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Themed Issue Opinion September is Norwegian or Våre liv er summen av de valg vi Business Month! har tatt. not?

Read more on pages 4 – 5 – Wayne Dyer Read more on page 6 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 124 No. 32 September 13, 2013 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy News in brief

Foreign Affairs The first payment from Norway Victory for Solberg to Somali government employees was made last week, and more payments can be expected next “We promise to month. For more than two give this country a decades Somalia has been without any central authority. Conflicts new government,” between various groups and the Islamist Al Shabaab has made said Solberg in her the country unsafe and in lack victory speech of governmental stability. The past year, however, the country received a new constitution, and Kelsey Larson the parliament a new president. In Managing Editor order to get the new government and bureaucracy up and running, At about 11:30 p.m. on the Norway has decided to help evening of Sept. 9, Conservative finance the salaries of 380 public Party Erna Solberg stood in front employees. of a group of supporters and the (Norway Post) Norwegian media to accept her Oil & Gas victory in the 2013 Norwegian Par- Norway’s Statoil is partner in liamentary Elections. the new OMV-operated Wisting “We promise to give this Central oil discovery in the country a new government,” Sol- Hoop area in the Norwegian berg told an excited crowd, which Barents Sea, 310 km. north replied to her remarks by cheering, Photo: VGTV Erna Solberg accepts Høyre’s election victory and her win as Norway’s new Prime Minister on Sept. 9. of Hammerfest. This is the See > victory, page 6 northernmost oil discovery on the Norwegian shelf, and a find which many experts say represents a new development in Trumpeter returns Midwest Daughters the Barents Sea. “Statoil is very pleased with the discovery in the Kai Robert Johansen is back! This time with A new Daughters Wisting Central well. This is the first well drilled in the frontier the Frimurer Sangforeningen of Norway lodge in Hoop area. It demonstrates that Fargo/Moorhead the Hoop area has an exciting oil potential,” said Statoil Vice Special Release President Gro Haatvedt. Daughters of Norway (Norway Post)

The first informational meet- meeting will be held at the First What’s inside? ing for starting a new Daughters of Lutheran Church in the Adult Edu- News 2 – 3 Norway lodge in the Fargo, N.D. cation Room on the third floor. The and Moorhead, Minn. areas will church is located at 619 Broadway Business 4 be held on Saturday, September Research & Education 5 28th from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. This See > daughters, page 15 Opinion 6 – 7 Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Brækhus wins again Roots and Connections 10 Photo courtesy Kai Robert Johansen Victory for Norway’s Obituaries & Religion 11 The famed Norwegian trumpeter Kai Robert Johansen returns to the U.S. Arts & Style 12 boxing queen In Your Neighborhood 13 Leslee Lane Hoyum Cecilia Brækhus Norwegian Heritage 14 Rockford, Minn.

Sports 15 Norway Post Trumpeter Kai Robert Johan- ebrates its 80th Anniversary in No- $1 = NOK 6.0105 sen, Sarpsborg, Norway, definitely vember 2014. updated 9/9/2013 is a household name in the Upper “It’s a great privilege to re- Norway’s boxing queen Ce- Midwest Norwegian community. turn to my second home,” said Kai cilia Brækhus defended her World In comparison He returns for the eleventh time Robert Johansen. “This time I am Boxing Association (WBA), World 8/9/2013 5.8604 Sept. 22 – 29 with the Sarpsborg pleased to travel in the company of Boxing Council (WBC) and World 3/9/2013 5.7266 Frimurer Sangforeningen, Sarps- Photo: Wikimedia Commons 9/9/2012 5.7204 borg’s Masonic choir, which cel- See > returns, page 7 See > brækhus, page 15 Champion boxer Cecilia Brækhus. 2 • september 13, 2013 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Forsvunnet van Gogh fant Fjell til salgs? Ålesund: Fylkeslege bekymret for rustilbu- det i kommunene Et forsvunnet mesterverk Norges flotteste utsikt er til Venner av Anja Weløy Aarseths drapsmann av Vincent van Gogh lå i salgs. For en drøy million mener 23-åringen ikke fikk hjelp med nar- mange år på loftet hos en kroner skal Forsvaret kotikaproblemene. Fylkeslege Christian kvitte seg med toppen av Bjelke i Møre og Romsdal er bekymret for norsk samler, som trodde at kommunene nedprioriterer rusfeltet. – Det Gaustatoppen er utfordringer i hele landet når det gjelder det var en forfalskning rusbehandling. Det er klart at vi også har en VG del uløste problemer. Vi har ikke så veldig mange klager, men vi ser at det er prob- VG Dessverre for folk som kunne tenke seg lematisk, sier fylkeslege Christian Bjelke i Telemarks høyeste fjell, er det ikke fritt fram Møre og Romsdal til VG. Han understreker Van Gogh malte «Solnedgang ved for alle. Forsvarsbygg selger nemlig bare at han uttaler seg på generelt grunnlag. Fors- Montmajour», et stort landskapsbilde, i 1888 til statlige eller kommunale instanser. – Til- vareren til mannen som har tilstått drap på da han var på høyden av sin karriere som Foto: Wikimedia Commons bud om å benytte forkjøpsrett sendes i dag og seksuelt misbruk av Anja Weløy Aarseth kunstner. I 1908 ble det kjøpt av den norske «Solnedgang ved Montmajour.» til det offentlige. Det betyr at vi om omtrent har uttalt at klienten hans var sterkt beruset forretningsmannen og kunstsamleren Nico- en måned får avklart om det er offentlig in- da han begikk ugjerningen. Tidligere i år var lai Christian Mustad, som imidlertid ikke teresse for å overta Gaustatoppen og fjellan- mannen innom to ulike avrusningsklinikker. – Funnet er svært oppsiktsvekkende legget, sier salgsleder Ivan Fjeldheim-Pet- (VG) trodde det var ekte, ifølge NTB. Han stuet det derfor unna i et loftsrom, i enhver forstand, sier kunstekspert Hans tersen i Skifte eiendom i en pressemelding. Richard Elgheim til VG. Han forklarer at Fristet med frokost for OL skrev nyhetsbyrået Reuters mandag. Så sent Forsvarsanleggeter en spesiell eiendom. det å slå fast om gammel kunst er ekte er en Fjellanlegget på 5.294 kvadratmeter inne- Rundstykker, baguetter og boller skulle som i 1991 ble det brakt til van Gogh-museet for vurdering, og museets eksperter ga eierne meget komplisert prosess. holder et lite elektrisk tog som går 850 meter friste Oslo-borgerne til å stemme for OL i Hvem tror du er eier av bildet? hovedstaden i 2022. Lørdag morgen arrang- medhold i at det neppe var ekte. inn i fjellet, før Gaustabanen løfter seg 1.040 Nå har ekspertene kommet til en annen – Jeg aner ikke hvem det kan være, men meter i skråtunnel mot toppen, fordelt på erte tilhengerne av OL i Oslo 2022 gratis fro- mye tyder jo på at vedkommende har hatt et kost på Karl Johan. Arrangementet var kalt konklusjon. 600 høydemeter. Den 1883 meter høye fjell- håp om at det var ekte siden han lagret det så frokost med gull-klubben, og skulle rekke – Det som gjør bildet helt spesielt, er toppen ligger i Tinn kommune, og i finvær lenge, sier Elgheim. til 5000 mennesker. Blant de oppmøtte som at det stammer fra en overgangsfase i van kan man se en seksdel av Fastlands-Norge. støttet saken var tidligere fotballtrener og Goghs produksjon, og det er dessuten et stort Kunsteksperten vil ikke spekulere i hvor Forsvarets grunnareal på toppen av fjellet er fotballproff, Jan Åge Fjørtoft. – Jeg støtter bilde fra en periode mange mener utgjør mye bildet er verdt. taksert til 815.000 kroner. For fjellanlegget OL i Oslo fordi jeg vet hvor viktig det er for høydepunktet i hans virke, sier museumsdi- – Det fremstår som et mer eksperiment- med kabelbane, inkludert to bygninger, er nasjonen å bli inspirert. Det er viktig for oss rektør Axel Rüger. erende bilde, og siden det er usignert så tror prisen 200.000 kroner. – Vi har jobbet aktivt å engasjere oss i noe annet enn størrelsen på Bildet er oppført i en av katalogene som jeg ikke det er like mye verdt som maleriene for å få til en løsning der Miljødirektoratet handlingsregelen. Økonomien er bare én del van Goghs bror Theo laget over malerens «Solsikkene» eller «Dr. Gachet». Likevel vil overtar naturområdet på toppen av fjellet. av det, sier Fjørtoft. Selv var han tilskuer verker. I 1970 ble det gjenfunnet i Nicolai et bekreftet van Gogh-maleri være svært ver- De har allerede meldt sin interesse for å iva- under OL i London i fjor, og mener det ar- Christian Mustads samling, som også om- difullt, sier han. reta offentlig eierskap av dette særegne om- rangementet var fra for engelskmennene. – fattet bilder av Edvard Munch, men Mustad rådet, opplyser Pedersen. Men mitt største OL-minne må være OL i skal ha fått beskjed om at bildet ikke var English Synopsis: A long-missing Van Gogh painting English Synopsis: The viewpoint at the top of Tele- Lillehammer i 94, da Espen Bredesen vant was found in the attic of a Norwegian collector, who ekte. mark’s highest mountain, Gaustatoppen, is for sale. gull. Jeg husker godt hva det gjorde med thought it was merely a false copy. It’s currently owned by the Norwegian military. nordmenn som enten var der eller fulgte med på TV. Så patriot er jeg at jeg får tårer i øynene når nordmenn vinner, sier Fjørtoft og legger til: – Det er bare synd jeg bor i Advarsel fra Amerikansk flåttlege Akershus og ikke kan stemme. Får kritikk (VG) Det norske valgsystemet får En av USAs fremste kritikk fra Organisasjonen flåttleger oppfordrer norske Hund angrepet av ulv i Østmarka helsemyndigheter til å sette Lørdag skal en mann fra Rælingen ha blitt for sikkerhet og samarbeid i vitne til et ulveangrep på sin egen hund. – Europa (OSSE) seg inn i ny statistikk og To personer var ute og luftet hunden i sko- ny internasjonal forskning, gen, bare fem hundre meter fra bebyggelsen. VG før de kaster alvorlig syke Hunden gikk fri og var noen hundre meter unna eieren da de hørte et angstskrik. Eieren OSSE peker spesielt på at det ikke finnes pasienter ut i uvisshet løp til og fikk jaget bort det de oppdaget noen mulighet til å anke valgavgjørelser til var en ulv, sier Arne Selman i viltnemnda i en nøytral part. I Norge er det nemlig Stortin- VG Rælingen til VG. Etter flere timer hos dyr- get selv som behandler slike klager. lege berget den grå elghunden livet. Det er – Hvis det er en klage, så er det personen – Jeg har en bønn til det norske Hel- Foto: Wikimedia Commons Et flåttbitt kan bære både bakterie, parasitter og virus. et lykketreff ifølge Selman. – Dette var nok som ble valgt som skal bestemme om valget setilsynet og helsemyndighetene. Vent med en stor hannulv, og de pleier å være ganske av ham er gyldig eller ikke, sier sjefen for å ta avgjørelser før dere har satt dere grun- effektive når de går til angrep. Allikevel er dig nok inn i forskningen og hørt den andre OSSE-oppdraget i Norge, Peter Eicher, Til til VG. dette utrolig tøft for eieren. Hunden var god- Dagsavisen. Allerede i 2009 påpekte OSSE siden av saken, sier Lege Richard Horowitz, kjent for ettersøk etter skadet vilt, og dette som er direktør ved Hudson Valley Healing Han understreker at svært få rammes av denne svakheten, men norske myndigheter alvorlig, kronisk borreliose, og at han gjerne er helt klart et tap. Eieren har selv ikke lyst har ikke reagert. Eicher mener dette er i strid Art Center i New York i USA. til å prate med pressen, og er meget opprørt vil komme til Norge og møte helseminis- med vanlige valgprosedyrer i flere land. Den amerikanske legen representerer over hendelsen. Angrepet kom kort tid etter teren for å dele sin ekspertise. At personer som står på valglistene kan samme side i borreliose-debatten, som nyheten om at ulveparet i Østmarka har fått Luneng gjør. Han mener sykdommen er un- Horowitz er grunnleggeren av Interna- valper. For første gang siden 1800-tallet har være med i lokale valgstyrer, får også OSSE tional Lyme and Associated Diseases so- til å heve øyenbrynene. derdiagnostisert og at kronisk borreliose bør det blitt født ulvevalper i Østmarka. Det er behandles med langvarig antibiotika. ciety, har skrevet en rekke vitenskapelige dokumentert på et viltkamera, men foreløpig Norge får også kritikk for mandat- artikler og har behandlet 11.000 borreliose fordelingen der stemmer fra store distrikter – Selvsagt følger vi med på det nyeste har kun NRK fått tilgang til bildene. Det er innen borreliose-forskning. Vi har vurdert pasienter gjennom sin 26 år lange karriere. snart sesong for småviltjakt i Østmarka. med få mennesker, som for eksempel Finn- internasjonale retningslinjer. Samtidig har Nå kaster han seg inn i flått-debatten Arne Selman sier at flere folk har kommet mark, teller betraktelig mer enn stemmer svenske myndigheter startet arbeid for å i Norge. – Norge, på linje med USA har med bekymringsmeldinger etter ulvean- fra storbyer som Oslo. Eicher mener at nor- gjennomgå anbefalingene og kunnskapen en epidemi av borreliose. I USA avslørte grepet. – Vi har nå gitt Jeger- og fiskeforbun- dmenn har ekstrem høy tillit til at systemet rundt bruk av antibiotika og laboratorie-tes- myndighetene at ti ganger flere enn antatt det beskjed om å opplyse alle småviltjegere er rettferdig og pålitelig, noe han mener gir rammes av sykdommen årlig, sier han. om risikoen. De som skal gå i skogen med grunn til bekymring. ter, sier Jon- Torgeir Lunke, avdelingsdirek- tør ved avdeling for allmennhelsetjenester i – Vi er villig til å lytte til alle synspunk- hund bør være klar over at slikt kan skje, sier – Folk har så mye tillit at noen av de sik- ter, også fra en slik amerikansk forsker, sier Selman til VG. Helsedirektoratet. kerhetsmekanismene og reglene som vi for- Lunke. (VG) venter å se i et hvilket som helst land, ikke – Borreliose er ikke en bakterie, den har 300 ulike variasjoner. Et flåttbitt kan bære har blitt institusjonalisert i Norge, mener English Synopsis: An American researcher has han. både bakterie, parasitter og virus. Den kan warned Norway to wait for research before making gi utallige tilleggs infeksjoner og beten- decisions about how to treat tick-transmitted diseases English Synopsis: The Norwegian voting system nelser. Den gjemmer seg i kroppen og kan like Lyme’s disease, after famous outdoorsmen and has been critiqued by the Organization for Security overleve lenge. Det er viktig at norske hel- Lyme sufferer Lars Monson’s doctor was stripped of his authorization. and Co-operation in Europe. semyndigheter setter seg inn i det, sier legen Norwegian american weekly september 13, 2013 • 3 News This week in brief Nordic statement on Syria situation Man arrested in Ålesund murder case Joint Nordic-Baltic The Ålesund police have announced that they have arrested a young man statement issued on use of and charged him with the murder of chemical weapons in Syria Anja Weløy Aarseth, who went missing while on a jogging trip last Wednesday. The 21-year old woman was found dead Special Release last Saturday, and the police mounted Ministry of Foreign Affairs an extensive search for the murderer. The arrested man is in his early 20s, is a resident of Ålesund, he is a Norwegian On Norway’s initiative, the eight foreign citizen and has a police record. The police ministers of the Nordic and Baltic states say they made the arrest after a DNA agreed at a meeting in Gotland today on a match. More than 50 investigators and joint statement calling on the UN Security forensic experts have been working on Council to respond to reports of the use of the case, after Aarseth’s body was found chemical weapons in Syria by assessing all close to a path in the popular recreational the available facts and considering what Photo: Latvian Foreign Ministry area on the Aksla hillside close to the city action is appropriate. The foreign ministers’ Foreign Ministers from the Nordic and Baltic countries. center. The suspect was questioned by the statement is a response to growing evidence police for several hours, late Wednesday of the use of chemical weapons and the work evening. of the UN chemical weapons inspection unequivocally and ensure that those behind it Eide. (NRK / Aftenposten) team that recently visited Syria. are held accountable. If the Security Council “I am therefore glad that the eight “The use of chemical weapons is a very fails to respond, this will undermine respect Nordic and Baltic countries have now joined Aviation: More passengers for SAS serious violation of international law, and both for the global ban on chemical weapons forces in appealing to the members of the Scandinavian Airlines SAS carried 2.4 requires a sharp international response. The and for the authority of the Council itself,” mllion passengers in August, up 3.3 Security Council should condemn such use said Minister of Foreign Affairs Espen Barth See > syria, page 15 percent from the same month last year. At the same time, the SAS Group’s load factor decreased by 1.0 p.u. to 77.8%. In Murder inspires new law The big bucks a press release the company says that the traffic development in August shows that Lawbreakers’ DNA to be NOK 82 million spent on SAS delivers according to its plan with election campaign traffic growth rates particularly strong on subject to stricter filing European and intercontinental routes. laws starting Oct. 1 (NRK / Press Release) Norway Post Export of salmon increased by 30 percent Norway Post The value of Norwegian seafood exports The non-socialist parties have spent in August totaled NOK 4.7 billion. This NOK 16 million more than the red-green is an increase of no less than NOK 784 As of today, all Norwegian prisoners block on this year’s election campaign: NOK million, or 30 percent compared to the with a sentence of more than 60 days have 49 million against NOK 33 million. numbers in August last year. The highest their DNA taken and registered. However, While the Conservatives (Høyre), the increase is found in the export of salmon. as early as next month the Attorney General Progress Party (FrP), Liberal Left (Venstre) In total, Norway exported salmon worth may change the law to allow for more reg- and Christian Democrats (KrF) have spent NOK 3.3 billion in August, an increase of istrations. NOK 49 million, the Labor Party (AP), So- NOK 795 million compared to the same “We are considering changing the law cialist Left (SV) and Agrarians (Sp) have period last year. The export of trout is so that we can register everybody with an spent altogehter NOK 33 million. also going well, with an increase of NOK unconditional prison sentence, regardless of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg’s La- 50 million. At the same time the export how long their sentence is,” says Attorney Photo courtesy Sons of Norway Tordenskjold Lodge bor Party is the party that has spent the most Members of Sons of Norway Tordenskjold Lodge of herring, mackerell and dry salted cod General Tor-Aksel Busch. on the election campaign, NOK 25 million. enjoyed a fine feast at last year’s 105th anniver- dropped in August. Police were able to match DNA from That is NOK 5 million more than in the 2009 sary celebration dinner in Spokane, Wash. (Norway Post) the girl who was killed in Ålesund last week campaign, the financial nespaper Dagens with the DNA of the man who murdered her. registry because his previous sentence was Næringsliv reports. Police confirmed Wednesday that the DNA- 90 days. Had his sentence been less than 60 These numbers in comparison to the registry was what led to the man’s arrest. days his DNA would not have been filed. 2012 U.S. presidential election: around USD Almost 34,000 people are currently 13.6 million total spent in Norway, compared filed in the DNA registry. The man charged with U.S. Democrats spening USD 985.7 with killing Anja Weløy Aarseth was in the See > law, page 15 million and the Republicans 992.0 million. Enjoy Norway all year long.

