Report to 2009

Building on the Past to Shape the Future The House of Commons Report to Canadians 2009 For more information on the House of Commons, visit the Parliament of Web site at

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Approved by the Board of Internal Economy

ISBN: X9-27/2009E-PDF CATALOGUE NO.: 978-1-100-12392-9

Cover photo: House of Commons/Bernard Thibodeau

Some of the pieces of historical information in this report were obtained from Building the Future: House of Commons Requirements for the Parliamentary Precinct, October 22, 1999, Future.pdf, accessed April 8, 2009.

Your Portal to a Wealth of Information The foldout inserts at the centre of this document include photographs of Members elected to Canada’s 39th and 40th Parliaments. Canadians can use their postal code to identify their Member of Parliament by visiting the Parliament of Canada Web site at Welcoming Foreign. Parliamentarians and Dignitaries inCommittee. Issues Studying Working on aCommittee. Committee Members. Selecting Members the House of Commons of 39thand 40thParliaments. . Report Financial Conclusion. 4. To. Context inaParliamentary Public SectorGovernance of Standards the Highest Apply 3. To. Institutions the Legislative Advancement Promoteof Understanding and to Support 2. To to. Members the andInstitution Sustain EnhanceServices Ongoing 1. To to Respond the Evolving. Members Role and of the Institution . Objectives Strategic Supporting on the PastBuilding the Future to. Shape the Scenes: TheBehind Administrationof Commons House . at Work and Hosting: Diplomacy Visiting Parliamentary . Representing Canada’s Experience Our Interests and Sharing AbroadRepresenting Canada . Committees. Types of the WorkOrganizing Committees. of Work inCommittees Following the Rules. Tabling. Documents and Providing InformationSeeking . . Laws Making The Session of Commons. in House Work inthe House Commons of . Parliament Members of Our . Party Membership on the PastBuilding the Future: The toof Shape Commons . House from. Letter the Speaker ...... Table Contents of ...... Inserts 13 10 26 16 27 18 10 10 13 11 11 22 18 16 14 22 19 14 11 2 6 3 8 6 3 9 8 6 3 1 Report to Canadians 2009 2 The House of Commons government on its policies and policies actions. on its government toissues the forefront and the questioned for their constituents, brought national the economy. Members also advocated environment to immigration and of subjects from justice and the and discussed bills on a wide range and in committee. They presented inthe Commonsvalues Chamber both fiscal year, Members voicedCanadians’ In both Parliaments of the 2008–2009 11th inournation’s history. the government, minority another voted in whenCanadians election the 40th, followingof anautumn the 39th Parliament and the beginning The fiscal past markedof year the end the road ahead. aneyeon whilekeeping Commons, the House functioning of smooth of the continued to thatensuring base, the House Administration isadding wisely. our country For part, its Parliamentof work they as to govern forfoundation Members and heritage the Houseof Commons represent of a Parliament and the traditions Buildings the that of debut, the 150th anniversary this vast country.of In2008–2009,on convened here to oversee the governance dedicated Parliament Members of have Precinct.Since then, Parliamentary on the statelybegan the buildings of Canada’s and construction capital wasdesignated In 1858,Ottawa Members and the institution. both of by the House Administrationundertaken insupport accomplishments the the Members House of of Commons and initiatives and of the activities covering the fiscal year fromApril 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009. This report describes the work and 2009, to Canadians to the House Speakerof Iampleased present Commons, of the Report As

Letter fromLetter the Speaker

Speaker of the HouseSpeaker of Commons of , M.P. Canada’s future. Administration helpto they as shape ParliamentMembers of and the House and accomplishmentsactivities the of on tothe pleased present this report Iam Precinct, the Parliamentary of foundation for buildings the inspiring the firm Hillbecame after Barracks years hundredOne and fifty-one and responsiveness. commitment to efficiency, effectiveness House long-standing Commons inits of increasingly sophisticated tools at the eye to the future, the manages staff traditionUpholding an whilekeeping and their representatives. Canadians of needs continues the changing to meet and innovation Parliament as support The Administration House providessolid allCanadians. of on behalf Parliament and its capital Buildings visitorsinternational to the nation’s welcomed well, they As and expertise. common and issues share knowledge abroad to foster relationships, discuss and inCanada both legislatures other in travelled their counterparts to meet From ,Members Bernard Clark Bernard ©HousePhoto: Commons/ of the of House Commons of Speaker Peter Milliken M.P.

parliamentary strategy. parliamentary and policies where party discuss they caucus meetings holds regular party and incommittees. Each in the Chamber outtheir duties helping Members carry to caucus, research support and other who staff party.provide has Each party Members belong topolitical a recognized all —Almost activities Caucus to Canada. importance of matters about citizens and concerned and receivepolicies, from input experts study laws proposedissues, new and the Houseof to investigate current committeesMembers form the various Committee work—Groups of to electors. importance of or respond to questions and raise issues ask present and petitions, documents Members debate and vote on legislation, iswhere Chamber green-carpeted —Themagnificent activities Chamber Parliamentof fall into five areas: The of Members responsibilities enter yourpostalcodeinthespace provided. the ParliamentofCanada Web siteat and visit is, Parliament of Member your who certain not are you If Who isYour Member? elected tothe39thParliamentand40thParliament. Two insertsinthecentreofthisreportshow Members foldout Members ofParliament from outward look they this home to base, represent internationally. Canada And propose and citizens. debateand individual laws, and hear and reflect from input upon experts offices onin Members’ issues, local nationaldiscuss and They Hill and in Parliament constituencies. ParliamentMembers of inthe come Chamber, incommittee together rooms, incaucus rooms and placemeeting The of Commonsofficial is the forHouse representatives people. Canadian of the Building on the PastBuilding the Future: to Shape The of Commons House from abroad. and receiveinternationally visitors Members represent countries, Canada other with ties and strengthening promotingof democratic institutions — Intheir roleRepresenting Canada lateDecember through January. andthe from summer late over intheir ridings periods longerto and spend constituents, month to make themselves available constituencies for oneevery week to their return Members usually federalwith programs and services. help need orconcern whenthey want tomattersthey discuss of constituents contact them when Helping constituents—Members’

Total numberofsitting days: 99 April 1, 2008–March31, 2009 Period ofThis Report . it at profileofeachMember.well asobtainabiographical Find Membersas about information use tolearndemographic can you feature search a has site Web parliamentary The Find OutMore also sit as independents. independents. as sit also Democratic Party. Members may Party, the Liberal Party and the New the Conservative Québécois, the Bloc Listed alphabetically, are parties these parties. fourpolitical one of recognized Most Parliament Members of to belong Party Membership the arts, medicine and medicine labour. the arts, engineering, law, farming, journalism, education, inbusiness, knowledgeable Parliament includeswhoare people the House. For the current example, to and expertise wealth experience of a backgroundsand personal and bring Parliamentof have diverse professions in the House Commons.Members of differentof life walks to represent them from people elect Canadians many Parliament Members of Our

