Leading the Way? Maine's Initial Experience in Expanding Coverage
LEADING THE WAY? MAINE’S INITIAL EXPERIENCE IN EXPANDING COVERAGE THROUGH DIRIGO HEALTH REFORMS Debra J. Lipson, James M. Verdier, and Lynn Quincy Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. December 2007 ABSTRACT: Since enacting comprehensive health care reform in 2003, Maine’s Dirigo Health program has helped expand coverage for low- and moderate-income individuals. By September 2006, about 16,100 individuals were enrolled in two coverage initiatives: DirigoChoice, a subsidized insurance product, and a Medicaid eligibility expansion for low-income parents of dependent children. While these programs are making health coverage more affordable to low- income individuals, small firms, and sole proprietors, with subsidies targeting those most in need, by late 2006, the initiatives had enrolled less than 10 percent of previously uninsured residents. To pay for this expanded coverage, Maine has utilized savings in the overall health care system due to lower uncompensated care and cost controls. However, the funds raised thus far are insufficient to pay for greater subsidized enrollment in Dirigo programs, leading to a search for other financing sources to sustain the program. Support for this research was provided by The Commonwealth Fund and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Changes in Health Care Financing and Organization (HCFO) Initiative. The views presented here are those of the authors and not necessarily those of The Commonwealth Fund, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, or their directors, officers, or staff. This report and other Fund publications are available online at www.commonwealthfund.org. To learn more about new publications when they become available, visit the Fund’s Web site and register to receive e-mail alerts.
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