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THE THECAMOEBIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 2Nd Edition Palaeontologia Electronica Preamble to the 2nd Edition. Since the publication of the first edition we have collected about 1,000 new titles which are inserted in the second edition. All the remarks and caveats in the Introduction are valid for both editions. The first edition of this document was published in 1999. THE THECAMOEBIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY 2nd Edition F.S. Medioli, L. Bonnet, David B. Scott, and Barbara Elizabeth Medioli ABSTRACT The literature on thecamoebians can be rather confusing, partly because it has been published in many different languages, but mainly because these Rhizopoda have been the subject of study for a wide array of researchers with very different inter- ests. Not only has this resulted in fragmentation of the literature due to research results being published in journals specializing in different fields, but inevitably has also resulted in development of a chaotic terminology and nomenclature. For example there is even confusion as to what to call the group, as terms such as "rhizopods," "testate amoebae," and "arcellaceans" have all been used by various authors as synonyms of "Thecamoebians." Even more confusing is the nomenclature of the described the- camoebian species. Lack of access to the literature and limited interchange between the various research groups has generated many synonyms. Although only a first step this fairly complete bibliography on thecamoebians has been compiled to assist researchers become more aware of the available literature. F.S. Medioli, David B. Scott. Dalhousie University, Department of Earth Sciences, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 3J5, Canada. [email protected]. [email protected]. L. Bonnet. Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Sciences, University Paul-Sabatier (Toulouse) France. [email protected]. Barbara Elizabeth Medioli. Terrain Sciences Division / Division de la Science des Terrains, Geological Survey of Canada / Commission Géologique du Canada, Natural Resources Canada / Ressources naturelles Canada, Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada, 601 Booth Street / 601 rue Booth, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E8 / Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0E8. [email protected]. Keywords: arcellaceans, bibliography, rhizopods, testate amoebae, thecamoebians Copyright: Paleontological Society, September 2003 Submission: 21 October 2002, Acceptance: 18 September 2003 Medioli, F.S., Bonnet, L., Scott, David B., and Medioli, Barbara Elizabeth. 2003. The Thecamoebian Bibliography, 2nd edition. Palaeontologia Electronica 6(5): 107, 2.1MB; MEDIOLI, BONNET, SCOTT AND MEDIOLI: THE THECAMOEBIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY INTRODUCTION During the course of many years of research on thecamoebians we have built a substantial collection of reprints and photocopies of recent and old articles. As a result we have indirectly accumulated a large num- ber of references (well over 3000) which we report in this bibliography. We hope that this information will be a useful reference for researchers interested in working with fossil and sub-fossil thecamoebians. The World Wide Web is a perfect vehicle to dis- seminate this type of information. The literature on thecamoebians can be rather confusing, partly because it is in many different lan- guages but mainly because it is pub- lished in journals specialized in different fields. Inevitably, this has resulted in a somewhat chaotic termi- nology and nomenclature, so that terms such as "rhizopods," "testate amoebae," and "arcellaceans" have been used by various authors as syn- onyms of "Thecamoebians" (e.g., Figure 1 and Figure 2). The term "Arcellacea," often used as a syn- onym of Thecamoebians, is just a Superfamily of the Order Arcellinida, while "Thecamoebians" (Loeblich and Tappan, 1964) is an informal name, indicative of a polyphyletic [i.e., coming from different Classes] "group" of convenience, including part of the class Rhizopodea, Sub- class Lobosia, Orders Arcellinida, as well as part of the Class Reticularea, Subclass Filosia, Order Gromida Figure 1. Modified from Cash, J., and Hopkinson, J. 1909. The British [and probably part of the Suborder freshwater Rhizopoda and Heliozoa: v. II: Rhizopoda, Part II: Ray Soci- Allogromiina]. Even more confusing ety (London) publication no 89, pp. i-xviii, 1-166. is the nomenclature of the thecamoe- bian species. Lack of access to the literature and poor communication between the complete the abbreviations used by some journals various authors, as well as an almost endemic ten- that might have been easily understandable locally dency to over-split, have generated an almost but are rather obscure internationally. We list unbelievable clutter of synonyms. We feel that the them, however, because