ED 424 962 PS 027 094

AUTHOR Purbrick, Becky, Ed. TITLE Child Rights Information Network Newsletter, 1997. INSTITUTION Child Rights Information Network, London (England). PUB DATE 1997-00-00 NOTE 49p.; For 1996 Newsletter, see ED 417 854. AVAILABLE FROM CRIN (Child Rights Information Network Newsletter), c/o Save the Children, 17 Grove Lane, London SE5 8RD, England, United Kingdom; phone: 44-171-703-5400; fax: 44-171-793-9730; e-mail: [email protected] PUB TYPE Collected Works Serials (022) JOURNAL CIT Child Rights Information Network Newsletter; n3-5 Jan-Oct 1997 EDRS PRICE MF01/PCO2 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Child Labor; Child Welfare; *Children; *Childrens Rights; Foreign Countries; Information Sources; Newsletters; Organizations (Groups) ;Program Descriptions; Sexual Abuse; *Well Being IDENTIFIERS *Child Rights Information Network

ABSTRACT These three newsletter issues communicate activities of the Child Rights Information,Network (CRIN) and report on information resources and worldwide activities concerning children and child rights. The January 1997 issue profiles CRIN members in Costa Rica, Tanzania, Germany, and Switzerland; and provides updates on the activities of projects linked to CRIN, including the CRIN organizations database and the International Resource Centre on the Protection of Children in Adoption. The June 1997 issue profiles CRIN members in Canada, the United Kingdom, Uruguay, and Thailand; updates CRIN-linked activities of the Task Force on National Coalitions, the International Juvenile Justice Network, and UNESCO; and introduces "virtual desks," small groups of organizations that identify information on themes to be shared with CRIN members, such as child labor and commercial sexual exploitation. The October 1997 issue profiles CRIN members in Bangladesh, Senegal, Costa Rica, and the United States; includes updates of activities of the Task Force on National Coalitions and the CRIN Web Site Directory; and discusses the information available on the organization's Web site related to child labor and sexual exploitation. Each issue also contains an annotated bibliography of publications on children's rights and provides information on forthcoming meetings related to children's rights. (KB)

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Contents Po.r. or o,00 Or °Pinionsstated in this document do not nscessanly MAMMA offictal OERI position oe penny What is CRIN? :.. News from the Coordinator and Facilitating CRIN iS a global network of children's rights Group 2 organisations supporting information A week with CRIN 3 exchange concerning children and their Profdes of CRIN members: rights.It is managed by nine international Casa Alianza, Costa Rica 3 organisations, known as the Facilitating Kuleana Centre for Children's Rights, Tanzania 4 Group and a small Coordinating Unit is based terre des hommes, Germany 5 at Save the Children (UK). NGO Group for the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its subgroups, Geneva 5 CR1N is open to individuals, non- Project updates: governmental organisations, UN agencies and Organisations Database 11 educational institutions who are involved in Internet: Home at last 12 children's rights, committed to the UN CRIN keen to get into training 13 Convention on the Rights of the Child (the Database on Protection of Children in Respect Convention or CRC) and to sharing of Adoption, International Social Services 13 information with others. The network has New publications on children's rights 14 three main aims met through specific project Forthcoming meetings on children's rights 15 activities and an inforMation service. CRIN's membership form 16

The network exists to: Support and promote the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Editors Child; Becky Purbrick & Karen Hooper Help to meet the information needs of Organisations and individuals working with Contributors and for children's rights; and Jasmina Grdanicki, Children's Right's Centre, Support organisation's to gather, handle, Belgrade, Bruce Harris, Casa Alizana, Costa Rica, produce and disseminate child rights Cornelia Dernbach, terre des hommes, Germany, information through training, capacity Laura Theytaz Bergman, Alfhild Pdtren, Anna building and the development of electronic Grauers, Rachel Brett, Hélèn Sackstein, for the and non-electronic networking tools. NGO Group for the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its subgroups, Geneva, Chantal Saclier, If you want to join themetwork, find out more International Social Service, Geneva and other about CRIN or request information on CRIN members. children's rights issues, please fill in the form on the back page or contact the Coordinator, CR1N's Facilitaing Group Members Becky Purbrick, Defence for Children International, International CIO Save the Children, 17 Grove Lane, Secretriat, International Child Development Centre, London SE5 8RD, UK (UNICEF), International Centre for Childhood and Tel +44 171 703 5400 Family, International Save the Children Alliance, Fax +44 171 793 7630 NGO Group for the Convention on the Rights of the Email [email protected] Child, Rädda Barnen, Save the Children, UNICEF


We know that our success in 1997 News from the coordinator depends on the commitment and motivation of the membership. So I It is encouraging to see the networkFacilitating Group. This year, urge you all to use CRIN, tell us growing by the day. We now have we hope to expand our funding what you want, and contribute to the more than 250 members in over 30 base within the Save the network by providing information for countries and more than 800 Children Alliance, other our newsletter, the organisations contacts in 100 countries. As most international organisations such database, our Web page and mailing of our members are based in as terre des hommes and box. With all of our commitments we Western Europe, with and the corporate donors such as IBM. can build a rich resource on Americas following closely behind Your ideas and support are children's rights. a plea goes out to our friends in always welcomed. Becky Purbrick, Central and Eastern Europe, the CRIN Coordinator Arabic countries and to sign up as soon as possible.

Our database, with your help, has the potential to be the most comprehensive directory of children's rights organisations - please send in those questionnaires so we can build on our 150 completed entries. Plans are underway to have the database Jack Glattbach raised the most housed in Uruguay, Kenya, Cyprus salient point at our October and (see project update). The meeting when he said that 1996 Research on the Reporting database is also available from had been the year for building process to the Committe on CRIN's new home page on the the "architecture of the the Rights of the Child for internet network". We'd been increasing Save the Children (UK) crhome - why not have a look. membership, getting to grips with management meetings, The aim of this research is to We are also publishing in the designing the database, identify examples of good Internet Site "Children's House" producing this newsletter and practice to inform a set of and have collaborated with the raising funds. In 1997, he said, recommendations for State International Secretariat and the we should be "putting flesh on Parties. Netherlands section of Defence for the bones" - moving information Children International to publish around the network, publishing ..1 am intending to send out a brief their kit on children's rights on the Internet and using CRIN's questionnaire to a number of international standards in the tools. NGOs and governments. If your Children's Rights Room. More feel the reporting process in your about this, CRIN's new electronic Once again we invited country was particularly mailing list and some interesting Butterflies, African Network for noteworthy in any Way, and news on training can be found Protection and Prevention against would be willing to reSpond to the elsewhere in this newsletter. Child Abuse and Neglect, Arab quesionnarie - either in writing or Resource Collective and over the phone - I would be very All our achievements could not Interamericano Instituto del Nifio interested to hear from you. have been possible without funding to join the meeting, hosted by the and thanks go to Rädda Barnen, International Child Development Please contact: : Redd Barna, Save the Children Centre in Florence. We had a Sandy Ruxton (UK), Save the Children Japan, the packed agenda, covering issues 78 Courtland Road British Overseas Development from membership to funding. Rose Hill, Oxford Administration and UNICEF and OX4 4HX of course the contributions of the UK Tel & Fax +44 1865 779669

2 conferences and round tables. And we are looking to develop databases on children's issues relevant in the Republic for research and as a resource following the ratification of the Convention in 1991. Even before my visit to CRIN was confirmed I knew I was going to benefit from it. I was amazed at the idea NGOs in Yugoslavia are still being marginalized, and of hundreds of organisations being linked together, although the modern electronic tools allow us to have exchanging views, data and entering into partnership access to a wide range of information, CRIN provides projects. a framework to communicate quickly and easily and to learn from those who in other environments run CRIN coordinator Becky Purbrick, works with Louise projects that reflect the spirit of the Convention. Schuller (technical support worker) in a small office Jasmina Grdanicki, Development Worker equipped with a lot of good will and extraordinary dedication. The week that I spent with Becky and her colleagues at Save the Children (SCF) was to help me draw new ideas and find some answers to the questions Jasmina Grdanicki related to the project I am working on in the Federal Children's Rights Centre Republic of Yugoslavia. Save-the Children Fund (Belgrade office) Generala:Hanrisa 1 SCF's Belgrade office is working with local NGOs to -Belgrade establish a Children's Rights Centre for those involved Republic of Yugoslavia in children's rights and welfare. We are also planning Tel & Fax +381 11 237 1421 an advocacy programme - producing a newsletter and Email [email protected] raising awareness of the Convention through seminars,

Profiles of CRIN Members

Casa Alianza we serve 4,000 a year Our four-tier response Web Site: Outreach: Teams provide street children with emergency medical care, counselling, non-formal education and friendship. Casa Alianza is an independent, non-profit organisation dedicated to rehabilitating and defending Crisis centres: Children are street children in Guatemala, encouraged to seek further assistance Honduras, and Mexico. While it here. They are fed, clothed, given a recognises that national and global "IL clean bed, medical care, educational poverty affects the lives of street and vocational training. children its resources focus on offering free sanctuary, Transition homes: Younger children rehabilitation services, vocational are enrolled into public schools and training and legal aid to some older teenagers are offered jobs or 4,000 street children a year. vocational training. The average residency is four months. With a regional office in San Jose, Costa Rica, Casa Alianza is Group homes: A team of counsellors the Latin American branch of the support children in a 'family home' New York-based Covenant environment. Each home houses an House, a leading advocate of children's rights. average of 14 boys or girls. Children leave at the age of Founded in Guatemala in 1981, Casa Alianza offers a 18 or when they have completed their education. four-tier programme.

Continued overleaf 4 Child Rights Information Network Newsletter Number 3 January 1997

Other programme components include: Family reintegration, drug rehabilitation for boys addicted to CasaAliania (Covenant House Latin America) solvents, care for street girls and their children, Legal do SJO:1039.

Aid services - Casa Alianza opened the first legal aid PO Box 025216 . office for street children in Guatemala and Central Miarrii, FL 33102-5216. America in 1990. In February 1994, a Legal Aid USA:. Office for Street Children was also established in Tel +1_506 253 5439. Tegucigalpa, Honduras. It also advocates for street Fax +1 506 224 5689 children and seeks to empower them to raise their own Email [email protected]:: voices. Bruce Harris, Casa Alianza

Children and urban environments Kuleana: Centre for Children's Rights- children have a right to a voice Kuleana's programme includes: Research: Highlighting children's experiences and It began as a street children's organisation, now opinions at the heart of the work; Kuleana is the leading child rights organisation in Publications: Documenting children's voices. Produc- Tanzania. ing materials for children such as pocket booklets, a children's poster magazine, "State of Tanzania's A study on the lives of street children in Mwanza, Children" report, posters, murals, games, t-shirts, Tanzania, in 1992, revealed that children suffer when media articles and radio broadcasts. their rights are violated. These fmdings shaped the Awareness: Public forums, exhibitions, etc; gives vision for Kuleana's programme to: technical support to government, organisations and work directly with children, to individuals seeking to influence child- improve their lives and prospects centred policies and practices. for the future; Training: Child-centred skills for staff, raise awareness and promote the people working with children, the media rights of all children in Tanzania. and decision-makers. Street Children: Operates the largest It does it by focusing on advocacy, street children programme in Tanzania - policy development, training and 1,000 children a year receive practical reSourcing community action. support; Resource Library: Unique within Tanzania and is open Themes for action to the public. Kuleana's programmes are based on the overriding principle that children have a right to a voice and a meaningful participation in society. Kuleana focuses on four major themes: Kuleana Centre for Children's Rights Housegirls (girls in domestic labour) PO Box'27 . Corporal punishment in schools Mwanza Expulsion of pregnant school girls Tanzania Child's power in the home Tel +255 68 50520 Fax +255 68 42402 and six minor themes: Email [email protected] Female genital mutilation Sexual practices of children and young people Street children's rights Children and law Nutritional status of children

4 movement acting against human suffering. The aim - to raise money and awareness for specific projects.

Partnership Over 80 per cent of terre des hommes' funds are invested terre des hommes in children, by supporting and maintaining projects in - acting for children health, education, nutrition, culture and general welfare. Some 320 projects are currently running in more than 20 terre des hommes was established in countries in the South. January 1967 when aid meant action, saving In 1993 terre des lives today not tomorrow. Direct assistance hommes launched its was given to the children lost in the war terre des campaign on children's zones of Vietnam and Biafra. Injured rights which it children were flown from Vietnam to continues to be Germany while in Biafra 1,000 children hommes committed to. were airlifted to safety. It publishes a Yet despite a tremendous sense of achievement during newspaper five times a year, an annual report as well as this period the provision of immediate humanitarian aid leaflets and brochures on its project work. came up against structural and organisational obstacles Cornelia Dernbach, terre des hommes for providing effective disaster relief. Then there was a need to address the possible negative long-term effects of charity and the political causes of suffering and Aetre distress. terre des hommes resolved to fund local DeLjtschOn.d grassroots groups committed to assisting children in need in their region. :4.9.031'00nabitieds Te1.4,49 541. 7101:4'... FaX.4.49..54f :70 .72 33- Action . ... Today, around 160 action groups all over Germany are the backbone of terre des hommesthe people's

Committee on the Rights of the Child, concerned UN bodies and interested NGOs.

