
October 14, 1969 Minute Book 52 - Page 380

An adjourned regular ~cetin~ of the City Council of the

City of Charlotte, ~'1orth Carolina, \·Jas held in the Council Chamber" 'l.

City Eall, the USUD.l plnce of meeting, at 10:30 o'clock A.~·1., on October

14, 1969.

PRESE:'~T: }layor pro tem James B. \\,hittin,.,.toD, presiding, and

Council":11en Fred D. Alexander, Sandy R. Jordan, Milton Short, Jerry Tuttle

2nd Joe D. l-lithrm".

AESEr;T: :-layor John 1'1. Belk and Counci1nan John H. Thrm·.rer.

Also present: Hr. Jerry Branham, Cjty Accountant, and Hiss

Ruth Armstrong, City Clerk.

* * * -}, * *

Councilman Jordan introduced the foll011ij1g ordincn:ce authorizing bonds l,·,hich ,.,'as read:

ORD1FAl;CE AUTEOIUZIliG $6,890,000 SL~.";ER SANITARY B0N!)S : ,.

BE 1'1' ORDp.1NED by the City Council 0:: the City o£ Charlo·tte:

section 1. That, pursuant ,to The ~:lunicipal Fina.nce; Act t

1921, as c.mend9d, the City of Charlotte, Nor·th Carolir:..a, is hereby' authorized tQ contract a debt, in addition to any and all other debt ",hich sa.id City ma.y noV! or hereafter have pmJ8r or au thor i ty

to contr2_ct .. and in evidence thereof to issue Sanitary SeNer Bonds

in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $6,890,000 for the pUfPose o£ providing funds, with any other available funds, for enta.rging and extending' the sanitary se\·:er system of said City,

including the acquisition, const'!:uction Clna enlarqerncnt of sG"Jagc collection, treatment a.nd disposal facilities and the acquisition of necessary land o.n(;. rig~ts of '"lay.' ""-'-~-i'- .,------.-.----3Hl _.... --.-

October 14, 1~69 :'!inute Dook 52 - Page 381

Section 2. That a tax sufficient to pay the principal of dnd the interest on said bonds shall be annually levied and coll~cted.

Section 3. 'That a stateT.lent of the deb-j; of the City has

J:)een filed Viith the clerk and is open to public inspection.

Section 4. That this ordinance shall take effect ,qhen

C!pproved by the voters of the City at an election as provided in said P.ct.

Thereupon Councilman Short introcJuced and ------, m~oved the passage of the fol1o\.,ing resolution: i I'll1EREAS, there has been introduced and there is nO\q

Ij'cnc,ing b",£or~ the -City Council an ordinance authorizing bonds of

~he City of Charlotte; noVi, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of

Q1Flrlotte that the City Accountant be and_he is hereby desisrnate

$h'Orn state:-nent of the indeb·tedness and assessed valuation of said

City "Ihich 'I'he !,iunicipal Fina~ce Act, 1921, as amended, requires

;:0 be filed after the introcuction and before the passage of bond , ,. qrc. J.nO.nces. Short - Upon motion 'of Councilman , seconded Tuttle Thy'Councilman ______, the foregoing resolution '(las lioassed by the following vote: '. Yeas '. Councl. 'l men Alexander, Jordan, Short, Tuttle and Hithr<:i\~

Nays: None.

r.ehereupon, thG City Account8.nt filec1. '"ith the City Clerk, in the presence of the Council, the sta tern~nt_ of i~1c1ebtedness and bssGssed valuat-ion as so required.

The Hayor~ D"ro TIerno',- then- r"Do""'..Ln.:::l.... -l..: _L.":.U tl'at" the City had been ordered by Board of l"ater and ]\_ir Resources to construct adeouate and rPproved sevC'.go collection, t.rea tment and dispose_l facilities, and

-2- 382 ------~------

October 14, 1969 Hinute Book 52 - Page 382

th'e or-dinance authcrizing $6,890,000 Sanitary Se,ver Bonds herein-

above set rorth has this day been introduced in order to comply \,,~th

said order. Said order of the 8ta te Board of I-later and A_ir

Resources is in words and rigures as rollo,-7s:


l'II1EREAS , The Board of Hater and Air Resources finds:

THAT, The City of Charlo'cte hE!s peti ti toned the Sta'ce Board

of ,qater and Air Resources by resolution for an order

to enable the City to exceed the statutory bonded

indebtedness lind ta'cion; and

THP-.T I The City of Ch?xlotte in exceeding the statcl{:ory debt

limitation Hill improve existing T"astev:ater treatment

facili ties and provide sel'lerage facilities for the

expanding industrial and domestic needs; and

THAT, The Board of Hater and Air Resources deems it expedient

and necessary ror the protection of the public health

and abatement of pollution in the Catawba Ri,,re:c Basin

that the improvenents and expilnsions be made.

