The (Record Texas La
OKLA. ri N. MEX THE (RECORD TEXAS LA. SecretarY Official Organ of Southwestern Union Confers ,,,,,rentists OLUME XLII KEENE, TEXAS, NOVEMBER 24, 1943 NUMBER 46 A Call to Universal Evangelistic Advance THE Fall Council committee meet- J. W. TURNER ning of God's great judgment hour, ing of the General Conference was making the centennial year 1944 a held in Washington, D. C. The com- in the number of ministerial and Bi- time for special review and emphasis, mittee faced many serious problems ble instructor students in training for both among our churches and in because of world conditions. The home base and overseas missionary evangelistic efforts for those not of Lord came near and blessed the breth- service; therefore, our faith. ren in the many decisions that were "WE RECOMMEND, That a uni- "3. That we summon all evange- made. Our leaders feel the time has versal call be sounded from this listic workers to a perpetual evange- come when Seventh-day Adventists Washington Autumn Council of 1943, listic crusade to compass the world should finish the task that has been summoning our workers and people field, and to continue until our com- given them of the Lord. The workers to arise and finish the work commit- missioned task of evangelism is fin- and laity of the Southwestern Union ted into our hands—that of the three- ished. will appreciate the following recom- fold message of Revelation 14; re- "4. That we urge our union and mendations, and I am sure we will all casting our plans and readjusting our local conference and mission com- respond to the call.