The Liaison Unit NGO Group for the Convention on the The Unit ensures that the Committee receives information Rights of the Child- from NGOs for all countries on its agenda. It promotes the preparation of alternative, complemetary or supplementary at the heart of children's rights NGO reports and is compiling an inventory/database of all available NGO reports. A coalition of some 40 international non-governmental organisations (NG0s) make up the committed NGO Task force on national coalitions and thematic Group working to raise awareness and ensure the subgroups Convention is implemented worldwide. By December A task force has been formed to support the creation of 1996, 187 states had signed. national NGO coalitions. The subgroups work on the themes below as they relate to specific articles in the Based in Geneva, these organisations, which include Convention: jurists, religious groups, women's rights and Child labour educational associations have children's rights or Refugee-children and children in armed conflict welfare as part of their mandate. Education and the media Juvenile Justice The group is an active source of information for the Continued overleaf

Child Rights Information Network Newsletter 5 Number 3 January 1997"

Sexual Exploitation force is also encouraging 'cOalitionsto join CRIN. Adoption and family services Leisure and play For further information contact

The NGO group has prepared "A Guide for Non- Alfhild Petrén and Anna Grauers at Governmental Organizations Reporting to the Radda Barnen, Committee on the Rights of the Child" and a S 170 88 Stockhom brochure, "Children's Rights and You. A short Tel + 46 8 6989236 introduction to the Convention on the Rights of the Fax +46 8 6989014 Child" and many more on the subgroup themes. Email [email protected]

For more information contact:

Subgroup on refugee children and children in armed conflict NGO Group fcr the Convention on the Rights of the Child As well as submitting written comments NGO GrouP Secretariat: on the draft do DefenceforChildren International Optional Protocol on involvement of children in armed P.O. Box 88 conflict and participation, (seeking to raise theage of subscription to 18) the subgroup has been involved CH-1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland with the UN Study on the Impact of Armed Conflict Tel +41 22 7340558 on Children (Machel Study). Completed research Fax +41 22 7401145 includes child soldiers, the affects of armed conflicton E-Mail [email protected] the girl-child, promoting psychosocial well being of children affected by armed conflict and displacement, and preliminary studes on sexual violence.

For further information contact: The Task Force on National Coalitions - working together Rachel Brett, Quaker Un Office Some 60 countries have now established national NGO Avenue du Mervelet, coalitions. Their make-up, membership and CH-1209 Geneva, methodologies vary widely but all share the same basic Switzerland, commitment to monitoring the CRC. Tel:+41 22 734 0015 Fax +41 22 734 3397 Most coalitions formed to produce an 'alternative' report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child. However, there is a vital and continuing role for them An expanded role for the subgroupon to play once that task is completed. This includes Sexual Exploitation of Children keeping the debate going in the media, actingas watchdogs if the Committee makes recommendations This subgroup has been instrumental in the and continuing to lobby- to establish an independent, development of a number of international moves statutory ombudsman or commissioner for children, for example. against the sexual exploitation of children including the UN Programme of Action on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography. It Following on from points raised in a 1996 survey of was also the co-sponsor of the World Congress against the coalitions, the task force is collecting and analysing the experiences of coalitions; supporting regional Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, held in Stockholm last August, where it drew on the initiatives through its member organisations; revising and republishing the Alliance CRC training kit in experience of NGOs working day and night with child February; preparing an inventory on training survivors of prostitution and pornography. It has opportunities and exploring further funding. The task produced a number of papers including work on child

Continued on page 11 6 7 Child Rights Information Network: Organisations Questionnaire (Please write in black and as clearly as possible)

About your organisation ^ 1. Name of organisation:

2. Acronym. 3. Date of establishment:

4. Postal address:


5. Telephone (with country and area codes):

6. Fax (with country and areas codes):

7. Email address:

8. Name of director:

9. Name of the contact person (s) for CRIN

10. Number of staff 11. Average annual income:

Your aims and programmes 12. Aims and programmes (please provide a short description of the aims of your organisation, your programmes and their intended impact.)

13. Please list your main areas of work with children eg. primary education, adoption, juvenile justice.

14. Type of organisation (please tick the appropriate boxes)

Type of organisation National Regional International



Grassroots Community Based Organisation



Child Rights Information Network Newsletter 7 Number3January1997

15. Please indicate your main target audiences or intended beneficiaries of your programmes (please tick the appropriate boxes)

Children (0-4) Women Governments Media

Children (5 -15) Families UN Agencies General public

Children (16-18) Communities NGOs Commerce

16. Please indicate your geographical focus of work (please tick the appropriate boxes)

North Africa North America Western Europe South Asia

West Africa South America Eastern Europe South East Asia

East ind Central Africa Central America Former Soviet Union Central Asia

Southern Africa Caribbean Arabic Countries Pacific

Please indicate if you only work in one country, and name that country Please indicate if your work is global

17. Please indicate your main approaches or methods of working (please tick the appropriate boxes) Approach Funding Operational Partnership

Service provision

Hands on technical support

Training and advice services


Research and information

18. Please list any key research programmes you have undertaken which relate to children.

Title of Research programme Title of research report Researcher's name Date

19. Please provide details of any publications your organisation produces that you think may be of interest to CRIN's membership. Use this section to tell us about your annual report, newsletter, periodicals and books. Title of publication Author of publication Date


8 About your information resources or documentation centre The questions below relate to your information resources. If you do not have an organised information collection you do not need to complete these questions. Please go to question 26.

20. Please provide a brief description of your documentation centre, resource centre, library or information collection. (Please include purpose of your centre, main users, subject and specialist collections, size and services)

21. Please indicate the main subject areas of your information collection, according to the articles in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Please only tick the appropriate boxes.

General principles: Definition of the child 0 Non discrimination 0 Best interests of the child 0 Implementation of the Convention 0 Right to life 0 Existing standards 0

Civil rights and freedoms Name & nationality 0 Preservation of identity 0 Freedom of expression 0 Freedom of association 0 Protection from cruelty 0 Protection of privacy 0 Protection from libel & slander 0 Access to appropriate information 0 Protection from injurous information 0 Standard of living (rights) 0 Children of minority & indigenous peoples 0

Family environment and alternative care Parental guidance 0 Extended families & child development 0 Children separated from their parents 0 Family reunification 0Illicit transfer & non return 0 Parental responsibilities 0 Child care services 0 Child abuse & neglect 0 Alternative care 0 Institutional care 0 Adoption & intercountry adoption 0 Placement evaluations 0 Children & social security 0 Standards of living (provision) 0 Street children 0

Basic health and welfare Disabled children 0 Disease control 0 Family planning 0 Harmful traditional practices 0 Health services 0 Health & hygiene education 0 Infant & child mortality 0 Mother & child health 0 Nutrition & malnutrition 0 Pollution & the environment 0 Preventative health care 0 Primary health care 0 Water & sanitation 0 Rehabilitative treatment & care 0

Education, leisure and cultural activities Compulsory education 0 Free education 0 Higher education 0 Illiteracy & literacy 0 Primary education 0 School discipline 0 School attendance & dropout rates 0 Secondary education 0 Vocational guidance 0 Aims of education 0 Play & leisure 0 Cultural life 0

Special protection measures Refugee children 0 Refugee protection 0 Refugee law 0 Family tracing & unaccompanied children 0 Humanitarian aid 0 Children in armed conflict 0 Child soldiers 0 Humanitarian law 0 Civilian protection in war 0 Landmines 0

Legal Capital punishment 0 Detention & imprisonment 0 Torture cruel treatment & punishment 0 Alternatives to judicial proceedings & imprisonment 0 Charging children 0Convicted children 0 Children & judicial bodies 0 Juvenile offenders 0 Legal assistance for children 0 Trials & hearings involving children 0 Minimum age & legal rights 0 1 0 Child Rights Information Network Newsletter 9 Number 3 January 1997

Exploitation Child labour 0 Slavery & bonded labour 0 Drug abuse & drug protection 0 Sexual exploitation & abuse 0 Child pornography 0 Child prostitution 0 Sale trafficking & abduction 0 Other forms of exploitation 0 ,

Implementation of the CRC Monitoring 0 Ombudswork 0 National Coalition 0 Legislative reform 0 Advocacy 0 Other

22. What types of documents do you hold in your documentation centre? (Please tick the appropriate boxes)

Legal U1,1' Country-Specific Policy-related

Governmental Statistical Global Press-related

Academic Case Study Project-related Public education

23. What language(s) does your collection include?.

24. Please provide a brief description of the databases that you have developed eg. bibliographical on child labour, full text on education, projects, etc.

25. Are any of your databases available on CD-ROM, on-line or on the internet, if so please provide brief details of how to access them. (eg the Children's House

26. Do you give permission for this information to be published in a directory? Yes 0 No 0

27. Is your organisation willing and able to respond to information requests from other organisations? Yes 0 No 0

26. What information services can you piovide eg literature searches, accession lists etc?

26. Completed by Date:

Please return as soon as possible to the address below. Please include any relevant supporting materials and 'documentation eg annual report, research reports etc.

Child Rights Information Network, Becky Purbrick, Coordinator, Save the Children (UK), 17 Grove Lane, London, UK, SE5 8RD Tel +44-171-703-5400, Fax.+44-171-793-7630 Email [email protected]

1 1

10 Continued from page 6 allow us to make.commands and instructions more recovery from commercial exploitation; UN graphical and thus more user-friendly. responses; regional studies from the Middle East and North Africa and a bibliography on sexual exploitation CRIN's questionnaire of children. Once again, all CRIN meinbers (and prospective members) are.urged to complete the questionnaire The brochure "Combatting the sale of children, child featured in the centre pages. This information is vital prostitution and child pornography. A UN Programme to the continuing development of CRIN's database and of Action 1992" is also available. directory. Becky Purbrick, CRIN Coordinator All documents are free of charge for developing countries and countries in transition. For additional information contact Min Sackstein, subgroup secretariat based at Defence for Children New Web Sites International in Geneva.

For the details of the other subgroups contact the Liaison Unit of the NGO Group. irSavethe Children The International Save the Children Alliance web C 's organisations database: pages focus on three themes: project update the Convention on the Rights of the Child children's poverty and the economic system and children in armed conflict and displacement An invitation to use CRIN's Organisations Database Some 150 organisations have now contributed to the Pages include major Alliance documents, a full list of database by completing the questionnaire (see centre all the national coalitions and information on the NGO pages). The database is now up and running and can Group on the Convention on the Rights of the Child be accessed via the Internet - just visit CRIN's home page and click on "CRIN's databases and others". Or you if you have Lotus Notes and are a member of CRIN, you can have your own copy- please contact the Coordinating Unit for details.

Four Southern Partners Butterflies (India), Instituto Interamericano del Nifio, (Uruguay), ANPPCAN (Kenya) and the Arab Resource Collective (Cyprus and Lebanon) have all agreed to pilot the database. They will be responsible United Nations Children's Fund for adding information, testing out the use and benefits of exchanging information via Lotus Notes. After the pilot phase we plan to make the database widely available. The UNICEF International Child Development Centre, (the Innocenti Centre), provides a forum for Lotus Notes version 4 exchange of ideas, experience and research in Software is constantly upgraded and Lotus Notes is no children's rights, economic policies and resource different. CRIN is now moving to Version 4 which distribution. Its web pages detail the Centre's projects, offers the following benefits: research and publications. online updating is more selective and therefore quicker and more efficient; the tools for searching the database have been improved and there are new design features which 12 Child Rights Information Network Newsletter 11 Number 3 January 1997

CRIN's Internet Activities: members only. You can post news, announcements, project update ideas and requests to one email address. Messages- are automatically sent to all members on the list.

Home at last To avoid the problem of receiving junk mail we have introduced guidelines which explain what you can I am very pleased to announce the and cannot send to the mailing box. launch of CRIN's Home Page on the Internet. As soon as If you are a member of CRIN and want a quick and Children's Rights you put this newsletter down I easy means of keeping in touch - send your hope that you will be rushing subscription in today. If you are a member and you What's new? to your PC to visit us on: have just installed email then make sure you have updated the Coordinating Unit. webpub/crhome Current priorities The Children's Rights Room in the Children's House We want this to become one IssUes & campaigns I hope that you have had a chance to visit the of the key resources on children's house (http/ CRIN is children's rights on the responsible for the Children's Rights Room and we Internet and anyone's have now started publishing information produced by first port of call when our members. Please visit the room and send us your New publications looking for children's ideas. rights information. The Becky Purbrick, CRIN Coordinator current contents of the home page includes: Conferences CRIN members contact New Web Site 8t details, links to home pages, discussion groups editor's comments, calls for contributions and ideas, Facilitating Group news, children's rights - what's Databases new, issues and campaigns... of children's right and much much more. information The Coordinating Unit has started publishing The Convention information in the various sections. But We are not the on the producers of information and Rights of the Child we cannot do it all! It is very important that members recognise this as their site on the Internet - so take a look UNCHR and think about what information you could add and send United Nations Centre for Human Rights it to us (via email, fax or post). If you are already UNCHR's Web pages have all the official publishing on the Internet - tell us where and we will make the links. documentation relating to the Convention. The site gives access to their treaty body database which includes the full text of State Party reports and As members of the children's rights community it is our reports of the Committee on the Rights of the Child. duty and responsibility to make sure that information about children's rights is accessible to everyone. Please help to make this a great resource - your comments and contributions are welcome.

CRIN's electronic mailing list CRIN now has its own electronic mailing list, for 13

12 CRIN keen to get into training

begin until 1998. The Facilitating Group and the Ideas, experiences and materials on new working group on training are information management and training are keen to develop a comprehensive always welcome. training strategy which will meet individual members needs, strengthen the network and make use of CRIN's networking tools such as the Contact Karin Rydberg organisations database. Rädda Barnen 107 88 Stockholm, A course on setting up and running a documentation Sweden. centre is just one of the group's ideas. Radda Barnen Tel +46 8 698 900 is working with the International Centre for Child- Fax+46 8 698 9013 hood and Family in France and the African Centre Email [email protected] for Democracy and Human Rights Studies or the CRIN Coordinator (ACDHRS) in the Gambia, refilling a pilot training project proposal to present to the Facilitating Group's April meeting, although the project may not

Database on Protection of Children in Respect of Adoption, International Social Services

The International Resource Centre on the Protection of Children in Adoption (IRC/ ISS), has created a database, using Lotus Notes Version 4 software. It has been designed by a Lotus Notes specialist, a documentalist on children's rights and an expert on adoption. The documentation aspect of the database is already being used by the ISS documentation centre. ISS hopes that the database will be up and running in April 1997. Tools for processing information on organisations and individuals (including experts) active in the field of adoption and related issues have also been developed.