NOI') THEREFORE, Under authority granted by General Statute 160-383

subsec'cion 2, i'c is 'ordered by the Board of water 2_nd

Air Resources:

'l'IJAT, The City o-f Charlotte, North Carolina, proceed forthlvl\::h

to 'arrange financing and prepare plans and specificatlons

for the construction of the necessary in';:>rovements 12;)d:

expansions to the sewerage facilities; and

THAT, The City of Ch,u:1otte upon review and ilpproval of plan~

- r' and spec.l.r :u~a t-lons by the Board of I'later and Air Reson;cces,

prcceed as ·rap_~dly u.s possible to construct tl1.e n2cessi:t:-cY

facilities and place same in operation under competent;


-3- October 14, 1969

:'-linute Eook 52 - Page 383 'I,


I, E. C. Hubbard, Assistant Director, Department of , ~'later and Air Resources I (10 hereby certify that the foregoing is;

,a true and correct copy of the Resolution a.dopted by the North

Ca'rolina Board of l'later and l~ir Resources at its meeting duly

ralled and held in Raleigh, North Carolina, ,-;ake County, on the , ?211d, day of August, 1969, ordering the City of Charlotte, Korth Cax-olina, to improve and expand' existing se;verage fa.cili ties. ! l1i tness my hand and the Seal of the North Carolina

130ard of l'iater and Air Resources this 22nd day of Auqust, 1969.

lsi E. C. Eubbard=--______-t--;--c-:---1iubbard Assis"c3.nt Director

Subscribed and sl.;orn to before me on this 2211d day of August,

--' 1969.

, lsi Charlotte Ann NcGral'; ifutaiY-PiJ.bHc ----

Hy Con'utlission Expires February 6, 1970." , .

Thereupon, upon motion of Councilman Tuttle ,

seconded by Councilman Jordan , the ordinance G!1titled: ! --.. ------r'OFDINAHCE AUTHORIZH:G $6,890,000 SJl,NITARY SE\'7FR BONDS" as herein-

above set for'ch \'laS passed by the following vote:

Nays: r~one

.. :

-4- October 14, 1969 Hinute Book 52 - Page 384

\'7ithro,," Thereupon, Counciltr'_an introduced the following resolution ,yhich was read:


BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of


Section 1. That a special bond election is hereby called to be held in the City of Charlotte on Fric,ay, December 12;

1%9, beb-lee.n 6:30 A.H. and 6:30 P.~l., at ,'7hich there shall be submitted• to the qualified voters of the City of Charlotte the questions sta'ced in the Notice of Special Bone Election set forth! i'ri SectiOll 3 of this resolution.'

section 2. That for said election the regular registra- t~on books for elections'in Hecklenburg County shall be used, and' the registration books, process or records shall be open for th~ r~gi~tration of vo-ters and for public inspecJcion in the ma.nner ar..d unc1,er the conditions and at the times and places set forth in t)oc

Notice of Special Bond Election hereinafter provided for. For said election the registrars, special registration commiss'ioners and judges appointed by the County Board of Elections shall o.c1: as registrars, special registration cornrnissioners and judges, • respectively. . ' Section 3. Tha',; notice of said election shall be published in The Charlotte Observer, at least thirty days before the date hereinabove fixed for said election and again not later than t\'lenty days before such date reading substantially as :

, I

-5~ October 14, 1969 :1inute Eook 52 - Page 385


A special bond election will be held on Friday, Dacember

12, 1969, betHeen 6:30 A.H. and 6:30 P.B., at which there Hill be ~ubmitted to the qualified voters of ,the City of Charlotte the following quastions:

1. Shall an ordinance passed on October 13, 1969, authorizing the City of Cha.rlotte, North Carolina, to contract a debt, in addition to any and all other dabt ";hich said City may nO\" or hereafter have , power or authority to contract, and in evidence there­ of to issue Public Building Bonds in an aggregate principal amoun'.: not exceeding $10,700,000 for the purpose of providing funds, with any othar,evailable funds, fo:.: constructing a building or buildings t9 be uSed as a civic canter, including, but \'lithouti limiJcation, conVention, eXhibition, auditorium, ' meeting room, parking and other appurtenan'c facilities, and the acquisition of necessary land and righ'cs Of \-lay, and authorizing the levy end' collaction of a sufficiant tax for the payment of the principal of and the intel:"2st on said bonds, be approved? '-' 2. Shall an ordinance passed on October 14, 1969, authorizing the City of Charlott2, North Carolina"to contract a debt, in addition to any and all other. debt \'Ihich said City may nm·; or hereafter have pO':ler or authority to contract, and in evidence thereof to issue Sanitary SeHer Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $6,890,000 for the purpose of providing funds, \'Iith any other available funds, !for enlarging and extending the sanitary se\'ler system: of' said City, including the acquisition, constructioh and enlargement of sewage collection, treatnent and disposal facilities and the acquisition of necessary land and rights of way, and au'.:horizing the levy and collection of a sufficien't tax for the payment of the principal of and the interest on said bonds, , be approved?

