THE REFORMED UNION THE UK AS A FEDERATION by David Melding The Reformed Union The UK as a Federation by David Melding The Institute of Welsh A!airs exists to promote quality research and informed debate a!ecting the cultural, social, political and economic well being of Wales. The IWA is an independent organisation owing no allegiance to any political or economic interest group. Our only interest is in seeing Wales flourish as a country in which to work and live. We are funded by a range of organisations and individuals, including the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, and the Waterloo Foundation. For more information about the Institute, its publications, and how to join, either as an individual or corporate supporter, contact: IWA – Institute of Welsh A!airs 4 Cathedral Road, Cardi! CF11 9LJ tel: 029 2066 0820 fax: 029 2023 3741 email:
[email protected] September 2013 ISBN 978 1 904773 69 6 To Peter and Isabel Buckingham David Melding is Conservative AM for South Wales Central and Deputy Presiding O"cer in the National Assembly. First elected in 1999 he has been the Welsh Conservative Group’s Director of Policy and also Shadow Minister for Economic Development. During his Assembly career he has chaired several committees including Audit, Health and Social Services, and Standards of Conduct. Despite voting ‘No’ in the 1997 referendum on devolution, David Melding has since argued strongly for a federal British constitution. Contents Acknowledgements 04 18 September 2014 - Forethought 06 CHAPTER 1 The passing