Con Men Exploit Bicentennial Looking for Unusual Occurances, Be Handed to All St

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Con Men Exploit Bicentennial Looking for Unusual Occurances, Be Handed to All St --~~ ---- ------- ~---------------------~--------------------------~-----------------.. by Marti Hogan ing program. She explained cap­ profession," she said. dent nurses were capped by Mar­ St. Mary's Editor ping signifies the student has The Florence Nightingale pledge tucci and then took the pledge. St. Mary's nursing department achieved a point in her education is a traditional part of the capping "This is the greatest moment of held its second capping ceremony where she is ready to go into ceremony as a "vow to fulfill" as it my college life," stated Ann Jen­ St. Mary's Friday, Oct. 15, capping 46 junior nursing. applies to moral and personal kins. one of the nurses capped. nursing students in the Church of "The first nursing class accepted beliefs. Mary Broderick. another nursing Loretto. the challenge of designing and Fr. James Zatko of campus student, said. ''I've never been so The student nurses began their defining what kind of cap they ministry gave a "short sermon" excited in my entire life.·· junior clinical program six weeks ago. wanted,'' she said. She added that relating to these beliefs. He stated President John Duggan com­ "Since then we've lived and an apt description of this year's the students were entering the mented, "It was a beautiful and breathed nursing," said Mary Car­ class "is we're number two: we try medical profession "at a most moving ceremony. typical of St. son, student nurse, in her welcom­ harder." difficult time as Catholics and Mary's students." nursing ing speech. She expressed confi­ Martucci also explained the sig­ Christians.'' Broderick explained the reason­ dence that the student nurses are nificance of the cap. ''The cap is He cited the "problem" of ing behind holding the ceremony now ''able to go out of ourselves not merely the mar~ of identifi­ abortion as an example. "You will on the weekend starting the Octo­ students and reach out to others. We still cation or profession," she said. be expected in light of dedication ber break. "We wanted a weekend have so much to learn but our According to Martucci, the cap has and moral convictions to stand that would giv~ parents from background is solid. Capping is just stood as the symbol of the Florence against it," he stressed, "although everywhere a reason to come. Most another step," she explained. Nightingale Pledge that the nurses it will not be an easy task." He of the parents had to come anyway capped "Capping historically has repre­ take. However, "it has lost its concluded with a blessing saying to pick up the students ... she said. sented a transition p,eriod for the profound meaning over the years. "It's always you and God and She added that the parent~ were student nurse," said Sr. Mary Nevertheless, the cap still retains everything is possible." also able to attend the Notre Martucci, chairperson of the nurs- the distinction and respect of the Following the blessing the stu- Dame-Oregon game that weekend. server an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and st. mary's Vol. XI, No. 34 Tuesday, October 26, 1976 Committee examines shuttlebus service After this two-day study the by Kathy McEntee committee compared the re~ults Staff Reporter with the actual schedule and were Everyone knows that the shuttle­ "pretty surprised" to find that the bus never sticks to the schedule shuttlebus was "running pretty and rarely runs on time, right? To effectively." according to Cawley. investigate these inefficiencies fo Thi.JUgh the committee realized the shuttlebus system, a joint that the results could have been committee of the Notre Dame and due to mere luck. they concluded Saint Mary's student governments that it is more likclv that the conducted a survey on Oct. 12 and schedule is being foliowcd more 13 which resulted. in some surpri­ closely than most people think. sing findings. Cawley commented "generally the This joint committee. consisting buses were running on time· and of Tim Cawley. committee chair­ going where they were supposed to man. Rick Littlefield. Coex com­ be going." missioner. Patty Shields. of St. The committee had originally Man· 's and Marv Lou Bilek. SMC thought most of the problems student body pre-sident. was aware would be with the drivers but the of the numerous complaints about survey showed "they were doing the shuttlebus which had been what they were supposed to--for directed to the Ombudsman and instance they were waiting for SI\1C Student Government. Before passengers arriving late.