3 Report to Canadians 2009 4 The House of Commons the 40th Parliament. increasednumber to 22percent in in the House Commons.That of women held 21percent the 308seats of the 39th Parliament, of the dissolution youngest 21and the oldest being 71.At 40th Parliament the is52years, with The of of the age average Members 11 percent abroad. were born the308 Members 40th Parliament, of Italy, the and Portugal. Of China Tanzania, Vietnam, Haiti, Greece, India, the as United Kingdom, varied as incountries Canada, outside were born Many Members Canada. of people and Métis the Inuit, of House includes five representatives to the House.of the The membership cultural of heritages avariety bring also they area Canada, geographical of Not represent only do they every and culturalgeographical backgrounds. Members come from many different National Total Prince EdwardPrince Island Ontario Northwest TerritoriesNorthwest Newfoundland and Labrador British Province/Territory Party inthe House Standings Commons of March of as 31,2009 143 CPC 13 10 51 22 27 1 1 3 6 9

Lib. 77 14 38 1 1 3 5 6 3 1 5

FACTS ABOUT MEMBERS FACTS ABOUT four most prevalent occupations held seats by of Members fromNumber or First Nations Métis Inuit, origin of held seats by of Members Number Canada of outside born held seats by of Members Number held seats by of womenNumber inthe seats House of CommonsNumber of for the firsttime Members elected of Number Member Oldest Youngest Member Average age Teacher Consultant Lawyer Businessman/business woman Businessman/business BQ 49 49

NDP 37 17 1 2 1 1 1 4 9 1

Ind. 2 1 1

Vacant 0

308 39th 28 38 49 78 42 65 70 75 29 54 5 308 Total 106 40th 308 14 75 11 10 14 36 28 33 46 51 72 36 68 68 71 21 52 1 4 1 1 7 5 House Commons of 17 16 15 17 12 3 15 5 13 2 14 11 14 9 8 7 1 10 6 22 4 12 19 20 18 18 21 12 11 10 9  8 7 6  5 4 3 2 1 side of the Chamber with opposition Members (or vice (or Members versa). with the of side opposition Chamber seated be on the may Members government opposite party, on the MPs of * Depending number elected from each political 22 21 20 19 18 17 16  15 14 13 Interpreters Bar The Sergeant-at-Arms Verification and Proceedings Officers Mace Table and Clerk Officers Opposition the of Official Leader Minister Prime Members* Opposition Members* Government Pages Speaker Diplomatic Gallery Diplomatic T.V. Cameras Gallery Senate Gallery Speaker’s Gallery Members’ Government Gallery Members’ Opposition the of Opposition’s Gallery Leader Gallery Officials’ Gallery Public Press Gallery 5 Report to Canadians 2009 6 The House of Commons he does not attend not he does caucus meetings. Speaker, as but, Opposition the Official a record. Mr. of Milliken isamember Speaker for consecutive time, the fourth the Hon. Peter Milliken waselected the 40th of the beginning At Parliament, Members. other ischosen to Speakerby the be ballot, ParliamentMember of who, in asecret the House. TheSpeaker isanelected Orders)(Standing and practices of in accordance rules the written with order debate and preserving managing by the Speaker, whoisresponsible for are They format. overseen prescribed andare follow sittings as known a the House of Commons of Meetings Commons inSession The of House 18, 2009. on November towas summoned meet on October 14,2008,the 40th Parliament Followingelection. the general election to dissolve Parliament and callan Minister General askedthe Governor the Prime resumed for the fall sitting, 7,2008,beforeSeptember the House breaksummer on June 20,2008.On 39th Parliament,for rising until the the theof secondsession of part as In 2008,the House work continued its themarked the 39th endParliamentthe of 40th Parliament. of and the beginning late through June. The fiscal year2008–2009 from mid-September running adjournments and of sittings schedule a with calendar The of Commons House follows aparliamentary Work inthe House Commons of keeps the officialrecordkeeps of proceedings. and administrative matters. also She committeesand its inallprocedural the House occupants, Chair the other the Speaker, and supports advises She executive the House of Administration. and chief official the permanent senior of the Clerk of Commons is House The adoptedmotions inthe House. were by elected to positions those Devolin, respectively,and Mr. Barry Mr. Andrew Scheer, Savoie Denise Ms. the 40th of beginning Parliament, and Mr. Andrew Scheer. the At Mr.Hon. Blaikie, Bill 39th Parliament, respectively, were the the during positions Inthose Whole. the Committees of of Chair Deputy and the Assistant the Whole, of Committees of Chair the Deputy the Whole, Committees of of Chair Members: Speakerand the Deputy from selected deputies among the TheSpeakerassisted is by three theoutside House Commons. of House whenconducting business and formal representative the of House. He the spokesperson isalso oversees the administration the of Economy, Internal Board of which the of Chamber, the SpeakerisChair In addition to presiding over the House Commons. of introduced be public fundsmust inthe thatthose involve raising or spending Commons or the Senate. However, all may introduced be Bills inthe House of Secretary.Minister or aParliamentary a bysponsored aMemberwhoisnot Minister,Cabinet and the latter are and introducedthe government by a The bills. aresponsored former by those and private Members’ Bills Government interests. into divided Public bills canbe whichbills, are rare, private deal with or national security, whileprivate matters publicpolicy, of such finance as public and private. Public bills concern Thereof bills: are types two main the Senate and the House. among both Members consensus of of urgency, the complexity and the degree on the depending to abill pass canvary before becomeslaw. it time The required Commons andof receive Royal Assent approved by the Senate and the House be Abillamend ones. must existing proposals to create either laws new or which bills, are outas start Laws the Housefunctions of Commons. of is one of the Lawmaking most important Laws Making » » » » » including: issues, political economic range and a wide social, of the 40th Parliament. bills These covered introduced inthe 39th Parliament and were Bills 44Government total of the fiscal past year,Over a combined Nation reserves. Nation reserves. family homes situated on First and incident; anuclear of incase for damage and compensation liability civil protection the environment; of justice systemof participants; and protection crime organized pre-sentencing custody; creditlimiting for in spent time Photo: D.A. McLaughlin/Library and Archives and Canada/C-003913 Photo: D.A. McLaughlin/Library Chamber, 1916 of Interior » » » » » such as: on a These of issues, range focused introduced inthe House Commons. of publicbills were199 private Members’ 1,2008to MarchFrom 31,2009, April air passengers; to rights providing certain Ontario; Northern of the Region for Canada of Development Agency anEconomicestablishing ; Protection Act Refugee and amendments to the Immigration ; Insurance Act amendments to the Employment ; Code amendments to the Criminal » » » » » » . Act Languages amendments to the Official Mounted PoliceCanadian ; and Act and the Royal Superannuation Act Forcesamendments to the Canadian ; Act Restitution and Recognition the Italian-Canadian ; Act Court amendments to the Supreme amendments to the Income Tax; Act 1999; Protection Act, Environmental and the Canadian amendments to Act the Competition 7 Report to Canadians 2009 8 The House of Commons and through consultationsand through among the representation on party allocated based days is of The number for each party parties. theby opposition membersof for consideration sponsored motions of year,each calendar are aside 22days set In days. or supply days opposition as House to debate known days on allotted topics by concern selecting forof the raise canalso issues parties Opposition Period.Question 39 questions were askedper the year,During anaverage of ones wereand 178written submitted. 3,622oralof questions were asked the 39th and 40th Parliaments, atotal fiscal year,In the last both during in the House Commons. of government’s replies are later tabled can be submitted in writing. The sought from the government, questions or technical information is being government. detailed,When lengthy administrative responsibility of the Ministers on matters within the Minister or Cabinet the Prime of opposition parties can ask questions Question Period, members of the policies. During the daily 45-minute the government about its actions and opportunity for Members to question House Commons isto of provide an An important function of the Information and ProvidingSeeking the process. of stages report amendment at the committee and proposed more of than400motions Members coveredperiod by this report, to bills under consideration. Inthe to propose amendments opportunities process, Members haveIn the legislative

