Security Attacks in Stand-Alone Computer and Cloud Computing: an Analysis
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) National Conference on Computational Intelligence for Engineering Quality Software (CiQS- 2014) Security Attacks in Stand-Alone Computer and Cloud Computing: An Analysis K.Kavitha B. Arunkumar, Ph. D. Research Scholar, Bharathiar University, Professor Assistant Professor, Coimbatore Institute of Technology Dr.G.R.Damodaran College of Science Coimbatore Coimbatore ABSTRACT Internet, through removable media such as CDs or memory The data that is stored on the computer may be confidential or sticks. sensitive according to its applications or usage. The data must Unlike a virus, an Internet Worm does not need to attach itself be protected from unauthorized users. This paper analyses the to an existing program. It can spread copies of itself from one security attacks in a) stand-alone computers and b) in cloud computer to another without being activated by users like computing. A study of existing protective mechanisms is also file sharing presented. By exploiting network configuration errors (for example, to copy themselves onto a fully accessible disk) Keywords Exploit loopholes in operating system and stand-alone security, cloud computing, virtualization, multi- application security. tenancy, virus. Other worms carry a so-called "payload", a piece of code 1. INTRODUCTION designed to do damage the data stored in the computer. It Computing is data centric. The data can be generated might delete files on the PC( e.g., the ExploreZip worm) or internally, taken from an user of the computer, accessed from cause damage or to retrieve sensitive information such as a file or shared from another data storage which could be local passwords and credit card numbers [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8].
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