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Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • september 13, 2013 norwegian american weekly special Business The Børs story Oslo Børs, Norway’s stock exchange, is the only Spotlight on independent stock exchange in Scandinavia Business

Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (Sept. 9, 2013) Winners Losers Norsk Kr. 6.0105 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Birdstep Technology 1.35 64.63% Blom 0.44 -8.33% Dansk Kr. 5.6214 SAS AB 16.6 17.73% Comrod Communications 2.05 -6.82% Svensk Kr. 6.5513 Tide 12.15 13.02% Data Respons 7.90 -5.28% Norwegian Car Carriers 1.84 11.52% Wentworth Resources 4.35 -5.23% Canadian $ 1.0363 AGR Group 3.50 9.37% Oceanteam Shipping 4.67 -4.69% Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / Oslo Børs Euro 0.7536 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. Communications Director of Oslo Børs, Guro Steine. Behind her is the historic Oslo Børs building.

Puget Sound Ski for Light

Kelsey Larson Managing Editor Dinner & Dance Support this great cause: Music by Nordic Reflections & open-fire grilled salmon & cod! If you’ve been a loyal reader of the Nor- Guro Steine, about the significance of the wegian American Weekly, you know that Norwegian marketplace today, and whether Saturday, Sept. 21, 6 p.m. each week on our Business Page (4) we print Americans with an interest in Norwegian a weekly ‘status report’ from the Oslo Børs. business affairs can participate. Tickets: $25 “But I am just a simple Norwegian- American!” you may say to yourself as your Norwegian American Weekly: On a Leif Erikson Hall • 2245 NW 57th St. • Seattle/Ballard • WA 98107 peruse the Business Page. “I don’t know any- basic level, how does Oslo Børs compare Reservations by calling the Leif Erikson Lodge: (206) 783-1274 thing about the Norwegian stock market!” to the U.S. stock market? What makes Oslo You would not be alone in this. Your Børs unique on an international platform? own Editor was once unclear on the numbers she herself updated each week! Guro Steine: Oslo Børs is a small, but In profile: Norway’s five largest companies However, a little bit of research has very international stock exchange. Even if solved this problem. Oslo Børs, the Norwe- Norway is not a part of the European Union, gian stock exchange, has a long and colorful the legislation of the Norwegian financial COMPANY INDUSTRY EMPLOYEES history. market is more or less harmonized with the In 1818, the merchant Nicolay Andresen EU legislation. In Europe, in recent years, Oil & gas 21,213 Statoil ASA proposed a commercial exchange to the Nor- competition between the different national wegian parliament. The next year, King Carl exchanges and several new market places Norsk Hydro ASA Renewable energy 33,218 Johan signed Norway’s first Stock Exchange has emerged, meaning that a share listed on Act, and the Oslo Børs (originally called the e.g. Oslo Børs is tradable on several market Christiania Exchange) was born. At the time, places in Europe. This is somewhat similar Telenor ASA Telecommunications 31,500 Norway was a poor country, and the econ- to the U.S. securities market where shares omy was weak. The establishment of Oslo listed on one exchange are tradable on sev- Børs was therefore very important. eral market places and quotes are available Aker ASA Holding company 35,816 Relatively early on, in 1829, the Ex- on a national bulletin board. change moved into its own building, at Toll- Oslo Børs is an independent exchange bugata 2. It was the first monumental build- and the only regulated market for securi- Orkla ASA Consumer goods 28,663 ing to be constructed in Norway following ties trading in Norway. Oslo Børs facilitates the declaration of independence from Den- the raising of capital for Norwegian and in- mark in 1814, and Oslo Børs remains there ternational companies through equity and to this day. The building was completely bond listings, as well as efficient and secure renovated in 2002, with a pricetag of NOK trading in the listed products for our mem- 40 million. bers. Market surveillance, quality assured Oslo Børs changed, grew and devel- processes and consistent application of the oped over the following years, experiencing regulatory framework ensures that the mar- a boom after World War I and a bust when ketplace offers a secure and reliable environ- Wall Street crashed on Oct. 29, 1929. The ment for all participants. exchange persevered throughout WWII, de- spite being overtaken by Nazi sympathizers, NAW: How does Oslo Børs compare to and as the Norwegian economy recovered other Scandinavian exchanges? Do they of- after the war the market slowly grew. ten work together? When Norway’s oil fever hit in the late 1960s, the exchange boomed, and has shown GS: Oslo Børs is the only independent very healthy growth since the 1980s. stock exchange in Scandinavia. The ex- The Norwegian American Weekly spoke to Communications Director at Oslo Børs, See > stock, page 15 norwegian american weekly september 13, 2013 • 5 Special Business Investing in Norway Stories from the Norwegian Investment Week to take place in Oslo in October in coordination with Oslo Innovation Heart of America

Tales from the Oil Patch by Larrie Wanberg

Photo: Oslo Innovation Week Norwegian Investment week event, 2012.

Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway

For the 15th time, leading investors are 30 most influential women in Europe. Photo: Lars Wanberg meeting startup companies at the largest From Silicon Valley, Archna Sharma A historic reunion took place in 1997 in a tepee on the shores of Lake Sakakawea when the descen- venture conference in Norway. This year’s is also coming. She is a senior advisor and dants of German Prince Maximilion zu Wied, who lived with the Mandan/Hidatsa Indians in 1837- Norwegian Investment Week will take place one of the founding members of Innova- 38, met with descendants of famous Chief Four Bears to exchange stories of their ancestors in the in early October and is part of Oslo Innova- tion House, a co-working space established oral history tradition. tion Week. The host will be the California- by Innovation Norway in downtown Palo based Scott London. Over the last decade he Alto for technology startups. She is helping A circle of Indian leaders with knowl- pus of the United Tribes Technical College has devoted much of his time to consulting Norwegian startups attending the four-week edge over generations of council-fire sov- to reconnect through dance and music with academic, government and nonprofit organi- tech incubator program. She is also technol- ereignty are tackling the most compelling their own and other tribal cultures. zation on issues involving social innovation ogy scouting for Schibsted Media Group: challenge in today’s booming oil industry, He questioned, “How do we as Native and civil renewal. updates on technology trends, new business which is taking place in a season of a har- peoples, who have never experienced this There will be three key issues: firstly, an models and startups in the Silicon Valley. vest moon that cast shadows beyond the oil- kind of wealth before that surrounds us to- outlook on the venture capital market; sec- She has a long background in digital media, pumping derricks across the Bakken Field. day, transition to a major player in a global ondly advice about successfully navigating mobile, and telecommunications from well- Once a serene landscape where historic industry of oil and natural gas?” in challenging market conditions; and lastly, known Scandinavian brands such as Telenor, events happened, with Lewis and Clark win- In his talk, “Seven Generations of focus on future, trends and investment op- Egmont and Aftenposten. tering here with the Mandan Indians in 1804, Thinking,” he pointed the way forward for portunities. 24 of the best growth companies Andy Chen is a digital media veteran. where Sakakawea (Sacagawea is federal Indian youth in changing times. “With ed- in Norway will present their investment op- He started his career during the dotcom 90s spelling) as a teenage Indian woman with a ucation,” he said, “ youth as students have portunities. in San Francisco with different companies. baby on her back became a legend from a equality as ‘Shining Stars’ with non-Indians. American-born entrepreneur and inves- He studied at Berkeley and received his journey that shaped our country in Jefferso- Now, we are sitting on a wealth of resources. tor Julie Meyer will give her advice. She is MBA from Stockholm University, Sweden. nian times. It’s our time to fulfill the prophesy of the the founder and chief executive of Ariadne He is an angel investor and advisor to vari- Today, potential conflict looms again on 7th Generation.” (The Indigenous prophesy Capital. She was the co-founder of First ous venture funded technology startups in the trust land designated by treaty as the Ft. reads, in essence, that seven generations af- Tuesday. Meyer is also one of the dragons on Europe and U.S. He speaks English, Man- Berthold Indian Reservation, home of the ter contact with Europeans, respect for In- the BBC Dragons’ Den online, is a regular darin Chinese and Swedish. Today he is Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara Nation (MHA). dian rights will “Mend the Sacred Hoop, columnist for the business paper City A.M. responsible for leading and overseeing all Conversely, epic solutions are on the restore the Spirit of the Nations and unite all and regularly contributes to The Daily Tele- aspects of WiMP Music’s company strategy, horizon that can gain rightful leadership for Nations to heal our Mother Earth.”) graph. She has won awards including the development and operations. American Indians in a global village society. As an educator and career coach, “Oil World Economic Global Leaders of Tomor- Leaders from the Norwegian venture in- Last Friday, Ken Hall, MHA Council- is a game changer,” he said, referring to how row, the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the dustry will be there to give their viewpoints. man, addressed a conference focused on In- roles are played in real life, even on a bas- Year and a place in the Wall Street Journals’ Will you be there? dian Education, labeled “H.E.R.O.S” (High- ketball court, where team play and playbook er Education Resource Organization for Stu- strategies win the game. dents) in Bismarck, while across town, the He talked about the immediate needs largest Powwow in the Nation engaged in- tergenerational Indian families on the cam- See > oil, page 10 LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. Sales and Service MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE

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2401 NW 65th St, P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 [email protected] Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 6 • september 13, 2013 norwegian american weekly opinion < victory From page 1 An opinion column about current issues in Norway