the forestry industry.the forestry science, research and innovation, and infrastructure, employment insurance, municipal formula, the equalization commission, amending securities relations, anational establishing States such Canada–United as issues were days to discuss opposition used the 40th Parliament, during And for the of Members House Commons. of and theof Conflict Interest Code policy television licence holders, economic general interest Canada, Elections mission inAfghanistan, the Canadian committeethe creation on aspecial of cuts, tax corporate located in Quebec, under federal jurisdiction enterprises by the French of Language the Charter weredays devoted to compliance with the 39th Parliament, opposition some For during example, parties. opposition Photo: Library and Archives and Canada/C-001973Photo: Library Speaker’s Chair, 1921 called sessional papers. sessional called are documents These countries). other (forgovernment treaties example, with administrative the responsibilities of mattersconcerning related to the papers and other to committee reports responses government appointments, Order-in-Council non-judicial agencies, and departments of annual reports such as tabled, be must documents public of official record. A variety oninformation the it and putting Commons isaformal way presenting of Tabling inthe adocument House of Tabling Documents with Disabilities. with Development Persons and theof Status and Social on Resources, Human Skills the theCommittee mandate of Standing OrderStanding 108(3)(d)concerning and Immigration; and to Citizenship Committee of the Standing mandate of Order the 108(3)(b)concerning from 12to 11members; to Standing would reduced member be opposition that committees chaired by an standing committees, which provided to memberson certain of the number to Order Standing 104(2)inrelation House Commons made of amendments and practices. In2008–2009,therules continues to its develop and modify more recently. The of Commons House hundreds years of anddeveloped others which have through down handed been practicesof and traditions, of some Orders the Standing well as by as aset called rules written of by aset governed areChamber in the daily activities The Following the Rules the 40thwere during tabled Parliament. during the 39th Parliament and 809 were papers 714 sessional tabled In the fiscal year 2008–2009, Private Members’publicbillsintroduced:Private 199 Government Billsintroduced: 44 Legislative Statisticsfor2008–2009

is delivered. ruling advisement and adetailed the Speakertakes the matter under the factsof and reviewprecedent, of demands amore examination in-depth ifthe situationHouse. cases, Inother order of on apoint raised inthe being immediately from the Chair rulings the Speakerdelivers these Sometimes and precedents the House. of the rules involve the Speaker’s of interpretation rulings These Speaker, rulings. called and evolve by decisions the isthrough wayAnother House practices change and Cabinet EXECUTIVE BRANCH Minister Prime Prime Canada’s System Parliamentary Total visitorstothePeace Tower andMemorialChamber: 240,833 visitors) (51,090 1,366 Block: Centre to visits group Totalschool visitors) (12,372 1,274 tours: Block TotalEast Total CentreBlocktours: 11,318(344,347visitors) Tour Statisticsfor2008–2009 of Parliamentthroughtoursandinterpretiveprograms. workings modern the and tradition parliamentary buildings, heritage the about learn visitors international and Canadian Come andSee Appointed on the Appointed recommendation Prime Minister’sPrime Elected by votersElected by the Governor by the Governor Commons Represented House of in Canada in Canada Senate Queen General of the Ethics Commissioner. the Ethics of and areport advertising departmental language, resources, parliamentary House of the use committee report, such matters a the as of admissibility rulings touched on Chamber. These orderto of points raised inthe more inresponse thanadozen rulings In the year, past the Speakerdelivered LEGISLATIVE BRANCH

9 Report to Canadians 2009 10 The House of Commons submit lists of candidates to the Standing candidates to of lists the Standing submit committee membership, party whips in the House of Commons. To determine committees is based on party standings Representation on parliamentary Members Committee Selecting issues. study specific have also struck subcommittees to committees of Commons.Anumber of Senators and Members of the House committees are composed of both 11 or 12 members. Two standing joint it did in the 39th Parliament, each with committees inthe 40th Parliament, as The House of Commons has 24 standing recommendations. report to the House with its views and a study, the committee may present a the conclusion At of or have expertise. whoare those of interestedsegment and/ gather information and hear from a wider travelalso across and abroad Canada to to appear and submit briefs. They may experts and subject interestedask parties their subject of study, committees can well on informed be that will So they and finance. topics of suchrelated those as variety food, awide to defence,environmentexamine agriculture, or study referred issues initiate inquiries to Committees canalso themplans. by the House. They spending departmental amend bills and examine Members study proposed legislation, meetings, Parliament’s component aMemberof of Committee work isanimportant Incommittee duties.

Work inCommittees

» » » » » from party: the governing a Vice-Chair with Opposition, the Official of member following committees are chaired by a for several exceptionsThe to this rule. Orders committees governing provide Standing The Opposition. the Official than other from party anopposition isdesignated and asecondVice-Chair Chair, the assists Opposition, Official of the who isa member TheVice-Chair, party. theby governing members of Most standing committees are chaired one committee. Many Members sit on more than House of Commons for approval. Affairs, which sends a final list to the Committee on Procedure and House on Scrutiny of Regulations. of on Scrutiny Jointthe Standing Committee Women; of Status and Estimates; and Operations Government and Ethics; Access to Information, Privacy Public Accounts;

120 days. a comprehensive response within a request that provide the government may include and their reports making, can influencepolicies and decision- to the Committees findings and ina recommendations amatter,considering presents it its finished has it When decisions. makeA committee final not does placed on the publicrecord. subject experts and have this information and canrequestpolicies, from input and study legislation proposed new Committees investigate issues, current publicpolicy. of issues about depth to in study matters and learn indetail for parliamentarians an opportunity provides it Members, of number small a of acommittee iscomprised Because Committee Working on a with committeewith members. roleliaison and isinfrequent contact and organizing acoordinating, has on procedural matters. The clerk also committees and may askedto be advise of rules on the The clerk isan expert the committeemembers of equally. all serving officer a non-partisan whois Each committee aclerk, has procedure. on questions of ruling responsible for maintainingorder and avotecasts whenthere and is isatie Chair only the committee. of behalf The on over and speaks committee meetings Chair presides The and Vice-Chairs. theirCommittee Chairs memberselect Committeesof Organizing the Work » » » » » » » » » 39th and 40th Parliaments: committees the of by parliamentary investigated the subjects of examples The arefollowing 136 reports. heard and produced 2,618witnesses totaling more than1,469hours, committees held 911meetings the 2008–2009fiscal year,Over in Committee Issues Studying conductive energy weapons. conductive energy free and trade Colombia; with inthe automotive sector; the crisis rail safety; industry; the forestry Employment Insurance premiums; the regions; Passport Canada’s in services veterans’ health care; food products; on claims “Product Canada” of directly to the House Commons. of subcommittee, except the power to report may delegate any powers to its or allof a Subcommittee—A standing committee theMembers House of Commons. of proportionate number of Senators and a of Joint committee—Consists to the House. report its submitted committee ceases to exist once has it or without amendments; a legislative reports the bill back to the House, with bill referred to it by the House and committee—StudiesLegislative a to the ceases to exist after it presents a final specific matters; a special committee the House of Commons to inquire into committee—AppointedSpecial by and estimates. proposed legislation and studies departments government committee that oversees the activities of permanent committeeStanding —A CommitteesTypes of for committees. research documents and draft reports committee. They prepare background Parliamentof to are each assigned One or two analysts from the Library

