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J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000) 000: #### DOI 1 2 3 4 5 Planetary Nebulae with UVIT: A Progress Report. 6 7 8 N. Kameswara Rao1,*, Sutaria F. 1, Murthy J.1, Ray A.2,3 & Pandey G. 1 9 10 1Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore 560034, India. 11 2Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Colaba, Mumbai 400005,India. 12 3 Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (TIFR) Mumbai 400088, India. 13 *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] 14 15 MS received 7 Nov. 2020; accepted – 16 17 18 Abstract. The spectral region between 1250 Å -3000 Å contains important spectral lines to understand the 19 morphological structures and evolution of planetary nebulae. This is the region sampled by UVIT through various 20 filter bands both in the continuum and in emission lines (e.g.. C iv, He i, Mg ii etc.). We have mapped several 21 planetary nebulae with different characteristics, ranging in morphology from bipolar to wide and diffuse, and in 22 various states of ionization, comparing the UV with the x-ray morphologies wherever the x-ray images were also 23 available. The major unanticipated discovery with UVIT has been the detection of previously undetected, cold, 24 fluorescent, H2 gas surrounding some planetary nebulae. This may be a possible solution to the missing mass 25 problem. Here we present a review of our studies so far done (both published and on going) with UVIT. 26 27 Keywords. : AGB and post — AGB , winds, outflows — planetary nebulae: ISM: Planetary nebulae: 28 general — planetary nebulae: individual: NGC 6302. 29 30 1. Introduction rial starts to glow as the planetary , and “illumi- 31 nates the pages of the book that tells the star’s story” 32 Planetary nebulae (PNs) are splendid remnants of ex- (Bianchi 2012). In the interacting stellar wind model 33 traordinary deaths of ordinary stars in the mass range (Kwok 1978), it the interaction of the the high speed 34 of 1 – 8 M⊙. They disburse the nucleosynthetically stellar wind and the slowly expanding super-wind ma- 35 processed stellar material like Carbon and s-process el- terial that shapes the planetary nebulae. Presence of 36 ements into the interstellar medium, thus enriching the a companion and or magnetic fields may further al- 37 38 matter which forms the next generation of stars. The ter the morphology of the PN. In general, PNe show 39 extensive, slow, stellar wind, moving at speeds of 10 to very many shapes ranging from spherical to bipolar to −1 −7 −1 40 15 km s , with a mass-loss rate of ∼ 10 M⊙ yr , multipolar, with some even having chaotic geometries. 41 that starts on the thermally pulsing asymptotic giant Morphological studies of these objects reveal their past 42 branch (AGB) – double shell (He & H) burning sources history of mass ejections, their time scales, kinemat- 43 – transforms into a heavy super-wind with mass-loss ics, properties of the ionizing source, wind interac- −4 −1 44 rates of ∼ 10 M⊙ yr (Delfosse et al. 1997) as the tions as well as interactions with interstellar medium 45 star evolves to the tip of AGB in the H-R diagram. In etc.. The UV region is important for the study of both 46 a relatively short time most of the mass is lost through the central stars (CSPNs) as well as the nebula, be- 47 − a super-wind till the envelope mass falls below 10 3 - cause the most important lines of the most abundant 48 −4 ii 49 10 M⊙, when a structural change occurs to the star elements and their ionization states like C 1335 Å, iv ii iii ii 50 as a degenerate CO oxygen core (which ultimately be- C 1550 Å, He 1640 Å,N ] 1760 ÅC ] 2326 Åetc., 51 comes a ) develops. The photospheric ra- fall in this region. These lines are important for model- 52 dius shrinks and the effective temperature Teff starts to ing the ionization structure, shocked regions, chemical 53 increase keeping the luminosity almost constant. Con- composition etc., and for the estimation of the Teff of 54 sequently, the mass-loss rate stellar wind decreases to the hot CSPNs. Moreover, the interstellar extinction −8 −1 55 about 10 M⊙ yr and the wind speed picks up to 200 through 2179 Åbump can be studied only in the UV 56 to 2000 km s−1. This fast stellar wind plows into the band. The Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope(s) (UVIT) 57 material that was earlier lost through super-wind gener- on ASTROSAT (ref.), with broad and narrow band fil- 58 ating a shock at the interface, while the stellar radiation ters which cover important spectral lines and contin- 59 60 heats and ionizes the ejecta. The circumstellar mate- uum with an angular resolution of about 1”.5, over a 61 62 ⃝c Indian Academy of Sciences 1 63 64 65 #### Page 2 of 1 J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000) 000: ####

1 28’ field of view, are well suited for the study of PNs. 6302 are to be found in (Kameswara Rao et al 2018a,b), 2 Details of UVIT are provided in Kumar et al (2012) while and for NGC 2818 in (Kameswara Rao et al., 3 and its in-orbit performance is described in Tandon et A& A, submitted). Although observations of NGC 650, 4 + 5 al (2017a) and in Tandon et al. (2020). UVIT is one OH231.8 4.2, Mz3, (and IC 4997) have been done the 6 of the five payloads on the multiwavelength Indian as- data is not yet available from ISSDC. 7 tronomical satellite ASTROSAT that was launched on The compact low excitation , NGC 8 2015 September 28. It consists of two 38 cm aperture 40, was the first object we studied with a view to 9 telescopes, one of which is optimized for FUV, while look for correspondence of high excitation UV line re- 10 the other has a dichroic beam splitter that reflects NUV gions with Chandra X-ray images. It has been im- 11 and transmits the optical. Each UV channel can be aged in the far-ultraviolet filters F169M (UVIT/FUV- 12 studied in five broad and narrow band filters, as well F3 with λeff = 1608 Å ) and F172M (UVIT/FUV- 13 as by low resolution transmission gratings. The Visual F5 with λeff of 1717 Å), as well as in the near- 14 channel (VIS channel), which operates only in the in- ultraviolet (UVIT/NUV) filters N245M (UVIT/NUV- 15 tegration mode, is used for tracking. Our project uses B13) and N279N (UVIT/NUV-N2 with λeff of 2792 Å). 16 iv 17 UVIT imaging of x-ray bright and x-ray faint Planetary The filters selected would allow imaging in C 1550Å ff ii 18 Nebulae of di erent morphologies in various UV emis- (F169M) and C ] 2326Å (N245M) emission lines, as 19 sion lines, particularly C iv 1550 Å, C ii] 2326 Å, [O ii] well as in the continuumn (F172M) and (N263). Mor- 20 2470 Å, Si iv 1400 Å, Mg ii] 2800 Å, He ii 1640 Å etc., phological studies in optical and infrared (IR) show 21 using various filters of the UVIT-FUV and -NUV chan- that NGC 40 has ionized high density central core sur- 22 nels. We aim to study the UV morphologies, shocked rounded by faint filamentary halo with circumnebu- 23 regions and correspondence of UV and X-ray emissions lar rings that are seen only in Hα but not in [O iii]. 24 in PNs, and to that end, several PNs of varied morpho- UVIT studies show that C ii] 2326Å emission is con- 25 logical types in both near (NUV) and far (FUV) UV fined mostly to the core and shows similar morphology 26 ranges have been observed. Unfortunately, the NUV as low excitation lines in optical. However, strong C iv 27 28 channel became dysfunctional after 2017. In this paper, 1550Å emission is present in the core and shows simi- 29 we discuss our observations conducted so far of the se- lar morphology and extent as that of X-ray (0.3-8 keV) 30 lected PNs (Table 1), as well as some of the results and emission observed by Chandra, suggesting interaction 31 surprises that emerged. Detailed studies of individual of the high-speed wind from WC8 central star (CS) 32 objects would be presented else where but some salient with the nebula. An unexpected UVIT discovery is the 33 observational features particularly brought out by UV presence of faint large emission halo in FUV F169M 34 studies are dealt in the current presentation. Detailed surrounding the central core (Figure 2-top). This FUV 35 discussion of NGC 40 and NGC 6302 have been pre- halo is absent in the other filters. This emission halo 36 sented in Kameswara Rao (2018a,b). is unlikely to be due to C iv 1550Å emission, or due to 37 Table 1 shows a broad morphological classification dust scattering. Instead, it most likely is due to UV fluo- 38 39 of the nebulae we observed with UVIT so far which rescence emission from Lyman bands of H2 molecules 40 range from compact bipolar nebulae (B) to large ellip- since a few vib-rotational lines have already been de- 41 tical (E) and round (R) nebulae. Some are irregular. tected in the IR from Spitzer spectra. The FUV halo in 42 Figure 1 illustrates typical nebular emission lines that NGC 40 highlights the extensive existence of cold H2 43 are enclosed by UVIT filters that were used for our PN molecules in the regions even beyond the optical and 44 studies. IR halos. Thus UV studies are important to estimate 45 the amount of H2, which is probably the most dominant 46 molecule and significant for mass-loss studies. Central 47 2. Results and Discussion star and the nebular core occur in the north-west edge of 48 the FUV halo in the direction of the star’s proper mo- 49 50 2.1 Bipolar Nebulae -FUV Halos and Arcs tion vector suggesting a possible interaction with the surrounding interstellar medium (ISM). 51 Most of the nebulae we have observed so far belong Presence of much bigger and more extensive FUV 52 to the group of PNe with bipolar morphology. Our halo was discovered around the famous high excitation 53 sample includes NGC 40 (the ”Bow tie nebula”), NGC 54 PN, NGC 6302 the butterfly nebula (Kameswara Rao et 650, NGC 2440, OH231.8+4.2 (the ”Calabash neb- 55 al. 2018b). It has been imaged in F169M and F172M, ula”), NGC 2818, Mz 3, NGC 6302 and NGC 7027. 56 as well as in N279N and in N219M (UVIT/NUV-B15 One of the reasons we observed them is to look for sys- 57 with λ ff of 2196 Å). tematic featufres (aspects) in the UV that would char- e 58 Very detailed Hubble Space Telescope (HST) im- 59 acterise the group - e.g. the cold circumnebular H 2 ages have been discussed by Szyska et al (2009) who 60 gas. Detail UVIT imaging studies of NGC 40 and NGC 61 62 63 64 65 J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000)000: #### Page 3 of 1 ####