“ERNA! ERNA! ERNA!” Join the conversation! In his gracious address, Labor Party On the EDGE leader Jens Stoltenberg accepted defeat. “Dear friends. Our goal was to win a Norwegian or not Norwegian majority for four more years. We knew it was a tough task. Tonight, we can state that By Jill Walker Rettberg the task was too tough,” Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said when he went on stage just I am not Norwegian. I am Norwegian. alone. zenship upon gaining the citizenship of after 11 p.m. to speak to the audience at the I cannot vote in the national elections this The world is becoming more and their non-Norwegian parent, well, there Labor Party’s election monitoring. September. I can vote in local elections. more international, and an increasing are a lot of children in this country and Stoltenberg has served as Norway’s I am not a Norwegian citizen. I was born number of us have family ties and cultural the world who will suddenly discover that Prime Minister for the past eight years. He here. Home is the smell of eucalyptus ties to more than one country. The idea they are no longer Norwegian. played a crucial role in the national healing leaves and the feel of hot air on my skin. that one can only be loyal to – and thus Imagine, too, how such an unreason- process after the terrorist attacks of July 22, Home is mountains and fjords and light and many Labor Party supporters were sad- a citizen of – just one nation dates from ably strict practice can be abused when rain in the air. I am Norwegian. I am not dened by the news of his defeat in the elec- another millennium. families split up. A vengeful non-Norwe- Norwegian. tion. Many people who don’t have ties to gian parent can easily apply for citizen- “This is sad on behalf of my city, my I love living in Norway. I love living more than one country don’t understand ship of their home country on their child’s province and my country,” one Twitter user in a country where we believe in working why I won’t just renounce my Austra- behalf, without the permission or even the wrote on the evening of Sept. 9. together, and where all the major political lian citizenship and become a Norwegian knowledge of the child’s Norwegian par- But Stoltenberg himself had only gra- parties agree that we should have a wel- citizen. Those with connections to several ent. The vengeful parent can then notify cious words for Solberg. “Tonight I congrat- fare state, public healthcare, equal rights cultures understand me. To love and feel the UDI so that they strip the child of their ulate Erna Solberg and thank her for a fair for men and women and a safety net for loyalty to two countries is no more com- Norwegian citizenship. Suddenly, the and good election campaign. I would also those who need it (with somewhat differ- plicated than loving both your parents and Norwegian parent and the Norwegian au- wish Erna Solberg luck with the important ent interpretations). feeling that we belong equally in both our thorities are unable to protect the child, if work that stands in front of her,” he said. These are good values. But talk of parents’ families. that is needed. “And I’ll promise you that we will be a “Norwegian values,” as if the Norwegian Some of us experience serious prob- This is obviously an interpretation of responsible and constructive opposition,” he is something completely separate from the lems because Norway automatically strips the law that lessens children’s rights. And added, to cheers from the audience. rest of the world, disturbs me. We live in a Norwegians of their Norwegian citizen- it is not unique; it makes up part of a sys- Solberg made sure to thank Stoltenberg country where fear of the non-Norwegian ship when they gain citizenship of another tematic pattern. We’ve all read about chil- in her speech, as well. is inscribed into the system. We should country. This didn’t previously affect chil- dren like Nathan, Marie Amelie and Neda “There is reason to thank Jens Stolten- welcome and value people who who have lived in Norway all or berg. In tough times, he has stood up and feel Norwegian, who love Nor- most of their lives, who know no been a unifying symbol for a whole nation,” way, who want to live and work other country and still risk or ex- she said. here and live peacefully in our perience being deported. At time of press, VG was reporting a society. Instead, we exclude them My daughter inherited the clear victory for the “borgerlig” or civil through words, legislation and residence status of her parent (non-socialist) parties: Conserative (Høyre) often an unreasonably strict in- with the worst rights rather than with 48 mandates, Left (Venstre) with nine terpretation of the law. that of the parent with the best. mandates, Progress (Fremskrittspartiet) with I was born in Norway. But And Nina Sivertsen’s twins not 29 mandates, and Christian Democrats (KrF) I’m a “second generation immi- only lost their Norwegian citi- with ten mandates, for a total of 96. The La- grant” in the eyes of the state, and zenship, they lost the right to live bor Party, Center Party, and Socialist Left I would be even if I had adopted with their mother in the country party meanwhile received only 72 mandates. Norwegian citizenship. My kids The Progress Party, after a rough start where their grandparents live. are third generation immigrants, to their campaign, did well on election day. The Norwegian system does not born in Norway to a Norwegian- “This is our third best election, and we look after children’s rights well. are moving into our first government nego- born mother, and I still had to Nevertheless, I do love Nor- tiations in history. That we are proud of this fight for my daughter to get more than just dren, who could have both their parents’ way, regardless of my citizenship. Marry- should surprise no one,” said leader Siv Jen- a temporary residency permit. citizenships until they were 22, but this ing an American made this even clearer to sen to VG reporters after her victory speech. I doubt many Norwegians (unless has become restricted after the citizenship me: Norway will feel like home if I move The Christian Democrat party also cel- they, like me, have fought the UDI – Di- law changes of 2005. to the U.S. one day. The thought of pos- ebrated a successful election. rectorate of Immigration – over it) real- Last week, we read in VG and several sibly living in the U.S. makes me even “This could be the beginning of a new ize that in Norway, children inherit the online newspapers about the Norwegian more certain of key values in Norway rise,” former Christian Democrat leader and residency rights of the parent who has the mother Nina Sivertsen who can’t move that I deeply appreciate. Crime is low and former Norwegian Prime Minister Kjell least rights, not the parent with the stron- home to Norway with her Norwegian- we have fairly reasonable gun laws. We Magne Bondevik said to TV2 reporters. gest standing. My daughter was not grant- born five-year-old twins because they have good healthcare for all who need it. “Whether the Christian Democratic Party ed a permanent residence permit despite have inherited their father’s Australian Norwegian society is built for a far better will be included in the government or sit in a my 35 years of legal residence, because citizenship. balance between family and work and be- crucial position in Parliament will be deter- my American husband had not lived here Sivertsen has filed complaints against tween men and women than many or most mined by the current leadership.” long enough to have permanent residency her twins’ loss of citizenship but has not other societies. At time of press, there are still some when our daughter was born. won forth, even with a lawyer’s help. We have high quality and affordable votes to be counted, and therefore exact I complained to the UDI, had my The UDI’s suggestion is that she move to childcare with an emphasis on learning numbers for each party have yet to be deter- complaint rejected, I blogged it, tweeted, Norway without the twins and apply for a through play and social skills. Norwegian mined. Coalitions also have yet to be formed got interviewed by TV2, was told about a family reunion visa. nature is incredibly beautiful and many between the parties. circular UDI had overlooked that explains The UDI recommends Sivertsen people really value spending time in it. Jens Stoltenberg will resign as Prime that the UDI should show leniency in situ- leave her children in Australia for a year There are many good Norwegian val- Minister after the national budget presenta- ations like ours, and then got call from a because she doesn’t have the required ues. But if we can’t include everyone who tion of Oct. 14. nice man from UDI who arranged perma- 246,136 kroner income to be eligible for lives in this country in those values, can’t nent residency for our daughter. It’s nice such a visa. So the Norwegian state ex- accept differences, can’t accept that it is to live in Norway when you have resourc- pects her to live away from her children possible to be Norwegian and belong to es and access to the media. for a year because Norway stripped them another culture as well – well, then I for Don’t If I want to become a Norwegian citi- of their citizenship? Seriously? one will continue to not be Norwegian. zen, I must renounce my Australian citi- This is a completely absurd effect of But I would rather be Norwegian and zenship because Norway does not accept an immigration policy that cannot possi- Australian. forget! dual citizenship. 22 of 27 EU countries bly be intended to stop Norwegian parents accept dual citizenship. Sweden is one of from moving home to Norway with their Jill Walker Rettberg is professor of All subscribers have these 22 countries, and Denmark seems Norwegian-born children. If the UDI in all digital culture at the University of Bergen. set to follow as there is now a majority in seriousness means that all children with This article was originally printed in full access to our new the Danish parliament for accepting dual one Norwegian and one non-Norwegian Bergens Tidende on August 3, 2013. It was digital edition! Email citizenship. Soon Norway will be quite parent should lose their Norwegian citi- translated into English by the author. [email protected] to T he opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is activate your account. not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. norwegian american weekly september 13, 2013 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] W rite to us at Norwegian American Weekly, Letter to the Editor, 7301 Fifth Avenue Publisher NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115, or email us at [email protected], subject line Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity or length. Managing Editor Kelsey Larson [email protected] Assistant Layout Editor Dear Editor, brother frequently points out that part of a Swanson and she had a grandaughter named Harry Svenkerud [email protected] Here are four random reflections on very curvy, hazardous stretch of the main Heather. She is about 36 years old now. the article “Norway, North Dakota and oil,” highway entering Bergen hardly has been Hope someone knows where I can Advertising which appears on page 6 of the Aug. 30 issue improved on since the German occupation! search for them! John Erik Stacy [email protected] of the Norwegian American Weekly. Then on the other hand Norway is al- Subscriptions lowing Germany huge low-interest loans, Sincerely, Call (800) 305-0217 [email protected] 1. If I suddenly discover a buried trea- most of which will be going to improve and Åsa Mariann Strandbakk Contributing Editors sure in my backyard, the impulse would be build their roads. Sortland, Norway Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. first to pay off all outstanding obligations Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Carla Danziger McLean, Va. with the loot! The State of North Dakota has 4. Norway is among certain countries Sölvi Dolland Fraser, Mich. done similarly, but not Norway, I discovered that years ago sold off its gold reserves. The Erling Dugan Ventura, Calif. Hello Åsa! Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. to my surprise on the internet. Norway still government, in spite of the huge loss this Rasmus Falck O oslo, Norway is burdened with a huge national debt which turned out to be, perhaps still considers this a You may want to start with the amazing Marit Fosse G geneva, Switzerland could easily be eliminated by accessing part wise policy? Why? resource that is the Bygdelags. Visit http:// Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. of Oljefondet. What is the hidden benefit of www.fellesraad.com, and depending on what Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. doing this, if any? Sincerely, part of Northern Norway your family immi- Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Gunnar Unneland grated from, there might be a lag in existence Leslee Lane Hoyum R rockford, Minn. 2. Some nations with plenty of surplus Edmonds, Wash. that can help you find records, or maybe Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. your family in Minnesota are members of the Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. oil money have eliminated income taxes and Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. road tolls altogether as well as selling gas to lag themselves! Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. their citizens at drastically reduced prices. In Does anyone have any other ideas or re- Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. the U.S., the state of Alaska even hands out Dear Editor, sources for Åsa? Send an email to kelsey@ Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. “oil money” every year to its citizens regard- Hi! I’m looking for the part of my fam- norway.com and I will make sure it gets Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. less of age. Their economies have not conse- ily that went from the North of Norway to passed on! David Moe Sun City, Calif. quently collapsed! Why? the U.S. over 100 years ago. Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Sincerely, Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y. I know they live in Minnesota, the Sada Reed Woodbury, Minn. 3. When on vacation in Norway my daughter of the man who went was Doris Editor John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway Daytona Strong Seattle, Wash.

< returns CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American From page 1 and social solidarity. It sings regularly at Concert sponsored by Anoka Masonic Lodge Weekly strives to make its news report fair and its meetings and at a variety of churches #30, First Congregational United Church accurate. If you have a question or comment throughout the municipality of Sarpsborg. of Christ, 1923 Third Avenue, Sarpsborg about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Sarpsborg’s Masonic Choir to Sarpsborg’s Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to This is its first trip to the United States and Frimurer Sangforeningen and Trumpeter Kai edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, sister city, Grand Forks, North Dakota, and according to tour leader, Steinar Kjuus, “We Robert Johansen. accuracy and/or space, and the right not to print throughout northern Minnesota. I am espe- submissions deemed libelous, in poor taste, are thrilled to share our music in the Upper Minneapolis, Minn., Sept 29, 11:00 cially looking forward to introducing mem- or not suited for publication in this newspaper. Midwest and are especially looking forward a.m., Worship Service, Mindekirken (Nor- • The opinions expressed by opinion writers bers to the Norwegian-American culture I to meeting the citizens of our sister city in wegian Lutheran Memorial Church), Leiv and letter writers are not necessarily those of have grown to love.” Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication Grand Forks.” Eriksson International Festival, 924 E 21st Johansen has been a performer for 43 of those views is not an endorsement of them. Performances will be held in the follow- St, Minneapolis, MN 55404, Sarpsborg Comments, suggestions and complaints about years. Several of his nearly 50 records made ing locales: Frimurer Sangforeningen and Trumpeter Kai the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials the top ten in Norway, and many of them should be directed to the publisher. • Norwegian Dalton, Minn., Sept. 22, 1:30 p.m., Robert Johansen honor the Norwegian Royal Family. He also American Weekly is published weekly except Dalton Opera House, 109 Summit Ave., the first week of the calendar year, the last two has hosted children’s TV programs. His con- Trumpeter Kai Robert Johansen only. The City of Sarpsborg, Norway, will be weeks of July, and the first two weeks of August cert credits include performances in many Grand Forks, N.D., Sept. 23, 7:30 p.m., 1,000 years old in 2016. It was founded in by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Please European countries from Russia to Iceland, send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. NE Masonic Temple, 423 Bruce Ave., Sarpsborg 1016 by Olaf II Haraldsson, the King of Nor- Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription where his popular trumpet recordings have Choir, Kem Shrine Chanters and Trumpeter way from 1015 to 1028, and later known as Cost: US $59 Domestic, US $79 to Canada, US achieved platinum status. He also writes Kai Robert Johansen. St. Olaf. Sarpsborg and its neighbor Fredrik- $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. music and lyrics. When Johansen is not per- Duluth, Minn., Sept. 26, 7:30 p.m., stad have grown to become Norway’s fifth SINCE MAY 17, 1889: forming, he is a special education teacher Formerly Norway Times Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Lodge, 4 West largest urban area. It is located in Østfold, Western Viking & Washington Posten and vice-principal at Tunhaug Junior High Second Street, Sarpsborg Frimurer Sang- one hour southeast of Oslo on Highway E6. School in Sarpsborg. Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten foreningen and Trumpeter Kai Robert Jo- For more information about Sarpsborg or og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota The Sarpsborg Frimurer Sangforenin- hansen attending the 1000th anniversary in 2016, e- Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven gen was organized in November 1934. It Anoka, Minn., Sept. 28, 4:00 p.m., mail [email protected]. prides itself on brotherhood, friendship NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • september 13, 2013 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway Decadent fall treat The most Norwegian dessert of them all is the perfect treat as the apple harvest season approaches

Sunny Gandara Arctic Grub

Eplekake, or apple cake, is as Norwe- leaves may have started falling off the trees gian of a dessert as they come. Americans already as I’m writing this. have their apple pie, Norwegians have their In this recipe I wanted to experiment, apple cake. Moist, rich, and juicy like a and decided to make a delicious vanilla pas- pound cake, it is stuffed with tart and sweet try cream to add into the apple cake. The apples often from the baker’s own garden creamy, sweet vanilla mixed in with the and flavored with a dash of cinnamon sugar refreshing, tart apples is a match made in and sprinkled with sliced almonds. Simple, heaven. Doing some research, I’ve discov- yet one of the most satisfying of cakes our ered that adding vanilla cream in apple cakes country has to offer. I have a million dif- is now becoming more common and popular. ferent recipes for eplekake. Some use sour I used a mixture of Golden Delicious, cream instead of butter in the batter, others Granny Smith and Gala apples in this recipe, elect to add some heavy cream. I find that but you can choose whichever apples you butter is best here, as the sour cream and like the most. I would recommend using a heavy cream make it a bit too rich and does mixture of firm, very tart and very sweet not give me the texture I’d like when paired apples. For me this has proven to yield the with tart apples. best results. As we are moving into fall soon, my Below is the recipe for my apple cake mind instantly goes to apples and all the de- with vanilla pastry cream. Eplekake is deli- licious recipes I intend to make, both sweet cious served with lightly whipped cream or and savory. Apple cake was the first thing vanilla bean ice cream. A great cake that can that naturally popped up in my head – I don’t also be frozen and saved for a future occa- think one could visit Norway without hav- sion. Because I love this cake, this recipe ing a taste of eplekake if visiting someone’s is intended for a large cake pan to be shared home. A staple in every house, I have very with your entire family, friends and neigh- few bad examples. If there is one thing Nor- bors…(if they are nice). I hope you will be wegians are good at, it’s baking! Fall arrives tempted to try this one out – it is definitely much sooner in Norway than in the U.S. – worth every single calorie! in fact, the colors may be changing and the Norwegian Apple Cake Photo: Tine If Norway had an official dessert, apple cake, oreplekake , would be it! With Vanilla Pastry Cream Quick tip from the baker: Norsk Eplekake Med Vaniljekrem