Veterans Affairs Transport,Infrastructure of Status Women Security Public SafetyandNational Public Accounts Procedure andHouse Affairs Official Languages Resources Natural Defence National Justice andHumanRights International Trade Industry, Scienceand Technology Skills Resources, Human Health andEstimates Government Operations and Affairs Foreign Fisheries andOceans Finance and Environment Citizenship andImmigration Canadian Heritage and Agriculture Agri-Food Access toInformation, Aboriginal andAffairs 39th and40thParliaments House ofCommonsforthe Standing Committeesofthe Scrutiny ofRegulations Scrutiny ofParliament Library Parliaments 40th and 39th the of Committees Joint Standing and Communities with Disabilities Persons of Status the and Development Social and Development International Development Sustainable Privacy andEthics Northern Development

11 Report to Canadians 2009 12 The House of Commons Photo: ©National Defence andtheStandingCommitteeonForeign region Developmentstudiedthemissionandmaderecommendations. andInternational Affairs The committee received regular briefings on Canada’s involvement in that country.on theCanadianMissionin intheSecondSessionof40thParliament. duringtheSecondSessionof39thParliamentandagain Afghanistan wascreated The Standing Committee on National Defence visited Canadian troops in the Canada’s mission in Afghanistan received considerable attention from parliamentary committees. Via the adoption MissioninAfghanistan Committee on the Canadian ofSpecial a motion in the House, a Special Committee » 2008–2009: Speakers andduring delegations the followingby visits official foreign The hosted Canada of Parliament and Dignitaries Parliamentarians Welcoming Foreign to the House Commons. of and dignitaries foreign brings also parliamentarians It ties. social to andpromote on takesvisits Members to meetings international democracy,diplomacy trade and facet theAnother role of Parliament Members of of Parliamentary isthat representing of Canada. (Saeima); and (Saeima); Parliament Latvia of the Republic of the of Dr. Daudze, Chairman Gundars May 26to 30,2008—HisExcellency Photo: © House of Commons/Chris Diotte Photo: ©House Commons/Chris of Harper Stephen Minister Prime 19,2009. on February Canadian visits Obama Barack President States United Representing Canada AbroadRepresenting Canada welcomed to Parliament and addressed Yushchenko, President Ukraine, was of Viktor MayOn 26,2008,HisExcellency involved state high-level visits. with and the House Commons were of function, the the Speakers Senate of their diplomatic with In keeping »

Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great and Northern Britain of the United Kingdom of Assembly Ireland the Northern Speakerof MLA, May 12 to 15, 2008—Mr. William Hay, arrangements. and security logistical extraordinary successful required visit in this very public and interestThe intense media 19,2009. Barack on February Obama foreign United States of President visit chosen the as location for the first Parliament Hill’s Centre wasalso Block Parliament.of Commons inarareof joint session Senators andthe Members House of

13 Report to Canadians 2009 14 The House of Commons » » » conferences:following parliamentary inthe the Speakerparticipated Also, » » » 2008–2009: during legislatures to the following and countries Peter delegations official Milliken led Speaker and legislatures, countries inother invitation hiscounterparts of the At and expertise. knowledge foster relationships and share common abroad—to discuss issues, at home and legislatures—both frequently invited to other visit TheSpeaker and areMembers Experience Our Interests and Sharing Representing Canada’s 31 such visits. In 2008–2009,the Speakerreceived leaving and those Canada the country. from accredited newly ambassadors to calls from well as as foreign dignitaries by receiving countries other courtesy relationships with parliamentary the House build Commons also of SenateTheSpeakersof the and Speakers’ Conference,Speakers’ Japan; 31to 2,2008—G8 September August Mozambique; of the Commonwealth,Officers Conference Speakers and of Presiding the Committee of the Standing of 4to 7,2009—Meeting January Saskatchewan; Conference, Regina, PresidingCanadian Officers’ 22to 26,2009—26th January Macedonia. of and Republic Croatia, of Republic Herzegovina, and 18to 27,2008—Bosnia April and 22to 31,2008—Australia; August Saskatchewan; and Regina, Alberta, March 16to 19,2009—Edmonton, other countries. countries. other to maintainrelationships with Canada’s interests abroad and to promote opportunities further events offer parliamentarians Canadian conferences These and meetings. holds these Each of associations. parliamentary various of member The a isalso Canada of Parliament development. and international immigration, environment, trade security,international agriculture, economy, democracy, parliamentary topics include discussion global of common Frequent concerns. exploring from around the world, counterparts share their ideas with parliamentarians to hosts as foreign visitors, serving abroad colleagues and by visiting By at WorkDiplomacy Parliamentary and Hosting:Visiting » » Parliament, France. Conference Presidents of of May 22and 23,2008—European City,Quebec and Quebec; parlementaire delaFrancophonie (APF), presiding officers of the Assemblée July 2to 5,2008—Conference of Photo: ©House Commons of Parliament, of session May 26,2008. Viktor Yushchenko, President Ukraine, addresses of ajoint Korean Peninsula. the of and the denuclearization crisis financial change, the global affecting including climate the region, topics of indiscussions participated Pacific delegatesCanadian region. from the Asia- parliamentarians of and diverse gatherings most significant The of yearly the is one Laos. Forum Forum, held inVientiane, Parliamentary Pacific the Asia of Meeting 17th Annual to the parliamentarians of delegation Inter-Parliamentary Group a sent in conjunction the Canada-Japan with Association, Legislative Canada-China 2009the of For inJanuary example, contact their foreign with counterparts. have direct parliamentarians Canadian conferences isone mannerby which Participating inparliamentary issues. international some of fiscal year the last to gain understanding in activities of anumber undertook Parliament Members of Canadians. of canaffectdaily livesorganizations the and international countries those of whendecisions countries other of andunderstand interests the views to parliamentarians Canadian for isimportant It globalization. inthis era borders, of especially gonational beyond Canadians Many that issues concern in that country. elections the parliamentary to observe Parliamentof to wassent Georgia in May Member 2008aCanadian of promote democracy. To that end, and security global is to further objective long-term this domain. Its PA) active in (OSCE Assembly isvery operation inEurope Parliamentary and Co- forOrganization Security often requested The to undertake. are parliamentarians Canadian that activity isanother observers election international as Acting democracies. parliamentary practices instrengthening to exchange best the opportunity democracies, from with emerging around the Commonwealth, many fromprovided parliamentarians Seminar.Parliamentary Theevent hosted the 20th Commonwealth (CPA) Association Parliamentary BranchCanadian the Commonwealth of shared.can be 2008,the InJune of and expertise perspectives Canadian by which method isanother Canada Hosting and events seminars in countries, morecountries, than400actually were from expected the 56member staffand observers) (parliamentarians, 250delegates atotal of originally While World:. Migration Open and Trade, Security conference’s inan theme wasOSCE PA. Heldthe OSCE inToronto, the hosted the FallCanada of Meetings 2008the ParliamentSeptember of conferences,holding international in Finally, practice its with inkeeping of parliaments. Membership fees from individual parliamentarians support the activities. groups’ betweenCanadianparliamentariansand theircounterpartsinotherand strengthenrelations Ireland, Israel and Italy. promote and These cooperation understanding groups among nations groups withGermany, The CanadianParliamentisinvolvedinofficialinterparliamentary Groups Interparliamentary Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Inter-Parliamentary Forumofthe Americas NATO Parliamentary Association Inter-Parliamentary Union Assemblée parlementairedelaFrancophonie the to delegation the (including Association Parliamentary Canada-Europe Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association Multilateral associations: Inter-ParliamentaryCanada-United States Group Canada-United KingdomInter-Parliamentary Association Inter-ParliamentaryCanada-Japan Group Canada-France Interparliamentary Association Canada-China Legislative Association Bilateral associations: associations. multilateral seven and associations bilateral five to belongs Canada of Parliament The Parliamentary Associations Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary inEuropeParliamentary SecurityandCo-operation for Organization Assembly) the OSCE PA. the OSCE for issue resolution, animportant to attend conflict andabout to speak parliamentarians increased of number at the conferenceGeorgia prompted an address by the Foreign Minister of the keynote inGeorgia; the crisis given Specifically, was modified agenda the change inthe conference program. to a part due inlarge participated,