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 NGC 6302 -Nebula 13 SWP 05211 14 SWP 30986 C IV 15 SWP 33379 16 N IV] He II 17 N III] 18 19 C III] 20 21 22 O III] 23 [Ne IV] 24 O IV] 25 26 0 27 1400 1600 1800 2000 28 29 NGC 6302 -Nebula 30 LWR 09064 [Ne IV] 31 LWP 13129 LWP 13120 32 33 34 O III 35 36 37 Mg II 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Figure 1. IUE low resolution nebular spectra of NGC6302 are shown to illustrate the wavelength range of UVIT filters. FUV 50 is plotted on top and NUV at the bottom. Relative effective areas of various UVIT filters used for PN studies and typical 51 nebular emission lines they include are shown. 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 #### Page 4 of 1 J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000) 000: ####

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Figure 2. (Top:) FUV images of NGC 40 in F172M (left) and in F169M (right). The faint FUV halo in F169M, extending 58 beyond the bright central region, is absent in the F172M image. (Kameswara Rao et. al 2018a). (Bottom:) The extensive 59 FUV lobes and jets in NGC 6302 are shown in the F169M image which extends much beyond the optical image. The F172M 60 image (not shown) does not show these lobes and jets. 61 62 63 64 65 J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000)000: #### Page 5 of 1 ####

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Figure 3. (Top) :NUV N219M image (left) is compared with UVIT image in F169M (F3) of NGC 2440. 23 24 25 26 also identified the elusive central star. The optical nar- in which the velocity increases outward in proportion 27 row band images show two main lobes with compli- to its distance from the star) in both lobes about 2200 28 cated clumpy small scale structure in the east-west di- years back (Meaburn et al 2008, Szyszka et al., 2009). 29 rection separated by a dark lane of a very dense disc The formation and flow of matter probably was directed 30 of gas (neutral and molecular) and dust, stretching to by the torus into east - west lobes. 31 north-south. It formed into a toroid, that obscures the Our F169M image of this nebula shows faint emis- 32 central star with visual extinction of about 8 magni- sion lobes that extend to about 5’ arc minutes on either 33 tudes (Matsuura et al 2005, Peretto et al 2007, Szyska side of the central source. Faint orthogonal jets are also 34 et al 2009 , Wright et al 2011) . Meaburn et al (2008) present on either side of the FUV lobes through the cen- 35 determined the distance to the nebula as 1.170.14 kpc tral source (Figure 2-bottom). These lobes and jets are 36 37 from expansion parallax using proper motions of fea- not present in either of the two NUV filters or in FUV 38 tures in the north-west lobe. This estimate seems to F172M. Optical and IR images of NGC 6302 show 39 be consistent with measurements of proper motions brightly emitting bipolar lobes in the east-west direc- 40 from Hubble images of the eastern lobe (Szyszka et al tion with a massive torus of molecular gas. Dust is seen 41 2011). From 3D photoionization modelling of the neb- as a dark lane in the north-south direction. FUV lobes 42 ula Wright et al (2011) derived the properties of the are much more extended and oriented at a position an- ◦ 43 central star as hydrogen deficient with Teff of 220000 gle of 113 . The FUV lobes and jets might be remnants 44 K , log g of 7 , L∗ of 14300 L⊙and mass of 0.73-0.82 of earlier (binary star) evolution, prior to the dramatic 45 M⊙. They also estimated the initial mass to be around explosive event that triggered the Hubble type bipolar 46 5.5 M⊙ . flows about 2200 years back. The source of the FUV 47 48 Extensive studies of the circumstellar torus from in- lobe and jet emission is not known, but most likely is 49 frared to radio wavelengths ( Lester & Dinerstein 1984, due to fluorescent emission from H2 molecules. The 50 Kemper et al 2002, Matsuura et al 2005, Peretto et al cause of the difference in orientation of optical and 51 2007, and Santander-Garcia et al 20017) suggest the FUV lobes is also indeterminate, although we specu- 52 structure is that of a broken disc containing 2.2 M⊙ of late that it could be related to the binary interactions. 53 dust and molecular gas expanding at 8 km s−1, presum- 54 ably ejected from the star some 5000 years ago, over a 2.1.1 NGC 2440: A different kind of FUV halo is 55 duration of ∼ 2000 years. The torus also obscures both seen in the bipolar (multi-polar) PN NGC 2440 in our 56 the star and an ionized gas disc (detected in 6 cm free- UVIT observations. The two prominent lobes of bipo- 57 free continuum) around the star. Kinematical studies of lar structure prominently seen in the optical images 58 59 the east and west lobes seem to suggest that an explo- (eg. HST heritage image) are resolved in the various 60 sive event initiated a kind of Hubble flow (i.e. a flow nebular line filter images in to at least two interlock- 61 62 63 64 65 #### Page 6 of 1 J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000) 000: ####

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Figure 4. Top left panel: Images of NGC 2440 in the filter F169M (left) is shown along with [O iii] 5007Åobtained with 48 HST. The FUV halo and jet are indicated in UVIT image. In the right panel the same image is shown with the three bipolar 49 ◦ ◦ orientations (PA 35 (a) and 85 (b) are shown. Bottom left panel shows UVIT image of NGC 2440 in F172M shown along 50 with HST image in [N ii] 6584Å. The bottom right panel shows the UVIT image in N265M compared with the HST image 51 ii 52 in [N ] 6584Å. 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000)000: #### Page 7 of 1 ####

