Schlaglicht Israel Nr
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Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 03/14 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 21. Januar – 09. Februar 2014 1. Die internationale Boykottbewegung minister Yair Lapid sagte ebenfalls, dass ein Zu- gegen Israel sammenbruch des Friedensprozesses zu erhebli- chen Einbrüchen in der israelischen Wirtschaft füh- Die Erfolge der internationalen Kampagne für "Boy- ren würde. kott, Disinvestition und Sanktionen" (BDS) gegen Israel haben sich bisher weitgehend auf den kultu- Boycotting reality rellen Bereich beschränkt. So haben Musiker wie- "Kerry’s statement […] that Israel will face boycotts derholt auf Druck der Kampagne Konzerte in Israel should negotiations with the Palestinians fail, is a abgesagt. level-headed view of reality that the Israeli govern- Nun sind wirtschaftliche Boykottmaßnahmen jedoch ment chooses to continually ignore. […] ins Zentrum der israelischen Mediendebatte getre- It’s embarrassing to hear Strategic and Intelligence ten. Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz demand 100 million Bei der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz hatte US- shekels for a public campaign against the boycott Außenminister John Kerry gewarnt, dass ein Zu- movement. He doesn’t understand that the problem sammenbruch der Friedensgespräche zu "inakzep- is policy, not public relations." tablen Folgen" wie Sanktionen führen könne. In den HAA 04.02.14 Editorial letzten Wochen hatten bereits mehrere europäische Finanzinstitute eine Einschränkung ihrer Aktivitäten Boycott Israel’s boycotters in Israel angekündigt. So hatte der niederländische "The Israeli government should not turn the other Rentenfonds PGGM beträchtliche Investitionen in cheek to those threatening it with a boycott by Israels Banken rückgängig gemacht, da diese Filia- agreeing to the suicidal demands of Kerry and the len in den jüdischen Siedlungen im Westjordanland Europeans […]. Instead, Israel and its supporters in betreiben und dort Bauvorhaben finanzieren. Auch the US must fight fire with fire against those bigoted, die Danske Bank bendete ihre Zusammenarbeit mit misinformed and anti-Semitic boycotters of Israeli der israelischen Bank Hapoalim aus diesen Grün- universities and companies […], by boycotting them den. Deutschland fügte einem Abkommen für wis- and hitting them in their pockets where it hurts the senschaftliche Zusammenarbeit einen Zusatz hinzu, most. demzufolge Aktivitäten in den Siedlungen nicht Israel and its supporters should call on the US Con- finanziert werden dürfen. gress to intervene and legislate against these anti- Für Kontroverse sorgte indes die Hollywood- Israel boycotters, as they did in the 1970s against Schauspielerin Scarlett Johansson mit ihrer Wer- the Arab boycott, by stopping taxpayer subsidization bung für die Firma SodaStream. Diese betreibt eine of the boycott advocates, […] and levying taxes, civil Fabrik in einem einer Siedlung zugehörigen Indust- penalties and fines against European and American riepark. companies which participate. […] Nicht nur Kerry warnte jedoch vor drohenden Sank- Let us take the fight to them and hurt them financial- tionen: Eine Gruppe von 58 israelischen Wirt- ly through private lawsuits and legislation. schaftsgrößen forderte Premierminister Benjamin Let Israel finds new economic markets in prosper- Netanyahu dazu auf, sich auf ein Friedensabkom- ous Asia where they are appreciated, and quickly men mit den Palästinensern einzulassen, weil sonst leave Europe to sink economically under their own schwerwiegende Schäden drohen würden. Finanz- self-righteousness." 1 Shoula Romano Horing, JED 03.02.14 Avraham Burg, HAA 03.02.14 Carrot and stick: The real threat to Israel Israel failing to heed warning signs "Senior European Union officials said they had "Indeed, the European boycott is not felt agreed to freeze the proposal to boycott products in Israel yet. Israeli exports to Europe even in- from the settlements for now, […] but […] if the Is- creased in 2013. But what will happen in 2014? […] raeli side is blamed for the talk's failure, the EU will The real problem hiding behind the economic boy- renew the initiative with all its energy. […] cott and possible diplomatic boycott (and I pray that […] We have already lost this war, and we will be we are wrong) is that after it or at the same time a blamed in any event, as the Palestinians are con- wave of de-legitimization of the State of Israel may sidered the victim side, the underdog." sweep over the world. In a world of which quite a Shimon Shiffer, JED 02.02.14 large part is really anti-Semitic, that is serious trou- ble and a recipe for tough times." When hunger trumps satisfaction Eitan Haber, JED 23.01.14 "On the one hand, the leftist camp is in a panic from the sanctions that have been imposed thus far, and Scarjo and peace from those that may yet come. Without minimizing "Admittedly, Israel’s continued control over the lives the importance of the disturbing way Israel is being of over 2.5 million Palestinians is problematic, chock perceived in the West, it’s not unfounded to say