If you have information or are active in the field of child protection/ children's rights in respect of internal or intercountry adoption, please contact: International Social Service Chantal Saclier 32 quai du Seujet 1201 Geneva Switzerland Tel +41 22 798 5400, Fax + 41 22 738 0949 Email [email protected]

Child Rights Information Network Newsletter 13 Number 3 January 1997

New Publications on children's rights

The Rights of the Child: A European Perspective, 1996 local, national and international levels, including a ten-step Council of Europe Publishing, ISBN 92-8713006X guide. F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex, France £10.80, US $ 18, SFR 20 Reflects the extraordinary richness of the Council of Europe's legal instruments concerning children. Tell me! The right of the child to information, 1996 Marian Koren, NBLC, ISBN 90 5483 1189 Children in Europe, 1996 NBLC, Customer Services, PO Box 43300, 2504 AH Den Sandy Ruxton, nch action for children, Haag, the Netherlands 85 Highbury Park, London, N5 IUD, UK Tel +31 70 3090300, Fax +31 70 3090400 Tel,+44 171 226 2033, Fax +44 171 226 2537 Tell me! is the result of a study examining the extent to Accessible and informative and essential reading for policy- which information processes are legally protected and makers, practitioners and the public. provides ideas for professionals involved in human rights, children and information. Small Hands: Children in the Working World, 1996 Price f 125. Rachel Marcus and Caroline Harper, Save the Children UK Save the Children, Publications Unit Internal and Intercountry Adoption Laws, 1996 17 Grove Lane, London , SE5 8RD, UK International Social Service Tel +44 171 703 5400, Fax +44 171 708 2508 Kluwer Law International, Order Department, P.O.Box This paper is designed to help development policy analysts 85889, 2508 CN The Hague, The Netherlands, and practitioners analyse the causes of child work and Fax +31 70 3081555 or develop strategies for action. 675 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA- Price: £2.95 for USA, Canada and Mexico. This is the first issue of a unique collection dealing with Helping Business to Help Stop Child Labour, 1996 internal and intercountry adoption legislation in 60 of the Jayanti Durai and edited by Mike Dottridge, Anti-Slavery countries most concerned (both states of origin and receiving International states). . The Stableyard, Broomgrove Road, London SW9 9TL, UK Tel +44 171 924 9555, Fax +44 171 738 4110 Development strategies, macro-economic policies and the Email [email protected] rights of the child This report will be of interest to supporters of child rights Stefan de Vylder for RAdda Barnen and to those who want Western-based companies to act RAdda Barnen Publishing, attn: Carole Henderson responsibly towards workers. 107 88 Stockholm, Sweden Price £4.99 No policies are "child neutral". Even policies which appear to have little impact on children are likely to have a bias for, Child labour: Targeting the Intolerable, 1996 or against, the rights of the child. International Labour Office, ISBN 92 2 110328 5 Price SKr 40, please indicate Order No 1058 ILO Publications, CH 1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland Tel +41 22 799 61 11, Fax +41 22 798 63 58 Children affected by Organised Violence: an annotated Email bibliography on research methods A timely report invaluable to all those who are working to Jo Boyden and Sara Gibbs halt such abusive conditions as bonded labour, child Methods of research with street children: an annotated prostitutes, and the exposure of children to dangerous bibliography chemicals, machinery and other hazards. Judith Ennew and Brian Milne Available in French, Spanish, German, Russian, Chinese Part of the "Local Research Project" initiated and funded by and Arabic Radda Barnen and Save the Children (UK). A number of £8.10, US$13.50, SFR 15 studies, surveys and evaluations have been annotated. Contact Anna Schnell, Radda Barnen, Trade unions and child labour: A guide to action, 1996 107 88 Stockholm, Sweden Alec Fyfe and Michele Jankanish, ILO, Tel +46 8 698 9000, Fax +46 8 6989013 contact as above Email [email protected] What can trade unions do in the struggle against child labour? Here is a practical framework for action at the 15 14 A model for action: The Children's Rights Development Scottish Alliance for Children's Rights Unit , c/o Save the Children Fund Gerison Lansdown for UNICEF Innocenti Studies 8 Clifton Terrace UNICEF International Child Development Centre Edinburgh EH12 5DR Piazza SS Annunziata, 12 UK 50122 Florence, Italy Tel +39 55 234 5258, Fax +39 55 244 817 March 20-23, 1997 The author presents the methodology and broad strategies Children in the world: Exploring the Rights of the Child adopted by the Unit to promote the implementation of the Saint Xavier University CRC in the UK and can provide a model for action for Brian Klug children's rights organisations in the North and South. 3700 West 103rd Street Price US $9 plus postage and packaging 15% Chicago, Illinois 60655 Tel +1 312 298 3278 Children's Rights and Responsibilities and Women and Fax + 1 312 779 3272 girls have rights. Kuleana Centre for Children's Rights Email [email protected] Two colourful booklets, with drawings and text on specific rights available in Kiswahili and in English. March 1997 Kuleanacentre for children's rights The protection of families and children: The role of PO Box 27 NGOs in the European Union Mwanza Fundacion Cooperacion y Educacion,. Madrid Tanzania Manuel Pozo Tel +255 68 50520 PL Tirso de Molina, 5, No 3 der Fax +255 68 42402 Madrid Email [email protected] Spain Tel +34 1 369 2777 Fax +34 1 369 0525

April, 1997 Forthcoming meetings Children's Rights: The next step on children's rights Australia Defence for Children International, Australia PO Box 383 February, 1997 Dickson Act 1602 Launch of the Australian National Agenda for Children Tel +61 6 257 6422 Oz Child, Children Australia Inc Fax +61 6 257 6722 PO Box 1312 Email [email protected] South Melbourne, 3205 Australia Call for Abstracts Tel +61 3 9695 2200 Salient Factors that Impede the Implementation of the Fax +61 3 9696 0507 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Africa The Third African Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, 12-17 February, 1997 1-5 December 1997, Nairobi, Kenya Regional Summit on the Rights of the Child, Education Stephen Mugambi and Development c/o ANPPCAN Regional Office Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, UNESCO/Childhood PO Box 71420 Foundation Nairobi Aicha bah Dia llo Kenya Director of Basic Education, UNESCO Tel +254 2 722 496 or +254 2 726 794 7 Place de Fontenoy Fax +254 2 721 999 75352, Paris Email [email protected] France Tel +33 1 4568 2141 Committee on the Rights of the Child, 15th Sessions Fax +33 1 4568 5626 UN Centre for Human Rights, Geneva Full sessional meeting, 20 May - 6 June: Cuba, Bangladesh, 14 February, 1997 Ghana, Algeria, Australia, Lao People's Democratic Scotland's Children and Young People: Republic, Azerbaijan making a reality of children's rights and tackling the Pre sessional meeting, 9 June - 13 June: Uganda, wrongs Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Trinidad and Stirling Royal Infirmary Conference Centre Tobago, Togo, Czech Republic, Maldives. Ruth Campbell For more information contact the NGO Group for the Convention on the Rights of the Child, see page 6. 16 Child Rights Information Network Newsletter 15 Number 3 January 1997 CRIN CHILD RIGHTS INFORMATION NETWORK Membership Form (Please write or type in black as clearly as possible)

Name of organisation or individual:

Type of organisation (NGO, UN agency, Educational or Academic Institute, Individual)

Name of CRIN contact:


Tel: Fax-

Email- Languages

Information needs of your organisation:

Possible contributions which your organisation could make to the network eg access to databases, expertise advice, funding:

Statement of commitment As a member of the network we/I am committed to share information with other network members in accordance our/my own policies and guidelines.

Signature: Date:

CRIN Declaration CRIN is an open network of members and therefore holds no official status beyond that ofits member organisations. CRIN is unable to accredit any member organisation or provide funding for its members, unless funding is directly related to one of CRIN's projects approved by the Facilitating Group.

Please return to: Coordinator of the Child Rights Information Network, C/O Save the Children (UK), 17 Grove Lane, London, UK, SE5 8RD. Tel +44-171-703-5400, Fax +44-171-793-7630, Email [email protected] 17 16 CRIN CHILD RIGHTS INFORMATION NETWORK

Issue No 4 June 1997

itat Contents Editorial 1 CRIN ?CRIN is a newly formed global network of children's rights organisations Virtual desks: seeking to support the effective exchange of child labour & sexual exploitation 2 information about children and their rights. It is supported by nine international organisations, Profiles of CRIN members known as the Facilitating Group and the Canadian Information Network on Children's Coordinator is based at Save the Children (UK). Rights 3 Consortium for Street Children, UK 4 CRIN is open to individuals, non-governmental Instituto Interamericano del Niiio,Uruguay5 organisations(NG05), UN agenciesand ECPAT, Thailand 6 educational institutions who are involved in children'srights,committedtothe UN Project updates Convention on the Rights of the Child (the Organisations Database 7 Convention or CRC) and to sharing information. Internet: CRIN Mail and Web Site 8 The network has three main aims which it seeks to meet through specific project activities and an Task force on National Coalitions 9 information service based at the Coordinating The International Juvenile Justice Network 9 Unit. Children and the Media 10 UNESCO - Children and Violence on the The network exists to: Screen 11 Support and promote the implementation of Bookmarks for Web Sites 12 the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. New publications 12 Help to meet the information needs of Forthcoming meetings and conferences 14 organisations and individuals working with and for children's rights. Support organisations to gather, handle, produce and disseminate child rights information editorial CRIN'sdatabaseis through training, capacity building and the available on our Web 0 U R network Site and can be development of electronic and non-electronic continues to grow by networking tools. searchedusingkey the day, we now havewords. We have also some 320 members in sent copies on Lotus If you want to join the network, find out more more than 90 countries Notes software to about CRIN or request information on children's worldwide. We have sevenorganisations, produced a rights issues, please contact now including t h e the Coordinator, Becky Purbrick, membership directory, Interamerican Institute with contact details and for Children in Uruguay C/O Save the Children, 17 Grove Lane, London on information and Butterflies in India. SE5 8RD, UK Tel +44 171 703 5400 members' activities. Fax +44 171 793 7630 We are also preparing (The directory is the firstedition of a Email [email protected] distributed only to directory of children's Web Site member organisations). rights organisations http://www. childhub. chlwebpub/crhome whichweplan to Our projects are publishinJuly. Our steadily growing andWeb Site is now improving. (continued pg.2)

1 BEST COPY AVAILABLE18 it providinginformation Rädda Bamen and a Virlual Desks on current issues such southern organisation on as child labour, full text t o implement Child Labour documents on the immediate plans and and, Convention,linkstodevelop a strategy for other databases and the next five years. The Commercial Sexual Exploitation information about our Facilitating Group may 300-plus members. In adopt a more advisory September, we plan to role and look at overall CRIN is about to embarkon its first themes officiallylaunchourpoliciesandissues child--our and commercial sexual exploitation site. such as the feasibility of children, followed by children of a CRIN general in armed AstheCoordinator, assembly. conflict and children in the media. The focus one of the most will be on information exchange- not exciting developments Meanwhile, I hope that programming, advocacy or campaigning-the has been the you find this June issue remit of our members. introduction of our own of CRIN's newsletter electronic mailinglist informative. We have CRINMAIL (See theincluded profiles from At the Facilitating Group's March meeting,we Do's andDon'tsoforganisations working decided to really embrace the technological CRINMAIL pg.8) on children's rights in world and establish "virtual thematic desks". No Canada, street Despite our successes, children, networking in these won't include thematic robotsor we need to find more Latin America and cyberworkers!! We hope that each desk will ways of becoming an commercial sexual consist of a small group of organisations with interactive network. We exploitation of children. would like our You will also find out expertise on each theme. Each group, members to be usersabout two new supported by the Coordinator, will identify the and contributors to our networks on children type of information that could be shared within networking activities. andmediaviolence CRIN and how this information could be Forthisreason we and juvenile justice. have decided to focus gathered or produced. on themes such as Finally, any comments, childlabour togive ideas and contributions Each desk will also be responsible for substance and depth tofor the next issue (out contributing to the newsletter, organisations our projects. But more in October) should be database and the web site. of that later. sent to the Over the coming Coordinating Unit. months, I will be Initially, we hope to support information working closely with a Kind regards sharing around the drafting of thenew ILO small team from Convention on the most hazardous forms of UNICEF, Becky Purbrick CRIN Coordinator childour, all the significant conferences and activities such as the Oslo Conference and the Global March Against Chdd Labour.

Contributors: Becky Purbrick, CRIN, Mark Supporting information acitivities linked to the Hecht, HumanRightsInternet,Anita follow up the of Stockholm conference Schrader and Brian Milne, Consortium for on the Street Children, Arnihan Abueva, ECPAT, commercial sexual exploitation of children will Julio Rosenblatt, LIN, Anna Grauers, Radda also be a priority. We hope to collaborate with Barnen, Anne Grandjean, INIJ and Ceclia ECPAT and the NGO Group's subgroupon von Feilitzen, International Clearing House Commercial Sexual Exploitation. on Children and Violence on the Screen. Please contact the Coordinator ifyou have any particular interest in these two themes and would like to participate inour future activities.

