouuiLi^e^iSlp (LpuL^gjrfliu sir *Rfl0^paif

58 &rres$@^esBr'Sl&6rf> qjaeoEeo^^o^ iysiv£ilpl8&leisr splffsi—®Qp%ev oiL-aSe^tc Lcjptu^jduSgpi ir3(5« SH&rpsat. S-(T$&/mTeifi—Qfits.. aires&ifiesr Quiuir—ysujr<«f smir®. LSeirireir a/rassfl eS#ir»oLo. Gaetrdd&isirjreirr Qutufr. trestfiluSmm< eSemru-..Si- jptr. u. 718 2310 @jpl<£II® 1 0 39 9irestfiu3esr Quiuir—teaeoty aen®. 731 2347 (&)LD»B"L)ri& (Senear assmu^i Qeuevr jsirmtaes^ 11 0 34 fflirasBfliiSair Quiuir—^^fiisseieairetiiueu. 99 2348 (^LDirjrLjirui — Qppmesift 0 1 32 wresiffiti2asr Quiuir—Seir^s)pn)im^ QuLp^LceserevJtl—l—LD. 802 2487 (tpevtsLpfieii &irirevew p&irek |g). Cjeb&siietv mpp

aui^Lo eu, euu$i&0iUL&. 1 3 4 99 2488 u'Sssriuerrerr air®1 2 39 sireesHBeer Quiuti—^#jBiUiy_uSlev QjHirL-i—Lo. 99 2489 (ineuSsu^^ffl/ — (j&wiqsrrairsir® 0 3 2325 airesSuSesr Quiuir—^)(r^p0i^^G^itL-L-Lcs. 19 2490 Qpe\}%evg;$eu — an® to g}o Qpesr 0 2 11-25 &iretsfiu9sm Quiuir—^eouf.u3p(S(ir?L.L_LD. 99 2491 u§5onL/oir«rr sir® 2 3 8-25 airassfluSasr Quiuir—(Lppluummesruemuev. 1170 3859 sgGgxaQxesS sir^^gfr Qeu sy/uLSeirSsir QjEeve8$srreiim(Sa pp sir® ' 3 1 35 airsBjflaSeir Quiuir—QuiHiueutusv. 1209 3953 a/SeOajSsrLoi_tn entiSjreuesr ^meuirek QiE psiresS 2 1 17 «ir655fiu9«w Quiuir—^ueat—mesresiBLD. 1210 3954 (^LairjrLJjrLD «euutr eueherrlLjirLo Qpen a92ferreyffi(?« pp air® 10 0 29 99 3955 Qpeueuiueo 0 1 14 «Tasiflir3aw Ouiuir—suireatui$.uSl6u eueire^. 1213 3969 jSsssreis&tuipHji Quzujj§esr&eikr® ukSiAQMU^eer(WjigLDek a(5M

*- <$ (T SiSlfi eSSIT 61) Lr. ©*>". QasirsSss.frwear Quiuir. •ffiff'SBsfliiSew ePajjno. dfrssisfiiiSasr Quiuir—(C&ITI—LJ-B.. 1466 5200 V — 0 0 18 5201 — 'OLD. 0 1 5 1 0 35 a/r«BBiM)as7 Quiuir—ffir&rtaeisu. 1484 5622 ) 0nop uirqp Qpp «/r amfiit/Lo 1 3 35 » 5623 •sJBirQteuijpi ®ettf3srijQuirm.iuesr 3 1 36 ari/ssofiuSsHr Quiuir—iarm0isf.006tair. 1491 5644 6 1 0 . mrreeSa^esr Quiuir—^fiwamriBSfsr. 1493 5648 0 1 25 5649 — 1 1 17 &ir&stflu$eirr Quiuir—^jTLauifLcLo, 1501 5679 sotrw/S 6Q0 — 2 1 6 an-asEfluSssr Quiun—pi$00&uevQai6ifi. 1547 5802 Qp6vdsv0J$aj — 0 1 18 mrressfluSm Quiun—sDirsraabiuiy.. 1487 5632 '0gsnresS^pjp,1 s%$irtri£.ir Q/aneyi 1 2 20 aneooHuSeur Quiuir—La&nsreo sir®. 1541 5776 — mesa pgj&stsr® 0 3 37 •> 5778 — 0 3 33 >> 5780 _ 0 3 31 5781 — 0 3 21 airsssfluSssr QUILIT—pireueoi^.u3iruSssreiiuj6v. 1206 3949 Qatri—n eSsaeu^n eu6veSuinh CJausy/ $d. anjtjspneer an® 4 0 30 «fl6!Kifk2.«Br r Quiuir—Kjmraan-®, 1504 5691 0Gssr6Bfiiypjpi QeiueviriLj0ir si^euenrui 0iFljrjBsuia 1 0 39 a*esdluSeur Quiuir—pirajeui^.ii9eueueire^. 1687 6299 (gtyvarjyiSasr aun ift0iAiS ffiasir jjy lojp/'JijjTjm Q0iri—i—0^i{^) Qjppsrr® 2 0 0 6299£ Guy. — -.'dLp. 2 1 15 sirenHtiSasr Quiuir—^eoJB<3r>0iuiSfK0 essr® 1703 6336 airi^^irQiMiTi—einL. euuSireuser itpQ^aesr Qp pQ^iLssiss Q&ppmrr® 1 1 12 Siresshu^m Quiun—pnsueviy.metro/. 1709 6351 2.j£Lorr6isr&eBsr® ffieer&rr 00LGLS air® 113 6353 'mm «-uutr euAeSli-jiTLa LcjpiQuQfUM air®u> (gqi.«»^ujLo 4 1 28 f&irQsfiti&SBr Quiuir—si—smi—asaraieire^. 6355 &p0ir t&w&pp) sir® 2 3 28 6357 hAJ). Qaissur 0es>ir 0 17 airessHu^eer Quiuir—ffijgiQu"eeutuev. 1710 6358 ^etroitresr QppQfiueask airear air® 5 0 0 miresHuSlesr Quiuir—pirajeoip-meireii, 1718 6379 OJpqtfuUbsrr QeueuiriLj0ir e£ig$)fd00U}i$ ««•« 118 airessfliiSeBr Quiuir—u&sfi&^&tutjLiiS&j eveney. »J 6380 aip(ffuu^ir Quiresresrir s^smxiss OL9. 1 0 26 SirasafiuSasr Quiuir—Oatinjip-awia/. 1719 6381 *g)ei)Lc>L$eo JnJBQ0trei£i uiTafjjj air® La (gifta^iuw 0 2 38 siressfluSeBT Quiuir—u'&ssriuLf.&jeireif. 1720 6382 QfieoZsi)0^stj ,g>iJE(20ir wifliuiresr Qsuexrptss>z 0 2 26 mrrestfldHesr Quiun—•'^?)Q$it}esrarr

iSmiresr StllSsS QmehaSas>irjreer Quiuti:

592 2046 Q jg p d n aasr) 8 1 29 «ir«asf)u3asr QDUUJIT—(^r^Laeerxir®. 1572 5872 Laeveotr,a$ gi(!5Use6T«iT® 8 1 17 «TasBf/n9sar Quajrr—qgaairL© 6uujev. 857 2616 <_a6U Sf)l~UU _ L-Q^ptn-easfl 3 2 3 >> 2617 Ljjgi&mnQi) IBf steer atQsir urn OiLQ. 5 2 36 */iS6BfiaSew QWUJIT—S&sresrLoirai.f . 1678 6281 (^UirlTLjITLC* Qff pa-iremshiQ^fS jSevco 5 2 15 >> 6284 i Sesrenr^^LDLSIiuirir L*rressftm»L& ©^SUBUIUBU (4 LCT^CT O^su^yi^tw) 0 3 34

>> 6282 *. a5"@)fi^#LBi-V QpfeSiuirtr Qppaurasa 0(&)00 QenfrB jfl6ULD 2 2 31 as/rswfliiSss Quuj/r—(.Sew;awrt/s <2,ar(r<_i_t-c. 6284 Ql fiGST StSI £ITt—l— ' 0 jp&C^P 0fi air® 48 0 0 » 6284* »>i4L? . 40 0 0 5T««(r ^eerjpiai^; urrersfjuu, s&tisu C^un 10. {gD&anaofimietruuppliu Gi&ev&SBruureisr eSeunibaQstr *mQV&($L-irb $0 Q&i(Swtui Q^mpeugteaff ujaiC a£rfli—0fdgmu> eSp^eereSeei Qair^^ea^LJuppl QpeuSsi^^^ u.fisd Gevp^-rnLciBgi 5jr#tfxr,-(w#^£jliLa QaL-L-plJBjip Qa-irenensviris. jqfi<±£0<-* *-uQ0#tr jjjufiiu&inme&eei& ZsiiuSfsru « , GfS. <5J, srQwpQpaifuDU},


No. 848, s. r. Colonial Secretary's Office, Colombo, August 14, 1898. N Monday, October 2, 1893, and the following days, at noon, the Government Agent for the Southern Province O will put up to auction, for sale or settlement, at Kottawa Resthouse, the under-mentioned portions of Crown Land, on tbe terms authorised by Government. , Sixty-one allotments of land situated in the Talpe pattu of the Galle District of the Southern Province. Preliminary plan 3,698.—Udumalagala. Extent. Lot. Name of Land. Name of Applicant. Name of Claimant. Description. 4. a. r. 8942 Talanmandiyakele H. R. Dobree The Crown Old jungle and scrub 15 0 11 8943 Do. do* do. do. 10 0 Preliminary plan 3,782 Udumalagala. 9301 Nakiyadeniya Udumalagalage Pedris de Silva The Crown Waste and small house and deniya 1 0 26 9302 Do. do. do. 5 jak trees, &c. 0 1 20 9303 Do. do. do. Deniya and road cooly lines 0 1 27 9304 Do. do. do. Waste and rocky 0 10 Preliminary plan 3,558.— •Nabadawa, 8570 Galamullakanatta Kottanwellaliyanage Juan The Crown Jungle 1 2 21 8571 Do. do. do. do. 0 0 30 O 337 GalamullawatU do. do. Vegetable garden 0 0 18 AUGUST 18, 1893] CEYLON GOVERNMENT -GAZETTE 1781

Preliminary plan 3,483.—Nabadawa. Extent. Name of Applicant. Name of Claimant. Description. jot. Name of Land. A. K. P 8351 Mahadolaokanda Karasinha Arachchige Car olis The Crown Jungle 0 3 14 8352 Do. do. do. Garden 0 2 1 Preliminary plan 3,699.-—Tellembura. 8944 Mahakumburekele Don Hendrick de Silva Jaya- wardana The Crown Jungle and scrub 0 2 28 Preliminary plan 2,369.— -Kottawa. 3648 Gongebubena Don Hendrick Gunatunga,, Vidane Arachchi The Crown Jungle 1 1 15 3649 Do. do. do. do. 1 1 6 3650 Do. do. do. do. 1 1 11 3651 Do. do. do. do. 1 1 39 3652 Do. do. do. do. 0 3 3S 3653 Do. do. do. do. 1 0 19 3654 Do. do. do. do. 0 3 29 3655 Do. do. do. do. 0 3 26 3656 Do. do. do. do. 0 3 19 3657 Do. do. do. do. 0 3 26 3658 Do. do. do. do. 0 3 26 3659 Do. do. do. do. 1 0 4 3660 Do. do. do. do. 1 0 0 3661 Do. do. do. do. 0 3 26 3662 Do. do. do. do. 1 2 9 3663 Do. do. do. do. 1 0 13 3664 Do. do. do. do. 1 0 1 3665 Do. do. do. do. 0 3 31 3666 Do. do. do. do. 0 3 16 3667 Do. do. do. do. 1 2 13 3668 Do. do. do. do. 0 2 15 3669 Do. do. do. do. 0 1 21 3670 Do. do. do. do. 1 0 9 3671 Do. do. do. do. 1 0 37 8672 Do. do. do. do. 1 1 31 Preliminary plan 3,520.—Howpe . 8411 Kebellagabakandegoda Gaunewattage Thepanis The Crown Jungle 1 1 36 8412 Kebellagahabedda do. • do. do. 1 2 13 8413 Do. — do. Ambalama and road 0 o a 8414 Do. — do. Stream 0 0 32 8415 Do. — do. Small house and bit of ground 0 0 i Preliminary plan 2,884— -Hirimburawa. 5865 Udadanduana-addara- kanatta Endoris de Silva Seneviratne The Crown Low chena 0 0 12 260 Kanatta vratta do. KumbiyageLewis Garden 0 1 20 Preliminary plan 3,207—Tellembura. 7339 Niyanaralalagehenaokanda Dodampegamage Don Andris de Silva The Crown Chena 3 0 12 Preliminary plan 2,962.- -Talgampola. 6368 Dolaihaladuwa H. Leanadurage Andris The Crown Jungle 2 2 26 Preliminary plan 2,958.—Talgampola. 6365 Ganagewattabedde Assan Kangany The Crown Jungle 4 1 0 M 262 Ganagewatta do. Ganegodaha- kumule Seetu Garden 0 1 36 Preliminary plan 1,484.- Kataluwa. 12775 Yatagahakele W. Don Juwan de Silva The Crown Jungle 3 2 24 12776 Do. H. Sinno Baba do. do. 44 1 0 12777 Aladua do, do. 5 1 38 12778 Do. do. do. 6 0 18 12779 Aladuaowita do. Owita 2 1 29 12780 Aladuadeniya do. Deniya 2 0 0 12781 Paragahakisaa do. do. 1 2 24 12782 Do. do. Jungle 0 2 37 12783 Do. do. do. Deniya 0 0 25 12784 Bataduragedeniya do. 0 I 33 12785 Puwakgahakissagoda do. Jungle 10 2 0 Preliminary plan 2,495^-—ihangama. 4223 Mulladuahena Don Salman Abeyasuriya The Crown Garden 3 3 2 4224 Do. do. . do. do. 2 3 24 NOTE.—Any persons considering that they have any claims to these l>in

No. 848, s. p. ©i 1893 zrfg q®i<5i®®%a.

*t g@>© i9@csJ

036§S33@© fflr^®do«3j£g®,©©saoS&aes^ d 8tSc)j£8@v£)2a g©ffiBi©S)<3 61esf.

S*SCJ© 3,698. 8&Qo«[email protected])a*@vd"—eg^e^C- <¥Ss3aa® ^a-sfffla—dsefoeAfflffl). &33. §«D@>© aa®. igf5(£@83Ddcs3®ef aa®. cjaN;® <¥. d[. o. 8942 £aear®^S@d ssi©^ a©. cp#. ©SHgecatea^s* — 15 0 11 8943 a® a® a® 1 0 0 8s3c»® 3,782. 9301 «53iSa»@.q«3dgd<£ 8(503 — 1 0 26 9302 a® m ©ssadead 5ffif 0 1 20 9303 a® 6® 0 1 27 9304 a® a® €>® 0 1 0 8s3»@ 3,558. 8&0di3®S)&$®&$—s>age). 8570 «0(5§c5®C •ssassto ®raDSS«sJ@©(3c3css3®a^ 12 12 8571 a® a® a® 0 0 30 O 337 08<3®d*CSoto «S© SiScS^raodgS 0 0 18 8JSCS® 3,483. 8351 ©ao@^(3 ©«a«Jq-3d©S©sf sae^gd ©j.dfe 0 3 14 8352 a® a® ©ate 0 2 1 SsBcs® 3,699. 8eS0j^@S)«rf@^r—©sjf^ci®-""- 8944 ©ffls? £Si@c^ @q,si &&>ss$§d[q BcjQi dcoSdaas €>i4q ©a 0 2 28 SsSca® 2,369. 8^3JZS®'©SJ®SJ—®.j»5©0©. 3648 a® 1 1 15 3649 a® a® a® 1 1 6 3650 &® a® a® 1 1 11 3651 6® a® a© 1 1 39 3652 a® as as 0 3 38 3653 a® a® a® 1 0 19 3654 a® a® as 0 3 29 3655 a® a® a® 0 3 21 3656 a® a® a® 0 3 19 3657 a® a® a® 0 3 26 3658 a®- a® a® 0 3 26 3659 a® a® a® 1 0 4 8660 a® a® • a® 1 0 0 3661 as a® a® 0 3 26 3662 a® a® a® 1 2 9 3663 a® a® a® 1 0 13 3664 a® a® as 1 0 1 3665 a® #® a® 0 3 31 3666 a® a® a® 0 3 16 3667 a© a® a® 1 2 13 3668 a® a® a® • 0 2 15 3669 a© a® a® 0 1 21 3670 a® aa) a® 1 0 9 3671 a® a® a® 1 0 37 3672 a® a® a® 1 1 31 8;Sea ® 3,520. 8d et. 8411 a® 1 1 36

8412 as ©t<^ a® a® 1 2 13 8413 a® a® q®@Q® »eo oad 0 2 5 8414 a® a® ©«?doad 0 0 32 8415 a® — 0 0 5 a^cs© 2,884. 8^S3j9@S)«d@s}—eS^gdi®© cssn «a®®. 5865 e^^e©20 saeaafo a^J®>ef8'dej 8<^©3 @S3<§>«3© dffifas ©«r«a 0 0 12 <£Ss3ss© leSaasfssj—23

©aoaa.' ®&>3. <§Q@>© S3®. qp. dx. o. 8s3a® 3,207. e>a>3ci)©<3. 7339 s3 a©. (gfflffl>£d@>ra ^a?gd ©i<^<; 2 2 26 Ss3o® 2,958. 2i5r5cB©oc. 6365 a® 4 1 0 «8S3CT® SSCS^SXJ—ca®iSf®es>i$) ar>s5di®o8 ®e&g. M262 OT«3©E?2>sta epesiSfsssiaaD^S ©ate 0 1 36 Ss3ca© 1,484. 8jS©3SS®£)3J@>«iJ—aoaaa©. cp8s3sa® 2Sc8e5«*>—dotfra-ffiteossj. 12775 csSraanesjii «)©<§&. ®qa? igQiStq &e$z>3 G>i4$ 3 2 24 1 0 12776 a® 3 6® 12777 «?CSS _ 5 1 38 12778 «5® — 6® 6 0 18 12779 6© ©S3 — ®®S 2 1 29 12780 a© @iSld(£l ®a»® — ®i4$ SJSCS® 2,495. 8eS3)*S@S)2rf®33—qKSsfta®. 4223 3 3 2 4224 " a"®~ a® a® 2 3 24 @®® §Q@©(33 a® Gdt®cs2S? iS^SfflSscs tScsi sa^aaDsSBdm-giS S3Sa3 &a£t&qtas® 6® c,di®cs

©dgssd cSS-ateS qstato3§ »3,sg.oj sai§© §>£)© Ss?-®Ss5 q©®d§ ©a«f ©an«s<§3 ffiao. ®S® ig©© Oi«3 SjSgd asjd-gS? ©O£5JSC3S3 Scs#e2«odb(3f ea3ffi>3<£>®ej®3«? #<^S(S fOi«B «33d-sSS e>3(^®<5 f^3«^g<^9 ^fd'a3a><2a*a53£Sf'3>d-?>c53«J gaSec.