15 Report to Canadians 2009 16 The House of Commons Services. and Communications Planning Resources,Human Corporate and Finance Services; Services; Precinct Parliamentary Services; Information Counsel; Parliamentary Clerk and Law of the the Office into sixareas: Procedural Services; by the House Administration falls providedThe professionalsupport and diverse roles, combining arespect for accomplishments past preparation with for the future. ourcountry. oversee the of they governance as Employeesparliamentarians work intraditional the work of House Commons Administration of take intheir role great pride supporting of Taking inspiration from the venerable employees Precinct, the of the Parliamentary buildings of on the PastBuilding the Future to Shape Behind the Scenes:Behind The House of Commonsof Administration Speaker, Members of iscomposed it byAdministration. the Chaired Board the The governs House to Economy. the Internal Board of Secretary as the Speakerand serves to House whoreports Commons, of is accountable the of to the Clerk The Administration House staff that affect the of Commons. House and financial administrativepolicy and isresponsible for allmatters of parties political from allrecognized Bernard Thibodeau Bernard Photo: ©House Commons/ of the of NewHouse Democratic Leader Party. House of Commons; Ms. Libby Davies, M.P., Hon. Peter Milliken, M.P., Speaker of the O’Brien, Clerk of the House of Commons; Audrey Ms. from toSitting left right: the Québécois. Bloc Mr.(CPC); Michel M.P., Guimond, of Whip House of Commons; Mr. Joe Preston, M.P. M.P., Leader of the Government in the Mauril Bélanger, M.P. (Lib); Hon. Jay Hill, O’Connor, M.P., Minister of State; Hon. Minister of National Revenue; Hon. Gordon and Government Services and to the Secretary to the Minister of Public Works Mr. Jacques Gourde, M.P., Parliamentary Proulx, M.P., Deputy Opposition Whip; Mr. from to left Standing right: Marcel Economy Internal of Board the of Members

House Commons of Administration Chart Organization Parliamentary Counsel Information Services Information Procedural Services (Speaker oftheHouseCommonsandChairBOIE) BOARD OFINTERNALECONOMY(BOIE) Law Clerkand Law Office ofthe HON. GORDONO’CONNOR HON. MAURILBÉLANGER HON. PETERMILLIKEN HON. PETERMILLIKEN MS. AUDREYO’BRIEN MR. JACQUESGOURDE MR. MICHELGUIMOND MR. MARCELPROULX MR. JOEPRESTON MS. LIBBYDAVIES HON. JAY HILL Speaker Clerk Communications Services Communications Corporate Planningand Corporate Human Resources, Precinct Services Finance Services Parliamentary 17 Report to Canadians 2009 18 The House of Commons with instructions from Members of instructions with Orders the House of inaccordance drafts amendments to the Standing The Administration House staff PracticesParliamentary and Rules the Evolution of Supporting 1.  commitments formajor 2009–2010. Administration’s identifies the also It objectives. of those support fiscal year in accomplishments the 2008–2009 during the House Administration’sdescribes to Canadians of the Report section This 4. 3. 2. 1. Objectives Strategic The Administration’s House 39th Parliament and into the 40th Parliament. guidethe asa during for activities provide objectives mandate. serve These and a efforts focus its for The Administration established has House that four strategicobjectives vision,its values and reflect a parliamentary context. a parliamentary publicsectorin governance of To standards the highest apply institutions; legislative of the advancement and to support To promote understanding the institution; to Members and sustain To enhance ongoing services Members andof the institution; To respond to the evolving role Institution Members and the of Role Evolving To to Respond the Supporting Strategic Objectives Objectives Strategic Supporting staff or members of public. the staff or members from Parliament, Members of their to respond to procedural questions isalways available addition, aduty-clerk proceduresas continue to evolve. In practices inthe House, and usages to integrateupdated changes to CommonsProcedureof isregularly To that House end, theof Compendium and committeefor work. Chamber available to Parliament Members of procedural reference works made Parliament the and then updates Cover of Strategic Outlook Cover Strategic of

the institution. ever-evolving needs of its clients and to respond to the the latest technology Administration to take full advantage of tools will enable the House of Commons and hardware lifecycle program. These project is part of an ongoing software environment to the new platform. The completed the migration of the desktop In 2008–2009, the House Administration communications services. to provide fast and flexible offices for constituency Members’ renewedIn addition, it services network storage environment for Members. secure, reliable and central information- completed the implementation a of 2008–2009, the House Administration In information of services. the delivery platformreliable for and manageable in Precinct buildings to ensure amore upgraded been has network technology The Precinct’s Parliamentary information infrastructure aflexible technology Ensuring the public. of Parliament,of their staffand members on procedural questions from Members information telephone callsseeking Parliament. also Staff to responded Members of to and returning new publications for updated distribution 2008,the Houseof Administration staff Following held the inthe election fall

the work of committees. Over the features that enable users to follow and also offer improved subscription committee members and witnesses with better access to information regarding provide Members, staff and the public section of the Web site. The improvements made enhancements to the committees Parliament, the House Administration Just prior to the end of the 39th Member.individual or by vote, party by bill, by political can be used to access information by The Canada of Parliament Web site records of Members of Parliament. to improve accessservice to the voting Administration introduced a new In the fiscal past year, the House ParlVU portal. available to addthe contextwithin proceedings be will parliamentary information. Transcripts of accessMembers’ to parliamentary to improveintroduce services new The Administration will House is relevant to Canadians. that provides aninformation service clipsthator video tell astory, ParlVU gateways actingschedules virtual as isparliamentary it demand. Whether and providedto text published on linked contextually repurposed, such streaming as canbe video) that include advanced technologies (i.e., media media infrastructure, rich and broadcastingHouse Commons IT of on investmentsBuilding made inthe languages. official demand, inboth and hear Parliamentsee live and on where can and the media Canadians ParlVUevents. portal isanInternet audio access to allpubliccommittee livethe and publicwith on-demand Administration provided Members and In 2008–2009the House InformationParliamentary AccessImproving to Members’