·· Cawley approaching the transit co.mpany stated. with new proposals they wanted to Besides conducting the survey. find out the specific problems with the committee formulated other The Shuttlebus service is more efficient than you by the ND-SMC student government. the existing schedule. plans to improve the shuttlebus may think according to a recent survey conducted Fifteen people from the Ombud­ service. They intend to post signs sman staff took shifts riding on the and a schedule at all of the bus shuttlebus. recording the stops and stops as an aid to the students. A noting the times of arrivals and copy of the schedule . which will be departures. They were specifically re-publicized in the Observer. will Con men exploit bicentennial looking for unusual occurances, be handed to all St. Mary's such as drivers taking breaks that students. DETROIT - P.T. Barnum said began taking reservations for a in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776. were too long or leaving a stop The committee will still meet there was one born every minute, Bicentennial cruise. The New York The bottle was old and green and before all passengers were aboard. !continued to page 31 so it .shouldn't come as any attorney general's office cracked looked handblown and could be shock that there are a great many down on the Virginia-based com­ purchased for $50. Any alert cus­ American fish ready to be parted pany, when it learned the reserva­ tomer should have realized that from their money in this Bicenten­ tions were for a cruise aboard the the whole situation seemed nial year. S.S. United States, a former luxury "smelly," but apparently there But two Detroit bank auditors, were enough suckers to keep him in who spent a great deal of their time business. studying swindlers and warning Slim is "In" and the diet craze is their customers, say the guile of national in scope and so are the the Bicentennial con men would efforts of a rip-off artist in one of astound even the great Barnum. the Southern states. He has been "The swindlers have come up advertising ''Lose 17.76 pounds the with more 'patriotic' ways of revolutionary way in two weeks.'· ripping people off than Branum But medical authorities are ques­ ever dreamed of," says David tioning the safety of the hormone Westhoff, vice president of audit­ . he is using. ing at Detroit Bank & Trust. Many people have become quite "The trouble is, people keep skillful at colonial crafts and have trying to get something for gone into business selling their nothing," says his assistant, Bill wares. Having a place to exhibit Kalmar. their wor.ks of art seems to be a Unfortunately, the Patrick Henry continual problem for some, but approach to a Bicentennial bargain not for the swindler. A promoter may turn out to be a Benedict was recently charged with fraud by Arnold fraud in disguise. the Philadelphia District Attorney's ''Most of the schemes have office for taking $1,800 in deposits obviously been used before,,. says for nonexistent space at a "Bicen­ W esthof, .''but with a little old­ tennial Arts and Crafts Exhibi­ fashioned ingenuity, the con man liner which has been in moth balls tion,'' he claimed to have under has revolutionized the swindle to since 1969. development. give it that 'Spirit of 76' appeal." "Any one of these schemes with Working through law enforce­ Whiff of the Past a little old-fashioned crooked in­ ment agencies around the nation, genuity can be modified, expanded Westhoff and Kalmar have compil­ What better way to commemor­ and given the Hollywood treat­ ed a file of every Bicentennial ate our heritage than to take a ment," Westhoff says, "So that swindle they could get their hands breath of air from those days of unless you are extremely careful, on. Here are but a few: yesteryear? In New York City, a you'll wind up another statistic in Travel to historic places is always con artist was selling bottles of air the thousands of slick schemes popular. So one enterprising outfit that he claimed had been "corked" pulled off every day." ---------------·---------- ------------ 2 the observer Tuesday, October 26, 1976 ~--News Briefs--""""' Law Society survey encouraging by Patrick Cole "We place better than a lot of lems," McLeod indicated. I:=========International Senior Staff Reporter other schools," Kristowski stated. McLeod, a 1969 graduate of the Last year in the Class of 1975, 88 Notre Dame Law School, empha­ percent of the 107 students found sized the need for a lawyer to be Arabs approve peace plan In a recent survey by the Notre employment. able to express himself and a CAIRO - Arab leaders endorsed a peace plan for war-battered Dame Law School Placement Of­ During the past year, almost 100 "sense of purpose. of knowing Lebanon yesterday despite objections from Iraq over the makeup of fice, over 80 percent of the students interviewers visited the Notre where they are going." the 30,000-man force intended to monitor the cease-fire. An Arab participation in the survey have Dame Law School to look for David Minnick, an interviewer League spokesman said the opening session of an Arab summit found jobs--68 percent throur;}q~ e employees.
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