®f5. a1. eBtQatai.©, ©i©©c*° ®ffl@C3ga3j<3d ©®«j.

No. 849, s. p. Colonial Secretary's Office, Colombo, August 16, 1893. N Thursday, October 5, 1893, and the following days, at noon, the Government Agent for the Southern Province O will put up to auction for sale or settlement, at Udugama Resthouse, the under-mentioned portions of Crown Land, on the terms authorised by Government. Twenty-one allotments of land situated in the Hinidum pattu of the Galle District of the Southern Province, Preliminary plan 3,806.—Hiniduma. Extent. Lot. Name of Land. Name of Applicant. Name of Claimant. Description. A. JB. P, 9352 Wedigedaragodella Hiniduma Vitanage Denaris The Crown Jungle 1 2 13 9353 Waturawagodella Vitanage Baba do. do8 3 1 8 9354 Do. do. do. 1 1 22 Preliminary plan 3,660.—Halwitigala 8885 Kohiladeniyaokanda Pahalagamage N andris The Crown Chena 1 0 33 Preliminary plan 3,633.—Habarakada. 8818 Meddiwinna P. L. Andris de Silva of Bppola Tbe Crown Scrub 1 0 10 Preliminary plan 3,634.'—Habarakada, 8819 Dawatalangagodella Mudaliyar of Hinidum pattu The Crown do. 0 1 39 8820 Do. do. do. do. 0 2 23 Preliminary plan 3,639.—Hadibingala. 8827' Pihillagedarakumbura L. Don Abaran de Silva The Crown Paddy field 2 2 32 8828 Galanahenakumbura do. do. do. 2 2 28 8829 Galanahenaowita do. do. Yams 0 0 36 Preliminary plan 3,643.—Werapana. 8846 Nugagahaokanda Lewpoladeniyagamage Appu The Crown Jungle 0 3 38 8847 Do. do. do. 1 1 15 Preliminary plan 3,663.—Opata. 8892 Ketiganaellagodella Mutuhettigamage Davit The Crown do. 1 0 4 Preliminary plan 3,632. —Ihalagepuranmaduwa. 8815 Palagalahenar Arnolis de Silva, Police Officer The Crown do. 3 3 36 8616 Do. do. do. do. 1 0 28 8817 Palagalapahalawatta do. do. Garden 0 0 19 Preliminary plan 3,629.—Habarakada. 8806 Pelangahagodella D. J. Wicltremasinghe Appuhami The Crown Jungle 3 2 27 8807 Do. Tbe Mudaliyar of Hinidum pattu do. do. 1 0 24 1784 CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. [No. 5,238

Kxtent. Lot. Name of Land. Name of Applicant. Name of Claimant. Description, A. R. p. Preliminary plan 3,670.—Udugama. M 364 Gakgahaowitawatta Crown Y. Kornelis de Silva Garden 0 2 25 N 364 Do. do. do. do. 2 0 18 O 364 Do. do. do. do. 1 0 24 NOTE.—Any persons considering that they have any claims to these lands are hereby noticed to produce evidence of their title before the Government Agent on the day of sale. Further information respecting these lands may be obtained from the Hon. the Surveyor-General, snd respecting the conditions of sale from the Government Agent, Galle. By H. E. the Lieut.-Governor's command, J. A. SWETTENHAM, Acting Colonial Secretary.

No. 849, s. P. ©8 1893 tsfg qp^cooe&p ®a 16 @>©*9 £J«a @23J<§® ®33@s5ffi)ao3SeJ <5aJs33a3s>ds>orf aBaJ®aD:fd£@'©§a!. ^ras®*© fp^g®.© &dss)cj QtsSzxntsi®cS &&&} ®>®JS OSSED esq«>e>@S«> rp-gso'g© eaatasa 9©® *5C ^-^g®1© <9®ca:fo©<3 gsaide© ©i 1893 sst&&>i®§) ®a 5 @>S«S ^e>g ©aodotSo4^© caao &d eg©©tfj®<£Ss3d 8s$-@5(SlQ ®a®qs>e>3 efia. ^j?^^e3D®© dae!eots>. ®eoaD. <5>«T)3. §©®>® S3®. gf^^©fiajdas®cst «5®. qs«S><;®. qe. dt. o. 9352 ©z

8818 ®l$9<£j35

8ciSj ©t^ ^Q® 1 0 10 8sSca® 3,634. 8819 C33©t(^(5 dogaoj® e® 0 39 8820 a® e© 0 23 &&a® 3,639. ^SsiasQ. 8827 8S(^C3®ro<;d £?§)d c?§d 2 2 32 8828 a® «® 2 2 28 8829 <»(3s>aj'»(sj®sj' §1§© e® 0 0 36 8$x® 3,643. ®-©doD«n. 8846 38 8847 a® 15 6® &*Sc3® 3,663. ®e»za. 8892 §«5®aBSS(5>®®c5f 6® 10 4 &&a® 3,632. ®- 8815 q8®&)t@dq &<$Qi ®e>)£ 3 36 8816 <5® 6© 0 28 8817 0 19 A® d® S^SCB® 3,629. aaQdsB©. 8806 S3. ®#. S«5®8°ao tfdg»3© 3 2 27 8807 Of»eo(3320(3©cj£o 6® 1 0 24 8*So© 3,670. C@s>®- M364 ©£33*05 2 25 N364 a® e® 0 18 0 364 ©® 0 24 c3ffito«©S©©s?ffl) @®@ 3©® os® ^cs© q&zSa 28033 esfjte33jSEda6©3*n© ©gstosf ^S{SCT®©C ©ZSSS© <;B»fii^ a® a® ®-®® §©® eo^^ ©iSgd zaod^So SOCBJSCJS 03<5s>©co<5 etfaaditf? G*jj3Jj£Sj®e4®ar>e2f<;, SeSdJ>® ©•ssj-eJ^^Scj CTI-SS asjjd'SSS qs$-g ^sss®© qp-s^g®'© dM*s}a><3*53s\}«[email protected]$@.©*s><; ^aneoist© gA©^. <5oqD-®D*gaB3d (5«5®9a>aS©aoaJ®.dev<5f cfaesjQ&cei,

©t©©(3«i ©aocsoajcpaS^ S@CD. AUGUST 18, 1893] CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 1785


No. 1,042, N.-W. p. Colonial Secretary's Office, Colombo, August 11, 1893. N Thursday, October 5 next, at 1 o'clock P.M., the Government Agent for the North-Western Province will put O up to auction, at his Office in Kurunegala, the under-mentioned portions of Crown Land, on the terms authorised by Government. Five allotments of land situated in the Weudawili hatpattu of the Kurunegala District of the North- Western Province. Preliminary plan 647. Extent. Lot. Village. Name of Applicant. Name of Claimant. Description. 4. B. P. 4174 Balawattala The Crown Jungle 1 3 18 4175 Do. — do. do. 1 1 24 4177 Do. Muna Chena Sautter do. Paddy land 3 0 6 4178 Do. do. do. Jungle 0 1 23 4179 Do. Ranghami Vidane do. do. 3 0 32 Further information respecting these lands may be obtained from the Hon. the Surveyor-General, and respecting the conditions of sale from the Government Agent, Kurunegala. By H. E. the Lieut.-Governor's command, J. A. SWETTENHAM, Acting Colonial Secretary.

No. 1,042, N.-W. P. 1893 ssig q®tSQ ©es 11 @>©e3 £D!fdi@S?c3. *T\c8® <®r»3@© ^H3s^®S t*fdaJa cafaojaJed ©SaJ @>®tS oaaao es«jaDa!@aa> © al®afo©c gasodcaS SI 1893 aslg ®z$®ai$)8 ®es 5 ®SsS ^asg gsdo-sSate, 1Q

•Kgdrattocs 89©®>©<3W©af®<^Sasd ©sg-g^af© @>aj®$a>S:» q>f es.

S33ca® 647, qeSiSas© sScsalaoa—c&deaafasss. ®aoa\ 8>a». ca®. q® ®® CS^I^C? 0 1 23 4179 a® dafs>3© S<3,@at 6® 3 0 32 @®® §3© Ot^S ©j§sd SMd-SSS SOCSJSOJS es£@©csd daod»d C^^'^®8^®3?* 8s9«3®®

t*f. e^iDesSasi®, ©1©©C«» ©cooes^SDiSd ©®s>.

( * ) 1786 CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. [No. 5,238


No. 868, N.-C. P. Colonial Secretary's Office, Extent. Colombo, August 2, 1893. Lot. Village. Description. A. K. P. 3204 Palugaswewa Chena 8 1 2 N Wednesday, September 20, 1893, and following 3206 Do. days, at noon, the Government Agent for the North- do. 57 2 15 O 3214 Alahapperumawa do. 23 2 11 Central Province will put up to auction, at his Office in 3228 Kalawewa Rocky jungle 2 0 39 Anuradhapura, the under-mentioned portions of Crown 3230 Do. Chena 3 2 4 Lands, on the terms authorised by Government. 3171 Kaduruwegama do. 3 2 3 Sixty-two allotments of land situated in the Kalagam- Further information respecting these lands may be palata division of the Nuwarakalawiya District of the (obtained from the Hon. the Surveyor-General, and res­ North-Central Province. pecting tbe conditions of sale from the Government Agent, Anuradhapura. By H. E. the Lieut.-Governor's command, Extent. J. A. SWBTTENHAM, Lot. Village. Description. A. B. P. Acting Colonial Secretary. 2527 Mahawela Jungle and forest 16 2 36 2532 Do. do. 6 2 37 2540 Do. do. 4 3 31 ©S 1893 esJg q®&Mss ®e> 2 @©{9 2544 Do. do. 5 0 0 2547 Do. do. 4 3 12 No. N.-C. P. «fao ®sai(g® ®ar>@e3^£ajt3'd<5fflf 2548 Do. do. 4 1 0 2549 Do. do. 3 1 32 2551 Do. do. 4 3 25 2554 Do. do. 5 0 4 Gt55sxnssf®G$ §Ss3 &©&, 02033 escjeoeteSsj 2555 Do. do. 4 3 3 ep^gSassTajaa §Q© qp"©$g@© «S®c3f(E)Sc3 9K»d 2558 Do. do. 5 0 25 aQ S3 1893 esfg esidai®© ©es 20 ©©e3 Qq, Preliminary plan 1,115.—Kalagam korale. c,0 %SQ6IQQ®>8 «a©@©S&cJ§ @©eJ@>3«i@d 8e8Sos3®£)a> i3©as>i©S)(g 62 3128 Do. do. 5 3 15 3129 Do. do. 5 3 2 S^Sca® 826. es>Qi&)©©(3© §><2f&©a»:>d@>cS£sS tssi. 3133 Do. do. 4 2 18 3134 Do. Forest 6 3 8 ©2333. 3135 Do. do. 7 0 8 ©353. CSS®. &&$q eaao )SBC3S)1§ 6 2 36 3142 Do. do. 1 1 37 2532 €®J a© 6 2 37 3143 Do. do. 6 0 28 2540 a® a© 4 3 31 3148 Do. Jungle 0 3 21 2544 a® a© 5 0 0 3150| Do. do. 4 0 37 3156 Do. Chena 3 0 27 2547 a© a® 4 3 12 3158 Do. do. 5 3 26 2548 a© a® 4 1 0 3160 Do. Forest 0 2 32 2549 a© a© 3 1 32 3161 Do. do. 7 2 39 2551 a® a® 4 3 25 3162 Do. do. 5 1 15 2554 a© a© 5 0 4 3163 Do. . do. 7 1 23 2555 a® a© 4 3 3 3164 Do. do. 6 3 3 2558 a® a© 5 0 25 3165 Kaduruwegama do. 6 1 28 Applicant—Kiri Naide and others. e Sea® 1,115. 3167 Kaduruwegama Forest 2 2 36 3122 tffix(*Dffi>d®i£> 3 6 Applicant—Nil. 3124 a© 3 2 5 3172 Kaduruwegama Chena 4 1 17 3125 a® a© 8 2 3 3173 Kelekarambewa do. 5 1 3 3126 a® a© 4 1 0 3178 Kaduruwegama do. 7 0 0 3128 6® a® 5 3 15 3182 Do. do. 7 2 26 3129 a® a© 5 3 2 3183 Do. do. 5 1 3 3130 a® a® 5 0 12 3185 Do. do. 0 3 36 3131 a® a® 7 1 29 8186 Do. do. 4 3 16 3132 a® a© 6 0 30 3)87 Dr. do. 3 1 21 3188 Do. do. 4 3 16 3133 a® a® 4 2 18 3189 Do. do. 3 2 1 3134 a® §82(33253 6 3 8 3191 Do. do. 1 1 32 3135 a© as 7 0 8 3192 Do. do. 4 3 16 3141 a® ©eto 7 0 20 3193 Do. do. 4 3 19 3142 d© a© 1 1 37 3194 Do. do. 5 1 2 3143 a® a© 6 0 28 3195 Do. do. 7 3 21 3144 a© 0 3 21 3197 Do. do. 0 3 8 3198 Palugaswewa do. • 6 2 14 31501 a© a© 4 0 37 3200 Kaduruwegama Jungle 5 1 7 3156 a© ©K5«S3 3 0 27 3202 Do. Chena 0 3 22 3158 a© a® 5 3 26 AUGUST 18,1893] CEYLON" GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 1787

©4333. ©203. eu©. f^«i«25? an. 3124 hdtg. 3 2 5 3172 ssgdiSies® ®Ktea 4 1 17 3125 Gov?. 8 2 3

3173 as{C»3ffiid®tS a® 5 1 3 3126 4 1 0 3178 ssgdjSim® a® 7 0 0 3128 5 3 15 3182 6® a® 7 2 26 3129 5 3 2 3183 a© a® 5 1 3 3130 bOUp. 5 0 12 3185 ©© a® 0 3 36 3131 K7»L$L 7 1 29 3186 a© a® 4 3 16 3132 6 0 30 3187 a® a© 3 1 21 3133 kbXSf. 0 3 22 3161 7 2 39 3204 oacod©t© a® 8 1 2 3162 «U?- 5 1 15 3206 a® a© 57 2 15 3163 7 1 23 3214 a© 23 2 11 3164 Oi.a 6 3 3 3228 ss(3o©i© 2 0 39 3165 m^jpiQsiiSLn 6 1 28 3230 a® 3 2 4 Qsdi awn em—S(fl; ?<_/(i5i>. 3171 a2gdi&>*a>© a® 3 2 3 3167 Sg-jpl^euSLo QutTfjiBairS) 2 2 36 ©®® §>S© aaj-gg £>t§)£d ffiaad«2S5©OOJSOJ S f»£ Qt&eir eSmettr STSST—gB(5«2J0iiS6u^j. ©S«sr5 dasdic^ c«3ssje7®d®fBCJ^, ©zSkS©© ®$S3 3172 Gedssr 4 1 17 3173 0a6U« ITLeUlTeu 5 1 3 •ej£D<5«fcn3 xf@eJ@(23-eg ^anosteoc) ga©«s3. 3178 GjBJpiQcv&La 7 0 0 3182 7 2 26 3183 R(LD. 5 1 3 3185 hoUB. 0 3 36 ©iQSga) ©ao®£B^a53Sd ©©as. 3186 4 3 16 3187 S^L 3 1 21 No. 868, N.-O. P. Qrnir. ff&Spifiirir ^LS&SO, 3188 4 3 16 QlsirctpLi L/, 1893 ^auaBifiizJ"' 2 js 3189 3 2 1 3191 bins). I 1 32 1893 ii ^OTT® kjpL-L-tr&uP* 20 jh QAJBI Ljgesr&Lp319 2 LOIQ. 4 3 16 m&giiutrem(ip,La ^(6^^ jBiTL-aerf) eyiLD 319pesr3 ^ 0LS). 4 3 19 LS^SU &iL-Lt,/gj$iu LDir&iTaxiriB3204 u 8 1 2 3206 57 2 15 L$6irtr$ar @)ev»aio 326, sirsuj/ru3*ir i/fcr. 3214 23 2 11 SLQTj^fillI—Opt*. et. ffirevLo, 3228 ««ojjisfrar«fl'® 2 0 39 3230 3 2 4 QmskaS&sir'resr. eHeuiTLo, jy. jpir. u. 3171 * jf Jpi'oiGVSLfi 3 2 3 257 7 Lo&rrQsuQeo & iieir&Lo 16 2 86 a8a«r &isi&£>Ljib{& j>ijsiJir&njr& jsp jtj 2540 '•OXO. 4 3 31 irffiTL^SiL^tier Gj&esrjpi&jgemn ujair a errli~jSJSJQULO eS 2544 Qiiy. 5 O O (sajaS ^ifSfi^saQviieiTeireoiTLD. 2547 {buy. 4 3 12 ^{^mfifiui e.uQ'S&iT^ufiiustiiTimgi BL-L-2eirUip 2548 4 I O t *549 3 1 32 2551 4 3 25 $ITir&irisi« eSSfiifleii GsnSgvuirrruueutr. ( 4' ) 1788 CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. [No. 5,238

No. 869, s.-c. p. . Colonial Secretary's Office Colombo, August 2, 1893. N Wednesday, September 13, 1893, and following days, at noon, the Government Agent for North-Central O Province will put up to auction, at his Office in Anuradhapura, the under-mentioned portions of Crown Land, on the terms authorised by Government. Thirteen allotments of land situated in the Nuwaragampalata division of the Nuwarakalayiya District of the North-Central Province. J Preliminary plan 945.—Vilachchiya korale. Extent. Lot, Village. Name of Applicant. Description. A. R. r. 2801 Palugasdigiliya Tikkage Ipiya Irrigable jungle 6 2 2 Preliminary plan 379.—Nuwaragam korale. 1456 Timbirikadawala Muna Vellayan Paddy land 12 2 17 Preliminary plan 967.—Vilachchiya korale. 2831 Hiriyalagama Denduwa Pediya Irrigable jungle 0 3 37 Preliminary plan 372.—Nuwaragam korale. 1267 Basawakulamakele .— " Paddy land 10 1 25 1272 do. — do. 10 2 11 1273 do. — do. 8 2 12 1274 do. — do. 7 2 31 1277 do. do. 6 0 8 1275 do. _ do. 17 3 18 1278 do. _ do. 12 0 13 1280 do. _ do. 11 3 5 1288 Malwatukele _ do. 4 1 10 Preliminary plan 10.—Kende korale. 146 Kunjikulama Pinhami Vel-vidane and others Paddy field 2 0 15 Further information respecting these lands may be obtained from the Hon. the Surveyor-General, and respecting the conditions of sale from the Government Agent, North-Central Province. By H. E. the Lieut.-Governor's command, J. A. SWETTENHAM, Acting Colonial Secretary.

