Report on Survey Trans-Canadian Alaska Railway Location
REPORT ON SURVEY TRANS-CANADIAN ALASKA RAILWAY LOCATION Syllabus The district engineer reports completion of Trans-Canadian Alaska Railway location survey and incorporates condensed profiles, maps, and preliminary estimates in his report. Field and district office work is still under way on construction studies, evaluation of possible revisions and permanent records. WAR DEPARTMENT United States Engineer Office Seattle, Washington October 12, 1942. Subject: Report on Survey of Trans-Canadian Alaska Railway Location. To: The Division Engineer, North Pacific Division, Portland, Oregon. 1. Authority. - The following directive was issued' by the Commanding General, Services of Supply, Washington, D.C., March 25, 1942. "MEMORANDUM FOR THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS” "1. It is directed that a field survey be undertaken at the earliest practicable date and pushed to completion for the construction of a rail route via the Rocky Mountain Trench from Prince George, British Columbia, to Fairbanks, Alaska, .The survey should be completed during the coming season. It is desired that an experienced railway locating engineer familiar with the northwest be placed in charge of the survey or attached to it in a superior "executive capacity. "2. That the general specifications for this projected location be restricted to meet the requirements of a military railroad only. "3. That the area northwest of Fairbanks, Alaska, be reconnoitered, both by air and ground, in order to have more knowledge on file as to the possibilities of that terrain in case of emergency. BREHON SOMERVELL, Lieutenant General, Commanding. a. In compliance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of the above-quoted directive, the following report, with appendices A to I, inclusive, is submitted on the survey of a railroad location from Prince George, British Columbia, to a rail connection with the Alaska Railroad.
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