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Chapter 6 Ants as Mutualists Joshua Ness, Kailen Mooney, and Lori Lach 6.1 Introduction et al. 2002, Stadler and Dixon 2005, Way 1963; The historical emphasis on the ecological and evolu- seed dispersal in Giladi 2006; ant–plant symbioses tionary importance of antagonistic interactions such in Davidson and McKey 1993; Heil and McKey as competition, predation, and parasitism is increas- 2003; and ant–fungi–bacteria in Poulsen and Currie ingly informed by a recognition of facilitative and 2006) and are featured in several books (e.g. Beattie mutualistic interactions where one or both partici- 1985; Huxley 1991; Rico-Gray and Oliveira 2007; pants receive a net benefit (Bertness and Callaway Stadler and Dixon 2008). We encourage readers to 1994; Bruno et al. 2003; Grosholz 2005; Stachowicz seek out these more in-depth works. Second, the 2001). Interactions between ants and their partners mutualisms we describe often include currencies provide some of the best examples of the reciprocal- based on antagonistic interactions and/or access ly beneficial interactions (Bronstein 1998) and, in to food. Competition, predation, and parasitism of particular, the mutualisms that play critical roles in (and by) ants are treated in other chapters (see structuring community composition and function- Chapters 5, 12, 9, 10, and 11, respectively, and Box ing (e.g. Christian 2001; Kaplan and Eubanks 2005; 6.1), and aspects of ant diet and shelter are the focus Mooney 2007; O’Dowd et al. 2003; Poulsen and Cur- of Chapter 7. In many cases, dissecting mutualistic rie 2006; Wimp and Whitham 2001). Interactions interactions requires an understanding of those cur- between ants and their partners date to 45–60 Mya rencies. (Poulsen and Currie 2006; Stadler and Dixon 2005) We begin by describing mutualisms on the basis and are critical to understanding the evolution and of the resources and services being traded. We ecological success of ants as a taxon. The rewards focus on trophobiotic interactions (Section 6.2), provided by mutualists can increase the survival wherein ants receive access to food resources in and reproduction of ants and colonies, provide the exchange for services provided to the reward pro- fuel that allows ants to collect new resources and ducer (whether plant or insect; bacterial endosym- engage in aggressive behaviours (Davidson 1998), bionts are discussed in Chapter 7), interactions and encourage colonies to reallocate resources to- where ants receive nutritive profit while dispersing wards particular responsibilities and/or locations. plant propagules (seeds and pollen) (Section 6.3), Here, we describe the currencies and dynamics of and the tripartite mutualism among ants, fungal these mutualistic interactions, and highlight recent cultivars, and bacteria, in which food, protection, developments in our understanding of ants’ partici- and dispersal are the currencies (Section 6.4). In pation in mutualisms. each case, we identify instances in which these The complexity and breadth of this topic warrant interactions can have consequences for the larger two caveats. First, the dynamics of particular ant biotic communities and identify characteristics of mutualisms have been the focus of substantive re- ants that make them particularly well suited for views (e.g. refer to plant protection in Bronstein participation in the interaction. We then take a syn- 1998, Heil and McKey 2003; insect tending in Pierce thetic approach to explore elements of context 97 98 ANT ECOLOGY Box 6.1 ‘Berry’ ants: an eye-popping symbiosis from the rainforest canopy Stephen P. Yanoviak Successful transmission to a terminal host is the red gasters for ripe fruit (Yanoviak et al. one of the biggest challenges in a parasite’s life 2008b). Unlike the examples mentioned earlier, cycle. Consequently, parasites have evolved a ants are the final hosts for this parasite, and variety of mechanisms to change the behaviour birds function as paratenic hosts (i.e. animals and appearance of intermediate hosts to facil- that transmit parasites to new hosts without itate their consumption by the subsequent becoming infected themselves; Moore 2002). hosts. Several remarkable examples of this Unfortunately, direct evidence for bird preda- phenomenon involve ants as intermediate tion on infected gasters is lacking. However, hosts, including the grass-climbing behaviour given what is known of the natural history of of Formica spp. infected with the fluke Dicro- C. atratus (especially their frequent foraging on coelium dendriticum, the yellow colour of ces- bird faeces; reviewed by de Andrade and Bar- tode-infected Leptothorax spp., and the oni-Urbani 1999) and circumstantial evidence distended gasters of fluke-infected Campono- from field experiments (Yanoviak et al.2008b), tus spp. These and many other examples are fruit mimicry remains the most parsimonious summarized in reviews by Schmid-Hempel explanation. Many Neotropical angiosperms (1998) and Moore (2002). Evolutionarily, these have small red fruits available at different times changes in host appearance or behaviour are of year, and it is logical that a bird foraging on often interpreted as extended phenotypes of such fruits would sample any similar red object the parasites (Dawkins 1982; Hughes et al. in its vicinity. 