Including honey in an apple cake is another idea that would make 500 g (18 oz or roughly 1.1 lb or 4 1/4 5 tbsp granulated sugar this cake extra special, and Norwegian honey is probably the best sticks) unsalted butter, softened 2 tbsp ground cinnamon honey I have ever tasted – and I’m not just saying that because I’m 500 g (1.1 lb) granulated sugar 80 grams (3 oz) sliced almonds from Norway! Otherwise, try to pick up a nice honey at the farmer’s 8 eggs market. It’s so much better than the store-bought kind! 3 tsp vanilla sugar (or vanilla extract) Vanilla Pastry Cream: 3 tsp baking powder 1 cup whole milk 500 grams/1.1 lb all purpose flour 1 cup heavy cream 2 tsp vanilla sugar or 1 vanilla bean stick 26th annual Filling: 100 grams (3.5 oz) confectioners sugar 8 apples, peeled, cored and sliced thin 5 egg yolks Leiv Eriksson 2 cups (5 deciliters) vanilla pastry cream 45 grams (1.5 oz) corn starch International Festival For the cake: Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit (200 Celcius). Line a 12 x 16 inch baking pan Sept. 29 – Oct. 13 • Minneapolis, Minn. (30 x 40 cm) with parchment paper. In a bowl, sift the flour, baking powder and vanilla sugar, set aside. Combine the 5 tbsp of granulated sugar and 2 tbsp of ground cinnamon in a small bowl and set aside. In a stand mixer, whisk the soft butter and sugar until light and Building a cultural bridge between fluffy. Add the eggs, one at a time. Slowly add in the flour mixture on low speed until well the modern nordic countries and the u.S. since 1987 combined. Add in the flour mixture until the batter no longer has lumps. Do not over mix the batter. Pour the batter into the prepared baking pan. Place the sliced apples on top of the bat- H I g HLIg H ts I ncLudE ter in a nice pattern, place dollops of the vanilla cream on top. Sprinkle the cinnamon-sugar mixture on top and finish with the sliced almonds (feel free to omit the almonds). Bake the Uranienborg Uppstad & Waade, Nordic-inspired worship, cake in the middle of the oven for about 40 – 50 minutes (be sure to check with a cake tester Vokalensemble, an comedic duo from music and food to check when cake is done). Let the cake cool in the baking pan before carefully lifting a capella ensemble Rogaland out of pan and slice into squares and serve with a dollop of whipped cream or your favorite from Oslo vanilla ice cream. and the united States debut of Patina, a very special dance troupe from rural For pastry cream: trondelag, offering a very special tribute to women Combine the whole milk and heavy cream in a small pot and heat up on stove until almost boiling. In a separate bowl or in a stand mixer, whisk the egg yolks together with the For details, contact Mindekirken, the Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church vanilla sugar/bean and confectioners sugar until light and fluffy. In Norwegian, we call this eggedosis. Carefully pour in a couple of ladles of the hot milk mixture into the eggs to temper Phone: (612) 874-0716 Email: [email protected] it. Pour the egg mixture into the pot and whisk over low to medium heat, constantly whisk- On the web: www.mindekirken.org/LEIF/LEIF.htm ing until it thickens. The mixture should look like a thick cream. Remove from heat and let and www.leifmn.org cool – placing the pot in ice water helps cooling it down faster. Transfer to a clean glass container and place in fridge. The cream /custard will last for about one week in the fridge. norwegian american weekly september 13, 2013 • 9 Travel Top ten scuba dive locations in Norway Winter is the best time for diving in Norway. Norwegian scuba diving magazine “Dykking” shares its top ten favorite places to dive

Visit Norway

Norway’s diving opportunities are excit- ing and offer a range of experiences. Sheer underwater rock walls, interesting rock for- mations, fantastic WWII wrecks, and more can be found in Norway’s fjords and coast- line. The water temperature is generally a little bit low, but this makes it possible to see interesting coldwater creatures, including killer whales! Here are the ten best places for diving in Norway, according to Norway’s premiere diving magazine.

Saltstraumen Experience fantastic diving in a narrow channel where the strong tides create the Photo: Terje Rakke / Nordic Life – VisitNorway.com world’s strongest natural whirlpools. There Diving for king crabs, Kirkenes. is an abundance of fish, including cod, coal- fish, wolffish and halibut.

Gulen ing scallops. No wonder this area of Central Gulen, on the west coast just south of Norway is so popular with underwater pho- the Sognefjord, has some of the best ship tographers. wrecks from World War II in Norway. One of the most famous is Frankenwald – it is the Lake Lygnstøylsvatnet perfect wreck, as 90 percent of it is intact, In 1908 a landslide cut off an entire val- even the masts. ley and the small village that stood there was slowly flooded. Today Lake Lygnstøylsvat- The Lofoten Islands net is a popular place for divers from all over The Lofoten Islands is one of Norway’s the world. The lake lies in the beautiful Nor- most beautiful areas both above water and dangsdalen Valley in Western Norway, not under it. Moskenesstraumen is an Eldorado far from the historic Hotel Union Øye. for divers. Here rich forests of kelp, clear water, masses of fish and exciting wrecks The Trondheimfjord wait for you. During the winter months you Divers and marine biologists from might be lucky to dive with killer whales. around the world travel to this very unique area with rare deep-sea life such as rabbit- Narvik fish, sharks and a coral reef at only 35 me- This has to be Norway’s wreck diving tres below sea level. The Trondheimsfjord also contains a number of plane wrecks capital. Many German, English and Norwe- Photo: Terje Rakke / Nordic Life – VisitNorway.com gian ship wrecks from 1940 lie in the sea from World War II. Why not visit the city of Diving and fishing in Sørlandet. outside Narvik. In the lake, Hartvikvannet, Trondheim at the same time? you can even find a wreck from a German fighter plane. Finnmark Along the coast of Finnmark you can go Southern Norway (Sørlandet) diving together with the exotic red king crab. Go wreck-diving among many well- Some diving centres offer organised trips known wrecks from World War II, the most where you can catch the tasty king crab and famous being the freighter MV Seattle that later eat it. In Kirkenes there are plane and lies just outside Kristiansand. The coastline ship wrecks from World War II. of Southern Norway also has a lively marine world – why not catch a crab or two for din- Møre ner? The coast of Møre offers great kelp for- ests, an abundance of fish, canyon dives and Nærøy wreck dives. Outside the city of Ålesund lies Varied and beautiful diving with rich a number of interesting wrecks. Skodjestrau- Photo: Wikimedia Commons kelp forests, splendid wall diving, several men is a very beautiful spot above the water The German Zerstörer 1934A class destroyer Z11 Bernd von Arnim as well as under where the water passes by beached and scuttled in the fjord Rombaksbotn near Narvik, known of Norway’s best ship wrecks and loads of among divers as Norway’s wreck-diving capital. opportunities for catching crabs and pick- in a strong current – perfect for drift diving. Subscribe to the Weekly! www.NorwegianAmericanWeekly.com/subscribe 10 • september 13, 2013 norwegian american weekly Roots & Connections < oil From page 5 sovereignty of our citizens.” Norsk forfatterinne He emphasized that as a Tribal Council- man, the grass-root nature of tribal govern- Puzzles with Sölvi Dolland of families at Ft. Berthold – mainly hous- ment is to unite its people. “True government ing, safety, health, traffic and a laundry list is a united one,” Ken said. of personal and social issues; however, our He referred to the United Tribes Inter- Tribal government is faced with cultural is- national Powwow as bringing together over sues too, such as stewardship of the land, the 70 tribes, each with some diverse interests environment and sometimes disregard for and some with old histories of battles, to sacred or historic lands. celebrate the 44th annual weekend with one His emphasis was on knowledge through voice. education, with awareness of past history, a U.S. Senator Heidi Heitkamp, a strong focus on the future for Indian youth and how advocate for a Human Rights Commission we define “wealth” from a cultural perspec- as former Attorney General in North Dakota, tive. capped the conference with stories of Indian “We know perseverance. We’re survi- youth who aspire to “the halls of Congress” vors,” he said. and to roles that In an inter- create equality and view later, he leadership at na- stood with his tional levels. “We family – a wife and must tell this story two daughters – to again and again, talk about quality- and again and of-life in Indian again,” she said. families as society After a changes. He be- “Handshake Song” lieves the Native by a MHA drum challenge is to pre- team from Manda- serve Indian cul- ree, the conference ture and our lan- ended with the Le- guage, beginning gion Honor Guard Photo: Sarah Christianson at the kitchen table leading Sen. Heit- An ariel photo of oil development in a valley adjacent to by passing on sto- kamp to the en- ries of our elders’ a historic site, where the 1864 Battle of Killdeer Moun- tains took place, which is said to the largest military trance, where she heritage, and using campaign on the Great Plains against the Sioux Indi- and each person the modern tools ans. to follow turned of smart phones to greet each at- and social media tendee in line as to keep pace with change, by talking the lan- they filed from the room, forming a chain of Community Connections guage of a global society and using the tools unity where each person was acknowledged of modern communication. face-to-face to every other person with a seal His young daughter chirped in proudly, of a handshake. Gratulerer! “I have an iPad too.” When opportunities occur with abun- “What is the greatest, single-most chal- dant resources for good that is happening Congratulations on your 60th lenge facing an Indian family in boom coun- in the Oil Patch, it seems that the wisdom Wedding Anniversary try?” I asked, reflecting back 15 years know- gained over seven generations of council ing him as a school coach of a basketball fires can be a model for meeting the chal- team, named “Eagles.” lenges of change at a grass-root level of de- Oddbjorg & “Balance!” was his one word answer. mocracy within a Tribal Nation. “We must balance our cultural values with And the story needs to be told again and economic development, so as not to lose our again. Magne Arnfinn identity, but to preserve the wellbeing and Olsen

17. september August 22, 2013 Anders Daviknes Ottem Ulset Norway Hanne Daviknes Ottem Ulset Norway James P. Sites Billings MT Arnhild Rumsey Louisville KY The best of wishes and many more years to Synneve Smevik San Diego CA Signe Andrew Santa Clara CA come! Rune T. Rolfsen Johnsburg NY Steinar Skipsnes Seattle WA Ingeborg Stensland Anacortes WA Hilsen – your family, friends, neighbors 13. september Anne-Marie Vevle Dalenberg Martinez GA and S/N Lodge Aslaug Haugen Sandnessjøen Norway Stenn Richter Salvesen Plano TX Solveig Larsen Norton Lewistown PA Dave Moe Sun City CA Rachel Thompson Hawthorne CA Puzzle Solution Ole Søholt Galesburg ND 18. september Norwegian American Weekly Peter D. Sund Jr. Olympia WA Ronald Olson Hansen ID Conrad Byre Appleton MN Kari Sandland Clearbrook MN Ruth Svanoe Decorah IA Organization of the Week 14. september Myron Hanson New Rockford, ND Trygve Sørensen Narvik Norway Sons of norway lodge Reidar Hansen Everett WA 19. september Patricia Ann Garner Olympia WA Inga Øyre Fradal Norway #3-541 Erling Olgraff Oslo Norway Daniel Jossang Seattle WA Gateway to Florida Laura Henriksen Cashton WI Ole Shuros Fairbanks AK Patrick Johansen Shiels Pelham NY Evelyn R Hopkins, Vice president Want to see your birthday in the 7860 Southside Blvd 16. september Norwegian American Weekly? Melvin M. Holland Tacoma WA Jacksonville, FL 32256 Jon Saatvedt Columbia City OR Ph. # (904) 733-4268 Arlene Kvithyll Two Rivers WI Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@norway. E-mail: [email protected] Bjørn Arne Bamer Oslo Norway com. Birthdays must be submitted at least one Henry W. Larsen North Hills CA month in advance. Sigrun Hojem Woodin Concord MA NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed For the full list of organizations, away? Please notify us! visit noram.norway.com/organizations norwegian american weekly september 13, 2013 • 11 obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years In Loving Memory in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Paul Borg November 20, 1921 – July 24, 2013 Ready when needed

