The AMICA BULLETIN AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENT COLLECTORS’ ASSOCIATION MARCH/APRIL 2006 VOLUME 43, NUMBER 2 AMICA CONVENTION 2006 July 26-30 in Chicago SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Tuesday: Board Meeting (A.M.) Wednesday: Welcoming Breakfast (A.M.) Collection Tours (ALL DAY) OPTIONAL Nathan Bello – Piano Concert (EVENING) Thursday: Collection Tours (ALL DAY) OPTIONAL Pumper Contest (EVENING) Ice Cream Social (EVENING) Friday: Workshops (A.M.) Mart (P.M.) New York Deli Buffet (EVENING) Ron Bopp Presentation (EVENING) Saturday: Membership Meeting (A.M. W/BREAKFAST) Tour of Sanfilippo Collection w/Lunch (ALL DAY) Banquet w/Entertainment (EVENING) Sunday: Open Houses (VARIOUS TIMES) ISSN #1533-9726 THE AMICA BULLETIN AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENT COLLECTORS' ASSOCIATION Published by the Automatic Musical Instrument Collectors’ Association, a non-profit, tax exempt group devoted to the restoration, distribution and enjoyment of musical instruments using perforated paper music rolls and perforated music books. AMICA was founded in San Francisco, California in 1963. PROFESSOR MICHAEL A. KUKRAL, PUBLISHER, 216 MADISON BLVD., TERRE HAUTE, IN 47803-1912 -- Phone 812-238-9656, E-mail:
[email protected] Visit the AMICA Web page at: Associate Editor: Mr. Larry Givens • Editor Emeritus: Robin Pratt VOLUME 43, Number 2 March/April 2006 AMICA BULLETIN FEATURES Display and Classified Ads Articles for Publication Good News: Austin Pipe Organs Re-Opened . .Karl Ellison . .73 Letters to the Publisher Ivory and Pianos . .Mike Morvan . .74 Chapter News UPCOMING PUBLICATION He Is 80 Years Old . .From AMMI Magazine . 76 DEADLINES Occasional Estey Organ Museum E-News . .77 The ads and articles must be received by the Publisher on the 1st of the A Visit with Eliyahu Shahar .