3. Shall an ordinance passed on Oci:ober 13, 1969, aujth­ orizing the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, to! contract a debt, in addition to any and all other! debt ,·;hich said City may no\'! or hereafter have power orr authori ty to contract, and in evidence thereof to; issue VTc~ter Bonds in a.n a~fgregate principal awoun"c not exceed­ ing $4,920,000 for the purpose of providing funds, \"lith anyoth0r available funds, for enlarging and extending the \·laterl.·7orks system, including the acquisition I con­ struction 'and enlargement of water supply I storage 1 treatr;18nt and distribution facilities and the acquisition of necessary land and rights of way, and authoriz~ng tha levy and collec'tion of a sufficient. tax for the paYr:12nt of tha principal of and the interest on said bond!s, be approved? -6- 386 October 14, 1969 ~1inute Eook 52 - Pa-ge 386

4. Shall an ordinance passed on October 13, 1969, authorizing the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, , to contract a debt, in addition to any and all otlHfr debt vlhich said City w.ay nO\1,7 or h8reafte.r have pO\'l¢r or a1.lthori ty to contract I and in evidence -th·8raof r to issue Street ~'Yic1.ening I Extension and Improvement Bonds in an aggregate principal &'110unt not exceedi4g $5,025,000, for the purpose of providing funds, 'i-li"ti-h any other available funds, for '-lidening, extending I and constructing or reconstructing th-= surface of streets, including ths conte~poraneous constructio~ or reconstruction of Sic.s'>lalks I curbs T gut-cers I dr4ins and grading, and the acquisition of necessary land i and rights of \-lay, and authorizing the levy and collec­ tion. of a sufficient tax for the pc.yment of the principal of and the interest on said bonds, be approved? 5. Shall an ordinance passed on Oct:ober 13, 1969, authorizing ths City of Charlo·tte,North Carolina, :to contract a debt, in addition to any and all other (lebt vJhich s?id Ci"cy may no\·] or herE-ufter have pO\'Jcr or! authority to contract, and in evidence thereof to issue Street Land Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $1,250,000 for the purpose of providing funds, \d th any o'cher available funds, for acquiring land for streets and high,-:ays forming a part of the State High"my Syste~, and authorizing the levy and. collection of a sufficient tax for the payment of the principal of and the interest on said bonds, be approved?

, ----' 6. Shall an ordinance passed on October 13,.1969, authorizing the City of Charlotte, 1'1or'eh Carolina, ito contract a debt, in addition to any and all other deb'c ,,7hich said City may no,·, or hereafter have pm'Ter or : authority to contract, and in evidence thereof to issue Public Building Bonds in an aggregate principal amqunt not exceeding $3,175,000 for the purpose of provid~ng funds, vith any other available funds, for erecting and improving buildings for municipal purposes i inc;l1.1d­ ing the enlarging, renovating, remod81ing and imprdving of the auditorium-'coliseum facilities, the erection of administrative office buildings and a new fire station, the reconstruction of o.n existing fire station, the construction of ancillary walkways, the demolishing of existing structures and the acquisition of. 'ehe . necessary land and equipment, and authorizing the.1(evy and collection of a sufficient tax for the paymentiof the principal of and th·e interest on said bonds, be app:r:oved?

7. Shall an ordinance passed on October 13, 1969, aut.ho:cizing the Ci·ty of Charlotte, North Carolina, to contract a debt, in addition to any and all other 1- deb'e ,-7hich said Ci'cy may nOvl or hereafter have pm'ler or authority to contract, and in evidence thereof to issue Recreation Pacilities.Ilonds in an aggrega·te principal amount not exceeding $2,075,000 for the purpose of' providing funds, \-,ith any other available funds, fqr construct.inc; and equipping recreation and pen:}c fac~lities and all Duildings and st.:cucturcs necessary or useful in conns-ction thcre1dit.h r C'l"nd the nccTuisit.ion of t.1'l·C! ndct.?s~~ry land, and authorizing the levy and collec·t5.on of a I· . suffici2nt tax for the payrQ2nt of the principal of \and t~e interest on sai_d .ponds I be approved? -7- 387

0ctcber 14, 1969 :finute Book 52 - Page 387

8. Shall an ordinance passed on October 13, 1969, authorizing the city of Charlotte, North Carolinal, to contract a debt, in addition to any and all ot)1er debt ,·,hich said City may nOH or hereaft~r have poi"er or authority to contract, and in evidence thereof: to issue Redevelopm,;nt Bonds in an aggregate prinpipal amount not exceeding $1,800,000 for the purpose of providing funds for appropriation to the Redevelopment; Commission of the City of Charlotte to aid said Com­ mission in the acquisition of land and the improvement thereof by said Comlllission necessary in the carrying out of its la,vful powers and functions, and authorizing ·the levy and collection of a sufficient tax for the payment of the principal of and the interest on said bonds, be approved?