No. 869, N.-C. P. 1893 ssJg ee®>aafcteg ®ea 2 ®S*9 §«D ®KM©® ®ao®>tegajoSd (5ata33SJ«>d®ia)g©d ©antedate) Qtsiay»ssi&tS SSsf @©cS oaoao e3«j3oate>S>aj ca-s^gS easteasa <§>§)© ea-gsd'g®© &®sa4wQQ gssndaQ ©I 1893 zsJg «37.ds5©a)d ®«a 13 ®©*S S«^qQ esgdoo) C t Q®& «a©®©8®d^ ®©sj*®><^Saad S^oatQ ®cs@>q«s3©D'Cfi.a\ GQdr®x.© ^©daacaSca oc¥®s$ -gSdca© er^o®^ ®sa3Q£>iea©d Sa33oJS®Qa3 §3©sai®QJ. CD®. §f^d©«aodcaD. id9& 1267 ©e3©2Sf«5Q®@ aot®^ — 8 Sis) 10 1 25 1272 a© — 6® 10 2 11 1273 a© ct© 8 2 12 1274 e® a® 7 2 31 1277 e® a® 6 0 8 1275 tS© a® 17 3 18 1278 a© a® 12 0 13 1280 <£>® _ a® 11 3 5 1288 ®e?©

®®® i-@6> StSgd easad-ssS ©OCSJSOJS e3<5®©«d daadDgf (5«3*s3jat®d®co«^, S*3*9*® ©raaeJ

G& ep-S^gaaad (-.esjSjaseJBfflated®^ ?*as,S®CS3» ®eS. a*. esStOrfaDj.®, ©1®£)(5ZD ®OB®S5S[JCo3ed S@«J. AUGUST 18,1893] CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 1789

No. 869, N.-C. P. QmirQeoire&iUGJ w&jgirn ^tS&eo, Qsirajsu^u, 1893 ;Sg\) ^ffljasafiuy 2 a_.

1893 (i ^ssa® J»®PjB pirumefi^iih fi&sr ^i$@eo euL-Ldfi^iu Lorrmirsmfi ^jgiFir^Ljir a sup am Otto is <&&s. 13 stfrsaafliff^iaiirSasfr, sti—iapjgajj^rran#s •jpsMTaetrtTeS'tuir is^eto ^ pi s&6sr jpe>ur«irLhusntr&etn£u L.@j9it9 eSiT^iSlskpffl. tSI. L$etrire& $svss&u> 945, s8eoir4!idu-iiTQ. QeyarSsn-aJSisr Q/seusS2snfi^u, 12 2 17 iSenirssr @6u94i. ^ 10 2 11 1273 ^ tam. O^L 8 2 12 1274 bdLrjL «»dL9. 7 2 31 1277 tdLa. ^ 6 0 8 1275 Ao. «,Ao. <,7>LO_ 17 3 18 1278 sdLO. ^LD. bjLO. 12 0 13 1280 bAo. ^ 11 3 5 1288 Ltoi/ai^s«D^Oa&i> fbuO. QU)L 4 1 10 iS«rrr€sr 10, QajbjsG4sirp%sir. 146 tojj/Gufiju) Q/FeiJfflyfer^aJto 2 0 15 ^s&iresfisZsi CIUIpfStu Gu>eop68rLairesr e9errti)Uir/B«3srr 0iEK5®aQi-iirirjgjg jyaretaw pVevwiBi-p&gyLa «SpussraSm Qatr fifisipfuuppl jnjps

No. 870, N.-C. p. Colonial Secretary's Office, Extent. Colombo, August 16, 1893. Lot. Description. A. a. r. 3363 Irrigable jungle 16 10 N Wednesday, October 11, 1893, and following days, 3364 Do. 5 3 O at noon, the Government Agent for the North- 3365 Do. 9 18 Central Province will put up to auction, at his Office in 3366 Do. 7 26 Anuiadhopura, the under-mentioned portions of Crown 33G7 Do. 9 2 16 Land, on the terms authorised by Government. 336S Do. 9 0 6 3369 Do. 8 2 30 One hundred and twenty-one allotmentsof land situated 3370 J ungle 0 2 8 in the Nuwaragampalata division of the Nuwarakalawiya 3371 Do. 0 2 14 District of the North-Central Province. 3372 Irrigable jungle 3 2 28 6 2 3 Preliminary plan 1,164.—Kende korale. 3373 Do. 3374 Do. 5 3 21 Village—Nuwarawewa. 3375 Do. 6 2 14 Extent. 3376 Jungle 0 0 33 Lot. Description. 9 0 16 A. Et. P. 3377 Irrigable jungle 0 3347 Irrigable jungle 13 1 34 3378 Jungle 1 2 8 0 38 3348 Cnirrigable jungle 15 1 2 3379 Irrigable jungle 7 3349 Jungle 3380 Do. 0 34 0 O 10 5 0 32 3350 Unirrigable jungle 1 3 8 3381 Do. 8 3351 Irrigable jungle 6 2 22 3382 Do. 9 3 0 3352 Jungle 0 0 8 3383 Do. 0 2 24 3353 Irrrigable jungle 8 2 35 3383$ Jungle 1 34 3354 Do. 9 0 21 3384 Irrigable jungle 4 3 19 3355 Do. 8 2 22 3385 Jungle 0 2 15 3356 Do. 5 1 18 3386 Do. 0 3 15 3357 Do. 4 2 10 8387 Irrigable jungle 4 1 37 3358 Jungle 0 I 31 3388 Do 4 0 O 3359 Do. 0 1 31 3389 J ungle 0 1 10 3360 Irrigable jungle 6 0 20 3390 Irrigable jungle 2 1 32 3391 Jungle 0 0 33 3361 Do. 5 2 26 0 26 3362 Do. 7 0 0 3392 Do 0 1790 CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. [No. 5,238

Extent. €>® 1893 s>$g {j=@rofcks ©eal6(3>S*S Lot, Description. A, a. p. No. 870, TS.-C. P. §2S3 ©E0}<§® ®33®&QS>38dctS$ 3393 Unirrigable jungle ' 10 3 34 3394 Jungle 1 0 1 3395 Do. 1 0 19 3396 Do. 1 3 19 wttsi®d §8sf ©ScS eeo£o esqsjels-Sra cp-®8 3397 Jungle 0 1 10 3398 Irrigable jungle 0- 3 -20 g© eaafaoaa <§>£)© ep-^sSQ&B ^©XJCDSQ gtsadaQ 3399 'Do. 5 3 2 SI 1893 ssfg @K>?@»2o:rS)£ ®«> 11 &B& §®g ©q,<3,0 3400 Do, 4 15 q^gd>cjg@& ea©@>©S®d§ ©QissNs^Sssd Ss?4iw«dc) 3401 Do. 5 2 4 3402 Do. 5 3 24 3403 Jungle • 0 1 10 3404 Irrigable jungle 6 2 8 • 3405 Jungle 0 2 8 OQ®&$ @aa'j©&De3@>rf 6e8©j iS©Saa ©©aajSg 121. 3408 Do. 10 0 SjSce® 1,164. CTt^t©J33sd©cj'. '3409 Irritable jungle 14 3 17 3410 Jungle 0 1 12 3411 Irrigable jungle 8 0 0 ®*an. 3412 Jungle 0 1 9 3413 Do. 10 0 <^ 8 0 38 3455 Jungle containing ruins 9 0 4 3380 a® a® 7 0 34 3456 Jungle 0 3 8 a® a® 5 0 32 3457 Do. 0 1 29 3381 3458 Irrigable jungle 4 3 32 3382 a® a© 8 3 0 3459 Irrigable jungle 2 3 15 3383 a® a© 9 2 24 3460 Jungle 0 14 3383£ a® 0 1 34 3461 Irrigable jungle 5 0 38 3384 a® ^4 3 19 3462 Jungle 0 2 28 3385 a® esxS'Cf 0 2 15 3463 Irrigable jungle 1 3 12 3386 a® a® 0 3 15 3464 Jungle 0 0 32 3387 . a® 1 37 3465 Do. 0 0 33 3466 Irrigable jungle 17 3 16 3388 a® as 4 0 0 3467 Jungle 1 0 31 3389 a® 0 1 10 3467J Do. 1 1 14 3390 as d2 1 32 Further information respecting these lands may be 3391 a® 0 0 33 obtained from the Hon. the Surveyor-General, and 3392 a® . a® 0 0 26 respecting the condition of sale from the Government 3393 a® Agent, Anuradhapura. 10 3 34 By H. E. the Lieut.-Governor's command, 3394 a© 1 0 1 J. A. SWETTENHAM, 3395 a® a® 1 0 19 Acting Colonial Secretary. 3396 a© — 1 3 19 AUGUST 18, 1893] 0EYI7ON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 1791

®aoa3. ©33). CO®. ©2DD. . CD®. c^q®. !. di. o. 3397 ^g©d©i© 1 10 3462 ^g©d©x© SBt©^ 0 2 28 3398 a® — 0 3 20 3463 a® ^d©t^^CBaBx23 JSl©d 1 3 12 3399 a® 3 2 3464 ..6® «si®r5 0 0 32 3400 a® a® 4 1 5 3465 a© a© 0 0 33 3401 a® a® 5 2 4 3466, a® 3402 a® a® 5 3 24 ®c5 17 3 16 3403 a® a® o 1 10 3467 a® «3x©d 1 0 31 8 3404 a® 2 3467£ a® a© 1 1 14 3405 a® szi&c^ 0 2 8 3408 a© a® l 0 0 ®®S <§£>© dai-^S) SjSgd saad-aso ©°©oc3ed5 ei<5 3409 a® 3 17 ®©cn# dtssdzg ca*s3l^®c^®c3£?) 82SiS®@ ©saacJ 12 3410 a® — 14 1 ®e*So rajra awdoa (52gdx©tq$»o©© ^p<©sg©© 3411 a® 0 0 3412 a® a® 8 1 9 0 0 3-413 a® a® o 22 1 1 3414 a® S>l®Cf 1 27 &6. a . eK)i©£5JaBi©, 3415 a® 1 3416 a® ^eJE)i<^<2®xeS's3x@>cJ 4 0 29 3417 a® «Bi@>d 7 0 5 3418 a© a® o 39 3419 a© qds)z4^^>i^ £Si®($ 8 4 No. 870, N.-C. P. Qarr. LDt-l, 1893 ih ssjyD ^wxufluP' 16 0 q8dSx4§c3a5t2S aai®d 2 0 22 3421 a® 1893 ;i ^SSJT® ggiJ u®L2ir&LD 11 ^ O^jg LjfieerS 3422 a® sai©^ 0 0 17 3423 . a® a® o 1 13 psty.u^ L&0 gjiun esr (tpm ^®00 tg.iL_*srfleym 0eer ^LS •dev aii—La0j3iu Laran.martf^gj *&IJPsn&nm asapessr 3424 a® «sx@d 0 0 20 3425 a© SSLajfcjg <§j&SBrpeti0ut 3430 . a® £St@d 0 1 8 3431 a® a® o 1 8 i$ iSmireer gfrsumi A 1,164, Qajss$>&Qm«p^srr. 3432 a® ©d 10 7 (Qpli-Wi—jpsupQeueun. 3433 a® a© 5 20 £ -tengQit inpset Q^jiun—sg^au^j/jSouSov. 3434 a® £5U®(5? 0 14 S-i?\00rrerHiiStia Quiun—Qftty . 3435 a® 0 3436 a® a© «si@c2f 6 0 26 em^irevUi. 3437 a® 0 8 3438 a® a® o 1 4 3347 : l 13 1 34 3339 a® «)©§)£*§ ®cs)35)S5o3® 3348 jj>fTLiuiTujt8&ai4%<2&it® aax®>d 8 14 3350 0n OuirihffffaSo-^trfio,II® 1 3 8 3441 a© a® 7 1 17 3351 fiituui®($ 0 1 2 3352® 0 0 8 3443 a® 26 3353 t§,TL-Uef 15 2 12 3356 5 1 18 .10 3357 4 2 10 3446 a® &d ii 0 3358 0 1 31 3447 a© 3359 0 a® 6 1 31 15 5 3360 j§iruuiriuff&a©(2? 0 9 3362 7 0 0 3450 a® 30 3363 16 0 10 3451 a® a® 6 3 3364 5 2 3 3452 a® a® 12 0 19 3365 9 2 18 3453 a® a® 5 3 8 3366 7 1 26 3454 a® £5i©c3 0 0 28 3367 9 2 16 3455 a® 3368 9 0 6 cS® qx& «ai®£f 9 0 4 3369 8 2 30 3456 a® £Ei©d 0 3 8 3370 0 2 8 3457 a® a® 0 1 29 3371 0 2 14 3458 a© ^©iq^coepieSasi©^ 3 32 3372 $rrijuniu&ff&&-ii)- luair® 3 2 28 6 3459 as qddic*t"«d5 0 38 3375 6 2 14 1792 CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. [No. 5,238

Tireow. d2#IT60Lr. eSeutTLb, dy. j»r. u. jpir. u. 3376 0 0 33 3430 SIT® 0 1T8 3377 £rrCjuiriu&&a&.u)_tuBir® 9 0 16 3431 0 1 8 3378 0 1 2 3432 fiiruumij&ffs&i-ip-ujan® 10 1 7 3379 0tr£jurr i^nueir® 8 0 38 3433 5 1 20 3380 7 0 34 3434 BIT® 0 1 14 3381 5 0 32 3435 j§iruUirdjjF&&&^tg_iuaiT®5 1 0 3382 8 3 0 3436 6 0 26 3383 9 2 24 3437 an® 0 1 8 33831 air® 0 1 34 3438 0 1 4 3384 0truuiriU&&a4i.Lp.UJ an® 4 3 19 3439 uiTLfiireer \ir&nL-& 3424 air® 0 0 20 uSlsisr sjQ&asrjpi0gi6B>ir ^aj(r*iSffli_^Js*jj)(u3 aJigsjav jjy/rJ 3425 0iruuirih&&


No. 151, p. OP s. Colonial Secretary's Office, Colombo, August 8, 1893. T noon on Tuesday, September 26, 1893, the Government Agent of the Province of Sabaragamuwa will put up A to auction for sale or settlement, at Ratnapura, the under-mentioned portion of Crown Land, on the terms authorised by Government. An allotment of land in Helaudapalata of Meda korale. Preliminary plan 243. Extent. Lot. Name of Land. Village. Name of Applicant. Description. A. E. P. 482J Kudugodahena Welange Savarimuttu Chena 2 0 0 Upset price,—Rs. 10 per acre. Further information respecting this land may be obtained from the Hon. the Surveyor-General, and respecting the conditions of sale from the Government Agent, Ratnapura. By H, E. the Lieut.-Governor's command, J. A. SWETTENHAM, Acting Colonial Secretary.

No. 151, P. OF S. SS 1893 ssfg q6@oooe&9 ®ea 8 ®>S*S ©ass©® ©aD®£aa>s»6d Gtsi^tsS&d&esf sstsl&isiidi&B^a: -ij-^gSS qpSiS @@cS eaofflj esqaoateSas Si© £»©Sc» S® 1893 zstg C5j.d20i©©<^®c3 26 qsss&di

e»Sd©§^e3o©S ®iq®t&jd&($ ®&®Qts1q&Q3&ts! ScSOaiSsQaa ©£)© ss,QSazs$. 8iSci@ 243. ^^©raodcsa—csSSgaf^. s>S3o. <§&)©>© «o®. eo®. ^SsSsa® sScaaJ'aaa. qssf qp-gscgS ©arfao 2 0 0 qz$&dxs$ di8a($ lOca ©tcSsSf. @®® §£1® eaisi SjSgd easd-aeS SDSSoSotS &d®&ad <5«od>(3? <5«5i«al© &s&3ai s>48co eoi^sS saad-gSo e3©deog)^e»;>@>& qp-€^g®S dd&itn QSiss>3isS&d@'

CO qp-e^geajd c^B®'^^©®^®^®^ ^a^Ss^es,

No. 152, p. OPS. Colonial Secretary's Office, Colombo, August 8, 1893. T noon on Tuesday, September 26, 1893, the Government Agent of the Province of Sabaragamuwa will put up A to auction for sale or settlement, at Ratnapura, the under-mentioned portions of Crown Land, on the terms authorised by Government. Two allotments of land in Kolonnagampattuwa of Kolonna korale. Preliminary plan 229. Village—Nadullakanda. Extent. Lot. Name of Land. Name of Applicant. Name of Claimant. Description. A. B. P. 461 Wahampuragehena Charle3 Wickramasekora The Crown Chena 3 2 7 H 32 Elkaluwehena do. Mahabarana Korala do. 3 1 25 Upset price,— Rs. 10 per acre. Further information respecting these lands may be obtained from the Hon. the Surveyor-General, and respecting the conditions of sale from the Government Agent, Ratnapura. By H. E. the Lieut.-Governor's command, J. A. SWETTENHAM, Acting Colonial Secretary. ( « ) 1794 CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. [No. 5,238

No. 152, p. OP g. ©i 1893 ssfg q®andz% ®ea 8 ©e)a3 ^as @«aj<§® ®aB®esQ£0!)8d(5^€O3ei®d@d' S2s}©stfdi©©§c8. -p^-ttfgS© «rf@Sao §© ©saaOd ©S 1893 esfg teidmj.©a£'®e> 26 ©Sa3 tpaesd Nr ©ac;, <5©c5 »S>d©§ §eaa@>© f*f{*a}a>G«s}«M«J®d ©8ai ds*a3g®d so©®©e©d§ cofo S<3 gaaado© 8a?-^ejQ ®&>S &W8®dS asd^O @e©CJa3o©5»$d©d, ©£35D©f3'jsJa3es©offlf^5©© ScSS jD© «a©S ©(jaaes?. S2?c3® 229. co®—usHQ^QsssiSiq. cpSdJsa® sScaatoa—qa^g©. ®saa\ ©83D. ®5)@>© S3®. ®(2?&©«a>dcs). q?a3®. q*. d^. o. 461 Sg©gd@>c£f ©sto ©odgd S^®®dssd ©ateo 3 2 7 4f{S8ae® «Sco«rfa33—®ssiS)d^&sssidiQ- H 32 . qpK^ea©© ©s» as ©adgd §,@®®dsad a® 3 1 25 qj£5rsadc6£S* diScsd 10 S>tc8aJ. ©®® <§£)© rai-@6o ©jSgd aaad-asS BOOOSOJS e3#@©cs#da3dodcs:'a,;>e:'®d©a3e3*

5 4 <8>48os QDt^ s»d4)ro esQdaog^eij©© cp-@€g®© ada3\s>eS3a33e3'®d©e<>8SJ<£ ^ascasl© g^Sss.

