Planning Applications Full details of the following planning applications including plans, maps and drawings are available to view on the Planning Portal, at the Council Planning Office (Lagan Valley Island, Lisburn, BT27 4RL), by contacting 0300 200 7830 or by emailing
[email protected]. Written comments should be submitted within the next 14 days. Please quote the application number in any correspondence and note that all representations made, including objections, will be posted on the Planning Portal. APPLICATION NO LOCATION PROPOSAL LA05/2016/1111/O Site adjacent to 20 Bridge Road, Moira, BungaloW and garage LA05/2016/1114/O Lands adjoining 265, 267, 269 & 277 9 no. detached dwellings Ballynahinch Road, Annahilt, Hillsborough (previously approved scheme) LA05/2016/1115/F 2 Richmond Court, Lisburn Single storey extension to rear and associated raised deck LA05/2016/1116/ West and adjacent to 15 Demiville Avenue, Dwelling and garage with ancillary site works RM Lisburn LA05/2016/1117/F 53m north of No 173 Ballycoan Road, Change of access to approved dwelling Ballylesson, Belfast (S/2013/0117/RM) LA05/2016/1118/F 100m southwest of 5 Bushfield Road, Moira Farm dwelling and detached garage (change of house type to S/2010/0672/F LA05/2016/1119/O 92 Carnreagh, Hillsborough Demolition of existing dwelling and out building to provide 4 no dwellings LA05/2016/1120/O Beside and east of 1 Ballymullan Road, Lisburn Dwelling LA05/2016/1121/F Site beside 24 Beechdene Park, Lisburn