9. Shall an ordinance passed on October 13, 1969, authorizing the City of Charlotte, North Carolina., to contract a debt, in addition to any and all other! debt "7hii::h said City may nm" or hereafter have pO}'ler or authority to contrac'c, and in evidence thereof' to issue Land Acquisition Bonds in an aggregate prin~ipal amount not exceeding $265,000 for the purpose of provie.ing funds, ~Iith any other available funds, for acquiring land for sanitary landfill and refuse disposal purposes, and authorizing the levy and collection of a sufficient tax for the payment of the principal of and the interest on said bonds, be approved?

Each of the questions hereinabove set forth contains a statement of the pUl::pose for which the bonds are authorized by the cbrdinance referred to in such question.

·If said bonds are issued a tax· uill be levied. upon all. taxable property in the City of Charlotte for the payment of the

J?r incipal of and the in·terest on said bonds.

For said election the regular registration books for electiolis in the County of Hecklenburg uill be used and the regi·s- . tration books, process ·or records will be open for the registra-

i tion of qualified persons and the acceptance of registration app:lications at the office of the County Board of Elections, 710 East 4th Str(~et,

~harlot.te, ilorth Carolina, from Honday to Friday, inclusiVe, of

~ach week, between the hours of 9 A.H. and 5 P.M.. 'l'he registrars

~Iill no'c attend the voting places except on the date of the election.

The last dv.y on which qualified voters ,·,ho have moved residence from on8 precinct, "lard or election district to anoth2:r pay t.r'::lnsfE·r rcgistr-f:.1:~_on is P~r:T_nl':sdA.y No\remh?r l'2, 1969. i

-8- 388, October 14, 1969 }:inute Book 52 - Page 388

Qualified vot2rs \,7110 voted in the Gene):-al Elec-tion on .

Count:y'.. s p2r~nG.ncn·t registration systelil$ Qualifi2c1 voters "I'lho C:J.re no'c certain \'7heth8r they are

registered should contact the County Board of Elections at the

office of the Doardmentioned above.

The registration books \'/ill be open to public inspec,tio!,\ 'l by any elector of the City between 9 1\.11. and 5 P./.!., fl:om Honday ito

Friday, inclusive, of each \-leek at s",i(\ office of the County Boarq

of Elec-c:ions I Clno such. days are Challsnge Days.

Th8 registrars I special regis·crat.ion comraissioners and

. juc1.gss appointed by the- County 13oox(\ of Elections \'7111 ac'c as reg~

istrars I special registra"tion cOinmissione:-cs c:nd judges 1 respecti vel2'~ c

The precinc·ts and vo·ting plv.ccs I and the na!n3~ of th:~

fo1lO\'15 :

PRECINCT VO'l'ING PL}\CE REGIS'J'fu"\R JUDGES 1. Westminister Presby. Ch. Mrs. T. K. Steele Miss Jessie Pickens 2438 Randolph 'Road Mrs. E. J. ,Presser'

2. A. M. E. Zion Church Mrs. Jean Thompson Mrs. Corriri>e Tolbert 401 East Second Street Mrs. Annie is. Whitten

3. ' Irwin Ave. S,chool Mrs. A. Z. Zanders Mrs. N. G.: Roberts 329 Irwin Ave. Mrs. J. Pl~tts

4. Veterans Center Mrs. H. J. Molz Miss Doris Holt 1019 E. Morehead Street Mrs. R. L. i Moore,Sr.

5. First Ward School Mrs., J. T. Doerrbecker

, . 401 E. 9th St. lYHss Vivien,Polen Mrs. J';ssie Vaughn

Piedmont Jr: High School Mrs. W. B. Shields Mrs., B. C.: Ross 1241 E. 10th St. Mrs. W. WkP;ropst

7. St. Martins' Episcopal Church Mrs. W. E. Gray Mrs. L. C.' Miner ,1510 E. 7th Street Mrs. B. wi Barnett

n O. -lvlyers ?ark :21eln. Schoul lvlrs. J. A. Dua.r 1\'11"s. Vi. TJ Huff 2132 Radcliffe Ave. . Mrs. H. s.· Stl.°a\vn Octo:-er 14, 1969 ;linute Look 52 - -Page 389