CaqB-eed'gaajd <3<5®ae3a}©aoa$©d©<£f qpes,©©);^, ©«S. a*. eaSjQatfaoi©, ©i©S(3a3 ©©©esasjaoaSd ©@s>.

No. 153, p. or s. Colonial Secretary's Office, Colombo, August 12, 1893. T noon on Tuesday, October 3, 1893, the Government Agent of the Province of Sabaragamuwa will put up A to auction -for sale or settlement, at Ratnapura, the under-mentioned portions of Crown Land, on the terms authorised by Government. Three allotments of land in Meda pattuwa of Atakalah korale. Preliminary plan 360. Village—Massimbula. Extent. Lot. Name of Land. Name of Applicant. Name of Claimant. Description. A. B. P. 860 Nayawattahena — Crown Chena 1 3 32 J 56 Tippolahena — P. H. Jones Tea 2 years old 4 1 18 861 Do. A. F. Molamure, Ratemahat- maya Crown Chena 9 3 26 Upset price,—Rs. 10 per acre. further information respecting these lands may be obtained from the Hon. the Surveyor-General, and respecting the conditions of sale from the Government Agent, Ratnapura. By H. E. the Lieut.-Governor's command, J. A. SWETTEHHAM, Acting Colonial Secretary.

No. 153, P. OF s. Si 1893 ssfg q?©m:fd^ ®ss 12 ©©«3 $m ©aso@® ®a5©es@ai)jSd G*sj«»a4£t©d©sf «aisf©£DJdi©©§cs. -jj^-Sso'gSO q3£i @®(S o»ao c6Qao«f©©«o ©©©aaaQd Si 1893 esfg @>z$®issig)8 ©ea 3 @©a3 §a) qua oodjSoq, S3©aj sa&dral ^eaj©© iSd&S&rj&i&Hssi&tS ©SsJ dafsag©d aa©©©S©d§ qa^g©8 s3©csJ ca©0 gaaodoo© Sa$-S6>ajQ ©aoJ ®§)3@zd sadai© ©ca©®aa©S «ga3£sf. 8^<3© 360. as:>. §3©© «a®. igd^saadcs:). qQtfiiSi® zScsatoj. qeeq®. ee. dt. o. 860 aacsoSsta ©sJas — 3Q®$}*s> ' — 8. a©, ©dtetfd ^©dts 2£sJg ©sf 4 1 18

861 a® a\ ^Ld. @©3(3i@* d©©®ffls5°@c33 qp^g© ©etfas 9 3 26 ^£3ifisdc8£sf diScseJ" 10 ©icSal

©®® §a® cDi-sS ©tS3gd asjd-gSS ©oOiSo^ 63<5@©c3(5 dasdj^ c^^^^d®®©?, Ss&*3s© ©SSJCJ ®^8a> coi-eS aaad-gSo ssSdaD§ ^cso®© q>j<®sifg©© a1daJaO(3a3,a33aJ©d©oa5 sascnartS gdSas. Coa^-S^gsajd (5«2®oe3aJSaoa3l©d®csf ^a^Sege, ©*. a\ e^iS^ffii®, ©iQSc«3 ®ao©«3®a>j8d ©©3D. AUGUST 18,1893] CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE! 1795


"TTTHEREAS the lands called Dundomedriahena and Pinwillehengawa, being lots T 439 and U 439 in preliminary VV plan 1,749, in extent 16 acres 1 rood and 22 acresJ25 perches, respectively, and situated at Jayatunkande in the Kolonnagam pattu of the Kolonna korale, in the District of Ratnapura, Province of Sabaragamuwa; bouuded on tbe north by the stream called Koodogalla and the land called Ambegaha and Hapugahahena described as lot X 439 in preliminary plan 1,749, on the south by land called Pinwillehengawa described as lot V 439 in preliminary plan 1,749, on the west by the stream called Koodogalla and land called Ambegaha and Hapugahahena described as lot X 439 in preliminary plan 1,749, and on the east by the land called Pinwillehengawa described as lot W 439 in preliminary plan 1,749, which were alienated by and on behalf of the Crown in 1868, appear to me to have been abandoned by the owner thereof for the last twenty years and upwards; and whereas such owner or any person lawfully claiming under him cannot be ascertained, notwithstanding all reasonably diligent inquiries thereunto made by me : Now know all Men concerned that I, Herbert Wace, Government Agent, Province of Sabaragamuwa, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Ordinance No. 4 of 1887, and with the sanction of His Excellency the Lieutenant- Governor, do hereby declare that if no claim to the said land by or on behalf of any person able to establish a title thereto is made to me on or before the 30th September, 1894rthe same will be resumed by the Crown in terms of the 2nd section of the said Ordinance. Given under my hand at Ratnapura this 8th August, 1893. HERBERT WACE, Government Agent.

_-9d£sf ©^©(jsestos ®&$d®(3 dae^niisnsSq qsea<3 8&Qi *S®Sa3 ®«3J@ »» ©d 1,749 &ic*x&> CTde,S®c£ ©das T439 ^QzsJes® qd-&5 qztft&d 16a?af di© 6esdS a®-€g>§ §©© ssSSca© esao U439 §>ez5?£D® ,>8©':—

G^jdO—a?gtB^(5 £Sc3S> ras? ©>«so©®d 1,749 etQ^8sde;0S©d @ds5 X439 §(^e5iss©<5d-®5^@§) OTOB eaao ffi>gm25 ©«to m©g <§>©© zsSScoq;; q&$mQ—@a>o©®d 1,749 ej^s? «sdqS©d ®daoV439 <§>(335?as>® qd-gS 8aJ§(jP®>gf ©«?afc>j© isSxas §•£)© szQ3aq; ©daBa^d©—a^ges^C *§caa3 eas ®zoi® ®cJ 1,749 a-iQi&zxdG,&®d ©das X 439 •§>(5fflfaa© qd-^s if©S)mffi> ess? eDgeoac©£?a> 29csa>

a^s eoa^d©—©a^©l>d 1,749 oI(;xa">fficidq,e3©d ©das W439 (ggistea® qd*s® 8eJS(5©f5 ©eterfcoo© 2§icoa3 <§>E0© esQdcsq. ®®eS ©aS® «3C ®,^«° cp^scg© SSaJ ©1 1868 ^Sdi«^©e*^ Sa?a3 qzsQ &8q®di4qz$ ©S33 ©S53S? e.© qfsieoidq&o S}®©CT ©© ®Q ®ea3 <£f csi-^S ®0 ffl{£S ®SD3i£,a33d SsjjeDe^© a?§sj* s®@ ©@© qQtSn23d®aetfQ£$ &dS®ss$ ©gg csS©ffif «ng®3dT©d gas^d cpSajBsSaa© zScaas ©ss®a?255t©a5b epi*S ©© (ga^roa}© ©a>3pig®eics. £>©i£a3 ©Q e3©3£a) Scsg©qa3j ©SaS® ^ancssrges'^oj as© :— esSdcng ^«33©S qa-gg?g®© -©"dates

Oj.a3 ©as ao£©#S ®Sd caas ®oSSaJ, ©8 1887 £3^5©a5<3q ®30j©©d 4 ^paa,o-€^®'SiaJ ©Q (31SS3©'S«D £>c*,a ssd-@S®3»3©©ffl ca ^-Sregassd (;^®3aoa^©aBa^®d®®d

Sdgand'SSf© gsbSa^ ©©aa ©ss©a3£5t ©asf ©H 1894 esig e3ideot©©# ©S3 30 ©Sa3 £|a3a @>a&>®-8MaJ <5© ©asVasaS ®3 ^^ScoQSsf £>sf3 cdj.©c3 ©oartasoiSSstO ©a?j@c6g®aJSaa©, 6® §©@ §eaas eaqec«Jsad-®fc^ fp33je3^)®ffif ®e;®©«S ©

©§ 1893 £sf§ ^©CHjdaj ©es 8 ©Sa3 ^as daj*«5g®r5^ ®®Ef ^afesan 8ce§©3 ®qa^© «5>cEg«oaqf(aj. (qjajeaaysa®^) ancS'aS'© ®8d,

QLLI— {§i(§i@p 1,749 LD ^jsiss L9errrresfieo sifemBp T 439 LD ^eidsix Quir^S/i^ .16 ssiair 1 JWLL ^/etreyeherr i&eo^&e&rdldrajLb, U 439 iBeidsLD Quir^kp 22

diZLD Qurr^m^ j^LoQuds OujesrQp i§les>(LpiD} si^jdsQasar Qiuefrdp /Seo^LD, Qpp(B)—1,749 /Heads iSerrirek si—.

pirSuStSo srrmrQp V 439 iBeodaLO Qurr^is^ LQesrsSeaQedQsesr srrsurr QtuesrSp i8edpjp6m(By GLOpraj—@(r)*a»rsir Oiuem&p Mirsurnudsirj$Lb 1,749 iBeods iSenirek SL-^irSuSleo srremQp X 439 LSeodsia Qun^ism J^LLQUSS OiuisirSp iSedQpij), &LDS(^—1,749 iHedda iSerrirosr si^^rrSluSSo srremSp W 439 iBeodsih QurrtSihfl iSekdil&i OJ* srreurr QiueisrQp Msn^^sem®^ Q&treiiGduuu-L— Sso^e^fi 1868 LD ^SSSI® Q&rreurremQLotkg! semdsaa, tSpM isi'seorrdQ ^sq^m^aLb seises i8sv^as>^iL]m>i—uj6iirr Q&iEisi—UjSLirF @«3T(g^ QnGkjpi ji/pleu^spc^ iSiurriULorresr QpiupQiurrsur eSsrrjrSsmir QpsBrQ&rrsoeQtu mrrek Q&UJJIULO jyplis^idQ&ireherr (jpif- lurrLoeo &&&(r$LOplujQGi]emu[-ujj£i QsrrupC Qemm &urr&Qpew>6ii QsireupannQLOib^i n ^®/u erssrdraj 1887 LD ^ahmf.dr 4 LD QmrTLburf SfeHd&Ci—jd^trg&Lo GLOssreaw^/siQiu a-^aS tgjjrrrg>tr jprniirseSssr ^piuird' &ss>iudQsrrem®LD rsrreir sipleSld@pfiirw^i GwibQ&rreoeSiLJ SoOjgjpdcgj luirsrrrS^Lo S-Q^fsgi @(75 GLDpc&jplpp iSevpzap GLOpi&jpldjg g-tLi—^^m ^UAI—ITLD tSrfl^lsk tSasirgLD ^^Lhumjih Qa,rrwp«mGij:m& d(sj &®^j5iAQ&rrenwuu(i!lQLDekjpi ^^^irei/SujmjLo. 1893 w ^OT® ^Qsrrem^iLoir^LD 8 is G^$, ^QirLl^-sisiL^ifluSeii ernkgxasit—iu ansepuuLSi—uuilL-jp. (J^UUL8I—L—^I) Gsnrurriru. Geueh, QsrreuifamrGLoi^i t3&


UBLICATIONS FOB, SALE at the Government Rs c. P Record Office, Colombo :— Customs Annual Returns ...... j ,h \- 0 LEGISLATIVE ENACTMENTS. Customs Tariff 0 iO Volume I. Rs. c. Customs Regulations 0 25 All Proclamations, Regulations,and Ordinances Epitome of Government Minutes, Circulars, in force in the Colony on the 12th day of and Notifications, 1849-71 1 0 January, 1870: being the "New Edition*' Do. do. 1872-87 1 0 of Enactments authorised by Ordinances Pybus's Mission to Kandy ... 0 50 Nos. 6 of 1867 and 5 of 1869 ...each 15 0 The Mabavansa :— Volume II. Original Pali Text, Part I. 7 50 From To Do. Part II. 7 50 Parti... 6 of 1870 — 9 of 1871 ... each 1 0 Wijesinha's English Translation of Part II., „ 2 ... 10 of 1871 — 28 of 1871 1 0 with Tumour's Translation of Part 1. „ 3... lof 1872 — 7 of 1873 ... „ 1 0 prefixed 7 50 „ 4... 8 of 1873 - 23 of 1873 ... „ 1 0 Sinhalese Translation, Part I. 5 C „ 5... lof 1874 — 3 ofr875 ... „ 1 0 Do. Part II. 5 0 „ 6... 4 of 1875 — 3 of 1876 ... „ 1 0 Nitinighanduwa, English ... 1 0 „ 7 ... 4 of 1876 — 4 of 1877 ... „ 1 0 Do. Sinhalese ... 1 0 „ 8... 5 of 1877 — 8 of 1877 ... „ 0 50 Ramanathan's Reports •ii 0 „ 9... 9 of 1877 — 23 of 1877 ... „ 1 0 Report on Brown Scale, or Bug, on Coffee ... 1 0 „10... 1 ot 1878 — 16 of 1878 ... „ 1 0 Saddharmalankaraya ... •2 0 „ 11 ... 1 of 1879 — 15 of 1879 ... „ 1 0 Dravidian Comparative Grammar 13 0 Volume III. Census of Ceylon, 1891 20 0 Parti... 1 of 1880— 17 of 1880 ... each 1 0 Governors' Addresses, 1833-77, 2 vols. 10 0 „ 2 ... 1 of 1881 — 18 of 1881 ... „ 1 0 Tables for calculating Pensions under the „ 3... 1 of 1882 — 16 of 1882 ... „ 1 0 Widows' and Orphans' Pension FundOrd.... 0 25 „ 4... 1 of 1883 — 18 of 1884 • ' ... „ 3 0 Reports of the Temple Lands Commissioners, „ 5 ... 19 of 1884 — 11 of 1885 ... „ 1 0 1857 to 1865 0 50 Volume IV. PapersrelatingtoBuddhistTemporalities,1876 1 0 Part 1 ... 12 of 1885 — 8 of 1886 ... each 1 0 The Green-Scale Bug in connection with the „ 2... 9 of 1886 — 7 of 1887 ... „ 1 0 Cultivation of Coffee.—Observations by Mr. „ 3... 8 of 1887 — 2 of 1888 ... „ 0 40 E. Ernest Green (illustrated) 1 0 • ,, 4... 3 of 1888 — 15 of 1889 ... „ 2 70 Ceylon Civil Lists ...... 1 0 Volume V. itinerary of Ceylon Roads :— Part I.—Principal Roads, Second Edition Part 1 ... 16 of 1889 — 8 of 1890 ... eachO 85 (1881), without Map ... 2 0 „ 2... 9 of 1890 -^ 1 of 1891 ... „ 0 45 Part II.—Minor Roads, Second Edition „ 3... 2 of 1891— 8 of 1892 ... „ 0 95 (1888), with Map 8 0 Special Editions of the following, with Tables Do. do. without Map... 3 0 of Sections and Indices, stitched in paper Report on the Administration of the Police, cover, are obtainable as follows :— &c, by Mr. A. H. Giles ... 1 45 The Penal Code (2 of 1883) .. each 2 0 Register of Books printed in Ceylon and regis­ The Criminal Procedure Code (3 of 1883) „ 3 0 tered under Ordinance No. 1 of 1885 :— The Courts Ordinance (1 of 1889) ... „ 0 50 Part I., 1885-88 1 25 The Civil Procedure Code (2 of 1889) ... „ 5 0 Part II., 1888-92 I 40 The Penal Code, in Sinhalese or Tamil... ., 1 0 Clough's Sinhalese-English Dictionary 20 0 The Criminal Procedure Code, in Sinhalese Petroleum Rules ... 0 25 or Tamil - 1 60 Archaeological Report on K6galla District ... 6 0 Books of Ordinances passed in the following Regulations under the Merchandise and Trade Sessions (old Quarto Edition) can be had, Marks Ordinance of 1888 0 15 price Re. 1 each:~-1836, 1842, 1843,1846, Rules of the Public Service Mutual Guarantee 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1854, 1855, 1856, Association 0 10 1857, 1860,1863-4, 1866-7, 1867-8,1869-70, Glossary of Native Words occurring in Official 1870-1, 1872-3, 1873. Documents 0 50 Single copies of Ordinances in English (and, Catalogue of Pali, Sinhalese, and Sanscrit Manu­ where translations have been published, scripts in Temple Libraries 0 50 in Sinhalese and Tamil) may be obtained Alwis' Descriptive Catalogue of Sanscrit, Pali, for 5 cents for every 8 pages octavo or and Sinhalese Works ... 5 0 portion thereof. Buddhist Nirwana : A Review of Max Muller's Copies of Government Minutes, Notifications, Dhammapada 1 50 &c. (where available), for every 8 pages Pali Grammar 5 0 octavo or 4 pages quarto ... „ 0 5 District Manuals : Municipal Councils Ordinance, No. 7 of 1887... each 0 50 Mannar, by the late W. J. S. Boake,c.c.s. 1 0 Uva, by H. White, c.c.s. ... 1 0 Colonial Office Lists ...... each 4 0 Report of a Select Committee on the working Application for any publication in the above List should of the Grain Tax Ordinance • ... „ 3 10 be made to the Government Record-keeper, at the Colonial Return of Architectural and Archseological Secretary's Office, Colombo, and should be accompanied Remains and other Antiquities existing in by payment in advance. Ceylon ...... „ 1 20 Payments should be made by Post Office Order, Govern­ The Tesawalamai ...... „ 0 50 ment Draft, or uncrossed Cheque on a Colombo Bank. Administration Reports,bound volumes ... ,, 7 60 Stamps will not be received in payment. Do. single copies, each 4 pp. 0^6 Ceylon Blue Books,froml880 to 1891 ...eachlO 0 H. L. CRAWFORD, Sessional Papers, bound volumes * ... ,, 10 0 Government Record-keeper. Do. single copies each 4 pp. 0 5 May, 1893. AUGUST 18,1893] CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 1797