they still represent a clue availability of a fairly complete bibliography, acces- and are thus potentially useful. We hope that by sible to all researchers, will help mitigate some of listing even the incomplete entries here for univer- these problems. sal view on the WWW we will finally complete them In forming this bibliography we tried to be as all, with the help of the users of this bibliography. In informative as possible. Some of the entries are some cases we had a shortage of dependable incomplete and we were never able to find the information. The organization of many old journals, actual article. In other cases we were unable to for example, can be very confusing. For example, many learned societies published the transcripts of 2 MEDIOLI, BONNET, SCOTT AND MEDIOLI: THE THECAMOEBIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY oral presentation under two dates: the date of presentation and the date of publication of the journal. In addition, some authors were in the habit of presenting the same paper at meetings of different societies. It was sometimes frus- trating for us to find, often after lengthy searches, that we had simply obtained a second copy of the same paper. To avoid similar struggles for users of this bibliog- raphy, we indicate when we know this is the case. For some recent references, particularly European ones printed in local journals, we often had pre-prints with pagination dif- ferent from the final one or no pagination at all; we could not do much about these. We apologize for the relatively few tentative or vague references, and for the abundant mistakes that we proba- bly inherited from other authors' bibliographies. We feel they are better leads than no reference at all. Whenever we were aware of problems, however, we made it clear by inserting the symbol (??). In a few cases, particularly amongst the very old references, our entries are "derived" from other authors' bibliographies, and we have not seen the original published papers. Knowing that some earlier authors were at times somewhat inaccurate in their bibliographies, we do not rule out the possibility that some of our entries may lead nowhere. We definitely know that some of Figure 2. Modified from Cash, J., and Hopkinson, J. 1909. The British these authors did occasionally ref- freshwater Rhizopoda and Heliozoa: v. II: Rhizopoda, Part II: Ray Society erence non-existent papers (London) publication no 89, pp. i-xviii, 1-166. (whether the references were sim- ply wrong or whether they were quoting by memory articles that were never written, someone with access to the journal will let us we do not know). know. For a very few other references we were not Since we intend to keep working at improving certain whether the cited paper actually dealt with this bibliography, we would appreciate receiving thecamoebians. Although the title and the general corrections and clarifications and, if at all possible, production of the authors suggest that the paper reprints and/or photocopies of recent and old arti- should be included here, without actually seeing cles. Errors or omissions can be brought to our the article we could not verify it. In such cases, we attention at the email addresses listed in the have supplied the reference anyway, in hopes that Abstract. 3 MEDIOLI, BONNET, SCOTT AND MEDIOLI: THE THECAMOEBIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY ABD-AWE Abdul, K.S., and Younis, W.R. 1984. Difflugia species Anderson, O.R. 1996. The from the sediments of the Mesopotamian region, physiological ecology of southern Iraq: Journal of the Geological Society of planktonic sarcodines with Iraq, 16-17: 98-102. applications to paleoecology: Abraham, A., Biczok, F., Horvath, A., and Megyeri, J. patterns in space and time: 1956. Hydrobiologische und faunistische studien im Journal of Eukaryotic südwestlichen Teil des Bukk-Gebirges: Acta Microbiology, 4: 261-274. Biologica, 2: 137-154. André, E. 1898. Note sur les Abraham, A., Biczok, F., and Megyeri, J. 1957. Rhizopodes testacés du bassin de la Plessur: Hydrobiologische Untersuchungen, am Ostlichen Jahrebericht der naturische Gesellschaft Teile des Bükkgebirges: Acta Universitatis Graubünden, Neue Folge, 41: 57-59. Szediensis, 3: ?? Archer, W. 1866. Remarks on Freshwater Rhizopoda: Abraham, A., Biczok, F., and Megyeri, J. 1959. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, new Vergleichende faunistische Untersuchungen in den series, 6: 190-191. klein Wässern des Bükkgebirges: Acta Biologica, Archer, W. 1866a. "No title". (Remarks on freshwater new series, 201-214. Rhizopoda): Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Aescht, E. 1994. Effects of organically enriched Science, new series, 6: 185-188. magnesite fertilizers on the testate amebas of a Archer, W. 1866. "No title". (Remarks on freshwater spruce forest: European Journal of Soil Biology, 30: Rhizopoda): Quarterly Journal of
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