Paul becoming a part of his church family. He be- A few months ago one of the most all. Sometimes we go for long periods of Borg came came life long friends with Pastor Al and his beautiful homes on the lake where we time in life with little or no thought given from the wife Ruby and children when he attended a live burned down. Our local firefighters to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We Eastern littler Lutheran church in Cathlamet, Wash. couldn’t save the house but they were able may even get to thinking that we don’t forests of He later became one of the first members of to keep the fire contained so that no other need Him. Nevertheless, Jesus stands by Norway to Faith Lutheran Brethren Fellowship in Kel- homes or structures in the area were dam- us in the good times and is always ready the western so, Wash. There too, he had long cherished aged. Without their quick and effective to carry us through the tough times when forests of friendships for which he was very thankful. response many more homes could have they come. the Pacific Paul enjoyed visiting and talking with gone up in flames. Our township puts a lot It would be best if we could always Northwest in May of 1947. people. He loved to travel and would get in of resources into our local volunteer fire be aware and appreciative of our Lord’s Paul was the first born son of August his car and take road trips. He liked to visit department. Sometimes people wonder presence. The problem is that we can’t, so and Marie Borg. He was born in Elverum, his cousins on Vancouver Island, B.C. and if it is even worth it. Fires in our area are we must rely on His faithfulness. Know- Norway on November 20, 921. He had one aunt in Alberta, Canada. He traveled from rare, and the firefighters are seldom called ing and trusting in our Lord’s faithfulness older sister, Anna, and seven younger broth- Wash. to Calif. and the Midwest and beyond out more than once a month. Even though gives us the courage and the strength we ers and one younger sister: Alf, Kaare, Mens, visiting friends along the way. He also took they are seldom needed, everyone gladly need to get through the difficult times in Arve, Margit, Oskar, Anders and Sverre. He several trips to Europe, primarily Norway to pays the bill for having firefighters who our lives. Jesus always stands ready when grew up on the family farm in Sorskogbygda visit family there. are ready when needed. needed. He watches over us and comes to community. There he worked in the forests. Like most of us, Paul had some diffi- Like the fire fighters who silently us in the midst of our greatest need with As a young man, he attended Tomb Ag- cult challenges in his life. While ski jump- stand ready when needed, Jesus stands by the power of His ever present love and ricultural School along the Oslo Fjord. He ing when he was young, he fell and had a us even when we give Him no thought at grace. remembered well the day WWII came to head injury which affected his hearing for Norway. The German war planes came fly- the rest of his life. In later years, a successive ing in low over the fjord. Those were hard number of falls resulted in him moving into years in Norway. assisted living and later a foster care home Funeral Home After the war, he emigrated. He left the with several stops at rehabilitation facilities SOlie and Crematory shores of Norway aboard the Stavangerfjord in between. Honoring • Caring • Serving and arrived in New York City on the 23rd of During these hard times, he had the May 1947. From there he travelled west by support of friends, family and compassion- 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 train to Portland, Ore. where he was met by ate caregivers for which he was grateful. He his uncle, Paul Borg Sr., and his aunt Lena did have some joyous times throughout his Postell. He settled in Rainier, Ore. situated later years. Visits from his brother, sister, along the Columbia River where his uncle niece and later his nephew from Norway as The Scandinavian Hour lived. In 1948 he married Jorunn (June) Jen- well as his daughter and cousin from Canada Celebrating over 50 years on the air! sen who had arrived with her daughter Aud brought him great joy during this time. Kristine from Norway. Two more daughters, Throughout all the injuries, sickness and KKNW – 1150 AM Margaret and Laila soon followed. losses he endured these last years, he was In 1950, Paul walked across the still able at 91 years if age to sing songs in Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Longview Bridge over to the Weyerhaeuser the night and give thanks to God. Streaming live on the internet at: Lumber Mill. He was hired on the spot and Surrounded by love, Paul peacefully there he worked for 36 years. He worked in passed on July 24, 2013. www.1150kknw.com the dry kiln and unstacker departments. A Memorial Service was held at Faith Paul was known to be a very hard work- Lutheran Brethren Fellowship on Aug. 2, er. After long nights working at the mill, he 2013 in which a nephew from Norway at- would spend his days building his house. He tended representing Paul’s family there. Join our community! dug the foundation for his three story house Paul was preceded in death by his par- with a pick and shovel. He made everything ents and brothers, Kaare, Oskar, Alf, Arve from the cabinets to the hard wood floors. and Mens. He is survived by his daughters, He also liked to garden and plant flowers. He Laila (Donald) Webb of Castlegar, BC, especially enjoyed his roses and tulips. Paul Canada; Margaret (Robert) Osgood of Red- Remember... kept the highway below his house on both mond, Ore.; brothers, Anders Borg of Oslo, sides free of tall grass and bushes. He wanted Norway; Sverre Borg of Oslo, Norway; his little corner of the world to be well cared sisters, Margit Boe of Eivindvik, Norway; for. Anna Hoisveen of Sorskogbygda, Norway; His brother Kaare arrived to join him in and nephews, nieces and cousins in Norway; A subscription to the Rainier in 1960. That was a happy day for three grandchildren, Erika (Loren) Peters; Paul. He was very close to his family. It was Laila (Ramin) Hassaninia; Elisabet Osgood; very difficult for him when Kaare passed five great-grandchildren, Ethan, Hunter, As- Weekly makes a great away unexpectedly in 1982. pen, Selah and Elina. Among the highlights of Paul’s life was gift, too! Be our friend on Facebook! Our Facebook page has ****** over 1700 likes! Are you one of them? Just $59 for 47 issues facebook.com/naweekly Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] for details 12 • september 13, 2013 norwegian american weekly Arts & Style Calendar of Events Color and mystery Agora Gallery in Chelsea, N.Y. to feature the work of What’s going on in your neighborhood? Bergen-based Norwegian artist Trygve Amundsen

C raalifo ni call (717) 793-7428. Ms. Berman’s book Nordic Cup Charity Golf Tournament is available on Amazon.com. Oct. 7 Downey, Calif. Uth a The 20th Annual Nordic Cup Charity Norwegian Genealogy Research Tour Golf Tournament will be held on Octo- Oct. 27 – Nov. 3 ber 7, 2013 at the Rio Hondo Golf Club Salt Lake City, Utah in Downey, Calif. All proceeds from You are invited to join the Norwegian the tournament benefit two local ven- American Genealogical Center in Madi- ues, Nansen Field on the Palos Verdes son, Wis. for a genealogical tour to the Peninsula and the Norwegian Seamen’s world-famous Family History Library of Church in San Pedro. For more informa- the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day tion please visit www.NordicCup.org. Saints located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Participating in this tour will give you Vikingfest an opportunity to work with the largest Oct. 19 collection of genealogical materials in Santa Rosa, Calif. the world! Jerry Paulson will assist you Vikingfest is Freya Lodge’s annual cel- with your research and be available for ebration of Norwegian heritage and all personal consultation. Class instructor things Norwegian: from Viking era re- is Jerry Paulson, Director of Research enactments to modern art and pottery, at the NAGC & NL Jerry has extensive Nordic arts and crafts, traditional foods, experience as a genealogical researcher. heritage keepsakes, cultural displays and The Salt Lake Plaza Hotel has been cho- demonstrations, and remembrance of sen for the overnight accommodations Leif Erikson. Come be a Viking for the because it is located next to the library. day! Admission is free. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Contact Jerry Paulson at (608) 255-2224 Photos courtesy of Agora Gallery at Norway Hall, 617 West Ninth Street. or at [email protected], if you would Two of the works of Trygve Amundsen that will be featured: Left: The Big Apple, Oil on Canvas, 47” x More information: (707) 778-8120 or like further information. 28” x 1.5.” Right: Still Life, Oil on Canvas, 47” x 28” x 1.5.” www.freyalodge.org. Wios sc n in Mis nne ota 23rd Annual Scandinavian Festival Special Release Agora Gallery Leiv Eriksson International Festival Oct. 5 Sept. 29 – Oct. 13 New Berlin, Wis. Minneapolis, Minn. Join us in celebrating the cultures of Chelsea’s Agora Gallery will feature Reception The Leiv Eriksson International Festival Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Swen- the original work of Norwegian artist TA Thursday, October 10, 2013, 6-8 pm was formed in 1987 under the leadership den at the 23nd Annual Scandinavian (“Trygve Amundsen”) in Elements of Ab- of Pastor John Mauritzen, Mindekirken Festival at the Ronald Reagan Elementry straction. The exhibition is scheduled to run Gallery Location (The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial School, 4225 S. Calhoun Road in New from October 4, 2013 through October 24, 530 West 25th St, New York City Church in Minneapolis) and members of Berlin, Wis. This year’s entertainment 2013. The opening reception will be held on the Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwe- will feature Danish Trobadour Flemming Thursday night, October 10, 2013 from 6-8 Gallery Hours gian and Swedish communities to estab- Behrend is booked for Scand Fest 2013. pm. Tues – Sat, 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. lish an annual festival to celebrate Nor- Traditional entertainment by the Lyk- Though TA (“Trygve Amundsen”) dic cultural roots in the United States. keringen Youth/Adult Norwegian Folk paints in a variety of styles, all his work About the Exhibition Over the years, the events have brought Dancers, the Linde-Kipakat Folk Danc- deals with what is left out, rather than what is Agora has a treat in store for any lover top-ranked Nordic talent to the Festival. ers, Lekespel-Scandinavian “Gammel- depicted. The artist is a master of form, ren- of art this October. In Reverie of Form pres- This helps us all explore the values and dans” Music, and Lee Hoofnagle on the dered as impressionistic, realist, surrealistic, ents the work of artists who are able to give goals of today’s Nordic countries and Finnish Kantele will also be provided. and graphic. His subjects are often small physical shape and presence to their unique share them with other Nordic Americans. There will be traditional arts and crafts, still lifes – one or two objects, set against a perception and the insights it gives them into It also gives the Nordic community an sales exhibits, a Bunad show, and ethnic nebulous backdrop – or architectural views. the world around us. The work in Elements opportunity to share its heritage with all foods representing the Nordic countries. But TA injects a sense of ambiguity and mys- of Abstraction both entices and challenges citizens. For more information contact Events for the kids as well. Genealogy tery into these ordinary scenes by absenting with its meticulous yet exciting investigation Mindekirken – The Norwegian Lutheran Specialists will be available again this crucial elements; perhaps color, or whole into the hidden layers of human experience Memorial Church – 924 East 21st Street, year for those interested in learning how swaths of information. An entire sidewalk and observation. In Beyond Borders: an Ex- Minneapolis, MN 55404 – Block of E. to research their Scandinavian family may simply be erased from view, leaving a hibition of Fine Art From Canada the charm Franklin Ave. at 10th Ave. So. – (handi- history. Doors are open from 10 a.m. to staircase dangling into nothing. and the sincerity of contemporary Canadian cap accessible) phone – (612) 874-0716 6 p.m. Admission is $8 for adults and $2 Yet TA never leaves blank spaces. He art is displayed in a series of works which – www.mindekirken.org. for kids 4 through 12. Children under 4 are free. Parking is free! For more infor- clouds his empty stretches with swirling oil range in subject matter, style and medium Pennsl y vania mation, call (262) 895-6419, (262) 797- paint, dense in some places and intriguingly yet share the ability to move and intrigue. light in others, a technique that invites us in- The exhibitions begin on October 4, Cross Cultural and Author Event 8146, or visit www.nordiccouncil.com. ward. By sparking our curiosity and smash- 2013 and run until October 24, 2013. The Sept. 29 York, Penn. ing the distance between the picture plane opening reception takes place on October 10, The Sons of Norway Bondelandet Lodge and the real world, TA questions the limits 2013, 6-8PM. Entrance is free and art lovers and the York Jewish Community Center of symbols – our visual language – and our are enthusiastically encouraged to attend. will be having a special cross-cultural imaginative flexibility. For more information, visit http:// event on Sunday, September 29, 2 p.m. at TA lives and works in his hometown of www.agora-gallery.com/artistpage/Trygve_ the Center, 2000 Hollywood Drive, York, Bergen, Norway. Amundsen.aspx Penn. Irene Levin Berman, the author of Exhibition Dates “We Are Going to Pick Potatoes,” will speak about her experience with the Nor- October 4, 2013 – October 24, 2013 wegian Holocaust. Refreshments avail- able. $5/person. Questions and RSVP Connect with Norway and the Norwegian-American Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 community every Friday by subscribing to the Weekly to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] norwegian american weekly september 13, 2013 • 13 In your neighborhood Bestefars hjørne Lodge among pines Whidbey Island Nordic Lodge opens a dazzling new facility A feature column by Leslee Lane Hoyum Solveig Lee Mount Vernon, Wash.