HE" KEW BULLETIN " of miscellaneous information December 31, 1891) are also.on sale at the Government is issued as an occasional publication from the Royal Printing Office, as follows :— TGardens at Kew. Rs. c. It contains notes on the economic products of plants Volume I...... 8 25 which have been made tbe subject of particular study and Volumes II. to IX., each ... 6 50 investigation at Kew, and it is intended to be a means of communication to persons interested in Botanical subjects Separate Numbers :— and products in India and the Colonies. To former Subscribers, each ... o 12 The " Bulletin" is published by Messrs. Eyre and To non-Subscribers, each ... o 25 Spottiswoode, East Harding street, London, E.C., and may For all other Government Publications application be obtained directly from them or through any bookseller. should be made to the Record-keeper, at the Government Price 2d. per copy ; by post, United Kingdom, 2\d. Record Office, Colombo. Foreign Countries and Colonies, Zd. per copy. GEO. J. A, SKEEN, Government Printer. Colonial Secretary's Office, Colombo, April 21, 1893. HERE AS cattle murrain exists in Otarawadiya and Godigomuwa in the Otarapalata of Alutkuru korale North, in the District of Negombo—bounded on HE CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, the northjby Maha-oya, east by the village Balawala, south T published every Friday, is on Sale at the Govern­ by the bigh>road to Giriulla, and on the west by the ment Printing Office. Gansabhawa road leading from Pahala Madampella church The Subscription, payable in advance, which can only be to Kumbukgahamankada—the same is hereby proclaimed booked to terminate at the end of a quarter, is Rs. 3 an infected area in terms of Ordinance No. 9 of 1891, per quarter. with effect from this date. Single copies may be had, price 25 cents each, H. WHITE, Assistant Government Agent. j Chargei for Adverlitementi. Rs. c. Negombo Kacheheri, A column ...... 7 50 August 5, 1893. Two-thirds of a column ...... 5 0 Half a column ...... 4 0 T is hereby proclaimed that the village Demunnewe in For small notices not exceeding 20 lines... 2 50 I Matombuwa korald—bounded on the north by Hori- Second and third insertions (consecutive), two-thirds wila village, east by Galkadawala village, south by jungle, and one-balf, respectively, of the above rates. and west by Naroadewe village, all in Matombuwa korale— form an infected area according to clauses 4 aiid 5 of the Ordinance No. 9 of 1891. • Back Numbers and Volumes of THE SUPREME | Anuradhapura Kschcberi, W. E. THOHPE, COURT CIRCULAR (publication discontinued on , August 8, 1893. for Government Agent. 1798 CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. [No. 5,238

Ceylon Government Railways.—Comparative Statement of Traffic for the Week ended July 23,1893. Decrease— EARNINGS PBOM Seven days ended Seven days ended Seven days ended Increase— 1893 below July 26, 1891. July 24, 1892. July 23,1893. 1893 over 1892. 1892. No Bs. 0. No. Es. c. No. B9. 0. No. Ss. c No. Bs. c. Passengers, Ordinary 63,620 22,691 63 61,207 23,904 2 67,835 26,691 9 6,628 2,787 7 Coolies 1,336 793 63 2,116 1,487 32 1,176 807 74 940 679 58 Season Tickets 1 5 0 2 11 10 1 4 0 1 7 10 Total Passengers 64,957 23,490 26 63,325 25,402 44 69,012 27,502 83 5,687 2,100 3§ — Parcels 3,445 1,100 55 3,934 1,066 22 4,779 1,332 91 845 266 69 Horses 31 204 1 47 264 87 45 221 22 43 65 Carriages ... 8 87 42 9 104 47 10 95 29 9 18 Dogs 50 26 25 72 53 25 66 36 0 1 17 25 Other small Animals 16 18 0 28 17 26 21 12 95 7 4 31 Neat Cattle 2 4 0 2 10 75 10 75 Mails 439 68 439 68 880 53 2 440 85 Miscellaneous Coaching 19 40 11 15 36 96 25 81 Goods (Tons) 5,993 51,240 55 6,267 58,377 13 6,280 61,293 89 2,916 76 Miscellaneous Goods 96 20 88 81 73 48 13 15 33 Live Stock... 318 84 25 321 170 75 621 152 50 300 18 25 General Miscellaneous 1,174 95 636 21 496 1 140 20 Total for the week — 77,985 52 — 86,632 24 — 92,145 32 — 5,513 8 — — Total, Jan*l to July 23 — 2510448 77 — 2669219 76 — 2724529 38 — 55,309 62 — — Increase compared with pre­ vious year ... — 357,128 99 — 158,770 99 55,309 62 — — — Decrease do. do. — TrafficTrainMileagethisweek 13,050 14,983 17,730 2,747 — — Total, Jan. 1 to July 23 388465 420796 165666 _ 44,870 — Increase compared with pre­ vious year 27,452 3;,33l 44,870 — — — Decrease do. do. z z PARTICULAKS OF GOODS Seven days 3nded January 1 to January ; to Increase in Decrease in CONVENED. July 23,1893. July 23, 1893. July 24, 1892. 1893. 1893. Tons cwt qr. Tons cwt qr. Tons cwt qv. Tons cwt qf. Tons cwt. qr. First class Goods 2 3 017 143 4 3 155 6 0-24 — 12 1 1-24 Second class Goods .. 118 10 2- S 3,412 0 2-18 3,413 2 o- S — 1 1 1-19 Uice 1,520 0 1- 4 43,758 5 3- 4 39,493 7 0-19 4,264 18 2-ia — Tea 603 9 0- 1 22,328 2 0- 8 20,253 1 2- 5 2,075 0 2- a — lea Leaf ... .. 26 8 2-18 902 2 1- 6 925 11 3-25 — 23 9 2-19 Arrack 20 18 0- 3 830 14 1-J8 894 13 1-12 — 63 18 3-22 Salt 42 6 3-16 2,073 15 1- 5 2,458 5 1-25 — 384 10 0-20 Cinnamon 2 8 0- 7 34 13 2-13 26 5 0T4 8 8 127 — Cacao 10 18 0-27 1,125 8 3-26 562 4 1- 7 563 4 2-19 — Cardamoms ...... 3 4 0- 2 75 4 2-15 117 8 2- 9 — .42 3 3-22 Tobacco 13 4 1-10 348 15 3-19 4C8 12 3- 3 — .59 16 3-12 Beer, 3rd class 4 19 1-27 86 17 1-12 105 1 2-13 — 18 4 1- 1 Tea Lead and Sbooks, 3rd class 6 13 219 412 16 0- 9 875 7 2-21 — 462 11 2-12 Manure, 3rd class 14 7 3-18 85 4 0-26 — 70 16 1- 8 Plumbago, 3rd class 15 12 1-19 33 16 0' 9 — 18 3 218 Other 3rd class Goods 473 0 1-15 14,027 19 3- 5 15,391 4 2-22 — 1,363 4 3-17 Other 4th class Goods 196 6 1- 9 5,542 7 0-23 4,290 13 3-26 1,251 13 025 — Othe<- 5th class Goods 143 12 0-15 3,045 9 1- 8 2,586 18 1-20 458 10 3-16 — Cinchona ...... 17 2 0 645 4 3-17 967 17 2- 5 — 322 12 2-16 Coflee 94 9 0-16 1,677 8 2-27 1,224 6 1- 6 453 2 1-21 — Cotton 3 6 1-10 119 17 2-26 70 12 3-22 49 4 3- 4 — Cocoanuts ...... 51 2 1-17 2,066 8 2- 3 3,054 17 & 7 — 988 9 1- 4 Cocoanut oil... 27 7 2- 4 894 9 2-15 996 0 011 — 101 10 1-24 Copperah 50 7 1- 7 895 17 2- 3 1,142 13 3-11 — 246 16 1- 8 Poonac 108 8 0-19 3,037 18 1-16 2,845 15 3-26 192 2 1-18 — Kerosine oil... 20 4 0 644 19 214 314 13 0-16 330 6 1-26 — Staves ...... 13 19 3-14 193 3 0-22 211 0 2- 5 — 17 17 111 Timber, wrought 27 1 0- 4 559 11 2-11 606 I 3-17 — 46 10 1- 6 Timber at 5th class 13 16 3-24 577 9 3- 6 713 4 1-22 — 135 14 2-!6 Timber at 6th class — 44 12 3-10 211 4 325 — 166 12 0-15 Tea Lead and Shooks, 6tb class 133 1 3- 8 4,376 3 0- 9 3,663 5 3-12 712 17 0-25 —• Manure, 6th class 119 17 1 11 1,827 3 1-27 1,121 19 3-18 705 3 2- 9 — Plumbago, 6th class 417 10 3 6,958 11' 2- 7 6,435 2 1-23 523 9 0-12 — Beer, 6th class 1 7 3 1 16 3-14 — 1 16 3-14 Staves, 6th class ... 1 1 2 37 6 0 1 19 1- 8 35 6 2-20 Barley, 3rd class ... Bulky articles and Road Metal 90 6. 0 968 7 2 52 16 0 915 11 2 Other 6th class Goods 82 8 2-16 2,430 16 3- 4 5,634 6 2-15 3,203 9 3-11 Railway Material ... 1,818 12 0- 1 20,043 10 0-15 20,122 6 0-15 78 16 0 Public Works Material 7,860 10 0 2,366 7 0 5,494 3 0 Prison Dept. Material 447 13 0 5,643 3 0 5,195 10 0 Breakwater Material 580 0 0 1,665 16 0 1,085 16 0 Total ... 6,279 13 3-13 155,066 19 1-24 151,141 17 021 18,035 0 2 14,109 18 0-25

Colombo, August 9,1898. W. T, PEAKCE, General Manager. Total Quantities of the following Articles Exported from the Porta of Colombo and Galle during the under-mentioned Periods.

o n For what a a-a" C6 =0 Vessels. Port. •3*1 SO c3 B.S SS .So p. cS " IS o S AS ea o o o ZiD o o SO o a

COLOMBO- cwt. lb. lb. lb. No. ss. Ormusz Australia .. 143834 ss. Ophir 9(8 London .. 125 298677 5030' ss. Glenarchy 11/8 do. .. 136915 196 11116 98180 20000 1503 6383 ss. Peshawur 11(8 China 211 8270 ss. Peninsular 11/8 Bombay .. 13 3960 1 1421 ss. Senator 11(8 London 947 392623 96 12320 74915 1001 ss. Sydney 11/8 Marseilles.. 50 28335 300001 ss. Oldenberg 12J8 Shanghai... 12026 10000 19800 ss. Kerbela 12/8 Bombay .. 1300 ss. Arcadia 12(8 Australia . 135763 ss. Ganges 12/8 London 9 244019 ss. Clan Cameron 12/8 do. . 120900 8000 ss. Algeria 14/8 do, . 42 184449 65 15011 179900 10000 ss. Himalaya 15/8 do. 220092 ss. Elberfield ...j 15/8 Hamburg . 21875 300801 1000 502 8575j 40300f| 74976 ss. Chtndwara ...I 15(8 Mauritius. 12 ss. Khandalla ... 15/8 Bombay . 140 ss. Braunschweig 15)8 Bremen 82 180 ss. Dorunda 15/8 London 134 59977 191

GALLE. ss. Ghanda 10(8 Calcutta Schooner Edith 15/8 Tuticorin , 144 1 And Chips 250 lb. t And Chips 3416 lb. Importation of Rice from Indian Ports during the Week. TO COLOMBO:— TO GALLE :— From Calcutta Bags 57,016 From Calcutta ...Bags 1,345 Rangoon . „ 12,232 Southern India ... „ 3,940 Gopalpore 7,933 China . „ 500 Southern India . „ 26,576 Total ... Bags 5,285 Total ... Bags 104,257 R. RBID, Cwstwas, Colombo, August 16,1898. Acting Principal Collector. 1800 "CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE.' [No. 5,238


EALED Tenders Jn duplicate), marked on the enve­ Kalutara District. S lope* " Tender for the removal of Night Soil from Bamboos the Slave Island Jail," will be received at the Colonial Baskets, rattan Secretary's Office up to noon on Monday, September 11, Bags, gunny, second-hand 1893, from persons willing to contract for the removal of Beeswax night soil and urine from the Slave Island Jail for one Bricks, per 1,000, Colombo year commencing from January 1, 1894. Do. approved local 2. A deposit of Rs. 10, which must be made at the Cadjans, per 1,000, not less than 6 ft. long Treasury or Kachcheri, will be required, and no tender Ceiling cloth will be considered unless the receipt for such deposit is Cabook, 18 in. by 9 in. by 6 in., per 1,000 . attached thereto. Glass, per sq. ft. All other deposits will be returned upon signature of a Indigo, per lb. contract. Should any person decline to enter into a bond Lime, slaked, per bushel after he has tendered, or fail to furnish approved security, Lime, whitewashing, per bushel such deposit will be forfeited to the Crown. All other Oil, cocoanut, per gallon deposits will be returned upon signature of a contract. String, coir, per cwt. 3. The amount of each bond and all other necessary Tiles, half-round, per 1,000, Colombo information can be ascertained upon application at the Do. do. local Office.of the Superintendent, Convict Establishment. Twine, Bengal, per lb. 4. The Government reserves to itself the right, without Jakwood, at per cub. ft., sawn to sizes, including rafters question, of rejecting any or all tenders. Do. planks of 1 in. or 1J in., per sq. ft. 5. The person whose tender is accepted by Govern­ Do. reepers, per 1,000 ft. ment will be required to bear the expense of having the Cocoanut piles, &c, for canal work :— security bond prepared for the due fulfilment of his con­ Cocoanut piles, per 1,000 ft. tract, which bond will be subject to the approval of the Do. beams do. Attorney-General, but may be drawn by the tenderer's Do. slabs do. own lawyer, the name or stamp of whom should be affixed Do. pegs do. to the document. Do. planks do. 6. Every alteration should bear the initials ol the The delivery of materials will be required to be made in tenderers, and all tenders containing alterations not any part of the several districts known as Negombo and bearing the tenderer's initials will be treated as informal Kalutara of the Public Works Department. and rejected. Samples of bricks, tiles, baskets, coir, and Bengal twine H. L. CRAWFORD, to be delivered at the several kachcheries before the for Colonial Secretary. tenders are opened. Colonial Secretary's Office, For the supply of the articles enumerated, either as a Colombo August 11, 1893. whole or part, keeping each district separate. The tenders are to be made on forms which will be supplied on application at the offices of the Government EALED Tenders (in duplicate), marked on the enve­ Agent at Colombo or of the Assistant Agents in the S lopes " Tender for supply of Local Materials in the Western Province, and no tender will be considered Western Province during 1894," at the under-mentioned unless it is furnished on the recognised form. stations, viz., Negombo and Kalutara, will be received at A deposit of Rs. 20 will be required before any forms are the Colonial Secretary's Office up to noon on Monday, issued; and should any person decline to enter.into September 18, 1893, from persons willing to contract for the contract and bond for ithe whole or any part of his the under-mentioned services during the year 1894, keep­ tender, such deposits shall be forfeited to the Crown. All ing each district separate :— other deposits will be returned upon the signafure of the Negombo District. contract. Bamboos Sufficient sureties will be required to join in a bond for Baskets, rattan the due fulfilment of tbe contract for the supply of materials, Bags, gunny, second-hand and the persons whose contract shall be accepted for Beeswax materials shall be bound by a cash deposit of Rs. 150 in Bricks, per 1,000, Colombo each case, which must be hypothecated to Government, Do. approved local for the due fulfilment of such contract. Cadjans, per 1,000, not less than 6 ft. long The Government reserves to itself the right, without Ceiling cloth question, of rejecting any or all tenders, and the right of Cabook, 18 in. by 9 in. by 6 in., per 1,000 accepting any portion of a tender. Glass, per sq. ft. Persons whose tenders are accepted by Government Indigo, per lb. wili be required to bear the expense of having security Lime, slaked, per bushel bonds prepared for the due performance of their contracts; Lime, washing, do. which bonds will be subject to the approval of the Oil, cocoanut, per gallon Attorney-General, but may be drawn by the tenderers' String, coir, per cwt. own lawyers. And when bonds have been drawn by Tiles, half-round, per 1,000, Colombo the tenderers' own lawyers, the name or stamp of the Do. do. local Proctor who drafted the bond should be affixed to the Twine, Bengal, per lb. document. Jakwood, at per cub. ft., sawn to sizes, including rafters Any alteration made in the tender should bear the Do. planks of 1 in. or 1J in., per sq. ft. initials of the tenderers, and all tenders containing altera­ Do. reepers, per 1,000 it. tions not bearing the tenderers' initials will be treated as Cocoanut piles, &c, for canal work :— informal and rejected. Cocoanut piles, per 1,000 ft. H. L. CRAWFOKD, Do. beams do. for Colonial Secretary. Do. slabs do. Do. pegs do. Colonial Secretary's Office, Do. planks do. Colombo, August 15, 1893 AUGUST 18, 1893] CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 180l

EALED Tenders (in duplicate), marked on the enve­ Crown. All other deposits will be returned upon the lopes " Tender for supply of Rice in the Western signature of the contract. SProvince during 1894," at the under-mentioned stations, Sufficient sureties will be required to join in a bond for viz., Negombo, Kalutara, and Colombo, will be received the due fulfilment of the contract for the supply of rice, at the Colonial Secretary's Office up to noon on Monday, and the persons whose contract shall be accepted for rice September 18, 1893, from persons willing to contract for shall be bound by a cash deposit of Rs. 300 in each case, the under-mentioned services during the year 1894, keep­ which must be hypothecated to Government, for the due ing each district soparate :— fulfilment of such rice contract.' Quarter bushel of rice must be sent in as samples ; any less quantity will invali­ Negombo District. date the tender. The. samples must be deposited at Best quality kallunda rice, at —per bushel, delivered in the Colombo Kachcheri before the date for opening of any part of the district known as the Negombo District of temlers. the Public Works Department. The Government reserves to itself the right, without question, of rejecting any or all tenders, and the right of Kalutara District accepting any portion of a tender. Best quality kallunda rice, at — per bushel, delivered in Persons whose tenders are accepted by Government will any part of the district known as the Kalutara District of be required to bear the expense ot having security bonds the Public Works Departaient. prepared for the due performance of their contracts, which bonds ill be subject to the approval of the Attorney- Colombo District. General, but may be drawn by the tenderers' own lawyers. Best quality kallunda rice, at — per bushel, delivered in And when bonds have been drawn by tbe tenderers' own any part of the Co'ombo district beyond the Municipal lawyers, the name or stamp of the Proctor who drafted the limits, consisting of the Kandy road and Avisawella road. bond should be affixed to the document. The tenders are to be made on forms which will be •Any alteration made in the tender should bear the supplied on application at the offices of the Government initials of the tenderers, and all tenders containing alter­ Agent at Colombo or of the Assistant Agents in the Wes­ ations not bearing the tenderers' initials will be treated as tern Province, and no t' niier will be considered unless it informal and rejected. is furnished on the recognised form. H. L. CRAWFORD, A deposit of Rs. 50 will be required before any forms for Colonial Secretary. are issned; and should any person decline to enter into Colonial Secretary's Office," the contract and bond, his deposit shall be forfeited to the Colombo, August 14, 1893.



