
Module 3: Techniques

Theme 1: Rule of

Let us consider the following example. Example 1: Read the following “obvious” statements:

All Greeks are philosophers. Socrates is a Greek. Therefore, Socrates is a philosopher.

This conclusion seems to be perfectly correct, and quite obvious to us. However, we cannot justify it rigorously since we do not have any . When the chain of implications is more complicated, as in the example below, a formal method of inference is very useful.

Example 2: Consider the following :

1. It is not sunny this afternoon and it is colder than yesterday.

2. We will go swimming only if it is sunny.

3. If we do not go swimming, then we will take a canoe trip.

4. If we take a canoe trip, then we will be home by sunset.

From this hypothesis, we should conclude:

We will be home by sunset.

We shall come back to it in Example 5. The above conclusions are examples of a defined as a “deductive scheme of a formal consisting of a major and a minor and a conclusion”. Here what encyclope- dia.com is to say about syllogisms:

Syllogism, a mode of argument that forms the core of the body of Western logical thought. defined syllogistic , and his formulations were thought to be the final word in logic; they underwent only minor revisions in the subsequent 2,200 years.

We shall now discuss rules of inference for propositional logic. They are listed in Table 1. These rules provide justifications for steps that lead logically to a conclusion from a of hypotheses. Because the emphasis is on correctness of , these rules, when written as a , are tautologies. Recall that a is a proposition that is always true.

1 Table 1: Rules of Inference

Rule of Inference Tautology Name Explanation

Ô If the hypothesis is true,

! ´Ô _ Õ µ

Ô Addition

Ô _ Õ

µ then the disjunction is true.

^ Õ

Ô If a conjunction of hypotheses is

Ô ^ Õ µ ! Ô

´ Simplification Ô µ true, then the conclusion is true.

Ô If both hypotheses are true,

´´Ôµ ^ ´Õ µµ ! ´Ô ^ Õ µ Õ Conjunction

then the conjunction of them is true.

µ Ô ^ Õ

Ô If both hypotheses are true,

[Ô ^ ´Ô ! Õ µ] ! Õ

! Õ Ô

then the conclusion is true.

µ Õ Õ

: If a hypothesis is not true

[:Õ ^ ´Ô ! Õ µ] !:Ô

! Õ

Ô and an implication is true,

µ then the other proposition cannot be true.

! Õ

Ô If both implications are true,

[´Ô ! Õ µ ^ ´Õ ! Ö µ] ! Ô ! Ö

! Ö Õ Hypothetical

then the resulting implication is true.

µ Ô ! Ö

_ Õ

Ô If a disjunction is true, and

[Ô _ Õ µ ^:Ô] ! Õ Ô

: one proposition is not true, then Õ µ the other proposition must be true.

Let us start with the following proposition (cf. Table 1)

´Ô ^ ´Ô ! Õ µµ ! Õ:

The table below shows that it is a tautology.

Ô Õ Ô ! Õ Ô ^ ´Ô ! Õ µ ´Ô ^ ´Ô ! Õ µµ ! Õ TTT T T TFF F T FTT F T FFT F T

This tautology is the basis of the rule of inference called modus ponens or of detachment that

we actually used in Example 1 to infer the above conclusion. Such a rule is often written as follows:


Ô ! Õ Õ

µ .

Ô ! Õ Õ In this notation, the hypotheses (i.e., Ô and ) are listed in a column, and the conclusion (i.e., )

below a bar, where the µ should be read as “therefore”. In words, modus ponens states that if

2 both the hypotheses are true, then the conclusion must be true. We should emphasize that the whole proposition is a tautology, whence it is true for any assignments of values. However, in the case of rules of inference we are mostly interested when the hypotheses are true, and make sure they imply truth.

Example 3: Suppose that


! Õ  Ò 5 Ò ½¾5

Ô if is divisible by ,then is divisible by

5 Ò =½¼

is true. Consequently, if we pick up an Ò that is divisible by (say ), then by modus

¿ ¿

½¾5 Ò = ½¼¼¼ ponens it follows that Ò must be divisible by (in our example, indeed is divisible by

½¾5). We now discuss and illustrate other rules of inference. We start with the simplest one, the rule of

addition (cf. Table 1)


µ Ô _ Õ

Ô _ Õ

which states that if Ô is true, then the conclusion must be true (by the virtue of the that for

_ Õ Ô to be true it suffices that at least one of the proposition involved is true).

Example 4: Let us assume that: “it is raining now” is true. Therefore, “it is either raining or it is freezing” is true.

Consider the following inference:

It is sunny and raining. Therefore, it is sunny now.