2 Isseue No 4 June 1997

ofiles of children's rights. This information has been used to createa database of organisations CRINMembers and a directory called "Do it Right: Who is doing whaton children and youth rights in Canadian Information Network on Canada". This directory complements the Children and Youth Rights (CINCYR) booklet "Say it Right: The unconventional Canadian Youth Edition of the United INFORMATION should be accessible to Nations Convention on the Rights of the children and so must be easily understood Child" produced by the Canadian coalition and interesting, says CINCYR,a new service for children's rights. It isa resource for reaching out to children and youth in children and youth which talks about their Canada. rights and gives lists of books, magazines, computer networks, videos and youth It creates ways of sharing information to organisationshelpingtosupportand help research, education and advocacyon promote children's rights. children's rights in Canada. Children and youth are contacted through their families, children's and youth organisations and CINCYRismanagedbyasteering service agencies, schools and the media. committee of children's rights specialists and activists including the Canadian Coalition CINCYR's four main objectives are to: on the Rights of the Child, Pueblito Canada, Child War_are League of Canada, the coordinateandimproveaccessto Canadian Resource Centreon Child and information on children's rights in Canada; Youth and Human Rights Internet. The promote research, education, action on network is based at Human Rights Internet children'srightsissuesandthe UN an international communications network Convention on the Rights of the Child and clearing house. build the capacity of children's rights advocates by providing accurate and reliable CanadianInformationNetwork on information; Children and Youth Rights encouragechildrenandyouthto Mark Hecht participate in the creation and running of c/o Human Rights Internet the network. 8 York St, Suite 202 Ottawa Thenetworkistakingadvantageof Ontario KIN556 technologically advancedtoolssuchas Canada electronic mail and the Internet, but efforts Tel +1 613 789 7404 are also given to developing low-technology Fax +1 613 789 7414 products. With the support of Human Email hechtma@hrica Rights Internet, CINCYR has surveyed organisations in Canada that focus on

3 20 rofile advisingnationalandinternational Consortium for Street Children legislators and .policy-makerson polices which will create better futures for street and working children; supporting campaisns which promote children'srightsin line with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

TheConsortiumnowhasalarge membership of both large and small NGOs with a number of individual members, all of thementirelyconcernedwithspecific THE inspiration for the Consortium came projects or programmes that include street from the late Baroness Wart-Biggs, then and working children. Thereare also a President of UNICEF UK, who felt that number of observer members whose work some kind of task force for street children covers a wider mandate but includes street that brought both large and smaller NGOs children or broader children's rights issues. together was essential. Since 1994, the Consortium has had a 0 The Consortium was born following a paidDirectorbasedinLondon who z meeting inJanuary 1992 when more than coordinates and supports members' work. z 20 people, representing 16 organisations, Since1995,activitieshaveincluded:

(:),= attended. It was formally launched on 28 capacity building workshops for members; November 1993, at 10 Downing Street, in advocacy for an integrated policy for children 3 thepresence of former prime minister John in development; the publication of a resource Li- Major who had an interest in the issue directory; preparation of a comprehensive following his visit toa street children's Legal handbook on the protection and O project in Rio de Janeiro during the Rio defence of street and working children 'Earth Summit'. Former street children (publication in late 1997); funding for from Projecto Axe, attended the launch. conferences in Colombia and Indonesia and support to television and the media. The Consortium focuses on two strands: addressing the immediate needs of children living and working on the streets, and those at risk of street living; and campaigning for Consortium for Street Children improving conditions of children in the Anita Schrader future. CSC's aim is to create better futures 4 Bath Place for street and working children by: Rivington Street facilitatingtheexchangeofexpert London EC2A 3DR information on the most effective strategies United Kingdom for outreach, child care, community work Tel/Fax +44 171 739 7917 and project management; E-mail [email protected] increasing public awareness of street and working children;


2 1 Isseue No 4 June 1997

Theinstitute'sinformationproducts include:- CD Roms; Inter-American Children's Institute abibliographicaljournalproduced (Instituto Interamericano del Nifio) biannually in five topics including education, health, druguse, legal affairs and social affairs; a Yellow Pages on Children - a directory of organisations working for children at risk.

References in the document database according to the Convention on the Rights of the Child

Art Doc Art Doc Art Doc Art Doc THE Inter-American Children's Institute 1 83 11 423 23 2766 33 1837 (IIN) actively promotes the rights and needs 2 902 12 100 24 3787 34 712 of children in the Americas, urging society 3 145 13 76 25 670 to mobilise resources to improve their living 35 249 conditions. 4 363 14 219 26 243 37 397

5 184 17 980 27 1553 38 219 The institute seeks to promotean awareness 6 221 18 558 ofthe problemsotchildhood,youth, 28 4310 39 1723 maternity, family and the community-all 7 47 19 2527 29 1673 40 1188 its activities are within the framework of the 8 281 20 856 30 264 41 1541 Convention on the Rights of the Child. 9 223 21 632 31 1214

Itisaspecialisedorganisation of the 10 66 22 333 32 1617 Organisation of American States, founded in 1927. The institute models itself as a Please note that most documentsare in Spanish facilitator of other organisations, promoting cooperation through research, training and The institute has establisheda network of 34 dissemination of information ina .variety of topics. The institute's information services centres in 15 countries in Latin America, all participating include:- in the exchange and dissemination of information using and developingtheinstitutesservicesand a document database with over 50,000 products. bibliographic references (see table); an organisations database with more than TheCoordinatoroftheinstitute's 3,000 institutions from Latin America and information programme has participatedin the Caribbean; three of CRI N's management meetings since a legal database of laws related to the child March 1995. The institute isone of the first in Latin America and the Caribbean such as southern-based members to participatein child protection law, juvenile delinquency, the decentralised management of CRIN's adoption and disability legislation. organisations database. (See next page for contact details)

5 22 Instituto Interamericano del Nilio sexual exploitation of children by theyear Julio Rosenblatt 2000. ECPAT has now planned and developed follow Av 8 de Octubre 2904 up activities in eight areas tosupport the implementation of the 11600 Montevideo Agenda for Action:- Uruguay participation of youth to work on issues Tel +598 2 47 2150 surrounding commercial sexual exploitation Fax +598 2 47 3242 culminating inan international or regional Email [email protected] event in August 1998; development ofa global ECPAT network, spreading to Africa and Latin America; investigation of new developments in child pornography, especially in the computer age; cooperation and national actions regarding child sex tourism; establishment of community groups to End Child Prostitution, Child monitorchildsexabusersandthe Pornography and the Trafficking of enforcement of law; Children for Sexual Purpose (ECPAT) implementation of community education programmes in selected east Asian countries; ECPAT is a global movement seeking to training for those working to rehabilitate end this huge and illegal trade which is sexually abused children; currently believed to involve about two development anduse of a major database million children under the age of 16years. to monitor the activities of all governments in the area of commercial sexual exploitation of It is a networking organisation dedicated to childrenandinparticularthe finding ways to protect children from those implementation of the Agenda for Action. whosexuallyexploitthem.ECPAT motivateslocalcommunitiestofind strategies to protectchildren,involving Information resources children themselves in seeking solutions to commercial sex abuse.It monitors the activities of sex abusers, child traffickers and ECPAT's main office in Thailand produces sex tourists and seeks ways to control child aquarterlynewsletter,costing US25$ pornography. It provides training for people annuallyforsubscribers. The ECPAT working, rehabilitating and helping child bulletin is a monthly collection ofnewspaper victims. ECPAT also collaborates with other clippings from around the world, costing NGOs, UN agencies, the tourism industry, US 125$ a year. ECPAT is also Interpol and local law enforcement to end monthly global updates,a summary of the sexual trade of children. government and community initiatives in response to the World Congress. (The global ECPAT was a co-sponsor of the first World updates will be published on CRIN's Web Congress Against the Commercial Site.) ECPAT also gathers information Exploitation of Children, held in Stockholm aboutextra-territoriallegislationand inAugust1996. Some122state legislation protecting children from sexual governmentsagreedto putintoplace exploitation. measures that would end the commercial

6 23 Isseue No 4 Jtme 1997

ECPAT 328 Phayathai Road JIccess via the Internet Bangkok 10400 Thailand Don't forget that you can access and search Tel +66 2 215 3388 CRIN's database by visiting our Web Site on Fax +66 2 215 8272 http : //www. Email [email protected] Please remember that the database is not yet comprehensive and so there are many gaps. rOject update ecentrahsed access and RIN's Organisations Database: participation Moreorganisations The software we use is called Lotus Notes which allows us to provide access in a included in the database decentralised way. Copies of the database have now been shared with Defence for OVER 200 children's rights organisations ChildrenInternational,Inter-American have completed our questionnaire and are Institute of the Child, Butterflies, Radda included in CRIN's organisations database. Bamen, International Save the Children We arecurrentlycompilingapaper Alliance and the NGO Group for the directory. If you want your organisation Convention on the Rights of the Child. Over includedthensendyourcompleted the coming months we hope that the Arab questionnaire as soon as possible. We are Resource Collective in Cyprus, Concerned scanning full text information into the forWorkingChildreninIndiaand database, so please send the Coordinating ANPPCAN in Kenya will also join us in Unit your brochures and publications lists. providing access and adding information via Lotus Notes. ocus on themes Over the coming months wewillbe gathering information about organisations working in the field of child labOUT or commercial sexual exploitation. If you fit thiscategory,pleasecomplete C RI N's organisations questionnaire enclosed with this newsletter. And let us know of any other organisations with these interests by faxing or emailing theCoordinating Unit.

7 24 news, announcements and pose questions. And it Tlleos on1ts really works I asked the CRIN MAIL for and2) experiences of establishing children's parliaments on behalf of the national coalition in Burkina CRIN MAIL Faso.... within two daysresponses arrived from Peru, Argentina, UK, Tanzania and the US. IN December 1996, CRIN launched its first The real advantage of using the mailing list in electronic mailing list forour members. It is used this way is thatyou often receive information to post news, announcements or pose questions which is in people's headsor you are directed to to other members by just sending one email projects which have not been documented. message to the mailing list address. Each message is automatically sent to everyone on the list. The ) OS The 2 Rules 1. Post and receive news about a children's rights conference, meeting, workshop etc. Some of our members are old hands at using 2. Post and receive news about anew publication electronic mailing lists but formany others this on children's rights issues. is a new tool. At the beginning we were beset with 3. Post and receive news about a new information teething problems. The first golden rule of resource on children's rights - a database, CD mailing lists is to remember thatany message you Rom, Web Site etc. send is automatically routed toevery single 4. Post and receive news about research projects member on the list. During the first few months, on children's rights issues. many of us forgot this golden rule and sent 5. Ask a question to the rest of the membership individual messagesor replies to requests via the does any one havea good contact in CRIN MAIL. Slovenia?" or ".... Iam collecting information on the age of criminal responsibility for children Messages which begcm Dear Becky not in Africa, Asia and Latin America can anyone only reached the Coordinating Unit but help?" organisationsinKenya, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Cyprus, the Lebanon, Russia, The Belgium, Norway, Switzerland, the Philippines, Chile, Tanzania.... to name but on'ts a few. 1.Post andreceivemessages meantfor individuals. The second rule of mailing lists is to subscribe 2. Post appeals for urgent actions whichare the with a correct and up-to-date email address. responsibilityandremitofcampaigning Over the weekend of May 24-25 we were beset organisations. with problems, as incorrect and out-of date 3. Post requests for project funding- CRIN addresses, sent our server intoa continuous loop, is not a funding organisation. spewing out error messages every 5 minutes to 4. Post news and announcements about issues of over 100 members. Techical problems, such as no interest to the membership. these are not uncommon, butcause frustration and annoyance. CRIN MAIL has been set up for members only, - please contact the Coordinator for further Children'sParliaments information: [email protected] The list is regularly used by the members to post

8 Isseue No 4 June 1997

pdcrte: Ritdda Barnen Task Force on National Anna Grauers Coalitions S 170 88 Stockholm Sweden Tel: + 46 8 698 92 36 A REGIONAL workshop with all the National Coalitions in South Asiawas held in Kathmandu Fax: +46 8 698 90 14 2-6 December 1996, to share experienceson E-mail: [email protected] monitoring and reporting 4 the Convention. Representatives from India, , , The Task Forceon National Coalitions is part of Bangladesh and Pakistan attended. A the NGO Group for the Conventionon the comprehensive and interesting reporton the Rights of the Child. vrorkshop is available. Please contact Radda Barnen (see right). 0 The The NGO Groupon the CRC arranged a nternational Juvenile Justice workshop 21-22 Aprilon how to improve Network cooperation among international NGOs monitoring of the CRC. One of the main issues discussed was how to support the interaction between the monitoring work of the Committee and the NGO community at national level worldwide.

The Task Force on National Coalitions last meeting on 18 April discussed: How can the THE Rights of the Child representsa real Task Force facilitate regional meetings and challenge to the Juvenile justice system: information sharing among National Coalitions? a How can it support CRC training at national or challenge to focuson the prevention of regional level? Howcan the Task Force support delinquency, to elaborate constructive and the financing of National Coalition work and humane sanctions, to findmeasures dealing fund-raising capacity of local coalitions? with children without resorting to the media is proposed with the support of UNICEF, the ILO, UNESCO and the NGO Group The Task Force has decided to revise the present for the Conventionon the Rights of the "Guide for writing Alternative Reports" to include Child. Examples such judicial proceedings, comments on the preparation of periodic reports. to find alternatives to the deprivation of (The initial report submitted to the Committee liberty, toensure the provision of legal on the Rights of the Child is due two years after assistance to juveniles. the Convention enters into force and thenevery five years). To complement the guidean analysis of the guidelines for periodic reports with possible There is a need for appropriate cooperation recommendations is also being between organisations directlyor indirectly prepared together withabrief paper with involved in the field of juvenile justice. There comments on monitoring of the CRC by NGOs is a need to prevent overlap between at national level.