T^T" OTICB is hereby given that the Governor, with the proportion due by each estate in the district interested in. _L v advice and consent of the Legislative Council, the repair of the said road, as follows:— having agreed to grant the under-mentioned sum for the upkeep of the under-mentioned rrad for 1893, the Provin­ BROWNLOW-LUCCOMBE ROAD. cial Road Committee, acting under the provisions of " The Branch Roads Ordinance, 1874," have assessed the pro­ Government moiety Rs. 875 portion due by each estate in the district interested in Private contributions „ 375 the repair of the said road, as follows:— Amount. BBOWNLOW-LAXAPANA ROAD (between Brownlow and Proprietors or Agents. Etsates. Acreage. Rs. c. Laxapana)—! mile. 1st to 2nd section. Government moiety ... Rs»200 Acreage, 3,145—Moiety of cost, Rs. 57-66- Private contributions ... Rs. 200 Rate, -0183c—Total rate, -0183c Acreage, 7,200—Moiety of cost, Rs. 184-55— H. D. Deane ... Kintyre 288 5 28 Rate, -0256c—Total rate, -0256c. C. E. Bond ... Bitterne 169 3 12 Amount. Proprietors or Agents. Estates. Acreage. Rs. c. 1st to 3rd section. Geo. Steuart & Co., for Acreage, 2,688—Moiety of cost, Rs. 39-21—- executor of the late R. Rate, -0146c—Total rate, -0329c A. Crabbe Brownlow ... 268 .. . 6 87 D. Edward-s ... Ricarton and G. O. Poulter Bitterne 169 . . 4 33 T. N. Christie Blantyre 243 .. . 6 23 Leaston 596 ... 19"ol Geo. Steuart & Co. (C. 1st to 4th section. Agar) Forres 196 . . 5 2 S. Agar and T. G. Hayes Gangawatta... 186 . . 4 77 A creage, 2,092—Moiety of cost, Rs. 48-43— G. Greig Johnsland ... 90 .. 2 31 Rate, -0231c—Total rate, -0560c. H D. Deane Kin tyre •288 .. . 7 38 G. Greig Laxapana ... 536 .. . 13 74 T. G. Hayes ... Gangawatta 186 ... 10 43 Ceylon Land and Produce Co., Limited Rickarton and 1st to 6th section. Leaston 596 .. . 15 28 Total acreage, 1,906—Moiety of cost, Rs. 96-87— H.M. Husey (C.H Hood) Mousakele ... 278 .. . 7 12 Rate, -0507c—Total rate, -1067c. G. H. Green Dalhdusie 284 .. . 7 28 H. A. Webb ... Mausakelle 278 .. 29 70 T. N. Christie St. Andrew's 319 .. 1 61 P. G.A.Lane Situluganga ... 272 .. . 6 97 1st to 7th section. C. S. Agar Warburton ... 193 .. 4 9.5 G. Grieg . ... 236 .. . 6 5 Acreage, 1,628—Moiety of cost, Rs. 48-44- W. G. Lang (J. N. Camp­ Rate, -0297c—Total rate, -1364c. bell) Geddes 196 .'. . 5 2 ... Ekolsund 42 36 T. N. Christie Corfu 267 .. . 6 59 VV. Saunders 310 Whittall & Co Rutherford ... 276 .. 7 7 VV.B. Seton (H. W.Bailey) Ekolsund ... 310 .. . 7 95 1st to 8th section. F. R. Chapman Nyanza 391 .. . 10 2 Acreage, 1,318—Moiety of cost, Rs. 48-43- Whittall & Co Luccombe ... 478 .. 12 25 Rate, -0367c—Total rate, -1731c Do. Elstree 167 .. 4 28 T. Scovell (Mackwood & F. R. Chapman Nyanza 397 ... 68 84 Co.) Larchfield ... 161 .. 4 13 J. N. Campbell Frogmore 208 .. 5 33 1st to 9th section. Do. Moray and Acreage, 921—Moiety of cost, Rs. 35-96— Valladolid ... 468 .. 12 0 Rate, 0390c—Total rate, -2121c. Whittall & Co. ... Elstree 167 ... 35 48 184 55 Do. ... Rutherford 276 ... 58 64 Do. ... Luccombe 227 ... 48 22 With sums the proprietors, managers, or agents of the Do. ... Heathfield 251 ... 53 32 several estates are hereby required to pay into the Colonial Treasury, Colombo, on or before August 18, 1893. 375 0 Rs. c. N.B.—Private contribution ... 200 0 Which sums the proprietors, managers, or agents of the Deluct unexpended balance, 1892 15 45 several estates are hereby required to pay into the Colonial Treasury, Colombo, on or before August 18, 1893. 184 55 C. R. CUMBERLAND, C. R. COMRERLAND, for Chairman. for Chairman. Provincial Road Committee's Office, Provincial Road Committee's Office, Kandy, July 27, 1893. Kandy, July 27, 1893. "

"^TOTICE is hereby given that the Governor, with the "IVT'OTICE is hereby given that the Governor, with the _L^I advice and consent of the Legislative Council, I >l advice and consent of the Legislative Council, having agreed to grant the under-mentioned sum for the having agreed to grant the under-mentioned sum for the maintenance of the under-mentioned road for 1893, the maintenance of the under-mentioned rosd for 1893, the Provincial Road Committee, acting under the provisions of Provincial Road Committee, acting under the provisions of "The Branch Roads Ordinance, 1874," have assessed the " The Branch Roads Ordinance, 1874," have assessed the AUGUST 18, 1893] CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 1803

roportiondue by each estate in the district interested in the Amount. epair of the said road, as follows :— Proprietors or Agents. Estates. Acreage. Rs. c. WALAHA ROAD (between Tillicoultry and Eildon Hall From 1st to end of 2nd section, 1 mile. estates). Acieage, 3,749—Moiety of cost, Rs. 99-71— Government moiety ... Rs. 250 Rate, -0266c—Total rate, -0266c. Private contributions ... „ 250 Geo. Beck ... Henfold 305 ... 8 11 F. A. & W. N. Fairlie Khowlahena 389 ... 10 35 1st section. Cumberbatch & Co. ... St. Regulus 269 ... 7 16 Whittall & Co. ... Gleneagles 222 ... 5 91 Acreage, 3,856—Moiety of cost, Rs. 105-23 - Rate, -0273c—Total rate, -0273c. From 1st to end of 3rd section, 1 \ mile. Acreage, 2,564—Moiety of cost, Rs. 49-85— Amount. Rate, -0194—Total rate, -0460. Proprietors or Agents. Estates. Acreage. Rs. c. A. G. Yeates ... Maria 297 ... 13 68 P. M. Anstruther (G. S & K. C. Maciver (H. E. Co.) ... Tillicoultry... 397 ... 10 84 W. Cooper) ... Lippakelle 206 ... 9 49 The Ceylon Tea Plantation Company, Limited Wnllaha ... 290 ... 7 92 From 1st to end of 6th section, 3 miles. A. V. & J. H. Renton ... Talankanda ... 264 ... 7 21 Acreage, 2,061—Moiety of cost, Rs. 149-56— Rate, -0726c—Total rate, -1186c From 1st to end of 2nd section. T. G. Hayes j" Lower Cymru 276 ... 32 73 Acreage, 2,905—Moiety of cost, Rs. 77'05— '" I Upper Cymru 238 ... 28 23 Rate, -0265c—Total rate, -0538c. Aitken, Spence & Co. MacDuff 221 ... 26 21 Alstons, Scott & Co. Vellekelly 184 ... 21 82 R. Temple (T. E. Temple) Deyanelia ... 267 ... 14 37 J. P. Green & Co. ... Tangakelly 348 ... 41 27 A. E. Thomas (Gal- From 1st to end of 3rd section. peela, K.) Begelly 47 5 69 Acreage, 2,638—Moiety of cost, Rs. 66-80— G. A. Dick and J. Pa- Rate, -0253c—Total rate, -0791c. terson( Alstons, Scott & Co.) Ovahkelly 297 35 22 Whittall & Co. ... Mausaella ... 503 39 80 G. H. D. Elphinstone A.F.Harper ... Eildon Hall... 413 3-2 68 1 and C. B. Lutyens H. R. Wiggin ... Bambrakele ... 218 17 25 (.1. D. Forbes) ... Elgin 291 . 34 51 Hirbert Trubridge (A. C. Do. do. Kellyhill 158 Seton) ... St. Margarets, . 18 74 Lot 110,385 197 . 15 59 H. R. Wiggin ...Dell, Lot 299 12 110,386 100 7 91 G. W. Goodeve (H. R. Which sums the proprietors, managers, or agents of the 'Wiggin) Oddington ... 100 7 91 several estates are hereby required to pay into the Colonial A. V. Harper Melton ... 207 , 16 38 Treasury, Colombo, on or before August 18, 1893. J. M. Robertson & Co. Ferham ... 248 , 19 63 Rs. c. Cumberbatch & Co. Rahanwatta... 305 24 13 N.B.—Private contribution ...... 300 0 H. R. Wiggin Queenwood ... 228 18 4 Do. °° Lot 110,386 ... 119 9 42 Deduct unexpended balance, 1892 ... 0 88 249 8 299 12 C. R. CUMBERLAND, Which'sums the proprietors, managers, or agents of the for Chairman. several estates are hereby required to pay into the Colonial Provincial Road Committee's Office, Treasury, Colombo, on or before August 18, 1893. Kandy, July 27, 1893. Rs. c. N.B.- -Private contribution 250 0 Deduct unexpended balance, 1892 0 92 VTOTICE is hereby given that the Governor, with the J_N advice and consent of the Legislative Council, 249 g having agreed to grant the under-mentioned sum for the maintenance of the under-mentioned road for 1893, the Provincial Road Committee, acting under the provisions C. R. CCMOERLAND, of "The Branch Roads Ordinance, 1874," have assessed the proportion due by each estate in the district interested for Chairman. in the repair of the said road, as follows :— Provincial Road Committee's Office, NORWOOD- UPCOT ROAD. Kandy, July 27, 1893. Government moiety Rs. 350 Private contributions 350 Amount. "I^TOTICE is hereby given that the Governor, with the Proprietors or Agents. Estates. Acreage. Rs.- c. _J_\| advice and consent

Amount. "l^TOTICE is hereby given that the Governor, with the Proprietors or Agents. Estates. Acreage Rs. c. 1 \ advice and consent of the Legislative Council, having agreed to grant the under-mentioned sum for tbe 3rd section, from Stockholm boundary to Mahagalla maintenance of the under-mentioned road for 1893, the 5-15 lines. Provincial Road Committee, acting under the provisions Acreage, 5,037—Moiety of cost, Rs. 4-11 of " The Branch Roads Ordinance, 1874," have assessed the proportion due by each estate in the District interested Rate, -0008c—Total rate, 0043c. in the repair of the said road, as follows :— W.Agar ... Mahagalla ... 290 ... 1 25 KYNTVBE-LAXAPANA ROA». 4th section, from Mahagalla boundary to Mahanilu, Government moiety ... Rs. 187 6-08 lines. . Private contributions ... ,, 187 Acreage, 4,747—Moiety of cost, Rs. 4'15— Amount. Rate, -0009c—Total rate, -0052c. Proprietors or Agents. Estates. Acreage. lis. c. C. P Hayes ... Mahanilu ... 290 ... 1 51 1st section, 40 miles. 5th section,"from Mahanilu boundary to Kahagalla, Acreage, 4,846—Moiety of cost, Rs. 75-77- 6-14 lines. Rate,'-0156o.—Total rate, -0156c. H. D. Deane ... Kyntyre ... 288 ... 4 41 Acreage, 4,457—"Moiety of cost, Re. 0-27— G. O. Poulter ... Bitterne ... 169 ... 2 64 Rate, -OOOO^c—Total rate, -0052£c. Ceylon Land and Produce F. Sikes ... Kahagalla ... 245 ... 1 29 Co., Limited ... Rickarton and Leaston ... 596 ... 9 32 6th section, from Kahagalla boundary to Gauravilla, 7-0 lines. 1st and 2nd sections, -83 mile. Acreage, 4,212—Moiety of cost, Rs. 3-84— Acreage, 3,793—Moiety of cost, Rs. 84-52- Rate, -0009c—Total,rate, -006 l£c. Kate, -0223c—Total rate, -0379c G. A. Craib ...Gauravilla ... 506... 3 11 Geo. Greig ... Laxapana, in­ 7th section, from Gauravilla boundary to the end of cluding York bridge, 7 07 lines. and Johnsland 862 ... 32 71 - C. S. Agar Forres , 193 7 44 Acreage, 3,706—Moiety of cost, Re. 031 — Do. Warburton 193 7 32 Rate, -0000|c—Total rate, -0062ic. J. N. Campbell Moray 228 8 65 C. E. Welldon ... Alton ... 225 ... 1 41 VV. ii. Lang Geddes 196 7 44 Do. ... Beconsfield ... 168 ... 1 5 T. N. Christie Corfu 257 9 75 W. D. Rlaii- Brown ... Blairavon ... 177 ... 1 11 Do. Blantyre 243 9 22 M. B. Evans ... Minna ... 268 ... 1 67 Do. St. Andrews . 453 15 19 G. H. Green Dalhousie . 284 10 78 8th section, from end of tbe bridge to Upcot boundary, J. N. Campbell Valladolid , 240 9 10 7-49 lines. F:G. A. Lane Situluganga 272 10 32 Acreage, 2,868—Moiety of cost, Re. P87— T. Si.ovell (Mackwood Rate, -0006^c—Total rate, -0068fc. & Co.) Larchfield 161 6 11 Captain Toller ... Scarborough ... 276 ... 1 90 J. N. Campbell Frogmore 208 , • 7 89 • J. G. Macfarlane ... Ormidale ... 350 ... 2 41 B. Mortimer - ... Cleveland ... 184 ... 1 27 160 29 Captain Tol'er ... Anandale ... 285 ... 1 96 Which sums the proprietors, managers, or agents of 9th section, from Upcot boundary to the end of the road, the several estates are hereby required to pay into the 8-07 lines. Colonial Treasury, Colombo, on or before August 18, 1893. Acreage, 1,773—Moiety of cost, Rs. 2-86— Rate, -0016|c Total rate, -0085c. Bs. c. N. B.- -Private contribution 187 0 C. W. Tyler ... Caledonia and • Deduct unexpended balance, 1892... 26 71 Mariacotta 409 ... 3 48 C. B. Portman ... Suriakanda ... 221 ... 1 88 160 29 F. G. A. Lane ... Fairlawn 297 ... 2 53 J. Clarke ... Glencoe 208 ... 1 77 D. G. MacGregor .. Mincing Lane 198 ... 1 69 C. R. CUMBERLAND, C. E. Welldon .. Upcot 232 ... 1 97 D. J. ftlacGregor .. Ladbrook 208 ... 1 77 for Chairman. 36 31 Provincial Road Committee's Office, Kandy, July 27, 1893. Which sums the proprietoi s, managers, or agents of the several estates are hereby required to pay into the Colonial Treasury, Colombo, on or before August 18, 1893. ~^TOTICE is hereby given that the Governor, with the Rs. c. 1 \| advice and consent of the Legislative Council, N. B.—Private contribution .„ 350 0 having agreed to grant the under-mentioned sum for the maintenance of the under-mentioned road for 1893, the Deduct bank interest, 1892 313 69 Provincial Road Committee, acting under the provisions 36 31 of i( The Branch Roads Ordinance, 1874," have assessed the proportion due by each estate in the district interested in the repair of the said road, as follows :— C. R. CUMBERLAND, MASKELIYA ROAD (between Norwood Bridge and for Chairman. Cruden Gap). Provincial Road Committee's Office, Government moiety ... Rs. 3,300 Kandy, July 27, 1893. Private contribution ... 8,300 AUGUST 18, 1893] CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 1805