that with moral dilemmas, and ultimately unsustainable. the left is engaged in magnifying the threats and However, resolving the conflict takes the coopera- marketing them vigorously. […] This exaggeration tion of both sides. Blaming Israeli businesses like stems in part from the deep shame felt by the Israeli SodaStream and the celebrities who help promote left − which sees itself as part of the liberal West, them is misguided, unfair, and unhelpful. […] with its values of freedom − over our isolationist Perhaps something good will come out of all the right-wing government, but it comes primarily from media attention given to SodaStream and Johans- the fear of a decreased quality of life. […] son after all. As Johannson noted, the 'light being On the other hand, the right, […] is trying to mini- shed on this issue' might 'contribute to the conversa- mize the threats and dismiss their importance. […] tion of a peaceful two-state solution in the near The right believes that the boycott threats are no future.'” more than another link in an ancient anti-Semitic JPO 28.01.14 Editorial genealogical chain, and a rather marginal one at that. To their mind, the real threat facing Israel is the Scarlett fever gone viral threat of destruction, pure and simple, and the boy- "When mega-star Scarlett Johansson signed on to cott threat is secondary." be the famous face of the Israeli soft drink company Ravit Hecht, HAA 05.02.14 SodaStream, she was probably unaware of the tsunami it would unleash. […] What's wrong with BDS, after all? To her great credit, Johansson was not intimidated "Put yourselves for a minute in the Palestinians’ by the deluge of detractors who […] try to smear her place […] and consider what you would do in their reputation. […] Her response […] was […] to defend position. A violent Palestinian rebellion? No way SodaStream for being a factory that promotes […], not least because it will be put down by a much peaceful coexistence between Palestinians and more violent force. […] Israelis. […] A diplomatic agreement? You’ve made Bennett and The entire episode […] dealt a blow to the BDS […] Netanyahu […] laugh. So then what? Nothing? movement in the process.[…] Should they just say thank you and shut up? Would Scarlett Johansson has opted for sanity in a sea of we remain silent and capitulate unconditionally if we lunacy, and SodaStream is not the only deserving were in their place? Suddenly it turns out that the benefactor. It has been uplifting for the rest of us, as boycott movement is not just an annoying effort to well, to witness her message of moral clarity go hit Israelis in the pocket, but a bold and innovative viral.'" attempt to achieve real diplomatic gains. […] Ruthie Blum, IHY 04.02.14 It’s a local and international expression of a totally different type of Palestinian struggle, something new The boycott mirage and not so familiar to us – nonviolent resistance. Is "So far, BDS has not achieved much success; it that also forbidden?" constitutes a bearable nuisance. […] Attempts to 2 boycott Israeli products are unlikely to be successful The argument over this country's image, its borders, in America. The American public support for Israel its character, are the most important thing for every has remained stable for the past two decades at person here. Those who think this debate can be over 60 percent. […] Even in Europe there are decided – regardless of which side – through silenc- strong pockets of pro-Israeli sentiments. The EU ing and intimidation, are making a serious mistake. itself has announced that it has no plans whatsoever Such steps will only hurt all of us, because they to boycott the Israeli economy. Israeli products orig- undermine the strongest foundation of the Israeli inating beyond the Green Line are a different story, society: Our democracy." but only a small part of the Israeli economic activity Nitzan Horowitz, JED 22.01.14 is taking place in the settlements. […] Fortunately, Israel is not internationally isolated and Free speech, free conscience and caution most of the world does not care enough about the "Education in democracy is anchored in our stu- Palestinians to sacrifice the benefits of good bilateral dents' abilities to be exposed to a vast array of ideas relations with Israel. Israel has the leeway to decide […]. The market of ideas must remain open, inter- what is good for itself." esting and stimulating. Efraim Inbar, IHY 06.02.14 The teacher, however, must not exploit his or her position to disseminate personal beliefs among 2. Kontroverse um "linken" Sozial- students. […] It does not matter if the teacher has kundelehrer right-wing or left-wing persuasions. The teacher's job is to facilitate debate without af- Nachdem eine Schülerin sich in einem Brief an den fecting its outcome. […] In light of the Adam Verete Bildungsminister Shai Piron über die "staatsfeindli- scandal, it is highly important that Israeli teachers chen" Äußerungen ihres Sozialkundelehrers be- understand that transforming classrooms into politi- schwert hatte, leitete das Bildungsnetzwerk ORT ein cal arenas calls for a yellow card." Disziplinarverfahren gegen Adam Verete ein.