1 ing, differently oriented, bipolar structures (Lopez et nebula on the NE side and ∼18” on the SW. The axis of 2 al. 1998). They are oriented at position angles (PA) this halo seem to coincide with PA 35◦ nebular axis. In 3 of 35◦ and 85◦, with a third one at 60◦ (Lopez et al. addition, the most interesting is a thin jet that extends 4 1998). These multipolar structures suggest changes in to ∼ 44” to the south west beyond the nebula, paral- 5 ◦ 6 the direction of sporadic mass outflows from the cen- lel to the PA 35 axis. (the bright condensation at the 7 tral object (Lopez et al 1995, Manchado et al. 1996). southern end of the jet is a field star. It is also present 8 Many molecular emissions and outflows have have in the F172M image). The FUV halo in NGC 2440 is 9 been mapped. Mapping of H2 (v = 1 − 0 S(1)) ro- similar in nature to the other two systems NGC 40 and 10 tational transition shows a spiky spherical structure of NGC 6302 and most likely caused by the fluorescent 11 ∼ 73” diameters (Muthu Mariappan et al 2007, Wang emission from cold H2 molecules, excited by the dif- 12 et al 2008) with spokes emanating from the centre. CO fuse UV radiation of the hot central star. This cold H2 13 (3-2) emission closely follows the PA 35◦ bipolar axis might be a product of much earlier mass loss from the 14 in three clumps extending to about a radius of ∼ 36” system when it (or possibly, the primary) was on early 15 + 16 from the central clump (Wang et al 2008). HCN, HCO AGB phase. The FUV jet might also be an earlier ejec- 17 emission is also detected within the nebular diameter tion from the binary system. ∼ 18 of 71” (Schmidt & Ziurys 2016). Cuesta & Phillips 19 (2000) analysed and modeled the optical nebular line 2.1.2 NGC 2818: The bipolar PN NGC2818 presents 20 filter images. Ramos-Larios & Phillips (2009) show a different kind of FUV emission. Instead of a FUV 21 the Spitzer images at 3.6, 4.8, and 8 µ infra-red emis- halo around the PN, NGC 2818 shows FUV emit- 22 sion extending to ∼ 80” diameter centered on the cen- ting circum-nebular arcs at a distance from the nebula, 23 tral source where two bright nebular knots (NK and SK) possible remnants of much earlier mass ejections and 24 separated by ∼ 6.2” occur and define another axis. Thus mass-loss. 25 the, ionized, molecular gas and dust are all confined The PN NGC 2818 is one of the few known PNs 26 within ∼80” diameter centered around the centre. Logo that are members of galactic clusters which makes it 27 28 & Costa (2016) modeled the morphokinematical struc- possible to estimate a lower limit to the original main ◦ ◦ ff 29 ture with two bipolar components with PA 35 and 85 . sequence mass from the cluster turno . In the cse of 30 The nebular abundances and the central star properties NGC 2818 it is around 2.0 to 2.2 M⊙. NGC 2818 is 31 have been studied recently by Miller et al (2019). a high excitation nebula with lines of He ii,C iv,N v 32 Our UVIT images are obtained in the FUV fil- same time strong lines of low excitation as well as 33 ters F169M and F172M as well as in the NUV filters vibrational-rotational lines of H2 in the near and mid- 34 N245M and N263M (Figure 3). F169M includes the IR. The Spitzer images in mid-IR wavelengths show 35 lines of C iv 1550 Å, He ii 1640 Å close to the star dust emission extending beyond the optical nebula, par- 36 whereas F172M mostly displays the continuum and a ticularly on the western lobe (Hora 2007). From the 37 weakly, the N iii] 1760 Å emission feature. The im- optical spectral analysis the Teff of the central star is 38 ii ii ∼ 39 ages of N245M includes C ] 2326 Å, N263M Mg estimated to be 169000 K (Mata et al 2016). Very 40 and the continuum. Comparison of UV images with detailed Hubble Space telescope (HST) images (Hub- 41 optical nebular lines ground based (Lopez et al. 1998, ble Heritage image collection) have been discussed 42 Cuesta & Phillips 2000) and HST show that N245M by Vazquez(2012) along with its kinematical structure. 43 and N263M are very similar to[N ii] 6584 Åwhere as The kinematical age of the wide lobes is estimated as 44 F172M image is similar to that of continuum emission ∼ 84003400 years. The optical narrow band images 45 (Cuesta & Phillips 2000) both in size as well as in the show bipolar lobes in the east-west direction with com- 46 presence of the features consistent with low excitation plicated small scale structure and a pinched, hourglass 47 line contribution. However, the images obtained with type narrow equatorial waist in the middle stretching to 48 F169M differ from those of the other UV filters and the north-south. The semi-major axis is estimated to extend 49 50 optical lines. The bright central part of the image shows to 75” through optical nebular lobes in east-west and a broadly similar to the [O iii] 5007 Åimage and shows minor axis extending to 55” north-south with 14” di- 51 ◦ ◦ 52 the two bipolar systems at PA 35 and 85 (Figure 3 ). ameter central region, which is potentially the remnant 53 The orientation of the central knots also is similar. of an equatorial enhancement A number of cometary 54 The most intriguing features of the F169M image knots are seen in images of low excitation lines eg. 55 are the faint halo extending beyond the central bright [N ii], that are preferentially located inside a radius of 56 nebula in the north-east (NE), and to a lesser extent, on 20” around the central star Vazquez(2012). 57 the south west (SW). The faint halo extends beyond the The bipolar planetary nebula, NGC 2818 and the 58 ∼ 80” nebular diameter estimated from dust and molec- have been imaged in three far-ultraviolet 59 ular emission. It extends to ∼ 38” beyond the bright (FUV) filters , F154W: λ ff of 1541, F169M : λ ff of 60 e e 61 62 63 64 65 #### Page 8 of 1 J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000) 000: ####

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Figure 5. UVIT/FUV F154W image of NGC 2818 shows a faint, narrow, nebular, 44 partial ring like feature about 370” east of the nebula and also two nebular arcs at 45 about 170” north-west of the nebula (figures on the right). These features are absent 46 in F172M (top, left) and GALEX NUV (bottom, left) images. 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000)000: #### Page 9 of 1 ####

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 / iii 25 Figure 6. UVIT FUV F169M image of NGC 2818 is compared with [O ] 5007 Å ground based, image (inset, Vazquez, 26 2012). While several features are in common, a major difference is the prominence of radial streamers (or emission filaments) 27 in the F169M image, marked by green arrows. The bandpass of F169M filter covers mainly He ii λ1640 Å, and C iv λ 1550 28 Åemission lines. Presence of these streamers suggest that they might have been swept up by strong stellar wind from the 29 central star. 30 31 32 1608 and F172M: λeff of 1717 with UVIT. The F154W bright emission region dominated by He ii λ1640 and 33 image shows faint emission of a partial nebular ring and to lesser extent C iv λ 1550 emission, around the star. 34 couple of nebular arcs (shell) that surround the central Another prominent morphological aspect of FUV emis- 35 nebula at a distance of 370” and 170” from the cen- sion, particularly seen in F169M image is the presence 36 37 tral star (Figure 5). F169M image also shows traces of radial filaments (Figure 6) diverging from the central 38 of these features but not as prominently as in F154W star in almost all directions. These filaments are spread 39 image. But the images in F172M filter, NUV from more in the direction of eastern lobe than towards west- 40 GALEX and optical filters do not show any trace of ern lobe. They extend to about 48” into eastern lobe. 41 these emission features. The FUV emission from par- These filaments are much more prominent in F169M 42 tial ring at a distance of 6.4 pc from the star suggests image than in [O iii] or F172M images, suggesting that 43 an ejection that took place about 60000 years back (or they represent He ii ( and C iv ) line emitting regions. 44 more) from the central star. The observed expansion ve- The filaments have a width of about 0.065 pc at the 45 locity of 105 km s−1 of the polar lobes and the distance distance of the nebula. This structure of the filaments 46 of 3.56 kpc determined from Gaia parallaxes for both is very similar to the radial rays surrounding the main 47 48 the cluster and the nebula suggests such an age. This is ring in Helix nebula as shown by O’Dell (2004) . These 49 by far the most distant and oldest relic of mass ejection radial filaments seem to provide channels for the hot 50 observed for a planetary nebula. The FUV emission in stellar wind to flow. 51 these nebular features is most likely due to UV fluores- It is amazing that FUV studies could bring out relics 52 cent H2 molecules. From the Teff and luminosity of the of 60000 years past mass-loss from the pre-CSPN star 53 star it appears that enough stellar UV radiation reaches of NGC 2818. 54 the nebular arc to produce sufficient H2 fluorescence. 55 The original formation of the shell (or a ring) might 2.1.3 NGC 7027: Although our analysis of this PN is 56 have involved shocks or high temperature and high ve- on going, we illustrate here F154W, F169M and F172M 57 locity gas, but in due course that gas has recombined filters image (Figure 5) from our observations and point 58 59 and cooled to the present cold molecular gas. out some interesting features. NGC 7027 (PN G084.9- 60 The FUV images of the central bipolar nebula show 03.4) – also known as the ”Magic carpet” nebula or 61 62 63 64 65 #### Page 10 of 1 J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000) 000: ####

