Co. Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Match Programme 2017 Staid Semple, »Urias Tile
Co. Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Match Programme 2017 Staid Semple, »Urias tile SI' Deireadh FOJnhair GOT THE SHOP OUR BEST EVER RANGE OF BOOTS . • flppcary W~!er County Senior Hurling Championship Final 2{) 1 7 - 12.57 Roscrea amach ar an bpa irc 1.00 Toomevara amach ar an bpairc 1.15 Tus an chluiche - Tipperary Water Seamus 0 Rialn Cup final: ROSCREA v TOOMEVARA 1.47 leath-am 1.57 Tus an data lea th 2.30 Cdoch an chluiche 2.40 Presentation of the Seamus 6 Rian Cup to the winning captain by Sean 6 Dubhain, l eas Cathaoirleach an Chontae, followed by the presentation of the 'Man of the Match' award (sponsored by John Quirke Jewellers, Cahir) 2.50 Presentation of the TOOMEVARA County Senior Hurl ing Champions 1992, 1993, 1994 3.07 Borris-lieagh amach ar an bpairc 3.10 Thurles Sarsfields amach ar an bpairc 3.25 Pre-Match Parade lead by the Moycarkey-Borris Pipe Band 3.29 Amhran na bhFiann Singer Katie Shanahan - All-Ireland Sc6r Champion 2017 3.30 Tus an chluiche - Tipperary Water Senior Hurling Championship Final: BORRIS-I LEIGH V THURLES SARSFIELDS 4.03 leath-am 4.13 Tus an dara leath 4.45 (doch an chluiche 4.55 Presentation of the Dan Breen Cup to the winning captain by Micheal de Burca, Cathaoirleach an Chontae, followed by t he presentation of the 'Man of the Match' award (sponsored by John Quirke Jewellers, Cahir) ' fi. We hope you erllOY reodirlij today's programme, II has beerl compiled with the assistonce of Butoc as Tom Moher (Auistont County 5e<:retoryl, nm Floyd (County Secretory), Arw;Iy RYOrlIGDA) , Mark Mcloughlin IRoscreo), Gerry Deloney fToomevara).
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