PHECIl~c'r , JUDGES -;.----.- .... ~-- 'Q, . Dilworth School :Mrs. George Diarnaduros ·Mrs. EarlHoward 405 E. Park Ave. Mrs. W. A. McFarlane

10. St. Andrew's Presby. Ch. ' Mrs. F. R. Hayes Mrs ..T. M. Mullen 2201 Springdale Ave. Mr s'. E. U Copley

11. Wesley Heights Iv1ethodist Ch. Mrs. W. C. Leary :Mrs. Paul Cobb 201 Grandin Rd. Mrs. P. G. Bowe'rs

12. Sever sville School Mrs. Mary C. Youngblood 1701 Sumter Avenue Mrs. W. E., Alexander Mrs. F. Biuchanan

, 13. Villa Heights School' Mrs. R. W. Strickland Mrs. D. W. SImpson 2000 N. Alle,p St. Mrs. W. D. Stegall

14. Hawthorne Jr. High School Mrs. Addie Ross Mr s. A. B. Hargett 1400 Louise Ave. F. M. Haga, Jr.

15. Mid\vood School Mrs. W. C. Mahaffey Mrs. L. Mi. Phelps 1817 Ce n tral Ave. Mrs. W. G. Alexander'

16. Veterans' Picnh: Shelter Mrs. A. H. Scott Mrs. R. H. Terrell 2401 McClintock Road Mrs. R. H. Jenrich

17. Fir enoans' Hall Mrs. J. B. Richards Mrs. J. B.' Boulware 2601 E. 7th St. Mrs. R. E. Mills

18. Eastover School L. C. Miller, Jr. Mrs. R. E. Anastes 500 Cherokee Road Mrs. R. A. Moore

19. High School Mrs. E. L. Robards Mrs. W. A. Isenberg 2400 Colony Road Mrs. How~rd E. :Greene

20. Avondale Presby. Church Mrs. K. P. Lineberger 2821 Park Road Mrs. T. J. Gribble Mrs. W. W. Hanoilton 21.. Sedgefield Jr, High Sch. Mrs. W. D. Michael 2700 Dorche.ster Dr. Mrs. Aubrey Ji10lder Mrs. S. H. Robbins zz. Wilmore School Mrs. J. B. Goforth 428 W. 'Blvd. Mrs. R~ E. l?un:lgardne'r" Mrs. Dewitt .Sinopson

23. Ashley Park School, Mrs. L. N. Grice Mrs. M. S. Rhyne, Jr. 3128 Belfast Drive Mrs. D. K. Rhodes

24. Enderly Park School Mrs. ;f. F. Bennett Mrs. L. J. Kelly --... ",.," ).' " r-. . 1318 Clay Avenue Mrs. 'w. R. Conrad

25. West Charlotte High School Mrs. Charles Knight Mrs. Caeser Wallace 2219 Senior Drive Mrs. Tholr»a O'Rear

26. Double Oaks School Mrs. Janoes Patton Mrs. Hortense Neal 1905 Earle St. Mrs. Richie Dea)-l Gess

------_._---._------OctO:e~ l4, 1969 2'~inute Book 52 - Page 390

vo'rn~G PLACE HEGISTR'lR JUDGES --.,..----

27. Tryon Hills School !vir s. J. W. MangUlu Mrs. Jalues E. Flow' 2600 Grimes St. Mrs,. Worth!!Hehus • i

28. Plaza Road School Mrs. J. W. Latane, Jr. Mrs. H. ~. Boc: '"j';" 3501 The Plaza Mrs. A. P. Kra-.fT.(ck

b 29. Merry Oaks School Mrs. W. R. Hackney Mrs. Robert A. Caudle 3508 Draper Avenue Mrs. L. E. 'Olsson

30. Highland School Mrs. A. L. Bailey Mrs. Charles Ciullingford 3201 Clemson Ave. Mrs. H. T. Gordon

31. l-.larie Davis'School 3343 Griffith St. Mrs. E. Clayburn Mrs. Nira Grier Mr s. Mary klcGill

32. Chrlst Episcopal Church Mrs. J. F. Canipe Mrs. Henry!Whiteside 1412 Providence Road Mrs. Ledya±'d Decamp

33. Eastway Jr. High School Mrs. C. Beacham Mrs. Ruth Borter 3333 Biscayne ~r, Mrs. L. H. !Borchert

34. Oakhurst Vol. Fire Sta. Mrs. H. P. Smith Mrs. J. A. :Crabtree 5419 Monroe Road Mr s. A. L. H¢nder son

35. Cotswold School Mrs. E. H. Walker Mrs. L. J\1. Hood, 300 Greenwich'Road Mrs. N. E. Thiel

36. Rama Road School Mrs. W. A. Craig Mrs. V. V.iLong 1035 Rama Road' Mrs. M. F. Henderson

37. , Pinewood School ' Mrs. W. T. Grist Mrs. K. W.! Edwards 815 Seneca Place Mrs. J. L. McGlosson