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Figure 7. (Top):FUV F154W,F169M and F172M images of NGC 7027. Note that the south-east part is fainter and affected 43 by extinction. FUV is very sensitive to dust extinction. The differential extinction can be studied from UV images. 44 45 46 Figure 8. (Bottom): FUV F154W image (left) is shown along with the x-ray (Kastner et al. 2001) and HST optical image. 47 The faint circular rings seen the optical image are absent in FUV image. 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000)000: #### Page 11 of 1 ####

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Figure 9. (Top): FUV UVIT F169M (left),N245M and N263M (right) images of NGC 1514. The nebula is brighter in NUV 28 N245M than in FUV F169M. (Bottom) The UVIT N245M image of NGC 1514 is compared with optical image (bottom 29 right) (Resseler et al. 2010). The UV emission is confined to the inner ring and centered around the central star. 30 31 32 ”Pink pillow” nebula – is located at 1 kpc (Zijlstra et tral hydrogen around the ionized region 33 al. 2008) and has a kinematical age of just 600 years FUV is very sensitive to the internal and external 34 (based on its radio flux - Masson 1989). It is a com- extinction. NGC 7027 has high and variable extinction 35 36 pact and young PN, one of the brightest nebulae in the across the nebula that has been mapped by Walton et al 37 sky and the most extensively studied one. NGC 7027 is (1988). Montez et al (2018) link the X-ray emission to 38 a carbon-rich nebula with a very high-excitation spec- the distribution of extinction across the nebula. UVIT 39 trum showing lines of O iv, Mg V etc. It hosts one images in FUV would reflect such extinction variations 40 of the hottest central stars known to date, with a Teff (Figure 6)that would explored later. UVIT images do 41 ∼ 200000 K (Latter et al. 2000). A small, essentially not show presence of FUV halo or arcs as in other 42 ellipsoidal, expanding ionized shell surrounds the cen- bipolar PNs listed earlier although deep images in opti- 43 tral star (Masson 1989). Further outwards, a thin shell cal (HST) do show faint circular rings around the main 44 indicates the presence of H a photo-dissociation region nebula. One possible reason is that because of high in- 45 2 (PDR) and shows signs of recent interaction with col- ternal extinction no UV photons from the central star 46 47 limated outflows (Cox et al. 2002). The nebula also reach to the outer H2 region. shows many molecular emission lines, e.g. lines of CO, 48 + + 49 CH ,H2O, and even HeH ion have been detected from 2.2 Round Nebulae -FUV Halos beyond the PDR (Wesson et. al 2010, Santander-Garca 50 The members of this group that were observed by UVIT 51 et al 2012, Gusten et ai. 2019). are NGC 1514, A 30 , EGB 6, and NGC 3587 52 The PN was discovered to be an X-ray source by 53 Kastner et al. (2001), who attributed the X-ray emis- 2.2.1 NGC 1514:-shining fluid! Observing NGC 54 sion to shock heating by a fast wind from the central 1514 on 1790 November 13, William Herschel called it 55 star impacting the slow wind which the progenitor star 56 ‘a most singular phenomenon!’.This PN is unusual be- ejected while on the asymptotic giant branch (AGB). 57 cause of its very bright central star and large diameter Zhang et al. detected in the spectrum of this bright 58 low surface brightness nebulosity. The observation by young PN of Raman-scattered O vi features at 6830Å 59 Herschel is termed as ‘an important event in the history 60 and 7088Å pointing to the existence of abundant neu- 61 62 63 64 65 #### Page 12 of 1 J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000) 000: ####

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Figure 10. (Top:) PN A30 in various UVIT FUV and NUV filters is shown in the top panel. (Bottom:) The UVIT/FUV 43 F169M image of PN A30 (left) is compared with ground based [O iii] image (right). The Knots and cometary-tail like 44 filaments in the centre of the [O III] image appear to have counterparts in the F169M image. The [O iii] image was supplied 45 by Arturo Manchado (personal comm.). 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000)000: #### Page 13 of 1 ####

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Figure 11. (Top, left): A30 image in F169M showing radial streamers from CSPN showing channels of streaming stellar 48 wind (green arrows). The pink arrows point to the arches where the channeled flow hit the outer boundary. (Right): Ground 49 based [O iii] image superposed by an inset showing the region of Chandra X-ray emission. (Bottom): Image of A30 F169M 50 superposed by the XMMNewton X-ray continuum counters. 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 #### Page 14 of 1 J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000) 000: ####

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Figure 12. Images of A30 in F154W , F169M and F172M showing the FUV halo around F154 and F169M images and the 21 absence of it around F172M image. 22 23 24 of astronomy’ (Seaton 1980) because of his realisation al 2010) in Figure 7. The UV emission seem to be 25 that ‘we therefore either have a central body which is mostly to the inner shell. There is UV (nebular) emis- 26 not a star or have a star which is involved in a shining sion within 30”. The nebular extent in FUV is less than 27 fluid, of a nature totally unknown to us’ (Seaton 1980). that in near UV and optical. There seems to be streams 28 It turns out that there is not one star at the centre but connecting the central region to the inner shell particu- 29 + 30 two, a sdO A0III. Recent observations show that the larly in F245M. The structure in NUV F245M is very 31 binary system has a period of 3306 days and eccentric- similar to the optical except the bubbles look sharper. 32 ity of 0.46. The estimates of the mass for the cooler 33 secondary is about 2.3 M⊙ and the hot primary is of 0.9 2.2.2 Born-again Planetary Nebula A30 - Abell 30 34 M⊙ (Jones et al. 2017). (PNG208.5+33.2, A30) is archetypal born-again PN of 35 Ressler et al. (2010) described the morphological about 2 arc minute diameter. The central star of A30 36 structure of NGC 1514 (see their figure 1) as a neb- is believed to have undergone a very late thermal pulse 37 ula with two shells, inner and outer with diameters of (VLTP) that caused the ejection of hydrogen deficient 38 132” and 183”. The inner shell has numerous bubble material, prominently seen in the light of [O iii] lines, 39 structures at its edge pushing into the outer shell. The about 850 years back. The inner parts of the nebula are 40 monochromatic optical images of NGC 1514 show that filled with this material whereas the outer rim of the 41 42 the amorphous appearance of the nebula contains very nebula is of H-normal composition and of about 12500 43 little nebular emission within about 30” of the nucleus yrs of age. A30 is also an X-ray source showing both a 44 (Balick 1987). This is also confirmed by the absence of diffuse source covering the inner few arc seconds cov- 45 C iii ] λ1909 emission which is normally the strongest ering the hydrogen deficient knots and a point source 46 nebular feature in IUE spectra of PNe (Ressler et al. located on the central star. 47 2010). Born-again planetary nebulae (PNe) are believed 48 A pair of infrared bright axisymmetric rings that to have experienced a VLTP (Iben et al. 1983) while 49 surround the visible nebula were discovered by Ressler the star was descending the white dwarf cooling track. 50 et al (2010), particularly dominant in 22 µ m. Such a During this event, the remaining stellar helium enve- 51 structure is not suggested in any of the visible wave- lope reaches the critical mass required to ignite its 52 53 length images which is probably resulted from binary fusion into carbon and oxygen (e.g., Herwig 2005; 54 interaction. NGC 1514 is also a X-ray source (Tarafdar Miller Bertolami & Althaus 2006; Lawlor & MacDon- 55 & Apparao 1988, Montez et al. 2015). ald 2006); the sudden increase of pressure leads to the 56 We have obtained UVIT images in F154W, F169M, ejection of the newly processed material and, as the 57 F172M as well as in N245M, N263M, and N279N. Al- stellar envelope expands, its temperature decreases and 58 though our analysis is ongoing and not complete ,we the star returns in the HertzsprungRussell (HR) dia- 59 present few images and show the comparison with the gram to the locus of the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) 60 optical image (a combination of B, V, R+I -Ressler et stars. Soon after, the contraction of the envelope will 61 62 63 64 65 J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000)000: #### Page 15 of 1 ####