and eliminate redundancies. that would result in increased efficiencies towards building on recommendations tri-institutional project team will work services for clients. In particular, a more integrated and coherent information its efforts towards the goal of producing In the coming year, PIM will continue by PIM. established theone priorities of information on legislation, examining group that began a tri-institutional effectively. it established In addition, to work together all participants therebyresponsibilities, enabling thatmodel clearly defines roles and agovernance developed institutions, Committee, representing allthree Information (PIM) Management year 2008–2009,the Parliamentary Parliament.throughout Inthe fiscal information services parliamentary for the enhancementstrategy of and vision by acommon long-term Parliamentof continued to governed be Senate Commons, of and Library The administrationsof the House online resource. to and maintainthis important update CommonsProcedureof easier it , making for House the of Compendium articles and publish to manage used be also will It a of tabling stepfinal report. process from the draft to the stage tool facilitate will the entire publishing to finish.Such from a start report to electronicallyspecifically track a Directorate, Affairs Interparliamentary fordocuments and the International the publication of supporting to improve used being the process improving workflow document is and electronicpaper and documents A software tool for both publishing the publicalike.of serve parliamentarians and members will permit further refinements to better usage of these features will increase. This 40th Parliament, it is expected that

documents strategy.documents will staff on developingfocus aliving- procedural information to Members, offer the most accuratetimely and and to efficiency to increase an effort processes to produce used them. In their contentspecifically and the proceduralreview its of publications, a Administration undertake will In the coming year, the House parliamentary functions. parliamentary Parliament,of their staffand the requirementsmeet Members of and infrastructure technologies facilities, informationinstallation of and design ensure that the planning, continued to client, knowledgeable as House Administration staff,its in role the the buildings, of custodian Canada, Works Services and Government Working incollaboration Public with requirements Parliament. of the accommodation and operational and meet Canada of national symbols and assets heritage as are preserved the Parliament and grounds Buildings Precinctthe Parliamentary ensures that Long The Plan Vision and for Term Buildings Parliamentary Renovating the 2.  Institution and the Sustain to Members Services To Enhance Ongoing 19 Report to Canadians 2009 20 The House of Commons of the Wellingtonof Building. functions that have moved out been createdbeen for the administration the West spaces Interim have Block. functions displacedfrom and support for committee offices rooms, Members’ Photography buildings Contemporary of Museum the former Canadian the Wellington, Promenade and La spacesinterim are created being in rehabilitation the building to of proceed, towers. Toon the north the enable restorationwith work under way rehabilitation the West of Block, continues on the major Planning Photo: Samuel McLaughlin/Library &Archives Canada/C-000773 Photo: McLaughlin/Library Samuel Front Main Entrance of and Towers.View Parliament 1863 under construction, own offices. Speakers of the two Houses had their wardrobe and reading lounges. Only the the basicamenitiesofadesk, achair, a Members would require little more than parliamentarians themselvesassumed Department ofPublic Works andeven Province ofCanada, thearchitects, the in 1859 to house the Parliament of the When the first was designed No RoomofTheirOwn

of the Financial Management System Management the Financial of House Administration. upgrade An to the paramountis of importance information and services high-quality Providing accurate Members with and and economic statements. speech Chamber, such the as budget available events for inthe special captioningisnow addition, closed In languages. Period official inboth Question captioningof closed real-time the House Administration now offers Using voice-recognition technologies, Technology Services Improving Information by ensuring that Members haveby ensuring functions their new assume they Parliament Members of new as Readiness Program assists Election and Orientation The Members’ forStaff Members and Their Training and Orientation PrecinctParliamentary boundaries. alternate the existing location of outside inan to operate services essential theenable House Commons of would Centre of Block, the usability 72 hoursadeclared event of affecting 48to within that, plan design Block Centre aBCM–Alternate developed Inaddition, staff Precinct boundaries. theParliamentary existing within to adifferent the Chamber of location for Plan the moving Chamber Alternate (BCM)– Management Continuity and tested aBusiness designed the year, past Over staff defined, the areas the House of Commons. of needs for all service critical identified The Administration has House the House Commons to of relocate. situation requiring anemergency of committees cancontinue inthe event and the Chamber of business vital ensures planning Ongoing that the House Commons of for Plan and the Resumption Business the Continuity Refining deploy to it allMembers. results pilot havewill assessed, been inearly2010and, once apilot as it the The Administrationlaunch will House simultaneously.information updated online and havesupplies their financial allow Members will to purchaseIt Administration’s system. financial that isintegrated the House with A purchasing developed tool been has and security. controls level integrity of showed ahigh financial-system of 2009, anassessment Program inearly Data launched Quality the Finance of part Administration. As Membersto and the House both providewill additional functionality deployment inlate 2009.Theupgrade is well under way for and scheduled to evolve security practices on Parliament It proposes a series of strategic initiatives toward maximizing their interoperability. MountedCanadian Police (RCMP) the RoyalCommons with working the Senateboth and the House of of services the security see will plan several This comprehensive for Precinct the Parliamentary for the direction theoutlines strategicsecurity fiscal year. the last completed during It (MSP) was Plan The MasterSecurity the House Commons of Secure Keeping offered basis. on a regular whereby training be will sessions intoputting place aformal program be and will allowances and services, of Members’ theirsubject staff on the training to sessions Members and The Administration House provided intoassessment arisk-mitigation plan. will developstaff the of that results Readiness Program. In2009, Election and for Orientation the Members’ the processes and accountabilityclarify to wasundertaken assessment risk the fiscal year 2008–2009,a During information provided to management. the andof timeliness the quality processesdocument and improve system to milestones, identify atrackingdesigned and reporting The Administration House also transitioning to private life. ParliamentMembers of whoare offered improvedalso to services documentation for Members.Staff more improvedit with targeted, program to wasredesigned make component the of orientation In addition, the administrative first functions. in their new weeks few their way around the the shoals of assist them in Officers navigating to Parliament, Members of new the Assigned Officers. concept Liaison of year, the program introduced the aninnovation thisfiscal past As need. they services and procedural information and the administrative, financial environment for whovisit. allthose Precinct promotes whileit awelcoming and safetyinthe Parliamentary security recognition that the MSP will strengthen integration. Central to is the plan incidentof prevention and security on the predominantHill based themes and audioproceedings. provide worldwide access to live video waslaunchedto 2004—ParlVU Service information. access toparliamentary site was launched to provide worldwide 1995—The ParliamentofCanada Web from theChamberbegan. 1977—Regular TV and radio broadcasts House ofCommonsandthepressgallery. wasintroducedtothefloorof tation) (interpre- 1959—Simultaneous translation oftheCommonwealth. country any used livetelevisiontoaddresscitizensin Queen was the first time Her Majesty had the 1957—The openingofParliamentby Block toCardiff, Wales. telephone callwasmadefromtheCentre 1928—The first Canadian transatlantic onParliamentHill. broadcast originated radio 1927—The first-evernationwide General’s residence. 310 to the Governor telephone call in Canada from room Mackenzie made the first commercial 1877—Prime Minister Alexander Centre Block. call bellswereinstalledintheoriginal 1867—Electric (battery-powered) Precinct boastsanumberoffirsts. computers in the House. The Parliamentary of much furtherbackthantheappearance The roots of information technology go the Start Technology Rightfrom Cutting-edge Information