9 26 governmental and non-governmental bodies. International Network on Juvenile Justice In January 1997, the International Juvenile Secretariat Justice Network was formally launched in Anne Grandjean Dakar, Senegal, at the Seminar "Childrenin c/o Defence for Children International Conflict with the Law: Challenges froma Children's Rights Perspective", organised by PO Box 88 Defence for Children International (DCI). CH-1211 Geneva 20 NGOs such as Penal Reform International, Switzerland International Prison Watch, International Tel +41 22 734 05 58 Association of Juvenile and Family Court Fax +41 22 740 I I 45 Magistrates, Radda Barnen, Childwatch E-mail: dci-hq@pingnet ch International, ANPPCAN and others took part. Representatives from the UN Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Division and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights attended and expressed their Childr en and the Media commitment to support the Network.

The Network aims to supportany effort to develop and improve juvenile justice systems worldwide in accordance with international children'srightsandjuvenilejustice standards. The Network facilitatesthe exchange of information, helps to coordinate the differnt initiatives related to juvenile justice and offeres services to help States partiestotheConventiontomeet The Committee international requirements,as recommended on the Rights of the Child by the Committeeon the Rights of the organised a theme dayon Children and the Child. Media last October and invitedexperts and interested organisations to draft recommendations to improve the promotion, DCI International Secretariat is responsible forcoordinatingthe implementation and monitoring of Article activitiesofthe 17 of the Convention that deals with the Network. This includes offering a positive and negative effects of the media documentation centre with on a special section children. on juvenile justice (which gathers documents, legislation and best practice A working group met in March to experiences) a database on organisations map out how the 12 recommendations could be taken active in this field and technical support to a partner NGO or any other organisation forward. A report of children's involvement "Children's Express" requesting direct assistance a news agency training children to be journalists and editors will be documented. The Committee is also keento The network is open to any organisation or find out about children's experience ofusing resource person active in the field. It is the Internet, particularly initiatives suchas important to note the network is not a new international structureor NGO.

10 2 7 Isseue No 4 June 1997

UNICEF's Voices of Youth, The UNESCO's International International Federation of Journalists, with Clearing Houseon Children partners such as the High and Violence on the Screen Commissioner/Centre for Human Rights and UNICEF, will probably playa lead role 11"."4"3/4%."._ inthe preparation of handbooks and manuals for journalists interviewing children and reportingon children's rights issues - UNESCO including child abuse. The workinggroup highlighted the need for national media watchdogs,national plans toencourage positive use of the media, media education THE impact of violence, particularlyin for children and parents and funding for visualmedia,andparticularlyamong children'smagazines,books,radio and children and youth have been the subject of television. concern and debate for many years. In response to this concern, UNESCO and the The 12 recommendationsrepresenta Swedish Government have supported the challenge to the children's rights community opening of the International Clearing House and the media (the professionals and media on Children and Violence on the Screen companies). CRIN will be following the based at Nordicom (The Nordic Information progress of the working group and activities Centre for Media and Communication of our members suchas UNICEF, Childnet Research, Goteborg University.) International and the NGO Groupon the Convention on the Rights of the Child. We The clearing house informs researchers, plan to keep you updated viaour web site policy-makers, media professionals, teachers, htty : //www. childhub .ch/webpub/c rhom e . voluntaryorganisationsandindividuals Other members wishing to contribtue toany about:- of the projectsare welcome to do so. research findings concerning children, Forfurtherinformationcontactthe young people and media violence; coordinator of the workinggroup or CRIN ongoing research on children and media for a copy of the exisitng reports. violence; children's access tomass media and their mediause; Paulo David, Committee on the Rights of -training and courses of study on children and the media; the Child, Tel +41 22 917 3937 Fax +41 positive alternatives to media violence; 22 917 0099, measures and activities which aim to limit Email [email protected] or gratuitous violence on television, in films, June Kane, UNICEF Geneva Office, and in interactive media. Tel +41 22 909 5111, Fax +41 22 909 5900, Email jkane@unicefch The clearing house will publisha yearbook and a newsletter three timesa year. . It also plans to establisha number of hubs in Europe, North America, Latin America, Africa, Asia, the Arab World and Australia. (See next page for contact details)

1 1

2 8 New Web Sites InternationalClearingHouseon Children and Violence on the Screen World BankandEarly Childhood Cecilia von Feilitzen, Development Scientific Coordinator In April 1997, the World Bank launched two Nordicom sites on Early Childhood Development, focusing GOteborg University on World Bank activities and providing a Spreigkullsgatan 21 knowledge base for practitioners, policy and S-411 23 Geiteborg dec ision- makers. Sweden http : //www. worldb a nk. org/c h ildren and Tel +46 8 162 864 http ://www.worldbank .org/children/ecd Fax +46 8 661 0304 .'Email [email protected] and HURIDOCS Pia Hepsever, Documentalist Human Rights Information and Documentation Tel +46 31 773 49 53 System, Internationalhas launched its own home Fax +46 31 773 4655 page which include general information about HURIDOCS, its project on documenting cases Email [email protected] of human rights violations,its training and 3 programme activities for 1997. http://homepage.iprolink .ch/ huridocs z 0z ookrnarks for WebSites new publications (Below is a list of the web sites recommended by C onhildren's Rights CRIN) An Introduction to the Convention on the Rights Eu Children's House of the Child Christine Lundy Full Circle Press, do Gothic Design, RR #4, St CRIN Thomas, Ontario, Canada N5P 358 http://www.childhub.chlwebpub/crhoMe Fax +1 519 775 0099 International Save the Children Alliance US $7.50 plus 15% postage and packing Better Schools: Less child work. Child work and UNICEF International Child Development educationinBrazil,Colombia,Ecuador, Centre Guatemala and Peru \I) MariaCristinaSalazarandWalterAlarcem Glasinovich High Commissioner/Centre for Human Innocenti Essays, No 7, 1996UNICEF Rights International Child Development Centre, Piazza SS % Annunziata 12, 50122 Florence, Italy, Tel +39 55 234 5258 Fax +39 55 244 817 University of Minnesota Human Rights Library

12 Isseue No 4 June 1997

Sch.:A related economic incentives in Latin responsibility and make decisions. A handbook America: reducing Drop-out and repetition and for early years workers combatting child labour Judy Miller, the National Early Years Network, Ernesto Schiefelbein, Ordering as above Innocenti Occasional Papers, CRS 12, January 1997, Ordering as above Empoweringchildrenand youngpeople: Training manual Ombudswork for Children Innocenti Digest Nol, Children's Rights Office and Save the Children, UK, Key inforrntion on a critical children's rights concern, Ordering as above Ordering as above World's Web: the global education pack for work Do it Right! Who is doing what on children and with young people youth rights in Canada Save the Children (UK), Ordering as above Canadian Information Network on Child and Youth Rights with Human Rights Internet Position on child work: International Save the Subscriptions Department, Children Alliance HRI, 8 York Street, Suite #302, Ottawa, Ontario 59 chemin Moise Duboule, CH 1909 Geneva, K1N 5S6, Canada. Switzerland, Fax +1 613 789 1414, US $12 Tel +41 22 788 8180, Fax +41 22 788 8154, Have we asked the children? Email [email protected], International Working Group on Child Labour, 1997 Htuidestraat3,1018 HB Amsterdam,the Netherlands, Renewing home country links: an account of the Fax+ 21 20 422 0443 journey of five young unaccompanied refugees Tel +31 20 422 0444, back to the horm of Africa Annacarin Leufstedt, 1997 Monitoring and measuring the state of children Radda Barnen, 107 88 Stockholm, Sweden - Beyondsurvival Fax+ 46 8 689 9013 Helmut Wintersberger and Asher Ben Arieh, 1997, Tel+ 46 8 689 9000 Eurosocial Report 62, Vienna: European Centre for Email info@rb. Social Welfare Policy and Research, Centre for se Research and Public Education, National Council for the Child, 20 Metudela St, Jerusalem 92306, Israel, Interviews with young unaccompanied African Te1+972 2 563 9191 Refugees Fax +972 2 563 6869, E mail Paivi Sharifan Holma, 1997 [email protected] Ordering as above UN Convention on the rights of the child Children: the invisible soldiers training kit Rachel Brett and Margaret McCallin, 1996 International Save the Children Alliance Ordering as above Save the Children, 17 Grove Lane, London, 5E5 8RD, UK Early child development: Investing in our Tel +44 171 703 5400, children's future Fax +44 171 708 2508, £28.00 plus postage and Mary Eming Young, The World Bank, ISBN packing £5.00 (UK), £10 rest of the World 0-444-82605 Fax +1 202 522 3234 Children's Participation Pack: a practical guide Email [email protected] for playworkers thechildren's participation project, Kirklees Responding to child abuse: Procedures and Metropolitan Council, Save-the Children practice for child protection in Hong Kong Ordering as above Charles O'Brian, Cheng Chung Yau Ling and Nancy Rhind Never too young: How young children can take Hong Kong University Press, University of Hong


BEST COPY AVAILABLE Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, My rights in our world Tel +852 2550 2703 +852 2875 0734 Children's Rights Office, £1.50 Email [email protected] 235 ShaftesburyAvenue, London WC2H 8EL, UK, Tel +44 171 240 4449, Slipping through the cracks: Unaccompanied Fax +44 171 240 4514, childrendetainedbytheUnitedStates Email [email protected] Immigration and Naturalisation Service Human Rights Watch, Children's Rights Project Our book....of child rights Children of Guatemala: Police Violence and Abuses Kathy Keirle Ah and Zulfiquar Ah (English and in Detention Arabic) Human Rights Watch, Children's Rights Project Human Rights Education Programme, 11-B Main Publications Department, 485 Fifth Avenue, New Korangi Road, Phase 1, DHA Karachi, York, NY 10017, USA Tel +92 21 588 6273, US $15 including postage and packing Email [email protected]

"A sporting chance: Tackling child labour in Say it right: The unconventionalCanadian youth Inida's sports goods industry" Christian Aid, PO edition of the United Nations Conventionon the Box 100, London SE1 7RT,United Kingdom, Rights of the Child Fax +44 171 620 0719 Youth Participation committee, Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children Papers of the Stockholm Congress: Law reform #339-180 Argyle Avenue, Ottawa ON, K2P 1B7, and enforcement; Prevention and psycho-social Canada rehabilitatiion;Tourismandchildrenin Tel + 1 613 788 5085 prostitution.The sexexploiter;Health and psycho-social dimension; Media; Child We want our right to education, Children's pornography; Education; Social values Rights and Responsibilities, Women and girls Copies from the NGO Group for the Convention on have rights too the Rights of the Child Three booklets from Kuleana Centre for Children's c/o DCI, PO Box 88, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland, Rights, in English and Kiswahili Tel +41 22 734 0558, Children's rights memory game Fax +41 22 740 1145 Kuleana Centre for Children's Rights, PO Box 27, Email [email protected] Mwanza, Tanzania Tel +255 68 500 911, Fax +255 68 42402, Email [email protected] gooklets on QuestionsParents Ask, Voicesof Youth :44 brochure (also available onthe internet C, hildren's Rights,Itsonlyright: A (for children and young people) practical guide to learning about the Convention on the Rights of the Child UNICEF New York, 3 UN Plaza, New York 10017, I am a child, I have rights Fax +1 212 755 1449 Save the Children, UNICEF and Ministry of Education, Liberia \11) Copies from Save the Children UK, at address above. h. My rights, Part 1 (5-8 years), Part 2 (9-12 years) Part 3 (13-18) The Swedish NGO Child Convention Group Jorthcoming Meetings Radda Barnen, 107 88 Stockholm, Sweden, f?on Tel +46 8 698 9000, hildren's Rights Fax +46 8 698 9013 3-7 June 1997

14 31 Isseue No 4 June 1997

AFCC Second World Congress, 329 W Wilson 6 October 1997 Street, Madison W1 53703, USA Day of General Discussion: Disability Tel +1 608 251 4001, Committee on the Rights of the Child Fax +1 608 251 2231 UN High Commissioner/Centre forHuman Rights, Palais de Nations, 1211 Geneva10 9-12 June 1997 Switzerland, Conference on Urban Childhood Tel +41 22 917 3937, Trondhiem, Norway Fax +41 22 917 0099, Norwegian Centre for Child Research, Conference Email [email protected] Secretariat, N 7055, Dragvoll, Norway, Te1+47 7359 6240, 27-30 October 1997 Fax +47 7359 6239, International Conferenceon Child Labour Email [email protected] Royal Norwegian Ministry of ForeignAffairs, Multilateral department, UN Division. 14-19 June 1997 Tel +47 22 24 36 00, Monitoring the Well-being of Children Fax +47 22 24 95 80or contact your nearest Campobasso, Italy Norwegian Embassy or Consulate. tlentre for Research and Public Education ,National For information about NGOparticipation and Council for the Child, 20 MetudelaSt, Jerusalem contributions, please contact 92306, Israel, Redd Barna, Te1+972 2 563 9191 P boks 6200, Etterstad, N-0602 Oslo 6Norway Fax +972 2 563 6869, Tel +47 22 08 1600, Email [email protected] Fax +47 22 08 1740 OT 29 June - 2 July 1997 Anti Slavery International, The 5th International Family Violence Research The Stableyard, Broomsgrove Road, LondonSW9 Conference 9LT, UK New England Centre, Durham New Hampshire, +44 171 924 9555, USA +44 171 738 4110, Family Research Laboratory, 126Horton Social Email [email protected] Science Center, University of New Hampshire, Regional meetings will also be heldin August and Durham, NH 03824 3586, USA, September, please contact above for Tel +1 603 862 2525, more details. Fax +1 603 862 1122 Email [email protected]

28-5 July 1997 InternationalInterdisciplinaryCourseon Children's Rights Children's Rights Centre, University of Ghent,H Dunantlaan 2, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium Tel +32 9 264 6281, Fax +32 9 264 6493

22 September - 10 October 1997 Committee on the Rights of the Child, 16th Session, Full sessional meeting: Australia,Laos, Uganda, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Trinidad and Tobago, Togo 13-17 October 1997 Pre-sessional meeting: Maldives, Republic ofIreland, Sierra Leone, Micronesia, Japan, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya,


32 CRIN CHILD RIGHTS INFORMATION NETWORK Membership Form (Please write or type in blackas clearly as possible)

Name of organisation or individual.

