A Critical Review of the Research and Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) and Hepatitis & HIV Coinfection The Hepatitis Report July 9-14, 2000 by Michael Marco and Jeffrey Schouten, M.D. From Treatment Action Group July 14, 2000 Credits & Acknowledgments By Michael Marco and Jeffrey Schouten Michael Marco is Director of Treatment Action Group's (TAG) Infections and Oncology ProJect, the author of TAG's The OI Report, The KS Project Report, The Lymphoma Project Report, and editor of TAG's The Wasting Report. He is a member of the NIH Office Of AIDS Research's Therapeutics Research Working Group, the National Cancer Institute's AIDS Malignancies Working Group and AIDS Malignancies Consortium, the USPHS/IDSA Prevention of Opportunistic Infections Working Group and a consultant to the FDA's Oncologic Drug Advisory Committee.
[email protected] Jeffrey Schouten, M.D., Attorney at LaW, Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery, University of Washington (UW) is an HIV primary care provider at UW's HarborvieW Medical Center and Vice-Chair of Washington's Governor's Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS. He is also a member of the Adult AIDS Clinical Trials Group's (AACTG) Community Constituency Group, Executive Committee and Scientific Agenda Steering Committee. Additionally, he is a member of the NCI's AIDS Malignancy Consortium, the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections Planning Committee, and Publications Editor for the Seattle Treatment Education ProJect (STEP). The Treatment Action Group (TAG) fights to find a cure for AIDS and to ensure that all people living With HIV receive the necessary treatment, care, and information they need to save their lives.