21 Report to Canadians 2009 22 The House of Commons and procedures since established customs thethat forms, examines House Commons jurisprudence of isacomprehensivebook the study of in2000,this published Originally CommonsProcedureof Practice and . House of the secondedition of design review, the drafting, of translation and Work isunder way on the stages final on Procedure Parliamentary Publications Major Updating 3.  Photo: ©House Commons/Holly of Loranger entrance Parliament of Hill west gates, iron of Detail Institutions Legislative of the Advancement and to Support Understanding To Promote provided to parliamentarians. and research practices and services to learn about procedural, administrative jurisdictions and Canadian legislatures parliamentary staff from foreign affords an opportunity for senior ayear. times program two-week This Study two to three Program Officers’ Commons hosts its Parliamentary , the House of the Senate with and the Partnering cycle. topics such the as parliamentary Parliament and their staff on general of Members to new specifically geared the series ongoing seminar note is particular Administration. Of and the caucuses House the various of staff, employeesof the researchservices topics to Parliament, Members of their and training on procedural sessions offered Staff numerous information and AbroadCanada in from jurisdictions Officials for Parliamentarians and Legislative Opportunities Providing Learning House CommonsCommittees. of before for Appearing the Guide Witnesses and Stages Committee at Report and Bills the Petitions Practical Amending Guide, , the CommitteesGuide , Practical Guide Practical Business the Private Members’ Procedure Parliamentary of , Glossary , the Occupants Chair and the Speaker Parent tofor and updates the Guide Gilbert Speaker of the Selected Decisions procedural other of including works, anumber Administration published also fiscal year, the last Over the House byworks chapter. bibliography that reference lists graphics and amore complete chapters,reorganized several new revised and include of also anumber will It the release theedition. first of Orders and practices the House of since into account changes to the Standing inthetake fallpublished 2009,will of Confederation. be edition, to This new

whether improvementswhether are necessary. matter and appropriate, and issuitable to be evaluatewill the subject whether procedure. The goal parliamentary provides information and advice on by Table Research Branch, which review the monthly of offered sessions a Administration undertake will proceduralof staff, the House To improve the ongoing training Foreign Affairs and International Trade. of and at the Department Services inFinance partners with concert processes, of anumber in modify an developed action Staff plan to and consistent policies. other risk with clear, effective inmitigating up-to-date, committee travel to ensure were they practicesof and processes related to Directorate review adetailed undertook In 2008–2009,staffin the Committees PracticesManagement House Commons of Strengthening 4.  of open lawn wasitselfasecurityfeature. of openlawn closed in emergencies. The wide expanse had wrought iron gates that could be pedestrians and vehicles, and all entrances for points definedentry clearly featuring new precinct with a continuous fence equipped the south boundary of the north and west perimeters. Designers alongtheeast,protective topography boundary,provided anatural with Precinctbecauseit Parliamentary Barracks Hill was chosen for the Even securityisatradition Context in aParliamentary Governance Sector Public of Standards To the Apply Highest

and transparency. stewardship resources, of accountability that promotesmanagement responsible approach to and financial resource Model—a more(CFO) strategic Officer Financial the Chief of the objectives are meeting with directly aligned Administration. The following initiatives forresources the House isapriority publicof effectivemanagement Promoting stewardship sound and Photo Credit: ©House Commons of Fay Ms. and Paterson Assembly); –House Representatives). of (New Zealand –Legislative (Ontario Sourial Susan Ms. Parliament); – (Ukraine Kozlovska Nataliya Mrs. Assembly); Legislative – (Ontario Stokes Front row,Anne Ms. from to left right: Mr. –House and Lords); of (United Kingdom Senate). – (Thailand Montree Rupsuwan Mr. Besly Nicolas Mr. Representatives); of Yaoita House Takeaki (Japan – Assembly); National – (Namibia Mr. Uirab J Federal Council); – Simon (Germany Koggel Dieter Mr. Parliament); – Claus (Ghana Agyapong Mr. Sono Parliament); – Richard (Bangladesh Islam Mr. Parliament); – Suzaul Lanka (Sri Silva De Mr. Parliament); – Lacille Lanka (Sri Kuruppu Mr. Parliament); – Chandradasa (Croatia rowBack Sadarić Mr. from to left right: Hrvoje 2009 Study Program, Officers’ February Parliamentary objectives in support of the work of of insupport objectives the House Administration’s strategic investments forpriority achieving secondyear, now inits planning, integrated of investmentformal cycle to made be strategically. a of part As and ensure investments continue to enhance process the planning investment-planning framework implementing anintegrated The Administration House is work Members are of acquired inafair the to supporting essential and services training program to ensure that goods aprocurementlaunched and manual The Administration House also unqualified report. In2008, the auditors an issued firm. continue to audited be by anexternal Administration’s statements financial the House to financial reporting, Members With were respect confirmed.

23 Report to Canadians 2009 24 The House of Commons information on procedural events and system for recording and sharing animprovedwith and flexible provides the House Administration havemodules created. been This Procedural and Libraries Review to platform anew where the updated application Plus the Journals of parts Administration moved has integral migration, the Houseupcoming PRISM the foundation for islaid As the Information Parliamentary Managing Model. the CFO elementsof key strong stewardship publicresources, of practicesfinancial-management and in late 2009that reinforce will sound procurement-management system implementation anautomated of The Administrationbegin will House Policy. Employees Departing of Privileges and Property Recovering Policy Deferredand and the Charges Policy, the Prepaid Expenses Management the Asset work on updating began the Procurement updated it Policy and and cost-effectivemanner. In addition, have been migrated toPRISM’s beenmigrated have ProceduralReviewandLibrariesmodule, andflexibleplatform. amorestable (Standing Orders, QuestionsofPrivilege, Table files). ResearchBranchlibrary ofitsmodules, Many alongwiththeir relevantinformation, andinformation publications manage developedtohelpProceduralServices wasoriginally that application Journals Plusisadatabase timely and efficientmanner.more a in retrieved be to information allow and publications parliamentary of production the facilitate will solutions these framework, processes willbedevelopedtoinitiate, projects, reviewandapprove anddeploysolutions. aswelltovalidate PRISMWithin theupdated establish Inthecomingyear, willbeundertakenwithusers, consultations and events. areasoftheHouse the planningofparliamentary fromtheservice Representatives usingPRISMwillwork currently Administration proceduralinformation, andsupporting managing publications for program PRISM isaHouseofCommonstechnology publishingparliamentary

ready workforce the work to support continues to have and anengaged ensure that the House Commons of roles.will strategic initiatives These outtheir toare carry well equipped and development to leaders that so they training and provide strategies, support employees and byengagement means of House strategically, to recruit retain new theresources that position will strategy human acorporate developed has challenges, the House Administration more To competitive. address these for employees becomes skilled in retirements andthe as market workforce anincrease isexperiencing talent at whenthe atime Canadian the coming yearsand retain to recruit employers, facing be will challenges in The likeof Commons, many House and Effective Workforce aMotivatedSustaining proceduraldescribing events. when used be will vocabulary same Theevents. is thatadvantage the these whendescribing vocabulary astandardized of the enables use also includes the creation anemployer of the strategy talent, managing goal of its of part employee satisfaction. As inthe areasinitiatives retention of and statistics to measure the success of to be provide will performance strategy the resources human of integral part An multi-generational workforce. to support and lead a complex and have need they and skills the knowledge ensure that the organization’s leaders leadership-development program to under way and will be aligned with a the succession-planningof program is House Administration. The development corporate succession planning across the and the implementation of needs, evaluation and and learning development areas, which emphasize competency of competency models in all service theas development and alignment strategy includes initiatives such The human corporate resources marketplace. employer abest as inacompetitive and that isregarded the organization and inthe constituencies Chamber Members incommittees,of inthe