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Figure 13. Top: Images of NGC 3587 (Owl Nebula) in F169M and Galex NUV showing the halos around the deep images 47 (marked as (a)). The nebula in F169M and Galex NUV with two shells are shown marked as (b). Ground based Hα, [N ii] 48 and [O iii] images (from Garc`ıa-D`ıaz et al. 2018) are shown for comparison with UV images. The features of F169M and 49 iii α 50 Galex NUV are similar to [O ] and H respectively. Bottom: Image of NGC 3587 in F154W (left) and F169M (right). 51 F169M image shows a jet like feature (shown by the arrow) that is absent in F154W image. 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 #### Page 16 of 1 J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000) 000: ####

1 increase the stellar effective temperature, boosting the channel where it interacts with the nebular boundary, 2 UV flux, and giving rise to a new fast stellar wind. arch type structures are seen suggesting that the bound- 3 So far, the only bona fide born-again PNe are Abell ary is being pushed out by the flow of stellar wind swept 4 5 30 (A 30), Abell 58 (A 58, Nova Aql 1919), Abell 78 material. X-ray emission has been detected within A30 6 (A 78), and V4334 Sgr (the Sakurais object). Among (e.g., Guerrero et al. 2012; Kastner et al. 2012; Mon- 7 them, A30 and A78 are the more evolved ones, with tez et al 2015). This born-again PN has been studied 8 large limb-brightened, H-rich outer nebulae surround- with ROSAT (PSPC and HRI), Chandra, and XMM- 9 ing the H-poor, irregular-shaped structures that harbor Newton X-ray satellites (Chu & Ho 1995; Chu et al. 10 the cometary knots in the innermost regions (Jacoby 1997; Guerrero et al. 2012). Its X-ray emission origi- 11 1979; Hazard et al. 1980, Meaburn & Lopez´ 1996; nates from the CSPN, but there is also diffuse emission 12 Meaburn et al. 1998). HST images in the [O iii] emis- spatially coincident with the cloverleaf-shaped H-poor 13 sion line of the central regions have revealed equatorial structure detected in [O iii]. The X-ray emission from 14 rings (ERs) and compact polar outflows (POs) in the both the CSPN and the diffuse extended emission is ex- 15 / 16 central regions of both PNe (Borkowski et al. 1993, tremely soft. The XMM Newton x-ray continuum con- 17 1995). The dynamics are revealing: while the outer tours (Chu et al 1997) are shown in Figure 9 superposed 18 nebulae show shell-like structures expanding at veloc- on F169M image. They are confined mostly to the inner −1 19 ities of 30 to 40 km , the H-poor clumps present nebular region where the He ii dominated gas is present. − 20 complex structures, with velocity spikes of 200 km 1 The Chandra X-ray region is displayed in Figure 9 as an 21 (Meaburn & Lopez´ 1996; Chu et al. 1997; Meaburn inset displaying the HST image of the inner 10” radius 22 et al. 1998). The morphology and kinematics of the of the nebula. The X-ray region contains both diffuse 23 H-poor knots unveil rich dynamical processes in the emission and knots. 24 nebulae. The material photo-evaporated from the knots 25 by the stellar radiation is swept up downstream by the 2.2.3 FUV Halo: The most surprising result of our 26 fast stellar wind, which is otherwise mass loaded and UV imaging of A 30 is the presence of a FUV halo 27 28 slowed down (Pittard et al. 2005). The interactions are in the F154M and F169M filters, extending beyond the 29 complex, resulting in sophisticated velocity structures, known optical and NUV nebular size (Figure 10). The 30 as well as x-ray emitting hot gas (Chu & Ho 1995; halo is not present in the F172M image, nor in any of 31 Guerrero et al. 2012; Toala` et al. 2014). the NUV images or even in the optical images. This 32 To study the correspondence of UV emission with situation is similar to that in NGC 40, NGC 6302 and 33 the X-ray emission as well as the hydrogen deficient NGC 2440. The FUV emission is very likely, the result 34 ejecta, we imaged A30 with UVIT in 3 FUV and 2 of H2 molecular fluorescent emission from the AGB 35 NUV filters. Two FUV filters, F154M (F2) and F169M ejecta, from molecules excited by the diffuse UV radia- 36 (F3; λ ff 1608 Å) transmit the high excitation lines of tion from the CSPN seeping through to the cold molec- 37 e He ii,C iv etc. as shown in fig. 1). The other FUV filter ular region. Inspite of the presence of a very hot central 38 λ 39 F172M (F5 with eff 1717 Å) allows mostly the neb- star, with Teff of 115000 K (Toala` et al. 2014 ), and 40 ular continuum. The NUV filters N219M (B15 with an earlier excursion to hot PN stage (born-again), the 41 λeff 2196 Å) and N279N2 (N2 with λeff 2796 Å) allow nebula seems to still possess some unionized molecular 42 mostly low excitation lines or continuum. The images gas. Is this gas a survivor of 12000 years of the PN evo- 43 of the nebula in these filters are shown in Figure 8. The lution? The FUV halo seem to be distributed asymetri- 44 nebula is most intense in F169M and F154W where cally only on one side of the nebula. Earlier, Dinnerstin 45 He ii line emission dominates. The UVIT provides a & Lester (1989) discovered an infra-red disk inside the 46 spatial resolution of ∼ 1.”3. In the present work, we nebula. A possible connection of this dust disk to the 47 contrast the UV images with both X-ray contours as FUV halo needs to be explored. 48 well as ground based [O iii] and H-alpha images (Ar- 49 50 turo Manchado -personal communication). In the FUV 2.2.4 NGC 3587 -The Owl Nebula This is a well ∼ 51 F2, F3 images, the hydrogen deficient nebular knots are studied PN with an angular size of 3’ and of sym- 52 not as conspicuous as in the [O iii] image (Figure 8). metrical morphology consisting of triple shell structure 53 The FUV F2, F3 show radial streamers, which are quite with a round double shell which forms the main bright 54 prominent almost extending from central region (Fig- nebula, and a faint outer halo (Chu et al. 1987; Kwit- 55 ure 9) to the edge of the nebula. They provide the chan- ter et al. 1992, Guerrero et al 2003). The bright inner 56 nels for the material photoevaporated from the knots shell is about 182” × 168” and resembles the face of the 57 by the stellar radiation is swept up downstream by the owl with each eye being of ∼ 35”. The outer shell is 58 fast stellar wind, which is otherwise mass loaded and almost circular with a diameter of ∼ 208”. The outer 59 slowed down (Pittard et al. 2005). At the edge of the shell is about 25% larger than innershell. The surface 60 61 62 63 64 65 J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000)000: #### Page 17 of 1 ####

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Figure 14. Top, 3 Panels :UVIT image of EGB 6 in F148W filter showing the fainter outer nebula and smaller central nebula 44 (shown by the arrow) along with an optical image of EGB 6 in Hα and [N ii] (Jacoby et al 1995) and an optical colour image 45 of the outer nebula. Note that the inner smaller neb is not present in the two optical images. Bottom: Galex FUV image of 46 EGB 6 (left) is compared with UVIT image in F148W. The inner small nebula is shown by the arrow. Note the absence of 47 inner small nebula in the Galex image. 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 #### Page 18 of 1 J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000) 000: ####