Amount. Amount, Proprietors or Agents. Estates. Acreage. Rs. c. Proprietors or Agents Estates. Acreage. Rs. c. 1st section, 23-11 lines. T. Gray (J. M. Robert­ Acreage, 21,127—Moiety of cost, Rs. 151 59— son & Co.) Bunyan 283 33 24 Rate, -0072c—Total rate, -0072c. Do. (Mack­ The Eastern Produce wood & Co.) Ovoca 256 . 29 56 and Estates Company, J. M. Robertson & Co. Mocha 588 . 67 90 Limited ... Norwood 882". T. Scovell ... Adam's Peak 742 , 85 70 6 34 - 1st to second section, 99-14 lines. 1st to 8th section, 40981 lines. Acreage, 7,500—Moiety of cost, Rs. 221-52— Acreage, 20,245—Moiety of cost, Rs. 436 22- Rate, -0215c—Total rate, -0287c. Rate, 0295c—Total rate, -1450c. G. C. Alston ... Queensland 281 ... 40 72 Mackwood & Co. ... New Valley 457 .. 13 10 E. M. Leaf ... Hallooville 238 .. . 6 82 1st to 10th section, 488-01 lines. 1st to 3rd section, 190-89 lines. Acreage, 7,219—Moiety of cost, Rs. 421-26— Acreage, 19,550—Moiety of cost, Rs. 521•64 - Rate, -0583c—Total rate, -2033c Rate, -0267c. Total rate, -0554c W. G. Lang Craighill & Lanka 204 ... 41 45 f\ Fowke ... Rookwood 200 . 11 7 Whittall & Co. Bloomfield 268 ... 54 46 Lee, Hedges & Co. ... 269 ... 54 68 1st to 5th section, 282-74 lines. W. Mitchell Dunottar 185 ... 37 60 Acreage, 19,350—Moiety of cost, Rs. 521 73- Colombo Commercial Rate, -0270c—Total rate, -0824c Company, Ltd. Emelina 203 ... 41 26 William Rollo (E. Whittall & Co. Brunswick 252 ... 51 22 Blyth) ... Gorthie 313 ., 25 78 Do. Caskieben 207 ... 42 6 1st to 6th section, 349-81 lines. W. Mitchell Midlothian 244 ... 49 60 i-75- 1st to 12th section, 513-94 lines. ~Rate,'-0195c- •1019c. Acreage, 5,387—Moiety of cost, Rs. 15776— W.W.Hood Braemar 151 ... 15 37 Rate, -0293c Total rate, -2326c. E. and H. A. Webb... Mausakelle 278 ... 28 32 J. Mitchell Deeside 435 : . 101 16 B. A. Smith (H. W. W. Agar Cruden 396 . 92 10 Bailey) Ekolsund 310 ... 31 58 Wm. Rollo (Geo. F. R. Chapman (R. Steuart & Co.) Glenugie 389 .. 90 46 Biown) Nyanza 394 ... 40 14 R. P., J. G. & N. Mac- S. Agar and T. G. farlane Springbank 207 .. 48 14 Hayes (Geo. Steuart Wm. Rollo (Geo. &Co.) Gangawatta 186 ... 18 94 Steuart & Co.) Bargrove 207 .. . 48 14 C. H. Hood Kalanej a 191 ... 19 44 R. P. & N. Macfarlane Ormidale 148 .. . 34 40 Ceylon Land & Produce Mackwood & Co. Scarborough 288 .. 66 98 Company, Ltd. Rickarton i ind E. Mortimer Cleveland 184 .. 42 79 Leaston 596 ... 60 72 Mackwood & Co. (H. G. O. Poulter Bitterne 169 ... 17 22 M. Toller) Anandale" 285 ... 66 26 H. I>. Deane Kintyre 282 ... 28 72 H. Blacklow (J. Cant- Geo. Steuart & Co. ... Brownlow lay) Ladbroke 208 ... 48 36 A. J. Murray Tarf | 583 ... 59 39 Ceylon Tea Plantation *| Alton A. W. S. Sackville ... Maskeliya 369 ... 37 58 Company, Limited J458 ... 106 52 G. Greig ( eo. Steuart (G.A.Talbot) ...J1 Upcot & Co.) Laxapana 536 ... 54 60 Commercial Company Do. York 236 ... 24 4- (W. Agar) Strathspey 233 ... 5i 18 Do. Johnsland 90 ... 9 15 Boustead Brothers ... Beaconsfield 171 ... 39 76 J.N.Campbell Valladolid 240 ... 24 44 W. D. B. Brown Blairavon 177 ... 41 56 Do. Moray 228 ... 23 22 H. L. Forbes & H. T. N. Christie Blantyre 243 ... 24 74 Blacklaw (1). J. Do. St. Andrew's 453 ... 46 14 MacGregor) Mincing Lane 198 ... 46 3 J. P. Green & Co. ... Dalhousie 284 ... 28 75 R. Collinson Suriakandy 221 ... 51 40 Do. (F. G. A. J. Cantlay (F. P. Lane) ... Situluganga 272 ... 27 70 Williams) JV1 inn a 268 ... 62 33 Geo. Steuart & Co. J. Clark Glencoe 208 ... 48 36 (S. Agar) Forres 196 ... 19 95 G. A. Talbot (Ceylon Do. Warburton 193 ... 19 66 Tea Plantation Com­ Whittall & Co. Luccombe 478 ... 48 70 pany, Limited) Fairlawn 297 ... 69 6 H. J. de Soyza Hapugastenna A.J.Ross (J. Mun ton) Caledonia 409 ... 95 12 J. N. Campbell (W. G. 601 ... 61 22 Lang) 1- 2,935 80 des 19 95 G. Zancarol and M 196 ... Rizo (T. N. Christie) Corfu 257 ... 26 18 Which sums the proprietors, managers, or agents of the J. N. Campbell several estates are hereby required to pay into the Colonial Lot 7,193, Frog- Treasury, Colombo, on or before August 18, 1893. 208 21 18 T. C. Anderson (T. Rs. c. Rs. c. Scovell) Gnrtmore Mackwood & Co. N. B.—Private contribution . 3,3C0 0 Larchfield Deduct bank interest, 1892, 267 79 Colombo Commercial ^•612 62 34 Company, Ltd. Lot 7,195, T. Unexpended balance, 1892 , 96 41 P. 110,396, 364 20 Bevys 2,935 80 Whittall & Co. Rutherford Do. Do tale 384 39 12 1st to 7th section, 371 lines. C. R. CUMBERLAND, Acreage, 9,821—Moiety of cost, Rs. 133-33- for Chairman. Rate, -0136c—Total rate, -1155c. Provincial Road Committee's Office, J. M. Roberson & Co. Glentilt 447... 51 63 Kaudy, July 27, 1893. 1806 CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. [No. 5,238

""jVTOTICE is hereby giveu that the Governor, with the Proprietors or Agents. Estates. Acreage. _i_N advice and consent of the Legislative Council, Lanka Plantation Co. (J. M. R. having agreed to grant the under-mentioned sum for the & C,».) ... Gonagalla ... 189 ' maintenance and improvement of the under-mentioned road Do. do. ... Parramatta ... 136 for 1893, the Provincial Road Committee, acting under Do. do. ... Fordyce ... 448 the provisions of "The Branch Roads Ordinance, 1874," Do. do. ... Garbawn ... 147 will on Thursday, September 7,1893, at 3 o'clock P.M., at their office in Kandy,' proceed to assess the under­ E. M. Leaf (W. Saunders) ... Barkindale ... 81 mentioned estates to make up the private contributions:— 1st to 4th section, 4 miles. WANABAJAH ROAD (between Wanarajah and Claverton Mackwood&Co. ... Bathford ... 219 Store), Trustees of the late F. Saunders (W. S.) ... Hornsey ... 254 Government moiety ... Rs. 863 Private contributions ... „ 863 1st to 5th section, 5 miles. Proprietors or Agents. Estates. Acreage. Whittall & Co. ... Ingestre 613 Felix Brown (W. Saunders) ... Abercairney 224 1st section, 1 mile. Wanarajah Tea Company of 1st to 6 th section, 6 miles. Cumberbatch & Co. ... Berat 226 Ceylon, Limited ... Wanarajah ... 340 Heirs of C. and J. Forsyth 1st and 2nd sections, 2 miles. (W. Saunders) ... Blink Bonnie 223 W. Reeves Tathatn (J. A. Kerr) South Wanarajah 255 1st to 7th section, 6'63 miles. F.G. A.Lane...... Blair Athol ... 306 Whittall & Co. ... Ingestre No. 2 ... 124 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th sections, 4 miles. J. F. Maclennan ... Overton ... • 157 G. C. Elwes ... Summerville 239 TheCeylon Tea Plantation Com­ A. Anson Mayfair ' 298 pany, Limited ... Tillyrie ... 754 Whittall & Co. Durikeld 237 H. R. Trafiord(W. R. Waller) Poyston ... 159 Do. Castlereagh 511 K. M. Power (J. M. P.) ... Bon Accord ... 163 Do. 211 G. & J. Hadden ... Bittacy ... 142 W. J. Skene (W. M. Lawrie) LethentBanff y & Es3ex 320 Whittall & Co. Elstree ... 167 And at the same time and place tbe Committee will take - evidence, if necessary, and i eceive and consider objections 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th sections, 575 miles. and suggestions. S. G. D. Skrine ... Claverton ... 198 C. R. CUMBERLAND, E. H. Skrine ...... Osborne ... 441 F. G. A. Lane ... Broad Oak ... 199 for Chairman. Abbotsleigh Estate Co., Limited Abbbtsleigh and Provincial Road Committee's Office, Florence ... 275 Kandy, August 14, 1893. R. B. Carson...... Glehgariffe ... 339 And at'the sam and place the Committee will take "1VTOTICE is hereby given that the Governor, wjih the evidence, if nece nd receive and consider objections 1 >| advice and consent of the Legislative Council, arid suggestions. having agreed to grant the under-mentioned .sum for the C; R. CUMBERLAND, maintenance of the under-mentioned road for 1993, the for Chairman, Provincial Road Committee, acting under the provisions Provincial Road Committee's Office, of" The Branch Roads Ordinance, 1874," will on Thursday, Kandy, August 14, 1893. September 7, 1893, at 3 o'c'ock P.M., at their office in Kandy, proceed to assess the under-mentioned estates to make up the private contributions :— "A^TOTICE is hereby given that the Governor, with the BOGAWANTALAWA CAET ROAD (from Kotiyagala in the I \ advice and consent of the Legislative Council, direction of Campion estate). having agreed to grant the under-mentioned sum for the maintenance and improvement of the under-mentioned road Government moiety ... Rs. 566 for 1893, the Provincial Road Committee, acting under the Private contributions ... „ 566 provisions of " The Branch Roads Ordinance, 1874," will Proprietors or Agents. Estates. Acreage. on Thursday, September 7,1898, at 3 o'clock P.M., at their 1st and 2nd sections. office in Kandy, proceed to assess the under-mentioned A. T. Catheart ... Devonford ... 276 estates to make up the private contributions :— Ceylon Land and Produce BATHFOBD VALLEY ROAD (between Dikoya Post Office Company, Limited (D. 439 to Tillyrie Store). Edwards & Co.) Fetteresso Government moiety ... Rs. 1,326 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th sections. Private contributions ... „ 1,326 Fred. Hadden ... Kotiyagalla ..1,087 Proprietors or Agents. Estates. Acreage. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4tb, and 5th sections. 1st section, 1 mile. J. G. Fort (H. B. Roberts) ... Eltofts 293 O. B. Estates Company, Limited Darrawella ... 706 A. R. Lewis ... Lynford 253 Wanarajah Tea Company of W. A. 8. Sparling ... Loinorn 233 Ceylon, Limited ... Manikwatta ... 489 Thomas Farr ... Northcove 233 «• C.R.Norman ... Hadley ... 228 J. S. Browne (J. F. Fraser). ... Aldie 274 H. L. & R. W. Forbes (A. Craib) Invery ... 306 Do. do. ... Dunlow 180 Bosanquet & Co. ... Stamford Hill ... 276 A. T. Souter (J. Gray) ... St. Vigeans 185 H. L. & R.!W. Forbes (A.iCraib) Waterloo ... 207 Cba°! Stracban & Co. ... Campion and 724 Cumberbatch & Co. ... Annfield ... 289 Kohinoor Sir C. Hartley and Sir John And at the same time and place the Committee will take Stokes (F. G. A. Lane) ... Kinloch ... 122 evidence, if necessary, and receive and consider objections R. H. S. Scott ... Ottery ... 243 and suggestions, A. M. Cheyne (J. Mitchell) ... Erlsmere and Dorothea ... 374 C. R. CUMBERLAND, J. W. Holt ... St. Leys ... 130 for Chairman. 1st to 3rd section, 3 miles. Provincial Road Committee's Office, E. G.Harding &Co. (S.Daniel) Battalgalla ... 444 Kandy, August 14, 1893. AtTGtrST 18,1893] CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 1807

TtTOTlCE is hereby given that the Governor, with tbe Proprietors or Agents. Estates. Acreage. 1\| advice and consent of the Legislative Council, having William Rollo (E.J. Blytb) ... Gorthie- ... 813 agreed to grant the under-mentioned sum for t he mainte­ The Eastern Produce Company, nance and improvement of the. under-mentioned road for Limited ... Norwood. ... 882 1893, the Provincial Road Committee, acting under the W.W.Hood ... Braemar ... 151 provisions of " The Branch Roads Ordinance, 1874," will J. M. Robertson & Co. ... Glentilt ... 447 on Thursday, September 7, 1893, at 3 o'clock P.M., at their E. and H. A. Webb ... Mausakele ... .278 office in Kandy, proceed to assess the under-mentioned F. A. Smith (H. W. Brfiley) ... Ekolsund ... . 310 estates to make up the private contributions :— R. Brown & F. R. Chapman ... Nyanza ... 394 S. Agar and T. G. Hayes ... Gangawatta ... 186 DIKOTA ROAD (from Hatton Bridge to Cottiagala) C. H. Hood ... Kelaniya ... 191 Government moiety ... Rs. 6$350 Ceylon Land and Produce Com­ Private contributions ... '„ 5,430 pany, Limited ... Leaston and Ric- Tolls ... „ 920 karton ... 596 G. O. Poulter ... Bitterne ... 169 1st and 2nd sections. H. D. Deane ... Kintyre ... 282 Proprietors or Agents. Estates Acreage. Geo.Steuart & Cb. ... Blairavon ... 186 Whittall & Co. H. L. Forbes&H. Blacklaw... Lot 6,904, T. P. Elstree, Lot 5, T.P. 108,296, Mincing 97,895 ... 167 Lane ... 198 Do. Banff - 211 C. B. Portman ... Suriakanda, Lot P. G. A. Lane Broad Oak ... 199 6,905, f. P. Geo. Maitland Lot 6,461 T. P. 108,297 ... 220 102,166, Blair­ A. lloss (J. Munton) ... Meriakotta, Lot gowrie 114 6,906, T. P. 1st to 6th section. 108 298 . 194 Wanarajah Tea Company of J. Cantlay (-F. P. Williams) ... Lot ' 6,098, T. P. Ceylon, Limited ( W. Taylor) Wanarajah 649 108.299, Minna 2!8 1st to 8th section. J. Clarke (H. Blacklaw) ... Lot 6,909, T. P. 184 108.300, Glencoe 209 D. W. H. Skrine (Skrine & Co.) Wadeigh F. G. A. Lane ... Lot 6,910, T. P. 1st to 10th sectioD. 108.301, Fair Mackwood & Co. ... New Valley ... 457 Lawn ... 271 E. M. Leaf ... Halloowella ... 238 A. Ross (J. Munton) ... Caledonia, Lot6,911 Aitken, Spence & Co. ... Rockwood ... 200 T. P. 108,302 ... 216 1808 [No. 5,238

Proprietors or Agents. Estates. Acreage. Proprietors or Agents. Estates. Acreage, F. Fowke (Aitken, Spence 1st to 18th section. , & Co.) Glencairn 390 Colombo Commercial Com­ J. Hamilton (J. P. G. & Co.)... NewtoD 234 pany, Limited Heirs of C. Tatham (Mack­ ... Bogawantalawa 625 wood & Co.) Ireby 275 1st to 19th section. F. Sikes Kahagaha 237 Wm. Rollo (P. L.Clements)... Chapelton 684 W. G. Lang Lanka and Craighill 204 Colombo Commercial Co., Ltd. Emelina 203 1st to 20th section. R. Cotesworth Stockholm 288 L. H. Kelly (Whittall & Co.)... Killarney 358 \V. Agar (G. S. & Co.) Mahanilu 580 C. & A. Fetherstonhaugh (J. C. S. Agar ( do ) Goura villa 506 M. R. & Co.) Bridewell 467 J. N. Campbell Lot 7,190, T. I'. P. & C. Hadden Kottiyagala 1,087 110,362, Geddes A. H. Pargiter (G.S. & Co.) ... Bogawana 440 196 C. W. Horsfall and A. G. G. Zancarol and M. Rizo (!'. Layard N. Christie) Corfu 257 Friedland 165 J. P. Green & Co. Lynstrad 405 J. N. Campbell Lot 7,198, T. P. J. G. Fort (H. B. Roberts) ... 110,394, Frogmore 208 El tofts 290 T. C. Anderson Gartmore A. R. Lewis Lynford 253 Do. Lot 7,195, T. P. I Chas. Strachan & Co. Campion & Kohi- 110,396, Bevys • 612 noor 724 0. Forbes & W. A, S. Spar in Do. Larchfield ? Lot 6,278, T. 1\ 101,848, Loinorn 233 1st to 12th section. A. F. Souter & J. Gray Lot 6,279£, T. P. J. M. Robertson & Co. Elbedde 747 141.850, St. Vi- Lawrence W. Agar 565 geans 185 1st to 13th section. A. V. Cathcart Lot 6,280, T. P. A. Ross (J. Munton) Venture 405 101.851, Divon- W. S. Baffin Lot 7,226, T. P. f,»rd 276 111,466, Ceylon Land and Produce Venture Upper 274 Company (D. Edwards & 7,227 & 7,228, Kew 211 Co.) Fetteresso ... 439 Do. T. Fan- Lot 6,985, T. P. 1st to 14th section. 110,064, North- J. M. Robertson & Co. (G. F. cove 233 Walker) St. John Del Rey 725 James Sheriff, J. S. Brown (J. F, Fraser) 1st to 16th section^ Dunlow and Aldie 454 Geo. Steuart


In the District Court of Colombo. In the District Court of Colombo. Order Nisi. Order Nisi. „ , , t In the Matter of the Goods and Chattels Testamentary ( In the Matter of the Goods and Chattels i estamentflry I of the ]ate Peria of yy ellawattfl) J Jurisdiction, i of Kona Seyedo Mojnunado, of Old 1 in the Palle patt u ot the SalpitV i No. C/376. { Moor street, OolomTo^^^ No, 871/0. I l deceased. kora e; Kona Mohideen Packeer Bawa, of 2nd Cross HIS matter coming on for disposal before E. C. street, Pettah, Colombo Petitioner. T Dumbleton, Esq., Acting District Judge of Colombo, on the 27th day of July, 1893, in the presence of John Vs. Caderaman, Proctor, on the part of the petitioner Palani- 1, Seka Umma, widow of the said Kona appa Pillai Wytilingam of Wellawatta, in the Pale pattu Seyedo Mohamado; and 2, Pinoori Umma, of the Salpiti korale ; and the affidavit of the said Palani- a minor of about 1J year of age, residing «ppa Pillai Wytilingam, dited 26lh July, 1893, having at No. 148, Second Division, Maradana, lieen read : It is ordered thnt the g.iid Palaniappa Pillai Colombo Respondents. Wyiilingam be and he is hereby declared entitled to have HIS matter coming on for disposal before E. C. Dum­ letters of administration to the estate of Peria Pillai, bleton, Esq., Acting District Judge of Colombo, on deceased, issued to him aa husband of the deceased, unless Tthe 3rd day of August, 1893, in the presence of C. A. de the respondent Ramasy Amma, wife of Candappa Silva, Proctor, on the part of the petitioner Kona Mohi­ Coomarasoo Pillai, of Wellawatta in the Palle pattu of the deen Packeer Bawa, of Second Cross street, Pettah, Salpiti korale, adjoining the Wellawatta bridge, shall, on Colombo; and the affidavit of the said Kona Moliideen or before ihe 31st day of August, 1893, show sufficient Packeer Bawa, dated 27th July, 1893, having been'read : cause to the satisfaction of this court to the contrary. It is ordered that the sai'i Kona Mohideen Packeer Bawa be and he is hereby declared entitled to have letters of E. C. DUMBLETON, administration to the estate of Kona Seyedo Mohamado, Acting District Judge. deceased, issued to him, as nephew of the said deceased, The 27 th day of Jnly, 1893. unless the respondents (1) Seka Umma, widow ol the said AUGUST 18, 1893] GEYLGN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 1809