Tall Douglas firs reach to the sky above; ing, with input from lodge members. Then wild rhododendrons hover close to the Richard and Maurice hired a series of sub- ground. What better setting for a new Nordic scontractors to build the 3,200 square foot lodge home? Nordics on Whidbey Island, lodge. It was finished on June 5, 2013. Whidbey Island Nordic Lodge Dist. 2-164, On Aug. 24, the lodge, the largest com- captured their love for history and nature on munity center in Central Whidbey, held an this site about a mile south of Coupeville in open house to invite members of the commu- Washington State. nity to see the facility. The ladies provided Whidbey Island Nordic Lodge was or- a buffet laden with Norwegian delicacies. ganized in 2001. The group of 70 members Noted was the decor throughout the room. Photo: Solveig Lee has enjoyed much fellowship together. When Special mention should be given to Fritz Beautiful pines surround Whidbey Island Lodge’s new lodge. Maurice Aasland and Richard Johnson, Fritz Cornell, a past sports director, passed Cornell, who emigrated to America just af- lodge members and building designer and builder, stand beside it. away, he left his home to the organization. ter WWII at the age of 19. A photograph of It is this gift that enabled the lodge to fulfill Cornell and a clock built by him displays wood produced the lodge cupboards. Other words of admiration for the workmanship their dream of having a lodge hall of their his sports medals. Expertise with the sound cabinets were installed by members. The throughout the hall and buildings on the own. equipment, the building of the cabinet and flooring was donated by Matt Iverson of All grounds describe that true Nordic touch. The group has the good fortune of hav- the equipment on the ceiling, lent special State. Inside was a large storage room for tables, ing Richard Johnson, a retired construction note. Driftwood effect from the beach shows Verne Olsen, Director of the Shifty Sail- chairs, decorations and supplies. Outside engineer, and Maurice Aasland, retired from the connection of Scandinavians to the sea, ors, self-accompanied, sang a special rendi- was a storage place for tools, wheelbarrow, the Navy construction battalion (See Bees) all put to good use to surround the planted tion of “Bless This House,” as he sang words and a future lawnmower. as members. Johnson designed the build- areas. Their expertise when working with to fit “coming to see our new home.” The day was wonderful for all! From the crowd that gathered, only Olaf’s opens its doors in Seattle New bar in Ballard, Seattle, Wash. opens after a Norwegian restaurant fixture and a neighborhood tavern close

Kelsey Larson Managing Editor

After the closure of two beloved neigh- there to interview the trio as they readied anything. shot down 24th towards the water, the plan borhood bars, a little controversy, and a lot of the space for its soft opening on Aug. 30. In “What the neighborhood wants, we’re was to light it up at 4 p.m. on Aug. 30, as rumors, 24th Ave. NW in the Ballard neigh- good spirits and full of laughter, it is clear willing to provide,” says David. “The neigh- Olaf’s opened its doors for the first time. Pa- borhood of Seattle on Aug. 30 welcomed a that the owners of Olaf’s are really not in- borhood is changing, you’ve got a lot of cific Fisherman also has the Viking Tavern brand new watering hole. terested in controversy. They just want to different demographics here. Keeping the sign. Thanks to them, these pieces of Bal- David “Cheeto” Chilson, Pete Pigott, serve the neighborhood they all love. In fact, Olaf’s branding was a nod to Ballard’s Scan- lard’s history will continue to light up the and Sara Moot proudly present Olaf’s, a bar Pete, David and Sara are locals (two of them dinavian heritage.” neighborhood. “We were happy to be able to that they hope will become the perfect neigh- are very local, within four blocks of the new As Ballard locals, they are of course fa- salvage that,” says Pete. borhood hangout, with great food, pinball, bar) and met at The Viking Tavern, a bar miliar with the Norwegian-ness that remains As for the Copper Gate’s famous Vi- and brightly colored murals painted by local just down the street. David and Sara bring strongly present in the neighborhood, and king-ship shaped bar, “We had to take it artist Narboo. extensive restaurant experience to the team, they mention that they’ll have to make plans apart in pieces,” says Pete. It had been built Contrary to rumors, Olaf’s is not a sports as David has worked at both Anthony’s Pier for the 17th of May Parade that starts right for permanence, around metal brackets and bar, a karaoke bar, or interested in wiping out 66 downtown, and down the street. poured concrete. “We tried…there was no the history of the bar that formerly occupied the Chihuly Collec- “And if people saving it,” says Pete. the space, the Copper Gate. tions café, and Sara want pickled her- But Pete, David and Sara are continu- The Copper Gate, with a history that is the former owner ring…” says Sara ing to look to the future. This is the first time hearkens all the way back to 1946, was res- and chef of Persim- with a smile and a these three have worked together, and they urrected in 2006 and enjoyed relative popu- mon in Fremont. shrug. are treating it as an exciting experiment. larity before it was announced this summer “We wanted to “We can make “We’re on a new, smaller dance floor,” that it would close. Many in the Norwegian- ensure there was pickled herring ru- David says, “We want to make sure we’re American community were surprised and still a neighborhood bens!” adds David. not bumping into each other, and that we can upset at the news. Known as the only res- bar,” says Pete, It’s important execute our vision and serve the locals.” taurant in Seattle where one could order of their decision to Sara that they “We’re keeping it simple,” Sara adds. fiskekaker (traditional Norwegian fish cakes) to buy the space. maintain flexibility And even with some of the rumors fly- or lingonberry-flavored cocktails, its closure Since The Viking with the food they ing around, the response from the neighbor- was a blow to many loyal Norwegian foodies Tavern – a fixture serve, especially as hood has been overwhelmingly positive so in this traditionally Scandinavian neighbor- on 24th since 1950 they feel out what far. “We’ve been working with the windows hood, and rumors of a “sports bar” moving – had closed in people in the neigh- open, and we’ve gotten a really positive re- in just fanned the flames. March, there were few options left on the borhood want. sponse,” says Pete. The new owners even received at least block with the closure of the Copper Gate. “The menu will evolve,” she says. “Overall, people are really excited about one rather rambling, incoherent piece of The popular watering hole where they “We’ll do lots of specials, and see what it,” adds Sara. “hate mail.” met inspired the new name and logo. The people like.” The kitchen area is small, but Olaf’s will be open from 11 a.m. – 2 “Yaaayyy, we have received our first little Viking in the tavern’s logo was nick- functional. “It’s kind of like working on a a.m. every day, including holidays. David hate mail! Of course, just like our first dollar, named “Olaf” by regulars, and he has been boat,” she says with a smile. That certainly plans to be open on Christmas Day. “Prohi- we will have this letter framed and posted in resurrected on the new bar’s sign. fits in Ballard, Seattle’s prime fishing neigh- bition is over!” he reasons. the bar,” they wrote on their Facebook page The three new owners don’t have any borhood. For those in Seattle disappointed about of the letter. Scandinavian heritage themselves – unless And in fact, the fishermen in town have the closure of the Copper Gate, never fear – “It was more funny than mean,” says counting the eight years that Pete worked teamed up with Olaf’s to help preserve the the neighborhood is in good hands with these Sara of the letter. at Norwegian-owned company American Copper Gate’s iconic neon sign. Relocated three, and Olaf’s promises to be an exciting The Norwegian American Weekly was Seafoods – but they are open to pretty much to the Pacific Fisherman shipyard, a straight new Ballard fixture. 14 • september 13, 2013 norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Norwegian Language Corner Ship in good hands NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES AND TROLLS The Friends of the Viking Ship met July 31 to discuss continued upkeep of the 1893 Columbian Exposition ship

With 18 classic folk tales, fairy tales and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, “Tuss og Troll” is now serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the col- lections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes Farestveit and Nana Rise-Lynum. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, designed and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad.

Photo courtesy of Ken Nordan Dei tre kongsdøtrene i The three princesses in the The 1893 Viking Ship has been cared for by the Friends of the Viking Ship group in Illinois, U.S. berget det blå mountain so blue