What rule of inference did we use? Clearly, the simplification rule (cf. Table 1)

Ô ^ Õ

µ Ô

since if a conjunction is true, then both must be true. This rule is a tautology since

Ô ^ Õ µ ! Ô ´ is always true, as easy to check. Consider the following example:

Iamnot going to ski. If it is snowing, then I am going to ski.

From these two hypotheses, we can only conclude that: “It is not snowing”. To do it we invoke the

rule of modus tollens that can be symbolically written as follows:

Ô ! Õ

:Ô µ .


Õ !:Ô Ô ! Õ In other words, counterpositive : is true, if is true, as we have seen in Module 1.

As a “sanity check”, we may want to use to verify the last rule. From the truth of

! Õ Õ Ô Ô we infer that if is then must be false since otherwise the implication would be false, which not the case.

Exercise 3A: Using the (as we did above when discussing modus ponens) prove modus tollens (cf. Table 1).

Example 5: We will use the hypotheses in Example 2 and our rules of inference to logically obtain

the conclusion. Let 

Ô it is sunny this afternoon 

Õ it is colder than yesterday 

Ö we will go swimming 

× we will take a canoe trip  Ø we will be home by sunset

Now, we construct arguments to show that our hypotheses 1-4 from Example 2 lead to the conclusion

Ø. Here how it goes:

Step Explanation

Ô ^ Õ 1. : Hypothesis 1 It is not sunny this afternoon and

it is colder than yesterday. Ô

2. : Simplification It is not sunny.

! Ô

3. Ö Hypothesis 2 We will go swimming only if it is sunny. Ö

4. : Modus tollens from Steps 2 and 3 We will not go swimming.

Ö ! × 5. : Hypothesis 3 If we do not go swimming, then we will take a canoe trip.

6. × Modus ponens from Steps 4 and 5 We will take a canoe trip.

! Ø 7. × Hypothesis 4 If we take a canoe trip, then we will be home by sunset.

8. Ø Modus ponens from Steps 6 and 7 We will be home by sunset.

4 Theme 2:

Fallacies arise in incorrect arguments that are based on contingencies1 rather than on tautologies. It is important to realize it and we shall discuss three fallacies, namely, of affirming the conclusion, fallacy of denying the hypothesis, and the most important circular reasoning.

The fallacy of affirming the conclusion is based on the following proposition

[´Ô ! Õ µ ^ Õ ] ! Ô Õ

which is false when Ô is false and is true. This fallacy was already discussed in Module 1 since it is

! Ô Ô ! Õ equivalent to conclude Õ from , which we know is not true in general. In words,

this fallacy says that converse implication does not follow the direct implication. Õ

Example 6: Let two propositions Ô and be given as follows:

Ô  Ò =½ÑÓd¿;


Õ  Ò =½ÑÓd¿:

¿ ½ ½

In words, when the remainder of dividing Ò by is , then we also get remainder when dividing


¿ Ô ! Õ Ò = ½ ÑÓ d ¿ k

Ò by . It is easy to see that . Indeed, if , then there exists an integer

¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

= ¿k ·½ Ò = ´¿k ·½µ = 9k ·6k ·½ = ¿´¿k ·¾k µ·½

such that Ò . Observe that , thus

¾ ¾ ¾

½ = ¿´¿k ·¾k µ Ò =½ÑÓd¿

Ò and is divisible by 3. In other words, . Let us now assume that


Ò =½ÑÓd¿ Ô

Õ is true, that is, . Does it imply that is true? Not necessary, since it may happen that

=¾ÑÓd¿ Ò =5 ¾5 = ½ ÑÓ d ¿ 5=¾ÑÓd¿ Ò (e.g., take to see that but ).

Exercise 3B: Is the following argument valid or not? If yes, what rule of inference is being used? If

not, what fallacy occurs?


Ü>½ Ü > ½

If Ü is a real number such that ,then .


> ½ Ü>½ Suppose that Ü .Then .

The fallacy of denying the hypothesis is based on

Ô ! Õ µ ^:Ô] !:Õ

[´ (1) Õ

which is false when Ô is false and is true. In fact, it is not a rule of inference since the inverse

Ô !:Õ Ô ! Õ

: is not equivalent to , as we saw in Module 1.

Õ Ô ! Õ

Example 7: Let us use the same propositions Ô and as in Example 6. We know that ,that


= ½ÑÓd¿ Ò = ½ÑÓd½ Ò ¿

is, Ò implies . Assume now that is not equal to 1 modulo .Doesit

¾ ¾

½ ¿ Ò =½ÑÓd¿ Ò =½ÑÓ d ¿

imply Ò is not equal to modulo . No, since not only when but also =¾ÑÓd¿ Ò , as we saw before. 1Recall that a contingency is neither a tautology nor a and may be true or false.