38. Collingwood School Mrs. C. A. Searcy Miss M. Madison

• ! Applegate Road Mrs. Patridia: Hunter

39. Barringer School Mrs. T. G. Eason Mrs. Adrienn:e B. Auton' 2701 Walton Road Mrs. C. O. Tobias

40. Thon,asboro School Mrs. J. H. Yandle Mr. H. T. Elder 538 Bradford Drive Mrs., M. wl Winter's

41. Chadwick Methodist Church Miss Nell Ingle Mr s. C. E. i Gri=es 128 S. C"o=er St. lvfiss Freida Hecltspeth .

Hidden Valley School Mrs. Ruth R. Wilson Mr. ,W. S. Aberna' fT. ,5100 Snow White Lane ," Mrs. O. M. Towe I

, "

;. Octobe~ 14. 1969 :·-1inute Book 52 - Pacre 391 . 0 :191

. . .

. :'

. Pi~E:Cn;C'I' VOTInG PL],CE

43 f Cochrane Jr. High School Mrs, J. L., Kendrick Mrs. J. C. Berryhill 6200 Starhaven Dr. Mr s. J. C. Alexander

44l Shannock School Mrs. J. P. Kirkpatrick Mrs', Mabel S. Webb 3301 Country Club Dr. Mrs. E. W. Southworth

45t Third Presby. Church Mrs. J. M. Pierce Mrs. O. C. Oakley 4019 Central Ave. Mrs. R. A. Howarth

46l Chantilly School Mrs. E. W. Knight Mrs. G. D. f=:ope 701 Briarcreek Drive Mrs. P. W. iRunyan

471 Trinity Presby. Church Mrs. A.' F .. Dancy, Sr. Mrs. T. P.) Corne 3115 Providenc,e Road Mrs. C. F.iSides

48. Providence Meth. Church Mrs. F. E. Crawford, Jr. Mrs. Frank Gaines 2810 Providence Road Mrs. B. E. Barksdale, Jr. 49. Park Road School Mrs. W. H. Scarborough 3701 Haven Drive Mrs. R. A. Arrington, Jri Mrs. Joseph Smith

Smith Jr. High School Mrs. L. N. Minnick Mrs. C. F. Garges Tyvo1a Road Mrs. W. A. Long

Sedgefie1d Elem. School Mrs. F. C. Moffett iMrs. E. M. Owen 700 Marsh Road Mrs. Richard Bullock

52i. St: Marks Meth.- Church Mrs. Johnnie Berry Mrs. Annie Bell Mason 91:; Clanton Road Mrs. Beulah Walton

Harding High Scha'ol Mrs. B. V. Cathey Mrs. T. C. Thompson 2001 Alleghany Street Mrs. J. D. Dickerson

54. North West Jr. High School Mrs. Aurelia Henderson 1415 Beatties Ford Rd. Mrs. NaoITlil\-nthony Mrs. Ulysses' Watkins

55. Lincoln Heights School Mrs. M. L. Davidson Mrs. LulaW. Brown 1900 Newcastle St. Miss Madie Simpson

Druid Hills School Mrs. Lillian ThoITlpson Mrs. J. M. Peters 2801 Lucena Street Miss Bettye Wofford , i 511. Sharon School Gym Mrs. G. C. Canipe Mrs. J. S. Gray Sharon Road Mrs. Roslyn B. Smith"

5&. _. Starmount Scho.ol Mrs. J. H. DuBose, III Mrs. Margaret Mayo " '.' ,.,."!< 1600 Brookdale Avenue Mrs. J. D. Beddingfield

591. Montclaire School Mrs. J. C. Bhd Mrs. Marvin Klutz 5801 Farmbrook Drive Mrs. D. P. Millsaps

60. Briarwood School Mrs. J. H. Suddreth Mr. James C. Jones 1001 Wilann Drive Mrs. J. Ray Washam, Jr.

By order of the City Council of the City of Charlotte. ; 392

Ninute ]Eaok 52 Page 392 October 14, 1969 section 4. That the form of the ballot to be used at

said election shall be substanti~lly as follows:


December 12, 1969


1. To vote ·"YES" on any question make a cross (X) mark in the square to the·right of the word "YES".

2. To vote "NO" on any question make a cross (X) mark in the squar('> to the right of the \'iord "NO".

3. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark this ballot return it and get another.