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Figure 15. Top, 2 Panels: UVIT image of EGB 6 in F154W filter showinging the fainte outer nebula and smaller central 50 nebula along with F148W image of the outer nebula. Note that an inner, smaller, nebula is present in the two FUV images. 51 Bottom: FUV image of EGB 6 in F148W. Note that the bow of inner small nebula is towards south-west direction. 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000)000: #### Page 19 of 1 ####

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 α 45 Figure 16. Top left panel: Images of A 21 in H (Manchado et al 1996)and in N263M showing the similarity of the 46 filamentary structure. right panel: The FUV images in F169M and F172M. The arrow points to the faint filament that 47 connects to the CSPN. Bottom: UVIT composite image of A 21 in three colours F169M (blue) N263M (green) N245M(red). 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 #### Page 20 of 1 J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000) 000: ####

1 brightness of the outer shell decreases outward in Hα One of the special features seen in the F169M im- 2 and [O iii]. It shows a limb brightening along the PA age is a jet in the north-west cavity (see Figure ) that is 3 -15◦ to 13◦ and in PA 180◦ to 230◦ (Custeo et al 2000). not seen either in F154W or F172M or even NUV im- 4 The halo is prominent in [O iii] images than in Hα ages. This could be a hot He ii emitting jet, a real sign 5 ii 6 or [N ] but is present in all the optical images (Hajian of activity in a docile nebula. 7 et al 1997). This behavior is also common to other PN 8 halos and is most likely an effect of the hardening of 2.2.5 EGB6: EGB 6 (PN G221.6+46.4) is a large ′ ′ 9 ionizing radiation (Guerrero & Manchado 1999). At (13 × 11 ) and very low-surface-brightness planetary 10 the faintest level the halo is circular with a radius of nebula, serendipitously discovered by Bond on POSS 11 350” (Guerrero et al.2003) although overall morphol- prints in 1978. The central star, PG 0950+139 is a very 12 ogy is asymmetrical (Figure 11). The halo is kinemati- hot DAOZ white dwarf with Teff = 105000  5000 K, 13 = .  . cally independent of the main nebula (Chu et al. 1998). logg 7 4 0 4 (Werner et al. 2018). The CSPN has 14 The relative line strength in the halo are also different an apparent cool dwarf companion shrouded in dust 15 ii / α 16 from the main nebula. The [N ] H ratio of the halo is at a separation of 0.”16, which was initially detected 17 a factor of 4 higher than the other parts of the main neb- through near infrared excesses (Bond et al. 2016). Ini- 18 ula which indicates that the halo is photo- ionized. The tial spectroscopic observations showed the central star 19 morphology of the halo suggests an interaction with the has strong [O iii] emission. Later Liebert et al (1989) 20 surrounding interstellar medium and the gas in the ha- showed that the strong [O iii] nebular lines arise from 21 los is ionized by stellar UV radiation leaking through a compact emission knot (CEK), which is unresolved 22 the material of the main nebula(Guerrero & Manchado and appears to coincide with the PNN in ground-based 23 1999, Guerrero et al 2003) images. However, recent HST observations (Bond et 24 IUE spectra obtained 1.5’ away from the central al (2016)) showed that even the emission knot is as- 25 star, almost into the halo, still show weak He ii 1640Å sociated with a companion at 0.”166 away from the 26 and C iii] 1909ÅThe˙ halo gas is clearly ionized but of CSPN. This corresponds to a projected linear separa- 27 = ∼ 28 low density. The hot CSPN with Teff 104000 K and tion of 118 AU, for a nominal distance of about 725 = . 29 logg 7 0 shows weak stellar wind (Werner et al 2019, pc. The electron density of the CEK is remarkably high, 6 −3 30 Garc´ıa-D´ıaz et al. 2018). A detailed spatiokinematical about 2.2 × 10 cm , according to an emission-line 31 study was presented by Garc´ıa-D´ıaz et al. (2018), who analysis by Dopita & Liebert (1989). 32 treat the Owl kind of nebulae as a seperate class. One Thus, EGB 6 raises several astrophysical puzzles, 33 of the puzzles presented by the Owl is the existance of including how to explain the existence and survival of 34 cavities (the eyes of the owl) and how are they main- a compact dense [O iii] emission nebula apparently as- 35 tained. At a Gaia distance of 880 pc the halo extends to sociated with a cool M dwarf, located at least 118 AU 36 0.4 pc from the central star. Halo expansion velocity is from the source of ionizing radiation (Bond et al 2016). 37 − assesed as about 10 km 1 (Guerrero et al 2003) which It is to be noted that very weak [O iii] λ5007 emission 38 > , 39 suggests an age 40 000 years. The time scales indi- attributed to the large PN has been detected serendip- 40 cate that the main nebula consists of super-wind from itously in the SDSS spectra of two faint that 41 AGB phase and the faint halo from an early AGB wind. happen to lie behind EGB 6 (Yuan & Liu 2013). Acker 42 Our observation with UVIT consists of FUV im- et al. (1992) list the relative intensities of Hα,Hβ, and 43 ages in F154W, F169M, and F172M. We coupled 5007Å. 44 these with the NUV image from GALEX (GI6-015012- Bond et al. (2016) suggest a scenario in which the 45 PK148p57d1pp-nd-int), and compare them with image EGB 6 nucleus is descended from a wide binary similar 46 in the optical narrowband H-β and N ii filters. Images in to the Mira system, in which a portion of the wind from 47 all filters show the same general features as in the opti- an AGB star was captured into an accretion disk around 48 cal – i.e.. the two shells, and halo. However, the cavities a companion star; a remnant of this disk has survived to 49 50 (the eyes) are not as prominent in the FUV as in opti- the present time and is surrounded by gas photoionized 51 cal. Moreover, the NUV image shows a sharp wiggly by UV radiation from the WD. 52 boundary on the north-east showing the interaction with Our UVIT observation include imaging EGB 6 in 53 ISM in the direction of motion. The south western side F148W, F154W, F169M and F172M filters. The low 54 is more diffuse and faint but more extended than NE. surface brightness PN is present in all the filters with 55 The FUV F169M image possibly dominated by He ii about same dimensions and appearance as the Hα and 56 emission, shows a more diffuse but brighter halo that [N ii] images (Jacoby et al 1995). The south-west part 57 extends all around the outer shell similar to NUV. The of the nebula is the brightest and even the F148 image 58 asymmetrical distribution of the halo does suggest in- shows wavy appearence which coincides with proper 59 teraction with ISM. motion direction of the star. 60 61 62 63 64 65 J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000)000: #### Page 21 of 1 ####