5 The fallacy of circular reasoning or begging the question (or more common known as “catch 22”) occurs when during the proof we assume that the being proved is true. Of course, this leads to nowhere.

Example 8: Let us “prove” the following statement


¿ Ò ¿ If Ò is not divisible by ,then is not divisible by .

Consider the following incorrect proof:

¾ ¾

¿ Ò ¿k k

Since Ò is not divisible by , hence cannot be equal to for some integer . Thus,

¿Ð Ð Ò ¿

if Ò cannot be equal to for some integer , therefore, is not divisible by .

¿Ð It should be clear to an astute reader, then the assumption “if Ò not equal to ” is equivalent to the statement being proved, so here where the circular incorrect argument is used. We assumed to be true what we supposed to prove. This is of course illegal.

The rule of inference for quantified statements are summarized in Table 2. They are self-explanatory.

ÜÈ ´Üµ c È ´cµ

For example, if 8 , then naturally for any in the of discourse must be true, where

´Üµ È is a .

Table 2 Rules of Inference ( Í is the universe of discourse)

Rule of Inference Name Explanation

8ÜÈ ´Üµ

´Üµ Ü

Universal instantiation If È is true for all ,

È ´cµ c ¾ Í µ if

then it must be true for one, say c.

´cµ c ¾ Í

È for an arbitrary

´cµ c

Universal generalization If È is true for any ,

µ 8ÜÈ ´Üµ

´Üµ Ü

then È is true for all in the universe.

9ÜÈ ´Üµ

´Üµ Ü

Existential instantiation If È is true for at least one ,

È ´cµ c ¾ Í µ for some

then it must be true for some c.

´cµ c ¾ Í

È for some

´cµ c

Existential generalization If È is true for some in the universe,

µ 9ÜÈ ´Üµ

È ´Üµ then there exists Ü such that is true.


Theme 3: Methods of Proving

! Õ

As readers already observed, theorems are statements of the form Ô , thus techniques for proving

! Õ Ô = Õ = implications are very important. We recall that Ô is true unless true and false. In mathematics truth cannot imply false (otherwise will will produce a heap of half-, nonsense, and false statements). We shall discuss several proof techniques such as: , indirect proof, proof by contradiction, vacuous proof, trivial proof, and proof by cases.

We start with a direct proof. Such a proof shows, using the rule of that we just learned, Õ that if Ô is true, then must be true. Any established mathematical fact proved before, ( assumed to be true at the beginning of building a ), as well as definitions can be used to deduce the truth of the conclusion in a .

Example 9: Let us prove the following theorem:

¾ k

Ò Ò k

Theorem 1 If Ò is an even integer, then is even. In general, ( is a ) is even. ¾

Proof. We assume that Ò is even. An even number can be represented as a product of and an integer,

=¾Ð Ð

thus, Ò ,where is an integer. Then

¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

Ò = ¾ Ð = ¾´¾Ð µ=¾Ð ;


k k k k ½ k

Ò = ¾ Ð = ¾´¾ Ð µ=¾Ð


¾ k

Ð ;Ð Ò Ò k ¾ Æ ¾ where ½ are , thus and , are even numbers.

Exercise 3C: Using a direct proof show that the square of an odd number is odd.

! Õ :Õ !:Ô

In Module 1 we proved that the implication Ô is equivalent to (the latter is called a

! Õ :Õ !:Ô contrapositive). Thus we can prove a direct implication Ô indirectly by showing that .

This is called a proof by contradiction. This is also called an indirect proof, since one assumes Õ

that the hypothesis Ô is true while the conclusion is false and using rules of inference we derive a


contradiction. Recall that a contradiction is a proposition that is always false (e.g., Ö ). To see

! Õ that an indirect proof is equivalent to Ô we use truth table (cf. Table 3) to prove the following


! Õ  Ô ^:Õ ! Ö ^:Ö:

Ô (2)

! Õ Ô Õ

Thus to prove Ô it suffices to assume that is true and is false, and show that this leads to a

^:Ö contradiction Ö .


Table 3: The truth table of (1).


Example 10: We prove the following lemma using an indirect proof.

Ò ·¾ Ò Lemma 2 If 5 is odd, then is odd.

Proof. We use an indirect proof, that is, we assume that the hypothesis (i.e., “ Ò is odd”) is false, and

Ò ·¾

will prove that this will lead to 5 being even, which will contradict the hypothesis. Since we

k Ò =¾k assume Ò is even, hence there exists an integer, say , such that (this is the definition of even

numbers!) for some integer k .Then

5Ò · ¾ = 5´¾k µ·¾ = ½¼k · ¾ = ¾´5k ·½µ= ¾k


k =5k ·½ k 5Ò ·¾

where ½ is an integer since is an integer. Hence is even, which contradicts the hypothesis, and therefore by a contrapositive argument we prove the lemma.

