Gender and the Meritocratic Myth of Authenticity in the Cultural Production of Stand-Up Comedy by Stephanie Brown
OPEN MIC? GENDER AND THE MERITOCRATIC MYTH OF AUTHENTICITY IN THE CULTURAL PRODUCTION OF STAND-UP COMEDY BY STEPHANIE BROWN DISSERTATION Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Communications and Media in the Graduate College of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2018 Urbana, Illinois Doctoral Committee: Professor Angharad Valdivia, Chair Professor Cameron McCarthy Professor CL Cole Associate Professor Julie Turnock ABSTRACT This dissertation demonstrates the ways in which gender plays a role in the validating of authenticity and merit in the cultural and industrial spaces of stand-up comedy. Merit and authenticity are arbitrary signifiers invoked by comics, fans, critics, and industry gatekeepers to protect the privilege of straight, white men who continue to dominate the field. I argue that the ideology of comedic authenticity is a means through which to police the boundaries of stand-up comedy while masking its underlying sexism, racism, and homophobia. More specifically, I argue that women, operationalized here as an industrial identity category, are constructed as comedy outsiders who must continually prove their worth through a shifting and slippery set of aesthetic and cultural norms and conditions. Further I explore the emotional and material labor women must perform to achieve success within the field, both on the local level and the industrial level. I draw attention to gatekeeping in stand-up comedy by theorizing it not as a type of rhetoric or artistic form,
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