1 The most interesting and unique structure that is nomena has been studied in this PN ranging from exotic 2 only present in FUV filters F148W, F154W and F169M molecules, to X-rays, number of intriguing structures, 3 is a smaller nebula close to the CSPN extending to from small cometary knots to large-scale arcs, to bipo- 4 5 about 2.’4 away from it. It has a bow like appearence lar outflows, dusty disks, shock fronts etc. The inner 6 away from the central star (Figures 12, 13) in the gen- helical structure is composed of thousands of cometary 7 eral direction of proper motion of the star. This central knots of lowly ionized and molecular gas (O’Dell et al 8 nebula is not even present in Galex image. The exis- 2007, Etxaluze et al. 2014). 9 tence of this small nebula adds a new puzzle to the al- The white dwarf central star WD 2226-210 with a 10 ready listed ones by Bond et al (2016). surface temperature of 103600 5500 K (Napiwotzki 11 1999) ionizes the AGB nebula. Su et al. (2007) also 12 2.3 Elliptical Nebulae showed the presence of a 35-150 AU diameter debris 13 disk around this central star. The members of this group from Table 1 are A 21, Jr Er 14 The main nebula consists of two rings of highly 15 1, LoTr5, A70 ,Hu 1-2 and NGC 7293. Reduced level ionized gas and a faint outer filament. The three- 16 2 data of LoTr5,, Jr Er1, A 70, Hu 1-2 is not available. dimensional (3D) structure of the main nebula has been 17 We present the results on thee PNs A21, and NGC 7293 investigated by Zeigler et al. (2013) who noted that 18 in the following sections. 19 the structure of the Helix projects as if it were a thick 20 walled barrel composed of red and blue-shifted halves 2.3.1 Abell 21, Medusa Nebula, A21: A21 21 in a bipolar geometry. The barrel axis of the Helix is (PNG205.1+14.2) is a very wide (685” x 530”) ◦ ◦ 22 tilted about 10 east and 6 south relative to the line of evolved PN with a very hot white dwarf central star 23 sight . WD0726+133 also known as YM29. The T ff and log 24 e There are two intriguing aspects that were revealed g of the CSPN are estimated to be 140000 K and 6.5 25 by infrared studies. Strong emission lines of [O iv] 26 respectively. 25.9µm and [Ne v] 24.3 µm have been detected in the 27 The WD central star appears as a point source su- Spitzer spectrum. This source of emission is identified 28 perposed on diffuse emission in the MIPS 24µm image with a point soure centred on the CSPN. The excitation 29 (Chu et al. 2009). The flux density in the MIPS 24µm of [O iv] requires photons of 54.9 e.v . In such a case, 30 band is almost three orders of magnitude higher than He ii lines which also needs 54.4 e.v for ionization (and 31 the expected photospheric emission. However, WD 32 recombination)are expected to produce a strong point 0726+133 remains as a puzzle since no companion has 33 source centered on the star. Images of He ii λ4686 have been detected (Ciardullo et al. 1999). The IR excess is 34 not shown such a point source. Secondly it has been attributed to a dust disk. The orgin of the dust is unclear 35 known that Chandra X-ray imaging showed a hard X- whether it is accreted material or remnants of the dusty 36 ray point source, even at subarc second resolution, cen- 37 AGB phase. Whether the star is a binary is also a pos- tered on the CSPN. The source of X-rays is unknown. 38 sibility (Clayton et al 2014). A21 shares this property The surface temperature of CSPN is not hot enough to 39 with JrEr 1 and NGC 7293. generate hard X-rays from its photosphere. FUV region 40 Short exposure UVIT observations have been ob- contains He ii 1640Å line, which is expected to be about 41 tained in F169M and F172M in FUV and N263M and 16 times stronger (recombination) than He ii λ4686, oc- 42 N245 in NUV filters. The central star as expected is 43 curs in the F169M filter of UVIT. With a view to map conspicuous. The images are very similar to the op- 44 the hot gas at higher spatial resolution (1.”3) we ob- tical ones. The NUV images show great similarity to 45 served the central regions of Helix nebula. Hα image with a large number of filaments (Figure 14). 46 We observed the central region of Helix in the first However the FUV images look more diffuse similar to 47 instance in two FUV filters F169M and F172M and two 48 [O iii] λ5007 image (Manchado et al 1996). The F169M NUV filters N245M and N263M. F172M images ex- 49 (includes He ii 1640Å and C iv 1540Å ) image shows a pected to provide the continuum emission in contrast to 50 faint filament connecting the central star. However bet- F169M. NUV filters might include mostly the nebular 51 ter observations are required. 52 continuum inaddition to some low excitation emissions. IUE spectra up to 2 arc minutes away from CSPN show 53 2.3.2 NGC 7293, Helix Nebula: Helix Nebula 54 that He ii 1640Å line provides strongest emission in the (PNG036.1-57.1) is one of the nearest (Gaia distance 55 inner regions. Figure 15 show the relative compari- of 201 pc) and well studied PN in almost all wave- 56 sion of the spatial resolution of UVIT with respect to lengths (O’Dell et al 2004,2005, 2007; Meaburn et al 57 Galex both in FUV and NUV. Several nebular knots 2005,2008; Hora et al. 2006; Mentez et al 2015; Van 58 (cometary) seen in HST optical images (O’Dell 2007) 59 de Steene et al 2015). It is also the largest PN in the sky are also present in UV (Figure 18, 19). 60 with a diameter of about 13.’5. A Wide verity of phe- 61 62 63 64 65 #### Page 22 of 1 J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000) 000: ####

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Figure 17. NUV image of NGC7293 in N245M (left) compared with Galex NUV image. Image in N263M (right)is again 28 compared with NUV Galex image of NGC 7293. Note the highier spatial resolution of UVIT images and the radial filments. 29 30 31 F169 images of the central region of Helix showed compendium forms an ”atlas” of sorts, of deep UV 32 mainly two surprising features in contrast to F172M imaging of thise objects, with a spatial resolution of 33 (and N245M and N263M). The region around CSPN 1”.5. The data for the 8 o ibjects is not yet avail- 34 35 has nebulous clumps surrounding the point source (Fig- able. The main theme that has been developed here 36 ure 15). The intensity contours around the central is existence of the FUV haloes. Halos around PN are 37 source show few arc seconds extended regions sug- well known and well studied (Ramos-Larios & Phillips 38 gesting that the central source is surrouned by clouds 2009). E.g., in NGC 3587, the halo is seen in all wave- 39 of He ii (Figure 17). Secondly, there is a nebulous lengths from UV (sec.2.2.3) to the optical, and consists 40 streamer connecting the central region to the outer ring mainly of ionized gases (Guerrero & Manchado 1999). 41 (Figure 16). The He ii streamers could possibly be pro- Extended ionized halo has been found around 60% of 42 viding mass flow to and from the central source. Could the PNs for which proper imaging has been done (Cor- 43 this be the source of accretion to the central WD? radi et al. 2003). The halos are thought to be a result 44 Although NGC 7293 is of great astrophysical in- of mass-loss at the end of the AGB phase, their edges 45 ff 46 terest, it is not an easy object to observe because of being the signature of the last thermal pulse (Shte er 47 its low surface brightness and its large angular extent & Schonberner 2003). In contrast, the UVIT discov- 48 in the sky. The field of view of UVIT is adequate to ered FUV halos, and jets around bipolar nebulae and 49 cover major portions of the nebula at any given point- A 30 are only seen in wavelengths shortward of λ1650 50 ing. We have observed two more locations in NGC not in longer wavelength images. Warner and Lyman 51 7293 covering the whole nebula including the shocked bands of H2 start appearing shortward of λ1650. Ultra- 52 regions. Some of the data is not yet available. We hope violet fluoresence spectra of H2 as modeled by France 53 to present a detailed paper later. et al. (2005) with IC 63, show strong emission peak at 54 λ1608 (λeff of F169M filter) and no emission shortward 55 of λ1650. 56 57 3. Concluding remarks: UVIT studies have brought out a totally new aspect 58 to the hidden mass of the planetary nebulae namely ex- 59 In this paper, we have presented UVIT observations of istence of FUV halos, jets and arcs, mostly due to very 60 11 of the 19 proposed objects in our program. This cold H2 gas around young, bipolar and even some old 61 62 63 64 65 J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000)000: #### Page 23 of 1 ####

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 ii 46 Figure 18. Top, 2 Panels: UVIT image of NGC 7293 in F169M filter (red) showing the outer nebula and the He filament 47 (marked by arrow) connecting the central region (and the star). The top right panel shows the absence of He ii filament in 48 the N245M image. Bottom 2 Panels: Inner 4’ regions of NGC 7293 in F169M (left) and F172M (right) superposed with 49 intensity contours. The He ii filament is seen in the F169M image (marked by arrow) where as it is absent in the F172M image. 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 #### Page 24 of 1 J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000) 000: ####

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Figure 19. A surface and contour study of NGC 7293 in UVIT/FUV F169 and F172M bands. Top: Surface contours of the 21 central source in F169 (left) and F172M (right) showing distored contours for F169M indicating the possible presence of 22 He ii bright clouds or clumps around the CSPN. In F172M the contours more circular and suggests the presence of CSPN 23 alone. Bottom: The figure shows the volume contours of the central source in F169M (He ii emission line) and F172M 24 (continuum) filters. The CSPN is seen to be accompanied by three He ii clumps in F169M where as the profile in F172M 25 shows CSPN alone. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Figure 20. Details of UVIT image of NGC 7293 in the N263M filter. There are some new structures that are not seen in 58 optical images. 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000)000: #### Page 25 of 1 ####