Type of organisation (NGO, UN agency, Educational or Academic Institute, Individual)

Name of CRIN contact:


Tel- Fax-

Email- Languages

Information needs of your organisation:

Possible contributions whichyour organisation could make to the network eg access to databases, expertise advice, funding-

Statement of commitment As a member of the network we/I am committed to share information with other network members in accordance our/my own policies and guidelines.

Signature: Date

Please return to: Coordinator of the Child Rights Information Network, C/O Save the Children (UK), 17 Grove Lane, London, UK, 5E5 8RD. Tel +44-171-703-5400, Fax +44-171-793-7630, Email [email protected] OR [email protected]


Contents Editorial 400+ members in Editorial 1 100+ countries CRDI's Virtual Desks CRIN's membership now exceeds 400 diverse Child Labour Update 2 organisations and individuals working in 101 Sexual Exploitation Update 3 countries. It is exciting to see the potential for information exchange within the network, not Theme Day on Disability 4 least because over 60 per cent of our members are now using email and our web site has created Profiles of CRIN Members an opportunity for members to contribute and Bangladesh Development Partnership Centre 4 share their own information. ENDA, Senegal 5 Fundación Paniamor, Costa Rica 6 For us at the Coordinating Unit there have been ISPCAN, USA 7 some significant developments. The introduction of the thematic desks has given real substance to Articles our links with members, we have seen the CRIN Update from the Taskforce on MAIL grow and become more useful, we have National Coalitions 8 produced thefirst web sitedirectory on News from the European Region 8 children's rights information and progress has been made inthe production of CRIN's Project Updates organisations database. The CRIN MALL: Your views 9 CRIN' s Web Site Directory 10 CRIN's small management team met for the second time in September and we discussed the Bookmarks for Web Sites 10 future of CRIN, the necessity for a long-term New Publications 11 strategy and more concrete ways of involving Forthcoming meetings and conferences 13 members in decision-making. These discussions Stop Press 15 should benefit from an evaluation and strategic review being undertaken by Sharon Rusu of the developed as aninformationsource for UN Department of Humanitarian Affairs. We decision-makers who are interested in children's will let you know the outcome in the next issue. rights"

To prepare for the evaluation, we asked for Despite the positive feedback we will not become feedback from some of our members. It was complacent! There is still much to be done and great to receive your comments and ideas. It lots of potential which we haven't begun to tap seems that CRIN is developing into a useful into. Sokeep sending in your ideas and resource, according to one member: comments.

"I am a relatively new user, however I do find If you are a new to CRIN and want to join,our CRIN a particularly useful, cheap and time membership form can be found on the back page. efficient way of keeping up to speed with what is happening. I thinkit has potential to be Becky Purbrick, CRIN Coordinator

34- What is CAIN? CRIN is a global network of children's C: 1 Isl. rights organisations supporting the effective exchange of information about children CRIN' S HOME PAGE and theirrights. Itis backed by a Facilitating Group of 15 organisations with a Coordinator based at Save the Children (UK). International Federation Terre des Hommes 0Postion on Exploitative Forms of Child Labour CRINisopentoindividuals,non- "Since the Seventies, partners of the Interna- governmental organisations (NG0s), UN tional Federation in Latin America, Asia and agenciesandeducationalinstitutions involved in children's rights, committedto CRIN's Virtual Desks: Child Labour the UN Convention on the Rights of the Update Child (the Convention or CRC) andto sharing information. The network has three In the last issue we introduced CRIN's thematic main aims which it seeks to meet through virtual desks. We have been concentrating specific project activities and on the an information child labour section of our web site since July in service based at the Coordinating Unit. the run up to the International Conference in Osloon Child Labour. The network exists to:- Support and promote the implementation Our first task was to developa structure for holding of the UN Convention on the Rights of the information which we plan touse for all our themes. Child; This is what we have comeup with: Help to meet the information needs of organisations and individuals working with ISSUES: full text of policy papers of and for children's rights; members, bibliographies and links to other Support organisations to gather, handle, sites produce and disseminate childrights WHAT'S HAPPENING: conference information throughtraining,capacity information and key events building and the development of electronic WHO IS DOING WHAT: activities and and non-electronic networking tools. research of members INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS: If you want to join the network, findout background to relevant international treaties more about CRIN or request information on children's rights issues, please contact We contacted all our members active in child labour the Coordinator, Becky Purbrick, do Save and asked them to contribute theirpapers on child the Children, 17 Grove Lane, London SE5 labour, information about their research,reports 8RD, UK. from conferences and soon, to publish on our web Tel +44 171 703 5400 site. The response has been good, although Fax +44 171 793 7630 we are still waiting for more contributions. Email [email protected]. uk Web site http://www.childhub.chlwebpub/ We have also been gathering information about the crhome relevant Conventions on child labour- particularly the new ILO Convention on the most hazardous forms of child labour, the rationale behind the convention,thesurveyssentto allstate governments and NGOs involved in child labour.

2 3 5 Issue No 5 October 1997

Our next challenge was to provide information about the Oslo Conference and the regional CRIN's Virtual Desks: Sexual Exploitation consultations in Latin America, Asia and Africa. We have had the go-ahead from UNICEF and ILO toUpdate publishthe background papers forthe Oslo Conference on our web site and the NorwegianOur next theme is the sexual exploitation of children embassies in Brazil, Pakistan and South Africa areand follow-up to the World Congress held in supplying consultation documents. We are alsoStockholm last year. Using the same structure as the receiving information from the regional consultations. Child Labour section, we arecollecting and Plans for the future include: providing informationorganising information according to Issues- What's on the Global March Against Child Labour,Happening, Who is Doing What and International publication ofthe Oslo reports and recommendations,Mechanisms. and furtherinformation about the new ILO Convention which will be finalised next year andWe have contacted interested members for their adopted in 1999. contributions. So far, our web site provides access toallStockholm documents; ECPAT's global What's on there now: updates on national activities to address sexual Full Text of Policy Papers from: Antislaveryexploitation; a booklet for use by national NGOs on International, Bangladesh Shishu Adhikar Forum,UN mechanisms to combat sexual exploitation and a Bonded Liberation Front, Concerned for Childrenbibliography, both compiled by the NGO Group for and Environment, Nepal, Concerned for Workingthe Convention on the Rights of the Child. Children, kuleana, Save the Children UK, Save the Children Alliance, World Vision, ILO, InternationalIn early September, CRIN's coordinator attended a Terre Des Hommes meeting of the initial partners of the Stockholm Links to: UNICEF, Radda Barnen, Rugmarks andCongress - the Government of Sweden, UNICEF, more ECPAT and the NGO Group for the Convention on Publications lists from UNICEF and Antislaverythe Rights of the Child. The meeting aimed to International establish a wider Support Group to facilitate and Past and future conferences: Amsterdam Childcoordinate global action to combat the sexual LabourConference,February1997, Urbanexploitation of children. The subgroup on sexual Childhood Conference, Trondheim, June1997exploitation for the NGO Group on the Convention (links only), Oslo Conference on Child Labour,on the Rights of the Child was appointed the October 1997, plus information about the GlobalSupport Group's Focal Point. March and the first International Meeting of Child Workers in India, 1996 CRIN hopes to work closely with the Focal Point Organisations involved in child labour: Contactand the wider Support Group to ensure that relevant details, activities and research information is provided and published on CRIN' s International Treaties: Full text ofILO Conventionweb site. 138, background to new ILO Convention on the most hazardous forms of child labour and a list of allFor more information on the work of the Focal other relevant conventions Point, contact:-Helene Sackstein, Coordinator National legislation: Link to ILO database ofFocal Point on Sexual Exploitation of Children National Legislation, Natlex DCI PO Box 88, CH 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, Codes of practice: Model codes of practice forTel +41 22 734 0558 Fax +41 22 740 1145 employers and booklet by _the subgroup on ChildEmail [email protected] Labour for the NGO Group for the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Ifyou would like to contribute to CRIN's thematic desk on sexual exploitation contact For copies of any documents, contact theCRIN's Coordinator. Coordinator of CRIN

136 Nations Fourth World Conferenceon Women in Theme Day on Disability Beijing 1995 Document prepared by the Women's Committees The Committee on the Rights of the Child's annualof Disabled Peoples' International theme day on 6 October was devoted to disability.Article by David Lepofsky: "Equality Rights of As we went to press, it planned to focus on the rightPersons with Disabilities-Canadian and International to life, survival and development of children withPerspectives", in Human Rights in the Twenty-first disabilities; self-representation and participation ofCentury, A Global Challenge, K.E. Mahoney and children withdisabilities;and entitlementtoPaul Mahoney(eds), Martinus Nijhoff,1993 inclusive education.

The theme day gives the Committee on the Rights of the Child an opportunity to examine one aspect ofProfilesof CRIN Members the Convention using the experience and expertise of NG0s, UN agencies and academics. WrittenBangladesh Development Partnership Centre (BDPC) statements are prepared and oral presentations given on the day. We hope to publish the written BDPC is a non-government statements and the Committee's report on CRIN's web site. The provisional list of documentationand non-profit development included: support organisation set up in1991 by a group of development professionals, Discussion outline prepared by the Committee on the Rights of the Child researchers, social workers, academicsand Informal background note by the Secretariat of the business executives. Committee on the Right of the Child Statement by Mr. Bengt Lindqvist, UN Special Rapporteur on Disability BDPC was establishedto improve research, training and networking capacities of the third SubmissionsbyDPI(DisabledPeople's International) sector in Bangladesh to bring about positive Position paper submitted by Bizchut, the Israelichange, particularly for women and children in Human Rights Centre for People with Disabilities Bangladeshi society. BDPC' s specific mission is to Submission by International Save the Childrenstrengthen human rights. At the same time it is Alliance committed to socio-economic development, ethnic harmony, environmental promotion and disaster Documents and reports on theInternational Catholic Child Bureau's programme on disabledreduction. children Paper submitted by the Christian Children's Fund BDPC provides legal counselling and support. Its Contribution by Inclusion International: "As ifactivities are complimented by:- incomegenerationand Children Matter: Perspectives on children, rights self-employment and disabilities". programmes within therural communities of Bangladesh; "Addressing the Needs of Children with Learning Disabilities", Statement by the International School literacy and skills training through formal and non- formal education: Psychology Association Remarks from the International Federation of human resource development. Social Workers The organisation is keen to improve health-care Statement by Kesher (Information, counselling and practices and health education in communities and support centre in Israel for parents of children with families. BDPC is also involved in preparing and special needs) responding to disasters. Its future plans include skill "Commitments to girls with disabilities": Extract from the Platform of Action from the Unitedtraining for disabled people, particularly women and children; rehabilitation retraining for people

4 Issue No 5 October 1997 effected by river erosion; adolescent health care; and alleviating poverty in urban slums.

BDPC implements and promotes itsactivities through four networks in Bangladesh: the Solidarity for Elimination of Violence Against Women and Children (SEVAUC), the Coordinating Council for Women's Rights (CCWR), Nadi Shikasti Gono Adhikar Forum (NASHGAF for the rights ofpeople effected by river erosion; and the Citizen's DisasterCotonou and Bamako celebrated International Resource group (CDRG). Labour Day for the first time. A few months later, delegates met in Bouaké (Cote d'Ivoire) and Ithaspublishedresearch on therightsofidentified 12 specific rights which they proposedto Bangladeshi working children, as well as researchdefendandrealise,throughajointaction intodivorce,suicide,drought,rivererosionprogramme. These 12 rights are:- preparedness and community perceptions of social disaster. the right to training to learna trade the right to stay in the village (not to For more information contact migrate) the right to carry out our activities in all safety Sharif A Kaji the right to appeal and equitable justice in Bangladesh Development Partnership Centre case of problems PO Box 2426 the right to sick leave Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh the right to be respected Tel +880 2 911 9624 the right to be listened to Fax +880 2 911 7687 the right to light and limited work (adapted to our Email [email protected] ages and capacities) the right to health care the right to learn how to read and write the right to play and have fun Profile the right to express and organise ourselves. ENDA Third World "Youth in Action" TeamBy mid-1995, over 130 delegates from EJT groups (ENDA) in 21 West African countries met to review and adopt these rights and develop a plan of action. ENDA Third World is an international NGO with its headquarters in Dakar, Senegal. Children as actors of their own development: Actions are carried out by children/young people ENDA's Youth Action Team has been supportingfrom their own point of view and according to their EJQs(EnfantsetJeunesdeQuartiers-own analysis of their priority problems and the Neighbourhood Children and Young People) andopportunities they can offer other young people. EJTs or WCY (Enfants et Jeunes Travailleurs- Working Children and Young People) since 1985.Other Programmes: Support is provided by 10 partner teams within theAn exchange and training programme: An programme "Enfants et jeunes dans les villes, et laAfrican Training Programme (PAF- Programme compete de leurs droits" (Children and youngAfricaindeFormation)intendedforurban people in cities - setting out to conquer their rights)facilitators working for governmental and non- in six African countries. governmental institutions and grassroots associations -started in1991- has reached thousands of On 1 May 1994, the WCY from Dakar, Ziguinchor,facilitators in over 30 African countries. continued overleaf 5 International network of working childrenandon Central America. Fundaci6n PANIAMOR seeks young people : ENDA Youth in Action works in to eliminate the violation of the rights ofthe child, partnership with organisations supporting working under the age of 18. It is adive inpreventing child children and youth movements, notably Manthocabuse, education rights, juvenilejustice, self-esteem (Peru), the Movimento Meninos e Meninas da Ruaand communication skills and providinginformation (Brazil), Butterflies, Concerned for Workingservices. Children, Bhima Sangha (India) andNATRAS (Nicaragua). The first international meeting ofPANIAMOR' s programme includes diversetraining working children andyoung people was held inworkshops developed for differentsectors of December 1996, in Kundapur (India). society,particularlychildren and adolescents. These workshops focuson the factors behind The EJQs from six West African countrieshaveviolence against children and the fosteringof established "Associations de Développementdespositive relations within families. Theadvocacy Quartiers" (ADQ- Neighbourhood Developmentprogramme has concentrated on the development Associations) to carry out social, cultural, sporting,of a legalcode for minorsin Costa Rica, hegth-related,educational,economicandpressurising for legal reformsto improve the environmental actions in their neighbourhoods. administration of juvenile justice and lobbying for They seek to:- participation of adolescents in national policies. promote self-financing rather than external help secure the relief of taxes that reduce theirIn July 1997, PANIAMOR beganan Alternative possibilities to self-finance their activities Centre for Teenagers where theycan receive develop activities destined for the "small ones" attention, guidance and informationon recreation promote communication to share experiences forpersonaldevelopment; healthorientation; develop active solidarity with the EJTs educative supervision;investigation and crisis intervention. For information on ENDA and EndaJeunesse Action, contact:- PANIAMOR has createdan information service about children, adolescents and families inCosta Francesco D'Ovidio Rica and Central America. The collection consists Enda Jeunesse Action of over 1,000 books, documents, periodicals PO Box 3370 and Dakar daily newspapers. There isalso a specialised Senegal collection on domestic violence. PANIAMOR Tel +221 821 2113 or +221 821 7403 produces a newsletter Pro Nino Magazine, three Fax +221 823 5157 times a year, and publishesa wide range of Email [email protected] educational books on: Web Site abuse prevention against people under 18 rightsandresponsibilitiesof childrenand teenagers Profile communication with children and teenage victims of sexual abuse Fundación PANIAMOR something that every parent should know (about sexual abuse) something that every kid should know (about sexual abuse) paniarnr violence and abuse against children andteenagers self-esteemandcommunicationbetween Fundación PANIAMORwasestablishedingenerations September 1987 as a national non-governmental organisation working in Costa Rica but witha focusPANIAMOR has received several awards for its