1. Shall an ordinance passed on October 13, 1969, authorizing the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, YES to contract a debt, in addition to any and all other debt which said City r.lay n01') or hereafter have . pO\oJer or aut.hority -to contract, and in evidence thereof to issue Public Building Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $10,700,000 for the purpose of providing funds, \'li'ch any other available NO funcls, for constructing a building or buildings to' be used as a civic center, including, but \'/ithout ..... limitation, convention, exhibition, auditorium, meeting room, parking and other appurtenant facilities, and the acquisition of necessary land and rights of ~lay, and authorizing the levy and collection of a sufficient tax for the payment of the principal of and the interes·t on said bonds, be approved?

2. Shall an ordinance passed on october 14, 1969, authorizing the Cit,y of Charlotte, North Carolina,; to contract a debt, in addition to any and all other ~,ebt YES vlhich said City' may nO\'1 or h-ereafter have pOller or l au-'chority to con-tract, and in evidence thereof to I issue S2.nitary SeVIer Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $6,890,000 for the purpose of providing funds, \'lith allY other available funds, for enlargilp-g' NQ and extending the sanitary sewer system of said City, . including the acq:uisition, construction and enlargement of seHage collection, treatment and disposal faci1ttie;; and the acquisition of necessary land and rights of l'lay, and authorizing the levy and collec-tion of a : sufficien-t tax for the payment of the principal of and the' interest on said bonds, be approved?

3. Shall an ordinance passed on October 13, 1969, auth­ orizing t,he City of Charlotte, North Carolina, to ...... con'cJ;:act. a debt, in addi tio)} to any and all other aab·!: YES ,,1hich said City may nO~.·l or hereafter have po'i'Jer or: authority to contrac'c, and in evidence thereof to $.ssueo--, l'later Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not e:j<:ceed· ing $4,920,000 for the purpose of providing funds,:I'lith __ any othe:c available funds, for enlarging and extenOing the Vla-'cerworks systG!l1 " including thz acquisition, .const.rtk:'cion NO and enlargem3nt of r;.,Tater supply I storage ... treatmen-t.: and distribut.ion facili'ti2_s and the D.cquisition of nec~ssary lo.nd ·and rights of \\7ay r and authorizing' -Ch3 levy atld collection of a sufficient te.X for the pa'\'l112n1: of the: principal of D-nd -th·,:; in't:ercst on said bonds r be aplxcovsc1? Octo',er 14, 1969 }1inute 300k 52 - Page 393

4. Shall an ordinance passed on October 13, 1969, antJJorizing th2 Cit:y of: Charlot:'ce 1 North Carolina:, to cont~:-act a. deb-t I in adc1i tiOll t.o any and all o-thor · ...... debJc \·~hich said City r,1av no\·.~ or h-sreaf:ce:r have po'.",r.3r YIiS or a1.l'thol.~ity to con"t.ract, and in evidence- thereot to issue stre·sJc l\lid2ning T Ext_c21sion and ImpJ::ovGment Donds in an aggr8gat0 principal aiTLOunt not exce.ed;ing $5,025,000, for the purpos8 of providing funds, ,-lith NO any other aVDilable funds I for \'7ic1ening I ext.ending ,. and constructing or rcconst.:cucting thz surface of'-, stxeets, including- the contemporaneous cons.lc:cuctipn or reconst:ruction of side\'lalks t curbs t gut-'cers t d~ains· and grading, and the acquisition of necessary lanp and rig-hts of ,',ay, and authorizing the levy "end collec­ tion of a snffi'cien'c tctX for the payment of the principal of and the _i.n-'ce-.rest on s2.id bonds t be ~pproved? '

5. Shall an ordinance passed on October 13, 1969, au'thorizing· the City of Chm:lo,tt8, North Carolina, to, contrac-'c a dGbt, in ac3.di tiO;l to any and all ot.her debt YES "lhich said Cit.y may no'i'.7 ox h~~rE:a£ter have pO\'72r or ' i aut.hori t.y to contra.ct. t and in eV5_Q8J1CS thex·s:of to' ...... issue S-trce-'c TJand Bonds in an agg:cega:i:e principal amount. not exceeding $1,250, 000 for the purpose of p:wvH1ing · ...... funds t \\7i-t:h any other availC!ble funds T for acquirlng NO land for. stree-ts and highr,lays fo!.~ming a part of the , . state IlighHa.y S:istemt and z.uthori:&ing th2 l-evy and col1ec·tion of a sufficicnt: tax for the payment ofl'the principal of and the in-terest on said bonds, ba . approved?