Example 11: The next theorem is one of the most famous result known already to Ancient Greeks. Ü We recall that a number Ü is rational if it is a ratio of two integers. If cannot be represented as such

a ratio, then Ü is called irrational. Ô

Theorem 2 The number ¾ is irrational.


:Õ Proof. We prove it by contradiction assuming that ¾ is rational. So we assume that is true,



 ¾ :

Õ is irrational


k Ñ

If ¾ is rational, then there are two integers, say and such that





Ñ k=Ñ

and k and have no common factors (so the fraction is in the lowest terms and cannot be any ¿

further reduced; like ½ but not like ). Now, square both sides of the above to yield

¾ 6



; ¾=

¾ Ñ


which further leads to

¾ ¾

Ñ = k :

¾ (3)


k k =¾Ð ·½ Ð

The latter implies that k must be even (since if is not even, then for some integer and

¾ ¾

=4Ð ·¾Ð ·½ k k =¾Ò

k is odd), hence must be even. Let then , thus from (2) we arrive at

¾ ¾

¾Ñ =4Ò

which implies

¾ ¾

Ñ =¾Ò :

¾ Ñ

Therefore, Ñ is even, and also must be even (by the same argument as above). In conclusion, we Ñ

prove that k and are even. This is the desired contradiction since we assume that

 k Ñ ; Ö and have no common factor

while we prove that

Ö  k Ñ :

: and have a common factor equal to 2


Õ = ¾ Ö ^:Ö ¾ We have shown that : is not irrational leads to a contradiction , thus must be


Ô ! Õ Õ If Ô in is false, then the implication is true doesn’t matter what is the value of since an

implication is false only if true implies false (see Module 1). Consequently, if we can show that Ô is

! Õ

false, then a proof, called a vacuous proof,ofÔ is given.


Example 12: Consider the following predicate È :

½ ¾Ò ·¾

If Ò> ,then is even.

´¼µ È ´¼µ Ò =¼

Let us consider now È , that is, we want to know if is true or not. But for the hypothesis

> ½ È ´¼µ

¼ is false, thus must be automatically true.

! Õ Õ If in the implication Ô we know that is true, then the implication must be true, and this

leads to a trivial proof.


Example 13:LetÈ be the proposition:


b a  b a  b

If a and are positive integers such that ,then .

¼ ¼

= ½  b = ½ Ò = ¼ ½ = ½ Since trivially a , the implication is true for (because as we have just shown).

Finally, the implication

´Ô _ Ô _ ¡¡¡ _ Ô µ ! Õ

½ ¾ Ò


is equivalent to

´Ô ! Õ µ _ ´Ô ! Õ µ _ ¡¡¡ _ ´Ô ! Õ µ:

½ ¾ Ò

We can use the latter to prove a theorem. Such an argument is called a proof by cases.

Example 14: We want to prove the following theorem. ¿

Theorem 4 If Ò is an integer not divisible by ,then



Ò (4)


¿ ½

that is, when dividing Ò by we obtain a remainder equal to .

Ò ¿

Proof. The proposition Ô:“ is not divisible by ” is equivalent to:

Ô  Ò =½ÑÓd¿;


Ô  Ò =¾ÑÓd¿


¿ ½ ¾

since if Ò is not divisible by , then there is either a remainder equal to or to . Thus our theorem is

Ô _ Ô ! Õ ¾

equivalent to prove that ½ where


Õ  Ò =½ÑÓd¿:

The last statement is exactly what we need to prove. We shall use the proof by cases.

Ô Ò =¿k ·½ k

We first assume that ½ is true, that is, for some integer . Clearly,

¾ ¾ ¾

Ò =9k ·6k · ½ = ¿´¿k ·¾k µ·½;

¾ =½ÑÓd¿

thus Ò .

Ô Ò =¿Ð ·¾

Now, we consider the second case, that is, we assume ¾ is true, which amounts to for

an integer Ð .Then

¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

Ò =´¿Ð ·¾µ =9k ·½¾k · 4 = ¿´¿k ·4k ·½µ·½:

¾ ¾

¿ ½ Ò = ½ ÑÓ d ¿

Therefore, Ò when divided by gives the remainder (i.e., ).

Ô ! Õ Ô ! Õ Ô _ Ô ! Õ

¾ ½ ¾ In summary, we prove ½ and , therefore, , which completes the proof by cases.