Administration, the Senate, the Library Administration, the Senate, the Library representatives from the House environmental committee that includes in Partners for aGreen Hill,anactive The Administration House participates on the Hill Management Improving Environmental the House Administration. retention asset, our key of the staff of brand to and enhance the recruitment Photo: ©House Commons of House event Open an during employees to speaks Commons, of House the of Clerk O’Brien, Audrey

Parliamentary Precinct. Parliamentary the environmentalof programs inthe ensure the continuous improvement to designed development strategy committeesustainable- a isfinalizing The Canada. Services Government Parliamentof and Public Works and context of a heritage setting. aheritage context of developmentsustainable inthe practicesbest and standardsof Administration continued to integrate the House Precinct, Parliamentary TermLong for Vision and Plan the under the plans and construction In the development renovation of

25 Report to Canadians 2009 26 The House of Commons role Members play. for the often-challenging and support House Commons provides of stability the traditionbehalf. the Likewise, of work on our their varied perform they as and stafffind the atmosphere inspiring, Members government. to ourcountry’s and connects us together us that brings place of aunique butalso sense setting the of only the beauty not experience each whovisit year Canadians of Precinct.The thousands Parliamentary the tradition with publicengagement of a 150years started Buildings ago the Parliament of construction The 1,300 local workersbegan who representatives countries. other of committee rooms, listen to constituents individual and communicate the of concerns with debates understanding inearnest the Chamber, seek valuesthose engage whenthey ParliamentMembers of uphold and draw from strength They voice the valuescherish. Canadians Photo: ©House Thibodeau Commons/Bernard of Parliament of View Hill Administration continues to find evolving. The House are perpetually the role Members and of the institution always inmind bears thatongoing work, in place toMembers intheir sustain sure and infrastructure the people are The Administration,House while making exciting challenges. into afuture that holds many and new to take ourcountry changes necessary which to move to forward, make the asteady from base inherited—form builtand These foundations—both Conclusion base on whichbase to the future. shape thecomponents provide past of the much areawareThey thatvery those Precinctthe Parliamentary provides. traditions thatin the long-standing rooted inaninstitution Canadians Commons are proud to work for all Members and staff at the of House publicsector governance. standards of to the talent required shape for high to prepare forworking, the future and innovative tools and new ways of * Financials results may be subject to revisions. minor results subject be may * Financials dollars) of (in thousands VersusPlanned Program by Spending Activity Actual dollars) of (in thousands VersusPlanned Authority by Spending Actual ** House Administration Members and House Officers Program Activity TOTAL plans to employeeContributions benefit SUBTOTAL Vote (S) (S) Office of the Clerk and Secretariat Clerk and of the Office Counsel Clerk and Law of the Parliamentary Office Communications Services and Resources,Human Planning Corporate Finance Services Information Services PrecinctParliamentary Services Procedural Services Parliament Retiring Allowances Account and the Members of Parliament Retirement Compensation Arrangements Account Arrangements the and Parliament Compensation of Members Account Allowances Retirement Parliament Retiring to the the of Members contributions and and of Members House allowances Commonsunderthe and Officers of of Parliament Act Salaries Canada of 5 Parliamentary Associations Parliamentary Committees Standing Program expenditures of Commons** of theMembers House of employee benefit plans employee benefit to Contributions STATUTORY ITEMS SUBTOTAL OF TOTAL Program Name Estimates 425,052 Financial Report* Financial 277,094 113,014 147,958 34,944 Main Estimates 425,052 237,829 152,279 Main 34,944 12,853 13,636 47,376 48,471 16,984 1,899 2,716 3,094 5,250 Supplementary Supplementary Estimates and Adjustments (2,301) (1,923) 2,579 656 378 Supplementary Supplementary Estimates and Adjustments (2,301) (2,280) 3,305 1,954 4,782 (378) (348) (676) (389) 656 362 (70) 0 2008–2009 Authorities 425,708 279,673 113,392 146,035 2008–2009 32,643 Total Authorities 425,708 237,481 155,584 32,643 11,356 14,807 52,158 47,795 16,595 Total 1,521 3,078 5,250 3,024 Spending 417,180 271,145 113,392 146,035 Actual 32,643 417,180 Spending 233,454 151,083 Actual 32,643 11,356 14,807 52,158 47,795 16,063 1,521 3,078 1,634 2,671 Variance Variance 8,528 8,528 8,528 4,027 3,616 4,501 353 532 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 Report to Canadians 2009 28 The House of Commons (Percentage) Program by Spending Activity 2008–2009 Actual Percentages total not 100%dueto may rounding 5% 1% 1% 8%

Procedural Services Office oftheClerkandSecretariat Office oftheLawClerkand Parliamentary Counsel  Contributions toemployeebenefitplans 11% 56% 4% 3% 12%  Communications Services Corporate Planningand Human Resources, Finance Services

Members andHouseOfficers Information Services Parliamentary Precinct Services 56%

Members andHouseOfficers TOTAL and Communications Services Resources,Human Planning Corporate Finance Services Information Services PrecinctParliamentary Services Procedural Services Counsel Clerk and Law of the Parliamentary Office Secretariat Clerk and of the Office Program Sub-activity Full-Time Equivalents—HouseAdministration dollars) of (in thousands Increase Previous inMainYear Estimates Over (S) (S) 5 Vote TOTAL SUBTOTAL plans to employeeContributions benefit Members and House Officers SUBTOTAL Program expenditures: Program Name Procedural Services and Communications Services Resources,Human Planning Corporate Finance Services Information Services PrecinctParliamentary Services Counsel Clerk and Law of the Parliamentary Office Office of the Clerk and Secretariat Clerk and of the Office Members and House Officers 2008–2009 425,052 147,958 113,014 277,094 124,815 12,853 13,636 47,376 48,471 25,328 34,944 2,716 1,899

2008–2009 1,871 126 136 522 823 219 32 13 Main Estimates 2007–2008 410,531 146,891 111,844 263,640 121,986 Main Estimates 11,951 12,447 44,336 45,216 23,349 35,047 2,641 1,714 2007–2008 1,845 Variance 14,521 115 125 520 822 219 13,454 25 19 1,189 3,040 3,255 1,979 1,067 1,170 2,829 (103) 902 185 75 29 Report to Canadians 2009 30 The House of Commons Photo: ©House Thibodeau Commons/Bernard of Peace of View Tower, May 2009