deceased, and (2) Pinoori Umma, of No. 148, Second It is declared that the said Kahambiliyagodagedera Ran Division, Maradana, Colombo, shall, on or before the 31st Naide is entitled to have letters of administration issued day of August, 1893, show sufficient cause to the satis­ to him to the estate of Wattegedera Kiri Etanee, deceased, faction of this court to the contrary. unless Weesingedera Kuda Naide, of Marawanagoda, shall, on or before the 8th day of September, 1893, ahow suffi­ * . K. C. DrjMBLBTON, cient cause to the satisfaction of this court to the contrary. i- • lifting District Judge. * The 3rd August, 1893. J. H. DH SARAM, The 4th day of August, 1893. District Judge. In the District Court of Negombo. Order Nisi.. In the District Court of Kapdy. Testamentary"") In the Matter of the Estate of I inhala- Order Nisi. Jurisdiction. > pedige.Amanduwa Weda. d? :eased, Testamentary ) In the MatteToTthe Estate of the late No. 52. J of Helakanaena. Jurisdiction V Hangidigedara Juan Nai^e, of Taja- Menickpedige Subie, of Helakandena Petitioner No. 1,765. J kTriyawa in Matale, deceased. And^ HIS matter coming on for disposal before John 1, Sinhalapedige Gaweria; 2," Sinhalapedige Horatala ; Henricus de Saram, Esq., District Judge of Kandy,. 3, Sinhalapedige Nanhonda; 4, Sinhalapedige Seth- Ton the 7th day of August, 1893, in the. presence of thuwa ; 5, Sinhalapedige Maiya, of; Horampella ; 6, Mr. Cornelius Jayetileke, Proctor, on the part fif the Sinhalapedige Bilindu; 7, Sinhalapedige Gunaya; 8, petitioner Hangidigedara Siman Naide ; and the, affidavit of Sinhalapedige Liapie ; 9, Sinhalapedige Puhule ; all of Hapuwidagedara Banda, of Talakiriyawa in Matale,. dated Helakandena Respondents. the 4th day of August, 1893, having been read :Itis further HIS matter coming on for disposal before G. A. declared that the said Hangidigedara Siman Naide is Baumgartner, Esq., District Judge of Negombo, on entitled to have letters of administration issued to him to Tthe 24th July, 1893, in tbe presence of Mr. Kajapakse, the estate of Hangidigedara Juan Naide, deceased, unless Proctor, on the part of the petitioner Menikpedige Subie, Hangidigedara Ratna Naide and Kalu Nachchire shall, on of Helakandena; and the affirmation of the said Menik­ or before the 8th day of September, 1893, show sufficient pedige Subie having been read : It is hereby ordered that cause, to the satisfaction of this court to the contrary. the said Menikpedige Subie be and she is hereby declared J. H. DE SARAM, . entitled to have letters of administration to the estate of The 7th day of August, 1893. District Judge. the above-named Sinhalapedige Amanduwa Weda, de­ ceased, issued to her as widow of the said deceased, unless the respondents above-named shall, on or before the 31st In the District Court of Kandy. August, 1893, show sufficient cause to the satisfaction of this court to the contrary. Order Nisi. Testamentary "» In the Matter of the Estate of the late G. A. BAUMGARTNER, Jurisdiction. > James Derrick Hoste. of Alton estate. District Judge. No. 1,766. J Maskeliya, deceased. Dated 9th August, 1893. HIS matter coming on for disposal before John T Henricus de Saram, Esq., District Judge of Kandy, In the District Court of Kalutara. on the 10th day of August, 1893, in the presence of Mr. L. P. Fisher, Proctor, on the part of the petitioner Charles Order Nisi. Edward Welldon ; and the affidavit of tbe said Charles Testamentary ~) In the Matter of the Estate of the late Edward Welldon. of Alton estate, Magkeliya, dated the Jurisdiction. > Watutantrigey Gomis Silva, deceased, 4th day of August, 1893, having been read : No. 38. J • or Talpitiya. * It is declared that the said Charles Edward Welldon is HIS matter coming on for disposal before F. J. de entitled to have letters of administration issued to him T Livera, Esq., District Judge of Kalutara, on the 12th to the estate of James Derrick Hoste, unless any person or day of August, 1893, in the presence of Mr. B. U. Dias, persons shall, on or before the 8th day, September, 1893, Proctor, on the part of the petitioner Grerugey Bastiana show sufficient cause to the satisfaction of this court to the Greru; and the affidavit of the said Grerugey Bastiana contrary. ' Greru, dated the 12th day of August, 1893, having been J. H. DB SABAM, read: The 10th day of August, 1893. District Judge. It is declared that the said Greruge Bastiana Greru, as widow of the deceased Watutantrigey Gomis Silva, is entitled to have letters of administration to the estate of In the District Court of Jaffna. , the said deceased issued to her, unless the respondents (1) Order Nisi. -Watutantrigey Justina alias Bemmo Nona ; (2) Watutan­ Testamentarsntary *|| In the Matter of the Estate of the late trigey Pabilis ; and (3) Watutantrigey Jane, of Talpitiya, Jurisdiction. shall, on or before the 12th day of September, 1893, show tion. > amanather Ponnampalam. of Araly sufficient cause to the satisfaction of this., court to the No. 56060.. J touth, deceased. contrary. Yalaippalittal, widow of Ramanather Ponnam­ F. J. pi LIVEBA, palam, of Araly south Petitioner. District Judge. Vs. 1, Venasitamby Ramanather, of Araly South; The 12th day of August, 1893. 2, his wife Sun tharam, of do.; 3, Ramanather Kanapathippulle, of Sulipuram ; 4, Ramana­ In the District Court of Sandy. ther Sapapathipulle, of Mathagal; 5, Rama­ nather Sedamperappulle, of do. ; and 6, Ra­ Order Nisi. manather Thiagarajah, of Araly West Respondents.. the Jate HIS matter of the petition of Yalaippalittal, wido*1©/ of Mara- Ramanather Ponnampalam, of Araly South, praying pattu oi Tfor letters of administration to the estate of the above- named deceased, Ramanather Ponnampalam, of Araly HIS matter coming on for disposal before John South, coming on tor disposal before Patrick William Henricus de Saram, Esq., District Judge of Kandt, Conolly, Esq., District Judge, on.the 31st day of July, Ton the 4th day of August, 1893, in the presence of Mr. G. 1893, in the presence of Mr. T. Changarapiilai, Proctor, on Jayetileke, Proctor, on the part of the petitioner Kaham- the part of the petitioner ; and the affidavit of the petitioner biliyagodagedera Ran Naide, of Godawella in Four Korales, dated the 29th day of May, 1893, having been read : It is and the affidavit of Lindaimilage Pelis Silva, of Hedeniya .declared that the petitioner is the widow of the said intes­ in Harispattu, dated the 3rd day of August, 1891, having tate, and is entitled to hare letters of administration to been read: the estate of the said intestate issued to her, unless the 1810 CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. [No. 5,238 respondent or any other persons shall, on or" before the In the District Court of Kurunegala. '29th day of August, 1893, show sufficient cause to the Order Nisi. satisfaction of this court to the contrary. TV, , ,1 In the Matter of the Last Will and P. W. CONOLLY, Testamentary V Ana Mana District Judge. N 491 J TegUmeR^una M°t 1o>f ammadthe aJat Asaene a Llbbe, This 1st day of August, 1893. * °" (, decease*, of Kurunegala. Kunji Lebbelage Ismail Lebbe Vidane, of Torayaya Petitioner. In the District Court of Jaflna. Vs. Order Nisi. 1,-Kunji iLebbelage Pattunma Nachchira ; 2, Testamentary C In the Matter of the Estate of the late Uduma Lebbe ; 3, Segu Tambi; 4, Mam- Jurisdiction. < SMMMIiAi w'^e °^ Amunakkodiyar niadu Meera Saibo ; 5, Segu Davudu ; 6, 'No. 563. (_ Murugasapillai,ofManippay,deceased. Monaminadu Morudeen Natchiya," all of Kurunegala Respondents. Amunakfajdijiwf-Murugasapillai, o£Manippay...Petitioner. Vs. HIS matter coming on for disposal before Henry 1,. Sinnappillai, widow of Chellappah ; 2, T Luttrell Moysey, Esq., District Judge, on the 31st Chellappah Tamotharampillai ; and 3, Chel­ day of July, 1893, in the presence of Mr. Markus, Proctor, on the part of the petitioner ; and the affidavit of Kunji lappah Tambyah, all of Manippay Respondents. Lebbelage Ismail Lebbe Vidane, dated the 20th July, HIS matter of the petition of Amunakkodiyar Muru- 1893, having been read : T gasapillai, of. Manippay, praying for letters of It is oredered that the will of Ana Mana Muna Moham- administration to the estate of his late wife Nagamma, of maduAssena Lebbe, deceased, dated 7th day of July, 1893, Manippay, deceased, coming on for disposal before fatrick and now deposited in this court,.be and the same is hereby William Conolly, Esq., District Judge of Jaffna, on the declared proved, unless the above-named respondents 7th day of August, 1893, in the presence of Mr. S. T. shall, on or before the 14th day September, 1893, show Arnold, Proctor, on the part of the petitioner ; and the sufficient cause to the satisfaction of this court to the affidavit of the petitioner dated 7th August, 1893, having contrary. been read : It is ordered that the petitioner be and he It is further declared that the said Kunji Lebbelage is hereby declared entitled, as husband of the said deceased Ismail Lebbe Vidane is the executor named in the said intestate to have'letters of administration to the estate of will, and that he is entitled to have probate of the same said deceased intestate' issued to him, unless the res­ issued to him accordingly, unless the said respondents shall, pondents or any other persons shall, on or before tbe 4th on or before the 14th day of September, 1893, show suffi­ day of September, 1893, show sufficient cause to the cient cause to the satisfaction of this court to the satisfaction of this court to the contrary. contrary. P. W. CoNoixr, H. L. MOTSET, District Judge. District Judge. Jaflna, 7th August, 1893. The 31st day of July, 1893.


In the District Court of Colombo. No. 1,791. In the matter of the insolvency of Ena Oduma Lebbe Markar. No. 1,719. In the matter of the insolvency of William ~VT"OriCE is hereby given that the adjudication of Christian Thomson Dhal, of Colombo. J_N insolvency made against the above-named insolvent "VTOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the on May 3, 1893, was annulled on July 7, 1893. 1\ creditors of the above-named insolvent will take place at the sitting of this court on August 31, 1893, to By order of court, prove further claims. J. B. Misso, By order of court, Colombo, August 10, 1893. Secretary. J. B. Misso, Colombo. July 26,J893. . Secretary. No. 1,797. In the matter of the insolvency of Heftia- kandagey Pedro Fernando, of Mora- No 1,787. In the matter of the insolvency of John tuwa, in the Palle pattu of the Salpiti David Assauw, of MacCanhy place, korale. Cinnamon Gardens, Colombo. HEREA.S the above-named Hettiakandagey Pedro OTICE is hereby given that the adjudication of Fernando was on August 9, 1893, adjudged insolvency made against ihe above-named insol­ insolvenW t by tbe District Court of Colombo, and an order venNt on March 13, 1893, was on June 16, 1893, annulled. has been made by the said court placing the estate of the By order of court, said insolvent under sequestration in the hands of the J. B. Misso, Fiscal: Notice thereof is hereby given to all concerned ; Cofembo, August 10, 1893. Secretary. and notice is also hereby given that the said court has appointed that two public sittings of the court will be held, tcteHifc^oaa^ptember 2^and 28, 1893, for.the No. 1,790. In the matter of the insolvency of Sleema said insolvent to surrender and conform, and for such ^ Lebbe Neynna Marikar. other proceedings in the said matter as may then be ^VTOTICE is hereby given that the adjudication of competent under the Ordinance No. 7 of 1853, intituled _i-N insolvency made against the above-named insolvent " An Ordinance for the due collection,administration, and on April 10, 1893, was on July 20, 1893, annulled. distribution of insolvent estates." By order of court, By order of court, J. B. Misso, J. B, Misso, Colombo, August 10, 1893. Secretary. Colombo, August 14, 1893. Secretary, AUGUST 18,1893] CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 1811

In the District Court of Badulla. " Kangany insolvent accordingly; and that two public sittings of the court, to wit, on September 12 and 26,1893, will take place for the said insolvent to surrender and con­ No. 84. L In the matter of the insolvency of Anga-* form to, agreeably to the provisions of the said Ordinance, muttu Kangany, of Brechin estate in and for the taking of the other steps set forth in the said Badulla. Ordinance, of which creditors are hereby required to take "TTTHEREAS Walter Stewart, of Brechin estate, has notice. W filed a declaration of insolvency, and a petition for By order of court, the sequestration of the estate of Angamuttu Kangany, under the Ordinance No. 7 of 1853 : Notice is hereby J. L. FELSINOEH, given that the said court has adjudged the said Angamuttu Badulla, August 8, 1893. Secretary.


Wertern Province. gravets of Colombo, bounded on the north by the boutique bearing No. 17.5 belonging to Colenda Marikar Esi Lebbe Hadjiar, on the east by tbe property of Ahamadu Lebbe In the District Court of Colombo. Ibrahim Lebbe, on the south by the boutique bearing Karunaratne Banda Plaintiff. No. 173, belonging to Colenda Marikar Esi Lebbe Hadjiar, No. C/3,979. Vs. and on the west by the high road, containing in extent H..,Edward Eerera, of Wolfendahl street, quarter of an acre more or less. Colombo Defendant. 2. The two boutiques bearing assessment. Nos. 32 and "VT OTICE is hereby given that on Saturday, September 33, situated at second division in Maradana aforesaid, _i_N 9, 1893, at 12 o'clocfe noon, will be sold by bounded on the north by the property of Esi Lebbe Maha-^ public auction at the respective premises the right, title, madu Lebbe Marikar Hadjiar, on the east by the high and interest of the said defendantin the following property, road, on the south by the boutique bearing No. 34, and on viz.:— the west by. the Municipal fish market, containing in extent half an acie more or less. 1. An allotment of land called Bogahalanda, situated in the village Brakmanagama in the Palle pattu of the Fiscal's Office. J. S. DRIEBERG, Hewagam korale, in the District of Colombo, Western Colombo, August 16, 1893. Deputy Fiscal. Province ; bounded on the north by land claimed by S. Lewis, on the east by a road, on the south-east by a path, on the south by laud claimed by K. A&onchi Appu and land described in plan 110,623, on the south-west and west Central Province. by land claimed by W. David Appu and E. David Appu and land said to belong to the Crown ; containing in extent 16 acres 1 rood and 24 perches. In the District Court of Kandy. _ 2. All that portion of land called Kekunagahalanda, Pana Lana Muttu Carpen Chetty, of Nuwa'ra situated at Brakmanagama aforesaid ; and bounded on the Eliya Plaintiff. north and east by the property of Henadrige Tepauis JNo. 6,652. Vs. Perera, on the south by the property of Alwitagalage John Walker, of Athlone estate in Gampola ...Defendant. Pinthappu, and on the west by the property of Alwitagalage Davith Appu ; containing in extent about 5 acres. OTICE is hereby given that on September 8, 1893,* N at 12 o'clock noon, will be sold by public auction at On Saturday, September 16, libs, at 12 o'clock noon, the premises the following property of the defendant :— - will be sold by public auction at the respective premises the right, title, and interest of the said defendant in the All that tea estate called and known as Athlone, con­ following property, viz. ".— taining in extent of about 40 acres more or less, together . 3. An allotment of land called Kongahawatta, situated at with the buildings and plantations standing thereon, situate Pita Kotte in the Palle pattu of Salpiti korale; and bounded at Wegiria in Mednpalata of Udunuwara; bounded on the on the north by the live fence of tbe portion of the land east by Lunugama Ganima, south by Udapalata Ganima, belonging to Baron Silva, on the east by the garden Kon­ west by Kandupalata Ganima and Crown lands, and on gahawatta of Wahalatantrige Julis Perera, on the south by the north by the lands belonging to Wegiria Dewale. the portion of the land of Uswatteleanege Leonora Silva, Amount of writ, Rs. 155-87. and on the west by the highroad; containing in extent21| perches. Fiscal's Office, C. R. CUMBERLAND, 4._ An allotment of land called Kongahawatta, situated Kandy, August 14, 1893. Fiscal. at Pita Kotte aforesaid ; and bounded on the north by a part of the same garden of Alutwattepatarege David Perera, In the District Court of Kandy. on the east by the garden Kettekellegahawatta of Don W. A. Fonseka, of Gampola Plaintiff. Manuelge Cornalis Perera, on the south by the road to Madawalla, and on the west by the high road to Colombo; No. 6,983. Vs. containing in extent 1 rood and 23-83 square perches. J. Walker, of Athlone estate, Gampola Defendant. "VTOTICE is hereby given that on September 9^1893, Fiscal's Office, J. S. DEIEBEBG, I \ at 12 o'clock noon, will be sold by public auction Colombo, August 16, 1893. Deputy Fiscal. at the premises the following property of the defendant :— All that tea estate called and known as Athlone estate, In the District Court of Colombo. containing in extent 40 acres more or less, situate at M. R. M. Sockalingam Chetty, of Colombo". Plaintiff. Wegiria in Medapalata of Udunuwara; bounded on the No. 4,293/C. Vs. east by Lunugama Ganima (village limit), on the south by Ena Oorfuma Lebbe Marikar, of 3rd divi­ Udapalata Ganima, on the west by Kandupalata Ganima sion Maradana, Colombo Defendant. and the lands said to belong to the Crown, and on the north V!" OTICE is hereby given that on Monday, September by the lands belonging to Wegiria Dewale, together with J_\ 11, 1893, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, will be sold all the buildings and plantations standing thereon. by publio auction at the premises the right, title, and Amount of writ, Rs. 406-28. interest of the said defendant in the following property, viz.:— C. R. CUMBERLAND, • The land and the boutique bearing assessment No. 174, Fiscal's Office, Fiscal. situated at second /division in Maradana, within the four Kandy, August 14, 1893. 1812 OEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. [No. 5,238

GOV ERN ME NT NOTlFl CAT IO N S. Continued from page 1768.

"^TOTICE is hereby given, as required by the provisions of the 19th clause of the Ordinance No. 2 of 1877, 1\ that it having been proved to the satisfaction of the Registrar-General that Siriwardana Mudi- yanselage" Appuhami, Notary Public of Kurunegala, has be6n guilty of gross misconduct in the discharge of his duties, and the Registrar-General having reported the same to the Lieutenant-Governor, His Excellency has, with the advice of the Executive Council, cancelled the warrant of the said Notary. By His Excellency's command, Colonial Secretary's Office, J. A. SWETTENHAM, Colombo, August 12,1893. Acting Colonial Secretary.

OTICE is hereby given, as required by the provisions of the 19th clause of the Ordinance No. 2 of 1877, that it having been proved to the satisfaction of the Registrar-General that David Jayatilaka, Notary Public at Kuliapitiya, in the District of Kurunegala, has been guilty of gross misconduct in the discharge of his duties, and the Registrar-General having reported the same to the Lieutenant-Governor, His Excellency" has, with the advice of the Executive Council, cancelled the warrant of the said Notary. By His Excellency's command, Colonial Secretary's Office, J. A. SWETTENHAM,. Colombo, August 12, 1893. Acting Colonial Secretary.


The Syndicate Boat Company, Limited.

GENERAL MEETING of the Shareholders of this Company will be held at 3.30 P.M. on Friday, the 25th A instant, at the Company's Office, Customs-gate, Colombo. A. D. BAMFORTH, Colombo, August 18, 1893. Secretary.