Det var ein gong ein konge og ei dron- Once upon a time, there was a king ning som ingen born hadde. Ein dag stod and a queen who had no children. One day Ken Nordan kongen ute i svala og såg utover dei store the king stood on the porch and looked out Batavia, Ill. jordviddene sine og alt han åtte. Men han over his vast land and everything that he tykte ikkje han kunne ha noka glede av det owned. But he thought he would have no når han ikkje visste kva det skulle verta av pleasure from it, as he did not know what The annual meeting of the Friends of complete, they will begin in earnest a search alt etter hans tid. would happen to all of it when his time the Viking Ship, NFP (FOVS) Board of Di- for a suitable location and donor money to Som han stod der og grunda, kom det was over. ei gamal fattigkjerring. Ho helsa og neia, rectors and FOVS membership was held on build an appropriate museum and interpre- As he stood there and pondered over July 31, 2013 in Geneva, Ill. tive center. Liz Safanda, Location Com- og spurde kva som vanta kongen etter di this, an old beggar-woman came along. FOVS is a group of dedicated individu- mittee Chair, indicated FOVS is open to all han såg så uglad ut. — Det kan ikkje du She greeted him and curtsied, and asked als that was organized in 2008 to facilitate suggestions about location. The ship needs gjera noko ved, kona mi, sa kongen, det the king what the matter was, as he looked the preservation of the 1893 Viking Ship as a place where the largest and most diverse nyttar ikkje å fortelja deg det. — Å, sei ik- so unhappy. “There is nothing you can do an important artifact from the Columbian number of visitors can easily visit and enjoy kje det, sa kjerringa. my good woman, it will be of no use to Exposition, and to advocate its public dis- the history lessons this ship has to offer. — Det skal ofte lite til når lukka vil. tell you.” “Oh, say not so,” said the old play in a permanent museum setting with FOVS also announced the election of Kongen tenkjer på at han ingen erving har, woman. adequate security and climate control. To five (5) previous members and one (1) new men det treng han ikkje syte for. Han skal “Often not much is needed when la- accomplish this goal, FOVS will raise funds member to the Board of Directors. The five ha tre døtrer med dronninga si. Men akta dy-luck is there to help. The king is think- for its protection and preservation, and for returning members are: Pat Hanson, Brian interpretation of its history. FOVS will also Isben, Ken Nordan, Dave Nordin and An- dei vel, så dei ikkje kjem under berr him- ing about the fact that he has no heir, but seek appropriate partners who share our mis- drew Woods. Roar Broch was elected to mel før dei er femten år, elles kjem ein he need not worry. He shall have three snøfloke og tek dei. sion of securing an optimal long-term home. take the place of outgoing member Marga- daughters with his queen. But take care The Board discussed with membership ret Selakovich. Every member of The Board so they do not come under the open sky a variety of topics including the financial expressed their appreciation for all the hard before they are fifteen years of age, oth- status of the organization, ongoing main- work that Margaret did chairing the “Tours erwise a large snowstorm will come and tenance activities, community outreach, Committee,” coordination docents, open take them away.” ownership, and the newly formed custodial days, school tours and other events at the committee. FOVS has seen a steady increase GTP Viking home. Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng in its financial resources since it announced The Board of Directors and General Price: $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. • www.astrimyastri.com in September of 2012 that it had completed Membership wish to express their thanks to the transfer of ownership of Viking from all those who have volunteered their time the Chicago Park District to FOVS. “We and energy to preserve this historical ship. are very happy to report that we have re- Viking is the only ship that has traversed the ceived contributions from the McCormick North Atlantic from Norway to New York, Foundation in the form of direct monetary sailed up the Hudson River, and traveled the support as well as volunteer time from their Erie Canal, the Great Lakes, and the Missis- employees.” said Lorraine Straw, President sippi River. It is also the first replica built of of FOVS. The custodial committee also an- the Gokstad ship now housed in the Viking nounced the acquisition of several Viking Ship museum in Oslo, Norway. Visitors to artifacts including an original banner flown the ship can see first-hand how a true Viking by the ship in 1893 and a print of a painting ship was built and learn about how impor- by Hjalmar Johnssen titled “Viking arriving tant it is to the Scandinavian, shipping and in Chicago.” historical communities. Viking is currently housed in a tempo- rary building at Good Templar Park (GTP) For additional information or to lend in Geneva, Illinois, however, expert surveys your support to this important part of his- have suggested that the ship is in need of bet- tory, visit the FOVS website at: www.viking- ter housing. The FOVS Board indicated that ship.us. now that the ship’s transfer of ownership is norwegian american weekly september 13, 2013 • 15 Sports < BRækhus Brækhus won on technical knockout. From page 1 The referee stopped the match halfway Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League through the ninth out of ten rounds. The Norwegian fought evenly with Cas- results Standings Boxing Organization (WBO) Female Wel- tillo in the first two rounds, but took the lead 08/30 Brann 1 – 0 Sogndal Tippeligaen PLD PTS terweight titles when she she won the match from there on, NRK reports. 1. Rosenborg BK 22 48 against WBO Female Light Middleweight 08/31 Lillestrøm 1 – 0 Odd Grenland “It was a physical and mental 2. Strømgodset IF 22 43 Champion Oxandia Castillo, from the Do- challenge...I just had to keep a cool head,” 08/31 Rosenborg 2 – 1 Ålesund 3. Ålesunds FK 22 38 minican Republic, on Saturday, Sept. 7 in she told a Viasat reporter after the match. Denmark. 09/01 Start 7 – 0 4. Viking FK 22 37 5. FK Haugesund 22 36 09/01 Tromsø 1 – 1 Hønefoss 6. SK Brann 22 33 < daughters 09/01 Viking 1 – 0 Strømsgodset 7. Sogndal IL Fotball 22 29 From page 1 the opportunity to become Charter Members when the lodge is instituted. For more in- 09/01 Sarpsborg 2 – 1 Haugesund 8. Molde FK 22 28 formation please email Jill Beatty who is the 9. Lillestrøm SK 22 28 Fargo, North Dakota 58102. contact for RSVPs and organizing the meet- 09/01 Molde 4 – 0 Vålerenga 10. Vålerenga Fotball 22 27 The purpose of the meeting is to wel- ing at: [email protected] or (415) 350- come prospective members, learn about the 11. Odd Grenland 22 26 6492. Next matches Sept. 13 – 15. Daughters of Norway, and the process of The first Daughters of Norway (of the 12. Sandnes Ulf 22 25 starting a new lodge. Pacific Coast) began in Seattle, Washing- 13. Tromsø IL 22 22 Jill Beatty, Organizational Chair for the ton, in 1905, and today there are 28 lodges 14. IK Start 22 22 T o read more about football in Grand Lodge, Daughters of Norway, will fa- in Washington, California, Oregon, Idaho, 15. Hønefoss BK 22 20 22 cilitate the meeting and provide information Montana, Nevada, Iowa and Minnesota. Norway, visit www.uefa.com 16. Sarpsborg 08 FF 21 20 about the organization. Further meetings The mission and purpose of the Daughters of will be scheduled and plans made for insti- Norway is to unite into a sisterhood, women tuting a new lodge in the area. who wish to preserve Norwegian heritage; A hearty welcome is extended to wom- < syria maintain among members a knowledge of appropriate measures be taken, and those en of Nordic heritage who are interested in From page 3 the history, culture and language of Norway; responsible must be brought to justice. promoting and learning about the arts, foods, and build a strong support system and bond Failing to respond will weaken the respect language, culture and history of Norway. of friendship within the sisterhood. Security Council. We all support a United for the global prohibition against the use of There will be a display of Norwegian items, We look forward to meeting you and Nations that is both legitimate and effective,” chemical weapons, and the very authority of and refreshments served, and a presentation sharing more about your Nordic heritage! continued Mr. Eide. the Council itself. about the history of the Daughters of Nor- “The Security Council plays a vital “Our shared ambition has been to build way. Visit the Daughters of Norway website role in maintaining international peace and a United Nations that is both legitimate and Those attending the meeting will have at www.daughtersofnorway.org. security on behalf of the world community effective, providing the pivotal framework and the 193 member states of the UN. The for international peace and security. The five permanent members of the Security international community has entrusted < stock Council are all parties to the 1993 Chemical the Security Council with the primary From page 4 GS: The largest companies listed on the Weapons Convention, and have undertaken responsibility for international peace and exchange are Statoil, followed by Telenor, to ensure that chemical weapons are never security. This is a responsibility the Council DNB, Seadrill, Yara and Hydro. Due to the used. Their combined role as parties to the bears on behalf of all the 193 members of the changes in Stockholm, Helsinki and Copen- oil and gas industry of Norway, this sector is convention and permanent members of hagen are all part of the trans-Atlantic ex- United Nations. also dominant on Oslo Børs. More than half the Security Council gives them a special “The Security Council should assess all change group Nasdaq OMX. of the companies listed on the Exchange is responsibility in the current situation,” Mr. Oslo Børs has chosen to focus on our relevant facts and reports relating to the use related to the energy sector. Other important Eide concluded. of chemical weapons, and take appropriate unique features and choose strategic part- sectors are shipping and seafood. Oslo Børs The statement reads: ners in areas such as technology and stra- action. The prohibition against chemical is actually that largest financial market for “It is with grave concern that we have weapons is applicable in all circumstances. tegic business development. We get our seafood related industry, again reflecting a received reports on the use of chemical trading technology from the London Stock Moreover, breaches may entail criminal very important industry in Norway. weapons in Syria. responsibility for war crimes and/or crimes Exchange and we have cooperation with the “The use of chemical weapons has been stock exchanges in both Toronto and Singa- against humanity under international law, NAW: The 200th anniversary of Oslo outlawed by the shared will of mankind. We also as set out in the 1998 Statute of the pore, promoting the possibility for compa- Børs will be coming up in five years. Are commend and join those who condemn their nies to dual-list their shares on two markets. International Criminal Court. there any big plans in association with that use in the strongest possible terms, and we “The permanent members of the Security anniversary? are convinced a strong international reaction NAW Council are all parties to the 1993 Chemical : Is it possible for Americans to is required. trade American shares on the Norwegian Weapons Convention. The Convention GS: We haven’t started any detailed “While highly regrettable, we note that requires all parties to exclude completely the stock market? And vice-versa: can Norwe- planning yet, but we will of course mark the the UN Security Council has proved unable gians trade shares in the U.S. market? possibility of the use of chemical weapons. 200 year anniversary of the exchange. When to address the broader perspectives of the The combined role of being States Parties Oslo Børs celebrated its 100 year anniver- tragic situation in Syria. Our appeal today is, GS: As mentioned, the regulations of to this crucial Convention and holding seats sary in 1919, the king of Norway, HM King however, much more specific: on the Security Council entrusts a particular the financial markets differ somewhat be- Haakon, lent prestige to the celebration. “The Security Council must declare tween Europe and the U.S. It is possible for responsibility.” unequivocally that any use of chemical It is signed by the Foreign Ministers American companies to list on Oslo Børs, NAW: Are there any recent news items weapons represents a grave violation but due to American regulations it is quite of Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, about Oslo Børs that should be shared with of international law. Such use must Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania and Norway. difficult. American companies that want readers of the Norwegian American Weekly? be condemned in no uncertain terms, a listing in Norway will usually create an overseas company to make the listing easier. GS: As a part of our strategy to maintain We have, however, one American company our position as a leading stock exchange, listed (Nio, www.nio-inc.com) and some Ca- < law especially within the energy, shipping and From page 3 mit another crime,” says Busch. nadian companies listed on the exchange. seafood sectors, we recently bought an ex- The new law is expected to take effect There are also Norwegian companies change located in Bergen on the west coast on October 1. listed on American exchanges, for example of Norway. The exchange, Fish Pool, is the Busch notes how the incidents the past For comparison: in the U.S., DNA fil- few days show the importance of a DNA reg- Frontline and Statoil. only regulated exchange for trading in de- ing laws depend on the state. In California, istry: Share trading today is a very global ac- rivatives of the salmon price, giving both all DNA of criminals committing felonies “Unfortunately, the more people who tivity and American investors are quite ac- financial investors and salmon farmers and and some misdemeanor crimes are kept on are filed in the actual registry the better, and tive in both the Norwegian market and in producers the possibility to invest in options file. In other states only certain felonies, like Europe. On Oslo Børs, foreigners own about the more likely the case is to be solved. It is sexual assault and homicide, are kept on file. and futures on the salmon price. not unlikely that people come back and com- 1/3 of the value of the companies listed and Oslo Børs also became Nordic in 2013 they account for about 2/3 of the daily trade. when we merged with the Nordic market The majority of the foreigners trading in place Burgundy. The merger gave Oslo Don’t forget – as a print subscriber, you have free shares listed in Oslo are British and Ameri- Børs the possibility to offer investors trad- can investors. ing through Oslo Børs’ market place access access to our digital edition! For more information: to trade in all Nordic shares, including those NAW: What businesses are major play- listed on the stock exchanges in Stockholm, www.norwegianamericanweekly.com/digital-login ers in Oslo Børs? Copenhagen and Helsinki. the Hearthstone COPENHAGEN JUST GOT A BIT CLOSER New Route from San Francisco

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