2008). A plausible alternative hypothesis to fruit Recently, a striking case of ant manipulation mimicry is that the red gasters make C. atratus by a parasite was uncovered in the rainforest workers more conspicuous to predators. Such canopies of Panama and Peru. Workers of the ‘increased conspicuousness’ strategies are arboreal ant Cephalotes atratus infected by common among parasites, although few have the nematode Myrmeconema neotropicum been studied experimentally (Moore 2002). have red gasters containing several hundred Increased conspicuousness is not supported in worm eggs (Poinar and Yanoviak 2008; Yano- this case for at least two reasons. First, C. viak et al. 2008b). The life cycle of the nema- atratus is already one of the most conspicuous tode is closely linked to the life cycle and arboreal ant species in Neotropical lowland temporal polyethism of the ant; peak redness rainforests. Aside from non-selective foraging occurs when the ant is spending large amounts by tropidurid lizards, the workers are gener- of time outside the nest, and coincides with ally ignored by insectivorous vertebrates (de the presence of infective nematode larvae Andrade and Baroni-Urbani 1999; S. Yanoviak, within the eggs. The colour change is not personal observation). Thus, although in- caused by the deposition of red pigments. fected workers stand out from healthy work- Rather, it results from localized exoskeletal ers, this difference is unlikely to greatly thinning or leaching of pigments by the de- increase predation on a common but unpal- veloping worms. This dramatic change in ap- atable ant that is already an easy prey. pearance is accompanied by continuous Second, the colour red is generally apose- gaster-flagging and a substantially weakened matic in insects. To overcome this strong neg- postpetiole, characteristics not found in ative signal, infected ants should resemble healthy ants. During the latter stages of in- non-insects, or red gasters should provide a fection, the parasitized ant becomes sluggish tasty reward. At the peak of infection (Plate 4), and assumes an erect posture (Plate 4). parasitized workers are practically immobile. In combination, these changes likely facilitate They resemble ants morphologically, but not the consumption of ant gasters by frugivorous behaviourally. Given that nematode eggs pass or omnivorous birds, which presumably mistake through birds undigested (Yanoviak et al. continues ANTS AS MUTUALISTS 99 Box 6.1 continued 2008), there is no obvious reward (nor penalty, ant–plant and ant–fungal mutualisms support excluding effort) associated with consuming an entire research programs, books, and confer- infected ant. Thus, a fundamental assumption ence symposia. In contrast, ant symbioses with of the increased conspicuousness hypothesis – nematodes (Poinar et al. 2006) are under- that an attractive signal is associated with investigated. Such parasitism is frequently valuable resources – is not supported. Likewise, overlooked or mistaken as a taxonomic variety, if there is no negative consequence of gaster as occurred with red-gastered C. atratus over a consumption (a sting or noxious chemical), this century ago (Poinar and Yanoviak 2008). mistake should persist in the bird’s behavioural ‘Berry’ ants exemplify the remarkable inter- repertoire. connectedness of species in tropical forests, Symbioses between ants and other and hopefully will stimulate additional organisms are common and well documented; research on ant–parasite interactions. dependency in these interactions (Section 6.5), and dler and Dixon 2005). Within aphids, 40% of species put this variation in the context of macroevolution- are ant-tended, and many aphid genera include ary variation (Section 6.6). Finally, we highlight the both tended and untended species (e.g. Mooney et utility of these interactions for addressing questions al. 2008). These hemipterans tap into host plant fundamental to the field of ecology (Section 6.7) and phloem sap, which is rich in carbohydrates but conclude (Section 6.8) by identifying promising relatively poor in nutrients and amino acids. As a areas of future research. consequence, sap-feeding hemipterans must dis- pose of large quantities of processed, but nonethe- 6.2 Ants providing