Adhesive and Quasiadhesive Categories ∗
RAIRO-Inf. Theor. Appl. 39 (2005) 511-545 DOI: 10.1051/ita:2005028 ADHESIVE AND QUASIADHESIVE CATEGORIES ∗ Stephen Lack1 and Pawel Sobocinski´ 2 Abstract. We introduce adhesive categories, which are categories with structure ensuring that pushouts along monomorphisms are well- behaved, as well as quasiadhesive categories which restrict attention to regular monomorphisms. Many examples of graphical structures used in computer science are shown to be examples of adhesive and quasi- adhesive categories. Double-pushout graph rewriting generalizes well to rewriting on arbitrary adhesive and quasiadhesive categories. Mathematics Subject Classification. 18A30, 18A35, 18D99, 68Q42, 68Q65. Introduction Recently there has been renewed interest in reasoning using graphical methods, particularly within the fields of mobility and distributed computing [15,21] as well as applications of semantic techniques in molecular biology [4, 6]. Research has also progressed on specific graphical models of computation [20]. As the number of various models grows, it is important to understand the basic underlying principles of computation on graphical structures. Indeed, a solid understanding of the foundations of a general class of models (provided by adhesive categories), together with a collection of general semantic techniques (for example [23]) will provide practitioners and theoreticians alike with a toolbox of standard techniques with Keywords and phrases. Adhesive categories, quasiadhesive categories, extensive categories, category theory, graph rewriting. ∗ The first author acknowledges the support of the Australian Research Council. The second author acknowledges the support of BRICS, Basic Research in Computer Science (, funded by the Danish National Research Foundation. 1 School of Quantitative Methods and Mathematical Sciences, University of Western Sydney, Australia.
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