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Figure 21. Details of UVIT image of NGC 7293 in the N263M filter. The fine optical knots detected in HST image (left) 21 (O’Dell 2005) are seen UV image in F263M (right) obtained with UVIT. The same knots are shown in both images. Some 22 of the cometary knots are also present in UV images. 23 24 25 PNs like born-again PNs as well. Such cold gas could by other grants and contracts. 26 only be seen through UV fluorescence of H2 molecule. 27 Big FUV lobes, and jets much bigger than optical neb- 28 ule have been detected through FUV studies by UVIT. References 29 UV imaging in each case of PNs we studied, re- 30 Ackers, A., Ochsenbein, F., Stenholm, B., et al., 1992, 31 vealed a new aspect observationally which reiterates the importance of UV studies. ‘Strasbourg-ESO Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebu- 32 lae’ 33 ‘Planetary nebulae are like a box of chocolates, you 34 never know what you are going to get’ – Monic Yourcg Balick, B., 1987, AJ, 94, 671 35 Balick, B., Frank, A., 2002, ARAA, 40, 439 36 Balick, B., Frank, A., Liu, B., Huart-Espinosa, H., 2017, 37 4. Acknowledgements: 38 ApJ, 843, 208 39 We would like to express our sincere thanks to several Bianchi, L., 2012, ‘Planetary Nebulae’ ed. IAU Symp., 283, 40 people who have helped us in carrying out this study of 45 41 42 PNs, especially K. Sriram, Arturo Manchado for sup- Bond, H.E., Ciardullo, R., Esplin, T.L., Hawley, S.A., Libert, 43 plying ground based images of some the PN in nebular J., Munari, U., ApJ, 826, 139 44 lines, Annapurni Subramaniam for the contour images Borkowski, K.J., Harrington, J.P., Tsvetanov, Z., 1995, ApJ, 45 of NGC 7293. 449, L143 46 UVIT and ASTROSAT observatory development Borkowski, K.J., Harrington, J.P., Tsvetanov, Z., Clegg, 47 took about two decades before launch. Several people R.E.S., 1993, ApJ, 415, 47 48 from several agencies were involved in this effort. We 49 would like to thank them all collectively. NKR would Clayton, G.C., De Marco, O., Nordhaus, J., et al., 2014, AJ, 50 like thank Department of science and technology for 147, 142 51 their support through grant SERB/F/2143/2016-17 ‘As- Chu, Y.-H., Chang, T.H., Conway, G.M., 1997, ApJ, 482, 52 891 53 pects in Stellar and Galactic Evolution’.) 54 Some of the data presented in this paper (eg.Galex, Chu, Y.-H., Ho, C.-H., 1995, ApJ, 448, 127 55 IUE, HST) were obtained from the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST). STScI is operated by Chu, Y.-H., Grundl, R.A., Conway, G.M., 1987, AJ, 116, 56 1882 57 the Association of Universities for Research in Astron- 58 omy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS5-26555. Support Chu, Y.-H., Su, K.Y.L., Bilikov, J., et al. 2011, AJ, 142, 75 59 for MAST for non-HST data is provided by the NASA Chu, Y.-H., Gruendl, R.A., Guerrero, M.A., et al., 2009, AJ, 60 Office of Space Science via grant NNX09AF08G and 138, 691 61 62 63 64 65 #### Page 26 of 1 J. Astrophys. Astr. (0000) 000: ####

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1 2 3 4 5 n.d n.d n.d n.d n.d. 6 31.1 A&A Helix A&A + (d.n.r) Hyd.def

7 A&A(p)

8 Comments 0’.5x0’.5,n.d position 2,n.d Position 3,n.d

9 n.d,Hour glass PNG164.8 10 n.d,ppn Calabash 11 12 filter 13 NUV B4,B13 B4,B13 B13,B4 B4,B13

14 B4,N2,Gr B15,Gr,N2 B15,N2,Gr 15 B4,B13,N2 16 17 18 filter FUV F3,F5 19 F3,F5 F3,F5 F3,F5 F3,F5 F3,F5 F3,F5 F3,F5 20 21 22 23 24 Date 25

26 2019.06.07 27 31 2017.07.24 ID − 066 2016.12.26034 F2,F3,F5 2017.04.04 068 2016.12.26 F2,F3,F5 182 2016.06.04 071 2017.03.18 F2,F3,F5 187 2016.09.30 061 2018.01.22047 F2,F3,F5 2020.06.09 F1,F2,F3,F5 103 2019.07.26 F2,F3,F5 28 065 2016.12.09 103 2019.03.03 149 2018.12.21029 F2,F3,F5,Gr 2018.04.04 F1,F2,F3,F5 B4,B13,N2,B15 − − − − − − − − − − − − −

29 059To1 2019.10.04 F2,F3,F5 149T01059T05 2018.10.05 2019.10.24 F2,F3,F5 F2,F3,F5 178T01134T02 2016.09.30 2019.11.04 F2,F3,F5 103T06134T03 2019.07.24 2020.05.14 F2,F3,F5 F2,F3,F5 149T03 2018.12.22 F2,F3,F5 061T02 2020.06.06 F2,F3,F5 134T01 2019.10.25 G07 proposal − − − − − − − − − − 30 A09 A05 A07 A05 31 A07 32 0.40.3 A05 A07 33 6.3 G06 3.5 A05 size 1.67 G06 0.55 G07 0.13 G06 4.850.65 G06 A07 13.4 G05 0.18 G05 1.97 A07 0.83 A05 0.670.16 A05 G08 0.21 G09 0.61 G06 × × × × 10.25 G05 × × × × × × × × × × × × 34 × arcmin × 0.5 35 6.3 3.5 1.0 0.8 0.67 3.2 0.5 0.61 1.67 0.29 13.4 0.18 36 0.67 0.16 0.21 37 38 39

40 type (a) 41

42 ’” 43 ◦ 44 39 38 09.5 Ea 30 46 33.513 14 48.4 R Es 10.25 17 52 46.8 Rs 42 14 10.0 B 53 25 16.9 Es 25 53 30.6 E 51 34 31.5 Br 13 44 34.955 02 00.0 R Rsm 72 31 19.1 B + + + + + + + + + + 45 + (2000)

46 δ ,

47 α 48 49 h m s 21 33 08.3 07 29 02.7 08 46 53.5 20 31 33.2 -07 05 18.0 E 07 57 51.6 12 55 33.8 01 42 19.7 09 52 59.0 13 39 35.116 17 15.0 -67 22 51.7 -51 59 42.2 B 50 00 13 01.0 51 4.2 07 42 16.9 -14 42 50.2 B

52 + 53 54 Hu 1-2 NGC 1514A 21 04 09 17.0 NGC 2440 07 41 54.9A 30 -18 12 29.7 B,M 0.55 NGC 6302A 70 17 13 44.4NGC 7027 -37 06 11.0NGC 7293 21 07 01.8 B 22 29 38.5 -20 50 13.6 E JrEr1 Lo Tr5 NGC 650 OH231.8 NGC 2818EGB6 09 16 01.5NGC 3587 -36 37 37.4MyCn18 11 14 52.8 Mz 3 B Nebula NGC 40 1: n.d- data is not available,2:Galex level2 FUV data size not is received bigger from -7’ ISSDC 55 : The types are taken from IAC Morphological Catalog of Northern Galactic Planetary Nebulae (Manchado et al. 1996). 56 Target characteristics, andCompact observation Bipolar logshells nebulae of and (B), the ansae large PNs respectively. Elliptical selected (E) Objects for and that our round have program. (R). been Subscipts proposed The ”s”, but morphological not ”m” classification observed and is to ”a” as date refer follows: are to noted inner in structure, the last multiple column as ”n.d.”. a ∗ ∗ 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65