3, Issue No 5 October 1997

preventive campaigns in the mass media such as thewelfare services, in educationaland therapeutic Prize for Excellence in Media on Behalf of Chidrenorganisations, in voluntary agenciesand among given by the International Forum for Child Welfare.individuals.Eachyear50complimentary memberships are awardedto first-time members For more information contact:- from developing countries.Biennial international congresses are held to build communication within Vanessa Bravo the network and Fundación PANIAMOR to exchangeresearch and Apartado Postal 376-2150 experiences through presentations,seminars and Moravia training. The 12th internationalcongress will be held San Jose in September 1998 in Auckland,New Zealand. Costa Rica Tel +225 506 234 2773or +225 506 225 5031 ISPCAN publishesa monthly journal "Child Abuse Fax +225 596 234 2956 and Neglect" and a newsletter formembers, "Link" Email paniamor providing news about childabuse and neglect prevention, issues and problemsworldwide, and news from the membership. ISPCAN also publishes the "World Perspectiveson Child Abuse" an Profile internationaldatabook,"CongressBooksof Abstracts" and specialreports. The first official International Society for Prevention ofChildISPCAN membership directory willbe published in Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN) 1997.

ISPCAN alsosponsorsregionalconferences, national meetings and trainingseminars as well as providing relatedscholarships toselect CAN professionals working in developingcountries. Activities this year include outreach andsupport to members in East and Central Europe;support of and internationalparticipationintheSanDiego ISPCAN, founded in 1977, is the onlyinternationalConference on Responding to ChildMaltreatment; organisation of multi-disciplinary professionalsthatparticipation in the Israel NationalConference; brings together a cross-section of peoplecommittedinvolvement in the Second WorldCongress on to the prevention of child abuse, neglectandFamily Law's Child VIP physicaltrauma protocol. exploitation. ISPCAN works in cooperation withUNICEF, the World Health Organisation, CRIN,Defence for ISPCAN membershipranges from 1,900 to 2,500,Children International, the ChildVIP project, from over 90 countries. ISPCANaims to preventnational governments andmany other children's cruelty in the form of: physical abuse, childlabour,rights organisations. street children, neglect, sexual abuse,or prostitution, to children of every nation. For information concerning ISPCANmembership, conferences, and other projects, pleasecontact:- ISPCAN is committed to increasing professional and public awareness of all forms of violenceagainst Kimberly Svevo children by supporting education, training,research ISPCAN Secretariat 401 N Michigan Avenue Suite 2200 andinformationexchangeonpreventative Chicago IL 60611 interventions and the promotion of theneeds and rights of the child. United States of America Tel +1 312 644 6610 extension 3273 Fax +1 312 3216869 ISPCAN fosters an exchange of knowledgeamong Email [email protected] professionals working in the health,legal and Web Site http://child.cornell.edufispcan/ispcan.htm

7 4 0 this they have a large number of activities, for Articles example training and writing alternativereports. For more information, contact:- Update fromthe Taskforce onNational Coalitions Anna Grauers, Rddda Barnen The NGO Group on the Conventionon the Rights Tel + 46 8 698 9236 of the Child held three small workshops in Aprilon Fax + 46 8 698 9014 how to improve co-operation among international E-mail [email protected] NGOs (ING0s) for the promotion of monitoring the CRC.

One of the main issues was how to support the monitoring work of the Committee on the Rights ofArticles the Child and the interaction between the NGO community atnationallevel.Eylah Kadjar-News from the European Region Hamouda, Chairperson of the NGO Group, summarised three recommendations: Children's organisations in the European region have worked successfully together in "Euronet- the 1. Strengthening of existing activities and betterEuropean Children's Network" toensure that collaboration between different bodies of the NGOchildren are mentioned in the new Treaty on the Group European Union (EU), and that the principles of the 2. Broadening the agenda by taking up new subjects UN Convention on the Rights of the Childare 3. Reinforcing the collaboration and pro-activityincorporated. (The European Union cannot legally between local, national and international levels. ratify the UN Convention). The Task Force on National Coalitions held its last meeting on 7October, when thefollowingUntil now, children have been invisible citizens with publications featured on the agenda: An update ofno legal status, but Euronet has successfully secured the current "Guide for writing Alternative Reports"three new references:- toincludeguidelinesforperiodicreports, 'offences against children', a new Article which comments on the guidelines for periodic reportswould enable Intergovernmental co-operation to with recommendations to NGOs and a paperoncombat crimes which cross European borders; monitoring the CRC at national level. a new reference which enables the EU to take action to combat 'discrimination on grounds of age', The Task Force planned to discuss the meeting oflegal advice indicates thatthis would include European Coalitions to be hosted by the Germanchildren; National Coalition, in Germany next March. The a reference to European-wide activity to combat meeting is expected to focus on useful experiencessocial exclusion. in Europe, exchange between the coalitions, anda common thinking around a European agenda onEuronet has produced a briefing analysing the promoting the CRC. consequences of the new EU Treaty for children, available on request (see address). A report from West Africa on experiences of National Coalitions in the region, "Fighting for theEuronet was set up originally to campaign for the Rights of the Child in West Africa, the experiencesinclusion of children's rights in the EU Treaty and of national coalitions of non-governmental childincludesEuropeannetworksandnational rights organisations", is now available. organisations.

A main problem for the nine coalitions is lack ofEuronet plans to continue as a coalition of NGOs in resources and inexperience of networks. DespiteEurope and is consulting members on its work programme.It is anticipated that it will focus on

8 41 Issue No 5 October 1997 children's citizenship and participation at EU levelhave settled down. The CRIN MAIL isvery active and children's legal rights, children in the EUwith up to 10 messagesper week. budget,socially excluded children and sexual exploitation. In August, we asked membersto tell us what they really thought of the CRIN MAIL.Responses were Following the Stockholm Congresson sexualencouraging, sometimes ecstatic, sometimes with exploitation last year, the European Parliamentpositive criticisms. Hereare a few your thoughts: created a new budgetline to enable NGOsto work on the issue of sexual abuse and violence against"NTFC is constantly receiving mail from CRIN women, children and adolescents at European level.members, they provide us withvery interesting The resources are very limited (3 MECU) butdoinformationabouttheactivitiesofother represent the European Union's first-time actiononorganisations working in the field of child welfare this important issue. The 'Daphne programme',isall over the world CRIN MAILgave us the limited to three years but the Commission planstoopportunity ofcontacting, opening communication issue a consultation documentsoon with a view to achannels, and exchanging information with these longer term European programmeon the sexualorganisations" abuse and children. Hayat Malhas Yaghi, National Taskforce for Children, Jordan For further information, contact:- "I love the CRIN MAIL. It filledan important need Diana Sutton or Kim Kok I have used it for requests, withvery good results. I c/o International Save the Children Alliance also share information withmy colleagues here at 1 Place du Luxembourg B 1050 Brussels the Bank, when I see something I know is of their Belgium. interest" Tel + 32 2 512 7851 Anne Kielland, World Bank Fax + 32 2 512 6673 Email [email protected] "Joining the CRIN MAIL has beenvery useful for us. It provides access to many information and networking opportunities. We have been ableto find new friends/organisations of similar interest" Sharif Kafi, Bangladesh Development Partnership Centre Project Update The CRIN MAIL: Your views "The CRIN mailing list seems to be increasing daily in useful postings. The membership has Networkingisallabout communication andobviously increased and becomemore used to the participation.DuringCRIN' sfirstyearInternet so there are less irrelevant and personal communication was mostly vertical- from theposts.Notificationsof newpublications, Coordinating Unit to individual members and visaforthcoming conferences and general child rights versa. CRIN's electronic mailing list CRIN MAIL,news are most useful" has fundamentally changed communication withinDeborah Whithear, Australian Institute of Family the network. (The CRIN MAIL operates in theStudies same way as other electronic mailing lists. Each member simply sends one message to the list and it"It has become one of my most prominentresource is automatically distributed toeveryone on the list.)for new information on children's rights" Frans Spiesschaert,Children'sRights Centre, In the beginning we experiencedsome problemsUniversity of Gent, Belgium with messages sent to the list whichwere meant for individuals, to the annoyance of others. Now things continued overleaf

9 4 2 BEST COPY AVAILABLE However, there is still much to improve. For many ofHURIDOCS our members there is the language barrier, ENDA from Senegal suggests that we send shorter messages and if possible in two languages. PIDEEUNICEF from Chile, echoes this problem and suggestsa regional network for Latin America. Ina similar vein, a number of members proposed theme-basedUniversity of Minnesota Human Rights Library or regional lists, especially for those who do not World Bank and Early Childhood Development work internationally. All these suggestions will be carefully considered and will feed into both the development of CRIN MAIL and the network. Review of web sites PERIC - Clearing House on Elementary and roject Update Early Childhood Education CRIN's Web Site Directory

CRIN has published the first edition of CRIN's Website Directory on "Children and Children's RightsInformation".Thedirectoryincludes descriptions of all the web sites of network membersERIC is a USA-based information system designed from Amnesty International to World Vision. Itto provide access to literature on education. The includessitesofother institutionsholdingsiteincludesbibliographicabstractdatabases, information about children and their rights fromdiscussion groups, full text documents and links to Global Childnet to the World Bank Group on Earlyrelatedsites. The best way of searching for Childhood Development. The directory is publisheddocumentation is to use the search wizard. Search as a loose-leaf document so that we can sendterms on children range from child abuse..child members regular updates and additions, forthcominghealth...child labour...children's in 1998. literature....children'srights...tochildren's television. If you are a CRIN member and have not yet received your copy of the directory, contact the Coordinating Unit. Media Literacy Online Project

Bookmarks for Web Sites

(Below is a list of web sites recommended by CRIN)

Children's House The Media Literacy Online Project isan ongoing research activity of the Centre for Advanced CRIN Technology in Education at the University of Oregon. This web site has documentation and links to children, and youth and media information. International Save the Children Alliance Resources include - children and media violence, literature,radio,television,websitesand interactive media. High Commissioner for Human Rights

BEST COPY AVAILABLE 10 4 3 Issue No 5 October 1997

Starting from Zero: The Promotion and New Publications on Children's Protectionof Children'sRightsinPost- Genocide Rwanda, July 1994- December 1996 Rights October 1997 Distribution Unit Canada and the UN Convention on the Rights ofUNICEF Intenational Child Development Centre the Child: Developing a monitoring frameworkPiazza SS Annunziata 12, 50122 Florence Canadian Coalition for the Rights of the Child Italy 180 Argyle Ave, Suite 339, Ottawa, OntarioTel +39 55 234 5258, Fax +39 55 244 817 K2P1B7, Canada Tel +1 613 788 5085, Fax +1 613 788 5106 Children in Focus - a Manual for Participatory Email [email protected] Research 5 $ Cdn, available in English and French Jo Boyden & Judith Ennew Rädda Barnen Child ,Labour: The Legal Aspects, 1997 10788 Stockholm, Sweden Anees Jillani, US $15 Airmail charges US $20 Tel + 46 8 698 92 36, Fax + 46 8 698 90 14 Child Labour in Islamabad, 1997 Sarah Javed & Zarina Jillani, US $ 2 Airmail US $ 3World Organisation Against Torture: country Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Childreports on the situtation of children with regard PO Box 301, Islamabad, Pakistan to torture and other grave violations of the rights Tel +92 51 279 255, Fax +92 51 279 256 of the child: Nepal, Senegal, Ex-Yugoslavia and Email sparc@associates. Guatemala. Case Studies of Violations of the Rights of the Child Rights Guide to the 1996 Mines ProtocolChild 1995-1996 UNICEF World Organisation Against Torture 3 UN Plaza, New York 10017, United States ofPO Box 119, CH 1211 Geneva 20 America Switzerland Fax +1 212 326 7037 Tel +41 22 733 3140, Fax +41 22 733 1051 OR Email [email protected] Information Department, UNICEF UK CommitteeWeb site 55 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2 3NB Tel +44 171 405 5592, Fax +44 171 405 2332 Children's Rights/Human Rights: A Resource BookforEarlyChildhoodandPrimary Teachers, 1997 Children and Families: Creating Stability in anSchool of Early Childhood, Faculty of Education, Unstable World Queensland University of Technology ISCPAN/UNICEF Joint Educational Video Locked Bag 2, Red Hill, Queensland 4059 ISPCAN Secretariat Australia Tel +1 312 644 6610, Fax +1 312 321 6869 Tel +61 7 3864 3567, Fax +61 7 3864 3989 Email: [email protected] Email b. pi [email protected]. au

