Green River Star Article That Erroneously Reported Recent Social Media Posts the Ballots Would Need to Be Suggesting Residents Would Need Notari Ed
nite fi le for election B y A I D A T I N and Mark eterson have regis- GO ’s list of potential replace- Publisher tered as of Tuesday morning. ments. Schoenfeld and Thoman both Mark eterson is a former The filing period for can- sought to fill Commissioner Don Green River City Council mem- didates seeking public office Van Matre’s unexpired term fol- ber who has made unsuccessful started Monday, resulting in lowing his death last year. The election bids in mayoral and several Republicans seeking one two initially vied for placement county commissioner contests. of two positions on the Sweet- on a three-person list to be sent Only one person was listed water County Board of County to the commissioners by the as a candidate in the upcoming Commissioners. Sweetwater County GO . After Green River City Council elec- According to information from former Commissioner John olb tions. Sherry Bushman has filed the Sweetwater County Clerk’s and Island Richards were se- to seek election in Ward I, set- Office, three Republicans have lected, voting was tied between ting up a possible contest with filed to seek election to the Thoman and Schoenfeld. A coin incumbent Tom Murphy should board of county commissioners. flip was employed to break the he decide to seek re-election. Commissioner auren Schoen- deadlock, resulting in Schoen- feld, along with Mary Thoman feld earning the final spot on the Continued on A2 e d n e s d a y , a y 0 , 0 2 0 1 9 t h e a r 2 n d s s u e r e n i v e r Y 2 9 3 5 A d r s s e r i c e e q u e s t e d 1 5 0 Courthouse, city buildings re-open Mon.