6. Shall an ordinance passed .on October 13, 1969, au-r.hOJ_·izing t:he City of Charl.otte, North Carolina, to con-'cract: a debt, in addition to any and all othe:r debt YES ,.,hich said City ft-:ay nov,? or hereafter hav·~ .pO ....~er or authori-cy to 'coni..:ract, and in evidence t.hereof to: issue aggre~rat.e · .... -... Public Building Bonds in ztn principal amount: not exceeding $3,175,000 for the purpose of providing .... "' .... funds, \'Ii th any other available funds, fo:c erGct.il~g NO and imp:coving buildings for municipal purposesi' h1clud­ ing the enlar~Jing, r~~novating t rer:loc12.1ing and improv'lng ...... of the c.udi t.o:cium-colis2urn facilities T .IC h2 eraction of administrative office buildings a'nd a neT,'.T fiJ."'e stat.ion, the reconstruction of an exis,ting fire station, qle ' cons-'cruc'cion of ancillary walk\·?ays, the c1em81ishing of existinq structures and the acquisition of the' necessary ianc1 and eqliip;:.12nt T and -autho:cizing "L.h~; levy and ,collection of a sufficic)nt tax for the payrCl8.nt of the principal of and t.h,e interest on sctid bonds, J?e approved?

7. Shall an ordinance passed on October 13, 1969, authorizing the City of Chc.;.:clot-'ce T North Carolina I to contl.-act a debt, in addi tio)) to any and all other debt Wllich s£Lid City may n8W or h~rearter have po~er or YES aut.hori~y to c,?n~~~~ct, and :i.~ evidence thereof. to ~ issue Recrcntlon FaCllltlCS Donds _In an aggregate prlDclpal ...... amount not. exceeding $ 2,075,000 fo}: the pm:posc of provict:ln':r funds I HiJch 2tny oth~;r D.va.i.lo.ble funds, for ...... constructing and cguippillg rccr22tion and pnrk f~6ilities and all builcl:tn'j"s (~jld ::]·tj:UC"C.\lJ.:"GS ,lJ8C8ss<:ry or u:;8£\.11 in connc:c l:5.on th0:CC:;'li t:h, Clnd t.h~ aCf1uisi lion of t_h·0 1")(:('(; sS'?lry ...... land, allc1 ctuthori:,;inq the 10vy a.ncf col12ction of a sufficiC!i1t. t.3.X fo:c t.}j~ pCI.Yi"ii(::nt o[ t.h2 p:cincip.:tJ. of _il_Dc1 t}10 j.ntcr0st O~ s~id bOI1~S, b~ approved? -15-- ---:~

October 14, 1969 Ninu te Book 52 - Page 394

B. Shall an ordinance passed on October 13, 1969, authorizing the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, to contract a debt, in addl tion to any and all o'cher YES debt ,·.'hich said City may nov' or hereaf·ter have pOI-Jar or au.!chority to contract I and in ev-id':;;l1ce. thereof 1+0. issue R8:.development .Bonds in an ,aggregate principal, amount not exceeding $1,800,000 for .the purpose of' providing funds for .appropriatio~ to the Redsvelopr*ent NO Commission of the City of Charlo'cte to aid said . Cormnission in the acquisition of land and the imprqve­ . . . . . m~nt thereof by said commission nGcessary in the cq.rry""'. ing out of its la\'iful pm'iers and functions, and authorizing the levy and collection of ·a suffieien~ tax for the payment of the principal of and the interest on said bonds, be approved?

9. Shall an ordinance passed on October 13, 1969, authorizing 'che City of Charlotte, North Carolina, ito contract a debt, in addition to any and all other qebt YES "7hieh said City may nov! or hereafter have power or' authority to contract, and in evidence thereof to issue Land Acquisition Bonds in an aggregate princip-al a*ount not exceeding $;265,000 for thepurposG of proyi,ding funds, "lith any other available funds, for acquh:il~g·, land for sanitary landfill and refuse disposal pur~oses, and au'chorizing the levy and .eollec·Cion of a s\1ffiei,ent tG~x for the payment of the principal :of and .the interes'c on said bonds I be approved? _ ..

----PacsImfle--of-·sfg11.23:u,re of i ~.-­ Chairman of County Board of Ele{:tions

Section 5. That the City Clerk is hereby directed to

iml11ediately certify a copy of this resolution tosaidCoun'cy Board

of Elections of Hecklenburg County • ., Thereupon I upon mo-t:ion of Councilman 1~Ti thro'\V' ---~------!I seconded by Councilman Jordan-- , the foregoing resolution ertti tled: "RESOLUTION CALLING A SPECIAL BOND ELECTION". "as passed' by

the follOl'iing vote:

Yeas: Cou'ncilmen Alexander, Jord2.n, Short, Tuttle, HithrO\{

Nays;,: --_._---_._------_._---None

* * * * * *

Upor: motion of Cot:;:,cilr:"a-n Short ~ seCOndfG [)y Cou.nc.ilman Tut-rle, and unanil:lOusly carried ~ the meeting Has adjouTned.

-16- - \~.~ CIA~I./'y~~" . D -e-; '+ .--­ '\.U,-f1 Armstron~ Clty Clerk