J. Astrophys. Astr. (2010) 31, 177–211 Carbon Stars T. Lloyd Evans SUPA, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St. Andrews, North Haugh, St. Andrews, Fife KY16 9SS, UK. e-mail:
[email protected] Received 2010 July 19; accepted 2010 October 18 Abstract. In this paper, the present state of knowledge of the carbon stars is discussed. Particular attention is given to issues of classification, evolution, variability, populations in our own and other galaxies, and circumstellar material. Key words. Stars: carbon—stars: evolution—stars: circumstellar matter —galaxies: magellanic clouds. 1. Introduction Carbon stars have been reviewed on several previous occasions, most recently by Wallerstein & Knapp (1998). A conference devoted to this topic was held in 1996 (Wing 2000) and two meetings on AGB stars (Le Bertre et al. 1999; Kerschbaum et al. 2007) also contain much on carbon stars. This review emphasizes develop- ments since 1997, while paying particular attention to connections with earlier work and to some of the important sources of concepts. Recent and ongoing develop- ments include surveys for carbon stars in more of the galaxies of the local group and detailed spectroscopy and infrared photometry for many of them, as well as general surveys such as 2MASS, AKARI and the Sirius near infrared survey of the Magel- lanic Clouds and several dwarf galaxies, the Spitzer-SAGE mid-infrared survey of the Magellanic Clouds and the current Herschel infrared satellite project. Detailed studies of relatively bright galactic examples continue to be made by high-resolution spectroscopy, concentrating on abundance determinations using the red spectral region, and infrared and radio observations which give information on the history of mass loss.