Children and Families of Ethnic Minorities,Children's Rights in Primary Schools, 1997 Immigrants and Indigenous Peoples, The Special Youth Care Committee Bruges August 1997 Mr John Decoene Maggie Black, Seventh Innocenti Global Seminar,Zandstraat 255 Bus 1, B-8200 Bruges Summary Report Belgium UNICEF International Child Development Centre Free plus p & p Children and Violence, September 1997 Compiled by Peter Newel, Innocenti Digest 2

4 4 Citizen Child: Australian Law and Children'sInternational Yearbook of Children's Rights, Rights, 1996 Fourth Edition Kathleen Funder, ed. 288 pages, ISBN 0 642Majorie Kaandorp, Dick Schoonenwolf, Christa 244529, $19.95 plus p&p Eringa and Stan Meuwese (Eds) EmotionalAbuse:theHidden FormofDefence for Children International Maltreatment, 1997 Copies from DCI Netherlands Adam Tomison and Joe Tucci. Issues paper no. 8PO Box 75297, 1070 AG Amsterdam Spring 1997 The Netherlands Australian Institute of Family Studies for theTel +31 20 420 3771, Fax +31 20 420 3832 National Child Protection Clearing House, FreeEmail [email protected] (also available from the web site, address below) $30 excluding p&p Australian Institute of Family Studies 300 Queen Street, Melbourne, Victoria 300 Offering hope, not despair: Eradicating child Australia labour without putting child workers on the Tel +61 3 9214 7888, Fax +61 3 9214 7839 street huP://www. au/external/nch/pubs. html World Vision UK, Policy and Research Department 599 Avebury Boulevard, Milton Keynes MK9 3PG, The Children's War: Towards Peace in SierraUK Leone, 1997 Tel +44 1908 841 000, Fax +44 1908 841 015 Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children Promoting humanitarian principles: the southern 122 East 42nd Street, New York NY 10168-1289,Sudan experience, 1997 United States of America (promotion of international humanitarian law and Tel +1 212 551 3111, Fax +1 212 551 3180 the Convention on the Rights of the Child in rebel- Email wcrwc controlled areas) lain Levine Gender, Sexuality and Attitudes Related toRelief and Rehabilitation Network AIDS among Low Income Youth and Overseas Development Institute Street Youth in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1997 Portland House, Stag Place, London SW1E 5DP Childhope International UK 333 East 38th Street 6th Floor,,New York NYTel +44 171 393 1674 or +44 171 393 1647 10016, United States of America Fax +44171393 1699, Email [email protected] Tel +1 212 983 1442, Fax +1 908 747 4237 Email [email protected] Robbed of Humanity: Lives of Guatemalan US$5.00 Street Children, 1997 ISBN 0-9630180-5-1 Pangaea Having a voice: an exploration of children's226 Wheeler Street South, St. Paul, AN 55105- rights and advocacy, 1997 1927 United States of America Jane Dalrymple and Jan Hough Tel +1 612 690 3320, Fax +612 690 1485 Venture Press Email [email protected] 16 Kent Street, Birmingham B5 6RD, UK US $16.00 Tel +44 121 622 3911, Fax +44 121 622 4860 £10.50 plus 90p p&p Report on the Torture of Street Children in Guatemala and Honduras 1990- 1997 International Society .for the Prevention ofCasa Alianza / Covenant House Latin America, Child Abuse and Neglect Membership DirectoryISBN 9968 9834 3 8 ISPCAN for membership information SJO 1039, PO Box 025216, Miami FL 33102-5216, Tel +1 312 644 6610 ,Fax +1 312 321 6869 United States of America Email [email protected] Tel +506 253 5439 (in Costa Rica) Directory for members only Fax +506 224 5689 (in Costa Rica) Email bruce@casa-alianza

12 4 5 Issue No 5 October 1997

The Scars of Death: Children Abducted by the19 - 22 October 1997 Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda, 1997 What Place is There for Child Welfare in Human Rights Watch, Children's Rights Project Tomorrow's Europe? Human Rights Watch ISPCAN VI European Conference on Child Abuse 485 Fifth Avenue, New York NY 10017 and Neglect, Barcelona, Spain United States of America Tel +34 3 457 4555, Fax +343 457 4579 Tel +1 212 972 8400, Fax +1 212 972 0905 Email [email protected] Email [email protected] 20 - 23 October 1997 A SourcebookforReportingUndertheSixth Australasian Conference on Child Abuse Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1997 and Neglect Vitit Muntarborn Adelaide, South Australia UNICEF EAPRO and Child Rights Asianet Tel +61 8 83631307 PO Box 2-154, 19 Phar Atit Road Email: [email protected] Bangkok 10200 Thailand Tel +662 280 5931, Fax +662 280 3563 24 - 25 October 1997 Child Health and Child Labour Stitching Footballs: voices of children in Sialkot,Amsterdam, the Netherlands Pakistan, 1997 Ms Samira al-Zwaini and Mrs Corrie Baris, NFICH, Rachel Marcus et al PO Box 18009, 3501 CA Utrecht, Netherlands Save the Children UK Tel +31 302 369 878, Fax +31 302 300 019 Publication Sales, 17 Grove Lane, London SE5Email [email protected] 8RD, UK Tel +44 171 703 5400, Fax +44 171 793 7630 27 - 30 October 1997 Intenational Conference on Child Labour War: The Impact on Minority and IndigenousRoyal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Children, 1997 Multilateral Department, UN Division Edited by Minority Rights Group, 36pp £.4.95, Tel +47 22 24 36 00, Fax +47 22 24 95 80 US $ 8.95, plus p&p For information on NGO participation, contact Sales Department, Minority Rights Group Redd Barna 379 Brixton Road, London SW9 7DE, UK PO Box 6200, Etterstad, N-0602 Oslo 6 Norway, Tel +44 171 978 9498, Fax +44 171 738 6265 Tel +47 22 08 1600, Fax +47 22 08 1740 Email minority. rights@mrg. sprint. com 20 - 22 November 1997 Advancing Children's Futures: the Role of NGOs in supporting children's rights Forthcoming Meetings on Children's University Place Conference Centre and hotel, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Rights Registration: Advancing Children's Futures, IUPUI School of Education, 902 W New York Street 19 October 1997 Indianapolis IN 46202 5155, United States of Children are Unbeatable America Epoch Worldwide, FUNCOE, ISPCC, Radda Barnen 20 - 22 November 1997 Epoch Worldwide International Conference on the Rights of the 77 Holloway Road, London N7 8JZ Child and Education United Kingdom Paris, France Tel +44 171 700 0627, Fax +44 171 700 1105 Conceil Francais des Associations pour le Droits de Email [email protected] l'Enfant Jean-Bernhard Gicquel, Secretaire General, 7 Rue27 - 30 January 1998 Saint Lazare, F 75007 Paris, France San Diego Conference on Responding to Child Tel +33 1 428 09610, Fax +33 1 428 04719 Maltreatment San Diego, California 28 November 1997 For further information: Robin VanderLann, Center Prostitution:Violence Against Women andfor Child Protection MC 5016, Children's Hospital, Children 3020 Children's Way, San Diego CA 92123-4282, London, UK United States of America Research Centre on Violence, Abuse and GenderTel +1 619 974 8018, Fax +1 619 974 8017 Relations,School of CulturalStudies,Leedsor +1 619 495 4940 Metropolitan University, Calverley Street, Leeds, LS1 311:E, UK 31 January 1998 Tel +44 113 283 6710, Fax +44 113 283 6709,ISPCAN Training Institute on International [email protected] CAN Prevention Issues In conjunction with the San Diego Conference on 12 - 13 December 1997 Responding to Child Maltreatment, 27-30 January Annual Scientific Meeting of the JapaneseISPCAN Secretariat Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse andTel +1 312 644 6610 ext 3273 Neglect (JASPCAN) Fax +1 312 321 6869 Yokohama, Japan Tel +81 6 762 4858,Fax +816 762 4884 9 - 13 March 1998 Email (David Gough) [email protected] Second World Summit onTelevisionfor Children 5 - 23 January 1998 London, UK 17th Session of the Committee on the Rights ofFor further information The Event Organisation the Child (full session) Company, 8 Cotswold Mews, Battersea Square, Maldives,Republic of Ireland,Sierra Leone,London SW11 3RA, UK Micronesia,Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and theTel +44 171 228 8034, Fax +44 171 924 1790, Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Email [email protected] Web Site 26-30 January 18th Session of the Committee on the Rights ofMarch 1998 the Child (pre-sessional working group) Committee on the Status of Women Meeting on Fiji,Ecuador,Hungary,Luxembourg,Iraq,girls, violence against women, human rights and Thailand armed conflict UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, PalaisDivision for the Advancement of Women (DAW) des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Tel +41Kristen Timothy, Fax +1 212 963 3463 22 917 3937, Fax +41 22 917 0099 Email [email protected] 3 April 1998 Web site Of Innocence and Autonomy: Children, Sex and Human Rights 16 - 17 January 1998 Programme of International Rights of the Child Support Group on Sexual Exploitation ofFaculty ofLaw, Queen Mary and Westfield College, Children University of London Hélène Sackstein, Focal Point on Sexual ExploitationMile End Road, London El 4NS, UK of Children, do DCI PO Box 88, CH 1211, Geneva,Tel +44 171 775 3280, Fax +44 181 981 8733 Switzerland Email [email protected] Tel +41 22 734 0558, Fax +41 22 740 1145 Email dci-sex. ex@pingnet. ch

14 4 r, Issue No 5 October 1997

26 - 30 April 1998 STOP PRESS International Conference on Education and Children's Rights Help to hold governments accountable for Copenhagen, Denmark commitment to girls at Beijing JoergenHansen,MinistryofEducation, Frederksholms Kanal 21-25, 1220 Copenhagen,Girls achieved long overdue visibility on the agenda Denmark ofthe global women's moVement at the 1995 Fourth Tel +45 33 92 5300 Fax +45 33 5302 World Women's Conference in Beijing.Girls' Email [email protected] issues were presented as one of the conference's 13 "Critical Concerns". April 1998 The Impact of Armed Conflict on Minority andThe International Network for Girls (InFG) was Indigenous Children in the Horn and Greatformed at Beijing to hold governments accountable Lakes Regions of Africa for their promises and to build international and Kampala, Uganda, April 1997, Human Rights andnationalcoalitionstoraiseawareness,share Peace Centre (HURIPEC), Makerere University,information and strategies and advocate for the and Minority Rights Group rights and progress of girls. Dr Joe Oloka-Onyango, IlURIPEC, Faculty of Law, Makerere University ThishasledtoInFGdistributingcountry PO Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda commitment charts to NGOs to follow up progress Tel +256 41 532 956, Fax +256 41 541 068 by governments. A monitoring report will be Email [email protected] OR produced for the March 1998 meeting of the Miles Litvinoff, Minority Rights Group InternationalCommission on the Status of Women, at which 379 Brixton Road, London SW9 7DE, UK 'girls' is one of the four themes. Tel +44 171 978 9498, Fax +44 171 738 6265 Email minority. rights@mrg. sprint. com If you are an NGO working with or on behalf of girls, please contact InFG for a copy of the chart. Your contributions will be invaluable.

Membership of CRIN For more information contact:- Membership of CRIN is free and self International Network for Girls selecting. Sara Friedman Fax + I 212 824 6394 You can join if you meet four criteria: Email sfriedman@uniceforg

1. You are commited to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child; 2. You are involved in children's rights activities (projects, research, campaigning or advocacy); Contributors 3. You work for an NGO, UN Agency; Becky Purbrick, CRIN, Sharif A Kafi, educational institute; or you are an Bangladesh Development Partnership individual researcher/consultant; and Centre, Francesco D'Ovidio, ENDA, 4. Committed to sharing information Vanessa Bravo, Fundacion Paniamor, with other network members. Kimberly Svevo, ISPCAN, Anna Grauers, Radda Barnen, Diana Sutton, Please complete and return the International Save the Children membership form overleaf to the Alliance, Sara Friedman, International CRIN Coordinator. Network for Girls.

15 4 8 CRIN CHILD RIGHTS INFORMATION NETWORK Membership Form (Please write or type in black as clearlyas possible)

Name of organisation or individual:

Type of organisation (NGO, UN agency, Educational or Academic Institute, Individual)

Name of CkIN contact:


Tel: Fax-

Email: Languages

Information needs of your organisation:

Possible contributions which your organisation could make to the networkeg access to databases, expertise advice, funding:

Statement of commitment As a member of the network we/I am committed to share information with other network members in accordance our/my own policies and guidelines.

Signature: Date:

CRIN Declaration CRIN is an open network of members and therefore holds no official status beyond that of its member organisations. CRIN is unable to accredit any member orgathsationor provide funding for its members, unless funding is directly related to one ofCRIN's projects approved by the Facilitating Group.

Please return to: Coordinator of the Child Rights Information Network, CIO Save the Children (UK), 17 Grove Lane, London, UK, SE5 8RD. Tel +44-171-703-5400, Fax +44-171-793-7630, Email [email protected] 16 .1.

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